Page 1: Down the Gullet of the Space God!

Down the Gullet of the Space-God!

God-Seed Exposure Table


You cease to age, becoming immune to

disease, hunger, and the ravages of time!


You spawn 1d6 identical duplicates of yourself, at

least one of whom will be evil!

2You become hideously mutated!

5You evolve to a being of pure energy!

3 You become insane! 6You gain incredible


IntroductionAfter witnessing the birth and

death of countless universes, the mighty space-god Kosmo,

Smasher of Suns, and Pulverizer of Planets, has died.

Even now his body drifts through the void of darkest

space. Every faction in the

known universe, from governments and gangsters to

wackos and warlords, wants to claim his body. The

Intergalactic Brotherhood of Celestial Guardians has

entrusted your heroes with the task of entering Kosmo's

corpse and retrieving the core-consciousness from his brain

so they can forge a new space-god. The balance of the

universe is in your hands!

Kosmo's corporeal form is that

of a giant humanoid dressed in baroque space armor. He lies

in repose now, drifting silently through space. His body is

impervious and indestructible even as it is slowly consumed

by the flickering Godfire within. The only way into His

body is through His mouth. Any other means of entrance

is disturbing to contemplate and useless to try. Kosmo's

innards are not flesh but cosmic ur-metal. It's a Kirby-

esque nightmare of

technorganic machinery and dying synapses still sparking

with Godfire. Kosmo's body contains its own atmosphere

for reasons beyond comprehension and gravity

determined by the heroes' collective understanding of

“up” and “down.”

1) Gullet: This passage leads

from Kosmos' gaping mouth to his stomach. Watch the teeth! It's

wide enough for the entire team to walk side-by-side. Due to

gravitonic peristalsis, the heroes can enter through the gullet but

cannot exit. They need to find

another way out.

2) Stomach: The nuclear fires of Kosmo's stomach are where he

digested comets and star dragons. A narrow metal catwalk

spans the fire-pit. Once the heroes are half-way across, they

are attacked by atomic enzymes, which resemble fire-

breathing space-bats.

3) Immuno-Factory: The machinery of Kosmos' immune

system still feverishly produces

cosmic leukocytes, which resemble crystalline blobs that

shoot lasers. The heroes are invading organisms and will come

under fire. The immuno-factory continues to create more

leukocytes each round until the heroes shut down the machinery.

4) Heart: Kosmo's giant, ruby

heart is fractured and fills the room with blood-red light. Repair

spores futilely try to patch it up. They ignore the heroes unless

they try to interfere with their

work. Tapping into the heart through science or psionics will

give the heroes a map of Kosmo's body.

5) Right Arm: The mechanisms

for Kosmo's plutonic destructo-beams are housed here. Plasmic

fusion elementals escape from the cracked reactor and attack the

heroes. The heroes can salvage valuable cosmic fuel rods from the


6) Left Arm: The mighty

computers of Kosmo's celestial radar are located in his wrist.

Heroes can hack into the celestial radar and observe any point in

the universe—any point. Observant heroes will notice

several rival spaceships

converging outside Kosmo.

7) Head: Kosmo's giant crystalline brain houses his core

consciousness. Heroes must hack into the brain through science or

psionics to retrieve the consciousness. Each hero is

assaulted by a mind phantom that tries to eat his or her

memories and personality until nothing is left but a hollow shell

ready to receive the dead god's mind.

8) Loins: A pool of luminescent quicksilver sits in the center of

this spacious chamber. This is Kosmo’s God-Seed. Any hero who

comes in contact with the God-Seed must roll 1d6 on the

God-Seed Exposure Table.

9) Legs: The heroes can exit Kosmo through the exhaust ports

of his interstellar rocket boots. They need to avoid the explosive

dangers of the combustion chambers. Once outside, they are

immediately confronted by a rival

faction of Kosmo-looters.

By Joshua LH Burnett

Released under Creative Commons Licence

For the QAGS statistics of the

monsters within Kosmo, go to:


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