Download - Dredd opening


DREDD OPENINGSince I made a change to my Hunted synopsis, it seemed right to research further into the dark future setting I aim to have in my film....

There are four titles before the film begins, these are the institutions and companies that worked on the film. I have two of these on my film, though these are simple titles that just zoom, my titles have slightly more graphic animations.

This is an establishing shot of the city that the film is based in. its far away which makes the audience curious about what it will look like close up. And why its seems to be in the middle of the desert.

An aerial shot of the desert moving over to the city follows, this is good to establish what the city looks like. And with the describes the narration in the background with pictures.

Another extreme long shot of the city, from the huge towering buildings and the normal sized ones below you can see that it is a huge city and it is populated by hundreds.

The film wants to set up that this huge city is ridden with crime. Which is why there are shots through what could be a police camera and clips of crime taken place. This leads up to why the main character is needed so much.

The close up of Judge Dredd which is parallel edited to the clips of the huge city an the crime happening are close ups of Judge Dredd preparing himself. Putting on his body armour etc. This is a close up of the gun, the screen is in focus and says DNA check. The film focuses on this now because it is important later.

The special effect main title literally exploded onto the screen, and shows us what the film will be like, explosions. Which black and red colours. My film opening has a similar title, the logo appears of a black screen though it is not animated like this one.

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