
Systems That Learn

Dr. Timothy MitchellRapid City Area Schools ASBSD/SASD 8-8-13

Systems That Learn

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to

each other”

John F. KennedyWords never spoken

Speech to be deliveredNovember 22, 1963-Dallas,TX

What will she need?

Systems That Learn

Decreasing costs and increasing student achievement can not be

opposing goals. Resource allocation needs to be part of the

solution. The hardest part is winning the support for these bold and necessary decisions.

Systems That Learn

Working smarter as a school or school system does not require a larger

school budget

Consider the following questions:

*Is there evidence that school structures based upon standardization are more effective that school structures that are differentiated based on actual student needs?

*Lastly, is there any evidence in the private or public sector that employees do not need frequent training and quality supervision throughout their career?

Systems That Learn

Systems That Learn

Consider the following questions:

*Have researchers ever shown that teacher isolation is more educationally effective strategy that teachers collaborating toward common goals?

*Is there evidence that top-down management is more effective that teacher problem-solving and leadership at all levels of the school system?

Systems That Learn

The answer to each question is “NO”.

There is no research that supports the claim that high employee

performance is based on isolation, top down management,

standardization and lack of employee training.

Systems That Learn

The Big IdeaThe learning dynamics that a teacher establishes in his/her classroom is similar to the learning dynamics a principal/instructional leader establishes in his/her school, and is similar to what a superintendent does to promote learning within the district leadership team.

Systems That Learn

Strengthening the adult learning will benefit students:

*When School Boards learn*When Central Administrators learn*When Building Administrators learn*When Schools and departments learn*When individual teachers learn

Systems That Learn

Overarching TheoryWhen a school systems learns,

continuous improvement enables educators to close

achievement gaps and ensures that all students grow and

develop as learners.

Systems That Learn

Creating team time does not guarantee improvements

Structural change is not cultural change. Simply altering the

schedule to provide time to meet does not create conditions for


Systems That Learn

“School leaders and teachers need to create schools and classroom environments in which error is

welcomed as a learning opportunity, in which discarding incorrect knowledge and understanding is welcomed, and in which teachers feel safe to learn, re-learn, and explore knowledge and

understanding”J. Hattie

Systems That Learn

What Do We Need to Do?

*Listen, listen, listen*Be willing to display fallibility*Invite participation & dissent-value open and honest communication*Reframe failures as learning opportunities

Systems That Learn

Step 1-Recognize that schools were designed in a different era and for different goals

Step 2-Start a dialogue on how to restructure schools in ways that will foster all students learning at high levels

Systems That Learn

In order to disagree, learn from mistakes, successfully manage conflict, and continually learn, the systems needs sufficient:

TrustCapacity Building for ALL

educatorsCollaboration in All directionsLeadership at all levels

Systems That Learn

Drivers that make matters worseAccountability

Promoting Individual Solutions

Technology-as an end ALLFragmented Strategies

Systems That Learn

Divers that make matters better:

Capacity BuildingGroup Solutions

Focusing on the Quality of Instruction

Integrated or Systemic Strategies


*Provide a safety net for taking risks

*It is necessary for the system to achieve beyond capacity

*Need to pay attention to the needs of the educators


“Without collaborative skills and relationships, it is not

possible to learn and continue to learn as much as you need to be an agent of

societal improvement”Michael Fullan


*Increases the overall quality of teaching

*Increases organizational sustainability

*Increases the ability to adapt and solve problems

*Builds consistency, predictability, planning and accountability

*Increases collective capacity


The knowledge about effective practice becomes more widely available and accessible on a

daily basis

Working together generates commitment


Groups solve problems at a much deeper level than


Groups will perform better than individuals working


Capacity Building

*Quality teaching has a positive impact on student learning

*Teaching competencies can be taught

*Professional learning can increase teacher competencies in ways that will result in increased student learning

Capacity Building

*Feedback is a powerful means to increase student learning

*Must change the rules that influence feedback (authority roles)

*Obstacle: The inability to provide specific and honest feedback

Capacity Building

Each new hire can have a huge impact on a

school, either positive or negative

Leaders at ALL Levels

“It is no longer sufficient to have one person learning for the organization.

It’s just not possible any longer to figure it out from the top. The

organizations that will truly excel in the future will be the organizations that discover how to tap people’s

commitment and capacity to learn at all levels of the organization”

Peter Senge

Leaders at ALL Levels

Skill SetAct on their core values

Inspire confidenceBuild an inclusive network

Demonstrate sincere inquirySupport risk taking

Leaders at ALL Levels

*Good ideas can come from anywhere

*Include as many people as they can in key decisions

Leaders at ALL Levels

Ability to support leadership everywhere is one of the

key determinants of whether or not a system

will break through current limitations

Why is CHANGE so Hard?

“There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor

more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new order of things…Whenever his enemies have the

ability to attack the innovator they do so with the passion of partisans,

while the others defend him sluggishly, so that the innovator and

his party alike are vulnerable”Niccolo


Why is CHANGE so Hard?

Personal CapacityPolitical RiskPracticality

Personal RiskEmotional Impact

Social Impact

What Else can get in the Way?

*Debris Field*Too Many Initiatives*The Tyranny of or*Lack of the Four Main Drivers:

TrustCapacity Building for ALL

educatorsCollaboration in All directionsLeadership at all levels

Final Question

How do we increase educator capacity in

order to provide a more effective education for

all students in all schools?

Systems That Learn

Overarching TheoryWhen a school systems learns,

continuous improvement enables educators to close

achievement gaps and ensures that all students grow and

develop as learners.

Systems That Learn

“Leadership is about going somewhere. If you and your people don’t know

where you are going, your leadership doesn’t matter.”

Ken Blanchard

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