  • 8/10/2019 Double Standards in Victorian Society


    Double Standards in Victorian Society

    The work of Oscar Wilde is placed in London, in Victorian Society Age. This

    society had like main characteristics the existence of rigid social standards, which

    had to be followed by people of high class. Then they could not live freely in the

    way they wanted. They have no choice, and they built an external appearance

    behind they hid their true identity and kept their instincts and real desires secret. In

    this atmosphere of oppressive moral rules Jack and his friend Algernon had a

    secret life, the first used the name of Ernest to live in a free way his secret

    passions. He told everyone he has a younger brother: Ernest who lived without

    limits. The second uses the Burnburyst expression for defining the other life he

    has. He -as bunburyst- had the possibility of doing forbidden things in hisconventional life. In this way, they could live through fictitious identities a double

    life. They are the best expression of double standards in Victorian Society.

    I consider that the play is a Wildes critique of the society he had to live.

    Using this play he depicted all the hypocrisy of that time in a funny and at the same

    time sarcastic way. In fact, the whole plot is a funny portray of all situations that

    can emerge when people have a double life. Misunderstandings were daily events,

    and they are solved in a pity manner because the important was first of all

    appearance. Therefore using the characters of his play, Wilde criticizes duality of

    people in Victorian Society who on the one hand were absolutely concerned about

    appearances and standards of morality, while on the other hand they indulged

    forbidden things.

    In my opinion this duality of people in Victorian Society is consequence of

    the same social requirements of this time. These oppressive rules obliged people

    to construct an external faade behind which they hid their true characters keeping

    their real preferences secret. These circumstances brought an atmosphere of

    hypocrisy mixed with real beliefs. In fact it is not easy to distinguish between real

    intentions or false opinions. For instance when Gwendolen and Cecily were

    speaking, they are very nice and polite each other, even when they realize they

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    were could being talking about the same man, they never abandon their manners

    although both of them were really irritated, but still they pretended to keep an

    educated conversation may be a little ironic when Gwendolen said to Cecily: Do

    you allude to me, Mis Cardew, as an entanglement? You are presumptuous. On an

    occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak ones mind. It

    becomes a pleasure and Cecily answered: Do you suggest, Miss Fairfax, that I

    entrapped Ernest into an engagement? How dare you? This is no time for wearing

    the shallow mask of manners. When I see a spade I call it a spade. (Wilde, 1920:

    81-82) On other hand I have found some irritant statements for me, for example

    when Gwendolen said: True. In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity, is

    the vital thing. (Wilde, 1920: 90).

    In this meaning, we have to remain that it was the spirit of those times, for

    us it can be unthinkable, but at those moments it was the right behavior. Hence, we

    cannot judge the characters as hypocrites because they only acted according the

    requirements of their time. They had no choice, even though their attitudes can

    seem hypocrite for our current standards, they were normal people of their time.

    Jack and Algernon were honorable men, who only wanted to do what they had to

    do, and women had no options, they were considered almost inferior creatures

    than men, they had to appear innocence and ingenuity. All of them can be

    considered real examples of respectable people of their time, but for us it can be

    difficult to understand why people pretend to live for pleasing other. In our times

    only stupid people live for maintaining appearances, however there are more

    stupid people than one can think.

    Ada Caicedo de Guerra

    C.I. V. No 9.246.896

  • 8/10/2019 Double Standards in Victorian Society


    Referencias bibliogrficas

    Wilde, O. (1920): The importance of being Earnest. Boston: Walter H.Baker Company. Retrieved from
  • 8/10/2019 Double Standards in Victorian Society


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