Page 1: Driver’s Education Chapter 15 Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving

Driver’s Education

Chapter 15

Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving

Page 2: Driver’s Education Chapter 15 Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving

Effects of Alcohol on Driving Safety

Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in our society today.

By far the most frequently used drug in fatally injured drivers.

All states now enforce a minimum driving age is 21, laws against underage drinking are more strictly and more vigorously enforced now than ever.

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Alcohol Facts

Alcohol – is the commonly used term for the chemical substance ethanol, grain alcohol, or ethyl alcohol.

Alcohol is the product of the fermentation of fruits, grains, and other plants.

Alcohol is classified as a drug because of the effects on the CNS.

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Alcohol Facts Younger people who drink and drive are

involved in twice as many fatal crashes as people over 21.

Drivers aged 16-20 are more likely to be alcohol-impaired than any other group.

Nearly half of those killed in alcohol-related collisions had not been drinking, but were victims of drunk drivers.

More than half of all fatalities during holidays are alcohol-related.

Driving under the influence: -Impairs judgment -Impairs senses -Slows reaction time -Impairs coordination -Impairs balance -Impairs vision -Impairs ability to judge distance

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How Alcohol Affects Behaviors

Just one drink can affect a person’s behavior, both mentally, and physically.

The same amount of alcohol does not affect people the same way.

The best way to avoid changes in behavior is to abstain from drinking.




Body Weight in Pounds

100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

1 .04 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02

2 .08 .06 .05 .05 .04 .04 .03 .03

3 .11 .09 .08 .07 .06 .06 .05 .05

4 .15 .12 .11 .09 .08 .08 .07 .06

5 .19 .16 .13 .12 .11 .09 .09 .08

6 .23 .19 .16 .14 .13 .11 .10 .09

7 .26 .22 .19 .16 .15 .13 .12 .11

8 .30 .25 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14 .13

9 .34 .28 .24 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14

10 .38 .31 .27 .23 .21 .19 .17 .16

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Mental Abilities and Alcohol

Alcohol is absorbed directly and quickly into the bloodstream through the walls and linings of the digestive tract.

Once alcohol enters the bloodstream, it quickly flows to the brain.

Judgment and Reason – the two most critical skills needed by a driver, become impaired.

Physical abilities become impaired soon afterward.

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Judgment and Reason

Euphoria – false feeling of well-being. Because alcohol distorts vision, visual

search patterns can be effected. Alcohol weakens a person inhibitions, the

inner forces that restrain or hold back one’s impulsive behavior.

The more you drink, the greater your chances of causing an accident are…

At a BAC of .05, the risk of causing an accident…


At a BAC of .10, the risk of causing an accident is…

6 times as great

At a BAC of .15, the risk of causing an accident is…

25 times as great

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Physical Abilities

Alcohol effects the area of the brain that controls muscular movement, reflexes, and balance.

Impaired drivers may take more time to process dangerous situations when driving.

Alcohol slows reflexes and reaction time, muscular coordination becomes slow and clumsy.

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Seeing and Speaking Abilities

Impairment occurs in visual acuity, peripheral vision, night vision, color vision, and depth perception.

The reaction of the pupil is impaired, so when approached by bright lights, the pupil does not become small rapidly. This cause you to temporarily blind.

You will also see multiple images.

Alcohol can also effect speech. Speech may become slurred

and fuzzy, it may also fail to convey meaning.

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Alcohol in the Body

Blood Alcohol Concentration(BAC) – the amount of alcohol in the blood.

Each drink you have adds about .02 to .03 % to the persons BAC.

In New Jersey it is illegal for a motorist 21 and older with a BAC of .08 or higher to drive.

For motorist younger than 21, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of .01 or higher.

How does alcohol effect the body?

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Amount of Alcohol in a Drink

The term “proof” describes the strength of liquor.

Divide a liquors proof number by 2 to determine its % of alcohol.

A 100-proof liquor is about 50% alcohol.

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Factors Affecting BAC

Amount of alcohol consumed – the more a person drinks, the higher the BAC.

Amount of time over which the alcohol is consumed – BAC rises if only short periods of time elapse between drinks.

Person’s body weight – a heavier person may be affected less by the same amount of alcohol as a smaller person.

To a lesser degree, some types of food in the stomach my slow the rate at which alcohol is absorbed.

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Control Drinking

Responsible people can limit their drinking by taking the following actions.

Get involved in other activities. Put a limit on how many drinks you are going to

have and stick to it. Avoid drinks with high alcohol concentration. Drink slowly, try not to have more then one drink

per hour. Be aware of your physical and mental behaviors.

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Controlling Impairment

Alcohol continues to circulate throughout the body until it is oxidized and removed by the liver.

The body rids itself of alcohol at a rate of one standard drink every hour.

Only Time can reduce the person’s BAC and that person’s degree of impairment.





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Myths on Alcohol That are Not True

I can sober up by drinking black coffee, taking a cold shower, or doing exercises.

One drink won’t hurt me. I will not be affected because I am only drinking

beer. I can driver better after a few drinks. A younger person can not become a problem


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Drinking and Driving

Designated Driver – one way to reduce the risk involved with drinking and driving is to appoint a person ahead of time who will not drink.

Here’s what can happen if you don’t have a designated driver…

Could you live with yourself if you did this…

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Other Drugs and Driving

Over-the Counter Medicines – drugs that can be obtained legally without a doctor’s prescription. Check the label for warnings of how it might affect driving.

Prescription Medicines – a drug that can be purchased legally only when ordered by a doctor.

Depressants – a drug that can slow down the central nervous system. Cause driver to become relaxed when driving and react slowly to hazards.

Examples: sleeping pills, alcohol, tranquilizers Stimulants – a drug that can speed up, or stimulate the CNS.

Some drivers misuse these drugs to stay awake while driving long distances. After the high wears off, you will become very tired quickly.

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These are unpredictable mind-altering drugs that can alter personality and cause panic or terror. They distort sense of direction, distance, and time.

Marijuana – is a powerful mind-altering drug. It can impair judgment, memory, depth perception, and coordination.

Effect can last for a long time, even after you think the effects have worn off.

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Combining Drugs

You should never combine drugs without consulting a doctor.

Using alcohol while taking other drugs can be very dangerous.

The effect of both drugs can be multiplied, rather then just added together.

Driving a vehicle after taking certain medication and drinking alcohol is neither wise nor legal.

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Traffic Laws Governing Use of Alcohol

Implied Consent Law – means that anyone who receives a driver’s license automatically consents to be tested for BAC and other drugs if stopped for suspicion of drug use when driving.

Driving While Intoxicated – driving while having a BAC of .08 or higher.

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Mandatory Sanctions

21 and older with BAC over .08 or higher. (First offense only) 3 month driving privilege suspension. $250 - $400 fine 12 – 48 hours in an intoxicated driver resource center. (IDRC) Up to 30 day imprisonment. $75 per day IDRC fee. $100 drunk driving fee. $100 alcohol education, rehabilitation and enforcement fund

fee. $1,000 annual surcharge for three years. $75 safe neighborhood services fund fee.

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Mandatory Sanctions

Under 21 with BAC of .01 or higher. (first offense only) 7 months to 1 year driving privilege suspension. $300 - $500 fine. 12 – 48 hours in an IDRC. Up to 30 days imprisonment. $75 per day IDRC fee. $100 drunk driving fund fee. $100 alcohol education, rehabilitation and enforcement

fund fee. $1,000 annual surcharge for three years. $75 safe neighborhood services fund fee.

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Breath Test Refusal

An April 2004 state law made the refusal to submit to a breath test equivalent to driving with a BAC of .08 for the first offense.

Intoxilyzer – the breath-test machine most commonly used to determine BAC.

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Field Sobriety Testing

Law officers may give a Field Sobriety Test when they suspect a driver of a DUI.

These are roadside test that help an officer detect driver impairment.

The inability to perform two tasks at once is called divided-attention impairment.

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