Page 1: Dumb and Dumber: McCain and Graham Attack Rand Paul’s · Senators Dumb and Dumber now appear in retrospect just as dumb as they really are. Hatch Calls on President to Work with

Volume 2 Issue 6 March 18, 2013

Take One It’s Free

Dumb and Dumber: McCain and Graham Attack Rand Paul’s Filibuster by Gary North. March 8, 2013 Worried about an Attorney General who defends the idea that the President has the authority to kill an American citizen with a drone — no trial, just “boom”? Uncertain about whether this involves an invasion of your civil rights? Concerned that the President has the unchallenged and unchallengeable power — if you’re dead — to decide whether you are an enemy combatant? Bothered by the Constitutional implications of such a policy? Well, then, you’re clearly not Senator McCain or Senator Graham. Senator McCain said that Senator Rand Paul did the nation a “disservice” with his 13-hour filibuster against domestic killer drones. He said that it is silly to imagine that the President would have used a drone on Jane Fonda during the Vietnam War. Question: Could Nixon have done it, if the technology had existed? Could anyone in authority have stopped him from doing it? Would he have been impeached if he had done it? I can imagine Nixon’s national television appearance after Fonda’s death. He would have assured the nation: “The drone attack was aimed at an anti-aircraft installation.” The cameras would then have focused on the photograph of Miss Fonda, sitting with members of the anti-aircraft crew. He would have continued: “It is unfortunate that Miss Fonda was nearby. The senior officers in charge of the drone strike had no idea. This was collateral damage. The government will give $10,000 to Henry Fonda as a token of our sympathy.” You think he would not have gotten away with this? You think he would not have been praised in private by the tens of millions of Nixon-lovers of the pre-Watergate era? “Serves her right!” Senator McCain was shocked — shocked! — that Senator Paul suggested such a possibility. He said this. “I watched some of that, quote, debate, unquote, yesterday. I saw colleagues who know better come to the floor and voice some of this same concern, which is totally unfounded. “I must say that the use of Jane Fonda’s name does evoke certain memories with me, and I must say that she is not

my favorite American. But I also believe that, as odious as it was, Ms. Fonda acted within her constitutional rights, and to somehow say that someone who disagrees with American policy — and even may demonstrate against it — is somehow a member of an organization which makes that individual an enemy combatant is simply false,” McCain said, hitting his lectern for emphasis. “It is simply false.” There is an old strategic rule of warfare that McCain is conveniently ignoring. It also applies to Constitutional law. “Make your plans in terms of what the enemy can do, not what you think he might do.” Graham was quoted by the New York Times “Mr. Graham said he did not remember Republican critics attacking President George W. Bush for employing drone strikes, and he said the question for Republicans was, “What are we up to here?” I will tell you what “we” are up to here. We are up to here with the destruction of our Constitutional liberties in the name of the war on terror, a war which we cannot win because there are no identifiable enemies that can or will surrender. After the filibuster, Attorney General Holder sent a terse note to Paul admitting that the President does not possess the right to use drones to kill Americans inside the nation’s borders. In short, Paul had forced Holder’s hand. The publicity his filibuster got could not be resisted. Holder ate a plate full of crow. Senators Dumb and Dumber now appear in retrospect just as dumb as they really are.

Hatch Calls on President to Work with Congress, Find Bipartisan Solutions to Address Entitlement Crisis

By Sen. Orrin Hatch, March 1, 2013

In Senate Republican Meeting With President, Utah Senator Shares Five Structural Reforms To

Medicare & Medicaid Programs Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today urged President Obama to work with Congress to find bipartisan solutions to reform the nation’s entitlement programs to put the nation on a sound fiscal

course. In a letter Hatch gave to the President today during a meeting with Senate Republicans, Hatch outlined five bipartisan structural reforms to the Medicare and Medicaid programs that he put forward earlier this year. “Entitlement reform is not a Republican or Democratic issue – it’s an American challenge that needs your immediate leadership. Any real and sustainable solution to these problems will take the combined efforts of both Republicans and Democrats,” wrote Hatch in his letter to President Obama. “Toward that end, I have enclosed an outline of five structural reforms to Medicare and Medicaid. Each of these proposals has bipartisan origins, including ideas from the Bowles-Simpson Commission and reforms proposed by President Clinton. I believe they represent a good starting point for a serious, bipartisan conversation to address our country’s urgent fiscal challenges.” Dear Mr. President, As we continue to debate our nation’s fiscal future, it is imperative that we begin to work together to reform our unsustainable entitlement programs in order to preserve them for future generations and to bring our debts and deficits under control. I am writing to you in hopes that we can combine our efforts toward finding bipartisan solutions to these monumental challenges. Over the next decade alone, we will spend more than $12 trillion on Medicare and Medicaid. That is more than the economies of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom combined. By 2035, if no changes are made to Medicare and Medicaid, they will consume almost 10 percent of the U.S. economy. It is no wonder that the Director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has referred to health care entitlement spending as our country’s “fundamental fiscal challenge.” Entitlement reform is not a Republican or Democratic issue – it’s an American challenge that needs your immediate leadership. Any real and sustainable solution to these problems will take the combined efforts of both Republicans and Democrats. Toward that end, I have enclosed an outline of five structural reforms to Medicare and Medicaid. Each of these proposals has bipartisan origins, including ideas from the Bowles-Simpson Commission and reforms proposed by President Clinton. I believe they represent a good starting point for a serious, bipartisan conversation to address our country’s urgent fiscal challenges. Throughout our nation’s history, even in times as difficult as these, leaders have come together to address our most pressing challenges. We have an opportunity to do so again. Having served with you, I know you and I can work together to make sure that our future generations have the same opportunities to succeed that you and I have been blessed with in this great nation. I look forward to working with you to address these important issues. Sincerely, Orrin G. Hatch United States Senator

Page 2: Dumb and Dumber: McCain and Graham Attack Rand Paul’s · Senators Dumb and Dumber now appear in retrospect just as dumb as they really are. Hatch Calls on President to Work with


Outdoor Channel Blacklists Colorado Over Gun Control Laws

By da Tagliare, March 12, 2913, Living in the Southwest for most of my life, I’ve seen just how many people go to Colorado to hunt, fish, ski, hike, camp and sight see. Combined together, these activities generate millions of dollars for businesses as well as the state government. Yet, the controlling Democrats are willing to lose a large portion of that revenue and place many businesses in jeopardy, just to push Obama’s anti-gun policies. A couple of major businesses are already looking to relocate out of the state because of the recently passed and newly proposed anti-gun laws. Now, the Outdoor Channel, a very popular network for hunters, fishermen and outdoors type people, has notified the Colorado Senate Republican Caucus that they are prepared to pull all of their productions out of the state if the anti-gun laws are passed. Currently, the Outdoor Channel has four cable program series being produced in Colorado, including their most popular program ‘Gun Stories.’ Michael Bane, executive producer and host of Outdoor Channel, sent an email to State Sen. Steve King (R-Grand Junction) stating in part: “This morning I met with my three Producers, and we made the decision that if these antigun bills become law, we will be moving all of our production OUT of Colorado. We have already cancelled a scheduled filming session for late this month. Obviously, part of this is due to our own commitment to the right to keep and bear arms, but it also reflects 3 lawyers’ opinions that these laws are so poorly drafted and so designed to trap otherwise legal citizens into a crime (one of our attorneys referred to them as “flypaper laws”) that it is simply too dangerous for us to film here.” “I can give you chapter and verse on the legal implications if you need, but suffice to say that the first legal opinion was so scary we went out and got two others. Al three attorneys agreed.” “We are relatively small potatoes in television, but our relocation of production will cost Colorado a little less than a million dollars in 2013.” “Secondly, we have proudly promoted Colorado in our productions (and have been moving more and more production into the state); now we will do exactly the opposite. What does this mean for Colorado? The community of television producers is a small one. Last week I had lunch with a major network producer who was looking to locate his new reality series in Colorado. That producer is also a shooter, and the new reality series will now be based out of Phoenix. That lunch cost Colorado over a million in economic impact. “Thirdly, according to numbers I received from the National Shooting Sports Foundations (for whom I used to work) yesterday, hunting had an almost $800,000,000 impact on Colorado in 2012, driving as many as 8330 jobs. Next month I will be in Texas meeting with most of the top outdoor/hunting producers, and the Number One agenda item will be Colorado. Already, hunting organizations and statewide hunting clubs around the country are pulling out of Colorado, and we expect this trend to accelerate rapidly.” “The message we will take to our viewers and listeners is that these proposed laws are so dangerous to hunters and any other person, be she a fisherman or a skier who brings a handgun into the state for self-defense, that we cannot recommend hunting, fishing or visiting Colorado. We reach millions of people, and, quite frankly, we have a credibility that Colorado government officials can no longer match. Colorado Division of Wildlife is already running ads trying to bring more out-of-state hunters to Colorado…in light of the flood of

negative publicity about these proposed laws, I can assure you those ads will fail.” We estimate that as many as one-quarter to one-third of out-of-state hunters will desert Colorado in the next 18-24 months, which will quite frankly be a disaster for the hunting industry in Colorado and have a devastating effect on our western and northern communities (certainly like Grand Junction).” Sen. King spoke out against the pending anti-gun laws saying: “These radical bills demonstrate that penalizing law-abiding gun owners harms not onl [email protected] y Colorado hunters, but it also damages the economy. If these bills pass, Colorado will become known as an unfriendly state toward sportsmen and will force other producers across the country to consider other states.” Sen. Bill Cadman (R-Colorado Springs), Minority Leader in the state senate also spoke out saying: “The Democrats are taking their marching orders from extreme liberal New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and are ignoring the people who voted for them. He has promised to ‘pay’ for their support of his agenda in the coming elections. He (Bloomberg) has now become the de-facto head of the Democrat party and the de-facto Governor of Colorado. This is a sad day for our state, and could be a very sad day for the Constitution.” First the gun companies threaten to leave, taking hundreds of jobs and a million dollars’ worth of revenue and now the Outdoor Channel not only is planning on leaving, but is about to launch a campaign to turn people and millions of dollars away from Colorado. But will it be enough to cause the Democratic leadership to stop their insanity? I suspect not! They are so h_ll bent on promoting their anti-gun agenda, that they won’t care how much money or how many jobs it will cost the people of Colorado. Just like Obama, it’s not what the people want or what’s best for the people; it’s the personal agenda that takes priority. Once Obama gets some guns banned, he won’t stop until they are all banned and once that happens, he will launch his hostile military takeover of the US and free America will disappear forever.

President Obama Lies Saying White House Did Not Cancel Tours, Jay Carney Says, Yes We Did

Alan LeStourgeon, March 14, 2013, Apparently the White House did not quite get the story line right on who canceled the tours of what Michelle Obama calls, "The People's House." In an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, President Obama said, "this was not– a decision that went up to the White House" but later in the day yesterday, Press Secretary Jay Carney said that the White House in fact did cancel the tours. Stephanopoulos asked the President, "You’ve been takin’ a lotta heat for this cancellation of the White House tours. They get– the Secret Service says it costs about $74,000 a week. Was canceling them really necessary?" To which President Obama responded: "You know, I have to say this was not– a decision that went up to the White House. But th– what the Secret Service explained to us was that they’re gonna have to furlough some folks. What furloughs mean is– is that people lose a day of work and a day of pay," "And, you know, the question for them is, you know, how deeply do they have to furlough their staff and is it worth it to make sure that we’ve got White House tours that means that you got a whole bunch of families who are

depending on a paycheck who suddenly are seein’––a 5% or 10%– reduction in their pay. Well, what I’m asking them is are there ways, for example, for us to accommodate school groups– you know, who may have traveled here with some bake sales. Can we make sure that– kids, potentially, can– can still come to tour?" Of course, not only did President Obama lie through his teeth about who cancelled the tours, he also had to throw in a bone to supposedly ask the Secret Service if there was some way, "that– kids, potentially, can– can still come to tour?" of course George Stephanopoulos didn't even follow up with any questioning on that at all. Honestly, this kind of non-interview, interview with the sycophants in the press is getting a little nauseating. But then later in the day at a press briefing, Press Secretary Jay Carney said that in fact it was the White House that cancelled the tours. Carney said that, "We had to cancel the tours, it's our job to cancel the tours, they (the Secret Service) cannot cancel them. This isn't a tour of the Secret Service building, it's a tour of the White House...The White House canceled the tours."

White House Finally Admits Sequester Was Obama’s Idea

Alan LeStourgeon, March 3, 2013, Even after liberal columnist Bob Woodward was threatened by the White House and berated by his own liberal colleagues for stating that the budget sequester was in fact, Barack Obama's idea, the White House kept blaming Republicans for the mess. But now, on Meet The Press with David Gregory this morning, the man who sent the threatening email to Bob Woodward, Gene Sperling admitted that, yes, in fact, sequestration was President Obama's plan. Sperling admitted it in a quite round about way as David Gregory finally dragged it out of him, which we find fairly extraordinary for Mr Gregory, and did get Sperling to admit it originated with Obama. However, Sperling likened the President's idea to giving a mugger your watch instead your wallet in a hold up. Here's what he said below: "Jonathan Chait of New York Magazine gave this analogy, ‘A mugger comes up to you and says, give me your wallet, you say, I don't have my wallet, but here's my watch. Well, technically giving your watch was your idea.’ So a presidential adviser is likening Boehner and the Republican Congress to mugging Obama and forcing this idea out of him. Watch the video exchange from Meet The Press this morning and see that awkward exchange between Sperling and Gregory. The video also includes a segment where President Obama lies in the debate and says the sequester was not his idea, which we now know not to be true.”

Join A Prepper Network! The Preppers Network is seeking out Bloggers, Preppers, Patriots and Survivalists around the world to join us. Be a part of one of the fastest growing and most inclusive prepared and survivalist communities in the world. No matter your race, nationality, or religion, if you:

• consider yourself a patriot; someone who is against globalism, oppression and tyranny

• are someone who believes in freedom and self-reliance

• are someone who wishes to help others prepare for and survive the coming disasters we face then consider joining us!

Start by visiting the link and see what they have to offer. If you want to join a network, contact the moderator of the Prepper Network for your state/province.

Page 3: Dumb and Dumber: McCain and Graham Attack Rand Paul’s · Senators Dumb and Dumber now appear in retrospect just as dumb as they really are. Hatch Calls on President to Work with


There are many groups that are involved in the UN’s Sustainable Development Program. Some of the more important ones are identified in the train illustration

shown on the left. The program was initiated in 1992 at a World Conference in Rio DeJanerio, Brazil. The program was codified in a 40 chapter book called Agenda 21. Global warming was the reason given for the program, but at its core it is clearly a redistribution on wealth scheme. The program was endorsed and signed by President George H. W. Bush along with 178 other governments. It is termed soft law because the Senate did not need to approve as is required in International Treaties. President Bill Clinton enacted the program in 1993 by Executive Order which formed the “Presidents Council on Sustainable Development”. This order directed every federal government agency to implement the program. An organization called International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, now called Local Environmental Initiatives was formed in conjunction with the UN to implement the program at a local level. This group wrote an extensive plan called Local Agenda 21 to implement the program at a local level. ICLEI is the agency who establishes policy for most of the non government organizations following (see list at the left).

Jennifer Carroll Resigns Amid Controversy

According to Kevin Gale, South Florida Business Journal, “Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll, known for her efforts to promote business in South Florida, resigned Tuesday after her past consulting efforts were tied to what’s being called an illegal

gambling operation. Rick Scott’s Chief of Staff, Adam Hollingsworth, in a statement noted that arrests were made on charges of racketeering and money laundering in connection with Allied Veterans of the World’s illegal gambling companies.” Allied is a non-profit organization that allegedly operated Internet cafes with gambling. Hollingsworth said, “ She was interviewed by Florida Department of Law Enforcement officers Tuesday, regarding her work with the company. Lt. Gov. Carroll resigned in an effort to keep her former affiliations with the company from distracting from the administration’s important work on behalf of Florida families. She made the right decision for the state and her family.” Lt. Gov. Carroll was not charged with any wrongdoing. Born in Port of Spain, Trinidad, Carroll served in the U.S. Navy after immigrating. She had been a legislator since 2003 and is notable as the first female elected Lieutenant Governor in Florida and the first African- American elected statewide. Now we wonder…who will be the appointed Lt. Gov. and who will be Gov. Scott’s running mate in the next election season? At this point former Gov.Charlie Crist is planning to run as a Democrat. Another candidate who has announced his intention to run for the office of Governor is Adrian Wiley, who will run as a Libertarian candidate. See for additional information.

Meeting Schedule 3/19/13 County Commission Meeting 5:30 3/19/13 School Board Meeting 6:00 3/26/13 County Commission Workshop 5:30 3/26/13 Perry City Council Meeting 5:30 4/1/13 County Commission Meeting 5:30 4/2/13 School Board Meeting 6:00

America’s Private Property Rights Expert Speaking Here

Come hear Dr. Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D., nationally recognized speaker, author, scientist, and leading property rights expert. He will be speaking at the Capitol Building in Tallahassee, room 309, at 11:00AM on Wednesday, March 20th, and we are privileged to have him speak at the Perry Woman’s Club, 502 N. Jefferson St., on Thursday, March 21st at 6:00 PM. Learn the true meaning and effects of Sustainable Development, Strategic Growth Areas, Comprehensive Planning, and Smart Growth. Learn how more and more Americans are losing their rights, especially property rights, to unaccountable bureaucracies and Non-government organizations (NGOs). Dr. Coffman brings a positive message of how national sovereignty, free market enterprise, private property rights, and traditional values are superior to the global treaties and agreements leading to global governance, as outlined by proponents of the United Nations Agenda 21. Learn how the takeover of private property rights will affect you and your family right here in Taylor and surrounding counties, as well as throughout the state and nation. All citizens interested in preserving their rights and thwarting government intrusion are encouraged to attend. Receiving his BS in Forestry and MS in Biology at Northern Arizona University, his Ph.D. in Forest Science at the University of Idaho, Dr. Coffman is a well respected scientist and ecologist. He was involved in forest ecology and forest community dynamics at a leading forestry school in the Midwest and assisted the U.S. Forest Service in developing an Ecological Land Classification System for each of the National Forests in Region-9. Until 1992, Dr. Coffman was a manager for Champion International, a leading forest and paper products company in the United States. While there he became Chairman of the Forest Health Group within the National Council for the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, a respected scientific research group for the paper industry. He oversaw a multimillion dollar research program in which he became intimately involved in such national and international issues as acid rain, global warming, (now known as climate change), wetlands, cumulative effects, and biological diversity. Dr. Coffman is currently President of Environmental Perspectives, Inc., (EPI), and Executive Director of Sovereignty International. EPI focuses on providing professional guidance and training in defining environmental problems and conflicts, developing solutions to specific issues, as well as the hidden dangers of international treaties and agreements which threaten our Constitutional protections, especially property rights. Dr. Coffman played a key role in stopping the ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity, (Biodiversity Treaty), in the U.S. Senate one hour before the Senate was scheduled to vote on its ratification. KrisAnne Hall, Constitutional Attorney, will be the emcee for this event which is free and open to the public.

Agenda 21 (Sustainable Development) Railroaded in Taylor County….The Players

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Senate Committee Rejects Expanding Medicaid!

By John Hallman, March 11, 2013 The Senate Select Committee on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act voted 7-4 today to reject expanding Medicaid, which was a crucial component of Obamacare. This along with the recent rejection by the House Select Committee on PPACA ends the chances of Medicaid Expansion, at least for now. Senator Joe Negron, who chairs the Committee, was quoted as saying "I oppose the Washington plan, and I want a Florida plan." The Committee did decide that Florida should create its own program that helps the uninsured buy private insurance policies, and plans to work with the House Committee to work on an alternative plan. Chairman Negron outlined 5 points that he wants in this alternative plan.

• -Cost-sharing that requires plan participants to pay something for emergency room visits and other services they used, based on income.

• -Administering the program through Florida Healthy Kids, currently the state program that helps children ages 5-18 obtain coverage.

• -Creating "health reimbursement accounts" that reward participating for healthy behavior by adding money to accounts that can be used for co-pays.

• -Allowing participants to purchase private health insurance plans.

• -Using available funds to help subsidize the premium costs of the insurance plans.

Read more here: While today's vote was a victory, I remain cautious about any other plans the legislature might create. We need to stay vigilant and watch for more details as they come out. It is always possible than a plan B could be just as bad. Thanks for all the calls and e-mails everybody made the last couple of weeks. You made a huge difference and your efforts paid off today. Keep up the great work!

Tax Exemption and the Church

By Dr. Robert Dreyfus, March 13, 2013 Many pastors are more fearful of offending the congregation than they are of offending God! They hide behind 501(c)(3) legislation as an excuse to avoid controversial topics. This is in spite of the fact, that there has never ever been a church that has lost its tax exempt status by engaging in political action! Churches are automatically tax free. The church doesn’t have to register as a 501 (c)(3) corporation in order for donations to be tax free. For more information on this issue see Churches are automatically tax free. It is unnecessary for the church to apply for 501(c)(3) status in order for

parishioners to receive tax credit for their contributions. Incorporating the church places it under the authority of the State rather than God. Most churches are incorporated largely due to their receiving poor advice from attorneys and others. CHURCH’S INCORPORATE BECAUSE: · They think they have to. · They feel it gives them some benefit. · They think it's the only way gifts are tax deductible. · They believe it offers personal protection from law suits. The Alliance Defending Freedom for three years has brought together pastors throughout the nation with the express purpose of challenging IRS 501(c)(3) regulations restricting non-profits freedom to comment on politicians and issues. These pastors gave sermons on issues and politics, and sent recordings of their sermons to the IRS! This past year several hundred pastors participated. For more information phone 800-TELL-ADF. Most pastors are reticent to discuss controversial topics; however, God says in James 4:17, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” Encourage your pastor to speak on issues, commend him when he does, and rebuke him if he does not have the courage to address controversial issues.

Is your sheriff a "Constitutional Sheriff"?

By Mike Austell, Florida Chapter President, Recently, a blog was put out that declared every Florida sheriff, all 67 of them, to be Constitutional sheriffs and that they would stand up for the Second Amendment. This immediately sent up a red flag with Oath Keepers who have been paying attention. Unfortunately, this story got picked up and spread all over the internet. This fanciful notion came about from a rather wishy-washy resolution passed by the Florida Sheriffs Association on January 29, 2013. It's my understanding that only about 50 or so sheriffs even attended the meeting, and a majority of those present voted for the resolution. Hardly overwhelming! Why do I have a problem with this? Because THIS IN NO WAY REFLECTS THE FEELINGS OF ALL FLORIDA SHERIFFS! As much as we would love for this to be the case, we know better. I know some sheriffs in Florida who would seize your guns in a heartbeat, if they thought it would further their political ambitions. I also know some very good sheriffs who would stand with their citizens and protect them from any infringement of their God-given rights. In these times we do not need a false sense of security. This was simply misinformation, and we won't let it go unchallenged. So, how can we tell the difference? How can we be sure that our sheriff is not just playing politics? To understand what our Founders intended, we need to examine several documents. First, the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." In the Founders' time, a-lien-able simply meant that a lien could be place against something, much as a mortgage is placed on your home. These rights are unalienable, therefore, no encumbrance could ever be place upon these natural, God-given rights. Since these rights are unalienable, they cannot be changed. Not by congress. Not by an executive order. Not even by an amendment.

When you read statements by your sheriff, you need to look at the language they use. Look at how they parse their words. The National Sheriffs Association Second Amendment statement refers to "rights conferred by the Second Amendment". This is totally wrong! Our rights are not given by the Second Amendment or by any document or by "government." They are natural rights. Remember, anything given to you by government can be taken away by government. Another trap I see in some sheriff's statements goes something like this. "No deputy in my office will every come after or seize a lawfully owned weapon from law-abiding citizens." What's wrong with that? Well, if some court, or some congress, or some dictator decides to make a law outlawing your gun, then, guess what? It's not a "lawfully owned weapon," is it? And you are no longer a law abiding citizen. You still have your God-given right to keep and bear arms, regardless of what any government functionary says! If we are to be well-armed in this fight for the truth, we must have the knowledge that comes from research and study. Study the founding documents such as The Federalist, as well as the Constitution, and other documents of the day. If we have a chance of keeping our rights, we must first understand our rights. To close, I would like to quote from the closing paragraph of the Utah Sheriffs' Association letter to President Obama from January 17, 2013. It has one glaring error (see if you can spot it), but look at the tone. Is this the mindset you would like to see in your sheriff? We respect the Office of the President of the United States of America. But, make no mistake, as the duly-elected sheriffs of our respective counties, we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal official will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights-in particular Amendment II-has given them. We, like you, swore a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation. The Utah Sheriffs’ Association Keep the faith, Oath Keepers!

Easy Casserole For A Crowd (an old summer camp recipe) You can make this casserole with a long list of ingredients...or make it this easy way. This recipe makes 8 servings, so multiply accordingly. Simple and delicious. You will need: ½ medium box Macaroni

shells (8 oz. uncooked, 16 oz. cooked)

1 lb. Lean Ground Beef (or ground turkey) 1 lg.jar (32 oz) Spaghetti sauce (your choice of flavor) ½ lb.(2 c) Sharp or Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese . (grated or sliced)

(If sliced cover the entire top of casserole w/slices).

Salt and pepper 13”x 9” casserole sprayed with non stick spray skillet to brown beef pot to cook pasta Preheat oven to 350° Get water started boiling for pasta while you brown meat. Cook desired amount of pasta, drain, rinse in cool water, then pour into prepared oblong casserole dish. Drain fat from browned meat if necessary. Salt and pepper lightly. Pour the cooked beef in with the pasta. Add the sauce and stir together. Taste to adjust seasonings. Top the entire mixture with grated or sliced cheese. Bake in 350° oven for 20-30 minutes (until mixture is bubbly and cheese is melted). Remove from oven carefully!

Published bi weekly on Monday by OPR (Operation Paul Revere) Assoc., Inc., P.O. Box 681, Shady Grove, Florida 32357, 850-672-4221 Email: [email protected]

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