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Dueling TitansCHINA

by Marina Z. & Mi T.

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China in general Development of

China “Made in China“ Competition

between both superpowers


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China in general

1,321 mrd resident (2007) biggest state in East Asia

(9.571.302km²) 4th biggest country of the

world name was founded in the

Qin-Dynasty official language:Mandarin capital:Peking (Beijing) foundation of the Republic

of China in 1949 with 2,5mio soldiers the

biggest army in the world

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Development of China

risen development grown economy,armamet,pol

itical power world´s largest holder of

foreign currency reserves China profits by America´s

decline big trading partner for

America world´s largest shopping

mall not anymore in Canada but it Beijing

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“Made in China“

almost everything nowadays bears the "Made in China„tag

America imports low-priced products like textiles,toys, electronic equipment etc.from China

China exports a lot to other countries = “Made in China” tag is spread world wide

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Main trade partners (2005)

Ausfuhr (in %) Einfuhr (in %)USA 21,4 Japan 15,2,3 Hongkong, SVR 16 Korea (Rep.) 11,6 Japan 11,0 Taiwan 11,3 Korea (Rep.) 4,6 USA 7,4 Germany 4,3 Germany 4,7 Niederlande 3,4 Malaysia 3,0 GB 2,5 Singapur 2,5 other countries 36,5 other countries 44,3 EU 18,9 EU 11,1

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Core products of foreign trade (2005)

Textilien u. Bekleidung: 15,1 %elektronische Erzeugnisse: 24,3 %Büromaschinen/EDV: 14,5%chemische Erzeugnisse: 11,8%Nachrichtentechnik/TV: 12,4%Rohstoffe: 10,6%Elektrotechnik: 7,2%Maschinen: 10,3%Maschinen: 5,7%Brennstoffe und technische Öle: 9,7%chemische Erzeugnisse: 4,7%Elektrotechnik: 6,4%

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Competition between both superpowers

dominance of global supremacy

competition and rivalry China´s supremacy starts, as

for America it´s pretty much the opposite

China= Americas biggest supplier

“High tech vs. recycled  paper“

no more trade imbalance Japan´s process

in automobile manufacture better than "Made in USA"

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instead of China as the "stragetic partner" it became "strategic competitor"

China profits by America´s decline

rivalry between Beijing & Washington

China´s armament grows rapidly


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Ranking: agriculture

product  rank  production : China- USA- D

Getreide 1 (2/8)    422,6 Mio. t (2004)   Wolle (ungewaschen) 2 (-/-)    0,52 Mio. t (2004)    

Weizen 1 (3/6)    91,33 Mio. t (2004)     Bananen 3 (-/-)    6,22 Mio. t (2004)    

Äpfel 1 (2/9)    20,5 Mio. t (2004)   Holz 3 (1/13)    286,1 Mio. m³ (2003)    

Reis 1 (11/-)    186,73 Mio. t (2004)     Rinder (Bestand) 3 (4/20)    106,5 Mio. (2004)  

Kartoffeln 1 (4/7)   75,05 Mio. t (2004) Rindfleisch 3 (1/11)    6,27 Mio. t (2004)    

Baumwolle 1 (2/-)  5,2 Mio. t (2003)     Zucker 3 (4/9)    11,1 Mio. t (2003)    

Schweine (Bestand) 1 (2/4)  472,9 Mio. (2004) Sojabohnen 4 (1/-)    17,75 Mio. t (2004)  

Schafe (Bestand) 1 (-/-)  157,3 Mio. (2004)     Kautschuk 5 (-/-)    0,55 Mio. t (2004)  

Fleisch 1 (2/4)  72,64 Mio. t (2004)     Weintrauben 5 (4/12)    5,34 Mio. t (2004)    

Schweinefleisch 1 (2/3)   47,75 Mio. t (2004)   Orangen 6 (2/-)    1,89 Mio. t (2004)    

Schaffleisch 1 (-/-)    1,94 Mio. t (2004)     Milch 7 (1/4)    18,85 Mio. t (2004)    

Fisch (Fangerträge) 1 (5/-)   44,06 Mio. t (2001) Zitronen 8 (7/-)    1,89 Mio. t (2004)  

Hühnerfleisch 2 (1/-)    9,46 Mio. t (2004)     Käse 16 (1/2)    0,23 Mio. t (2004)    

Mais 2 (1/-)    131,86 Mio. t (2004)     Butter - (3/5)    -

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Ranking: mining and industry

Zink 1 (5/-)    2,2 Mio. t (2003)     Gold 6 (2/-)    170 t (2001)  

Zinn 1 (-/-)    55,6 Mio. t (2003)     Silber 7 (6/-)    1200 t (2003)    

Blei 2 (3/-)    0,67 Mio. t (2003)     Kupfer 9 (3/-)    0,55 Mio. t (2002)    

Eisenerz 3 (7/-)    109,4 Mio. t (2001) Platin - (4/-)   

Bauxit 6 (-/-)    8 Mio. t (2003)     Diamanten - (-/-)    -

Eisen 1 (4/7)    202,3 Mio. t (2003)     Zement 1 (3/14)    725 Mio. t (2003)    Stahl 1 (3/6)    220,1 Mio. t (2003)     Kunstfasern 1 (3/9)    7,9 Mio. t (2001)    Aluminium 1 (4/10)    4,3 Mio. t (2003) Dünger 1 (3/14)    23,6 Mio. t (2002)     Papier & Pappe 2 (1/5)  37,9 Mio. t (2003)    

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experts believe China can become world´s top

China already able to strengthen their oil supplies

„Made in China-products“ spread all over the world

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