Page 1: Dos and Don't during Monsoon!

Monsoon’s here!

Page 2: Dos and Don't during Monsoon!

Beware of

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Hepatitis A or Jaundice

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Common cold

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Keep yourself safe! We tell you how!

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• Avoid heavy, salty food as it promotes water retention and bloating. It is better to have medium to low salt food.

• Start body massages once a week with a light oil like olive oil. Massages promote the lymph channels movement which not only aids to decrease the bloating but also assists weight loss by improving the bile flow.

• Eat light foods like vegetables, fruits, cereals etc and avoid too much of meat or fish. One can also enjoy grilled, tandoori foods which need minimum oil/butter.

• Avoid fried foods as they decrease the digestive efficiency.

• Do not indulge in heavy exercises, instead walking along with yoga or stretching is better as heavy exercises cause an increase in body temperature which leads to headaches, body aches etc.  

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• Eat foods which are drying in nature, the most popular being corn, chickpea, gram flour, oats. Eating watery foods like rice, lassi, watermelon, muskmelon creates swelling in the body.

• Maintain the general hygiene while eating out and definitely avoid roadside vendors as very few people have the high immunity to handle the bacterial overload at such places.

• Avoid foods which are very sour like tamarind, chutneys and pickles as they promote water retention.

• Wash all green vegetables thoroughly as a lot of worms and insects are hidden in the leafy vegetables.

• Consume a lot of bitter vegetables like bitter gourd and bitter herbs like basil, fenugreek seeds, turmeric as it prevents infection.

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Rest… Enjoy the monsoon! Stay Safe!

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A CIL initiative

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