

Vol. 81: 55–71, 2018

Published online February 7


Groundwater (GW) ecosystems in the terrestrialsubsurface constitute the largest freshwater biomeon earth. Covered by soil layers and sediments ofvarying dimensions, GW systems are shieldedfrom light, the most important energy source interms of organic carbon (Corg) production. Corg aswell as (specific) nutrients thus mainly derive fromthe surface and are successively depleted duringGW recharge from precipitation, seepage and sur-face waters (Fredrickson et al. 1989, Frimmel 1992,

Pabich et al. 2001, Lennon & Pfaff 2005, Shen et al.2015). Consequently, aquifers are generally poor inenergy and low in productivity (oligotrophy) (Gold-scheider et al. 2006, Griebler et al. 2014a). Concen-trations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in oligo-trophic GW typically range between 0.2 and 2 mgl−1 (Thurman & Malcolm, 1981), and only a smallfraction of the DOC in GW is directly available toand readily degradable by microbes (Gooddy &Hinsby 2008, Egli 2010, Zhou et al. 2012, Shen et al.2015). As a consequence, the total number of micro-organisms in oligotrophic GW is 10−100 times lower

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Publisher: Inter-Research ·

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

DOM and bacterial growth efficiency in oligotrophic groundwater: absence of priming andco-limitation by organic carbon and phosphorus

Roland Hofmann, Christian Griebler*

Institute of Groundwater Ecology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany

ABSTRACT: Groundwater ecosystems are low productivity environments due to the small amountand poor quality of organic carbon, and nutrient limitation (N, P). However, field data show theoverall presence of degradable DOC. Studies exploring the relationship between carbon proper-ties, nutrient availability and microbial production, as well as possible priming in groundwater aremissing. In multi-factorial groundwater batch experiments, we investigated the effect of variousorganic carbon sources (acetate, organic fertilizer, fulvic acids, humic acids) and nutrients (N, P)to DOC degradation, bacterial production and growth efficiency. Focusing on DOC concentra-tions, total cell counts, ATP, and bacterial carbon production, our study revealed several importantfindings. The type of organic carbon offered influenced bacterial growth pattern with lower assim-ilation efficiencies for the labile but energetically least favorable compound (acetate). Growth onacetate was soon P-limited, while more complex DOM (humic acids) sustained slow but long-termgrowth. Active but non-growing cells maintained continuous DOC turnover at nutrient limitation.The overall bacterial carbon production and growth efficiency ranged from <1 ng to >1 µg C l−1

h−1 and <0.1 to 28%, respectively. None of the experiments revealed evidence for priming inground water. This study is a first attempt to unravel the multiple limitations and energetic con-straints facing microbial communities in oligotrophic groundwater. Future studies should evaluatethese findings by including the sediment matrix which carries the major fraction of microbial bio-mass and by looking in more detail at the structural characteristics and availability of DOM and Pspecies.

KEY WORDS: Bacterial growth · Groundwater · Dissolved organic carbon · Carbon limitation ·Nutrient limitation · Priming · Carbon use efficiency · Oligotrophy


Aquat Microb Ecol 81: 55–71, 2018

than in surface waters (Pedersen 2000, Griebler &Lueders 2009).

Following these observations, there is the generalbelief that productivity in GW ecosystems, particu-larly bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) and carbonproduction (BCP), is mainly limited by bioavailableCorg (Ford & Naiman 1989, Jones 1995, Baker et al.2000). Although plausible, this is contrary to the factthat DOC in GW, even when present at only low con-centrations, does always contain some measureablebiodegradable (BDOC) and assimilable (AOC) frac-tion, independent of time, space and age of the GW(Gooddy & Hinsby 2008, Egli 2010, Zhou et al. 2012,Shen et al. 2015). Taking this into account, the lowproductivity may also be caused by the simultaneousunavailability of essential (macro) nutrients such asnitrogen or phosphorus (Bengtsson 1989, Egli 1991,Konopka 2000).

Assuming that the DOC present in oligotrophic oxicGW is to a large degree unreactive, often termed re-calcitrant or refractory, then the supply of easilydegradable Corg as well as nutrients, providing energyto the microbes, could lead to the stimulation of micro-bial growth and thereby to a partial transformation ofthe unreactive Corg. This effect of activation or stimu-lation of the degradation of previously unreactive or-ganic matter via the addition of extra (labile) Corg

and/or nutrients is called the ‘priming effect’(Kuzyakov 2010). While priming effects have been re-ported from numerous soil studies (Fontaine et al.2007, Bianchi 2011, Schmidt et al. 2011), its generalvalidity and, in particular, its transferability to aquaticsystems is controversial (van Nugteren et al. 2009,Bianchi 2011, Bengtsson et al. 2014, Guenet et al.2014, Catalán et al. 2015). No study so far has lookedfor priming in GW.

Microbes that lack nutrients (N, P) required fornew biomass production are, although non-growing,not necessarily non- or minimally active (Konopka2000). With a surplus of degradable Corg, cells in -crease the ratio of respiration to biomass production(del Giorgio & Cole 1998). At the same time, fuelingthe substrate mainly into catabolic metabolism,energy is produced which cannot be dedicated togrowth. Apart from possible energy spilling reactionsthat may then occur, the cells may be expected to behighly active, i.e. in terms of ATP concentration, afact that has not been addressed so far for GW bacte-rial communities facing nutrient limitation.

For our study we drafted 4 working hypotheses.(1) Microbial growth in oligotrophic GW is limited bythe availability of readily degradable Corg with thelikelihood of a co-limitation by nutrients; (2) Over-

coming the carbon and nutrient limitation will notonly accelerate bacterial growth but also increasegrowth efficiency; (3) Supply of labile organic matterand nutrients will ‘prime’ the degradation of theunreactive DOM pool; (4) Bacteria facing nutrientlimitation in GW are non-growing but actively trans-form organic matter.

Studies tackling the aforementioned issues relatedto bacterial production and its limitations in oligo -trophic GW ecosystems are extremely scarce andmainly descriptive rather than providing clear mech-anistic explanations (Baker et al. 2000, Mindl et al.2000, Longnecker et al. 2009, Foulquier et al. 2011).As a first step towards a more fundamental under-standing of bacterial growth efficiency limitations inoligotrophic oxic aquifers, we conducted 2 simpleGW batch experiments. In the first (Expt 1), a multi-phase run lasting for 371 d, we examined the effect ofthe amendment of individual types and qualities ofDOC or combinations of organic substances on DOCdegradation and bacterial growth at ambient nutri-ent concentrations. DOC sources included (1) acetate(Ac) and α-ketoglutarate (KG) as model compoundsfor easily degradable Corg, (2) fulvic (FA) and humicacids (HA), as typical major components of GW DOC,and (3) the extract of a natural organic fertilizer (OF),containing a mixture of high and low molecularweight humic substances. In a second ex periment(Expt 2), lasting for 21 d, GW was amended witheither HA or Ac as well as with nitrogen and phos-phorus to test for possible co-limitations. During thecourse of the 2 experiments we followed the fate ofDOC and nutrient concentrations and monitored thetotal (prokaryotic) cell counts (TCC) to assess growth.BCP and BGE were estimated from either 3H-leucineincorporation and/or changes in DOC and TCC. InExpt 2, intracellular ATP was followed to evaluatethe cell-specific activity status.


Experimental design

The study was organized in 2 separate experiments.The individual treatments, replicates and controlswere conducted with natural oligotrophic and oxicGW collected from a shallow unconsolidated quater-nary aquifer composed of fluvio-glacial carbonategravel and sands at Neuherberg/Munich, Germany.

For Phase 1 (Days 0−371) of Expt 1, GW was dis-tributed to ten 2 l glass bottles, of which 8 wereamended with 4 different Corg sources (Ac, FA, HA,


Hofmann & Griebler: Bacterial growth in oligotrophic groundwater

OF) dissolved in GW in duplicates, increasing the ini-tial DOC concentration of 1.5 ± 0.2 mg l−1 by about100%. Two bottles did not receive extra DOC andserved as controls (Fig. 1). After 71 d the remainingcontent (>1.5 l) of each of the ten 2 l batches weresplit into 6 new 250 ml bottles, leading to 60 batchbottles in total. From this day on, the duplicatebatches that received no further treatment served ascontrols of Expt 1-Phase 1. The batches that received1 individual carbon source were handled as Expt 1-Phase 1 and at the same time served as comparisonfor Expt 1-Phase 2. During Phase 2 (Days 71 to 371),2 bottles of every experimental subset (Fig. 1)received an extra amount of Ac or KG, respectively,to obtain a total DOC concentration between 7 and9.5 mg l−1. The DOC concentration of 2 bottles ofeach subset remained unchanged (Fig. 1).

In Expt 2, lasting for 21 d, GW batch tests (2 l) wereamended with Ac, HA or nutrients (N+P). Addition-

ally, batch tests were started with a combination ofAc or HA and nutrients. One set containing onlyGW served as control (Fig. 1). Enrichment with Corg

increased the natural DOC background (1.6 ±0.15 mg l−1) by a factor of 2.5. Addition of the nutrientmixture (NaNO3 and NaH2PO4) resulted in an in -crease in NO3-N from originally 1.3 ± 0.01 to 3.5 ±0.03 mg l−1 (from 6 to 16 mg l−1 NO3

−) and in PO4-Pfrom 16 ± 0.15 µg l−1 to 25 ± 2.2 µg l−1 (from 48 to75 µg l−1 PO4

3−).All batch experiments were conducted at 12°C in

the dark with bottles placed on a shaker at 90 rpm toavoid oxygen depletion. The bottles were looselysealed with aluminium foil to prevent contamination.Individual bottles were regularly sub-sampled to fol-low changes in DOC and nutrient concentrations, tomonitor biomass production of prokaryotic cells(hereafter ‘bacteria’) as well as occasionally cellularATP concentrations.


Expt 1- Phase 1











Expt 1- Phase 2






Expt 2














2 x 2l

2 x 2l 2 x 2l 2 x 2l 2 x 2l 2 x 2l

2 x 2l 2 x 2l


2 x 2l2 x 2l 2 x 2l

6 x 0.25l 2 x 0.25l2 x 0.25l 2 x 0.25l 6 x 0.25l6 x 0.25lDay 71

Day 0

Day 0 Day 371

Day 371

Day 71

Day 21


Fig. 1. Set-up of the 2 batch experiments. GW: groundwater; FA: fulvic acids; HA: humic acids; Ac: acetate; OF: organic ferti-lizer; NP: nutrients (nitrogen + phosphorus)

Aquat Microb Ecol 81: 55–71, 2018

Carbon sources

HA and FA were extracted from deep GW col-lected from borehole Gohy-573 at Gorleben (LowerSaxony, Germany). Details on isolation and com -position are provided by Wolf et al. (2004). OFis, according to the manufacturer’s information,mainly composed of humic substances of varyingmolecular size (PhytoGreen®-HumusWP; PhytoSo-lution). Stock solutions were prepared by dissolv-ing the lyo philized substrates at a pH of 9 in ultra-pure water, followed by neutralization. Sodiumacetate (Ac; Sigma Aldrich) was dissolved in ultra-pure water. All solutions were sterile-filtered(0.22 µm; Millipore) and stored at 4°C in darknessbefore use.

DOC and nutrient analyses

For DOC measurements, 5−10 ml of GW were sub-sampled, then filtered through a 0.45 µm syringe fil-ter (Millipore), before acidification with 2 M HCl topH <2. Before use, the filters were rinsed with ≥20 mlof ultrapure lab water to reduce contamination fromleaching Corg. The non-purgeable Corg was analysedin a TOC analyser (Shimadzu TOC-5000A).

For the analyses of nutrients (NO3−, NO2

−, NH4+,

PO43−) and major ions, 200 µl of GW were filtered

through a 0.1 µm pre-rinsed syringe filter (Millipore)in triplicates and analysed in a Dionex ICS-1100 ionchromatograph (Thermo Fisher Scientific). For elu-tion of cations 2.2 mM H2SO4 (IonPac CS12A, 4 mmcolumn; Dionex) and for anions, a mixture of 1.7 mMof NaHCO2/1.8 mM Na2CO3 buffer (IonPac AS4ASC,4 mm column; Dionex) was used. The Chromelionsoftware (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was used for dataanalysis. The limit of detection (LOD) for the ionchromatography (IC) measurements was defined as0.1 mg l−1.

Since orthophosphate measurements in Expt 1 bymeans of IC were not sensitive enough, in Expt 2 amore sensitive spectrophotometric assay based onthe phosphomolybdic acid methodology (Murphy &Riley 1962) was applied. Here, all soluble inorganicand organic P is digested to orthophosphate and, perdefinition, the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) isdetermined (EN ISO 6878). The LOD was deter-mined as 3 times the standard deviation of blankdeterminations and was calculated as 10 µg PO4

3− l−1

(3.3 µg PO4-P l−1). Since natural phosphate concen-trations were very low and only inorganic phosphatewas added, values from IC (orthophosphate) and

colorimetric (SRP) analysis were both handled asorthophosphate.

ATP and total cell counts

Water samples were analyzed for intracellular ATPfollowing the protocol provided by Hammes et al.(2010).

TCC were determined after fixation of 1 ml of trip-licate GW samples with glutardialdehyde (2.5% v/v,final conc.). Counting of SybrGreen stained cells wasperformed via flow cytometry (FC-500, BeckmanCoulter) following the protocol described in Bayer etal. (2016).

Bacterial growth rates and carbon use efficiency

BCP was occasionally estimated via incorporationof tritium labelled leucine ([4,5 3H] L-leucine; Hart-mann Analytics) into bacterial proteins adopting theprotocol given in Brielmann et al. (2009). Triplicatesamples of 50 ml and a control, which was fixedimmediately after 3H-leucine addition (10 nM, 44 Cimmol−1), were incubated for 8 h at 12°C in the dark.For precipitation of proteins, formaldehyde-fixed liq-uid samples (3.7% final conc.) were incubated withice-cold tri chlo ro acetic acid (TCA, 10% v/v). Aftercollection of macromolecules on a 0.2 µm cellulosenitrate filter (Millipore), dried filters were dissolvedin ethyl acetate. After addition of scintillation cock-tail, samples were stored overnight at 4°C beforemeasurement in a liquid scintillation counter. Carbonproduction (µg C l−1 h−1) was calculated as describedin Kirchmann (1993).

Bacterial growth rates (μ) were calculated as quo-tient of ln (x/x0) and Δtime, and generation times (g)were calculated as g = ln2/k = 0.693/k. Carbon con-sumption (degradation) rates (k) were determined asfirst-order kinetics. Maximum rates were estimatedfor the periods with the steepest slope; mean rates forover the entire test period.

BGE was calculated in 2 ways: (1) according to thefunction provided in del Giorgio & Cole (1998); and(2) via an indirect calculation from the net bacterialbiomass produced in the batch tests and the amountof DOC degraded. The Corg content of prokaryoticcells applied for calculations, was estimated by meas-uring length and width of at least 100 cells of eachbatch under an epifluorescence microscope (Axiovi-sion; Zeiss), followed by the cal culation of cell carboncontents as described in Wilhartitz et al. (2009). A


Hofmann & Griebler: Bacterial growth in oligotrophic groundwater

mean Corg content of 46 fg C cell−1 was assumed forthe HA, FA, and OF treatments, and a carbon contentof 124 fg C cell−1 for the Ac treatments. For the GWcontrol, a cell carbon content of 20 fg C was applied(Griebler et al. 2002).


Statistical analyses were performed using 2-sidedt-test for 2 independent samples. Analyses of devel-opments along a timeline were performed using a1-way ANOVA with repeated measurements. Fordirect comparison of DOC degradation and bacterialgrowth, the time series were analysed by a linearregression analysis or, in case of non-linearity, bySpearman rank correlation. p-values < 0.05 werecon sidered as significant.


The freshly collected oxic and oligotrophic GW forExpt 1 was characterized by a DOC concentration of1.5 ± 0.2 mg l−1. The concentration of NO3-N was1.5 ± 0.15 mg l−1. Nitrite (NO2

−) and ammonium(NH4

+) were below the LOD of 0.1 mg l−1. In Expt 1,when phosphate was followed by only ion chro-matography, it was always below the LOD (100 µg l−1

for PO43−). Reconstructing a PO4-P value from earlier

analyses and measurements conducted in Expt 2with the same GW revealed a PO4-P value of about15 µg l−1. The oligotrophic GW contained 1.9 × 104 ±2.2 × 103 ml−1 bacterial cells. The bacterial carbonproduction (BCP) in untreated GW, as estimated via3H-leucine incorporation, ranged from 1.3 to 77 ng Cl−1 h−1.

Expt 1-Phase 1 (Days 0−371)

The extra Corg added to oligotrophic GW resultedin an increase of 60% (Ac treatment) to 195% (OFtreatment) of the DOC pool in the batch tests (Fig. 2).One to 3 d after the Corg supply, a decline in DOCstarted to occur in the different treatments. Within14 d, the DOC concentrations dropped by 81% fromthe maximum values in the treatment with OF, 46%with Ac, 26% with HA and 17% with FA (Fig. 2).While the FA and OF incubations then revealed stag-nation in DOC levels for the following 232 d or evento the end of Expt 1 (OF, Day 371), DOC in the Actreatment continued declining until Day 42 before it

leveled off. The HA treatment exhibited a decliningtrend until Day 112 (Fig. 2). Spearman rank analysisrevealed a strong correlation between the DOCdecrease in the treatment and control (r = 0.65) forthe FA and Ac batches, respectively. When excludingthe Day 14 DOC value (outlier) for the untreated GW(control), a fast decline in DOC of 40% (Days 0−7)was observed followed by stagnation for the remain-ing period of Expt 1. A priming effect, i.e. the drop ofDOC concentration in bottles amended with extraCorg below the lowest DOC concentration reached inthe controls (un treated GW) was observed with theAc incubation only. A comparison of the DOC degra-dation with control for each treatment revealed nosignificant differences (p > 0.05; Table 1). The finalperiod (Days 246−371) of Expt 1-Phase 1 was charac-terized by some further decline in DOC concentra-tions with all treatments (Fig. 2).

Bacterial growth in the different treatments fol-lowed the onset of DOC consumption with a delay of2–5 d. In particular, bottles treated with OF showedan extended lag-phase in growth until Day 7. In thefirst 2 wk of incubation TCC increased 20-fold in theAc, 17-fold in the HA, 5-fold in the FA, and 4-fold inthe OF treatments, and almost doubled in the con-trols (Fig. 2). However, only the Ac incubationsrevealed a very early (Days 7−14) but intermediatepeak in TCC. In the batches with OF, HA and FA, cellnumbers, after an initial fast increase, continued ris-ing until Day 91, albeit at a lower growth rate, peak-ing in TCC several weeks later than the Ac incuba-tion (Fig. 2). The initially fast growth rates of theindividual experiments with extra Corg differed sig-nificantly from the control (p ≤ 0.05; Table 1) and withdifferent Corg sources. With the exception of the FAtreatments, similar maximum cell numbers werereached in the Ac, OF and HA batches. In all cases(except the control), the period of pronouncedgrowth was followed by a transient decline in TCC.Moreover, in parallel to the DOC patterns, the firstphase of fast bacterial growth was followed by nogrowth (OF, HA) or comparably low growth (Ac, FA,control) between Days 91 and 371 (Fig. 2).

Occasional monitoring of the nitrate concentrationrevealed a minimum of approx. 0.4 mg l−1 NO3-N inthe different batch tests at the end of Expt 1-Phase 1(data not shown). PO4-P was at about 15 µg l−1 at thebeginning of Expt 1 (see data for natural GW withExpt 2). However, since the IC assessment applied inExpt 1 was not sensitive enough, as already stated inthe ‘Materials and methods’, PO4-P values are notavailable for the course of Expt 1 and possible P lim-itations could not be evaluated.


Aquat Microb Ecol 81: 55–71, 201860


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Hofmann & Griebler: Bacterial growth in oligotrophic groundwater

Expt 1-Phase 2 (Days 71−371)

At Day 71 of Expt 1, batches were split and par-tially re-supplied with Ac or KG (now Expt 1-Phase 2)while untreated tests continued (Expt 1-Phase 1)(Fig. 1). The addition of Ac was followed by pro-nounced declines in DOC in the treatments that had

not received Ac earlier. However, it took until Day260 for 40−70% of the newly supplied Ac to bedegraded in the batches that originally received OF(66%), HA (42%) and FA (50%). The bottles thatreceived Ac twice, exhibited a slower decline inDOC, with only 30% of the newly supplied Ac con-sumed in 100 d (Fig. 3).


Table 1. Growth rates (μ) and DOC degradation rates (k) in the different treatments of Expt 1-Phase 1 and Expt 1-Phase 2(abbreviations as in Fig. 1). Where possible, a t-test for independent samples was applied to compare with the control batches.

Data are means (±SD). Values in bold indicate significant differences to controls (p < 0.05)

Treatment Expt 1-Phase 1 Expt 1-Phase 2kmax μmax Days 0−70 Days 71−371(d−1) (d−1) kmax (d−1) μmax (d−1) k (d−1) μ (d−1)

FA −0.074 0.337 −0.070 0.017 −0.017 ± 0.002 0.006 ± 0.001OF −0.337 0.480 −0.031 0.008 −0.019 ± 0.001 0.005 ± 0.004HA −0.151 0.457 −0.065 0.018 −0.021 ± 0.004 0.002 ± 0.001Ac −0.165 0.624 −0.023 0.007 −0.015 ± 0.001 0.005 ± 0.001Control −0.025 0.028 − − −0.001 ± 0.001 0.002 ± 0.002

Fig. 3. Expt 1-Phase 2. Development of DOC and TCC over time (Days 72−371) in groundwater (GW) that first received indi-vidual organic carbon sources at Day 0 and were supplied with acetate at Day 71. Data are triplicate measurements ± SD.

Abbreviations as in Figs. 1 & 2

Aquat Microb Ecol 81: 55–71, 2018

The mean DOC removal rate of all treatments, withthe exception of the Ac+Ac amendment was –0.025 ±0.0018 d−1 (Days 71−371). Samples amended with Actwice showed a 17% lower DOC degradation rate.However, at the end of the incubation (Day 371) allbatch tests had DOC concentrations comparable tothe treatments of Expt 1-Phase 1. In detail, theHA+Ac and FA+Ac bottles still contained 1.28 ±0.37 mg l−1 more DOC than the controls. The Ac+Acand OF+Ac batches contained an equal amount orslightly lower concentration of DOC than the controls(Figs. 2 & 3). One-way ANOVA for DOC values at theend of Expt 1 revealed a significant difference be -tween the treatments re-supplied with Ac and thosewithout (p < 0.05).

Although substantial amounts of labile Corg wereadded, the TCC did not change in accordance to theDOC patterns. In contrast, the entire Expt 1-Phase 2was characterized by a slow linear growth in a com-parable range for all different incubations (Table 1).Only OF+Ac revealed a pronounced increase in TCCtowards the end of the experiment (Days 245−371).At the end of Expt 1, TCC in the batches havingreceived a second OC supply (Expt 1-Phase 2) wereslightly higher than in the treatments with Corg

supplied only once (Expt 1-Phase 1) (Figs. 2 & 3).Compared with the controls, this difference was significant (p ≤ 0.05) only for the OF+Ac and HA+Acbatches.

In the batches that were amended with KG insteadof Ac, patterns were very similar (data not shown).Only in one subset that received FA+KG, the TCCincreased by more than one order of magnitudewithin the first 2 wk after KG supply. Later, these

high TCC started to decrease again, until theyreached the level of all the other incubations atDay 314.

The concentrations of nitrogen in the batches ofExpt 1-Phase 2 were in similar range (0.10−0.13 mgN-NO3 l−1) to those in bottles of Expt 1-Phase 1 at theend of the incubation (Day 371), implying that nodirect N limitation had occurred.

Bacterial carbon production and growth efficiency

To estimate the BGE the ΔTCC and ΔDOC wereevaluated between Days 0 and 371 for Expt 1-Phase 1 as well as between Days 71 and 371 for Expt1-Phase 2. Moreover, direct measurements of BCPwere conducted on Days 0, 3, 7 and 14 during Phase1 of Expt 1 (Table 2).

Direct measurements of BCP revealed a significantincrease after the addition of Corg. The Ac-suppliedbatches unfortunately lack direct BCP measurementsfor Days 7 and 14. The highest BCP was observed forHA at Day 7 with 1.23 µg C l−1 h−1, followed by FA(Day 7) with 0.84 µg C l−1 h−1, OF with 0.44 µg C l−1

h−1, and Ac with 0.21 µg C l−1 h−1. Using the functiongiven by del Giorgio & Cole (1998) these values con-vert into BGEs of 28% (HA, Day 7), 22% (FA, Day 7),15% (OF, Day 14), and 9% (Ac, Day 3), respectively.Control samples, as already mentioned above,ranged in BCP between 1.3 and 77 ng C l−1 h−1, trans-lating into 23% and 46% of the carbon fixed in newbacterial biomass (Table 2).

BGEs calculated from ΔTCC and ΔDOC for theshort period of pronounced bacterial growth in


Table 2. Bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) throughout Expt 1 and Expt 2. BGE values originate either from direct bacterial car-bon production measurement via 3H-leucine incorporation (meas.) or calculation from ΔTCC and ΔDOC (calc.). (+/−Ac) indi-cates whether batch incubations received a re-supply with acetate in Expt 1-Phase 2 or were left unamended, respectively.(+/−NP) indicates whether bottles received an extra supply of nitrogen and phosphorus, or were left unamended, respectively.

nd: not done. Other abbreviations as in Fig. 1

Experiment Time Origin of results BGE by treatment (%)FA OF HA Ac GW

Expt 1-Phase 1 Day 0 meas. 2.3 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.3Day 3 meas. 5.4 4.7 16 8.5 3.4Day 7 meas. 22.1 13.3 27.6 nd 3.4Day 14 meas. 10.8 14.5 23.8 nd 4.6

Expt 1-Phase 1 Days 0−371 calc. 3.1 3.5 3.0 3.7 0.8Days 7−14 calc. 1.6 0.6 0.6 3.9 0.06

Expt 1-Phase 2 (−Ac) Days 71−371 calc. 3.9 3.6 3.7 6.1 2.5Expt 1-Phase 2 (+Ac) Days 71−371 calc. 2.5 3.4 2.3 4.0 2.0Expt 2 (−NP) Days 0−21 calc. 8.4 1.9 1.2Expt 2 (+NP) Days 0−21 calc. 9.2 4.8 1.3

Hofmann & Griebler: Bacterial growth in oligotrophic groundwater

Phase 1 (Days 7−14) revealed much lower values.Here, highest BGE was obtained for the Ac incuba-tion with 3.9%, followed by the FA (1.6%), the HAand OF (both 0.6%), and the control batches (<0.1%)(Table 2). The BGE for the entire Expt 1-Phase 1resulted in similar values for all Corg amended incu-bations, with 3.0−3.7%. The control samples againwere lowest with only 0.8% of the carbon consumedturned into biomass carbon.

During Expt 1-Phase 2 all incubations that did notreceive additional Ac stayed at the same level, withBGEs between 3.6 and 3.9% for OF, HA, FA. Onlythe Ac batches had a higher mean value of 6.1%. Thecontrol samples had the lowest BGE of 2.5%. In fact,the additional supply of Ac to all initial Corg treat-ments led to a decrease of the BGE (Table 2).

Expt 2: short-term incubation

The incubation of oxic oligotrophic GW in Expt 2with or without extra nutrients (N, P) caused adecrease in DOC by 30% (not significantly differentfrom Day 0; p > 0.05) and 50% (significantly differentfrom Day 0; p < 0.05), respectively, after 21 d. TheTCC increased slightly, but not significantly from1.6 × 104 to 5.2 × 104 ml−1 (3.2 times, p > 0.05) in un -amended GW and 4.3 × 104 ml−1 (2.7 times, p > 0.05)in GW supplied with nutrients. Strikingly, the pro -karyotic cells in GW, although hardly multiplying,exhibited a continuously increasing ATP/TCC ratio.In GW with extra nutrients the ATP/TCC ratioincreased slightly at the beginning, but highest val-ues were reached with a delay of 2 wk (Fig. 4).

The addition of Ac to GW was followed by a totalmineralization of the extra Corg within the 21 d. How-ever, development of TCC between GW and GW+Acover time was not significantly different (p > 0.05). Infact, although almost 5 times more DOC was con-sumed, only twice as many cells were produced.However, the amendment of extra nutrients (GW+Ac+NP) strikingly speeded up DOC consumption,this time paralleled by a pronounced cell growth.After only 1 wk, all of the readily degradable DOCwas gone and cell numbers increased by 3 orders ofmagnitude (Fig. 4). While the ATP/TCC ratio in -creased over time in the GW+Ac batches that lackedpronounced growth, it remained low in the GW+Ac+NP treatments, after a short initial peak (Fig. 4).

Finally, the addition of HA to GW exhibited a pat-tern in between the GW and the GW+Ac experi-ments. Independent of nutrient supply, only 1.6−1.7 mg ml−1 of DOC was degraded. If we account for

the 0.5 mg ml−1 from the GW itself, only about 1 mgml−1 of HA was consumed in 21 d. The DOC decreasein the HA batches was mirrored by a continuousincrease in TCC. After 21 d, TCC increased 60- to70-fold (Fig. 4). The ATP/ TCC ratio in the HA treat-ment remained low throughout the experiment. Ascan be easily seen from the DOC data in Fig. 4, Expt2 did not provide any evidence for priming.

Linear regression analysis revealed significant cor-relation with respect to DOC (r = 0.51 [GW] to 0.89[GW+Ac]; p < 0.05) and TCC (r = 0.39 [GW+NP] to0.83 [GW+HA]; p < 0.05) for all curves, with theexception of TCC in the GW+AC+NP treatment (r =0.02; p = 0.36). There was in all cases an overlap ofthe confidence intervals between the parallel treat-ments (with or without NP).

Nutrient limitation in Expt 2

From the data on nitrogen species (only nitrate wasdetected) at Days 0 and 21 it is obvious that no nitro-gen limitation occurred during Expt 2 (Fig. 4). Thepicture is different for phosphorus. In all incubationsthe P level dropped significantly (p < 0.05), indicatingthat P was a limiting factor for bacterial growth.Where extra nutrients were added, P concentrationsdeclined to even lower values (Fig. 4). Final concen-trations of PO4-P were below the general LOD (3.3 µgl−1) in the range of 1 µg l−1, as revealed by manualpeak integration following UPEC guidelines (>3 SD).

Bacterial growth efficiency in Expt 2

BGEs calculated for Expt 2 (Days 0−21) revealedlowest values in the untreated control incubations(GW) and the nutrient-amended groundwater (GW+NP). BGEs ranged between 1.2% and 1.3%(Table 2). Highest BGEs were obtained for the HAbatches, with 8.4% without and 9.2% with NP,respectively. In contrast, the Ac treatments ex -hibited a clear difference in BGE with and withoutthe NP addition (Table 2).


Our study revealed 4 important findings. First,prokaryotic productivity in oxic oligotrophic GW waslimited by the availability of biodegradable organiccarbon; however, a co-limitation by P occurred inseveral cases. Second, the type (redox state), compo-


Aquat Microb Ecol 81: 55–71, 2018

sition (nutrient content) and quality (degradability) ofthe organic matter played a crucial role with respectto degradation kinetics and BGE. Third, the additionof readily available carbon to GW did not reveal a

priming effect, i.e. the stimulated transformation ofunreactive DOC. Finally, with degradable organiccarbon available but lacking nutrients, active butnon-growing cells continuously respired Corg and









0 5 10 15 20 25














0 5 10 15 20 25



ls m













P (µ

g l–1


0 5 10 15 20 25



Time (d)


























































Fig. 4. Development of DOC, TCC and ATP/TCC after incubation of groundwater with acetate (Ac), humic acids (HA), and/ornutrients (NP). In half of the samples (dashed lines) a possible nutrient limitation was eliminated by the addition of NO3 andPO4. Charts to the right show the DOC, NO3-N, and PO4-P concentrations for the different incubations at Days 0 (darker bars)

and 21 (lighter bars)

Hofmann & Griebler: Bacterial growth in oligotrophic groundwater

were characterized by a high intracellular ATP con-tent, indicating bacterial adaptations to nutrient limi-tation. These findings are briefly discussed in light ofthe existing knowledge.

GW ecosystems are energetically constrained

Covered by soil and sediment layers of varyingdimensions, GW ecosystems are well protected fromsurface related impacts. From the ‘down below’ per-spective, aquifers and their inhabitants (mainlyprokaryotes) are shielded from important energysources, i.e. Corg and nutrients, originating from sur-face terrestrial and aquatic environments (Griebler etal. 2014a). During their passage to the aquifer, Corg inseepage water and surface water recharging aquifersis significantly reduced in concentration andchanged in degradability (Fre drickson et al. 1989,Frimmel 1992, Kalbitz et al. 2000, Pabich et al. 2001,Shen et al. 2015). Moreover, along with the mineral-ization of Corg and abiotic adsorption and complexa-tion reactions, the recharge water is also sequentiallydepleted in specific nutrients (e.g. P) (Pretty et al.2006). In consequence, oxic aquifers hold GW that istypically poor in Corg and phosphorus and are oligo-trophic (low productivity). This characteristic is mir-rored in the comparable low abundance of prokary-otic cells (bacteria), 10 to 100 times lower than inoligotrophic surface waters, and a lower fraction ofhighly active cells (Kieft & Phelps 1997, Griebler &Lueders 2009). In other words, the main fraction ofbacterial cells is expected to be small in size, and oflow activity (low ATP content) or even dormant. Infact, this is the picture drawn from the available literature.

Evidence for Corg limitation

Microbial productivity in GW ecosystems is gener-ally considered to be limited by Corg with respect toconcentration, flux and biodegradability (Ford &Naiman 1989, Jones 1995, Malard & Hervant 1999,Baker et al. 2000). However, there are a few aspectsworth considering. First, GW sampled from any pointand depth within an aquifer always contains someBDOC or AOC, typically in the range 1−100 µg l−1

(Bradford et al. 1994, Escobar & Randall 2001,Gooddy & Hinsby 2008, Egli 2010, Zhou et al. 2012,Shen et al. 2015). Assuming that a bacterial cell inGW has a carbon content of about 20 fg (Griebler etal. 2002, Wilhartitz et al. 2009) and there are 1 × 107

to 1 × 108 cells l−1 of GW (Griebler & Lueders 2009) —resulting in 0.2−2 µg biomass carbon l−1— then>10 µg l−1 of BDOC should allow doubling of the cellbiomass, assuming a mean BGE of about 25% asreported for aquatic environments (del Giorgio &Cole 1998).

Our 2 batch experiments showed that within thefirst 1−3 wk of incubation, 40−50% of the ambientDOC (1.5−1.6 mg l−1) in untreated oligotrophic oxicGW was biodegraded. A BDOC content of 40−50% isat the upper range reported for GW (Baker et al.2000, Mindl et al. 2000, Mermillod-Blondin et al.2015, Shen et al. 2015 and references therein). InExpt 1-Phase 1 only 1.61 × 107 new cells were pro-duced, accounting for approximately 0.32 µg C of600 µg DOC degraded. The bacterial abundanceincreased by a factor of 1.8. In Expt 2, the 800 µgDOC degraded yielded 3.64 × 107 new cells (0.73 µgC), i.e. a 3.3-fold increase in cell abundance. Thus, bycalculation via the ΔDOC and ΔTCC, only 0.05−0.1%of the DOC degraded was fixed in newly producedbiomass. The GW and its microbial communitiestested in our experiments had among the lowest car-bon use efficiency values reported for aquatic eco-systems (del Giorgio & Cole 1998, Eiler et al. 2003and references therein).

While we could not assess P limitation in Expt 1,Expt 2 clearly showed that the addition of PO4

3− tooligotrophic GW did not lead to a significantly higherproductivity (Table 2; p > 0.05), indicating C-limita-tion. However, it may not only be the biodegradabil-ity of the DOC in oligotrophic GW that matters butalso its low total concentration as was shown for deepsea habitats (Arrieta et al. 2015), leading to slowmicrobial growth in oligotrophic GW. As highlightedbelow, although C-limited, the addition of Corg led, insome cases, to nutrient limitation.

Evidence for nutrient limitation

According to Liebig’s law of the minimum, over-coming the major limitation of one substrate leads tolimitation by another. However, in nature, and withmicrobial communities, simultaneous limitation bymore than one substrate/element is very likely (Paerl1977, Egli 1991, Teixeira de Mattos & Neijssel 1997,Konopka 2000). Numerous experiments and studiestargeting microbes in aquatic environments revealeda stronger response to the amendment of combinedresources (C and N or P) than with individualsources, indicating a co-limitation (Dorado-García etal. 2014 and references therein).


Aquat Microb Ecol 81: 55–71, 2018

Besides Corg, the availability of essential nutrientssuch as N and P may limit microbial growth and pro-duction (Egli 1991, Konopka 2000). It is striking thatin Expt 1-Phase 1, independent from the total amountof Corg amended to the oligotrophic GW, a similar cellabundance was reached in all incubations (Fig. 2),indicating a certain carrying capacity that could belimited by nutrients. Moreover, Ac is a relatively oxi-dized compound that yields comparably little energy,strongly indicating that a factor other than Corg is limiting bacterial productivity.

Since, nitrogen values did not fall below 0.4 mg l−1

NO3-N (= 1.8 mg l−1 NO3−), N-limitation seemed un-

likely. C:N ratios of 9.5 and 3.8 have been reported forbacterioplankton biomass growing under nutrient-limited to non-limited conditions, respectively (Vredeet al. 2002). Taylor & Townsend (2010) give anaverage inflection point of 3.5 (range from 2.2 to 5.2)for the DOC:NO3 ratio. Only at higher ratios, whichrarely occurred in our experiments, does N-limitationbecome likely. Moreover, since shallow GW is com-monly impacted by nitrogen from fertilizer used in intensive agriculture (e.g. Stoewer et al. 2015), N-lim-itation in shallow oxic GW will rarely take place. Theswitch from an N to a P limitation is suggested at N:Pratios of <3−16 (Keck & Lepori 2012 and referencestherein). Limitation by phosphorus is thus more likelyin shallow oxic GW (Miettinen et al. 1997).

In oxic conditions, PO43− tends to adsorb to and

react/complex with metals (e.g. Fe) and with humicsubstances. Therefore, although the application offertilizers also releases some amounts of P to landsurface and soils, concentrations of PO4

3− and otherSRP species in GW are generally low (Bengtsson1989, Brielmann et al. 2009). Unfortunately our ana-lytic approach (IC) applied in Expt 1 was not sensi-tive enough to follow PO4

3− concentrations appropri-ately. However, what we learned from the analysesconducted in Expt 2 is that PO4-P values in the GWused ranged from 10−15 µg l−1. From a solely stoi-chiometric perspective of bacterial biomass — char-acterized by a C:N:P ratio of about 50:10:1 (Goldmanet al. 1987, Vrede et al. 2002) — these amounts ofP should be sufficient to generate 1010 to 1011 newcells. However, at low P concentrations, capture andmicrobial uptake (flux into the cell) of P may be in -sufficient to cover growth requirements (Konopka2000). Besides the structural composition of the cell,P is mainly needed for catabolism (Hessen & Ander-son 2008), see ‘Non-growing but highly active cells’below.

In Expt 2, where we specifically investigated nutri-ent limitation, our results were puzzling. In the

batches with Ac, the additional amendment of Nand P induced pronounced bacterial growth. Nutri-ent analysis clearly revealed that P was the limitingfactor (Fig. 4). However, in the batches with HA thatre ceived extra nutrients, Corg degradation was ac -companied by considerable cell growth, which wassim ilar to that in bottles without NP amendment.Moreover, in the batches with extra nutrients added,the P concentration was significantly lower after 21 d(Fig. 4).

As mentioned earlier, PO43− is very reactive and

tends to react with humic substances. Indeed, HAsconsist of a highly complex mixture of molecules withdifferent organic side groups, metal ions and boundnitrogen and phosphorus (Hertkorn et al. 2002). Wemay thus expect that the HA used contained some Pand N, which were released during degradation andsubsequently supported bacterial growth. Addition-ally, the extra phosphate added to the HA batchesmay have reacted with the humic substances indi-cated by the low phosphate values at the end of incu-bation. In conclusion, humic substances providesome essential nutrients that allow considerablegrowth, which is controlled by a combination of thedegradability of the HAs and the flux of nutrients inthe HAs to and into the cells (Konopka 2000).

P-limitation of microbial growth was shown in sev-eral studies conducted with surface waters (Smith &Prairie 2004, Thingstad et al. 2005, Keck & Lepori2012 and references therein); however, similar stud-ies in ground and drinking water are scarce (Bengts-son 1989, Miettinen et al. 1997).

No evidence for priming

The effect of priming refers to the activation orstimulation of degradation of previously unreactiveorganic matter via the addition of extra (labile) Corg

and or nutrients (Kuzyakov 2010). Although theunderlying mechanisms are still enigmatic and underintensive discussion, the effect itself is well sup-ported from soil studies (Bianchi 2011, Schmidt et al.2011). For aquatic systems, there is only little infor-mation reporting controversial evidence (vanNugteren et al. 2009, Bianchi 2012, Bengtsson et al.2014, Guenet et al. 2014, Catalán et al. 2015). Guenetet al. (2010) gathered some experimental results andfield observations that strongly support the hypothe-sis that the priming effect is a general phenomenonthat occurs in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine eco-systems. This study is the first to address possiblepriming effects in oligotrophic GW. However, inde-


Hofmann & Griebler: Bacterial growth in oligotrophic groundwater

pendent of the amount and quality of Corg suppliedand the co-amendment of essential nutrients, no evi-dence of a priming effect could be observed in ourstudy. In fact, the DOC concentration did not dropbelow that of the controls in any of the treatmentsreceiving Corg or nutrients. Similar results wereobtained by Catalán et al. (2015), who assessedpotential priming effects in waters from lakes of dif-ferent trophic states. Bengtsson et al. (2014), focusingon headwater stream biofilms, did not observechanges in respiration, removal or incorporation ofallochthonous organic matter in response to autoch-thonous treatments, again not supporting a primingeffect under experimental conditions. One reason forthe absence of priming in oligotrophic GW may bethe already low concentration of Corg, i.e. 1.5−1.6 mgl−1. It should be noted, however, that in our incuba-tions, the natural oligotrophic GW — when trans-ferred to the glass bottles and incubated over weeksto months in the dark at ambient temperature(12°C) — exhibited a loss in DOC of 30−50%. This isa large loss considering that the DOC in GW isassumed to be rather recalcitrant and slow-degrad-able. There is obviously a bottle-effect, known fromcomparable studies (Fuhrman & Bell 1985), which issimilar to a priming-effect.

Bacterial growth efficiency

Only part of the Corg oxidized and consumed bybacterial communities is converted to new biomass.The variability in bacterial carbon use or growth effi-ciency is related to the concentration, flux and qual-ity of the substrate, as well as to the availability ofessential nutrients, frequently leading to an uncou-pling between rates of production and respiration(Teixeira de Mattos & Neijssel 1997, Carlson et al.2007, del Giorgio & Newell 2012). Values of BGE indifferent aquatic environments typically range from5 to 50% (del Giorgio & Cole 1998, Manzoni et al.2012). However, there are a few studies that showconsiderably lower BGEs (del Giorgio & Cole 1998,del Giorgio & Newell 2012). Data for oligotrophic GWand aquifers are scarce, although Griebler et al.(2014b) determined BGE values ranging from 2 to20% (mean of 6%) in GW from more than 100 sites inGermany. The GWs tested thus fall at the lower endof the BGE range among aquatic habitats reported(del Giorgio & Cole 1998, Eiler et al. 2003 and refer-ences therein). This low productivity in groundwateris generally considered to be due to the low totalamount of Corg and the small pool of labile organic

matter (Griebler & Lueders 2009, Griebler et al.2014a). In our batch experiments, we assessed howthe addition of Corg with variable content in labileDOC as well as the (co)amendment of nitrogen andphosphorus affects the BGE.

The addition of FA to GW stimulated fast bacterialgrowth for a period of 5 d before reaching a plateau.The supply of HA stimulated bacterial growth for12 d, and OF for up to 37 d. Ac showed the fastestreaction in terms of bacterial growth, however, after1 wk, cell numbers again declined to a lower level.

The direct measurements of BCP performed for theearly experimental phase of growth (Days 0−14) inExpt 1-Phase 1, revealed the highest BGE of almost28% with the HA incubations, followed by GW thatreceived FA (22%), and OF (15%). Supplied with Ac,the GW bacterial community showed a BGE of 9%,only twice as high as GW not receiving extra DOC(5%; Table 2). Unfortunately, measurements ofDays 7 and 14 were missing for this Ac treatment.BGEs calculated from changes in cell numbers andDOC, revealed a different picture. Here, GW com-munities receiving Ac exhibited a BGE of 4% whileall other incubations had values <2%. In the non-amended GW only 0.8% of the DOC consumed wasconverted into biomass. Such low values have beenobserved so far only in the most dilute, oligotrophicsystems (del Giorgio & Cole 1998). In Expt 1-Phase 2,again the Ac incubations produced slightly higherBGE values (4−6%) than the incubations with otherCorg sources. It is worth mentioning that in Expt 1-Phase 2 the addition of labile DOC (Ac) to all initialCorg treatments led to an overall 3-fold decrease ofBGE (Table 2). Since calculations of BGEs for Expt 1-Phase 1 and Phase 2 integrated much longer timeperiods, compared to Expt 2, we assume that re-amendment of DOC and P-limitation shaped theoverall pattern together with the influences from Corg

concentration and quality.In Expt 2, the HA-supplied GW bacterial commu-

nity were characterized by BGEs of 8 and 9% with-out and with extra nutrients, respectively. As alreadymentioned above, in the HA incubations the amend-ment of nutrients did not change the overall growthpatterns. Differently in the AC incubations, overcom-ing the P-limitation the BGE increased from 2 to 5%(Table 2).

The picture obtained by the few direct measure-ments of BCP is supported by thermodynamics. Infact, the most readily biodegradable but most oxi-dized Corg source (Ac) provides the least energy andtherefore the lowest BGE (del Giorgio & Cole 1998).Moreover, since the direct measurements were con-


Aquat Microb Ecol 81: 55–71, 2018

ducted only in the early phase of Expt 1, a limitationby P might not have been fully developed. A similarpattern is ob served from Expt 2, where BGEs wereestimated from cell counts and DOC turnover, anddegradation of HA supported higher BGE than livingon Ac. However, the BGE values derived from thedirect measurements of BCP need to be treated withcaution, since BCP measurement via incorporation ofradiolabel leucine or thymidine during lab incuba-tion was repeatedly discussed to overestimate in situactivities (e.g. Phelps et al. 1994), and the formulaprovided by del Giorgio & Cole (1998) for the conver-sion of BCP to BGE may not fit well for BCP values atthe lower range.

At low substrate concentrations, Corg is primarilyused in catabolic reactions providing energy to thecell but resulting in low BGE (Stout hamer & Betten-hausser 1973, Russell & Cook 1995). The energy isspent for the production of extracellular enzymes andcell wall transporter proteins to increase the flux ofsubstrate and nutrients into the cell (Middelboe &Sondergaard 1993, Button 1994, del Giorgio & Cole1998, Konopka 2000). Several studies underlined apositive relationship between DOC and BGE; how-ever, it holds true for only very oligotrophic environ-ments with DOC concentrations of a few milligramsper liter and less (Eiler et al. 2003 and referencestherein). Similarly, lower substrate quality (recalci-trant or more oxidized) will cause low BGEs (Vallinoet al. 1996, Hertkorn et al. 2002, Eiler et al. 2003,Nebbioso & Piccolo 2013). Finally, the limitation ofbacterial growth by one or more nutrients shifts theratio of bacterial production vs. respiration towardsrespiration, lowering growth efficiency.

In summary, BGEs in GW bacteria were at thelower range of known values, i.e. <0.1−4.6%. Over-coming the carbon and nutrient limitation increasedBGE (0.6−28%) to values similar to those reported foroligrotrophic surface aquatic environments (del Gior-gio & Cole 1998, Eiler et al. 2003 and referencestherein). A possible bias in our estimations of BCPcould be protozoan grazing and cell lysis due to bac-teriophages. However, in our opinion these microbialfood web interactions, highly important in surfacewaters, are of less influence in oligotrophic GW.While protozoan grazing may play a significant rolein organically contaminated GW (Kinner et al. 2002),protozoan densities are generally very low in oligo-trophic GW (Novarino et al. 1997). However, mostsolid evidence comes from our flow cytometric cellcounts that rarely revealed cells >3 µm in size.Finally. occasional microscopic evaluations indicatednumbers of possible grazers to be several orders of

magnitude lower (data not shown). Similarly, thecomparable low probability of phages to meet a suit-able host is decreased by orders of magnitude in GWcaused by the much lower numbers of phages andbacteria (Cram et al. 2016), and active bacteria inparticular. Nevertheless, our calculations of BGEignored possible grazing and phage effects, anassumption that needs to be validated in future work.

Non-growing but highly active cells

As already highlighted above, cells facing a limita-tion are forced to uncouple their catabolism fromanabolism (Carlson et al. 2007). Exposed to a surplusin substrate but lacking essential nutrients for bio-mass production, Corg is funnelled almost exclusivelyto catabolic reactions gaining energy (Hessen &Anderson 2008). We thus hypothesized that cells pro-vided with DOC but lacking N and/or P have ahigher specific activity and in consequence a higherinternal ATP level. And indeed, there is some evi-dence from the results obtained in Expt 2. Cells in oligotrophic GW (control) as well as in the Ac incu -bations lacking phosphorus revealed higher ATP values than their counterparts incubated under non-limiting conditions (GW+Ac+NP) (Fig. 4). A variabil-ity of intracellular ATP in relation to carbon andnutrient limitation has been reported earlier by Wil-son et al. (1981) and Pridmore et al. (1984). What isnot clear is how the cells lacking P are able to sustaina high ATP level over time. This will be focus offuture studies.

Water vs. sediment microbial communities

Finally, it is important to mention that in GW eco-systems the majority of microbes are associated withmineral surfaces (Alfreider et al. 1997, Griebler et al.2002). Moreover, attached microbes have betteraccess to organic carbon and nutrients, which conse-quently leads to higher cell-specific activities (Grieb -ler et al. 2014a). Last but not least, although microbesfreely suspended in GW and those attached to thesediment surfaces share a considerable core commu-nity (e.g. Zhou et al. 2012, Flynn et al. 2013), a largefraction of microbes in aquifers are found exclusivelyin GW, and thus are suggested to act as a travellingseed bank (Grieb ler et al. 2014a). Our study ongrowth dynamics of GW bacterial communities isonly a first step and experiments as well as field stud-ies including sediment-associated microorganisms


Hofmann & Griebler: Bacterial growth in oligotrophic groundwater

are urgently needed. Also, the effect of grazers andphages awaits further consideration.

Acknowledgements. This study was funded by the GermanResearch Foundation (DFG) under the grant GR 2107/3-1 toC.G., as well as by the Helmholtz Water Center Munichwithin the Helmholtz Research Platform for the IntegratedAssessment of Solute Fluxes and Processes in the RegionalWater Cycle. This contribution was further funded bythe Helmholtz Research Program Terrestrial Environ -ment (Topic 3 — Sustainable Water Resource Management).Thanks go to B. Michalke and colleagues from the ResearchUnit Analytical BioGeoChemistry at HMGU for help withthe nutrient analyses. Comments of 2 anonymous reviewerssubstantially improved the manuscript.


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Editorial responsibility: Karel Šimek, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic

Submitted: May 17, 2017; Accepted: November 2, 2017Proofs received from author(s): January 23, 2018

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