
Практическое занятие №1 (Lesson 1)


1. Запомните следующие слова и сочетания слов:

value – ценность

fuel – топливный

heating quality of coal – свойство угля выделять тепло

hence – отсюда, следовательно

to smelt – плавить

to warm – согревать

heat – нагревать, тепло

essential part – значительная часть

to surround – окружать

to extract – извлекать

treatment – обработка, обогащение

coke - кокс

to subject – подвергать воздействию, влиянию

to distil – перегонять, подвергать

ammonical liquid – аммиачная жидкость

leaving behind – за исключением

volatile hydrocarbons – летучие углеводороды

carbon monoxide – окись углерода

to obtain – получать, достигать

to predict – предугадать, спрогнозировать

immense – огромный

consumption – потребление, расход

to yield – добывать, вырабатывать, добыча

tar – смола

May we consider this a very bold comparison? – Можем мы считать, что это очень смелое сравнение?

2. Прочитайте вслух следующие слова, соблюдая правила ударения.

На первый слог

На слог после приставки

На второй слог

(слова без


На третий или четвертый слег















































3. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на лексику занятия.

What is coal? When did man learn about its value as a fuel?

If nowadays scientists can fully answer the first question, nobody can answer the second one. We cannot say at what stage of civilization man realized the heating quality of coal.

We do not know how many years coal serves man. We know, however, that coal forms the basis upon which the majority of human industries and hence human health, wealth and happiness.

Coal moves thousands of mighty vessels through the seas and oceans, and a hundred thousand locomotives over the iron ways of the world. Coal smelts the millions of tons of iron ore from which we make all our machinery. Coal provides the power for our factories, lights our streets and houses, warms us with its stored heat. But we need not extend the list. Coal becomes an essential part of our everyday life and surrounds us in the shape of thousands of different things.

Coal is one of the greatest sources of materials in the world, a wonderful reservoir of valuable chemicals. Which of them do we extract and in what form do we use them? This is rather a matter of choice. A ton of coal may yield large quantities of chemicals and materials, or it can give a little heat, some gas and a little tar. It depends upon the treatment to which we subject coal.

The usual treatment of coal is to distil it at a high temperature, which drives off gas, tar, and ammonical liquid, leaving behind coke. Coal-gas is a mixture of volatile hydrocarbons with some other gases such as carbon monoxide. It forms a good, convenient method of lighting and heating but it results in the wastes of the hydrocarbons. The chief use of coal-gas today is that of heating.

Today besides heating calories we obtain hundreds of the most precious products which have nothing in common with a little black piece of coal. What else can scientists obtain from this "black gold" in their laboratories?

Can we predict it? ’’Black gold"!

May we consider this a very bold comparison? People willingly pay gold for this stone in which, as we know, the energy of the sun accumulated millions of years and which is now a store of immense power in the service of man.

If we look at all the products which we obtain from coal, we realize that under no conditions can gold supply us with even a thousandth of what we get from coal.

That is why when people speak of coal as ’’black gold" they only belittle its importance. We may even put such questions as: Is there anything more precious for man than coal? Do we know enough about the wonderful properties of coal? Do we devote sufficient attention to its mining and consumption?

“The Sun Stone” so the Russian writers name coal. That is true. Sun is the source of life on our planet. The sun warms and feeds us. We must not be wasteful of our “store” of sun power – this greatest gift of nature.

4. Переведите предложения письменно.

1. This method has nothing in common with the other one. 2. Nobody can say when man learned about coal as a fuel. 3. Any method of work requires some test. 4. Now we have some new combines at our mine. 5. Coal is called “Black gold”.

Практическое занятие №2 (Lesson 2)


1. Письменно переведите на английский язык:

1. Уголь – один из основных источников энергии сегодня. 2. Ценность угля велика. 3. Много электростанций работают на угле. 4. Угольный газ – это смесь летучих углеводородов с другими газами. 5. Уголь – удивительное хранилище ценных химических веществ.

2. Запомните следующие слова и сочетания слов:

sedimentary rock – осадочная порода

organic origin – органического происхождения

mummified plants – остатки растительности

fossil fuels – органическое топливо

lignite [ˈlɪgnaɪt] – лигнит

bituminous coal [bɪˈtjuːmɪnəs kəʊl] – каменный уголь

anthracite [ˈænθrəsaɪt] - антрацит

peat [piːt] – торф

banding [ˈbændɪŋ] –полосатость, неоднородность

substance [ˈsʌbstəns] – вещество

constituents [kənˈstɪtjʊənts] – составляющие

vitrain - витрен

clarain – кларен

durain – дюрен

fusain – фюзен

streaks - полосы

bark – кора, береста

cells – клетки, камеры, элементы

debris [ˈdeɪbriː] – обломки, осколки, мусор

sporecoats – слой спор

megaspores – мегаспоры

microspore [maɪˈkrɒspərɪ] – микроспора

levels – уровни

interbanded – межполосчатый

silting – заиливание, засорение

subsidence [səbˈsaɪdəns] - оседание

charcoal [ˈʧɑːkəʊl] – древесный уголь

banded coals – полосчатый уголь

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на лексику занятия.

Coal is a sedimentary rock of organic origin and is usually described as a mass of mummified plants. Several fossil fuels are included under the word “coal”: brown coal, lignite, bituminous coal, anthracite. Peat, though the first stage in the formation of most coals, has never been included under that name.

Practically all black coals show banding of soft bright and hard coal (“brights” and “hards”).

The banded coals were divided into four constituents, vitrain, clarain, durain and fusain. The first two make up the “brights”, the durain is the “hards” and the fusain is the “mineral charcoal”. Examination with the microscope has shown that the bright vitrain streaks represent large pieces of wood or bark with their cells filled with a bright black substance originally introduced as a jelly; clarain is similar to vitrain, but made of plant debris such as leaves and twigs, and fusain is partly carbonized wood. Durain is composed of more highly carbonized material with a high proportion of sporecoats, both megaspores and microspores. The “hards” and “brights” are generally concentrated at more or less definite levels in a seam, though they are sometimes inter- banded.

The history of the development of a coal seam was something like this: if silting in a lake basin or river estuary exceeds the rate of subsidence, the water shallows till plants are able to take root and grow. The vegetation becomes thick, movement of water is stopped and it becomes stagnant. By the decay of the accumulating vegetation the oxygen is used up and further decay is retarded. So peat composed of stems, twigs and leaves is formed and eventually gives a bed of “bright”. If subsidence now exceeds the rate of deposition the plants are drowned and the region becomes open water. After the coal is buried by overlying sediments a further series of changes takes place resulting in the increase in “rank” of the coal.

4. Выполните упражнения.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is coal? 2. What coals are “brights”? 3. What fossil fuels are included under the word “coal'? 4. Into what constituents are banded coals divided? 5. What do the bright vitrain streaks represent?

2. Answer the following question in written form:

What is the history of the development of a coal seam?

3. Translate into English paying attention to the tenses in the English sentences:

1. В начале XIX века русские ученые считали, что миллион лет назад Донецкий бассейн был заливом громадного моря. 2. Большой вклад в изучение этого вопроса был сделан русским геологом Александром Карпинским. Этот неутомимый ученый изучал историю нашей планеты в течение многих лет. Он составил 12 палеографических карт, на которых была показана территория европейской части России 500, 300 и 200 миллионов лет назад. 3. Стволы деревьев и отпечатки листьев находят в угольных пластах.

4. Read and translate the text:

Coal is composed mostly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in complex groupings. The different bands of coal are called: fusain, durain, clarain and vitrain. There are four kinds of coal: brown coal, lignite, bituminous coal and anthracite.

Man realized the heating quality of coal long ago. It is the basis upon which most branches of human industry, rest. Coal is used to set in motion mighty vessels and locomotives. It is widely used in metallurgical industry. Coal yields a large quantity of chemicals. Coal gas is a mixture of volatile hydrocarbons with some other gases. It is a source of lighting and heating.

Large quantities of coal have been formed in nature by the slow decomposition of vegetable matter without much heating but in the presence of water and away from air. Nowadays people devote great attention to coal-mining and consumption.

5. Read and translate the text:

Alexander Karpinsky is an outstanding Russian scientist who described the geological past of the European part of our country including the Donetz Basin. This tireless scholar studied the past history of the earth in order to help people to explore its wealth. He founded the Russian school of geology, which has won the leading position in the world science. His “Essays on the Geological History of European Russia" was of great importance in the development of geology and coal-mining in the Donetz Basin.

Alexander Karpinsky followed M. V. Lomonosov’s idea that rocks and minerals undergo constant changes, and that there are continuous physico-chemical processes in the earth’s crust.

He personally drew up paleogeographical maps showing the distribution of land and sea at prehistoric times. These geographical maps afforded a graphic picture of European Russia 500, 300, 250 and 200 million years ago.

According to his theory an enormous sea covered nearly the entire territory from the Urals to the Caspian and the Black Sea.

The territory of the present Donbass was once a bay of this sea. Giant plants and trees grew on its shores. These plants and trees fell into the marsh of the bay and were covered by sand and silt. The compressed deposits of trees and other plants underwent decomposition, and deposits of coal were formed.

6. Translate into English:


Каменные угли представляют собой плотные, в большинстве слоистые, породы черного цвета со смоляным блеском. Они обычно пачкают руки. Удельный вес—1,2— 1,5. Твердость — 2—3.

Антрациты являются плотными, черными с сильным металловидным блеском породами.

Бурые угли являются плотными деревянистыми породами бурого цвета. Удельный вес их колеблется от 0,8 до 1,8.

Практическое занятие №3 (Lesson 3)


1. Запомните следующие слова и сочетания слов:

bench - слой, пачка (пласта)

blend - смешивать(ея); ' вклинивать(ся)

combustion - горение, сгорание;

spontaneous combustion самовоспламенение,


continuity - непрерывность, неразрывность

domestic - внутренний; отечественный

estimate ['estimeit] оценивать; оценка;

fault - разлом, сдвиг (породы), сброс;

faulting - образование разрывов или сбросов

fold - изгиб, складка, флексура;

folding - складчатость, смещение (пласта) без


inflame - воспламеняться; загорать(ся);

inflammable - воспламеняющийся, горючий,


flame [fleim] - пламя

intermediate - промежуточный; вспомогательный

iable - (to) подверженный; подлежащий (чему-л.)

lustre - блеск (угля,металла),

lustrous - блестящий

matter - вещество; материя

moisture - влажность, сырость; влага

parting - прослоек; отдельность

plane - плоскость;

bedding plane плоскость напластования

rank - класс, тип;

coal rank группа угля, тип угля

regular ['regjula] - правильный;


irregular - неправильный; неравномерный;

regularity - непрерывность; правильность

similar ['simila] а похожий,

сходный; подобный; syn alike, the same as

smelt [smelt] - плавить (руду)-,

выплавлять (металл)

store - запасать, хранить на складе; вмещать

strata - пласты породы; свита (плас-

тов), формация, напластования породы;

syn measures

utilize – использовать; syn use, apply, employ

volatile – летучий, быстро испаряющийся

uniform – однородный, равномерный

uniformity – однородность, единообразие

thickness – мощность (пласта, жилы)

2. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

liable to spontaneous combustion; inflammable gas; the most abundant deposits; lustrous metal; ash and sulphur content; brilliant lustre; coking and non-coking qualities; iron ore smelting; high-rank or low-rank coal; intermediate substance; as many as 72 elements; coal beds; different bands or benches of various thickness; thin layers of clay and shale; folding and faulting; domestic fuel; low-volatile bituminous coals; to weather slightly; to be more difficult to store

3. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке:

coal formation processes; parallel planes; structurally disturbed beds of coal; coal classification; lignite and brown coals; bituminous coal; anthracite or "hard" coal; gasification and carbonification; domestic and industrial purposes of using coal; in briquetted form; to be used intensively; to produce a mixture; researches into new technologies; petrochemical processes

4. а) Переведите следующие существительные, образованные с помощью суффикса "-ity" от прилагательных:

irregularity, similarity, uniformity

б) Заполните пропуски существительными, образованными от выделенных прилагательных:

1. As a rule coal beds are uniform. They are characterized by the same ... and continuity as other strata of sedimentary origin. 2. Although coal is not a true mineral, its formation processes are similar to those of sedimentary rocks. In this case we can speak about their ... . 3. According to their shape mineral deposits can be classified as regular or irregular. Regular deposits include seams and veins while irregular deposits include stocks. Coal belongs to regular deposits but it is characterized by ... in thickness.

5. Переведите слова с префиксом "sub-" под-:

subgroup, subdivision, subsection, subcommittee, power substation

6. Прочитайте предложения и найдите в них причастие I. Переведите предложения:

1. Coal beds may consist of different bands of varying thickness from thin to thick seams. 2. Laser is used in mining. This is a more recent development replacing theodolites in surveying. 3. Speaking about the future of coal, it is necessary to note the production of liquid fuels such as gas and oil from coal.

7. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

[e] — bed, blend, 'smelting, 'general, 'element, do'mestic, 'many

[ i:] — p e a t , heat, 'easy, steel, keep, 'medium

[] — 'lustre, 'sulphur, some, but, 'other, a'bundant

[æ] — ash, 'value, rank, 'matter, 'calorie, 'active

[ε: I — burn, 'surface, 'purpose, re'serves, world, 'furnace

[ С: l — store, ac'cording, pro'portion, source

[аi] — dry, pile, kind, pro'vide, 'either, slight, 'slightly

[ou] — low, coke, 'coking, most, though, al'though, smoke

[a: J — large, hard, 'carbon, blast, fast

б) Прочитайте названия химических элементов и углей:

carbon, chromium, cobalt, copper, nickel, tungsten, bituminous coal, anthracite, liquefaction

в) Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов:

according to the amount of carbon; a variable proportion of ash; a low-rank brown-to-black coal; easily inflammable lignite; liable to spontaneous combustion; medium-to-low volatile bituminous coals; the greatest quantities of peat; a mixture with improved coking qualities; to be of great importance for the development of modern industry; to be used for domestic and industrial purposes

8. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какие угли имеют наиболее важное экономическое значение.


Coal is the product of vegetable matter that has been formed by the action of decay, weathering, the effects of pressure, temperature and time millions of years ago. Although coal is not a true mineral, its formation processes are similar to those of sedimentary rocks. Structurally coal beds are geological strata characterized by the same irregularities in thickness, uniformity and continuity as other strata of sedimentary origin. Coal beds may consist of essentially uniform continuous strata or like other sedimentary deposits may be made up of different bands or benches of varying thickness. Thus, in Fig. 3 one can see a seam limited by two more or less parallel planes, a shape which is typical of sedimentary rocks. The benches may be separated by thin layers of clay, shale, pyrite or other mineral matter, commonly called partings (Fig. 4). Like other sedimentary rocks coal beds may be structurally disturbed by folding and faulting.

According to the amount of carbon coals are classified into: brown coals, bituminous coals and anthracite. Brown coals are in their turn subdivided into lignite and common brown coal. Although carbon is the most important element in coal, as many as 72 elements have been found in some coal deposits, including lithium, chromium, cobalt, copper, nickel, tungsten and others. Lignite is intermediate in properties between peat and bituminous coal, containing when dry about 60 to 75 per cent of carbon and a variable proportion of ash. Lignite is a low-rank brown-to-black coal containing 30 to 40 per cent of moisture. Developing heat it gives from 2,500 to 4,500 calories. It is easily inflammable but burns with a smoky flame. Lignite is liable to spontaneous combustion. It has been estimated that about 50 per cent of the world's total coal reserves are Iignitic. Brown coal is harder than lignite, containing from 60 to 65 per cent of carbon and developing greater heat than lignite (4,000-7,000 calories). It is very combustible and gives a brown powder. Bituminous coal is the most abundant variety, varying from medium to high rank. It is a soft, black, usually banded coal. It gives a black powder and contains 75 to 90 per cent of carbon. It weathers only slightly and may be kept in open piles with little danger of spontaneous combustion if properly stored. Medium-to-low volatile bituminous coals may be of coking quality. Coal is used intensively in blast furnaces for smelting iron ore. There are non-coking varieties of coal. As for the thickness, the beds of this kind of coal are not very thick (1-1.5 metres). The great quantities of bituminous coal are found in the former USSR. Anthracite or "hard" coal has a brilliant lustre containing

more than 90 per cent of carbon and low percentage of volatile matter. It is used primarily as a domestic fuel, although it can sometimes be blended with bituminous grades of coal to produce a mixture with improved coking qualities. The largest beds of anthracite are found in the former USSR, the USA and Great Britain. Coal is still of great importance for the development of modern industry. It may be used for domestic and industrial purposes. Being the main source of coke, coal is widely used in the iron and steel industry. Lignite, for example either in the raw state or in briquetted form, is a source of industrial carbon and industrial gases. There is a strong tendency now for increased research into new technologies to utilize coal. No doubt, coal will be used as a raw material for the chemical industry and petrochemical processes. All these processes involve coal conversion which include gasification designed to produce synthesis gas from coal as the basis for hydrogen manufacture, liquefaction (разжижение) for making liquid fuel from coal and other processes.

9. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1. Anthracite coals may be divided into lignite and common brown coal. 2. Coals are ranked according to the percentage of carbon they contain. 3. Peat, with the least amount of carbon is the lowest rank, then comes lignite or brown coal. 4. Brown coal is hard and it is not liable to spontaneous combustion. 5. Bituminous coal weathers rapidly and one cannot keep it in open piles. 6. Being intensively used in the iron and steel industry bituminous coal varies from medium to high rank. 7. Anthracite or hard coal, the highest in percentage of carbon, can be blended with bituminous grades of coal.

10. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the classification of coal, based on? 2. Is carbon the only element in coal? (Prove it.) 3. Is lignite intermediate in properties between peat and bituminous coal? 4. What heat value does lignite develop when burnt? 5. What coals are liable to spontaneous combustion? 6. What is the difference between lignite and brown coal? 7. Is bituminous coal high- or low-volatile? 8. Does anthracite contain 90 per cent of carbon? 9. Where are the largest deposits of anthracite found?. And what can you say about bituminous coal? 10. What do you know about the utilization of coal?

11. а) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов.

1. spontaneous combustion

2. moisture and ash content

3 . the most abundant variety of coal

4. in its turn

5. the amount of volatile matter

6. easily inflammable gas '

7. brilliant lustre

8. to smelt iron ore

9. high-rank coal

10. a smoky flame

1. легковоспламеняющийся газ

2. высокосортный уголь

3. плавить железную руду

4. самовозгорание

5. содержание влаги и золы

6. дымное пламя

7. самые широко распространенные угли

8. яркий блеск

9. в свою очередь

10. количество летучих веществ

б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов.

1. тип угля

2. некоксующийся уголь

3. доменная печь

4. содержание углерода

5. смешиваться с другими углями

6. улучшенного качества

7. складировать уголь

8. теплотворная способность

9. быстро выветриваться

1. heat value

2. amount of carbon

3. coal rank

4. to store coal

5. to weather rapidly

6. non-coking coal

7. blast furnace

8. of improved quality

9. to blend with other coals

Практическое занятие №4-5 (Lesson 4-5)


1. Запомните следующие слова и сочетания слов:

access [' æ kses] - доступ

to affect [ə'fekt] – воздействовать (на что-л.)-, влиять; . syn influence

barren [ˈbærən] - непродуктивный; пустой (о породе)

chute [ʃuːt] скат, спуск; углеспускная выработка; жёлоб

to compare [kəmˈpɛə] (with) сравнивать, проводить параллель

to contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] способствовать, содействовать; делать вклад (в науку);

to make a (one's) contribution to smth сделать вклад во что-л.,.

cross-section [krɔs-sekʃn] - поперечное сечение, поперечный разрез, профиль

to develop [dɪˈveləp] - разрабатывать (месторождение); развивать (добычу); производить подготовительные работы;

development – подготовительные работы; развитие добычи; развитие

drift [drift] штрек, горизонтальная выработка

to ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] - обеспечивать, гарантировать; syn guarantee

face [feɪs] - забой; лава

floor [flɔː] - почва горной выработки, почва пласта (жилы);

quarry floor [ˈkwɔrɪ flɔː] - подошва карьера; пол, настил

to govern [ˈgʌvən] - править, управлять; руководить; определять, обусловливать

inclination [ɪnklɪˈneɪʃn] - уклон, скат, наклон (пластов); наклонение;

seam inclination - падение (пласта); наклон (пласта)

incline [ɪnˈklaɪn] - уклон, бремсберг, скат; наклонный ствол;

gravity incline - бремсберг

inclined – наклонный

flatly inclined - слабо наклонный

gently inclined наклонного падения

medium inclined- умеренно наклонный (о пластах)

steeply inclined - крутопадающий

level ['levl] - этаж, горизонт; горизонтальная горная выработка; штольня; уровень (инструмент); горизонтальная поверхность

to recover [rɪˈkʌvə] - извлекать; выбирать, очищать; добывать (уголь и т. п.); восстанавливать

remove [ri'mu:v] - удалять; убирать; устранять; перемещать;

removal - выемка; уборка (породы); извлечение (крепи); перемещение;

overburden removal [əʊvəˈbɜːdn] - удаление вскрыши

rib [rib] - ребро; выступ;

roof [ru:f] - крыша; кровля выработки; кровля пласта (или жилы); перекрытие;

roof support - крепление кровли

shaft [ʃɑːft] - шахтный ствол;

auxiliary [ɔːgˈzɪljərɪ] shaft - вспомогательный ствол;

hoisting [ˈhɔɪstɪŋ] shaft - подъемный ствол; главный шахтный ствол

tabular [ˈtæbjʊlə] – пластовый (о месторождении); пластообразный; плоский; линзообразный;

syn bedded, layered

waste [weist] - пустая порода; отходы; syn barren rock

well [wel] - буровая скважина; колодец, источник; водоем; зумф

capital investment – капитальные работы

gate road - промежуточный штрек

in bulk навалом, в виде крупных кусков

metal-bearing содержащий металл

production face очистной забой

productive mining эксплуатационные работы

productive working очистной забой

in view of ввиду чего-л., принимая во внимание что-л.

with a view to с целью

2. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

weak roof; loose roof; bad roof; roof conditions; roof control; roof exposure; roof fall; the floor of a seam; the floor of a working; floor sampling; hard floor; barren rock; barren sand; barren ore; test wells; exploratory wells; gas wells; oil wells; slope conveyer; slope working; gently sloping deposit; removing a mineral-bearing substance; dust removal; overburden removal; metallic substance; the immediate

extraction of useful mineral; direct access to the deposit; oil shale; recovery; ensuring access to the deposit from the surface; steeply inclined seams

3. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

[ɔː] — broad, 'broadly, sought, floor, to'ward, call

[ɔ] — 'quarry, 'problem, eco'nomical, 'cross-section, 'crosscut

[i:] — be'neath, 'speaking, peat, in'crease, im'mediate

[i] — pit, 'mineral, 'building, 'distance, 'driven

[ʌ] — pro'duction, pro'ductive, oc'currence, re'coverv, 'govern, a'bove, 'function

[æ] — mass, 'tabular, 'barren, gas, 'shallow

[ai] — blind, type, 'widespread, des'cribe

[ou] — 'process, coal, 'mode, slope, 'sloping

[ɛə]—com'pare, pre'pare, vary, 'various

б) Прочитайте слитно следующие сочетания слов:

industrial process of removing a metal-bearing substance; exploitation of lower-grade metal-bearing substances; mode of occurrence of the soug'ht-for metallic substance; to drive mine workings with a view to finding or proving mineral; cross-sections comparable with their length

4. Прочитайте текст. Найдите в тексте абзац, в котором говорится о горных выработках и их назначении:


As has been said, mining refers to actual ore extraction. Broadly speaking, mining is the industrial process of removing a mineral-bearing substance from the place of its natural occurrence in the Earth's crust. The term "mining" includes the recovery of oil and gas from wells; metal, non-metallic minerals, coal, peat, and other hydrocarbons from the earth. In other words, the work done to extract mineral, or to prepare for its extraction is called mining.

The tendency in mining has been toward the increased use of mining machinery so that modern mines are characterized by tremendous capacities. This has contributed to improving working conditions and raising labour productivity.

Mining can be done either as a surface operation (quarries or open-pits) or it can be done by an underground method. The problem of depth also affects the mining method.

Working the deposit means the extraction of mineral. With this point in view a number of underground workings is driven in barren (waste) rock and in mineral. Mine workings vary in shape, location and function.

Depending on their function mine workings are exploratory (разведочные), if they are driven with a view to finding mineral, and as productive (эксплуатационные) if they are used for the immediate extraction of useful mineral.

The rock surfaces at the sides of workings are called the sides or the ribs. The surface above the workings is the roof in coal mining. The surface below is called the floor.

The factors such as function, direct access to the surface, driving in mineral or in barren rock can be used for classifying mine workings.

I. Underground workings:

a) Long or deep may be: 1) vertical; 2) sloping (наклонные); 3) horizontal.

b) Production faces, whose dimensions (размеры) depend on the thickness of the deposit being worked, and on the method of mining it.

II. Opencasts.

5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is mining? 2. What has contributed to the better working conditions of the miners? 3. What factors influence the choice of the mining method? 4. In what case is useful mineral worked by open-pits? 5. Are exploratory workings driven with a view to finding and proving mineral or are they driven for immediate extraction of mineral? 6. What is the difference between development and production work? 7. What main factors are used for classifying mine workings? 8. What do the dimensions of production faces depend on?

6. а) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов.

1. direct access to the surface

2. open-cast mining

3. tabular (or bedded) deposits

4. oil well

5. underground workings

6. cross-section of a working

7. production face

8. the roof of the mine working

9. to drive mine workings in barren rock

10. to affect the mining method

1. нефтяная скважина

2. проходить горные выработки по пустой породе

3. влиять на метод разработки

4. прямой доступ к поверхности

5. пластовые месторождения

6. открытая разработка

7. поперечное сечение выработки

8. подземные выработки

9. очистной забой

10. кровля горной выработки

б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов.

1. способствовать чему-л.

2. размер ствола

3. извлекать, добывать (уголь)

4. штреки и квершлаги

5. пустая порода

6. вообще говоря

7. удалять, перемещать (крепь, вскрышу и др.)

8. с целью чего-л.

9. подготовительные работы

10. мощность пласта

1. thickness of a seam

2. shaft dimension

3. with a view to

4. to contribute to smth.

5. development work

6. to remove (timber, overburden, etc.)

7. drifts (gate roads) and crosscuts

8. generally speaking

9. to recover (coal)

10. waste (barren) rock

7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод условных придаточных предложений и союзов:

1. If the geological and prospecting indications are known, it is possible, even before prospecting proper begins, to forecast not only the type of economic deposit that may be found in the given conditions but also the associated elements and the whole complex of forecasting minerals. 2. Provided the geologists make use of proper prospecting methods, they will get necessary results. 3. On conditions that different types of ores are to be tested separately each sample should represent a definite type of ore. 4. Unless the face is directly connected to the upper level, the combine does not cut the face for its whole length.

8. Переведите предложения, используя предлагаемые слова и сочетания слов:

useful mineral; to drive mine workings; exploratory and productive mine workings; barren (waste) rock; it is necessary; to contribute to; both ... and; a number of; the output

Горные выработки могут быть разведочными и эксплуатационными. Горные выработки могут проводиться как по полезному ископаемому, так и по пустой породе. Для разработки более глубоких частей пласта необходимо проводить ряд подземных выработок, которые могут быть вертикальными, горизонтальными и наклонными. Механизация горных операций способствует увеличению добычи полезного ископаемого.

Практическое занятие №6 (Lesson 6)


1. Запомните следующие слова и сочетания слов:

available [əˈveɪləbl] - пригодный, полезный

commercial [kəˈmɜːʃəl] - промышленный

basin [beɪsn] - бассейн;

consider [kənˈsɪdə] - рассматривать; принимать во внимание; считать, полагать;

considerable - значительный;

consideration - рассмотрение; обсуждение;

take into consideration - принимать во внимание;

is under consideration - (вопрос) рассматривается

consume [kənˈsjuːm] - потреблять, расходовать;

consumer - потребитель; syn user;

consumption - потребление, расход

discover [dɪsˈkʌvə] - открывать, делать открытие

ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] - обеспечивать

enterprise [ˈentəpraɪz] - предприятие

environment [ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt] - окружающая среда;

environmental protection защита окружающей среды

find [faɪnd] - (found faund) - находить; обнаруживать

improve [ɪmˈpruːv] - улучшать

ferrous and non-ferrous metals – чёрные и цветные металлы

objective – цель

extensive [ɪksˈtensɪv] – интенсивный

apply [əˈplaɪ] - использовать

iron [ˈaɪən] - железо

operate [ˈɔpəreɪt] - действовать; работать; управлять (машиной)',

operating а действующий;

operation п действие, работа;

be in operation; put into operation вводить в действие

particular [pəˈtɪkjʊlə] - особенный; особый;

in particular – в особенности;

particularly - особенно, в особенности, в частности

nuclear power - ядерная энергия

quality [ˈkwɔlɪtɪ] - качество

shelf [ʃelf] - отмель, шельф

above all - прежде всего

to meet the requirements удовлетворять требованиям

that is why вот почему

Caspian Depression – Прикаспийская впадина

nuclear power – ядерная энергетика

colliery [ˈkɔljərɪ] – угольная шахта

2. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

fuel and energy resources; nuclear power; eastern areas; extractive industries; large mining enterprises; continental shelves; commercial deposits; the improvement of coal quality; the increase in the production

3. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод сложноподчиненных предложений:

The introduction of automation and robot technology makes it possible not only to raise the efficiency of labour but to change the relations between man and machinery. 2. It is well known that robotization of production depends on the development of computer technology. 3. Scientists speak about the role that robots play in the national economy. 4. The introduction of new robots into industry is very important.

4. Прочитайте текст и скажите, каковы перспективы развития угольной промышленности в России:


Among the key sectors of the national economy special attention is paid to fuel and energy resources. Russia is rich in large and often unique deposits of mineral resources such as coal, oil, gas, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In fact, the country depends on its own fuel and energy resources to develop its national economy.

The objective of new economic development plans is to ensure the growth of the country's energy potential mainly on the basis of nuclear power and coal. Coal continues to play an important part in supplying the country with fuel and electric power, especially in the eastern areas where there are large fuel and energy complexes.

New economic development plans provide for the extensive development of the extractive industries in the eastern regions of the country. Large mining enterprises are constructed in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. At the same time the retooling and modernization of the collieries in the old coal-mining areas and firstly in Kuznetsk basins continue. It should be stressed that most of the country's coal deposits are in Siberia. Most coal seams (пласт) lie near the surface there, and it makes it possible to develop them by open-cast mining which is safer, less expensive and requires less manpower resources. That is why one of the major objectives of the new economic development plans is to apply open-cast mining. Special attention is to be paid to the introduction of new advanced coal mining equipment—powerful excavators, conveyers and transport systems. The main task is to improve quality of coal and to save power resources. The task is also to develop continental shelves which are rich in natural resources. Geologists find useful minerals on the shelves in different parts of the country. As is known, oil and gas are the main sources of energy available to man today. The deposits of oil and gas are mostly situated in West Siberia, and in the north of the country's European part. Geologists are exploiting the deep-lying oil fields in the Caspian Depression. The deposits of gas in West Siberia are unique. The increase in the production of Siberian gas is a task of great economic importance which can meet the country's domestic and export requirements. The region is also rich in coking coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The effectiveness of fuel and energy production depends on using rational systems of exploitation and on introducing modern methods and advanced technologies.

5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the key sectors of the national economy?

2. What is Russia rich in?

3. Does the country develop old coal mining areas?

4. Why is the development of continental shelves important?

5. Where are the deposits of oil and gas mostly situated?

6. What are the main sources of energy available to man today?

6. а) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов.

1. quality of metal

2. continental shelf

3. operating coal basins

4. raw material resources

5. open-cast mining

6. mining enterprises

7. commercial deposits

8. environmental protection

9. average output

10. advanced technology

1. открытая разработка (месторождения )

2. сырьевые ресурсы

3. защита окружающей среды

4. качество металла

5. средняя производительность

6. передовая технология

7. горные предприятия

8. континентальный шельф

9. действующие угольные бассейны

10. промышленное месторождение

b) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов.

1. открыть уникальные месторождения

2. удовлетворять требованиям

3. снабжать топливом и энергией

4. зависеть от наличия сырья

5. быстро расти

6. переоснащать промышленность

7. создавать условия

8. увеличивать добычу угля

9. потреблять энергию

10. вводить в действие

1. to supply with fuel and power

2. to depend on the availability of raw material

3. to discover unique deposits

4. to retool the industry

5. to consume energy

6. to meet the requirements

7. to put into operation

8. to grow rapidly

9. to create conditions

10. to increase (step up) coal output

H/t – Translate into English.

1. Кузбасс — промышленный центр Западной Сибири. Он богат полезными ископаемыми, особенно коксующимися углями и железной рудой. 2. В Кузбассе действуют крупные шахты и карьеры. 3. Суточная производительность шахт высокая. 4. В Кузбассе строятся крупные горные предприятия. 5. Химические заводы производят кокс, пластмассы и другие продукты.

Практическое занятие №7 (Lesson7)


1. Запомните следующие слова и сочетания слов:

accurate [ˈækjʊrɪt] - точный, правильный; accuracy – точность

attend [əˈtend] - посещать (лекции, практические занятия, собрания)

comprehensive [kɔmprɪˈhensɪv] - всесторонний, исчерпывающий

concern [kənˈsɜːn] - касаться, относиться; иметь отношение к чему-л.;

concerning - относительно, касательно

consider [kənˈsɪdə] и рассматривать; считать; considerable - значительный, важный; consideration - рассмотрение; обсуждение

draw [drɔː] - чертить, рисовать;

draw the conclusion - делать вывод; syn come to the conclusion – придти к выводу

employ [ɪmˈplɔɪ] - применять, использовать; предоставлять (работу);

e mployment - служба; занятие; применение, использование

extract [ˈekstrækt] - добывать, извлекать; вынимать (уголь, руду);

generation - производствоextraction - выемка, извлечение; очистные работы;

extractive - добывающий, извлекающий

number - число, количество, большое количество; (порядковый) номер, ряд

observe [əbˈzɜːv] - наблюдать, следить (за чём-л.), соблюдать (правило, обычаи)

obtain - получать; достигать; добывать;

present [pri'zent] - преподносить, дарить; подавать, представлять;

presentation - изложение; предъявление

meet the requirements - удовлетворять требованиям

proximity [prɔkˈsɪmɪtɪ] - близость, соседство;

in proximity to - поблизости, вблизи от (чего-л.)

to keep in close touch with – поддерживать связь с

to touch upon (on) – затрагивать, касаться вкратце

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст

Among the foreign countries with a highly-developed economy are the USA, Japan, Great Britain, Canada, France, Italy and some other West European countries.

The United States of America is a country with large energy resources. The territory of the USA is rich in coal, natural gas, iron ores, large reserves of petroleum, uranium and other ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The country develops different branches of industry. Among them are mining, iron and steel, machine building, military and others. The coal industry plays an important part in the country's economy, its raw material base. The future of coal depends very much upon its use in electricity generation and in other fields. Most of the total annual coal production comes from the coal-fields in Pennsylvania and the northern part of West Virginia, Illinois and Kentucky and southern West Virginia. The USA mines larger portion of coal, iron ore and other ferrous and non-ferrous metals by the open-cast method.

3. Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

1. What minerals is the USA rich in?

2. What branches of industry does the country develop?

3. Where does most of the total annual coal production come from?

4. What method does the USA use for mining?

5. What foreign countries with a highly-developed economy do you know?

4. Переведите предложения.

1. Мы можем придти к выводу, что добыча угля в США ведётся открытым методом.

2. Мы должны следить за количеством добытой руды.

3. Это правильное решение.

4. Вы посещаете все лекции?

5. Что Вы думаете относительно метода добычи?

6. Вы можете представить свой доклад?

7. Это оборудование удовлетворяет нашим требованиям.

Практическое занятие №8 (Lesson8)



1. Translate the text into Russian in written.

Mining refers to actual ore extraction. Broadly speaking, mining is the industrial process of removing a mineral-bearing substance from the place of its natural occurrence in the Earth's crust. The term "mining" includes the recovery of oil and gas from wells; metal, non-metallic minerals, coal, peat, and other hydrocarbons from the earth. In other words, the work done to extract mineral, or to prepare for its extraction is called mining.

The tendency in mining has been toward the increased use of mining machinery so that modern mines are characterized by tremendous capacities. This has contributed to improving working conditions and raising labour productivity.

Mining can be done either as a surface operation or it can be done by an underground method. The problem of depth also affects the mining method.

Working the deposit means the extraction of mineral. With this point in view a number of underground workings is driven in barren (waste) rock and in mineral. Mine workings vary in shape, location and function.

2. Answer the questions

1. What is mining?

2. What has contributed to the better working conditions of the miners?

3. What factors influence the choice of the mining method?

4. What does working the deposit mean?

5. How do mine workings very?

3. Translate the word combinations into Russian

Spontaneous combustion, moisture and ash content, the most abundant variety of coal, in its turn, the amount of volatile matter, easily inflammable gas, brilliant lustre, to smelt iron ore, high-rank coal, a smoky flame.

4. Translate the word combinations into English

Открыть уникальные месторождения, удовлетворять требованиям, снабжать топливом и энергией,

зависеть от наличия сырья, быстро расти, переоснащать промышленность, создавать условия, увеличивать добычу угля, потреблять энергию, вводить в действие.

5. Translate the sentences into English

1. Кузбасс — промышленный центр Западной Сибири. Он богат полезными ископаемыми, особенно коксующимися углями и железной рудой. 2. В Кузбассе действуют крупные шахты и карьеры. 3. Суточная производительность шахт высокая. 4. В Кузбассе строятся крупные горные предприятия. 5. Химические заводы производят кокс, пластмассы и другие продукты.

Практическое занятие №8 (Lesson8)



1. Translate the text into Russian in written.

Among the key sectors of the national economy special attention is paid to fuel and energy resources. Russia is rich in large and often unique deposits of mineral resources such as coal, oil, gas, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In fact, the country depends on its own fuel and energy resources to develop its national economy.

The objective of new economic development plans is to ensure the growth of the country's energy potential mainly on the basis of nuclear power and coal. Coal continues to play an important part in supplying the country with fuel and electric power, especially in the eastern areas where there are large fuel and energy complexes.

New economic development plans provide for the extensive development of the extractive industries in the eastern regions of the country. Large mining enterprises are constructed in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. At the same time the retooling and modernization of the collieries in the old coal-mining areas and firstly in Kuznetsk basins continue.

2. Answer the questions

1. What are the key sectors of the national economy?

2. What is Russia rich in?

3. Does the country develop old coal mining areas?

4. What plays an important part in supplying the country with fuel and electric power?

5. What do new economic development plans provide?

3. Translate the word combinations into Russian

Quality of metal, continental shelf, operating coal basins, raw material resources, open-cast mining, mining enterprises, commercial deposits, environmental protection, average output, advanced technology. 4. Translate the word combinations into English

Способствовать чему-л., размер ствола, извлекать, добывать (уголь), штреки и квершлаги, пустая порода, вообще говоря, удалять, перемещать (крепь, вскрышу и др.), с целью чего-л., подготовительные работы, мощность пласта.

5. Translate the sentences into English

1. Горные выработки могут быть разведочными и эксплуатационными. 2. Горные выработки могут проводиться как по полезному ископаемому, так и по пустой породе. 3. Для разработки более глубоких частей пласта необходимо проводить ряд подземных выработок, которые могут быть вертикальными, горизонтальными и наклонными. 4. Механизация горных операций способствует увеличению добычи полезного ископаемого.

Практическое занятие №11 (Lesson 11) (15.11.2016)


1. Запишите следующие слова и сочетания слов:

band - слой; полоса; прослоек (породы);

cleave [kli:v] - расщепляться; трескаться, constituent - составная часть, компонент

define [di'fain] - определять, давать определение

distribute (among) - распределять (между);

disturb - нарушать; смещать

excess - избыток, излишек;

flaky - слоистый; похожий на хлопья

fluid ['fluid] - жидкость;

foliate - расщепляться на тонкие слои;

marble - мрамор

mention - упоминать, ссылаться;

plate [pleit] - пластина;

pressure - давление;

rock pressure (underground pressure) горное давление, давление горных пород

relate [ri'leit] - относиться;

relation - отношение;

relationship - родство; свойство;

relative - относительный; соответственный

run [глп] бегать, двигаться; течь; работать (о машине); тянуться, простираться; управлять (машиной); вести (дело, предприятие)

schistose - сланцеватый; слоистый

sheet - полоса

slate [sleit] - сланец;

split [split] - раскалываться, расщепляться, трес-


trace - след;

at least по крайней мере

to give an opportunity (of) давать возможность (кому-л., чему-л.)

in such a way таким образом

2. Переведите письменно следующие сочетания слов.

Cleavage distribution; the definition of rocks; geological disturbances; schistose structure; schistose coal; low-grade metals; medium-grade coals; high-grade oil; the most common metamorphic rocks; exposed igneous rocks; single or thoclase crystals; scientific value; chemically active fluids; rock pressure; water pressure; excess of water; thin sheets; the Earth's surface; separate plates; foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks

3. Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем ответы на следующие вопросы (ответы напишите):

1. What is metarnorphism? 2. Why can metamorphic rocks cleave easily? 3. Why is the study of metamorphic rocks of importance?


The problem discussed concerns metamorphic rocks which compose the third large family of rocks. "Metamorphic" means "changed from". It shows that the original rock has been changed from its primary form to a new one. Being subjected to pressure, heat and chemically active fluids beneath the Earth's surface, various rocks in the Earth's crust undergo changes in texture, in mineral composition and structure and are transformed into metamorphic rocks. The process described is called metamorphism.

As is known, metamorphic rocks have been developed from earlier igneous and sedimentary rocks by the action of heat and pressure.

Gneisses, mica schists, phyllites, marbles, slate, quartz, etc. belong to the same group of rocks. Having the same mineral composition as granite, gneisses consist chiefly of quartz, orthoclase and mica. However unlike granite, they have a schistose structure. It means that their constituents are distributed in bands or layers and run parallel to each other in one direction. If disturbed the rock cleaves easily into separate plates.

The role of water in metamorphism is determined by at least four variable geologically related parameters: rock pressure, temperature, wafer pressure, and the amount of water present.

During a normal progressive metamorphism rock pressure and temperature are interdependent, and the amount of water and the pressure of water are related to the sediments and to the degree of metamorphism in such a way that, generally speaking, the low-grade metamorphic rocks are characterized by the excess of water. The medium-grade rocks defined by some deficiency of water and the high-grade metamorphic rocks are characterized by the absence of water.

Many of the metamorphic rocks mentioned above consist of flaky materials such as mica and chlorite. These minerals cause the rock to split into thin sneets and rocks become foliated.

Slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss belong to the group of foliated metamorphic rocks. Marble and quartzite are non-foliated metamorphic rocks.

The structure of metamorphic rocks is of importance because it shows the nature of pre-existing rocks and the mechanism of metamorphic deformation. Every trace of original structure is of great importance to geologists. It gives an opportunity of analysing the causes of its metamorphism.

Being often called crystalline schists, metamorphic rocks such as gneisses and mica schists have a schistose structure. Metamorphic rocks represent the oldest portion of the Earth's crust. They are mostly found in the regions of mountain belts where great dislocations on the Earth once took place.

4. Переведите письменно первый абзац текста.

Практическое занятие №12 (Lesson 12)


1. Вспомните лексику предыдущего занятия. Переведите письменно:

band, cleave, distribute (among), plate, flaky, relative, trace, marble, relationship, sheet, to give an opportunity (of), in such a way, pressure, mention, schistose, at least, slate, foliate, split.

2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов. Запишите их через тире.

1. as a result of the chemical and physical


2. constituents of rocks

3. to be subjected to constant development

4. to undergo changes

5. excess of water

6. low-grade ores

7. coal band

8. to cleave into separate layers

9. traces of original structure

10. generally speaking

1. полоса (или прослоек) угля

2. составляющие пород

3. расщепляться на отдельные слои

4. вообще говоря

5. в результате химических и физических изменений

6. избыток воды

7. изменяться

8. находиться в постоянном развитии

9. низкосортные руды

10. следы первоначальной структуры

3. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов. Запишите их через тире.

1. иметь значение

2. упомянутые выше

3. сланцеватая структура

4. в отличие от гранита

5. недостаток воды

6. существовавшие ранее породы

7. слоистые породы

8. мрамор и сланец

9. гнейс

10. давать возможность

11. определять текстуру породы

1. unlike granite

2. to be of importance

3. pre-existing rocks

4. mentioned above

5. schistose structure

6. to give an opportunity (of doing smth)

7. to define (determine) rock texture

8. deficiency of water

9. flaky rocks

10. marble and slate

11. gneiss

4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя следующие слова: а) I. cleave, II. cleaves, III. cleavage

(Предложения писать полностью, вставленные слова подчеркнуть).

1. Metamorphic rocks which have a schistose structure can ... . 2. As a result of splitting ... is formed. 3. Generally speaking, the constituents of gneisses are distributed in bands or layers and the rock ... easily.

Практическое занятие №13 (Lesson13)



1. Translate the text into Russian in written.

The problem discussed concerns metamorphic rocks which compose the third large family of rocks. "Metamorphic" means "changed from". It shows that the original rock has been changed from its primary form to a new one. Being subjected to pressure, heat and chemically active fluids beneath the Earth's surface, various rocks in the Earth's crust undergo changes in texture, in mineral composition and structure and are transformed into metamorphic rocks. The process described is called metamorphism.

As is known, metamorphic rocks have been developed from earlier igneous and sedimentary rocks by the action of heat and pressure.

2. Answer the questions

1. What rocks compose the third large family of rocks?

2. What does “metamorphic” mean?

3. What have metamorphic rocks been developed from?

3. Translate the word combinations into Russian

Cleavage distribution; the definition of rocks; geological disturbances; schistose structure; schistose coal; low-grade metals; medium-grade coals; high-grade oil; the most common metamorphic rocks; exposed igneous rocks

4. Translate the word combinations into English

Полоса (или прослоек) угля, составляющие пород, расщепляться на отдельные слои, вообще говоря, в результате химических и физических изменений, избыток воды, изменяться, находиться в постоянном развитии, низкосортные руды, следы первоначальной структуры

5. Translate the sentences into English

1. Many of the metamorphic rocks mentioned above consist of flaky materials such as mica and chlorite.

2. The structure of metamorphic rocks is of importance.

3. Metamorphic rocks represent the oldest portion of the Earth's crust.

Практическое занятие №13 (Lesson13)



1. Translate the text into Russian in written.

During a normal progressive metamorphism rock pressure and temperature are interdependent, and the amount of water and the pressure of water are related to the sediments and to the degree of metamorphism in such a way that, generally speaking, the low-grade metamorphic rocks are characterized by the excess of water. The medium-grade rocks defined by some deficiency of water and the high-grade metamorphic rocks are characterized by the absence of water.

Many of the metamorphic rocks mentioned above consist of flaky materials such as mica and chlorite. These minerals cause the rock to split into thin sneets and rocks become foliated.

2. Answer the questions

1. Are rock pressure and temperature are interdependent during a normal progressive metamorphism?

2. What are the low-grade metamorphic rocks characterized by?

3. What are the medium-grade rocks defined by?

3. Translate the word combinations into Russian

Single or thoclase crystals; scientific value; chemically active fluids; rock pressure; water pressure; excess of water; thin sheets; the Earth's surface; separate plates; foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks

4. Translate the word combinations into English

Иметь значение, упомянутые выше, сланцеватая структура, в отличие от гранита, недостаток воды, существовавшие ранее породы, слоистые породы, мрамор и сланец, гнейс, давать возможность, определять текстуру породы

5. Translate the sentences into English

1. Metamorphic rocks are mostly found in the regions of mountain belts where great dislocations on the Earth once took place.

2. Having the same mineral composition as granite, gneisses consist chiefly of quartz.

3. Marble and quartzite are non-foliated metamorphic rocks.

Практическое занятие №14 (Lesson14)



1. This small text contains 15 -of phrases. Find them. Translate the text in written.

Having finished the preliminary prospecting work we can start underground exploration and the opening-up of the mine.

This is done by various horizontal, vertical and inclined openings, Drifts, Inclines and Shafts and in many cases by Boreholes.

Our first task is to make the deposit accessible, or as the miners say, "to open it up". How this is done depends on the position and form of the deposit, and on the configuration of the surface. In many cases we open the deposit by sinking shafts and by driving horizontally from them to the deposit the so-called Crosscuts. In mountainous areas we simply drive a tunnel to the deposit.

Having reached the ore and thus having access to it we proceed to explore it in horizontal and vertical directions. This is best done by driving Levels (or Drifts) from the place where our shaft or crosscut has struck it; by sinking Winzes in vertical deposits and inclines in inclined deposits.

This work is to explore the deposit, as we do not know whether it will be worth working; we call the drifts Exploratory drifts. These are made so that they can be used for mining if the results of the exploration justify us in undertaking it. Thus these exploratory shafts, inclines, and drifts are then called the Development workings, as they are established in such a manner that they divide the deposit into suitable blocks, which can be conveniently mined and from where the broken ore can be easily transported.


the opening-up of the mine — подготовка шахты

drifts — штреки

inclines — наклонные стволы, «бремсберги»

shafts — шахтные стволы

boreholes — скважины

sinking shaft — проходной ствол

whether it will be worth working — стоит ли его разрабатывать

if the results of the exploration justify us in undertaking it — если результаты разведки оправдывают наше предприятие

the development workings — подготовительные работы

in such a manner — таким образом

Практическое занятие №15 (Lesson15)


1. Translate the text into Russian


The main classification of methods of working coal-seams is as follows: (1) Board and pillar; (2) Longwall advancing; (3) Longwall retreating; (4) Semi-longwall; (5) Horizon mining.

Hard and fast rules1 distinguishing between these various methods cannot be laid down in some cases as so many modifications and combinations of the methods exist at various collieries working- under different conditions. The general principles underlying2 the three chief systems may be briefly outlined as follows:

Board and pillar mining, variously called "room and pillar", "pillar and stall", "post and bank" and "stoop and room", consists of driving "boards", "stalls" or "rooms" to split up the area to be worked, so as to leave "pillars" or "stoops", which may or may not be extracted at a later date.

Under normal workings by this method, no packing is employed. Thus pillars when extracted are generally "retreated", that is the pillars farthest away from the shafts are then taken out before those nearer the shafts.

Longwall advancing working consists of long faces or "wide places" from which all the coal is removed for a given working section and the necessary roads are made through the goaf where formerly coal lay. The roof near the working face is supported by props, bars and chocks, and by packs built up of material which falls from the roof, or may be imported.

Packs may be such as to support only the roadways left for the further extractions of the mineral and for ventilation purposes, when the system is referred to as3 "caving". They may also be built at varying intervals, i.e., "strip packing", or the void of goaf may be packed solid, i.e. "solid packing".

Longwall retreating working consists of first driving roadways through the solid coal at such intervals as may be necessary for the extraction of the coal in a later operation, and of such lengths as may reach either the boundary of the area of coal to be worked, or an arbitrary boundary. The blocks of coal thus formed are then worked on the longwall principle, but the direction of advance of working is from the boundary towards the shafts.


1. Hard and fast rules — твердо установленные правила (критерий)

2. principles underlying — принципы, которые легли в основу

3. the system is referred to as — система называется


2. Answer the following questions orally:

1. What is the main, classification of modern methods of working coal-seams? 2. What is a pillar ? 3. Are the pillars extracted? 4. What is referred to as packing? 5. By what means is the roof near the working face supported?

3. Answer the following questions in written form:

1. What does the board and pillar method consist of? 2. What are the general principles of longwall advancing working? 3. What does longwall retreating working consist of?

4. Retell the text.

5. Translate into Russian paying attention to the forms and functions of the Participle:

1. Mechanized methods of coal getting are widely used in our country. 2. Working seams lying near the surface early miners would not sink deep shafts. 3. The pillars formed are then extracted. 4. Having sunk the shaft the miners began driving roadways. 5. When extracted coal is hauled (transported) to the shaft bottom.

6. Use the sentence in all the tenses and forms: A coal face is supported by props, chocks, cogs, etc.

7. To be read by the teacher and retold by the students:


The Petchora coal-field has large reserves of coking coals and noncoking coals. The basin is located in the north-east of the European part of the RF (the Komy ASSR) in the zone of permanent freezing. All the existing collieries of the coalfield are gassy. Over 65 per cent of coal is produced from flat seams, ranging from 0.5 m to 4.5 m in thickness. Development of this field was started only some dozens of years ago.

The present output of the mines in the Petchora coal-field equals one fourth of that of all the mines in pre-revolutionary Russia.

The administrative and cultural centre of the coal-field is Vorkuta, a flourishing mining town in the north of Russia.

8.To be read and translated by the students individually:


At the beginning of the nineteenth century coal-mining was a small but rapidly expanding industry, with an output of about 10 million tons per annum. By the middle of that century the output had increased to about 50 million tons per annum and employed about 760,000 persons.

The increasing demand for coal led to still further rapid growth of the industry during the early years of the present century.,In 1913 production reached its zenith at 287 million tons, and 1,107,000 persons were employed at the mines. Thereafter production declined, due to various reasons, but employment in the industry continued to increase and in 1921 the number of persons employed reached a maximum of 1,227,000 for an output of 230 million tons.

In recent years the size of individual mines varied greatly, from small mines employing less than 30 men to the, largest which employ some thousands of miners and produce over 1,000,000 tons of coal per annum.

Coal is the most popular medium for domestic use and cooking in Great Britain. Prior to the Second World War the amount of coal used for domestic purposes was about 50 million tons per annum, but by the end of the war domestic consumption had fallen to about 37 million tons per annum.


P.: What was coal used for by the Romans?

Т.: Coal was used to some extent by the Romans for smith's work, for lime burning and for heating purposes.

P.: Was the use of coal by Romans limited?

Т.: Yes, it was. Its use was very limited, for no Roman remains have been found in old coal workings to indicate that it was obtained from underground mining operations.

P.: Did the use of coal cease with the departure of the Romans?

Т.: Yes, it did. With the departure of the Romans the use of coal as a fuel ceased for a long time.

10.Translate the text and retell it in English (h/t):

Имеется много систем разработки полезных ископаемых. Наилучшей системой разработки считается такая система, которая удовлетворяет трем требованиям: безопасности работ, экономичности и наименьшим потерям полезного ископаемого.

Для разработки угольных месторождений применяют следующие основные системы разработки: 1) сплошная система разработки; 2) столбовые системы разработки; 3) камерные; 4) комбинированные.

Практическое занятие №16 (Lesson16)


1. Translate the text into Russian

These are the rocks laid down in beds on the surface of the earth. They are classified to origin:

(1) mechanical or clastic sediments: gravel, sand, sandstone, shale, etc.;

(2) organic: limestone, peat, coal, etc.;

(3)chemical: salt deposits, some limestones and ironstones.The mechanical sediments may be further subdivided according to the size of their constituent particles.

A rock is not generally all of one grade, but is usually made up of portions of different grades, giving combinations like silty stones and sandy shales.

The organic and chemical sediments are subdivided according to their compositions, e.g., calcareous (e.g., limestone), carbonaceous (e. g., coal), siliceous (flint), saline (e. g., rock salt).

Pebbles are frequently fragments of rocks as distinct from sand grains which are usually simple minerals. Their size and shape depend in part on the rock1 from which they were derived, and in part on the treatment they have received. Pebbles of homogeneous granite are often nearly spherical, while pebbles of a metamorphic rock, such as a slate or schist, are generally flattened parallel to the cleavage planes. Again beach pebbles are, as a rule, better rounded than river pebbles, and glacial boulders are typically subangular. When commented to make hard rocks,2 pebbly deposits are known as conglomerates, and if the fragments are angular they are called sedimentary breccias to distinguish them from fault breccias. Most sand grains consist of quartz with lesser amounts of feldspar and muscovite. A far travelled sand or one that has been washed to and fro3 on a beach for a long time will contain little but quartz and perhaps muscovite. A sand that has been transported by wind in a dry climate or one that has been carried very quickly from its point of origin may be rich in feldspar. Wind-borne sands do not, as a rule, contain any mica, since this soft mineral is broken up by the hard blows sustained during wind transport. In addition to the above minerals most sands contain a small amount of "heavy minerals" such as magnetite, garnet, zircon, tourmaline, sphene, kyanite, staurolite and hornblende. These all have a specific gravity higher than 3.0 and can be separated from the light fraction (quartz, feldspar and mica) by floating on a heavy liquid. A convenient liquid for this purpose is bromoform with a specific gravity of 2.9.


1. depend in part on the rock — зависят частично от породы

2. When commented to make hard rocks — будучи составной частью твердых пород

3. has been washed to and fro — выбрасывался водой и уносился назад


2. Answer the following questions orally:

1. What are the sedimentary rocks? 2. What is a rock made of? 3. What is the shape of a pebble? 4. What do the size and shape of a pebble depend upon? 5. What do most sand grains consist of?

3. Answer the following questions in written form:

1. How are the sedimentary rods classified? 2. What is a pebble? 3. What minerals is sand rich in?

4. Translate into Russian paying attention to the tenses of the verbs:

1. The shape of a sand grain depends on its origin and the treatment it has received. 2. Organic rocks are composed essentially of carbonates. 3. Dolomitic or magnesian limestone is a rock in which the calcite has been changed either wholly or in part to dolomite. 4. The dolomite has formed small rhomb-shaped crystals giving the rock a granular appearance.

5. The text to be read and translated by the students (H/t):


In mountains running water makes deep valleys in the solid rocks. Rivers carry the mud to the sea. On reaching the sea the coarse gravel is usually deposited near the mouths of the rivers, while the finer material is carried further on. In lakes, the material brought down by the streams likewise settles on the bottom.

Besides the material which surface waters carry in suspension, as mud, sand or gravel, they contain substances in solution. In limestone districts, for example, the waters contain lime. Besides lime other minerals are chemically precipitated in ocean and lake waters, especially silica, but all in a far less degree. Rivers bring continually to the sea large quantities of mineral matter, both in suspension and solution.

Altogether, from all the rivers of the world it has been estimated that annually 2,735,000,000 tons of mineral substances are added, in solutions, to the oceans.

6. Give definitions of the following terms:

Bed, constituent, deposit, grade, salt, liquid, sediment, feldspar, lake, solution

7.To be read and translated by the students individually:


The upward and downward movements of the land at various points may bring sediments out of water and they may 14

become part of the land. They harden with time. It is possible to find sedimentary rocks on the top of mountains as well as in the low plains.

The ordinary sedimentary rocks are conglomerates, grit, sandstone, quartzite, shale slate, limestone, marble, and dolomite. Beds of pebbles, when cemented together, form conglomerate. A coarse and impure sand, when hardened, is called a grit; a coarse impure sand, usually derived from granite, is called arkose.

When sand

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