
Do We Still Need Women’s History Month?

Dr. Shelly Lemons and FriendsMcKendree University

Brown Bag

Pop Quiz!!

1. Which mother led a 125–mile march of child workers all the way from the textile mills of Pennsylvania to President Theodore Roosevelt’s vacation home on Long Island?

Mary Harris Jonesaka “Mother” Jones

2. One of the most important Union spies and scouts during the Civil War was a Black woman who had escaped from slavery. Can you name her?

Harriet Tubmanaka “The General”

3. The line of beauty products she created for African Americans made her the first Black woman millionaire in the United States. Who was she?

Madam C.J. Walker

4. She opened Chicago’s Hull House, a community center to improve conditions for poor immigrants. Her name?

Jane Addams

5. She is best known as the original leader and founder of Third Wave Feminism, the movement, and the co-founder of the Third Wave Foundation. She wrote To Be Real, the original Third Wave primer.

Who is this current leader in the women’s movement?

Rebecca Walker


A writer and biologist, she touched off an international controversy about the environmental effects of pesticides with her 1962 book, The Silent Spring. Who is she?

Rachel Carson

Tie Breaker:

Which early 19th century woman fought her husband and the Shakers for custody of her children? This woman eventually secured a divorce—granted by the state legislature— and reclaimed her children in 1818.

Eunice Chapman

So…do we still need women’s history?

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National Women’s History

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HIS 271 and 371

McKendree Young Feminists

Engagement and Women’s History

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