Page 1: Double page spread process

Double Page Spread Process

Firstly I wrote my double page article on Microsoft word, I did this to check for spelling mistake and grammar correcting. The actual information on the double page article is an interview. The whole article is filled with questions and answers from Olivia. The target is that I reach over 1,000 words on my article. I needed to do this to make my magazine look professional.

Page 2: Double page spread process

Once I finished my double page article on Microsoft word I then copy and pasted onto Adobe Photoshop where then I can position it properly to make it look like a magazine article. To get the text correctly aligned, I just used the text tool to create a box which where I can copy and paste the text into.

Page 3: Double page spread process

I then opened this image onto Photoshop and simply dragged the image to my double page spread work

I then placed the vinyls and placed them across my double page spread work.

I then simply opened up the images and dragged the image to my double page spread work.

Page 4: Double page spread process

To lower the opacity of the Vinyl’s I simply clicked on the correct layer and lowered the opacity, which you will find on the bottom right hand side of Adobe Photoshop.

As you can see I placed three vinyls across my double page article, I lowered the opacity then placed them behind the images and text. To place them behind the text or images, you just have to make sure that the Vinyl layers are below the images or the text layers.

Page 5: Double page spread process

As you can see from this image, the vinyl layers are below the image and text layers.

The type of text I used was Euphemia. In my opinion it looks very professional, it doesn’t look too bold which is why I chose it, also in my opinion it also looked like the sort of text that we expect to see in all magazines. The size of text that I used was 10pt, it’s not too small and I think it is the right size for text in a magazine. The title of the double page spread is just simple. I used a non-serif style of text which in my opinion looks very attractive. I didn’t use any italic type of text due to the fact that it wouldn’t look appropriate in my double page spread.

Page 6: Double page spread process

As you can see, I quoted my double page spread, I took a line from my double spread and made it bigger, bolder and also changed the colour of the text. I did this because it looks professional and it is what we expect to see in all magazines.

In terms of colours from what you can see my double page article is simple and bright and not too sophisticated in terms of colours. Those were my initial intentions linking back to my research task. I wanted my double page article to look clean and neat, which in my opinion, I have achieved quiet well. The only colour that stands out from the double page article is the quote that I have added. I chose the colour green because I think it stands out and it isn’t too strong to look at.

Page 7: Double page spread process

As you can see I’ve placed the page number on the lower middle part of the pages. I did this because I think it looks professional and it stands out. I didn’t make the number too big because I didn’t want it to properly stand out.

As you can see linking back from the task one research, when it came to ideas for my own magazine as you can see I managed to hit the targets that I have set for myself. Things that I have mentioned like, non-serif types of text and for the masthead to be simple are the things that I have followed. I have showed commitment to my work which for me is a big achievement.

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