Page 1: Dungog High School News · 2021. 1. 21. · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates individuals

Dungog High School Vision : Dungog High School educates individuals to be contributing members of a modern global society. It provides a positive working and learning environment where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens.

We focus on respect, responsibility and personal best We respond to our local, national and international contexts and student needs

We encourage initiative, innovation and leadership We provide a range of experiences that challenge individuals to explore and interact with the world.

We value individual differences We provide a broad, responsive curriculum focussed on excellence.

Dungog High School News

Prosperitati Specto : I Strive for Success

Eloiza Street Dungog 2420 T: 49923022 F: 49923125 E: [email protected]


FACEBOOK PAGES: Dungog High School and Dungog High School Careers

School Hours: 8.58am-3.20pm; Office Hours: 8.30am-3.30pm during school terms

Term 3 Week 10 14th September 2015

Want to make a payment to the school?

From Monday 17th August you can now use the Parents Online Payments Go to the schools website, and the $ Make a Payment link will be on the front page. By selecting

the link you will be taken to a secure Westpac Quickweb payment page.

There are no passwords or PINS to remember.

The payment process is intuitive & follows the format of many other online payments that you may use every day.

There is an instruction manual on the website

Please cease depositing directly into the school’s bank account from this date on.

Relieving Principal. Farewell to year 12

As this will be the last newsletter before our Year 12 students have their final classes on Wednesday, it is timely to say farewell to

them. On behalf of Dungog High School, I would like to wish all Year 12 the very best for their exams, and wish all Year 12 every

success in pursuing fulfilling and happy futures, at both a personal and career level. Thank you also, to all of our Year 12 people

for being a part of our school, and for the varying contributions each of you have made in your individual ways, throughout six years with us.

The graduation assembly for Year 12 will be held in the MPC this Friday at 10.00. This is always a very emotional time for our senior

students who are together for the last time as a year group at a school assembly. Parents and friends are encouraged to attend to

congratulate all these students at the completion of 13 years of schooling. Morning tea will be provided after the assembly for Year 12 and

their parents. Year 12 students need to be at the MPC by 9.30am so that they can be organised into their lines. They must be wearing full

school uniform for this assembly if they want to go on the stage. Can I also remind parents that siblings at the school need to be in full school

uniform on the day to be in the MPC. It would be unfortunate if they missed the assembly because of their uniform. I personally discussed this

issue at our assembly last week offering support to any students needing help with uniforms.

Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every

day – missing school puts them behind.

We all want our children to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and

every day. If students miss school regularly, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in the later

years of school. There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their

educational outcomes. Each missed day is associated with progressively lower achievement in numeracy, writing and reading.

Getting in early – Attendance patterns are established early – a child regularly missing days in Year 7 or in the early years of school will often

continue to miss classes in the later years, and receive lower test scores than their classmates.

The main reasons for absence are:

Sickness – There are always times when students need to miss school, such as when they’re ill. It is vital that they’re only away on the days

they are genuinely sick, and setting good sleep patterns, eating well and exercising regularly can make a big difference.

It's vital that holidays are planned during school holidays where possible, and not during the term if it can be avoided.

YEAR 12 GRADUATION ASSEMBLY Friday, 18th September 2015

10.00am in the MPC

Family and friends of Year 12 students are invited to attend this Assembly to farewell the Year 12 class of 2015.

Page 2: Dungog High School News · 2021. 1. 21. · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates individuals

Term 3 Week 10 14th September 2015


“Day off” – Think twice before letting your child

have a “day off” as they could fall behind their

classmates – every day counts.

Truancy – This is when students choose not to

go to school without their parent’s permission.

There can be many reasons for truancy. The

best way to address this is for schools and

parents to work together.

If you’re having attendance issues with your

child, please let us know so we can work

together to get your child to school every day.

Attendance will be a focus area for Term 4 as

our attendance rates have dropped below

90% for the first time this year. Much of this

was due to the devastating effect on our

community after the flooding back in Term 2.

However, we need to reverse this trend and

get students to school each day – every day


Brad Dives

New Parent Portal starts early Term 4 (Sentral)

Sentral's parent portal provides parents with 24/7 access to important information about their child/children.

To use the Parent portal, you will need to register as a parent user. Each parent has been sent a letter from the school by Mr Curran, our

Sentral Coordinator, explaining this simple process and providing you with a unique access code. You cannot register without this code. If you

do not receive a letter, or if you lose your registration access code, you can contact the school for a new one.

You will be able to register for the Parent Portal at any time after receiving the letter; however, you will not be able to access the portal until

day 1, term 4. Mr Curran will be holding an information evening at 5pm on Wednesday 16th September in the school Library. It will likely run for an hour. Please ring the school office if you plan to attend this evening.

Student Achiever of the Week Award

This week’s recipient is: Lucy Neilson Year 11

Lucy has shown what the meaning of PBL is within the school. She took it on herself to assist a student who was having

difficulties in Retail. She moved seats and sat next to this student the whole lesson helping and guiding them with their

work. She showed this student Respect to her fellow student, took Responsibility in ensuring her classmates were up to

date and Personal Best by doing her best for all members within the class. You are a credit to the school Lucy.

Lucy will receive a certificate and $25 voucher.

From the Office

To save students lining up and waiting to hand in notes or pay for excursions, fees, etc we have started a new system with a ‘Student

Letterbox’. Students can drop their permission notes, absence notes, correct monies with permission note in a sealed envelope, and early leaver requests – (note all Thursday early leaver requests must FIRST be signed by the Deputy)

in the ‘Student Letterbox’.

If a student does need change and/or a receipt to take home they will need to stay in line, or come back later to collect it.



Students in Year 10 next year have the opportunity to undertake Work Experience at either Taronga or Western Plains Zoo. As these

positions are highly prized by students throughout NSW, the Zoos require applications by December this year so that they can plan their year.

Each school can only send one student to each Zoo.

The winner of the iPad Mini, for payment of General Contributions by end June, was Jordan Long, Year 11.

Page 3: Dungog High School News · 2021. 1. 21. · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates individuals

Term 3 Week 10 14th September 2015


If your daughter or son is interested in working with animals and you can arrange accommodation in Sydney or Dubbo, this would be an

excellent Work Experience opportunity. You must also be prepared to attend on whatever date is offered.

Interested students need to see or email me before the end of this week (September18) to go on a list of students to be interviewed in the

following weeks. They will need to have a resume and be prepared to convince the interviewers as to why they should be chosen based on

their knowledge of the job, interest in animals etc.

CHS State Tennis Championships

Year 8 student Elyse Standing as the youngest member of the Hunter Girls Tennis

team competed in the CHS State championships in Wollongong last week.

The team played exceptionally well and took home Silver.


School vaccination clinics continue into terms 3 & 4

The last round at Dungog High School will take place on Tuesday, 15th September, 2015.


If your child has missed any vaccinations they will be offered any missed doses at the next clinics at their school.


Any year 7 student with missed doses of vaccine can be caught up in 2016.

Additionally – any year 8 students who commenced HPV vaccination while in year 7 and are yet to finish all 3 doses of HPV (and who has

not received any from their local doctor) can still receive these at the next clinic at their school.

Don’t forget a Record of Vaccination is given to each student for each vaccination. Parents/guardians should ensure that this record is kept

for future reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination.

Any questions, visit the NSW Ministry of Health website at:

Relief for Music HSC students

Last week our Year 12 Music students presented their HSC performances for external

examiners. This is always a hectic time for any student and Year 12 should be proud of

themselves for completing this section of the HSC in such an enthusiastic and professional


With songs ranging from Ashleigh Thornton’s ‘Wide Open Spaces’ by the Dixie Chicks to ‘Bei

Mir Bist Du Schoen’ by the Andrew Sisters and performed by Mel McLarty, Jade and Jordan

Eyb. ‘Ho Hey’ by the ‘Lumineers’ was sung by Rachel Cunningham and Jorja Lambert. There

was certainly a variety for the examiners to listen to. James Thomas performed ‘Dumb

Things’ with great enthusiasm while Jade Eyb sang the beautiful Mariah Carey song ‘Hero’.

Mel McLarty had a great range of songs including the beautiful ‘Summertime’ from Porgy and

Bess and ‘Our Day Will Come’ which was a new version by Amy Winehouse.

Overall the day was full of energy and we wish to thank our ‘extra’ performers who came to

help out with instruments and voices. Thanks go to Mark and Oliver Wheeler, Tina Tiedeman

and of course the ever faithful Jordan Eyb who sang through her school years at Dungog

High and now comes back to help out as she continues her studies at the Newcastle Conservatorium.

Thanks to all. Mrs Knight and Mrs Danvers



Week 10 : 14th to 18th September


Tues C Bridges, K Nairn, A Ellicott, J Vasic

Wed M Milburn, K Mitchell, J Holmes, J Wear

Thurs K Eyb, K Hudson

Fri J Wilkinson, R Hancock, S O’Sullivan

Week 1 Term 4 : 5th to 9th October


Tues G Edwards, C Everett, S Hooke, L Kearney

Wed H Williams, P Williams, S Hitchens, N Robinson

Thurs L Tull, M Ince, M Hughes

Fri S Crouch, R Kirkby, J Ross

Due to the change in the structure of the school day could Canteen helpers please be here by 9.30am. If you are unable to

be here by that time could you please let Margaret Edwards know, by phoning the school on 49923022.

Page 4: Dungog High School News · 2021. 1. 21. · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates individuals

Term 3 Week 10 14th September 2015


Media Release: For immediate release 7th September 2015

UTS Stroud Field Station Open Day Saturday 26 September 2015 11.00am - 3.30pm Buckets Way Stroud

Have you wondered what goes on at The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) outpost on Buckets Way, Stroud?

On Saturday 26 September UTS is giving Karuah Valley residents the opportunity to visit its Stroud Field Station for the first time.

The Field Station is used as an environmental teaching and research facility and as a field base for further studies in the surrounding region.

The Open Day program will appeal to people of all ages with hands on activities, competitions, scientific equipment displays, a tour of the

bushland site and the chance to test your own water sample.

There is even a special guessing competition for those who can count yabbies! Not to mention a free sausage sizzle operated by the Stroud

Public School P&C Association.

The event will take place rain or shine - a covered outdoor learning area is onsite.

Staff from UTS Faculty of Science, School of Life Sciences look forward to meeting you with family and friends on Saturday 26th September


Full program details:

For more information:

Mr Peter Jones, Field Station Manager

School of Life Sciences

University of Technology Sydney

Ph: 02 9514 4365

Email: [email protected]

Ms Marea Martlew

School of Life Sciences

University of Technology Sydney

Ph: 02 9514 1766

Email: [email protected]


Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


14 September

Yr 11 Yearly Exams

Adopt a Resident

15 September

Yr 11 Yearly Exams

Vaccinations all Yr7,

Yr11-12 Boys

Tocal Schools Steer


Yr 10 HSIE Excursion

16 September

Yr 11 Yearly Exams

Parent Portal Information

Evening, Library, 5-6pm

17 September

Yr 11 Yearly Exams

Yr 12 Day Out

Yr 8 & 9 SRE

Singleton Prime Stock


18 September

Yr12 Graduation


Girls Volleyball

Country and Culture



Wk 1

5 October


6 October

Staff and Students return

Uniform Shop 8am-4pm

7 October

Yr9 HSIE Excursion to


8 October

9 October

Yr11 Physics & Yr 8 to

Luna Park

Country & Culture


12 October

HSC English Exam

Paper1 10.20-12.30pm

13 October

HSC English Exam

Paper2 9.25-11.30am

HSC Music 1 Exam 1.55-


Yr11 Hospitality catering

Plan It Youth

14 October

HSC Primary Industries

Exam 1.55-4pm

15 October

HSC Exams:

.Ancient History 9.25-


.Retail Services 1.55-4pm

Japanese Exc to Sydney

P & C Meeting 7.30pm


16 October

HSC PDHPE Exam 1.55-


Japanese Exc to Sydney

Country & Culture


19 October

Yr11 Retail Work


HSC Biology Exam 9.25-


HSC Hospitality Exam


Y11 Hospitality Catering


20 October

Yr11 Retail Work


Uniform Shop 8am-4pm

HSC English Ext 1 Exam


HSC Business Services

Exam 9.25-11.30am

HSC Agriculture Exam


21 October

Yr11 Retail Work


Medieval Show – MPC

HSC Maths General 2

Exam 9.25-12pm

HSC Mathematics and

Maths Extension 2 Exams


22 October

Yr11 Retail Work


Y11 Hospitality Catering

Dungog Festival

HSC Legal Studies Exam


HSC Senior Science

Exam 1.55-5pm

23 October

Yr11 Retail Work


Yr11 Hospitality Catering

Dungog Festival

Country & Culture

HSC Exams:

.Chemistry 9.25-12.30pm

.Tourism, Travel & Events


.Software, Design &

Development 1.55-5pm

.Community & Family

Studies 1.55-5pm

Page 5: Dungog High School News · 2021. 1. 21. · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates individuals

Term 3 Week 10 14th September 2015


Did you know?

The field station was donated to UTS in 1984 by former School of Life Sciences member Betty Campbell. She donated the land so that future

UTS students could pursue environmental studies and to essentially preserve the site as bushland.

Lions Youth of the Year Lions Youth of the Year is designed to encourage student interest in leadership and the qualities required to take an active and constructive

role in the community. A high level of academic, leadership, sporting, public speaking and citizenship achievement is south in its potential

winners. By emphasizing these qualities it hope to provide outstanding role models for the youth of Australia and an overall increase in the

confidence of young men and women.

More information is available on the Lions Australia website or Facebook - Youth of the Year Australia.

Tuning in to Teens Emotionally Intelligent Parenting

A six-session parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 12-18

Would you like to learn how to:

be better at talking with your teen?

be better at understanding your teen?

help your teen learn to manage their emotions?

help to prevent behaviour problems in your teen?

teach your teen to deal with conflict?

Tuning in to Teens shows you how to help your teen develop emotional intelligence. Adolescents with higher emotional intelligence:

are more aware, assertive and strong in situations of peer pressure

have greater success with making friends and are more able to manage conflict with peers

are more able to cope when upset or angry

have fewer mental health and substance abuse difficulties

have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults

have greater career success –

Emotional intelligence may be a better predictor of academic and career success than IQ!

We will be running this on the

6th of October for 6 weeks

Where: Dungog Community Centre

103 Dowling Street, Dungog.

When: 7pm - 9pm

To Book Contact: Jenny Moore [email protected]

49922322 or mob. 0458503404

Please make sure you leave your Phone Number or email so we can contact you.

Friends and Supporters of the James Theatre

We’ve had a great winter season, with some of our best attendance figures, and there’s plenty more on the way this Spring, and a great

program for the school holidays.

The Lunch Box (PG) – Sunday 20 September, 7 pm Blinky Bill – The Movie (G) – Thursday 24 September, 11 am and Saturday, 26 September, 3 pm. The Man from UNCLE (M) – Saturday 26 September, 7 pm Oddball (G) – Thursday 1 October, 11 am and Sunday, 4 October, 3 pm Mr Holmes (M) – Saturday 3 October, 7 pm Dungog Festival approaching soon Volunteers always welcome

Page 6: Dungog High School News · 2021. 1. 21. · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates individuals

Term 3 Week 10 14th September 2015


The Lunch Box (PG)

Sunday, 20 September, 7 pm

Dungog Film Society presents a charming romantic

comedy from India, about how a mistaken delivery in

Mumbai's famously efficient lunchbox delivery system

connects a young housewife to an older man in the dusk of

his life, and the fantasy world they build together through

notes in the lunchbox. Lonely housewife Ila (Nimrat Kaur)

decides to try adding some spice to her stale marriage by

preparing a special lunch for her neglectful husband.

Unfortunately, the delivery goes astray and winds up in the

hands of Saajan (Irrfan Khan), an irritable widower. Curious

about her husband's lack of response, Ila adds a note to

the next day's lunchbox, and thus begins an unusual

friendship in which Saajan and Ila can talk about their joys

and sorrows without ever meeting in person. Can you fall in

love with someone you have never met?

Screening once only at the James Theatre, Sunday, 20

September, 7 pm


Blinky Bill – The Movie (G)

Thursday, 24 September, 11 am, Saturday, 26

September, 3 pm.

Blinky Bill (voiced by Ryan Kwanten) is a little koala with a

big imagination. An adventurer at heart, he dreams of

leaving the little town of Green Patch and following in his

missing father’s footsteps. When Blinky discovers a

mysterious marker that hints at his Dad’s whereabouts, he

embarks on a journey that takes him beyond out nto the

wild and dangerous Outback. He quickly makes friends

with Nutsy, a zoo koala, and Jacko, a nervous frill-necked

lizard. Pursued relentlessly by a vengeful Cat who has a

personal score to settle with Blinky, the trio must learn to

work together if they ever want to survive in the bush and

find Blinky’s father! The supporting cast reads like a who’s

who of Aussie film and TV, featuring Toni Collette, Barry

Humphries, David Wenham, Richard Roxburgh, Deborah

Mailman and Barry Otto. The Blinky Bill Movie will

introduce a whole new generation to Blinky Bill and his

bush friends.

Screening twice at the James Theatre during the

school holidays, Thursday, 24 September, 11 am and

again on Saturday, 26 September, 3 pm

The Man from UNCLE (M)

Saturday, 26 September, 7 pm

At the height of the Cold War in the 1960s, a mysterious criminal organization plans to use nuclear weapons and technology to upset the

fragile balance of power between the US and the Soviet Union. CIA agent Napoleon Solo (Henry Cavill) and KGB agent Illya Kuryakin (Armie

Hammer) are forced to put aside longstanding hostilities and work together to stop the evildoers in their tracks. The duo's only lead is the

daughter of a missing German scientist, whom they must find soon to prevent a global catastrophe.

Based on the 1960s TV series of the same name, and directed by Guy Ritchie, this stylish action thriller also starring Alicia Vikander,

Elizabeth Debicki, Hugh Grant.

Screening once only at the James Theatre, Saturday, 26 September, 7 pm

Oddball (G)

Thursday, 1 October, 11 am; Sunday, 4 October, 3 pm

Oddball is a true story about Allan "Swampy" Marsh, an eccentric chicken farmer who, with the help of his granddaughter, convinced local

authorities to allow his mischievous dog Oddball to protect a wild colony of Little Penguins on Middle Island from fox attacks, in an attempt to

reunite his family and save their seaside town. Staring Shane Jacobson, Deborah Mailman, Alan Tudyk and Sarah Snook.

Screening twice at the James Theatre during the school holidays: Thursday, 1 October, 11am and again on Sunday, 4 October, 3 pm

Page 7: Dungog High School News · 2021. 1. 21. · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates individuals

Term 3 Week 10 14th September 2015


Mr Holmes (M)

Saturday, 3 October, 7 pm

In 1947, an aged, retired Sherlock Holmes is living in a Sussex village with his housekeeper and rising detective son. Holmes looks back on

his life, and finds himself haunted by an unsolved case involving a beautiful woman – the very case that lead to his retirement. Starring Ian

McKellan and Laura Linney.

Screening once only at the James Theatre, Saturday, 3 October, 7 pm

The Dungog Festival is coming up soon – 22 to 25 October to be precise! Early bird tickets are on sale now, and more and more details are

being announced of what promises to be a fantastic program. Go to for all the details.

Volunteers are always needed for helping with events – in the kiosk, selling or checking tickets, and other assorted tasks. If you’ve got some

time, just reply to this email and let us know. We need your help to keep the theatre open!

See you at the James. Friends of the James Theatre Inc

Spring into nature around Port Stephens Something to suit everyone in our national parks Join our Discovery Rangers to experience a different side to Port Stephens and Tomaree National Park this spring school holidays. There’s something for everyone.

Tuesday 22 September, 9.30am–12pm


Discover the sights and sounds of Tomaree as you step back to the time of World War II to the sites of the torpedo, fort and guns. Taking off our defence hats, we get close to nature as we explore the summit and take in spectacular views.

Tuesday 22 September, 6pm - 8pm


Night is a special time to explore Tomaree’s bush and wetlands. There’s loads to delight the senses and we may be lucky enough to spot an animal or two. (opens 15/9/15)

Thursday 24 September, 9.30–11.30am


Don’t miss this great introduction to the complex world and amazing creatures of rockpools on Boat Harbour’s headland. You’ll see animals that don’t move, and others that look like plants.

Tuesday 29 September, 2pm – 4pm


Join our Worimi Aboriginal Rangers. Hear stories shared from Elders and create animal track stories in sand. Explore our natural bush supermarket – its tucker, tools and medicines. magical-bush-by-night

Wednesday 30 September, 9.30am–11.30am


Enjoy a 2-hour bush walk, featuring spectacular time-worn headlands and chasms, look for whales, and experience the bush springing to life after fire.

Wednesday 30 September, 2–4pm


School holiday fun packed with fantastic activities exploring nature for the whole family. Discover hidden bush places, bush colours, create your own micro trail and be part of an exciting WilderQuest beach hunt.

Thursday 1 October 2015, 5–7pm


This dusk event promises interesting stories, a moody setting and perhaps even a spooky thrill or two. Experience the haunting ambience ‘behind the scenes’ of Tomaree’s World War II gun emplacements. Returning by dark, we’ll listen for the eerie sounds of the bush. If we’re lucky, we might spot a nocturnal animal or two. Bookings are essential

Book via above urls or visit search [Guided-tours] search [Port Stephens]

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Term 3 Week 10 14th September 2015


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