Page 1: Double page production

Here I was used the gradient tool to create a circle like shape to create the bubble effect. This will add to the idea this picture is of her past – just a memory!

Page 2: Double page production

To make your magazine look professional it is always important to make sure that it is on the display performance is at its highest.

Page 3: Double page production

Wording is important in magazine as this determine whether your audience are going o read certain articles or not.

At the top left hand corner I use a stand first ‘…despite downfalls, trip ups and falling over I AM going to get up & prove everyone wrong!’ . This sentence shows that this is something to do with her life, the use of the exclamation mark shows that this is a very emotional topic for her, ‘I AM’ being in capital shows how confidence she has in this coming to pass by- all of these techniques make the text more hard hitting increasing the likelihood of people reading it. The ellipsis at the begging reminds the audience that this is taken out of context leading them to read the whole article to find out the full picture. I put this text on the grey side as this is meant to represent what she said in the past, when her life was dull, but then later on in the interview she says “ & falling over God is going to” this creates a sense of irony, that although she thought she would pick herself up, God picked her up. ‘I AM’ is another name for God- you can reference this in exodus 3:14 this adds to the sense irony as well.

I used drop-cap at the beginning of the article this is to draw the eye to the article and gives the impression that this is an article of importance. This supports the fact that this is an exclusive interview. Both the stand first and drop cap are placed at the top left hand corner as this is where people look first making it clear for the audience to spot both.

Unlike my case study I decided to not use serifs in my drop cap as this makes the text look more aggressive, ‘in your face’ and manly. Where this is a gospel magazine and a picture of an artist who is feminine. It is always important to represent you genre and feature even down to the choice of text.

Page 4: Double page production

I inserted grids and guides to make sure that everything is aligned so that the page can look professional and there is a gap between word and the gutter/ border.

Below in one of my case studies you see an example of there being space between gutter/borders and text.

Page 5: Double page production

Here you see how grids and columns make your page look professional.

I added a coloured picture in the right hand corner of her laughing, these are both used to create the impression that now her life is full of joy. You see an example of this to the left.

Page 6: Double page production

First I made a circle, then by using the gradient tool making it darken the further it comes out ,then I made it transparent so I could create an idea that this picture represents her in the past thinking into the future ‘memory bubbles’. The use of 2012 being in the biggest circle adds to the idea of her looking into the future and creates excitement for the audience to found out what her life is like now, as it is 2012.

At the bottom of each page I followed the house style of there being a symbol to represent the magazine. In this case ‘’ brings a link between the front cover and this double page, I inserted a number for the page as this is a point of reference for readers; making it easier to find this feature from the contents page and easier to return back to the page later on.

This represents ‘VIBE’

Page 7: Double page production

I later deleted the bubble as it was going down instead of up, which is not how it is meant to look. People look up when their thinking not down.

I deleted the ‘happy picture’ as when I did go back to my initial research- pictures by themselves have a greater impact than various picture. More than one picture creates competition between them as they all ‘fight’ for your eyes attention lessening the possible impact of each picture. You can see an example of a one pictured double page below.

At first I did not want columns, to create a story like impression as this is the story of her life. But referencing back to my studies this is one code that is always followed as it makes it clear to a reader the ‘path’ of the text.

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