Download - Don quixote


Angeles City Science High School

Prepared by:IV-N. Sagun. Urquico. Suzuki. Tanglao. Yalung. Yumul

By: Miguel de Cervantes


1614 Spain

CharactersDon Quixote

- The novel’s tragicomic hero

Sancho Panza

- Peasant laborer


- Don Quixote’s barn horse

Dapple- Sancho’s donkey

Cide HameteBenengeli

The fictional writer of Moorish decent

Dulcinea del Tobosoa peasant woman whom Don Quixote envisions as his ladylove


The supposed translator of Benengeli’s historical novel, who interjects his opinions into the novel at key times

The Duke and Duchess

The cruel and haughty contriversAltisidoraThe Duchess’s bratty maidSampson Carrasco A sarcastic student from Don Quixote’s villageThe PriestA friend of Don Quixote’sThe Barber

Don Quixote’s friend

CharactersTeresa PanzaSancho’s good-hearted wife

CardenioAn honorable man who is driven mad by the infidelities of his wifeSancho’s good-hearted wifeLucinda

Cardenio’s wife

Ferdinand An arrogant young duke who steals Lucinda from Cardenio with no remorse.

Dorothea Ferdinand’s faithful and persistent loveCountess TrifaldiA fictitious maidservant in distress Gines de

PasamonteAn ungrateful galley slave whom Don Quixote frees

Roque GuinartA chivalrous bandit

PlotDon Quixote sets out with Sancho Panza on a life of chivalric adventures in a world no longer governed by chivalric values; the priest attempts to bring Don Quixote home and cure his madness.

PlotDon Quixote continues his adventures with Sancho, and Sampson Carrasco and the priest conspire to bring Don Quixote home by vanquishing him.

PlotDon Quixote wanders Spain and encounters many strange adventures before the priest finds him doing penance in the Sierra Moreno. Don Quixote wanders Spain and has many adventures, especially under the watch of a haughty Duke and Duchess.

PlotDon Quixote and the priest meet in the Sierra Morena, and Dorothea begs for Don Quixote to help her avenge her stolen kingdom. Sampson, disguised as the Knight of the White Moon, defeats Don Quixote.

Plotthe priest and the barber take Don Quixote home in a cage, and Don Quixote resigns himself to the fact that he is enchanted. Don Quixote returns home after his defeat and resolves to give up knight-errantry.

ThemesPerspective and narration; incompatible systems of

morality; the distinction between class


Don’t be afraid to be a little different…or maybe


Have some strong values! Don’t forget about your innocence!

Rediscover literature (if you haven’t already).

Don’t let failure discourage you!

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