
Rajan Mahtani

gets defamed over and again by

Zambia Reports

Rajan Mahtani, the businessman from Zambia has

been facing defamation from Zambia Reports on a

regular basis.

Sources suggest that the notorious news portal is being funded

by people who wish to seek revenge from Dr. Mahtani and have

been doing this for almost more than a decade now.

The attacks have become

lethal these days as they

frequently pick up any

subject and associate

Rajan Mahtani

with the same.

Inspite of severe request to

the Government as well as

the legal body, no action has

been taken against the

conspirators because they

may have developed ‘good

connections’ with key


The latest from Zambia

Reports has convicted

Rajan Mahtani of extorting

money from former

employees of Finance

Bank Zambia.

The case of Simataa

and Finance Bank has

been highlighted were

the former has

breached certain terms

as mentioned in the

agreement signed.

Nevertheless, Zambia

Reports is backing

Simataa as Rajan Mahtani

and Finance Bank are

their prime targets.

The scenario is an

indication that

Zambia is slowly

being torn into

pieces by a group of

selfish people.

But the questions is, for how long will

the people of Zambia tolerate this


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