Page 1: Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

Chanyoung Park1, Donghyun Kim1, Jinoh Oh2 and Hwanjo Yu1∗

1Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea2School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

1pcy1302, kdh5377, [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACTFor online product recommendation engines, learning high-quality product embedding that captures various aspects ofthe product is critical to improving the accuracy of userrating prediction. In recent research, in conjunction withuser feedback, the appearance of a product as side infor-mation has been shown to be helpful for learning productembedding. However, since a product has a variety of as-pects such as functionality and specifications, taking intoaccount only its appearance as side information does notsuffice to accurately learn its embedding. In this paper,we propose a matrix co-factorization method that leveragesinformation hidden in the so-called “also-viewed” products,i.e., a list of products that has also been viewed by userswho have viewed a target product. “Also-viewed” prod-ucts reflect various aspects of a given product that havebeen overlooked by visually-aware recommendation meth-ods proposed in past research. Experiments on multiplereal-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed methodoutperforms state-of-the-art baselines in terms of user rat-ing prediction. We also perform classification on the productembedding learned by our method, and compare it with astate-of-the-art baseline to demonstrate the superiority ofour method in generating high-quality product embeddingthat better represents the product.

KeywordsCollaborative filtering; Product embedding; Online shop-ping

1. INTRODUCTIONTriggered by the Netflix Prize [4] in 2009 whose goal was

to predict user ratings on movies based on previous userfeedback, the vast majority of research on recommendersystems [6] has focused on accurately predicting user rat-ings [11]. To this end, it is crucial to learn high-quality prod-uct embedding, the dimensions of which align with those of

∗Corresponding author

©2017 International World Wide Web Conference Committee(IW3C2), published under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License.WWW’17 , April 3–7, 2017, Perth, Australia.ACM 978-1-4503-4913-0/17/04.


“Also-viewed” ProductsTarget













Figure 1: A target product and its “also-viewed” products.

user preference, since high-quality product embedding yieldshigher accuracy in user rating prediction [3]. Therefore, re-searchers have striven to learn high-quality product embed-ding by incorporating various side information related toproducts such as product reviews [10, 25, 26] and productimages [8, 9], which help to learn better product embed-ding, and eventually lead to a better user rating predictionaccuracy.

In this paper, we study the varying importance of prod-uct aspects for users in different product domains. Con-sider a real-world online shopping scenario where users rateproducts. What makes users assign high ratings to certainproducts? That is, what aspects of a product influence userratings? The products’ inherent aspects such as appearance,functionality or specifications certainly have a vital effect onuser ratings. However, the extent to which each aspect in-fluences users varies among product domains. For example,in clothing, the appearance of clothes is undoubtedly themost influential factor, whereas in “Office Products”, suchaspects as functionality and conformance to specificationsmainly influence user ratings.

Notably, such phenomena are reflected in online shoppingbrowsing histories in the form of “also-viewed” products, i.e.,a list of products that have also been viewed by users whohave viewed a target product. “Also-viewed” product infor-mation can be obtained from browsing histories of users. Asan intuitive example, consider Example 1.

Example 1. Figure 1 shows examples of “also-viewed”products in different product domains in Amazon1. In-terestingly, while the “also-viewed” products in clothing



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domain (Boys’ and Girls’ Clothing) look similar, thosein other domains (Automotive, Pet supplies, Office prod-ucts) are not similar in appearance, but are functionallyrelated. Consider “Pet supplies” as an example. Given aliquid flea repellent as a target product, the “also-viewed”products include visually different but functionally re-lated products, e.g., flea killing capsules and flea traps.

Example 1 shows that when users shop online, they paymore attention to different aspects of products in differentproduct domains.

Although recent works [8, 9] have successfully taken intoaccount the appearance of products in visually-aware prod-uct domain, they have yielded only a slight improvementin other domains where aspects such as functionality andspecifications are significant for user ratings. This is be-cause while every product domain has different aspects thatare more influential to user ratings as shown in Example 1,existing methods only consider product appearance as sideinformation that plays an important role only in clothingdomain. Moreover, even in clothing, the appearance of aproduct is not the only factor that influences user ratings,and thus there is room for further improvement in modelinguser ratings. Furthermore, due to the inherent data sparsity,existing methods have modeled users’ visual preferences onlybased on the images of products rated by them in the past,which are usually very few in number. Consequently, thelack of rated products of users gives rise to the insufficientlymodeled visual preferences of the users, which eventuallydegrades the accuracy of user rating prediction.

To address the aforementioned limitations of the exist-ing works in the area, we propose a matrix co-factorizationmethod called Visual Matrix Co-Factorization (VMCF). Ourmethod leverages “also-viewed” products that reflect variousaspect of a given product that have been previously over-looked by [8, 9]. Precisely, “also-viewed” products help sys-tems to learn more high-quality product embedding for tworeasons. First, “also-viewed” products encode not only vi-sual similarity, but also functional or specification-relatedsimilarity, as shown in Example 1. Thus, we can captureaspects overlooked by visual features of a product by lever-aging “also-viewed” products, even in clothing domain. Inother domains, where the appearance of a product is notas significant, the explicit relationships among products ex-pressed through “also-viewed” information are even morehelpful than visual features in building more high-qualityproduct embedding. Second, since most products have aninsufficient number of ratings, the explicit relationships be-tween each rated product and its unrated“also-viewed”prod-ucts help us reflect various aspects of products in the prod-uct embedding, and thus eventually compensate for a lack ofrated products. Moreover, “also-viewed” products are morehelpful when only a few rated products are given, i.e., “Cold-start” setting.

Our main contributions are summarized as follows:1. To reflect the relationships among products in terms

of various aspects such as appearances, functionalityand specifications, we build a so-called product-affinitynetwork using “also-viewed” products.

2. We then simultaneously factorize user ratings data andthe product-affinity network by sharing the productembedding, which results in high-quality product em-bedding, and eventually, more accurate user ratingprediction.

3. Experimental results on multiple real-world datasetsdemonstrate that our proposed method significantlyoutperforms state-of-the-art methods, especially in“Cold-start” setting where each product has only a few rat-ings.

4. By additionally performing classification on productembedding, we empirically demonstrate that the prod-uct embedding generated by our method represents thelatent dimensions of products better than a state-of-the-art method.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Webriefly review related work in Section 2, and provide the for-mulation of the problem that we solve in Section 3. We thenintroduce our proposed method in Section 4, followed by re-sults of comprehensive experiments on real-world datasets inSection 5. Finally, the conclusion is presented in Section 6.

2. RELATED WORKWhile recommender systems have lately generated a vast

amount of research literature, we only review the studiesclosely related to ours, i.e., matrix factorization and visually-aware approaches for recommendation.

Matrix Factorization.The goal of matrix factorization (MF) is, given n users

and m products, to decompose rating matrix R ∈ Rn×m

into two low rank-K matrices U ∈ RK×n and V ∈ RK×m,and minimize the reconstruction error as follows [23]:






Iij(rij − UT

i Vj


2||U ||2F +


2||V ||2F (1)

where rij is the rating assigned by user i to product j,Ui ∈ RK and Vj ∈ RK represent the embedding for useri and product j, respectively, where K is the dimensionalityof the rating embedding space. Iij equals to 1 if rij = 1,and 0 otherwise. λu and λv are regularization parametersfor user embedding matrix U and product embedding ma-trix V , respectively, and || · ||2F denotes the Frobenius norm.The gradient descent-based optimization technique is gen-erally applied to find the local minimum solution for Eq. 1.Matrix factorization is commonly used as a building blockfor extending recommender systems to incorporate side in-formation such as social networks [7, 15, 19, 20], textualdata [1, 10, 25, 26], or both [5, 21], temporal dynamics [12,27], and product images [8, 9].

Visually-Aware Approaches for Recommendation.The appearance of a product is one of the most impor-

tant aspects that impacts user ratings in online shopping.However, it has been commonly ignored because past im-age feature extraction methods failed to achieve satisfac-tory performance in visual machine learning tasks such asimage classification and object detection. However, recentbreakthroughs in deep learning has facilitated such tasks toattain high performance, and thus product image is now rec-ognized as a valuable source of side information for recom-mender systems. Specifically, image features extracted froma pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) effec-tively represent the latent properties of images. He et al. [8,9] recently introduce visually-aware recommender systems


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based on the framework of matrix factorization. They em-bed high-dimensional image features extracted from a pre-trained CNN into low-dimensional features, and use them tomodel user and product visual embeddings. Their main con-cern is the appearance of a product, which plays a significantrole in clothing domain. However, other product aspects areignored, such as functionality and specification, which arecertainly more significant than appearance in domains suchas Automotive, Pet supplies, and Office products.

Meanwhile, McAuley et al. [17, 18] use the “also-viewed”product information to recommend visually alternative prod-ucts in clothing domain as a link prediction task. Our pro-posed method is different from this method in that we lever-age “also-viewed” product information for a user rating pre-diction task to consider various aspects beyond appearance inproduct embedding, which improves user rating predictionin general domains not limited to the clothing domain.


3.1 NotationsWe first introduce the notations used in this paper. LetU = u1, u2, ..., un be the set of users and V = v1, v2, ..., vmbe the set of products, where n and m are the number ofusers and products, respectively. The ratings assigned byusers in U to products in V are represented by rating matrixR = [rij ]n×m, where rij denotes the rating that user i as-signs to product j. Depending on the application, rij can beeither a real number or a binary value. When users explicitlyexpress their opinions on products, rij is a real number, of-ten in the range [1,5], and when R reflects users' action suchas click or non-click and bookmarked or not bookmarked, rijis a binary value. Although this paper focuses on the formercase, it can readily be applied to the latter as well. With-out loss of generality, we convert the ratings of 1...5 into theinterval [0,1] through normalization. The notations used inthe paper are summarized in Table 1.

3.2 Extracting Visual FeaturesAs in [8, 9], we use a pre-trained CNN to extract features

from product images. Precisely, we use the CNN architec-ture proposed by [13], which was trained on 1.2 million Im-ageNet (ILSVRC2010) images [22]. We pass m productsthrough the pre-trained CNN, and extract the outputs ofthe second fully-connected layer to construct a product fea-ture matrix F ∈ RC×m, the column vector fj ∈ RC of whichdenotes the visual feature vector of product j ∈ V, whereC = 4096. Moreover, we introduce an embedding kernelmatrix E ∈ RD×C to transform high-dimensional visual fea-tures fj ∈ RC into D-dimensional product visual embeddingspace by Efj .

3.3 Constructing Product-affinity NetworkIn order to incorporate “also-viewed” product information

into our method, we build a so-called product-affinity net-work whose nodes denote products and edges encode the“also-viewed” relationships among products. As shown ear-lier in Example 1, neighboring products in the product-affinity network share common product aspects such as ap-pearance, functionality and specifications, which implies thatvarious aspects of the product are reflected in the network.Note that the edges are directed from a target product to

Table 1: Notations.

Notation Explanation

U ,V User set (|U| = n), Product set(|V| = m)R Rating matrix (n×m)S Product-affinity matrix (m×m)F Visual feature matrix (C ×m)fj Visual feature of product j (C × 1)rij Rating assigned by user i to product jsjk sjk = 1 if product j and k are neighboring nodesK Num. dimensions of product embeddingD Num. dimensions of product visual embeddingC Num. dimensions of CNN featuresUi, Vj Embedding for user i and product j (K × 1)Pi, Qj Visual embedding for user i and product j (D × 1)Zk “Also-viewed” product embedding for product k (K × 1)E Embedding kernel matrix (D × C)g(·) Sigmoid function

its “also-viewed” products, and therefore the relationshipsare usually not symmetric. We represent the product-affinitynetwork as a product-affinity matrix S = [sjk]m×m such thateach entry sjk is defined as:

sjk =

1 k ∈ Nj .

0 otherwise.(2)

where Nj denotes the set of “also-viewed” products of prod-uct j.

Given the aforementioned notations, visual features andproduct-affinity matrix, our problem is defined as:

Problem Definition .Given: The observed rating matrix R, product visual fea-ture matrix F and product-affinity matrix SGoal: Predict missing ratings rij ∈ R, where i ∈ U andj ∈ V

4. METHODIn this section, we describe our Visual Matrix Co-Factorization

(VMCF) method that leverages “also-viewed” product infor-mation projected on product-affinity matrix S in order totake into account various product aspects overlooked by pastvisually-aware recommendation methods. We first explainhow ratings R and the product-affinity matrix S are mod-eled independently, and demonstrate how these two modelsare jointly combined using the graphical model described inFigure 2.

4.1 Modeling RatingGiven user-product rating matrix R = [rij ]n×m, with n

users and m products, let rij represent the rating of user ifor product j, and U ∈ RK×n and V ∈ RK×m be user andproduct embedding matrices, with column vectors Ui andVj representing user-specific and product-specific embeddingvectors, respectively. Moreover, in order to incorporate thevisual factors into our model, given user and product vi-sual embedding matrices P ∈ RD×n and Q ∈ RD×m re-spectively, the term PT

i Qj is added [9] where Pi ∈ RD andQj ∈ RD denote the user-specific and product-specific visualembedding vectors, respectively, whose inner product mod-els the visual correspondence between user i and product j.Given the embedded visual feature Qj = Efj as explainedin Section 3.2, we define the conditional distribution overthe observed ratings as:


Page 4: Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

P (R|U, V, P,E, σ2R) =



[N (rij |g(UT

i Vj + PTi Qj), σ





[N (rij |g(UT

i Vj + PTi Efj), σ

2R)]IRij (3)

where N (x|µ, σ2) denotes the probability density function ofa Gaussian distribution with mean µ and variance σ2, andIRij is the indicator function that is equal to 1 if user i ratedproduct j, and 0 otherwise. We use the logistic functiong(·) to restrict the range of UT

i Vj + PTi Efj within [0,1],

and convert rating rij into the range [0,1]. For each hiddenvariable, we place zero-mean spherical Gaussian priors [23]as follows:

P (U |σ2U ) =


N (Ui|0, σ2UI), P (V |σ2

V ) =


N (Vj |0, σ2V I)

P (P |σ2P ) =


N (Pi|0, σ2P I), P (E|σ2

E) =



N (Epq|0, σ2E)


Given Eqs. 3 and 4, we can compute the log-posteriordistribution over the hidden variables:

P (U, V, P,E|R, σ2U , σ

2V , σ

2P , σ

2E, σ


∝ P (R|U, V, P,E, σ2R)P (U |σ2

U )P (V |σ2V )P (P |σ2

P )P (E|σ2E)




[N (rij |g(UT

i Vj + PTi Efj), σ




N (Ui|0, σ2UI)×


N (Vj |0, σ2fI)



N (Pi|0, σ2P I)×



N (Epq|0, σ2E)


4.2 Modeling Also-viewed RelationshipsWith regard to the product-affinity matrix S, we define the

conditional distribution over the observed product-affinitymatrix as:

P (S|V,Z, σ2S , σ

2Z) =



[N (sjk|g(V T

j Zk), σ2S , σ


(6)where Z ∈ RK×m is the “also-viewed” product embeddingmatrix, with column vector Zk representing “also-viewed”product-specific embedding vector for product k. We model“also-viewed” relationship between product j and k by V T

j Zk

rather than V Tj Vk in order to reflect the asymmetric nature

of the product-affinity network. ISjk is the indicator func-tion that is equal to 1 if product k belongs to one of the“also-viewed”products of product j, and 0 otherwise. Again,we place zero-mean spherical Gaussian priors on the hiddenvariables V and Z as:

P (V |σ2V ) =


N(Vj |0, σ2V I), P (Z|σ2

Z) =


N(Zk|0, σ2ZI)


Hence, given Eqs. 6 and 7, we can compute the log-posteriordistribution over the hidden variables as:

P (V,Z|S, σ2V , σ

2Z , σ

2S) ∝ P (S|V,Z, σ2

S)P (V |σ2V )P (Z|σ2





[N(sjk|g(V T

j Zk), σ2S)]ISjk



N(Vj |0, σ2V I)


N(Zk|0, σ2ZI)


4.3 Unified ModelThus far, we have shown how to independently model the

ratings and “also-viewed” relationships among products. Inthis section, we propose a unified model where user ratingswith associated product images are combined with “also-viewed” product information, which eventually yields high-quality product embeddings. Given an observed productj rated by user i, Figure 2 illustrates how we fuse boththe rating model introduced in Section 4.1 and the “also-viewed” relationship model introduced in Section 4.2 into amatrix co-factorization framework by sharing the productembedding matrix V .

Based on Figure 2, the log-posterior distribution of VMCF isgiven by:

P (U, V, P, Z,E|R,S, σ2U , σ

2V , σ

2P , σ

2Z , σ

2E, σ

2R, σ


∝ P (R|U, V, P,E, σ2R)× P (S|V, Z, σ2


P (U |σ2U )P (V |σ2

V )P (P |σ2P )P (Z|σ2

Z)P (E|σ2E)

= −1





(rij − g(UT

i Vj + PTi Efj)







(sjk − g(V T

j Zk))2




UTi Ui −




V Ti Vi −




PTi Pi




ZTk Zk −











lnσ2R +







(nK lnσ2

U+mK(lnσ2V + lnσ2

Z)+nD lnσ2P+DC lnσ2




where C is a constant that is independent from the variablesto be learned. Maximizing the log-posterior over the hiddenvariables with fixed hyper-parameters (i.e., the observationnoise variances and prior variances) is equivalent to mini-mizing the following objective function:

L(R,S, U, V, P, Z,E) =






(rij − g(UT

i Vj + PTi Efj)






(sjk − g(V T

j Zk))2


2||U ||2F +


2||V ||2F +


2||P ||2F +


2||Z||2F +




where λS = σ2R/σ

2S , λU = σ2

R/σ2U , λV = σ2

R/σ2V , λP =


2P , λZ = σ2

R/σ2Z , λE = σ2

R/σ2E and || · ||2F denotes the


Page 5: Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

Figure 2: Graphical Model for Visual Matrix Co-Factorization (VMCF), where shaded nodes denote observedvariables and the rest, hidden variables.

Frobenius norm. Note that λS is a balancing parameterthat regulates the importance of “also-viewed” products inthe unified model. Having formulated a non-convex objec-tive function as Eq. 10, we compute the gradient of eachembedding variable, i.e., Ui, Vj , Pi, Zk, E, and learn themby gradient descent to obtain a local minimum solution. Re-fer to Appendix A for the time complexity of VMCF andAppendix B for the detailed equations for the gradients.

Reduced Model. Note that when images of products arenot available, the final objective function is reduced to:

L(R,S, U, V, Z) =1





(rij − g(UT

i Vj))2






(sjk − g(V T

j Zk))2


2||U ||2F +


2||V ||2F +




As previously mentioned, in domains where appearance ofa product is not significant for modeling user ratings, suchproduct aspects as functionality and specifications are moreinfluential to user ratings than appearance. Thus, the re-duced model as in Eq. 11 can be still beneficial, especiallyfor the product domains where the appearance is not impor-tant. We dub this model Matrix Co-Factorization (MCF),and demonstrate the benefit of the reduced model in productdomains where appearance is not important in Section 5.4.

5. EXPERIMENTSIn this section, we conduct experiments to verify the su-

periority of our methods by comparing their performancewith several state-of-the-art methods on multiple real-worlddatasets. The experiments are designed to verify the follow-ing questions:

Q.1 How do MCF and VMCF perform compared with othercompetitors in both the visually-aware (Boys’ and Girls’Clothing) and the visually non-aware product domains(Automotive, Pet Supplies and Office Products)?

Table 2: Data Statistics. #Relations implies the number ofedges in the product-affinity network


Dataset #Users #Prod. #Ratings #Relations

Boys’ Clothing 4,496 6,391 15,997 31,370

Girls’ Clothing 5,941 9,549 22,524 51,990

Automotive 84,418 126,934 406,852 2,162,853

Pet Supplies 85,115 49,048 427,543 1,066,131

Office Prod. 50,570 40,181 240,146 672,586

Table 3: Properties of methods being compared.

Baselines Personalized?Visually-




ItemCF X X X





Q.2 By leveraging“also-viewed”products, do we indeed ob-tain high-quality product embedding?

Q.3 How does model parameter λS and the number of em-bedding dimensions K affect the user rating predictionaccuracy?

5.1 DatasetsWe use five public datasets2 extracted from

by McAuley et al. [18]. The datasets include user ratingsdata and product metadata, which includes URLs for prod-uct image, price, a list of also bought product, a list of alsoviewed products, and etc. Among these metadata, we usethe lists of also viewed products to construct our product-affinity network. Aiming at demonstrating the benefit ofour model in general product domains, we not only use twodatasets (Boys’ Clothing and Girls’ Clothing) from domainswhere the appearance of a product is significant, but alsothree datasets (Automotive, Pet Supplies and Office Prod-ucts) from domains where other product aspects, such asproduct functionality and specifications, play a more signif-icant role than the appearance. We preprocess all datasetsso that each user rated at least three products. Moreover,every product in the product-affinity network also exists inthe user ratings data. Table 2 shows the detailed statisticsof the datasets.

5.2 Comparison Methods

• ItemCF: A traditional recommendation method basedon the similarity of products [24], where Pearson’s cor-relation coefficient is used as similarity measure.

• PMF: Matrix factorization-based recommendation methodthat considers only user ratings information [23].



Page 6: Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

Figure 3: Performance comparison in terms of MSE. Lower MSE implies better performance.

Figure 4: Skewness of the number of rated products in eachdataset. Most products received very few ratings.

• VMF: A visually-aware matrix factorization-based methodthat incorporates product images but not“also-viewed”product information. We use the rating predictionmodel introduced in [9], from which bias terms are ex-cluded to clearly investigate the benefit of incorporat-ing product images themselves. The rating assigned byuser i to product j is modeled as rij = UT

i Vj + PTi Efj ,

and the objective function to minimize is formulatedas:

L =1




IRij(rij − g(rij))2 + Ω(U, V, P,E)

where Ω(·) is the regularization to avoid model over-fitting.

In order to provide a clear understanding of baseline meth-ods, we provide a summary of their properties in Table 3.Furthermore, these baselines are chosen for the followingreasons:

1. PMF vs. VMF

a) To verify the benefit of incorporating product im-ages in both visually-aware and visually non-aware prod-

uct domain, and b) To verify that appearance is moresignificant in clothing domain than other domains.

2. VMF vs. MCF

To verify that other aspects besides appearance aremore significant in visually non-aware product domainthan in visually-aware product domain.

3. VMF, MCF vs. VMCF

To demonstrate the benefit of jointly modeling prod-uct images and “also-viewed” product information inboth visually-aware and visually non-aware productdomain.

5.3 Experimental Settings

Evaluation Metric. We employ the Mean Squared Error(MSE), a metric that has been commonly used for evaluatingthe performance of user rating prediction on the Amazondataset [2, 14, 16]. The MSE is defined as:


∑i,j (rij − rij)2


where rij denotes the rating that user i assigned to prod-uct j, rij denotes the corresponding predicted rating, andN denotes the number of ratings in the test dataset. TheMSE is an appropriate metric for our experiments becausethe objective functions of the methods being compared areoriginally designed to minimize the MSE.

Evaluation Protocol. We randomly sample 80% of theuser ratings datasets for training, and the remaining 20%is used for testing. Random sampling is independently con-ducted five times, and we evaluate the baselines and ourmethods on each dataset. Finally, we report here the meanand standard deviation (error bar) of the MSE on each testdataset.


Page 7: Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

Cold-start Evaluation. In addition to the “All” settingwhere we evaluate on all the ratings in the test dataset, wealso evaluate our methods on the “Cold-start” setting whereratings in the test dataset are sampled such that each prod-uct (cold-product) has fewer than four ratings in the train-ing dataset. Note that as shown in Figure 4, most prod-ucts received very few ratings. Precisely, cold-products con-stitute approximately 85% in Boys’ Clothing, Girls’ Cloth-ing and Automotive, 70% in Pet Supplies and Office Prod-ucts. These statistics indicate that most products are cold-products in the real-world online shopping environment, andthus evaluations on cold-products are in fact more crucialthan evaluations on every product.

Parameters. For ItemCF, we set the number of neighborsto 20. For all other matrix factorization-based methods, inorder to find the best parameters for each dataset, we per-form grid search with λU , λV , λP ∈ 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, λZ ∈0.1, 0.01, λE ∈ 0.1, 1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11 and λS ∈ 0.01, 0.1,0.5, 1.0 while K and D are fixed to 5. As a result, whileλU = λV = λP = 0.1, λZ = 0.01 exhibit the best perfor-mance for all datasets, λE = 7 and λS = 0.2 yield the bestresults for Boys’ Clothing, λE = 7 and λS = 0.1 for Girls’Clothing, λE = 11 and λS = 0.4 for Automotive; λE = 11and λS = 1.0 for Pet Supplies, and λE = 10 and λS = 0.1for Office Products.

5.4 Performance Analysis (Q.1)Figure 3 summarizes the evaluation results on each dataset

in terms of MSE where performance is evaluated under twosettings, i.e., “All” and “Cold-start”. Note that visually-aware product domain denotes Boys’ Clothing and Girls’Clothing, and visually non-aware product domain denotesAutomotive, Office Products and Pet Supplies.

1) Benefit of visual features in both domains (PMFvs. VMF).We observe that in both the visually-aware and the visu-ally non-aware product domain, incorporating visual fea-tures helps to improve user rating prediction accuracy, whilethe improvement is more significant in visually-aware prod-uct domain. This agrees with our expectations whereby a)appearance plays a more significant role in modeling userratings in visually-aware product domain, and b) althoughother product aspects are more influential in visually non-aware product domain, visual features are indeed still helpfulin modeling user ratings. Note that the performance gain ofVMF compared with PMF becomes more significant underthe “Cold-start” setting, which indicates that visual featuresbecome more valuable when a product only has a few rat-ings.

2) Varying significance of product aspects in differ-ent domains (VMF vs. MCF).We observe that in the visually-aware product domain, theuser rating prediction accuracy of VMF outperforms MCF,whereas MCF outperforms VMF in the visually non-awareproduct domain. This agrees with Example 1 in Section 1,in that appearance plays the most significant role in visually-aware product domain, whereas other product aspects be-yond appearance play a more significant role in visually non-aware product domain.

3) Benefit of jointly modeling product images and“also-viewed” product information (VMF, MCF vs.VMCF).We observe that in the visually-aware product domain, VMCFoutperforms both VMF and MCF. This indicates that in thevisually-aware product domain, other aspects beyond ap-pearance of products are also taken into account by model-ing the “also-viewed” relationship, which in turn yields fur-ther improvements in user rating prediction accuracy. Sucha benefit becomes clearer in the “Cold-start” setting.

Meanwhile, under the “All” setting in the visually non-aware product domain, VMCF fails to outperform MCF. Thisimplies that when a sufficient number of ratings is assignedto each product, visual features in the visually non-awareproduct domain are in fact considered as noise, and thus de-grade user rating prediction accuracy. However, it is worthnoting that under the “Cold-start” setting, the performanceof VMCF is comparable to that of MCF or even better inPet Supplies and Office Products. This indicates that visualfeatures remain helpful even in the visually non-aware prod-uct domain, when we are provided with only a few ratedproducts.

5.5 Quality of Product Embedding (Q.2)Besides the performance evaluations in terms of the ac-

curacy of user rating prediction, we additionally evaluatethe quality of product embedding generated by our pro-posed method in comparison with VMF. To do so, we per-form classification on both product embedding V ∈ RK×m

and product visual embedding Q ∈ RD×m whose goal is toclassify which category a product belongs to. In order todemonstrate that the classification results are reliable androbust, we select four classification algorithms, i.e., Logis-tic regression (LR), Support vector machine (SVM), Ran-dom forest (RF) and Gradient boosting (GB). The inputproducts for classification algorithms belong to the top-10most frequently appeared categories in each dataset, andeach product is labeled by its corresponding category. Referto Appendix C for the list of these categories in each dataset.We perform five-fold cross-validation and report the meanand standard deviation (error bar).

Figure 5 shows the results of classification. We observethat in the visually non-aware product domain, classificationaccuracy on product embedding V and the product visualembedding Q generated by VMCF outperform those gener-ated by VMF. This indicates that VMCF generates morehigh-quality embeddings than VMF, which eventually resultsin higher accuracy in user rating prediction as shown in Fig-ure 3. Meanwhile, in the visually-aware product domain,while VMCF outperforms VMF in the user rating predictiontask, the classification accuracy of VMCF on V is higher thanthat of VMF, but its the accuracy on Q is lower. We conjec-ture that using only product images is helpful for the prod-uct classification task because visual features are generatedby a pre-trained CNN originally designed for image classifi-cation task. In contrast, for our user rating prediction task,product embedding V , which models the “also-viewed” prod-uct information where various product aspects are reflected,works in synergy with Q to improve user rating predictionaccuracy.


Page 8: Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

Figure 5: Classification results on product embedding V and product visual embedding Q.

Figure 6: Impact of Parameter λS on VMCF.

Figure 7: Results of various number of embedding dimen-sions K.

5.6 Sensitivity Analysis (Q.3)

Influence of balancing parameter λS

λS is a hyper-parameter that regulates the importance of“also-viewed” product information in our proposed methodVMCF. When λS = 0, we ignore “also-viewed” product in-formation, whereas when λS = ∞, we only exploit “also-viewed” product information. Figure 6 shows the evaluationresults of VMCF performed on each dataset under the“Cold-start” setting. We observe that incorporating “also-viewed”product information indeed improves user rating predictionperformance, and the optimal value of λS is different in eachdataset, which is mostly a value in the range [0.0, 1.0].

Influence of num. dimensions K of product embed-ding

Figure 7 shows the evaluation results on the test set of Girls’Clothing and Automotive over different numbers of embed-

ding dimensions K under the“All”setting, given a fixed D =5. We observe that for all methods (PMF, VMF, MCF andVMCF) the value of MSE decreases as the number of latentdimensions increases. However, since the total complexityof VMCF is linear in the number of embedding dimensions asdemonstrated in Appendix A, a proper value of K should befound such that complexity is practically acceptable withincomputational limitations. Evaluations on other datasetsyield similar results, and are thus omitted here for brevity.

6. CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORKEvery product domain has dominant aspects that are more

influential to user ratings than others. In clothing domain,the appearance of products plays the most significant role,whereas in other domains such as Automotive, Pet Suppliesand Office Products, other aspects such as product func-tionality and specifications are more influential. In this pa-per, we propose a matrix co-factorization framework thatjointly factorizes user ratings data and “also-viewed” prod-uct information that reflects various product aspects that arevaryingly influential to user ratings in different product do-mains. We empirically show that this information is helpfulfor user rating prediction by generating more high-qualityproduct embedding, especially under the “Cold-start” set-ting. Our method is useful for online retailers such as Ama-zon and eBay3, where product images are provided to cus-tomers and their browsing histories are collected. Althoughwe only leverage “also-viewed” product information in thispaper, other relationships among products are also preva-lent, such as “also-bought”, “frequently-bought-together” or“bought-after-buying”. In the future, we plan to investi-gate whether these relationships are helpful in generatingeven more high-quality product embedding, and if so, howto properly integrate them into our system to model userratings.



Page 9: Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by 1) the Industrial Core Tech-

nology Development Program (10049079 , Development ofMining core technology exploiting personal big data) fundedby the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE,Korea), 2) the Next-Generation Information Computing De-velopment Program through the National Research Foun-dation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Educa-tion, Science and Technology (No. 2012M3C4A7033344)and 3) ICT R&D program of MSIP/IITP [14-824-09-014,Basic Software Research in Human-level Lifelong MachineLearning (Machine Learning Center)]


The overall complexity of VMCF is composed of the cal-culation of both Eqs. 10 and 13. Considering the sparse-ness of R and S, the computation Eq. 10 has complexityO(ρ(K + D) + µK), where ρ denotes the average numberof observed ratings in R, and µ denotes the average num-ber of observed elements in S. Next, for the gradients inEq. 13, computing ∂L

∂Ui, ∂L

∂Vj, ∂L

∂Pi, ∂L

∂Zkand ∂L

∂Eincur com-

plexity O(ρK), O(ρK + µK), O(ρDC) = O(ρD), O(µK)and O(ρDC) = O(ρD), respectively, where C is the averagenumber of non-zero elements in a CNN feature (fj). Notethat C is a small value, since the CNN feature is very sparse.Thus, we obtain a total complexity of O(ρ(K + D) + µK).This analysis indicates that the complexity of VMCF is lin-ear in the number of embedding dimensions.





IRij(g(rij)− rij)g′(rij)Vj + λUUi




IRij(g(rij)− rij)g′(rij)Ui

+ λS


ISjk(g(sjk)− sjk)g′(sjk)Zk + λV Vj




IRij(g(rij)− rij)g′(rij)Efj + λPPi


∂Zk= λS


ISjk(g(sjk)− sjk)g′(sjk)Vj + λZZk





IRij(g(rij)− rij)g′(rij)PifTj + λEE


where g′(x) = exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))2 denotes the derivativeof the logistic function.


• Boys’ Clothing: Athletic, Boots, Sneakers, Tops &Tees, Costumes & Accessories, Sandals, Kids & Baby,Pants, Shirts, Hoodies

• Girls’ Clothing: Boots, Athletic, Sneakers, Costumes& Accessories, T-Shirts, Jewelry, Kids & Baby, San-dals, Special Occasion, Playwear

• Automotive: ‘Shocks, Struts & Suspension’, ‘Paint,Body & Trim’, Filters, Brake System, Protective Gear,Bulbs, Decals & Bumper Stickers, Floor Mats & CargoLiners, Towing Products & Winches, Car Care

• Pet Supplies: ‘Collars, Harnesses & Leashes’, Food,Health Supplies, Toys, Treats, Apparel & Accessories,Pumps & Filters, Beds, Carriers & Travel Products,Shampoos & Conditioners

• Office Products: Pens & Refills, Paper, Inkjet PrinterInk, ‘Labels, Indexes & Stamps’, Laser Printer Toner,Office Furniture & Lighting, ‘Envelopes, Mailers &Shipping Supplies’, Notebooks & Writing Pads, Tele-phones & Accessories, ‘Forms, Recordkeeping & MoneyHandling’


Page 10: Do “Also-Viewed” Products Help User Rating Prediction?

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