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… writing slogans on the various en-vironmental problems caused by the excessive consumption of water . . . dd4


In the afternoon, we organized a boat trip , which showed the old quarters of Livorno, together with the two fortresses, symbols of our city. . .dd6

...the students of the various nations held their presentations related to the theme of the meeting , show-ing the work they had carried out.

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Questo è il quinto meeting del Come-nius Project My River My Life. Questo progetto è a livello internazionale dato che coinvolge sette diverse nazioni e otto scuole diverse: Svezia, Portogallo, Spagna, Romania, Lettonia, Lituania e ovviamente l'Italia. Per adesso sono stati organizzati cinque meeting rispettiva-mente in Romania, Svezia, Spagna (solo i professori), Lituania e successivamente in Italia, l'ultimo meeting è previsto per maggio/giugno 2014 e sarà in Porto-gallo.Avendo partecipato con immensa dedizione al nostro incontro, vogliamo parlarne cercando di trasmettere tutte le emozioni che questa esperienza ci ha do-nato. Il tema di questo meeting è stato inerente al legame che ci può essere fra l'acqua dei nostri fiumi e la tecnologia che ci permetterebbe di utilizzarla al

meglio per poter soddisfare i bisogni en-ergetici dell'umanità. Nel corso di questi cinque giorni, abbiamo partecipato a molte attività inerenti l'argomento. I ragazzi stranieri con i rispettivi profes-sori sono arrivati il giorno giovedì 20/03 ed il primo punto di incontro è stato la nostra scuola, dove abbiamo potuto cenare tutti insieme, permettendo ai partecipanti al progetto di apprezzare la cucina livornese e italiana. E' stata l' occasione per tutti noi di conoscerci per la prima volta e di stare tutti insieme, incrementando le nostre conoscenze della lingua inglese facendo anche giochi di gruppo nel giardino della scuola.Il giorno seguente i ragazzi di ogni nazione hanno potuto esporre le pro-prie presentazioni inerenti al tema del meeting, mostrando anche alcuni lavori precedentemente svolti nella nazione di

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appartenenza. Durante il pomeriggio ci siamo divisi in gruppi e abbiamo lavorato per il World Water Day che si sarebbe te-nuto il giorno seguente, scrivendo alcuni slogan riguardanti le varie problematiche ambientali causate dall'eccessivo con-sumo di acqua. La sera, noi del gruppo Comenius, siamo stati invitati a casa di Marta dove ci siamo divertiti molto. Il sabato, giornata mondiale dell'acqua, abbiamo tenuto una presentazione degli slogan creati il giorno precedente e suc-cessivamente abbiamo assistito ad una conferenza sulla storia di Livorno. Inoltre siamo andati in visita al Cisternone dove i ragazzi hanno potuto osservare la grande cisterna di acqua che alimenta la nostra città. Avendo alcune ore libere abbiamo portato i nostri ospiti al mer-cato centrale e successivamente ci siamo divisi in piccoli gruppi ed ognuno di

questi ha fatto un itinerario improvvisato facendo osservare le principali attrazioni della città agli stranieri. Nel pomeriggio è stata organizzata una gita in battello, che ha illustrato i vecchi quartieri di Livorno, insieme alle due fortezze, sim-boli della nostra città.In serata abbiamo cenato tutti insieme in un locale tipico della zona portuale e in seguito, tutto il team è andato in discoteca.La domenica mattina è stata la volta del trekking nella Valle del Chioma, dove i visitatori hanno potuto osservare il corso del torrente, che nasce dal Monte Mag-giore e sfocia nel porto di Quercianella. Per pranzare tutti gli studenti si sono recati a Castiglioncello, dove gli stran-ieri hanno potuto apprezzare altri piatti tipici della nostra cucina. Nel pomeriggio, l'intera equipe si è recata a Pisa dove si

è divisa in gruppi e ognuno di questi ha fatto visitare la città agli ospiti stranieri.Domenica sera il gruppo Comenius è stato invitato a un compleanno di due ragazzi del team e italiani e stranieri si sono divertiti tantissimo a ballare.Come ultimo giorno, la comitiva si è riunita per lavorare alla stesura di un articolo che riassumesse le cinque gior-nate del meeting livornese del Comenius 2014, in tutte le lingue delle nazioni che hanno preso parte all'esperienza europea.Il progetto è stato interessante sia dal punto di vista scolastico che da quello umano poiché ognuno di noi ha con-osciuto a fondo gli ospiti stranieri, e questo è solo l'inizio di quella che si spera possa essere un'amicizia che varca ogni confine europeo perchè queste sono esperienze che si ricordano tutta la vita.

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This is the fifth meeting of the Comenius Project “Water: the Life of My River My Life “. This project is an international project as it involves seven different countries and eight different schools : Sweden, Portugal , Spain, Romania, Lat-via, Lithuania and Italy of course. Up to five meetings have been held respective-ly in Romania, Sweden , Spain ( teachers only ), Lithuania and in Italy , the last meeting is scheduled for May 2014 and it will be in Portugal.Having participated with immense dedi-cation to our meeting , we want to talk about all the emotions that this experi-ence has given us. The theme of this meeting is the link that there should be between the water of our rivers and the technology that could allow us to use it better in order to produce the energy

humanity needs. During these five days, we have taken part in many activities related to the topic. The foreign students with their teachers arrived on Thursday, 20 of March and the first meeting point was at our school , where we all had dinner together , allowing project par-ticipants to appreciate Livorno cuisine. It was the opportunity for all of us to meet each other for the first time and spend time together , increasing our knowl-edge of the English language, also doing group games in the school garden .The next day the students of the various nations held their presentations related to the theme of the meeting , showing the work they had carried out. During the afternoon we split into groups and we worked for the World Water Day, that would have been the following day

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, writing slogans on the various environ-mental problems caused by the exces-sive consumption of water. In the evening , the Comenius group , was invited to Marta's house where we enjoyed ourselves a lot. On Saturday , World Water Day , we held a presenta-tion of the slogans created the previous day and then we listened to a presenta-tion about the history of Livorno. We also went on a visit to Cisternone where the students observed the large tank of water that feeds our city . Having some free time we took our guests to the cen-tral market and then we split into small groups and each of them showed our foreign friends the main attractions of the city . In the afternoon, we organized a boat trip , which showed the old quar-ters of Livorno, together with the two

fortresses, symbols of our city.In the evening we all had dinner to-gether at a local restaurant in the port area and then , the whole team went to the disco.On Sunday morning it was time for the trekking to the Chioma valley , where visitors were able to observe the course of the river , which originates from Monte Maggiore and flows into the port of Quercianella . For lunch all the students went to Castiglioncello , where our guests were able to appreciate other typical dishes of our cuisine. In the afternoon , the whole team went to Pisa, where it was divided into groups and each of them had the possibility to visit the city .On Sunday evening the Comenius group was invited to a party of two guys that

were in the team and Italians and for-eigners had lots of fun while dancing .As the last day, the group has come together to work on writing an article summarizing the five days of the meet-ing of the Comenius meeting in Livorno, and all the articles were written in all the languages of the nations that took part in the European experience .The project was interesting from the educational point of view and from the human one, as everyone has made friends with the foreign guests , and this is just the beginning of what will hope-fully be a friendship that crosses all the European borders, because these are experiences that you will remember all your life long .

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Quinta-feira, 20 de março, chegámos a uma terra longínqua chamada Livorno. Viemos para a escola e conhecemos várias pessoas de diferentes países e nacionalidades. O grupo italiano rece-beu-nos com belos pratos tradicionais, essencialmente pizza e massa (muito...mesmo muito boa!).No dia seguinte, após um grande mo-mento musical pelos alunos do instituto musical Mascagni, os alunos iniciaram as suas apresentações acerca do tema do projeto COMENIUS. As apresenta-ções continuaram ao longo do dia, após uma visita às instalações do instituto. No final do dia, tivemos tempo para nos debruçarmos sobre o problema mun-dial do desperdício de água, durante a realização de um workshop. O resultado final desta reflexão foi uma mensagem universal numa garrafa (”message in a bottle”), um pedido de socorro ao mun-do. Como recompensa ao nosso trabalho durante a tarde, à noite pudemos usu-fruir de um agradável jantar em Monten-ero, com uma magní-fica vista sobre a cidade de Livorno e o Mar Mediterrâneo.No sábado, para celebrarmos o Dia da Água, começámos a manhã com uma breve conferência sobre a importância da água em Livorno, seguida de uma visita ao maior reservatório de água em Livorno - Cisternone. Durante a pausa para almoço, comemos um snack típico

chamado Scagliozzi no mercado local e ainda tivemos tempo para passear pela Terrazza Mascagni. Mais tarde, os alunos puderam desfrutar de um passeio de barco pelos canais de Venezia. Tivemos ainda um fabuloso jantar no restaurante ”Alcatraz” com todos os estudantes do COMENIUS.Domingo de manhã, visitámos Valle del Chioma e, enquanto estávamos no au-tocarro, pudemos observar a magnífica costa da Toscânia. Em Castiglioncello, comemos as sanduíches e os gelados mais saborosos de sempre (apesar do tempo estar um pouco frio). À tarde, realizámos uma visita a uma das cidades mais históricas de Itália - Pisa. Na ci-dade, pudemos tirar fotografias incríveis com a famosa Torre Inclinada e comprar algumas lembranças. Alguns de nós en-traram na Catedral e no Baptistério.Nestes últimos dias, para além dos aspetos culturais, tivemos uma das mais incríveis aventuras das nossas vidas. Ganhámos não só conhecimento cultural e histórico mas também fizemos imen-sas amizades com pessoas de diversos países, uma experiência que não esque-ceremos. Esta fantástica jornada não irá acabar tão cedo pois, apesar de termos aterrado numa terra longínqua, despedimo-nos de uma terra e de pessoas que estão agora no nosso coração.

Livorno: uma aventura numa terra não tão distante

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Thursday, March 20th we arrived in a far away land called Livorno. We came to the Italian school and met different kinds of people from different countries and nationalities. The Italian team welcomed us with nice dishes of traditional Ital-ian food and we had plenty of pizza and pasta (really liked it... really good).On the following day, after a great musical moment by the students of the musical institute Moscagni, the students participating oIn COMENIUS started the presentations of their projects on the topic “Water & Technology”. The presentations contin-ued throughout the day, after a short visit to the school’s premises and labs. At the end of the day, we had time to think about the global problem of water waste, during a workshop. The final result of this reflection was a universal message in a bottle, a call to help the world. As a reward of our work during the evening, at night we could enjoy a pleasant dinner in Montenero, with a wonderful view over Livorno and the Mediterranean Sea. On Saturday, in order to celebrate the Water Day, we started our morning with a brief conference about the importance of the water in Livorno, followed by a visit to the major water reservoir in Livorno – Cisternone. During the lunch break, we had a typical snack called

Scagliozzi in the lo- cal market. We still had time to walk along Ter-razza Mascagni. Later, the students could enjoy a boat trip through the canals of Venezia (Livorno). We also had an amaz-ing dinner at the restaurant “Alcatraz” with all the COMENIUS’ students.Sunday morning, we visited Valle del Chioma and, while on the bus, we were able to watch the magnificent coast of Tuscany. In Castiglioncello, we had the tastiest sandwiches and ice creams ever (although the weather was a bit cold). In the afternoon, we went on a trip to one of the most famous cities in Italy – Pisa. In the city, we took some pictures with the famous Leaning Tower and bought some souvenirs. Some of us also visited the Cathedral and the Baptistery.In these last few days, besides the cultural aspects, we had one of the most amazing adventures of our lives. We gained not only cultural knowledge but also made lots of friends from different countries, an experience we will never forget.This fantastic journey will not end so soon because, although we have landed on a far away land, we said goodbye to a land and people that are now in our hearts.

Livorno: Adventure in a not so far away

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Una de les coses que ens ha sorprès més es la gran quantitat de motos que hi han a la ciutat de Livorno. De fet és la ciutat en que hi més motos en tot Itàlia. La circulació d’aquí la ciutat és molt diferent que a Catalunya. La gent va més a la seva, i pot ser més perillós.El menjar, tot i que som països veïns i utilitzem els mateixos aliments, és completament més gustós. Sobretot cal destacar la pasta. Com ja es co-neix, la pasta a Itàlia és molt famosa, i realment quan la tastes és boníssima i completament diferent a com la cuinem a Catalunya. La ciutat és força antiga, i la gent amb la que hem compartit aquests dies és molt agradable. Hem visitat el mercat, i és enorme. El ”Cisternone” és el lloc on es

One of the most surprised things for us, is the great quantity of motorbikes that there are in the city of Livorno. In fact is the city that are more motorbikes of all Italy. The circulation of the city is very different than Catalunya. The people goes faster and it can be dangerous.The food, although we are neighbour countries and we use the same grocer-ies, is completely testier than Catalunya. How is already know, the pasta in Italy is very famous and when you eat it, you can check it’s the best pasta that you have ever tasted. It’s completely differ-ent than Catalunya.The city is quite old, and the people that we shared the last days are very friendly. We visited the market and it is huge. The “Cisternone” is a deposit



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distribuiex l’aigua de tot un0Una de les ultimes rutes de turisme ha sigut Pisa. Com tothom que visita Pisa, ens vam fer la típica foto aguantant la torre. Cal destacar que els bars que hi ha allà són molt més cars, i que fins i tot s’ha de pagar per anar al lavabo. Hi ha llegendes sobre la catedral, com per exemple que en una paret de la catedral hi ha unes empremtes de l’arquitecte (perquè creia que era massa perfecte) en que si les comtes de baix a dalt i de-sprés de d’alt a baix et surt un numero diferent cada vegada.Ens ha fet molta il•lusió poder participar en el Comenius i poder conèixer a molta gent nova. És una gran experiència per a nosaltres que no oblidarem mai.

that function is distributed all water of Livorno.The last trip of Tourism it was Pisa. Like everybody that visit Pisa, we did a photo supporting the tower. It should be note the bars are very expensive and even you have to pay for the Toilette. There are legends about the cathedral. For example, in one wall of the cathedral there are marks made by the finger of the architect (because he believed that it was so perfect) that if you count from bottom to top and after you count from top to bottom will get a different number of marks.We are very thrill to participate in the Comenius and meet a lot of new people. It’s a very good experience for us, and we are never forgetting.

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L’energia hidroelèctrica del riu TerComencem amb una mica d’història:

Edifici de Can SanglasCan Sanglas és una de les fàbriques cotoneres més antigues de Manlleu, i és una de les primeres fàbriques del Ter. Les primeres fàbriques, eren molt senzilles, on hi havia les màquines (de fusta), i mogudes per l’impuls d’una roda hidràulica. Can Sanglas té dos espais energètics alimentats per ramals diferents del canal industrial de Manlleu. Aquesta fàbrica va ser la primera del Ter mitjà on s’hi va instal•lar una turbina Fontaine al 1860 que encara funciona. També té un altre turbina Francis, que aquesta va substitu-ir una antiga turbina Fontaine de 1888. Al 2004 s’hi va instal•lar un alternador per la producció d’electricitat.

El canal industrial de ManlleuEl canal de Manlleu neix a la resclosa de la Teula, i alimentava en el seu tram superior un molí fariner des de 1659. La fàbrica Can Sanglas està al final del recorregut. El desnivell total és de 8,27 metres, l’amplada mitjana de 6,5 metres, de fondària fa 2 metres i el seu cabal màxim d’aigua és de 8.000l/s.

Energia hidràulica L’aigua i el carbó eren els fonaments energètics per al desenvolupament in-dustrial al segle XIX. Les turbines hidràuliques van substituir les rodes hidràuliques, i es feien ser-vir per obtenir energia necessària per moure les màquines de la filatura, i més endavant per obtenir electricitat. A can Sanglas, s’hi va instal•lar la primera turbina hidràulica de la conca del Ter. Era una turbina Fontaine, d’una potència de 8,8 KW. Amb la inundació de 1940, va quedar malmesa i va quedar aturada fins 2007. La segona turbina, també Fontaine de 14,7 KW, va ser sub-stituïda per una turbina Francis al 1929. La turbina Francis i les turbines de Tres Fàbriques, es poden regular a distància des dels serveis tècnics de l’ajuntament de Manlleu.Turbina Fontaine: és d’origen francès, també anomenada got-a-perxes, és una turbina adaptada a rius de règim medi-terrani irregulars. Té un regulador que ajusta el nombre de forats d’entrada de l’aigua a les fluctuacions del cabal. Turbina Francis: està dissenyada per un enginyer britànic, James Bicheno Fran-

cis. Les turbines d’aquest tipus estan dissenyades per a rius cabalosos i de poca pendent.

Centrals del RiuBé, ara us explicaré la producció sobre el riu Ter i començo amb les vuit centrals hidroelèctriques que hi ha al llarg del riu.La potència total de totes les centrals del riu es al voltant de 150MW i això es el 6.49% de tota la producció hidroelèc-trica.

Les Centrals més importants.Bé, les Centrals més importants són Susqueda i Sau, i la més gran es Susqueda. Té més potencia que Sau. El Susqueda té 85.79MW i Sau 55,56MW això vol dir que el Susqueda te un 36.2% més potència que el pantà de Sau.

Central de SusquedaD’acord. Seguim amb el pantà de SusquedaObjectiuEl principal objectiu del pantà de Susqueda es generar electricitat, tant com proveir aigua de boca a les àrees de Girona i Barcelona i també regula l’aigua del riu abans que desemboqui al mar Mediterrani.

GeologiaL’àrea on la presa està situada te relativament una alta activitat sísmica comparant amb la poca activitat trobada a Catalunya. En l’últim segle en alguns moments s’ha recordat una activitat en-tre III i V a l’esca de Mercalli. Aquestes circumstàncies van ser incloses amb els càlculs de l’estructura de la presa.La presaLa presa va ser construïda entre el 1963 i el 1967 i es tipus arc. La seva alçada es de 357m.L’estacióConsisteix amb dos torres de més de 100m d’altura i 12m de diàmetre; una d’elles te quatre entrades a diferents nivells, per seleccionar l’aigua que es pot fer servir per beure, mentre que la segona es on es troba el “”gat””, la diversificació i la producció d’energia.Els generadors principals son dos eixos verticals de tipus Francis sincronitzats amb dos alternadors girant a 366rpm, amb una potencia total de 73MW. L’energia de sortida total es d’uns 180GWh.Funcions EspecialsUna cosa que considerem especial sobre la presa es que hi ha dos sales per finalitats didàctiques com també admirar l’arquitectura de la feina

Som l’equip de Palamós: en Miquel i la Clàudia.

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Hydroelectric energy in the river TerWe start talking about history:

Can Sanglas buldingCan Sanglas is one of the oldest cotton factories in Manlleu, and it is one of the first factories by the river Ter. The first factories were very simple, they had wood machines, and they moved by the impulse of a hydraulic wheel.Can Sanglas has two areas of energy which were fed by different splits of Manlleu industrial canal. This factory was the first factory of the river Ter which had installed a Fontaine turbine, in 1860 and it is still working now. Can Saglas has also another turbine, a Francis one. In 2004 they installed an alternator to produce electricity.

The Manlleu industrial canal The Manlleu’s canal was born in Teja’s lock, and fed the upper section of a flour mill from 1659. On the other hand Can Sanglas is at the end of the route river’s.The total slope is 8,27 meters, the aver-

age width is of 6,5 meters, a depth of 2 meters and maximum flow of water is 8.000l/s (eight thousand liters per second)

Hydraulic energyWater and coal were the components for industrial evolution in the nineteenth century. The turbines were replaced by water wheels, and this was used for energy which was needed to move the spinning machines. Some time later it changed for electricity.Can Sanglas was the first to install a hy-draulic turbine in the Ter basin. Fontaine was a turbine, with a power of 8,8 KW. With the flood of 1940, it was damaged and came to a stop in 2007. The second turbine, also a Fontaine of 14,7 KW, was replaced in 1929 by a Francis turbine. The Francis turbine can be adjusted re-motely from the technical services of the City of Manlleu. Fontaine Turbine: it is of French origin, also called glass-to-hangers, a turbine adapted to irregular Mediterranean rivers regime. It has a regulator that adjusts the number of entry holes of water flow fluctuations. Francis turbine: it is designed by a Brit-ish engineer, James Bicheno Francis. The turbines of this type are designed for rivers and big shallow slopes.

Centrals of the riverOkay, I’m going to talk about the pro-duction of the Ter River and I begin with the eight hydroelectric centrals that there are along of the Ter River.The total power of the all centrals of the river Is about 150Mw and this is the 6,49% of all the hydroelectric power of Catalunya.

Most important CentralsWell, the most important Centrals are Susqueda and Sau, and the biggest one is Susqueda. It has more power than Sau. Susqueda has 85,79MW and Sau 55,56MW this means that Susqueda has about 36.2% more power than Sau.

Susqueda CentralOkay, let’s go with the Susqueda CentralObjectiveThe main objective of the Susqueda Reservoir is to generate electricity, as well as supplying drinking water for the Girona and Barcelona Areas and also to regulate the river water before it dis-charges into the Mediterranean Sea.GeologyThe area where the dam is situated has a relatively high seismic activity com-paring with the low activity found in Catalunya. Over the last century several moments have been recorded between degrees III and V on the Mercalli scale. This circumstances were included in the calculations made for the structure of the dam.The Dam The dam was built between 1963 and 1967 and It’s type of vault. It height is 357m The StationConsists of two towers over 100m high and 12 in diameter; one of them has four inlets at different levels, to select the water to be used for drinking-water supplies, while the second one is where the gat, diversion and power cofferdam is located.The initial generators are two vertical-axles Frances units, coupled to synchro-nous alternators rotating at 366 rpm, with a power rating of 73MW. The total power output has an average year of 180 GWhSpecial WorksSomething we consider special about the dam is that there are two rooms for di-dactic purposes or others such as simply admiring the architecture of the work.

We are the team from Palamós: Miquel and Clàudia.

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Comenius ProjektsLatvijaComenius projekts ir starptautisks pro-jekts, kurš saved kopā septiņas vals-tis: Latviju, Itāliju, Lietuvu, Portugāli, Spāniju, Rumāniju un Zviedriju. Šogad mūsu tēma ir “Mana upe...mana dzīve”. Viss sākās ar mazu konkursu mūsu skolā Latvijā – Babītes vidusskolā. Angļu valodas skolotāja kopā ar skolas direktori izvēlējās divus skolēnus, kuri pārstāvēs mūsu skolu un dzimteni – Latviju, Itālijā. Visiem, kuri gribēja piedalīties projektā vajadzēja uzrakstīt mazu savas idejas aprakstu par tēmu “Mana upe...mana dzīve”. Mana un Edvarda izvēlētā upe ir Lielupe, un mēs domājām kā izmantot tās straumi, lai iegūtu elektrību videi draudzīgā veidā. Mēs izvēlējāmies Tocar-do turbīnu, jo ar tās palīdzību var iegūt ļoti daudz elektrību, un tā ir ekoloģiski labvēlīga videi. Mūsu ceļojums sākās Rīgā (Latvijas galvaspilsētā), kur mēs ar lidmašīnu nokļuvām Romā, un no Romas uz Pizu. Pizas lidostā mūs sagaidīja Federico, kurš aizveda mūs uz mūsu Livorno viesģimenēm. Mūsu nedēļa Livorno

latvija[ ]

sākās ar iepazīšanās vakariņām, lai mums būtu iespēja iepazīt vienam otru. Nākamā diena – piektdiena bija visnozīmīgākā diena, jo mums bija jāprezentē mūsu darbs visiem projekta dalībniekiem. Mēs bijām satraukušies, bet viss norita ļoti labi labās atmosfēras un draudzīgo cilvēku dēļ. Pēc prezentācijas mēs apskatījām un iepazinām Instituto Tecnico Industriale Galieo Galilei. Mums abiem – Edvardam un man, ļoti patika skola, īpaši tās lielais izmērs un milzīgais labarotoriju skaits. Darba dienas beigās mēs piedalījāmies skolēnu darbnīcā, kur mēs izdomājām dažāda veida frāzes par ūdens lietošanu. Manas grupas frāze bija “Izmanto, nevis iznieko!”, bet Edvarda grupas frāze bija “Mēs gribam ūdeni, nevis eļļu!”. Pēc frāžu izdomāšanas, mēs uzrakstījām tās uz skolas sienas, veidojot kopēju zīmējumu. Pēc tam mēs nosvinējām dienas beigas pie Martas, viņas Spa-ghetti ballītē. Edvardam ballīte ļoti patika spaghetti un labās mūzikas dēļ. Nākamā diena sākās ar vakardi-enas darba prezentēšanu citiem. Pēc prezentācijām mums bija lieliska ekskursija ar kuģīti pa Livorno kanāliem. Mums abiem ļoti patika ekskursija, jo bija iespēja apskatīt Livorno skaistākās vietas. Šo dienu noslēdzām ar vakariņām

restorānā “Alcatraz”, kurš mums abiem ļoti patika skaisto telpu, atmosfēras un mūsu draugu dēļ. Pēc vakariņām mēs devāmies uz “Calafuria”, kur dejojām ar jaunajiem draugiem. Svētdiena bija, mūsuprāt, lieliskākā diena, jo mēs apmeklējām vispopulārāko un skaistāko vietu Itālijas daļā, Taskanijā – Piazza dei Miracoli. Pirms Pizas apmeklēšanas mēs apskatījām Chioma – vienīgo Livorno upi. Dienas iesākšana ar pārgājienu mežā bija lielisks veids kā pamosties un izbaudīt dabīgo Livorno dabas skaistumu un ainavas. Mēs ļoti iemīlējām Pizas torni, Svētās Marijas katedrāli un svētnīcu. Mūsu mīļākais, protams, bija Pizas tornis. Pēc tam mēs devāmies iepirkt suvenīrus un paēst pus-dienas. Dienas beigās mēs nosvinējām Simones un Lucas astoņpadsmito dzimšanas dienu. Kā dāvanu katrs no viņiem saņēma t-kreklu ar mūsu parak-stiem un sirsnīgākajiem novēlējumiem. Šodien mēs rakstām rakstu par Come-nius projektu, kuru mēs izbaudījām no visas sirds. Mūsu mīļākais šajā projektā bija: jaunu cilvēku satikšana un jaunu draugu iegūšana, skaistās Taskanijas apskatīšana, lieliskais itāļu ēdiens un vietējā vēsturiskā kultūra.

Aleksandra Medina un Edvards Likovskis, Latvija.

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Comenius Project – LatviaComenius Project “My life” is an international project which brings together eight schools from seven coun-tries: Latvia, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Romania and Sweden. Our trip to Livorno, Italy started with a competition in our school in Latvia – Babites Secondary School. The English teacher together with the headmaster chose two students who will represent our school and homeland Latvia in Italy. Everyone who wanted to take part in this project wrote a small description what is their idea about the topic technologies in the “My life”. As our school’s chosen river is Lielupe, we were think-ing about using the rivers free flow to produce electricity in an environmentally friendly way. We chose a very innovative way - Tocardo turbine, because it pro-duces lots of electricity and is environ-mentally friendly to our rivers ecosys-tem. Our suggestion won so we were the lucky ones to be chosen to make the presentation and go to Livorno.Our journey started on Thursday in Riga (the capital of Latvia) where we took a plane to Rome and then to Pisa. In the airport of Pisa we were met by Federico who introduced us to the couch driver and took us to Livorno where we were expected by our host families. Our time in Livorno started with a fantastic greet-

latvia [ ]

ing dinner so we could have a chance to get to know each other. Friday was the most important day because we had to present our work to each other. We were nervous, but every-thing went well because of the nice at-mosphere and friendly people. After the presentation we visited and got to know the studying facilities of Istituto Tecnico Industriale Galieo Galilei. Both me and Edvard loved the school, especially its enormous size and the huge amount of the labs. In the end of the school day we had a student workshop were we came up with differnet kinds of slogans about using water. My group’s slogan was “Use, don’t abuse”, but Edvards group came up with a slogan “We want water not oil.” After we finished that we wrote our slogans on the school’s wall, too. In the evening we celebrated the end of the day at Marta’s house and had a spaghet-ti party. Edvard really loved this party, because the spaghetti was great and he loved the music. Saturday started with the presenting of our work in the workshops to the whole audience. Then we had a wonderful boat trip around the chanals of Livorno. We both really enjoyed this trip – it was a chance to see the most beautiful places in Livorno from an unusual side. This day ended with a dinner in Alcatraz which we both enjoyed very much - the place was exciting and there was a great atmo-

sphere thanks all our friends. After the dinner we could not stop and went to Calafuria where we went dancing with our new friends. Sunday was our favourite day, because we went to the most popular and beauti-ful place in Tuscany – Piazza dei Miracoli. However before visiting Pisa, we went to Chioma – the river which was chosen by the Italian team. Starting the day with a walk in the forest was a great way to wake up and enjoy the natural beauty of Livorno. We loved the leaning tower of Pisa, St. Marias Cathedral and the baptisary. Our favourite, of course, was the leaning tower of Pisa. Edvards and our teachers even enjoyed the climbing up the 255 stairs and the view from the bird’s point of view. Afterwards we went for souvenire shopping and had a lunch. At the end of the day we celebrated Simones and Lucas 18th birthday. Each of them got a t-shirt with our signatures and our best wishes to them as a birth-day present.The last day we were working on an article about Comenius project which we loved really much. Our favourite things about this project were: meeting won-derful people and making new friends, visiting the beautiful Tuscany, enjoy-ing the delicious food and admiring the ancient culture of Italy.

Aleksandra Medina and Edvards Likovskis, Latvia.

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lietuva[ ]

Nepamirštamas LivornoKovo 20-25 d. Karaliaus Mindaugo pro-fesinio mokymo centro nariai lankėmės Livorno mieste (Italijoje). Čia kartu su Rumunijos, Ispanijos, Švedijos, Por-tugalijos bei Italijos mokyklų atstovais dalyvavome ES Comenius projekto „My river... my life“ susitikime. Prasminga buvo tai, kad šio susitikimo data sutapo su Pasaulinės vandens dienos paminėjimu, kuris yra kovo 22 d. Projekto dalyviai turėjo namų darbų – parengti pranešimą/pristatymą tema " Vanduo ir technologijos" , tad daugu-mos komandų pranešimai buvo susiję su vandens ir energijos panaudojimu, pateikiamos modernios technologijos, teigiami ir neigiami įvairiausių elektrinių bruožai ir kita.

Mūsų pranešimas buvo apie atsinaujinančią energiją Kaune. Pr-sitatyme mes pateikėme svarbiausią informaciją apie Kauno hidroelektrinę bei parodė filmuką, kaip veikia HE, taip pat savo apsilankymo HE momentus. Livorno mieste apsilankėme „Cister-none” (mietso vandens talpykloje). Čia yra talpinamas viso miesto geriamasis vanduo ir jei šis vaduo būtų užterštas tai visam Livorno mistui būtų sustabdy-tas vandens tiekimas. Po šios eskursi-jos kartu su kitais mokiniais sukūrėme šūkius, susijusius su vandens taupymu, ir pristatėmevisiems projekto dalyvimas bei Livorno mokyklos Istituto Tecnico Industriale Galilei mokiniams. Būdami „Comenius“projekte Italijoje kar-tu galejome pamatyt ir pajusti nuostabų Italijos gyvenimą. Labiausiai įsiminė kelionė į Pisos miestą . Matėme legen-domis apipintą „Pisa“ bokštą ,taip pat ir

paminklą vilkui, kuris kaip pasakoja leg-enda, užaugino du vaikus, kurie ir patatė šį miestą. Dar viena įsimintina kelionė buvo pasiplaukiojimas laivu po Livorno miesto kanalus. Buvo įdomu pamtyti miesto architektūrą bei išgirsti Livorno miesto susikūrimo istoriją. Ypač šiltai ir maloniai praleidome du vakarus vakarus, kai buvome paskvi-etsi pasisvečiuoti „Comenius“ pro-jekto šeimininkų namuose. Ragavome tradicinių itališkų patiekalų bei gėrimų, smagiai praleidome laiką bendraudami su bendraamžiais . Sužinojome apie dar 6 Europos šalių tradicijas, papročius, kultūrą, taip pat išmoome pasakyti kelias frazes ar žodžius jų kalba. Labai susibičiuliavome ir tapome artimi vieni kitiems. Atsisveikinimo vakarą buvo sunku suvokti, kad turime palikti šiuos nuostabius žmones, tačiau tikimes ate-ityje vėl pasimatyti!!

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lithuania [ ]

Unforgettable LivornoLivorno is a city where we had some in-teresting and unforgettable ‘‘Comenius‘‘ experience. The days which flew very fast will remain in our minds and hearts forever. The project ‘‘My river.. my life“ is very useful as it encourages people to save water resources, therefore, we are go-ing to pass this message from genera-tion to generation and to our children. Together with other “Comenius“ partners we observed the Earth Day sharing the ways how to save earth‘s resources. Very meaningful was that Word Water Day 2014 topic” Water and Energy “ coincided with the topic of our presenta-tions- Water and Technologies. Every country participating in the ‘‘Comenius“ project (Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Sweden, Italy, Portugal and Spain) gave

a presentation on water and innovative technologies that are used to protect water from pollution; the advantages and disadvantages of different hydro power plants were analysed suggesting the ways how they could be improved. Visiting Livorno “Cisternone“ water res-ervoir, we observed the Water Day along with other project partners . The reser-voir supplies drinking water to Livorno and neighbouring districts; if the water was polluted, the whole system would fail to supply water to the city. After the visit we created slogans related to water and wrote them on the school Istituto Tecnico Industriale Galilei wall.Staying in Italy within „Comenius“ proj-ect, we had an opportunity to see and feel the amazing life of Italian people. The most memorable event was a trip to Pisa. We saw the legendary Lean-ing Tower of Pisa as well as the statue of the wolf which raised two human children who consequently built the city. A boat trip along the canals of Livorno

was another unforgettable experience. Watching the magnificent architecture of Livorno, we listened to a guide telling us the history of the city.We will always remember a couple of awesome evenings when all students were invited by host families to have dinner together. We tasted traditional Italian dishes and drinks, we had a wonderful time socializing with students from other countries. It was so interest-ing to get acquainted with students from other European countries! They told us about the traditions and customs of their countries, moreover, they taught us to say a few words and phrases in their language. In fact, we have become friends with many students. When the farewell evening came, it was hard to realize that we have to part with the amazing people, but we do hope to meet them in the future!

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Kauno hidroelektrinė (KHE)

„Lietuvos energijos gamyba“, AB val-doma KHE – didžiausia atsinaujinančius išteklius naudojanti elektrinė Lietuvoje. Šiuo metu elektrinė kasmet pagamina apie 4 proc. Lietuvoje suvartojamos elektros energijos, arba daugiau kaip 40 proc. visos energijos, gaminamos šalyje naudojant atsinaujinančius išteklius. Ne-paisant nedidelės galios, KHE garantuoja Lietuvos energetinės sistemos stabilumą. • KHE galia – 100,8 MW, 4 agregatai

po 25,2 MW. • Didžiausia patvanka – 24,6 m,

slėgimo fronto ilgis – apie 1,5 km, vidutinis daugiametis debitas – 259 m³/s, vandens pralaidumas norma-liomis sąlygomis – 3030 m³/s.

• Generatorius suka 4 reaktyvinės turbinos su pasukamomis mentėmis. Pro vieną turbiną prateka iki 158 m³/s vandens (dirbant visu pajėgumu), pro visas turbinas prateka 632 m³/s vandens.

1959 m. buvo pertvenkta senoji Nemuno vaga, ties Pažaisliu išsiliejo Kauno mari-os. Hidroelektrinė apsaugo Kauno miestą nuo pavasario potvynių: tvenkinyje lieka ir ištirpsta vidurinio Nemuno ruožo ledai, iš marių imamas vanduo pramonei, laukų drėkinimui, be to, Kauno marios – puiki kauniečių poilsio vieta. 2010-aisiais KHE buvo moderni-zuota didinant energijos tiekimo patikimumą, saugumą ir efektyvumą.. KHE rekonstravimas žymiai sumažino gamtosauginę riziką, kadangi anksčiau įrengimuose naudota alyva buvo utilizuota ir pakeista ekologiška, aplinkai „draugiška“ alyva. Nauja hidroturbinų konstrukcija užtikrina saugią eksploataciją (alyva nepatenka į Nemuną). Sumontuota šiukšlių su-laikymo įranga leidžia surinkti visas atplaukiančias Nemunu šiukšles ir jas utilizuoti. Hidroelektrinė šiuo metu vykdo visus jai keliamus aplinkos apsaugos reikalavimus.

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lithuania [ ]

Kaunas Hydroelectric Power Plant (the KHPP)

Managed by "Lietuvos energijos gamy-ba“, AB Kaunas Hydroelectric Power Plant (the KHPP) is the largest power plant in Lithuania using renewable resources. Annual production currently meets 4% of total energy consumed in Lithuania (over 40% of total energy generated from renewable resources). Despite the small capacity, the KHPP ensures the stability of the Lithuanian energy system. • The KHPP capacity – 100. 8 MW, 4

units of 25. 2 MW. • The largest unit – 24.6 m, length of

pressure front – approximately 1.5 km; an average perennial discharge – 259 m³/s, water permeability un-der normal conditions – 3030 m³/s.

• 4 generators are rotated by reactive turbines with flexible blades. One turbine allows a flow of 158 m3/s of water (at maximum operational capacity), total volume of turbines -

632 m³/s of water. As the old bed of the Nemunas was dammed in 1959, the Kaunas Reservoir overflowed.

The KHPP was modernized in 2010: reliability, safety and efficiency of its energy supply were increased.. The reconstruction of the KHPP has reduced the environmental risk significantly; ecological and environmentally friendly oil has replaced the one previously used. The modern design of hydro-turbines ensures their safe exploitation (no oil enters the waters of the Nemunas). Sweeping containers allow the collection and safe disposal of rubbish from the waters of the Nemunas. Currently, the KHPP meets all the appropriate require-ments for environmental protection.

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românia[ ]

Toscana- Livorno de neuitat!Ce a însemnat acest proiect pentru noi? Ce am crezut despre acest oraș ? O experiență uimitoare. Ceva ce nu am mai simțit si probabil niciodată nu vom mai simți. A fost cu adevărat altceva. In prima zi când am ajuns am fost plăcut impresionați de tot ceea ce poate oferi acest oraș. Niciodată nu am mai văzut așa o vedere frumoasa a Marii Medit-erane. Plaja orașului Livorno este cu adevărat minunată. Chiar daca putem sa irosim pagini vorbind despre plaja, aceasta nu este tot ceea ce acest oraș poate oferi. Oferă mult mai mult. Este un oraș plin de tradiție, cultura, isto-rie. Am vizat Cisternone( historical municipal water- tank), Waste-Water plant and Catedral Baptistry. In aceste putine zile am devenit parte din acest oraș. Ne-am simțit ca acasă chiar daca ne era dor de a noastră. Acest proiect ne-a oferit șansa. să ne bucuram de vârsta și independență fără sa pierdem din vedere scopul principal pentru care ne-am deplasat în Livorno. Am reușit sa comunicăm bine,să ne cunoaștem și sa realizăm materiale informative despre

ziua apei, pe care apoi le-am prezentat profesorilor noștrii. Elevii italieni ne-au întâmpinat cu căldura prezentându-ne liceul. Am fost impresionați de liceul lor deoarece deține o mulțime de laboratoare de chimie, biologie, fizică, informatică și electronică. În aceeași zi fiecare echipă și-a prezen-tat lucrarea cu tema Water and Tehnol-ogy.În a III-a zi, ne-am deplasat pe valea râului Chioma unde am făcut observații asupra mediului înconjurător după care i-am urmărit parcursul până la vărsarea în Marea Tireniană. Cu acest prilej am profitat de ocazie și am vizitat și frumoa-sa localitate Quercianella- Castiglion-cello. Am continuat călătoria noastră pe valea râului Arno. La vărsarea acestuia în Marea Mediterană se află orașul PISA din renumita regiune Toscana. Am viz-itat cel mai cunoscut obiectiv din Pisa, faimosul turn înclinat (Torre Pendente) construit în secolul al XII-lea și având o înălțime de 55 m, care este însă doar una dintre structurile importante din punct de vedere arhitectonic și artistic din Piața Miracolelor situată în nordul părții vechi a orașului. Tot aici se află și o frumoasă catedrală din marmură ridicată între în stil romanic, în interiorul căruia se află un candelabru ce a fost sursă de

inspirație pentru savantul italian Galileo Galilei în studiul mișcării corpurilor.Nu am pierdut niciodată din vedere adevăratul scop al acestui proiect. Chiar si așa, ne-am distrat mai mult decât am fi crezut. Am petrecut. în stil italian, am mâncat precum italienii, am mers cu motoretele la școală precum colegii noștii Ultima zi a fost o zi plină de lacrimi. Nu am putut crede cât de rapid trece timpul. Am petrecut acea zi luându-ne la revedere. Analizând toate aceste activități și întâmplări minunate putem afirma cu convingere ca cea de a V-a reuniune din cadrul proiectului ”My river –My life” și-a atins obiectivele. Credem că a fost una dintre cele mai frumoase experiențe ale noastre. Șapte țări pregătite în a-și face studenții să lupte pentru un scop comun. O luptă cu soluții diplomatice. O luptă condusă cu ajutorul cunoașterii noastre, nu cu pumnii. Dovada palpabilă a integrării europene. Șapte țări, șapte limbi vorbite, șapte culturi diferite si un singur scop. Apa.

Elevii: Bob Catalin, Copaci Alina, Lazaroiu Radu

Profesorii: Viorica Raicu, Valentina Cornea, Cristina Ciucu

Liceul Pedagogic ”Spiru Haret” Buzău - Romania

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romania [ ]

Toscana- Livorno unforgettable!What did this project mean to us? What did we think about this city? It was an amazing experience! Something we have never, and, most probably, will never experience again. It was truly something else. On the first day when arrived we were pleasantly impressed by what the city has to offer. Never before have we seen such a beautiful view of the Mediterranean. Leghorn’s seaside is truly an amazing thing to see. Although we could be wasting pages talking about the seaside, that’s not all this city has to offer. It offers much more. It is a city full of tradition, culture and history. We have visited Cisternone (historical municipal water- tank), Waste Water Treatment Plant and Cathedral Baptistry. In these few days we became part of this city. We felt at home even though we missed our own. This project gave us a chance to do what we always wanted to do: enjoy our age and independence while not losing the main purpose for which we went to Livorno. We managed to communicate

well, to realize in formational materials about Water Day which then we present-ed to our teachers. Italian students welcomed us very excited. They showed us their high-school. We were really impressed by their high-school because there are lot of laboratories for chemistry, physics, biology and electronics. In the same day, every team presented their workabout Water and Technology.In the third day we went to the Chioma river valley where we admired the environment. With this opportunity we visited the beautiful village Quer-cianella- Castiglioncello. We continued our journey on the Arno river valley. At its shedding into the Mediterranean Sea, is the famous city of Tuscany, Pisa. We visited the most famous tourist attrac-tion in Pisa, the famous Leaning Tower (Torre Pendente) built in the twelfth cen-tury and having a height of 55 m, which is only one of the important architec-tural and artistic building from Miracles Square situated in the north old part of the town. Here is located a beautiful marble cathedral built in Romanesque style. Inside it is a chandelier that was the source of inspiration of the Italian

scientist Galileo Galilei for the study of the move men to f bodies. We never lost sight of the true purpose of this project, however, we had more fun than we thought was possible. We partied. Italian style. The last day was a day full of tears. We couldn’t believe how fast the time passed. We spent that day saying goodbye.Analyzing all these wonderful activities and events we can strongly say that the Fifth meeting of the project "My river-My Life “has achieved its objectives. We think that it was one of the most amaz-ing experiences. Seven countries bound on getting their students to fight for a common purpose. A fight on diplomatic solutions, a fight led with our knowledge, not our fists.Tangible proof of European integration. Seven countries, seven spoken lan-guages, seven different cultures and one purpose: Water

Students: Bob Catalin, Copaci Alina, Lazaroiu Radu

Teachers:Viorica Raicu, Cornea Valentina, Ciucu


Pedagogical High-School ”Spiru Haret”

Buzău -Romania

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Hidroelectrica sau hidroenergia este considerată o sursă de energie regenerabilă. O sursă de energie regenerabilă este o sursă de energie care nu poate fi epuizată în producţia de energie. Datorită forței gravitaţionale, apa curge de la înălţime folosind energia cinetică. Oamenii au învăţat să folosească pentru prima dată energia cinetică a apei folosind moara de apă care constă în învârtirea roţii echi-pate cu lame, găleţi sau vane. Morile de apă transformă energia cinetică a apei în energie mecanică. Cea mai veche utilizare a energiei apei este certificată în China şi Egiptul Antic, unde a apărut prima moară. Grecii şi romanii foloseau mori de apă cu roţi hidraulice pentru a măcina cereale. Nu la mult timp de la descoperirea energiei electrice, a fost descoperită energia mecanică a turbinei care poate fi folosită pentru a activa un generator şi pentru a produce electricitate. Funcționarea unei hidrocentrale: printr-un baraj de acumulare a apei pe cursul unui râu unde poate fi prezentă și o cascadă se realizează acumularea unei energii potențiale, trasformată în energie cinetică prin rotirea tur-binei hidrocentralei. Această mișcare de rotație va fi transmisă mai departe printr-un angrenaj de roți dințate generatorului de curent electric, care prin rotirea rotorului generatorului într-un câmp magnetic, va transforma energia mecanică în energie electrică. Cantitatea de energie electrică care poate fi generată de o hidrocentrală depinde de doi factori: 1.Canti-tatea de apă care curge într-un timp dat. 2. Înălţimea de la care apa cade. Cu cât este mai mare debitul cu atât poate fi produsă mai multă energie electrică. Capacitatea unei hidrocentrale depinde de cantitatea de apă care trece într-o secundă prin turbine. După acest criteriu hidrocentralele sunt clasificate în hidrocentrale:• cu o cădere mică de apă – < 15 m, debit

mare;• cu o cădere mijlocie – 15–50 m, cu debit

mijlociu;• cu o cădere mare 50–2.000 m, cu un

debit mic de apă.Hidrocentralele pot fi, de asemenea, clasificate în funcţie de capacitatea lor sau după modul de construcţie, cum ar fi: • Hidrocentrală amplasată pe malul râului

care produce energie în funcţie de debit; • Hidrocentrală rezervor;• Depozit hidroelectric pompat; • Hidroenergie cu caverne pentru acumu-

lare de apă. Oamenii de ştiinţă de astăzi caută modalidăţi de a dezvolta centralele hidroelectrice, care au un impact mic asupra mediului. Proiecte de genul hidrocentrale, cu cădere mică, au un impact considerabil şi au mai puţine efecte negative asupra mediului. Avantaje: Sistemele hidroelectrice au

românia[ ]

următoarele beneficii: • Energia hidroelectrică este o sursă de

energie continuu regenerabilă; • Energia hidroelectrică nu poluează (nu

există emisii de căldură şi deşeuri toxice); • Energia hidroelectrică nu are costuri de

combustibil, iar costurile de întreţinere sunt reduse;

• Tehnologia utilizată pentru producerea de energie este una care oferă o utilizare flexibilă şi sigură;

• Instalaţiile hidroelectrice au o viaţă lungă şi o mulţime dintre ele au fost folosite pentru mai mult de o jumătate de secol şi încă sunt destul de eficiente.

Dezavantaje: • Potenţialul hidroenergiei nu este infinit; • În România, potenţialul total al hidroen-

ergiei este de 70 de miliarde de KW/an, din care 36 de miliarde este potenţialul tehnic (din care 26,6 al Dunării);

• Potenţialul economic este mai mic, 27 de miliarde de KWh, în timp ce în 1977 nevoile româneşti de electricitate erau de 62 de miliarde de KWh.

În județul Buzău, hidrocentrala de la Siriu reprezintă o sursă de energie regenerabilă. Componentele acestei centrale sunt: 1. Rezervorul numit Lacul Vulturilor sau

“Lacul fără fund” finalizat în 1985 este un lac artificial creat în spatele barajului pentru a depozita volume mari de apă (aproximativ 155 de milioane de m3 de apă), care vor fi utilizate pentru a pro-duce electricitate. Acesta are o lungime de aproximativ 10 km şi este situat în munţii din Siriu, la o altitudine de 1.420 m, în apropiere de satul Gura Siriului. Adâncimea maximă este de 2,5 m. În afară de utilizarea energiei, lacul poate fi utilizat pentru irigaţii, sporturi nautice, pescuit (păstrăv, crap).

2. Barajul reprezintă un obstacol artificial construit pe patul natural al cursului de apă pentru a obţine un rezervor, dar reprezintă şi o hidrocentrală de 42

KW construită între 1982 – 1994, unde s-a folosit lut şi piatră, ca o tehnologie inovatoare şi nu o compoziţie de beton. Barajul are mai mult de 122 m înălţime, o deschidere de aproximativ 600 m şi are un volum de apă de 125 de milioane de m3. Lacul şi barajul sunt la jumătatea distanţei dintre Buzău şi Braşov , între masivul Podul Calului şi masivul Siriu. Datorită construcţiei barajului a fost necesară redirecţionarea drumului naţional DN10 şi construirea mai multor viaducte pentru ocolirea lacului Siriu. În această zonă de o mare frumuseţe, oa-menii şi natura au creat un peisaj incredi-bil şi fascinant, unde apele Buzăului îşi găsesc pacea lor în lacul Siriu înconjurat de păduri

3. Conducta de evacuare este tunelul situat sub nivelul minim al rezervorului de la care apa lacului este condusă şi expediată la centrala electrică. După aproape trei decenii de la inaugurarea complexului Siriu – Surduc - Nehoiaşu, constructorii au reuşit recent finalizarea celei mai im-portante părţi a tunelului, care va furniza centrala cu apă. Planul era ca energia să fie produsă cu apa adusă de la Lacul Vul-turilor, printr-un tunel de 17 km. Energia apei în cădere de la o înălţime de aproape 500 m va opera două turbine din vale. Acestea pot genera fiecare 55 Mw/h, suficientă electricitate pentru a alimenta cea mai mare parte a judeţului Buzău.

4. Nodul de presiune este format din valuri şi camera valvelor.

5. Hidrocentrala în sine conţine următoarele: clădirea centralei, sala motoarelor, instalaţia centralei, camera de control.

Hidroenergia este o importantă sursă de energie regenerabilă la nivel mondial.

Echipa Liceului Pedagogic "Spiru Haret"Buzău-România

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romania [ ]

RENEWABLE ENERGY IN BUZĂU MULTILATERAL COMENIUS PROJECT ‚, MY RIVER ...MY LIFE’’ LIVORNO 20.03. 2014- 25.03.2014 Hidroelectrica or hydropower is a renewable energy source. A source of renewable energy is an energy source that cannot be exhausted in energy production. Due to the gravitational force, water flows from above using the kinetic energy. People have learned to use for the first time the kinetic energy of the water using a water mill which consists in tourner of wheel equipped with blades, buckets, or valves. Water mills turns the water's kinetic energy into mechanical energy. The oldest use of the energy of the water is certified in China and ancient Egypt, where the first water mill was built. The Greeks and Romans used water mills with hydraulic wheels to grind grain. Not long after the discovery of electricity, was discovered mechanical energy of the turbine that can be used to turn a generator and pro-duce electricity. Operation of a hydro-electric power: through a barrage of water accumulation on the course of a river where they may be present and a waterfall is the accumulation of a potential energy, transformed into kinetic energy by rotating the turbine hydropower plant. This movement of rotation will be further conveyed through a gear / gears of electrical genera-

tor, which by turning the generator rotor in a magnetic field, will transform the mechanical energy into electricity. The amount of electric-ity that can be generated by a hydroelectric plant depends on two factors: 1. the amount of water flowing in a given time, 2.the height from which the water falls. The higher the flow rate the more electricity can be produced. A hydro-electric capacity depends on the amount of water that passes in a second through the turbines. This criterion is accomplished by hydroelectric power stations:• with a small water fall- < 15 m ,high

flow of water;• with a medium- 15-50 m, medium

flow of water;• with a great fall 50 000 m, with a

small flow of water.Hydro can also be classified according to their ability or after building mode, such as:• Hydro power plant on the banks of the

River, to produce energy according to flow;

• Hydroelectric Reservoir;• Hydroelectric Pumped Storage;• Hydropower with Caverns for water ac-

cumulation;Today's scientists are looking for ways to de-velop hydroelectric power plants, which have a low impact on the environment. Projects like hydroelectric power plants with low fall, have a considerable impact and have fewer negative environmental effects.Advantages: Hydroelectric Systems have the following benefits:• Hydroelectric power is a renewable

source of energy supplies;• Hydroelectric power does not pollute (no

heat emissions and toxic waste);• Hydroelectric power has no fuel costs,

and the maintenance costs are reduced;

• The technology used for producing energy is one that offers a flexible and safe use;

• Hydroelectric Plants have a long life and a lot of them have been used for more than half a century and are still quite effective.

Disadvantages:• Hydropower potential is not infinite;• In Romania, the total hydropower poten-

tial is 70 billion KW/year, of which 36 bil-lion is technical potential (of which 26.6 of the Danube);

• Economic Potential is less,about 27 bil-lion KWh, while in 1977 the Romanian electricity needs were about 62 billion KWh.

In the North of Buzău county, hydroelectric plant of Siriu is a renewable energy source. The components of this plant are:1. The reservoir, called Eagles Lake or

"bottomless Lake" completed in 1985, is an artificial lake created behind the dam to store large volumes of water (approxi-mately 155 million m3 of water), which will be used to produce electricity. It has a length of about 10 km and is located in Siriu mountains, at an altitude of 1.420 m, near Gura Siriului village. The maxi-mum depth is 2,5 m. Apart from energy use, the Lake can be used for irrigation, water sports, fishing (trout, crap).

2. The dam is an artificial obstacle built on the bed of the watercourse in order to get a tank, but it represents a 42-KW hydroelectric plant built between 1982-1994, where it used clay and stone, as an innovative technology and not a concrete composition. The dam has more than 122 m in height, an opening of approx. 600 m and has a volume of 125 million m3. The Lake and dam are halfway between Buzău and Braşov, between the Horse Bridge and Siriu mountains. Due to the construction of the dam it was necessary to redirect national road DN10 and build-ing several viaducts to circumvent Lake Siriu. In this area of great beauty, people and nature have created an incredible and fascinating landscape, where the waters of Buzau find their peace in Siriu Lake surrounded by the woods.

3. Exhaust pipe is located under the mini-mum level of the tank from which water is managed and delivered to the power station. After nearly three decades after the opening of Siriu-Surduc-Nehoiaşu, manufacturers have recently succeeded in completing the most important parts of the tunnel, which will supply the plant with water. The plan was for the energy to be produced with water brought from the Eagles’ Lake, through a tunnel of 17 km. Water energy in falling from a height of nearly 500 m will operate two turbines in the Valley. Each of it can generate 55 Mw/h, enough electricity to power most of the Buzău County.

4. Pressure Node is composed of waves and the chamber valves.

5. The hydroelectric power station itself contains the following: the ac-tual hydropower plant,the engines, the equipment, the power plant control room.

Hydropower is an important source of renewable energy worldwide.

Team from Pedagogical Lyceum

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românia[ ]

Mobilitate în Italia Livorno20-25 MARTIE 2014


Comenius pentru noi inseamna o usa

catre viitor pe care toti copiii ar vrea sa

intre,unde toti copiii ar vrea sa participe,

dar trebuie sa lucrezi mult pentru a fi

in echipa cea mare. Proiectul Comenius

te ajuta sa socializezi cu oameni din alte

tari, ne-am perfectionat limba engleza si

am vazut cum se traieste si in alte tari.

Am plecat pe 20 Martie, pregati-

ti pentru ceea ce urma sa fie o experi-

enta de neuitat pentru noi. Am ajuns in

aeroport, pentru doi dintre noi era prima

data cand plecam cu avionul si eram

foarte entuziasmati de cele vazute de pe

micul geam al avionului. Cand am ajuns

in Pisa, domnul Federico, coordonatorul

de proiect din Italia ne-a intampinat si

am avut la dispozitie un microbuz pentru

a ajunge in Livorno. Acolo ne astepta

noua noastra familie, cei ce urmau sa

ne fie ca niste frati pentru urmatoarele

5 zile. Gazda Alexandrei a fost Giorgia, a

Larisei a fost Marta si gazda lui Michael a

fost Lorenzo.

21 Martie, am prezentat proi-

ectul, apoi am vizitat scoala. Am vazut

atelierele de mecanica, laboratoarele de

biologie, fizica si chimie apoi am mers la

casele gazdelor noastre.Dupa amiaza am

avut un workshop pentru ziua apei si am

scris pe desenul de pe peretele scolii un

mesaj despre apa.

Seara am mers la o petrecere cu paste

acasa la Marta…..tatal sau este specialist

in paste….

22 Martie, dimineata am avut ac-

tivitati in scoala dedicate Zilei apei,apoi

am vizitat orasul Livorno, am mers cu

vaporul pe canale,pornind din centrul

orasului pana la mare.Seara am mers

impreuna la discoteca Calafuria, unde

am vazut cum se distreaza copiii din


23 Martie, am mers in excursie

de studiu. Am vizitat locul unde izvoraste

raul Chioma si acolo am si ramas sa

mancam la pranz. Dupa amiaza am mers

in Pisa unde am facut poze cu magnificul

turn si am cumparat suveniruri.

24 Martie, am avut festivitatea de

incheiere a mobilitatii si am primit cer-

tificatele de participare. Seara am mers

la restaurant si ne-am luat „la revere-

dere” de la cei cu care am petrecut 5 zile

Comenius,zile de neuitat.

25 Martie, am plecat spre tara.

Despartirea de gazdele noastre s-a lasat

cu lacrimi ,imbratisari si promisiuni de

revedere ba chiar ne-au promis ca vor

veni in Romania in vara.

Mobilitatea din Livorno,Italia a fost una

deosebita, motiv pentru care multumim

gazdelor pentru modul in care au des-

fasurat activitatile, pentru atmosfera

calda si atentia deosebita de care au dat

dovada pe intreaga perioada.

Noi,elevii implicati in aceasta mobilitate

am revenit in tara cu un bagaj imens de

noi cunostinte si amintiri frumoase pe

care le-am adaugat celorlalte traite de-a

lungul intregii perioade in care s-a des-

fasurat Proiectul Multilateral Comenius”

Water: The life of my river …my life”.

Student team of Craiova Romania

Alexandra,Larisa si Michael

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Mobility in Italia Livorno20-25 March 2014Impressions of Livorno

Project Comenius represents a great

oportunity for all the children, they

would all like to participate, but they

have to work hard to be in the ”big

league”. Project Comenius teaches you

how to socialize with people from other

countries, it helped us improve our Eng-

lish and we were able to see how people

live in other countries.

We left on March 20th and we

were ready for what was going to be

an unforgettable experience for us. We

arrived at the airport and for two of us it

was the first time travelling by plane. We

were all excited about the extraordinary

vew from the plane. When we arrived in

Pisa, we were greeted by Mr. Federico,

the project coordinator in Italy and he

had a van ready to take us to Livorno.

There we were greeted by our ”new fam-

ily”, the ones who were going to be like

brothers and sisters to us for the next

5 days. Alexandra’s host was Giorgia,

Larisa’s was the Martha and Michael’s

was Lorenzo.

On March 21st we presented

the project, then we visited the school.

We saw mechanical workshops, also

biology, physics and chemistry laborato-

ries , then we went to our hosts’ homes.

In the afternoon we had a workshop

on Water Day and we wrote a message

about water on the drawing located on

one of the school’s walls. In the evening

we went to a party at Martha’s home

where he served pasta - his father can

cook great pasta….

On March 22nd, we had school

activities on Water Day in the morning

, then we visited Livorno. After that we

took a trip by boat on the canals, start-

ing from the town center all the way to

the sea. In the evening we went to Club

Calafuria where we saw how the teenag-

ers have fun in Italy.

On March 23rd, we took another

study trip. We visited the place where

river Chioma springs and we also stayed

there for lunch. In the afternoon we

went to Pisa where we took pictures of

the magnificent tower and we bought

souvenirs. In the evening we went to

Simone and Luca’s birthday party.

On March 24th, we had the closing

ceremony for this mobility and we re-

ceived certificates of participation. In the

evening we went to a restaurant and we

said our good byes to those with whom

we spent five unforgettable days.

On March 25th, we went back

to Romania That day that was very

emotional, we all shed tears, we hugged

each other and we all promissed that

we would see each other soon. They are

hoping they would be able to come and

visit us in Romania this summer.

The mobility in Livorno, Italy was a

special one for us. We would have to

thank our amazing hosts for the way

they conducted the project activities, the

warm atmosphere and all their efforts to

accommodate us during our stay there.

All of us involved in this mobility

returned back home with great new

knowledge and amazing memories. The

Multilateral Comenius Project ” Water:

The life of my river …my life” was a

great success and we will treasure this

experience for the rest of our lives.

Student team of Craiova, Romania

Alexandra, Larisa & Michael

romania [ ]

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En tidig torsdagsmor-gon lämnade vi Borås.Destinationen var Landvetter och ett flyg i gryningen till Tysklands kulturella huvudstad München. Därifrån gick resan vidare över alperna till Italien och Pisa. På flygplatsen hämtade en något underlig ryss med begränsad engels-kakunskap upp oss och körde oss till vår slutdestination, Livorno. Där märke vi med förvåning att folk fortfarande gick i vinterjackor medan vi satt i T-shirt och njöt av vårvärmen. Marcus värd mötte upp oss och tog oss till hotellet där lärarna skulle bo och sedan begav vi oss iväg för att möta våra värdfamiljer. Därefter bjöds Sakarias på en överdådig hemlagad lunch och Marcus fick smaka på äkta italiensk pizza. På kvällen träffades alla deltagarna i Comeniusutbytet på skolan för första gången. Efter en något kaotisk presen-tation bjöds det på middag och mingel. Vi gjorde vårt bästa att vara sociala och lära känna några av de andra eleverna trots tröttheten vi kände av en tidig mor-gon och en lång dag. Marcus som stod ute i T-shirt fick mycket uppmärksamhet och fick gång på gång försäkra de andra att han inte frös.Den första heldagen i Livorno, fredagen, inleddes med presentationer på ämnet

sverige[ ]

”vatten och teknologi” från de olika deltagande skolorna. Större delen av förmiddagen gick till presentationerna och resten av tiden fram till lunch gick vi en guidad tur på skolans område som var så stort att det till synes aldrig skulle ta slut. På eftermiddagen fortsatte presentationerna och en av de italienska eleverna bjöd in oss alla till sitt hem på kvällen. Hon bodde i ett vackert om-råde utanför staden, Montenero, som var vackert beläget på en av de många höjderna runt Livorno. Vi bjöds på en fantastisk spaghetti och andra italienska läckerheter och vi kunde konstatera att det italienska köket verkligen levde upp till sitt goda rykte. Kvällen avslutades på en utsiktsplats med vacker utsikt över staden och vi förberedde oss för att da-gen därpå få se sevärdheterna i Livorno.

På lördagen firades ”World Water Day” med en gemensam presentation av alla deltagarländer om situationen i världen idag. Under dagen såg vi sedan flera av Livornos sevärdheter, bland annat stadens största vattencentral, en lokal marknad och en guidad tur genom Livor-nos kanaler då vi fick se flera av stadens historiska kvarter, stadens två fort från 1500-talet och hamnen. Bortsett från kanalens tjockt gröna vatten så var det en mycket vacker rundtur. På kvällen

hade vi en mycket trevlig gemensam middag på en restaurang vid kanalen. Där lärde vi känna de andra eleverna lite bättre, i synnerhet deltagarna från Lettland och Portugal.

Utbytets näst sista dag, söndagen, började med en tur till floden Chioma och en liten vandring längst med den. Vi åkte vidare med buss till byn Castiglion-cello där vi upplevde den för området typiskt starka vinden ”Libeccio”. Vi strövade omkring i byn och åt sedan vår medhavda lunch och gelato till efterrätt. På eftermiddagen åkte vi i chartrad buss till Pisa och det klassiska ”Piazza dei Miracoli” med Pisas lutande torn och kat-edral. Marcus strövade omkring i staden medan Sakarias gick upp i det lutande tornet för att se staden ovanifrån. Några souvenirer senare och ett par euro fatti-gare var vi på väg tillbaka till Livorno för att gå på ett födelsedagskalas som vi var bjudna till. På vägen tillbaka blev bussen påkörd bakifrån av en liten Fiat, varpå busschauffören helt sonika fortsatte att köra och någon konstaterade: ”Italia”.

I skrivande stund kan vi konstatera att vår resa varit bättre än vi kunde föreställa oss och vi ser mycket fram emot vad vår sista dag här i Italien har planerat för oss.

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We left Borås an early thursday morning. Our destination was Landvetter airport and our early dawn flight to the cultural capi-tal of Germany, Münich. From there, the journey went on across the alps and to Italy and Pisa. We were, to our surspise, picked up at the airport by a Russian with very limited knowledge in English who drove us to our final destination, Livorno. Once there, we noticed that the people here still wore winter jack-ets while we were enjoying the heat in T-shirts. We came to the hotel where our teachers were staying and from there we went on to our host families. There, we enjoyed our first meal in Italy. Sakarias had a wonderful homemade lunch and Marcus got to taste real Italian pizza for the first time.

In the evening, all the participants in the Comenius exchange met at the school for the first time. After a somewhat cha-otic presentation we enjoyed a meal and socialized. We did our best to defy the numbing tiredness of an early morning and a long day. Marcus, who only wore a T-shirt received a lot of attention and had to time and time again ensure the others that he was not cold.The first whole day in Livorno, the Fri-

sweden [ ]

day, began with a number of presenta-tions on the subject ”Water and Technol-ogy” from all the participant schools. The greater part of the morning went to the presentations and the time before lunch went to a tour of the school’s vast premises that seemed to be never-end-ing. The presentations continued in the afternoon and in the evening one of the italian students invited all of us to her home. She lived in an area outside the city, Montenero, beautifully located on one of the many hills surrounding Livor-no. We were served a fantastic spaghetti and other Italian specialties and we were able to conclude that Italian cooking tru-ly lived up to its reputation. The evening ended in a vantage point with a beautiful view over the city of Livorno.

On the saturday, we celebrated the ”World Water Day” with a presentation about the situation regarding water in the world today. During the day, we also saw several of the sights in Livorno. Among others, a major water central, a local market and a guided tour through the canals of Livorno. There, we saw the historical quarters of the town, two 16th century forts and the harbor. Apart from the thick, green water of the canal, the trip was truly enjoyable. In the evening, we had a nice dinner together with the

other students in a restaurant by the canal. We enjoyed getting to know the other students better, in particular the Latvian and Portugese.

The second to last day of the exchange, the Sunday, started with a bus ride to the river of Chioma and a walk along the river. We then went to the nearby village of Castiglioncello where we experienced the strong wind ”Libeccio” that is typical for the area. We explored the village and then had lunch and gelato ice cream for dessert. In the afternoon, we went to Pisa and the famous square ”Piazza dei Miracoli” where the leaning tower and cathedral are located. Marcus had a walk in the city and Sakarias climbed the stairs of the leaning tower and saw the city from above. A few souvenirs later and a few euros poorer, we were on our way back to Livorno to attend an Italian birthday party. On the way back, our buss was hit from behind by a car. How-ever, the driver simply continued driving and someone exclaimed: ”Italia”.

Looking back, we can only conclude that our trip has been better than we could have imagined and that we thoroughly look forward to what our final day in Italy has in store for us.

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Arbetet som vi har arbetat med de senaste månaderna har som mål att svara på frågeställningarna ”Hur kan man som lekman utvinna energi med hjälp av ett vattenhjul i liten skala?”, ”Hur mycket energi går att utvinna med hjälp av ett enkelt vattenhjul?” och ”Är det ekonomiskt gångbart att bygga ett vattenhjul för hemmabruk?”. För att kunna svara på frågeställningarna byg-gdes och testades ett enkelt vatten-hjul för att ge praktisk erfarenhet. Denna erfarenhet och mätningar från vattenhjulet ligger till grund för besvarandet av frågeställningarna. Processen av att bygga vattenhjulet besvarade den första frågeställnin-gen och arbetets resultat blev ett vattenhjul som hade kapacitet att alstra lite elektricitet, nog för att tända en liten glödlampa. För att det ska vara ekonomiskt gångbart att bygga ett vattenhjul för hemma-bruk krävs dock en generator med större kapacitet än den som använ-des i detta projekt

The goal of the project that we have been working on for the past couple of months is to answer the ques-tions ”How can a layman produce energy through building a small scale waterwheel?”, ”How much energy can be produced by a simple waterwheel?” and ”Is it economi-cally viable to build a waterwheel for domestic use?”. In order to be able to respond to the questions, a simple waterwheel was constructed and tested. The experience from building and the measurements made on the waterwheel provided the information required to respond to the questions. The process of building the waterwheel answered the first question and the result of the project was a waterwheel with the capacity to produce a small amount of electricity, sufficient to power a small lightbulb. However, in order for it to be economically viable to build a waterwheel for domestic use, a higher capacity generator than the one used in this project would be required.

sverige[ ]

sweden [ ]

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