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Dress, Deportment and Details

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The Power of Appearance

In business, you are dressing to have an impact on your bosses and teammates. If your clothes don’t convey the message that you are competent, able, ambitious, self-confident, reliable, and authoritative, nothing you say or do will overcome the negative signals emanating from your apparel. Betty Harragan, Games Your Mother Never Taught You

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Image & Self-Projection

There are 3 sides to self image:

1. As you see yourself.

2. As others see you.

3. As you truly are.

Complete the self assessment.

Where are there differences in your perceptions? Do you see areas for self improvement?

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Three Categories of People

Failures: People who either never try or give up on themselves.

Sustainers: People who spend 70% of their time doing the job well and 30% waiting for recognition.

Achievers: People who spend 60% of their time doing the job well and 40% networking and promoting themselves.

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Why isn’t everyone an achiever?

Many people are constrained by 4 unconscious fears:

1. Fear of Making Mistakes: Successful people learn from mistakes. They don’t internalize failure or live in defeat. They put the mistake in perspective and move on.

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4 Unconscious Fears (continued)

2. Fear of Taking Risks: Ask yourself “how can I gain from this?” What is the worst/most likely things that will happen? By weighing the risks, you put them into perspective.

3. Fear of Success: Learn how to act when presented with success.

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4 Unconscious Fears (continued)

4. Fear of Criticism: There are 2 ways to deal with criticism—1) Give up the need to be liked by everyone (It is far better to be respected than to be liked); 2) Know the difference between facts and opinions (Just like your mother used to say: “Consider the source.”)

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The “Fake-It-Till-You-Make-It” Principle

People see with their brains, not their eyes. They see what they want to see and look for behaviors that they expect to see. If you act as if you deserve it, believe it, and can achieve it, then other people will believe it, too.

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Characteristics of Self Image

Physical appearance: Work with what you’ve got! Choose attire that flatters, not just fashion. Be confident that you’ve presented your best self, then forget about it.

Attitude: Nothing succeeds like the attitude of success. Have personal conviction. Don’t confuse attitude with status symbols or posessions.

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Characteristics (continued)

Communication skills: The ability to communicate, at all levels, is vital to having people take you seriously.

Body Language: Your body language should support, not contradict, your words and feelings.

Personal Hygiene: The easiest factor to deal with. “Neat and appropriate” should become your mantra—neat hair, attire, nails, shoes, breath, and body odor.

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Business Attire

The way you dress speaks volumes about who you are as a person and as a business communicator. Let's face it, clothes talk. Whenever you enter a room for the first time, it takes only a few seconds for people you've never met to form perceptions about you and your abilities. You don't have to utter a word; people peg you one way if you're dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, slacks and a sports coat, and yet another if you're wearing a bow tie and seersucker suit. Regardless of who you really are, your clothes and body language always speak first.

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Business Attire

Some of the perceptions people can form solely from your appearance are:

Your professionalism. Your level of sophistication. Your intelligence. Your credibility. Whether these perceptions are real or imagined, they

underscore how your appearance instantly influences the opinions of strangers, peers, and superiors. Being well dressed in a corporate setting can influence not just perceptions, but also promotions.

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Business Attire

Your corporate culture and the role you play in it should guide your choice of business attire.

More and more businesses are moving to full-time business casual at every level in the organization. Some just have one or two days each week that are casual. And the definition of business casual varies, ranging from jeans to blazers.

Business dress requires you to know your audience. You need to gauge what attire will be right for the audience and the circumstance.

While your attire can be a vehicle for personal expression, you can pay a price for violating the written and unwritten codes of your culture. Always know the price before you pay.

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Business Attire

In business, your clothing and grooming should not distract. Rather, they should direct attention to your face and particularly your eyes. When you connect with someone else's eyes, they tend to listen.

Typical formal business attire has an advantage because it can easily direct listeners to your eyes. A light shirt under a closed dark business jacket forms a “V” that opens toward the face. A contrasting tie or scarf can heighten this effect. Wearing some red in the tie or scarf can help draw the eyes of your audience to your own.

In contrast, a flashy belt (buckle) can draw the eye to the waist. Bright buttons, shiny tie tacks, colorful lapel pins, big metal watches, or other conspicuous jewelry can also draw the eye. The same goes for clothing that is tight, shiny, or loud.

Think of it this way: if it clings or wrinkles, it's not really your wardrobe, it's Saran Wrap and you'd better think twice before wearing it to work.

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Business Attire

Three basic things you need to consider when figuring out what’s appropriate for your working wardrobe:

1. Your Line of Work

2. Your Corporate Culture

3. Your Audience

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Your Line of Work

Traditional businesses like law, banking, finance, accounting, high-level corporate, etc., require traditional business attire: a conservative suit in dark colors with classic lines. The message: authoritative, conservative, and competent.

People businesses like teaching, real estate, sales, medicine, social work, etc., call for clothes that both convey expertise but are non-threatening: two piece dressing, good quality, no jacket. The message: trustworthy, approachable, and knowledgeable.

Artistic businesses like advertising, art, fashion, writing, entertainment, decorating, etc., call for or expect a more expressive mode of dress. Three piece dressing, with a tie, scarf, or jewelry being the third piece. The message: creative, unique, and contemporary.

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Your Corporate Culture

While one company may have a very strict dress code, another company in the same field may be much more relaxed. If you adapt your wardrobe to “fit in” with your company, you'll succeed much faster (in terms of promotions and/or getting staff compliance) than if you simply resign yourself to the notion that everyone is either over- or underdressed, in your opinion, and you'll march to your own drum, regardless of what they do.

Before you buy something to wear to work, ask yourself:

Is it appropriate for the kind of job I have?

Is it a fad or will it hold up as a basic wardrobe foundation?

Does it fit properly? Will I stand out (in a positive

light) if I wear it to work? Do I feel successful and

confident wearing it? Would my boss wear it?

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Your Audience

Who is your audience? The people who most influence your paycheck: your clients, potential clients, management, colleagues, staff, students, etc. You're dressing to:

1. Be relatable to them. 2. Fit their perceived image of someone in your role. If you intimidate your clients, embarrass your manager,

or have people look you over from head to toe in disbelief, you probably haven't dressed for your audience. You also aren't going to get very far. You need to dress how they'll feel most comfortable doing business with you.

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Business Casual

Business casual is probably one of the least understood descriptions of appropriate business attire in the workplace.

Business-casual clothing was meant to provide an opportunity to work in a more relaxed, yet still professional, type of clothing.

The intention was to get away from the more formal suit or sport coat-and-tie look for men and suit look for women.

It was originally defined as no tie, button-down shirt and slacks for men, and a skirt or slacks and blouse or shirt for women.

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Casual to the Extreme

Sometimes when employees hear that business casual is their company's policy on dress, some take the opportunity to really dress down. They quickly trade in the slacks for jeans, and shirts for T-shirts.

The summer months can be a particularly treacherous minefield of work fashion don'ts. It's wise to consider that very few places of business find tank or tube tops, flip-flops or tennis shoes and shorts appropriate business attire.

Too many people come into work as though going on a picnic or to a ballgame, and employers become frustrated by having to correct behavior and don't want to take on the role of fashion police.

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Business Casual

Women - Acceptable Attire: Pantsuits are a wise choice for a business casual event, e.g.,

information session, tour of facility, etc. A classic sheath, paired with a cardigan or a blazer in the same

fabric and color, is a good choice. Crisp, cotton shirts in white, chambray and chartreuse added to

dress pants, khakis, or skirts make a casual outfit. Cardigan twin sets are also an easy way to present a more casual

look while still looking professional. Jewelry, scarves and other accessories will add a polished finish to

an outfit. Remember though, "less is more." Shoes should still be well made and close-toed - no extremes. Flats

are appropriate. Hose are not essential for business casual, but recommended for

shorter skirts. Knee-highs or trouser socks are suggested with pants.

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Business Casual

Men - Acceptable Attire: A sports coat creates a pulled together look in a

business casual environment and eliminates the need for a tie. Pair up the sports coat with khakis or dark pants.

Traditional dress slacks, khakis, Dockers, corduroys, wool flannel and linen slacks are appropriate with or without a blazer. Be sure to press them beforehand.

Casual button-down oxford shirts are a great alternative to dress shirts, with or without a tie. Choose basic white, chambray or pinstripe.

Oxfords and loafers in brown or black are a good match for khakis or corduroys.

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Business Casual

Unacceptable Attire:Jeans or denim pants, shorts Leggings/stretch/stirrup/sweat pants,

spandex or other form fitting pants Athletic shoes, hiking boots, sandals or flip

flops Flannel shirts or T-shirts Hats/caps

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1. Aim for a classic and understated look when selecting your casual business wear for the day. Pick clothing that is comfortable yet communicates a professional attitude. Subtle, quality accessories (belts, jewelry and scarves) coordinated with an outfit can show that you pay attention to important details.

2. Combine some of your existing business wardrobe with casual attire; for example, try wearing a button-down shirt with khakis and loafers. Ask yourself, "Am I successfully representing myself and employer?”

3. Clothing should be clean, pressed or wrinkle free, and without holes or frayed areas. Shirts need to be tucked in (certain women's blouses are made to be worn out, however, and this is permitted).

4. Body piercing which can be seen by the client (with the exception of earrings) is not permitted. Tongue rings should not be visible.

5. Hairstyle should project a professional appearance: clean, neatly trimmed, and well-groomed.

6. Pay attention to the fit of your clothing. Slacks should break just above the shoe, sleeves should reach the base of your hand and just show a bit of the cuff if you are wearing a jacket, and shirt collars should button comfortably without pinching or leaving gaps. Also, if you wear a tie, its tip should reach below the bottom of your belt buckle.

8. Shoes matter. Shoes should be polished and leather is generally preferred.

9. Take your day's schedule into account when you are dressing. Do not make assumptions. Keep a spare jacket in the office for unexpected meetings.

10. When in doubt, leave it out. Casual clothing should make you and everyone you work with more comfortable while, at the same time, projecting a professional image.

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<<Business Casual

Business Formal >>

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<< Business Casual

Business Formal >>

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Men's Interview Attire - Back to the Basics

The Suit: Choose suits neutral in color - charcoal, navy, or gray. Black suits,

while in style, are less appropriate for an interview. The pant leg should touch the front of the shoe and fall just above

the heel in the back. Pants can either have cuffs or not. The fabric of the suit should be gabardine or wool. Blended material

is acceptable, but avoid cotton blends as they wrinkle. The suit jacket should be buttoned while standing and unbuttoned to

sit. Do not button the bottom button of a three or two-piece suit. Avoid suits with double-breasted jackets.

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Men's Interview Attire - Back to the Basics

The Dress Shirt: Choose shirts in white, ecru, or light blue. If possible, have your shirt professionally laundered. Always wear a long sleeve shirt. Pointed collars give a more professional image than

button down collars, yet both are acceptable. Avoid shirts with insignias on them. The shirt's sleeve should extend beyond the suit jacket

sleeves by 1/2 inch. Always wear an undershirt (avoid v necks) as they give

the appearance of a finished look.

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Men's Interview Attire - Back to the Basics

The Tie:Wear a conservative tie with subtle

patterns or solid colors. Ties should be of good quality and made

of 100% silk. Always wear a tie that is darker than your

shirt. Tie your tie to fall in the middle of your


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Men's Interview Attire - Back to the Basics

Socks, Shoes and Belt: Wing tips or lace up conservative shoes are the most

appropriate. Loafers should be used for business casual. Choose black, brown or burgundy shoes. Shoe color

should match your suit or be of a darker color. Shoes should be in good condition and polished. Socks should match the color of your suit and cover your

calves. Belts should be in good condition and match the color of

your shoes.

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Men's Interview Attire - Back to the BasicsAccessories: Men should limit accessories/jewelry to 3 pieces. Accessories include watch, ring, handkerchief, lapel pins, cuff links,

and tie tacks. A dress watch should be worn, avoid athletic styles. Avoid bracelets, necklaces, and visible piercings. Grooming: Facial hair should be neatly trimmed (moustache, sideburns),

beards are not recommended for an interview. Hair should be neat and conservative, not touching the collar of your

shirt. Heavy cologne should be avoided. Soap and antiperspirant will

allow the interviewer to remember you, not your scent. Nails should be clean and manicured.

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Women's Interview Attire - Fit in, don't stand out!

The Suit: Choose a classic suit, avoiding trendy suit styles. For a conservative organization, a skirt suit is still considered the

appropriate interview attire. A pantsuit, while acceptable for some organizations, is still considered less formal.

Hemlines should be knee length or longer. Miniskirts are not only inappropriate, they scream, "do not take me serious!"

Choose wool, gabardine or rayon fabric. Color does not have to be limited to dark colors, but remember the

rule - if you have to ask yourself "Can I?" then don't. Make sure the suit flatters your figure and is a good fit, not too tight

or too loose. Jacket sleeves should fall 1/2 inch below your wrist.

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Women's Interview Attire - Fit in, don't stand out!

Shoes and Hose: Shoes should be pumps or sling backs, do not wear

shoes with open toes, open heel, or ankle straps. Shoes should be of good quality leather. Shoe color should be darker than your suit. Heels should be 1-2 inches; higher heels should be

saved for after hours. Hosiery should be worn with a skirt to match your skin

tone or suit. Skin colored hose should always be worn with short

sleeve suits to create a balanced look.

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Women's Interview Attire - Fit in, don't stand out!

The Blouse: Blouses should be updated, but neither low cut nor revealing. Do not wear a camisole or see through blouse. Accessories: Jewelry should be keep minimal and conservative. Remove all facial

piercing except earrings. Follow one of the following rules when accessorizing for an

interview. The 5 Piece Rule: Wear only 5 accessories - earrings count as 2; watch

counts as 3, allowing 2 additional accessories, or The 13 Piece rule: Wear only 13 accessories remembering to count

each button on your suit front and sleeves as individual pieces. Regardless which rule you follow, the meaning is clear, do not over


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Women's Interview Attire - Fit in, don't stand out!

Make-up and Grooming: Makeup should be natural looking, better toned down

than so loud that they remember your eye shadow, but not you.

Nails should be clean and manicured, avoid overly long fingernails and nail art.

Nail polish and lip color should not be too trendy or bright.

Hair should be clean, neat in appearance. Perfume should be applied very lightly, if at all. A good

soap and antiperspirant will allow the interviewer to remember you, not your scent.

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Dos and Don’ts for Women:Dos Always look professional Dress for the audience, the

circumstance, the corporate culture, and yourself

Wear clothes that fit Make sure your clothes are

pressed Keep jackets buttoned (formal) Err on the side of conservative Keep your hair neat and


Mild (or no) fragrances Wear heels (up to 1 1/2" to 2"),

with a high vamp, with formal attire

Hose should be skin color or darker (carry an extra pair when presenting)

Conservative business make-up, stressing the mouth and eyes more if presenting

Check for lipstick on your teeth Simple manicure

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Dos and Don’ts for Women:Don’ts Wear clothes that talk

louder than you do Undo too many buttons

on your blouse Wear clothing that no

longer fits Wear wrinkled clothing Fabrics that have a

noticeable sheen from wear

Hair that falls in your face or obscures your eyebrows

Hair that requires continual adjustment

Fragrance that smells from a distance

ID badges when you're presenting

Busy patterns Anything too bright, tight,

sheer or short Toe cleavage (open-toed

shoes) Heels so high you're


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Dos and Don’ts for Women:Don’ts

Light hose or light shoes

Too much makeup Wear big, shiny

buckles or jewelry Earrings that are

large or dangle Bangle bracelets (or

else anything noisy)

NEVER, EVER, EVER wear anything that even remotely shows your belly, waist or back. If you can’t raise your arms without your belly showing, CHANGE YOUR SHIRT!!!!

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“Dos and Don’ts” for MenDos: Always look professional Dress for the audience,

the circumstance, the corporate culture, and yourself

Wear clothes that fit Make sure your clothes

are pressed Keep jackets buttoned

(formal) Err on the side of


Keep your hair neat and trimmed

No hair in eyes Mild (or no) fragrances Ties should be

conservative and reach the middle of your belt buckle

Lace-up shoes (usually black) with a suit

A traditional starched business shirt, preferably white cotton with a suit

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“Dos and Don’ts” for MenDos:

Shirts with a simple collar and cuffs

A formal but simple watch

Hair, usually parted to one side, not reaching the top of your shirt collar

Over-the-calf socks

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“Dos and Don’ts” for MenDon’ts: Undo multiple buttons on

your shirt Clothing that no longer

fits Wear wrinkled clothing Fabrics that have a

noticeable sheen Hair that falls in your face

or obscures your eyebrows

Hair that requires continual adjustment

Fragrance that smells from a distance

ID badges when you're presenting

Busy patterns Garish ties Sloppy facial hair (in

some organizations, any facial hair can be career-inhibiting)

Shiny tie pins or clips or big belt buckles

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“Dos and Don’ts” for MenDon’ts:

Visible jewelry (other than a watch and/or a single simple ring)

Distracting lapel pins Open top shirt button

with a tie Short-sleeved dress

shirts Short socks Loafers with a suit

“Out” in not “In” in the work place. Keep it tucked!!!

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Codes of Dress (Other Than Business)

Semi-Formal A business suit and tie for men and a business suit for women is appropriate. Semi-formal attire is appropriate for any business function where attire was not specified. Men should choose conservative ties, no cartoons or loud patterns.

Formal A dark suit and tie for men and a dressy business suit for women is appropriate. Women may also wear dresses or pantsuits. The rule is generally that the more formal the event, the more covered up a woman should dress. Take a wrap or dress jacket if you go strappy or sleeveless. Choose dress fabrics like velvet or silk which you would of course not wear to work.

Cocktail Business dress for men is always appropriate. A jacket and tie should be worn for the duration of the function. Women may choose "cocktail" suits, shorter dresses or dressy pants. The mood is generally light-hearted unless the invitation states "formal-cocktail reception" where "formal" refers to dress and "cocktail" refers to the food and beverage service.

Black Tie Typically you will receive a formal invitation for these events that will state that black tie apparel is required. A black tuxedo coat, black trousers, white tuxedo shirt, black bow tie and matching cummerbund are expected. Women should wear a formal gown, preferably long. A cocktail dress should be reserved for a cocktail style function.

White Tie This style of dress is usually reserved for very formal, typically official or government occasions. Attire consists of a long tailcoat, usually white, but black is acceptable, with matching trousers. Women are expected to wear a very formal, definitely long, gown.

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Top Ten Mistakes in Business Apparel

1. Wild nail polish (dagger nails, nail art, etc.)

2. Inappropriate jewelry (including body piercings, earrings on men, jangling jewlery of any type.)

3. Open-toed or backless shoes (no mules, clogs or sandals).

4. Bare legs or ankles—period. Save it for the pool party.

5. Bad suit (too big, little)

6. Short skirts (1-2 inches above the knee).

7. Leather jackets (depends on culture & industry).

8. Turtlenecks (risky).9. Printed or trendy

handbag (fashion risk).10. In appropriate briefcase

(Invest in a black or cordovan portfolio, then upgrade with promotions).

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Tattoo Taboo

In general, tattoos should never be visible in the work place.

The office is not the place to have blatant displays of personality.

Businesses desire their employees to reflect a company image, not a personal bulletin board.

Tattoos are generally regarded as a youthful indiscretion and can rob you of your credibility.

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Putting It All Together

Dress to be included. Be a good reflection of corporate ideals. Dress for the position you want, not the one you have. Dress consistently. Avoid the trap of “Casual Fridays.” Always be

ready to meet your boss’ boss. Less is more. Not too fashionable, too complicated, too flashy.

Strive for understated elegance—men & women. Finishing touches make the difference. Pay attention to the details:

ties, tasteful jewelry, shined shoes, proper hosiery, handbags, wallets, belts.

If your hair (and makeup) are outdated, so are you. The ability to be aware of fashion trends, but not a slave to them, demonstrates a balanced lifestyle and awareness of the environment.

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Final Thoughts on Apparel

NEVER under estimate the power of first impressions. People make assumptions about you based on your appearance at your first meeting.

You are more likely to receive better service, command more respect, and get what you want if you are dressed and speak appropriately for your surroundings.

Conservative colors are always safest. Shades of blue and gray are best. Black can be too serious, brown too casual.

ALWAYS make sure that your underwear stays under your wears. Never, never adjust your underwear in public.

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Definition: The manner in which one conducts oneself. Synonym: Bearing

The 4 elements of deportment are: Posture Body Language Attitude Eye contact

Body language and eye contact will be covered in the “Communications” lecture.

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International Etiquette expert Adeodata Czink of Business of Manners agrees that posture is one of the most important elements of how a person looks and feels. She advises her clients to try to "be as tall as you can be." When you stand up tall and relax your shoulders, you will appear more healthy and confident. People will feel this healthy confidence and respond to it, and you will therefore be creating a more positive experience for yourself.

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Correct Posture

Correct Posture starts with a conscious effort to hold the Posture of the body in a straight line. The spine should be straight all the way up your back and up through the top of your head. The head should be parallel to the sky. It may help to visualize a string coming down from the ceiling that attaches to the top of the back of the head like a puppet, which allows their shoulders and back muscles to relax and hang down from the spine. This visualization is only a technique that may be helpful in discovering a Straight Posture. Keeping the back straight does not mean that to force the back into a straight position; however, it does mean to let the back find its own upright position.

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Poor Posture

While good posture reflects confidence and capability, poor posture reflects a lack of confidence, poor self-esteem, and lack of self-discipline.

Poor posture leads to fatigue, stress, and back pain.

Slouching, while sitting, standing, or walking, is considered lazy and demonstrates a lack of respect—for one’s self and for one’s audience.

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Sitting, Standing, and Walking

The proper way to sit (in a public setting): Approach the chair, stand in front of it with back of legs touching chair;

lower self to sit in middle of seat; push bottom to back of seat. Keep feet on floor (preferably both). Don’t slouch. To stand from a seated position, scoot to middle of seat again; use legs

to slowly rise to standing position. Avoid using arms. When standing (as in conversation), avoid infringing on other

person’s personal space. Keep feet no more than shoulder-width apart.

When walking, ensure that toes are pointed straight ahead (not pointed in or out). Touch down with the heel (without stomping), roll through the foot, and push off with the toes. Allow hands to swing gently, in counter-point to legs. Walk purposefully—not too fast or too slowly. Never drag your heels. Do not wear heels (male or female) that clomp or echo. Ladies, never wear heels that you can’t walk in gracefully and, if needed, quickly.

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Practice Point

Practice proper sitting and standing, using good posture.

Evaluate walking style.

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Professionalism: It all comes down to attitude A true professional radiates competence and confidence. A professional keeps his/her personal business personal. A professional is always positive, focused, and energetic. A professional avoids engaging in or repeating gossip. A professional always maintains the highest levels of

honesty and integrity. A professional never compromises his/her

professionalism by engaging in risky behaviors outside of the work place.

A professional is a role-model.

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