
Pursuing International

Strategies In Canada

Christian Hoyos

Jose Villarreal


Canada is a country located in North America that extends

from the Atlantic Ocean in the east, to the Pacific Ocean on

the west, and the Artic Ocean to the North. Canada’s only

neighboring country is The United States of America.

Overview of Canada

Capital City: Ottawa (-5 GMT)

Currency: Canadian Dollar (CAD)

The government system is a parliamentary

democracy, a federation and constitutional


The Head of State is Her Majesty Queen

Elizabeth II

The head of the government is Stephen Harper

(Prime Minister).

The Geography of Canada its mostly plains with

mountains in the west coast.

Major Urban Areas

EST 2011.

Toronto 5.377 million

Montreal 3.75 million

Vancouver 2.197 million

Culture Key Facts

Ethnic Make-up: British Isles origin 28%, French origin 23%,

other 51%

Languages: English (official) 58.8%, French (official) 21.6%, other


Religions: Catholic 40.5%, Protestant 20.3%, none 23.9%, other

15.3% (2011 est.)

Population: 34,834,841 (July 2014 est.)

Median age: 41.7 years

Life expectancy: 81.67 (14)


Canada is culturally diverse.

Canada is a country that encourages immigrants to retain their

cultural identities, traditions, languages and customs.

Canadians are generally a tolerant, polite and extremely

community-oriented people.


Most Canadians have a strong allegiance to their province or

region, sometimes more so than to the country.

For example:

Quebec: The French region, has a distinct cultural identity

compare to the rest of the country and the people are

extremely regionalistic/independent.

Ontario: This is the business hub and the people tend to be

business-like and conservative.

Customs & Etiquette

The most common greeting is the handshake. It should be firm and accompanied by direct eye contact and a sincere smile.

Canadians like their space and prefer to be at an arm’s length when speaking to someone.

Wait until invited before using someone's first name although Canadians tend to move to a first-name basis rapidly.

French Canadian friends may greet each other by lightly kissing on the cheeks (once on the left cheek and once on the right).


If using French in Quebec always use the formal pronoun "vous" (you) when speaking to someone and do not switch to the informal "tu" unless invited to do so.

Business Meetings

Canadians begin meetings with a minimal amount of small talk.

Shake hands with everyone at the meeting upon arrival and departure.

Men may offer their hand to a woman without waiting for her to extend hers first.

Examine any card you receive before putting it in your card case.

Meetings are generally well-organized and adhere to time schedules.

Meetings tend to be informal and relaxed in manner.

Canadians are essentially rational and logical and thus they will not be convinced by emotions, passion or feelings.

Doing Business With Canadians:

Extra Tips Canadian businesspeople often begin relationships in a

reserved manner.

Canadians appreciate politeness.

Canadians are reticent to discuss their personal lives with business associates.

Canadians can disagree openly when necessary, they prefer to do so with diplomacy.

In Quebec there may be more time spent on relationship-building.

In Quebec, have one side of your business card translated into French. Hand the card so the French side faces the recipient.


Sector: work clothing

Industrial and service uniforms

FTA No tariff

Airlines and hospital clothing

Canadian government is a main buyer in this sector

Parcitipation in state purchases process

Strategy: export with an own brand

Canadian Economy

GDP of $1.518 trillion (2013 est.)

GDP per capita: $43,100 (2013 est.)

Standard & Poor’s Rating: AAA

Canadian Imports: $471 billion (2013 est.)

Canada's major banks are among the most

stable in the world.

Canada has a market system in which the

prices of goods and services are determined in

a free price system.

In 2008, growth slowed sharply for the first

time in a decade.

Important FTA & Economical


North American Free Trade Agreement:

Members: Canada, Mexico and the U.S.A.

Formation: January 1, 1994

Canada is also a member of these Important memberships:


Asian Pacific Economic Operation (APEC)

2014 Index of Economic Freedom

Canadian Economy: Latest News





Advantages of Doing Business

with Canada

Economic Freedom

Freedom From Corruption.

Logistics HUB.

Easy Access to the US market in case of expanding.

Gain knowledge from manufacturing industry leaders

located in Canada.

Economic overall Freedom

Logistics Hub

Airports: 1,467 (est. 2013).

Railways: 46,552 km

Roadways: 1,042,300 km

Major seaport(s): Halifax, Saint John (New Brunswick), Vancouver

River and Lake port(s): Montreal, Quebec City, Sept-Isles (St. Lawrence); Fraser River Port (Fraser); Hamilton (Lake Ontario).

Corruption Perceptions Index


Doing Business 2014

Country Risks

High degree of openness and strong dependence on the

United States economy. (The Canadian Dollar (CAD) has A

strong dependency to the US dollar).

Insufficient R&D spending

Loss of business competitiveness due to the rising power

of emerging competitors.

High household debt level.

Cultural Risk

Canadian consumers don’t risk buying newly introduced

brands/products in the market because they feel

comfortable with their living standards.

Canadians are very patriotic and tend to buy products

made or associated with the country.

Latest News


Canada unveiled a C$20 million ($18.1 million) funding

program today to help businesses create partnerships

with universities and research institutes to bolster the

country’s lagging innovation record.


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