
Thursday, March 14, 13

by Erin Clericoerinclerico

Thursday, March 14, 13

Improve your Drupal skills

Thursday, March 14, 13

Learn Faster

Thursday, March 14, 13

Work Faster

Thursday, March 14, 13

Live long and prosper!

Thursday, March 14, 13

The Drupal Fit Movement

Thursday, March 14, 13

Agile Brains For Drupal

“Exercise, the latest neuroscience suggests,

does more to bolster thinking than thinking does.”

New York TImes Magazine: April 18, 2012How Exercise Could Lead to a Better Brain

Thursday, March 14, 13

More Brains for Drupal

“Remaining physically active as you age, a new study shows, may help protect

parts of your brain from shrinking, a process that has been linked to declines in

thinking and memory skills.”

New York TImes Well Blogs: October 26, 2012Exercise May Protect Against Brain Shrinkage

Thursday, March 14, 13

Pizza Can Slow Drupal Development

“In recent years, some research has suggested that a high-fat diet may be bad for the brain, at

least in lab animals...” (and Drupal coders)“But those animals that were running, even

if they were eating lots of fat, showed notable improvements in their ability to think and

remember.” (and build performant Drupal sites)

New York TImes Well Blogs: November 7, 2012Can Exercise Protect the Brain From Fatty Foods?

Thursday, March 14, 13

I’m too busy with my Drupal Projects to work out!“...the men who had exercised the most,

working out for 60 minutes a day, lost an average of five pounds each.”

“...the volunteers who’d worked out for only 30 minutes a day did considerably

better, shedding about seven pounds each”

New York TImes Well Blog: September 19, 2012For Weight Loss, Less Exercise May Be More

Thursday, March 14, 13

Hack your workout

Intervals cram more exercisebenefit into less time:

1 Minute at 90% of your maximum heart rate (220 - $your_age) + 1 minute of easy recovery

repeated 10 times for a total of 20 mins = 30 minutes of a sustained workout

New York TImes Well Blog: February 15, 2012How 1-Minute Intervals Can Improve Your Health

Thursday, March 14, 13

What’s in it for you?

• Feel better• Longer life• Less disease• Smaller pants• Bigger brain• Better Drupal Sites

Thursday, March 14, 13

What’s the hook?

Thursday, March 14, 13

hook_cardio (&$you)

Walking“Those who completed 150 minutes of brisk walking a week (the amount recommended by the federal government and the American Heart Association) lived 3.4 years longer.” (and often had happier dogs)

Thursday, March 14, 13

Agile: Pair coding

Walking“Those who completed 150 minutes of brisk walking a week (the amount recommended by the federal government and the American Heart Association) lived 3.4 years longer.” (and often had happier dogs)

Thursday, March 14, 13


Cycling• Good Exercise

• Hi-tech bikes and gear if you must spend money

• Always makes me feel like a kid

Thursday, March 14, 13


Group Workouts / Bootcamps• Regular time - you must be there!• Instructors push you harder!• Lots of choices - Spin, Circuit Training, Zumba, boxing...

Thursday, March 14, 13

Agile: Don’t go it alone

Group Workouts / Bootcamps• Regular time - you must be there!• Instructors push you harder!• Lots of choices - Spin, Circuit Training, Zumba, boxing...

Thursday, March 14, 13


Before After

Thursday, March 14, 13


Agile: (DRY) Do Repeat Yourself

• Eat a vegetarian meal once a week!

Thursday, March 14, 13


Agile: The simplest thing that can possibly work • Have a black coffee or soy latte instead

Thursday, March 14, 13


Agile: Welcome changing requirements • Skip the cheese and the sour cream!

Thursday, March 14, 13


Agile: Refactor often

• Have the veggie burrito bowl instead!

Thursday, March 14, 13


Agile: Continuos integration

• Eat smaller portions more often

Thursday, March 14, 13


Agile: Grab the low hanging fruit • As a part of your daily routine prepare some sliced apple and oranges or bananas as an afternoon snack

Thursday, March 14, 13

Agile: Test driven development

Thursday, March 14, 13

RESTful architecture

Thursday, March 14, 13

Sleep Well to Learn Well

Proper sleep improves (Drupal) learning

“Our results revealed that a period of sleep following a new experience can consolidate and improve subsequent

effects of learning from the experience”

redOrbit (

Thursday, March 14, 13

Sleep It Off!

Proper sleep improves weight loss efforts

“When you don't get enough sleep, it drives leptin levels down, which means you don't feel as satisfied after you eat.

Lack of sleep also causes ghrelin levels to rise, which means your

appetite is stimulated, so you want more food”

Thursday, March 14, 13

Helpful Technology

Thursday, March 14, 13

Helpful Technology

Thursday, March 14, 13

Drupal Fit Movement

Thursday, March 14, 13

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