Page 1: Double page spread analysis

Double page spread analysis-Kerrang

The colour of the clothes and the lighting used on the image represent the magazines colour scheme. The main colours used are red, white, and black. Black and white suggest a serious tone about the magazine while red and black can be seen as gender colours (red appealing to girls and black appealing to boys) suggesting the

magazines aimed at both genders.

The layout of the page is mainly taken up of the image of the band the double page is about, but we also see a border of skulls. This would attract a young target audience because they would much rather look at images then read loads of text.

The name of the band is shown to be slanted and in a different font then the rest of the magazine. This could suggest that this band is very important in the industry of rock music but because its slanted makes it more appealing to a younger target audience. The image of the band and the name of the band take up most of the two pages suggest importance.

The use of a quote makes the page personal to the band featured because it attracts the readers attention because its bigger then the rest of the text. The style is also bolder then the rest of the text generating importance and how its relevant to the band.

The house style is shown to use the colours that represent Kerrang and are similar to the colours used on the front cover and the contents page.

The image of the band is a medium shot taken at an eye level. By using a medium shot it allows the audience to see the facial expressions of the band which appear to be serious representing the tone of the magazine. The colours of red and black will appeal to both genders. The band are dressed in dark clothing and the majority of them appear to have long hair which is a stereotypical view of a band of this style.

The target audience of the double page spread would be people who are interested in heavy rock music which is shown through the colours and the images used. This would be males and females of 17-21. The colours used have been chosen specifically to attract a younger audience then say an Uncut magazine. The clothes used would also suggest it is aimed at people who dress similar to the band featured.

Page 2: Double page spread analysis

Double page spread analysis-Uncut magazine

The image used is the central image and has a page of its own suggest importance of the artist but it also shows that the article is on this one person. The clothes the artists wearing are suggests he’s a classical rock artist through the use of the blazer. The back ground is very basic and pushes the readers attention towards him.

The article is written in columns which makes reflects how the magazine is very organised just like the contents page. It also suggest that the magazine is aimed at an older audience because of its house style and the lack of images used.

Like Kerrang Uncut also uses a quote making the double page spread personal. The quote suggest that its important towards the artists and it usually attracts the reader before they begin reading an article. I think this is strength and because of this I will be using one for my double page spread.

The title is very clear and stands out against the white background showing this is the name of

the featured artist and it also shows importance.

The colours used are similar to the ones used in Kerrang. Red white and black are all featured in this double page spread and reflect the rest of the Uncut magazine. They are also colours that appeal to both genders red appealing to girls and black appealing to boys. The colours also create a serious tone which make the audience take the article seriously.

This is a use of a dropcap. This makes the text look more attractive and usually used in magazines aimed at an older audience.

This is a use of a kicker which helps start the article of and helps the reader decide if they want to read on or not which I think is useful towards to the reader.

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