Page 1: Dry hacking cough symptoms and natural remedies

Dry Hacking Cough: Symptoms and Natural


Dry Hacking Cough! It is never a funny situation when you are suffering from a

persistent cough. You may feel really uncomfortable when your dearest, besties are having

fun but you are not enjoying the situation because of a dry cough. Basically, there are two

types of coughs: a productive and a dry cough. A Productive cough is the one which is

coughing up mucous or phlegm. A Dry cough is another story which is caused due to dry air,

random tickle or allergies in your throat. One among the Best Medicine for Dry Cough is

cough syrup (diphenhydramine and dextromethorphan)

How to Soothe a Dry Cough?

Very commonly known remedy at home to get rid of a dry cough is Gargle with salt

water. In addition to it, there are also alternative ways to say Good-bye to a Dry cough.

Natural Cough Remedies that could be found at home is Honey. It is scientifically proven that

honey is of high viscosity, stickiness and rich demulcent which do an excellent job of

soothing and coating those irritated membranes of mucous. Honey is nothing but the enzymes

secreted by bees which act as Natural Cough Remedies.

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Page 2: Dry hacking cough symptoms and natural remedies

Dry Hacking Cough Remedy

Intake of 3 spoons of honey in a day is the best home-made remedy for dry hacking

cough. To control coughing, you can consume the honey after having breakfast, lunch and

before going to bed. If a tablespoon of honey is consumed before going to sleep, then it will

be helpful for you in getting an undisturbed sleep. Another way of curing dry cough is trying

a combination of honey and pepper. Take a mug and put two spoons or honey and one spoon

of pepper flakes into boiling water. Stir it well to disperse the pepper flakes and till the honey

melts. Steep it for 8-10 minutes and stir it again. Drink the extract and repeat twice a day. By

doing this, Dry Hacking Cough at Night can be avoided to some extent. read more Dry

Hacking Cough

Constant Dry Cough Throat

To get rid of Constant Dry Cough Throat, ginger peppermint syrup. As the

combination sounds delicious, it can be swallowed easily. Spicy ginger will work as an

expectorant and helps to loosen and expel the mucous from your lungs. The painful tickle

sensed due to a dry cough can be cured by intake of this syrup thrice in a day. How to prepare

the syrup? Chop the ginger into fine pieces into 4 cups of water. Add peppermint to it. Start

boiling the combination for 10 minutes, once the mixture starts boiling, and then lower the

heat. Boil it until the liquid is reduced to half of the initial proportion. Strain the solution and

cool it slightly. Mix a cup of honey to a strained solution and stir well. Consume this mixture

once in an hour throughout the day to get a better result. If refrigerated, this mixture lasts for

3 weeks.

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Make use of the above-mentioned tips and stay away from the Dry Hacking Cough.

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