

Customer Self Assist with theDomino Configuration Tuner

Harry Peebles | DCT Technical Lead | Westford, MA, USA


Customer Self Assist The Domino Configuration Tuner (DCT) is a serviceability tool to

help Domino administrators be more self sufficient

DCT identifies key configuration issues across a customer domain

Reports contain a detailed explanation and supporting documentation for all captured issues

– Detailed description, suggested mitigations, pointer to related technotes, pointer to discussion topic on Domino Wiki

The level of report completeness enables customers to correct potential failures

DCT provides base-line assessment for field service representatives when initiating customer engagements


The Catalog of Configuration Rules DCT catalog is version aware

– Report content is adjusted appropriately for the observed version of Domino and it's host OS

The catalog supports versions of Domino, 7.0 and higher

Reports for unsupported versions are generated with the appropriately caveat that explanations and recommendations may not apply consistently

Collection of source data configuration settings

– Currently collecting notes.ini, server documents, configuration documents, console commands, statistics


DCT Availability and Requirements Shipping simultaneously with N/D 8.5

Available outside of the Domino release cycle to any customer, free of charge

A Notes application, delivered as a template, DCT.NTF

Available for download, as well as being distributed with the 8.5 Domino Administrator client

Future revisions downloaded via 'check for updates' feature

Runs under Notes, 8.0 or higher, standard or basic client

Is an 'observer' that requires no change to a customer domain configuration


Welcome page


Server selection and scan initiation


Report summary with servers and rules


Detail Report – Run web agents concurrently


Detail Report – Run web agents concurrently


Detail Report – Links to relevant documents


Detail Report – Links to on-line reference material


Detail Report – Links to sister Wiki entries


Check for Updates

Preferences ... optionally ignore some rules


Domino Configuration Tuner project status The following link is to the DCT entry in the Notes and Domino

wiki. Up-to-date information will be posted there regarding all DCT details.

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