  • 7/28/2019 Do You Need Motivation???


  • 7/28/2019 Do You Need Motivation???


    1. Articulate your dream.

    How can you achieve it if you dont know what it is? Be very specific. If

    you hate your job and you want to change jobs, do some serious soul

    searching and figure out what your dream job would look like. Where

    would you be? What would your office look like? Who would you work

    with? What would you do? What would you wear to work? How often

    would you be working? What would you eat for lunch? Be as detailed as

    you possibly can. Youll be surprised how much youll learn just by

    asking yourself these questions. Write down your answers, so you can

    reference them later.

  • 7/28/2019 Do You Need Motivation???


    Answer this one question: What would you do if you took fear out of the

    equation? My husband once asked me that, and I tell you, it changed my life.

    It helped me bypass all the bullshit so I could whittle decisions down to their

    essence. What I realized was that I was not living my dream because I was

    desperately afraid of financial ruin, of failure, of letting people down, ofregret, even of success. Asking this question helped me separate the fear

    from the dream, and in doing so, I realized that I really wanted to move

    forward, in spite of the fear. The question helped me identify the fears and

    determine whether they deserved as much power as I was giving them. That

    way, I could address the fears separately. Do I still worry about those fears?

    You betcha. Sometimes I have those dark nights of the soul at 3am when Im

    overcome with them. But do I let them rule my choices anymore? Nope.

  • 7/28/2019 Do You Need Motivation???


    2. Timing is everything. If you dont know what to do, its probably not time yet.

    When the time is right to act, youll know. Which leads us to #4

    3. Listen to your intuition. Youd be surprised how brilliant your inner wisdom

    is. Your gut knows more than any other individual ever will.

    4. Believe that your dream will come true. Visualize it. Richard Bach said,

    You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it


    5. When the time comes to go after your dream, send naysayers to time out.

    Chances are, you have all the criticism you can stand between your own two

    ears. Kindly inform well-meaning family members, friends, and co-workersthat youve got plenty of self-critique happening already. What you need from

    them is faith in your ability to achieve your dreams or silence. Which leads

    us to #7

  • 7/28/2019 Do You Need Motivation???


    6. Gag your inner critic. This is the time to be your own best cheerleader. You

    wont be able to eliminate that fearful voice of criticism within, but you can

    muffle it so it doesnt drown out the stadium anthem music you hear when

    you dream big.

    7. Make room in your life for your dream to come true. Im serious. Be careful

    what you wish for because if you approach it right, it WILL come true. Then

    what? Build your life to hold space for your dream. Then when it comes true,

    youll be prepared.

    8. Dont be afraid to fly with eagles. You may have been living a sparrow kindof life, but if youre dreaming big, youre gonna be flying with eagles, baby!

    Let the eagles inspire you, but dont let them make you feel small or

    unworthy. If Id been afraid to fly with eagles, I wouldnt have met Rachel.

    Dream big FLY!

  • 7/28/2019 Do You Need Motivation???


    9. Work hard and stay focused. Few people who are living their big dream got lucky. Most

    worked their ass off to achieve their dreams

    10. Be gutsy and take risks. You may feel like youve jumped off a cliff and youre free

    falling through outer space and if youre living your dream, chances are, you are.

    Embrace it! The free fall is exciting, and you never know where youre going to land.

    Jumping off the proverbial cliff means that anything can happen. My all time favorite

    cartoon shows a stick woman floating in an upside down umbrella. The caption above

    her says, If you hold onto the handle, its easier to maintain the illusion of control. But

    its more fun if you let the wind carry you. Brian Andreas

    11. Go with the flow. Once youve jumped off the cliff, ride whatever wave you land on. I

    call my flow the lavender-scented river. Quit fighting the current and just enjoy the ride.

    Its how big dreams come true, when you finally quit fighting and let go.

    12. If at first you dont succeed, try, try again. Yes, its trite. But SO true. I cant tell you

    how many rejections Ive suffered in my life from medical schools to art galleries to

    literary agents to men to publishersBut it doesnt keep me from putting myself out

    there. Grab the core of you, hold it close and keep it safe, but be willing to put the rest of

    you out there in the world. If someone rejects you, its not personal. Try again.

  • 7/28/2019 Do You Need Motivation???


    13. Nuture Yourself- Get a massage, take personal days all to yourself, have

    lunch with a girlfriend, take a hike in nature, meditate, go on a retreat awayfrom the familywhatever it takes to fill you up so that youre overflowing and

    have more to give to your passion. Itll serve you well when those naysayers

    show up

    14. Put yourself out there. Do you think Susan Boyle was ever going to be

    discovered when she was home singing in the shower? No! The woman had

    the guts to get herself on Britains Got Talent, and voila! Big dream come true.

    How much you wanna bet shell be singing for the queen? If you missed her

    unbelievable performance, click here to weep, laugh, and revel in big dreams

    come true. If Susan Boyle singing I Dreamed a Dream doesnt rock your

    world, I give up

    You can do it! Whats your big dream? Whats getting in the way of makingit come true?

  • 7/28/2019 Do You Need Motivation???


    By Lissa Rankin

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