
Dragons: An Unsolved Mystery Research by Jade G. Fun Facts About Dragons Dragons appeared in logs of huntsmen and towns dealing with annoyances, and were noted as accomplishments by the bravest warriors when killed Dragons are descripted in the bible The dragon is a animal listed in the Chinese zodiac Dragon Origins Some of the first human recordings of dragons were found in the bible. Apparently, there are 34 references to the word dragon spread across ten books of the King James version of the bible, according toAlso, dragons have been a large part of Chinese culture; from great works of art, to the celebration of the new year. Dragons have also been noted to be a symbol of royalty, wealth, luck, and power among some cultures; while in others dragons represent treachery and evil. Even though dragons are found mostly in fairy tales and folklore, it is possible that dragons had lived or are still Dragon Theories One popular dragon theory is that dragons couldve been a type of dinosaur. Since dragons were posed as especially large reptilian creatures, it is possible they lived as a part of the dinosaur age, surviving and thriving because of their size and strength. And, also, along with the dinosaurs, they couldve become extinct for some of the same reasons; a dramatic change of temperature, a meteor, and so on. Then, stories created about dragons couldve come from sightings of bones and fossils; which later deteriorated into nonexistence; an explanation for why we never found any. Dragon Theories Con. Another theory is that some animals, such as eels and snakes, couldve been deformed, and mistaken for a different creature, such as dragons. Therefore, if people of that time had spotted the deformed animal, they probably wouldve made what they actually saw more extravagant to give them fame among their people. Later on, these tales probably became too impossible to believe, which is why we discard the thought of dragons being more then fairytales. However, these tall tales could have some truth to them, hidden by time and human imagination. My Personal Theory In my opinion, I think that dragons couldve been a extremely large and powerful type of dinosaur, which, in the time of the disaster that made the dinosaurs become extinct, withdrew into the ocean. There, they couldve survived and reproduced for many years, feeding on the prehistoric sea creatures beneath the waves. As the other animals adapted, the dragons probably did too, and became a type of sea serpent. Then, when the age of the humans came, people could've discovered these dragons, found a way to defeat them, and hunted them to extinction for their tough bones, scales, teeth, meat and other entrails. This also explains why we never found any remains of dragons; we used them for survival purposes. Works Cited Closing I truly hope my presentation inspired your thinking about the possibility of dragons. Maybe you have your own theory after reading this? Do you believe in dragons?

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