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Dua before studying: 

أسألك اني اللهم ينفعني ما وعلمني علمتني بما انفعني اللهم عاما لساني اجعل اللهم المقربين المرسلين وحفظ النبيين فهم

الله حسبنا وأنت قدير تشاء ما على انك بخشيتك وقلبي بذكركالوكيل ونعم

"Allahumma infa'nii bimaa 'allamtanii wa'allimnii maa yanfa'uunii. Allahumma inii as'aluka fahmal-nabiyyen wa hifzal mursaleen al-muqarrabeen. Allahumma ijal leesanee 'aiman bi dhikrika wa qalbi bi khashyatika. Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'u qadeer wa anta hasbun-allahu wa na'mal wakeel."

"Oh Allah! Make useful for me what you have taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me. Oh Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to you. Oh Allah! Make my tongue full of your remembrance and my heart with consciousness of you. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, and you are my availer and protector and best of aid."

Dua after studying:

حاجتي عند علي فرده حفظت وما قرأت ما دعك أستو اني اللهم الوكيل ونعم الله حسبنا وأنت قدير تشاء ما على انك إليه  

"Allahumma inni astaodeeka ma qara'tu wama hafaz-tu. Farudduhu 'allaya inda hajati elahi. Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'-u qadeer wa anta hasbeeya wa na'mal wakeel"

"Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me when I am in need of it. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector and the best of aid."

Dua while studying something difficult:

شئت ما إذا الحزن تجعل أنت سهال جعلته ما إال سهل ال اللهمسهال

"Allahumma la sahla illama ja-'altahu sahla anta taj 'alu al hazana eza ma shi'ta sahal." 

"Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have made easy. If you wish, you can make the difficult easy."

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Dua for concentration:

الخير مدخر يا أسألك اني اللهم محمد وال محمد على الله صلى الشيطان انسانيه ما ذكرني به واآلمر وفاعله

"Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa aal-e Muhammad. Allahumma inni as'aluka yaa mudhakkira-l khayr wa faa'ilahu wa-l-aamimira bihi dhakir-ni maa ansaani-hi-shaytan."

"Blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad and his progeny. O Allah, I ask you, the one who mentions goodness and actualizes it and commands it, remind me of that which the shaytan makes me forget."

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best 

1SOCIAL DEPT. ( AND APPROVED: Mufti Ebrahim Desai



Madrasah Arabia IslamiaEbrahim Pandor6 Rabi-uth-Thani 142526 May 2004(Madrasah Arabia Islamia)

Q) I am 16 years old. im am doing my gcse (exams) .is there any dua i can read so i can pass my exams because i am really worried

A) Recite, ‘Rabb inniy maghloobun fantasir’ as much as possible.'O my Lord, certainly I am overpowered. So help me.' 

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best 

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Recite ‘Hasbiyallaahu wa ni’mal wakeel’ while waiting for your results


Assalaamu-'alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakaatuhWe acknowledge the receipt of your query and our response is as follows: -Firstly, we should remember that this examination is only a worldly one and if per chance

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(Allah Ta’aala save us) a person fails then he still has another chance. But the examination of the grave and Aakhirah is cuh that if a person fails (Allah Ta’aala save us) then there is no second chance. Hence a person should also ponder the final examination (the exams of life after death) when writing this examination. He must not get so involved in his worldly examination that it leads to violation the commands of Allah Ta’aala; for example that he starts missing his Salaah with Jama’ah, or begins to intermingle with members of the opposite sex during exam preparation, etc. 

Now for success in the examination, a person should read 150 times ( عليم يا )

(ya-aleem) after the Fajr Salaah daily. And on the day of the examination this should

be read in abundance. {Amaleyaat-wa-Taeweezaat (Pg 237)} 

When the question paper is given then you should not read it immediately, but turn it over and then do the following before reading the paper:-(1) Firstly recite three times durood shareef. (any durood shareef)

(2) Then read 11 times� إ

�ك� ان �ح� ب � س� �م� ال ل �ا ع� �ن � ل �ال �ا م�ا إ �ن �م�ت ع�ل  �ك� �ن �نت� إ �يم� أ �ع�ل �ح�ِك�يم� ال ال   (Glorified we are not aware that only

taught us You are the Knower, Wise)

Translation: "Glory be to you, we have no knowledge except what you have taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise."

(3) Then read 11 times  فتاح يا Al-Fattah (The Decider): He who opens the solution to all problems and

eliminates obstacles.

(4) Then read 7 times 

�ه� �ع�ان� و�الل ت �م�س� م�ا ع�ل�ى ال�ِص�ف�ون� ت

Translation: And it is Allah (Alone) whose help can be sought against that which you assert.

(5) Then read 3 times durood shareef (again)Thereafter turn the question paper on its correct side and read it carefully, then begin answering the questions. Insha-Allah the answering will become easy.Remember that a person should at all times seek well being from Allah Ta’aala in all matters. He should read the following Dua:

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)272ص 4ج ترغيب (والعافية العفو اسالك اني اللهم

Translation: Oh Allah Ta’aala I truly seek your forgiveness and well being (meaning in examination, memory, and concentration etc).May Allah Ta’aala make all our matters easy with safety Aameen.AND ALLAH TA'AALA KNOWS BEST.]

Allahumma infa’nii bimaa ‘allamtanii wa’allimnii maa yanfa’ unii.O Allah! Make useful for me what You taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me.Allahumma inii as’aluka fahmal-nabiyyen wa hifthal mursaleen al-muqarrabeen.O Allah! I ask You for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to You.Allahumma ijal leesanee ‘amiran bi thikrika wa qalbi bi khashyatika.O Allah! Make my tongue full of Your remembrance, and my heart with consciousness of You.Innaka ‘ala ma-tasha’-u qadeer wa anta hasbun-allahu wa na’mal wakeel.(Oh Allah!) You do whatever You wish, and You are my Availer and best if aid. Protector and the best of aid.

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