
August 2019

Durable Power of Attorney Documents (Somali) © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

Durable Power of Attorney Documents Warqadaha Wakaalada

What is a power of attorney document?

A power of attorney document lets you

choose a trusted friend or relative to help

you with your finances and/or health care

decisions. After you sign it, the person you

choose will take the power of attorney

document to your medical providers, bank,

school, and other places to make decisions

and sign contracts just as if he or she were


Waa maxay warqada wakaalada?

Warqada wakaalada waxaa weeye warqad

suurto galineysa in qof saaxiibkaa ama

qaraabo ah wakiil kuu noqdo kaana

caawiyo go'aan ka gaarida arrimaha

hantida ama caafimaadka. Markaad

warqada saxiixdo, wakiilka wuxuu warqada

wakaalada la tagayaa bangiyada,

cisbitaalada, iyo meeshii loo baahdo si uu

go'aan kuugu gaaro, heshiis magacaaga

ugu saxiixo. Wakiilka wuxuu u dhaqmi

siduu inuu adiga yahay.

The trusted friend or relative you choose to

help you with your finances and/or health

care decisions is called your agent.

Qofka saaxiib ama qaraabo ah oo kaa

caawinaya inaad go'aan ka gaarto arrimaha

hantida ama caafimaadka ayaa la dhahaa


Do I need to sign my documents in front of a notary? Yes. You should sign your Durable Power of Attorney document in front of a notary. Alternatively, you can sign it in front two “disinterested” witnesses, but notarization is preferred, especially if you are signing a Durable Power of Attorney for finances. Ma u baahnahay inaan warqada wakaalada ku hor saxiixo notario? Haa, waa inaad warqada wakaalada ku hor saxiixdo notario. Hadii kale ku hor saxiix labo markhaati oo arrinta dan ugu jirin. Waxaa la doorbidaa inaad notario u geeyso khaas ahaan hadaad saxiixeyso warqada wakaalada dhinaca hantida. What should I do after I sign it? After you sign your documents, make two copies. Give the original document to your agent, give one copy to your alternate agent, and keep the second copy for yourself. Markii aad saxiixdo warqadaha labo nuqul samee, warqada asalka sii wakiilka, nuqul sii wakiil sugaha, adigana heeyso nuqul. Can I change my power of Attorney

documents and choose new agent?

You can revoke (cancel) your power of

attorney document at any time with a

written notice to your agent. A sample

“Notice of Revocation” is included in this

packet. You can also give a copy of this

written notice to your medical providers,

bank, school, and other places that might

accept the old power of attorney document.

Durable Power of Attorney (Somali) Page 2 of 2 ©2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

Ma aan badali karaa Warqadaha

wakaalada iyo wakiilka?

Waa aad joojin kartaa warqada wakaalada

markaad doonto adoo ogeysiis u qoraya

wakiilkaaga. Tusaale warqada lagu joojiyo

warqada wakaalada ayaa halkaan ku

lifaaqan. Waxaad nuqul warqadaan aad ku

badashay wakaalada siin kartaa

dhakhtarkaaga, bangiga, dugsiga, iyo

meelaha kale oo qaadan kara warqadii

wakaalada ee hore.

What if I need legal help? If you live outside King County, call the

CLEAR hotline Monday-Friday from 9:15

am to 12:15 pm at 1-888-201-1014. You

can also apply online at

Hadaan u baahdo talo dhinaca sharciga

maxaan sameeyaa?

Hadaad degan tahay banaanka King

County telefoon u dir ururka Clear inta u

dhexeysa 9:15 am saac subaxii ilaa 12:15

pm saac duhurkii. Lambarkooda waakan 1-

888-201-1014. Sidoo kale computerka

online ayaad arji in lagu caawiyo ka qoran


If you live in King County, call 211 for

information and referral to a legal services

provider Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to

6:00 pm. You can find more information

online at

Hadaad degan tahay King County wac

telefoon lambarka 211, warayso in lagugu

xiro hay'adaha sameeya adeega sharciga,

inta u dhexeysa Isniin ilaa Jimco subaxii

8:00 am saac ilaa 6:00 pm saac maqribkii.

Waxaad faahfaahin arrintaan ka heli kartaa


Deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired

callers can call CLEAR or 211 or (toll free

1-877-211-9274) using the relay service of

their choice.

Free legal education publications, videos

and self-help packets covering many legal

issues are available at

Dadka dhegaha la ama si fiican wax u

maqal waxay waci karaan 211 ama toll free

1-877-211-9274 ayagoo adeegii u suurto

galinaya iney la hadlaan adeegsanaya.

Warqado iyo video kaa caawinaya arrimaha

sharciga ayaa laga helaa web site ka

This publication provides general information concerning your rights and responsibilities. It is not intended as a substitute for specific legal advice. This information is current as of August 2019.

Durable Power of Attorney for Finances (Somali) – Page 1 of 4 © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

Durable Power of Attorney for Finances


(Warqada wakaalada hantida)


[My Name / Magaceyga]

1. Agent. I choose ______________________________as my Agent with full

authority to manage my finances.

Wakiil. Waxaan doortay _______________________inuu wakiil iga noqdo,

awood buuxdana u leeyahay maamulka hantideeyda.

2. Alternate. If ______________________________is unable or unwilling to act, I

choose _____________________________ as my Agent with full authority to

manage my finances.

Wakiil kale. Hadii ______________________uusan awood u leheeyn ama

dooneyn inuu wakiil ii noqdo, waxaan doortey

_________________________inuu wakiil maamula hantideeyda noqdo.

3. My Rights. I keep the right to make financial decisions for myself as long as I am


Xuquuqdeyda. Waan heeysanayaa xaqa ah inaan hantideeyda ka go'aamiyo

intaan awood u leeyahay.

4. Durable. My Agent can use this power of attorney document to manage my

finances even if I become sick or injured and cannot make decisions for myself.

This power of attorney document shall not be affected by my disability.

Mar walba waa shaqeyn. Wakiilkeyga wuxuu adeegsan karaa warqada

wakaalada si uu u maamulo hantideyda. Arrintaanoo jireysa xataa hadii aan

xanuunsado, dhaawacmo, ama aan naftayda go'aan u gaari karin. Hadaan

curyaan noqdo warqadaan weli waa shaqeyn, ismana badaleyso wakaalada aan

siiyey qofka wakiilka ii ah.

5. Start Date. This power of attorney document is effective: (check one)

Bilaawga wakaalada. Warqada wakaalada waxay dhaqan geli: labada meelood

hoose mid dooro oo xariiq.

Immediately. Isla markii

Only if my medical provider signs a letter saying I cannot make decisions for

myself. Markii dhaktarkeyga saxiixo warqad fareysa inaan nafteyda

go'aan u gaari karin

Durable Power of Attorney for Finances (Somali) – Page 2 of 4 © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

6. End Date. This power of attorney document will end if I revoke it or when I die. If

my spouse or domestic partner is my Agent, this power of attorney document will

end if either of us files for divorce in court.

Goorta ay wakaalada dhamaaneyso. Warqada wakaalada waxey istaagi iney

shaqeeyso markii aan qoro warqad kale oo baabi'ineysa awooda aan wakiilka

siiyey, iyo hadey dhacdo inaan dhinto. Hadaan wakaalada siiyay xaaskeyga ama

ninkeyga waxey dhamaan markii qofkeen maxkamada ka codsado inaan kala


7. Revocation. I revoke any power of attorney for finances documents I have signed

in the past. I understand that I may revoke this power of attorney document at any

time by giving written notice of revocation to my Agent.

Did uga noqosho. Markii aan qof wakiil dhinaca maamulka hantida ka dhigto,

waxey sidoo kale arrintaan dib uga noqoneysaa dhamaan hada ka hor wixii

wakaalad dhinaca hantida oo aan qof kale siiyay. Wakaalada hantida oo aan qof

siiyo mar walba waa ka noqon karaa. Qofka wakiilka ah waa inaan warqad u

qoraa una sheegaa inaan kala laabtay wakaaladii.

8. Powers. My Agent shall have full power and authority to do anything as fully and

effectively as I could do myself, including, but not limited to, the power to make

deposits to, and payments from, any account in my name in any financial institution,

to open and remove items from any safe deposit box in my name, to sell, exchange

or transfer title to stocks, bonds or other securities, and to sell, convey or encumber

any real or personal property. My agent shall also have the following special

powers: (check all that apply)

Awooda. Qofka aan wakiil ka dhigto wuxuu leeyahay awood buuxda, una

dhiganta awooda aan u leeyahay inaan hantideeyda maamulo. Awooda uu

leeyahay wakiilka waxaa ka mid ah inuu lacag ku shubo ama ka saaro bangiga,

in la furo ama wax laga saaro khasnad aan leeyahay, in la iibsho guri, saami

sharikad, iyo hanti kale oo aan leeyahay. Wakiilka waxaa kale oo uu leeyahay

awoodaha hoos ku qoran oo khaas ah;

create, amend, revoke, or terminate a living trust Inuu i galiyo heshiis cusub, joojiyo ama wax ka bedelo heshiis aan horey u galay

make gifts of my money or property

Inuu deeq ka bixiyo lacagteyda ama hantideeyda

create or change my rights of survivorship

Inuu ii sameeyo heshiis cida i dhaxleysa ama wax ka bedelo dadka

dhaxalka igu leh

Durable Power of Attorney for Finances (Somali) – Page 3 of 4 © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

create or change my beneficiary designation(s) Inuu go’aamiyo ama wax ka bedelo cida i dhaxleysa

delegate some authority granted in this document to someone else Inuu awooda wakaalada aan siiyey ku wareejin karo qof kale

waive my right to be the beneficiary of an annuity or retirement plan Inuu ka tanaasulo dakhli iga soo gali lahaa maalgalin am xaqa shaqo ka fariisiga

create, amend, revoke, or terminate my community property agreement Inuu sameeyo heshiis khuseeya sida hantideeyda loo qeybsanaayo ama wax ka badalo

tell a trustee to make distributions from a trust just as I could Inuu qofka maamula dhaxalkeyga ama hantideyda faro inuu wax ka baxsho

9. No Power to Agree to Pre-Dispute Binding Arbitration. My agent does not have

the power to agree to pre-dispute binding arbitration or any other process involving

my person or property that limits my right to a jury, to sue for money, or to join a

class action.

Wakiilka ma laha awood uu ku ogolaado heshiis dhexdhexaadin igu qasba ma

ogoli, waayo waxuu iga dhumin xaqa aan u leeyahay inaan magdhaw ka doonto

qoladii dhib ii geeysata, mana aha caadil.

10. Accounting. My Agent shall keep accurate records of my finances and show

these records to me at my request.

Xisaabtan. Wakiilkeyga ayaa heeynaya xisaabta sida wax u baxaan. Wakiilka

waa inuu meel ku qoraa sida wax u baxaan, ina tusaa hadaan doonayo inaan


11. Nomination of Guardian. I nominate my Agent as the guardian of my estate for

consideration by the court if guardianship proceedings become necessary.

Magacaabid qof iga warqaba. Waxaan wakiilkeyga u magacaabayaa in laga

dhigo qofka iga warqabaya dhinaca hantida hadii loo baahdo in maxkamada ii

magacaawdo qof iga warqaba.

Durable Power of Attorney for Finances (Somali) – Page 4 of 4 © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

12. HIPAA Release. I authorize my healthcare providers to release all information

governed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

(HIPAA) to my Agent.

Ogolaasho gudbinta waraaqaha la xiriira xeerka HIPAA. Waxaan hay’adaha

caafimaadka u fasaxayaa iney dhamaan wixii la xiriira caafimaadkeyga sida

warqado, iwm., ku wareejiyaan qofka aan wakiishay. Ha raacaan xeerka HIPAA

oo soo baxay sanadkii 1996.

_________________________________________ ______________

My Signature (Saxiixeyga) Date (Taariikhda)



State of Washington

County of _______________________

I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence

that_________________________________, is the person who appeared before me,

signed above, and acknowledged that the signing was done freely and voluntarily for the

purposes mentioned in this instrument.

Waxaan cadeynayaa in qofkaan _____________________________

uu yahay qofka I hor yimid, uuna si madax banaan oo lagu qasbin u saxiixay warqada.






Saxiixa Notariyo

NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Washington.

Notariyo State of Washington

My commission expires________________

Shatiga Notariyo wuxuu dhaci ___________

Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (Somali) – Page 1 of 3 © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care For

(Warqada Wakaalada Caafimaadka)

________________________________________________________ [My Name (Magaceyga)]

1. Agent. I choose ______________________________as my Agent with full

authority to manage my health care. Wakiil. Waxaan doortay________________________iinuu wakiil iga noqdo,

awood buuxdana u leeyahay maamulka caafimaadkeeyga.

2. Alternate. If ______________________________is unable or unwilling to act, I

choose ___________________________as my Agent with full authority to manage my health care. Wakiil kale. Hadii __________________ uusan awood u leheeyn ama dooneyn inuu wakiil ii noqdo, waxaan doortey ______________________ inuu wakiil maamula caafimaadkeeyga noqdo.

3. My Rights. I keep the right to make health care decisions for myself as long as I

am capable. Xuquuqdeyda. Waan heeysanayaa xaqa ah inaan caafimaadkeeyga ka go'aamiyo intaan awood u leeyahay.

4. Durable My Agent can still use this power of attorney document to manage my affairs even if I become sick or injured and cannot make decisions for myself. This power of attorney shall not be affected by my disability. Mar walba waa shaqeyn. Wakiilka wuxuu adeegsan warqada wakaalada si uu u maamulo caafimaadkeeyga. Arrintaanoo jireysa xataa hadii aan xanuunsado, dhaawacmo, ama aan naftayda go'aan u gaari karin. Hadaan curyaan noqdo warqadaan weli waa shaqeyn, mana badaleyso wakaalada aan siiyey qofka wakiilka ii ah.

5. Start Date. This power of attorney document is effective on the day I sign it. Bilaawga wakaalada. Warqada wakaalada waxey dhaqan geli maalinkii aan saxiixo.

6. End Date. This power of attorney document will end if I revoke it or when I die. If

my spouse or domestic partner is my Agent, this power of attorney document will end if either of us files for divorce in court. Goorta ay wakaalada dhamaaneyso. Wakaalada waxay istaagi markii aan qoro warqad kale oo baabi'ineysa awooda aan wakiilka siiyey, iyo hadey dhacdo inaan dhinto. Hadii wakaalada aan siiyey xaaskeyga ama ninkeyga waxey dhamaan markii qofkeen maxkamada ka codsado inaan kala tagno.

Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (Somali) – Page 2 of 3 © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

7. Revocation. I revoke any other power of attorney for health care documents I have signed in the past. I understand that I may revoke this power of attorney document at any time by giving written notice of revocation to my Agent. Did uga noqosho. Markii aan qof wakiil dhinaca caafimaadka ka dhigto, waxey sidoo kale arrintaan dib uga noqoneysaa dhamaan hada ka hor wixii wakaalad caafimaadka oo aan qof kale siiyay. Wakaalada caafimaadka oo aan qof siiyo mar walba waa ka noqon karaa. Qofka wakiilka ah waa inaan warqad u qoraa una sheegaa inaan kala laabtay wakaaladii.

8. Powers. My Agent shall have full power and authority to do anything as fully and effectively as I could do myself, including the power to make health care decisions and give informed consent to my health care, refuse and withdraw consent to my health care, employ and discharge my health care providers, apply for and consent to my admission to a medical, nursing, residential or other similar facility that is not a mental health treatment facility, serve as my personal representative for all purposes under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, as amended, and to visit me at any hospital or other medical facility where I reside or receive treatment Awooda. Wakiilka caafimaadka wuxuu leeyahay awood buuxda oo uu ku go’aamin karo xaaladeyda caafimaad, una dhiganta sidaan go’aan uga gaaro arrimaha caafimaadkeeyga. Wakiilka ayaa go'aan ka gaaraya markii la i daaweynayo, markii daawada la iga joojinayo, doorashada qofka i daaweynaya, cisbitaalka la i geeynayo, ama meeshii kale oo la igu daryeelayo. Wakiilka caafimaadka ayaa wakiil iga ah markii la eegayo arrimaha sharciga ceymiska caafimaadka HIPAA oo soo baxay sanadkii 1996. Wakiilka arrimaha caafimaadka waa igu soo booqan karaa cisbitaalka ama meeshii kale oo la igu daryeelayo.

9. Mental Health Treatment. My Agent is not authorized to arrange for my

commitment to or placement in a mental health treatment facility. My Agent is not authorized to consent to electroconvulsive therapy, psychosurgery, or other psychiatric or mental health procedures that restrict physical freedom of movement. Daawada caafimaadka madaxa. Wakiilka caafimaadka fasax uma qabo inuu i geeyo ama la igu hayo meel la isaga daaweeyo caafimaadka madaxa. Wakiilka caafimaadka ma ogolaan karo in koronto madaxeyga lagu daaweeyo, qaliinka nooca la dhaho psychosurgery, ama daaweeyn ii keeneysa inaan soc socon karin oo meel la igu xiro.

10. No Power to Agree to Binding Pre-Dispute Arbitration. My agent does not have

the power to agree to pre-dispute binding arbitration or any other process involving my person or property that limits my right to a jury, to sue for money, or to join a class action. Wakiilka ma aan siinayo awood uu ku ogolaado heshiis dhexdhexaadin igu qasba ma ogoli, waayo waxey iga dhumin xaqa aan u leeyahay inaan magdhaw ka doonto qoladii dhib ii geeysata ama dhumisa hantideyda, mana aha caadil.

Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (Somali) – Page 3 of 3 © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

11. Accounting. My Agent shall keep accurate records of my financial affairs and show these records to me at my request. Xisaabtan. Wakiilkeyga ayaa heeynaya xisaabta sida wax u baxaan. Wakiilka waa inuu meel ku qoraa sida wax u baxaan, ina tusaa hadaan doonayo.

12. Nomination of Guardian. I nominate my Agent as the guardian of my person for consideration by the court if guardianship proceedings become necessary. Magacaabid qof iga warqaba. Waxaan wakiilkeyga u magacaabayaa in laga dhigo qofka iga warqaba hadii loo baahdo in maxkamada gooyso qof iga warqaba.

13. HIPAA Release. I authorize my healthcare providers to release all information

governed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to my Agent. Ogolaasho gudbinta warqadaha la xiriira xeerka HIPAA. Waxaan hey’adaha caafimaadka u fasaxayaa ineey dhamaan wixii la xiriira caafimaadkeeyga sida warqado, iwm., ku wareejiyaan qofka aan wakiishay.

___________________________________ _____________________

My Signature (Saxiixeyga) Date (Taariikhda)



State of Washington

County of _______________________

I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence

that_________________________________, is the person who appeared before me,

signed above, and acknowledged that the signing was done freely and voluntarily for the

purposes mentioned in this instrument.

Waxaan cadeynayaa in qofkaan _____________________________

uu yahay qofka I hor yimid, uuna si madax banaan oo lagu qasbin u saxiixay warqada.






Saxiixa Notariyo

NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Washington.

Notariyo State of Washington

My commission expires________________

Shatiga notariyo wuxuu dhaci_______

Power of Attorney Revocation (Somali) © 2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

Revocation of Durable Power of Attorney For

(Dib uga Noqoshada Warqada Wakaalada)

Finances (Hantida)

Health Care (Caafimaadka)

I, ___________________________________, hereby revoke the Durable Power of

Attorney I gave to ____________________________________.

Aniga oo ah, _________________________, waxaan kale noqonayaa wakaaladii aan

siiyay _______________________________.

_________________________________________ _____________

My Signature (Saxiixeyga) Date (Taariikhda)



State of Washington

County of _______________________

I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence

that_________________________________, is the person who appeared before me,

signed above, and acknowledged that the signing was done freely and voluntarily for the

purposes mentioned in this instrument.

Waxaan cadeynayaa in qofkaan _____________________________

uu yahay qofka I hor yimid, uuna si madax banaan oo lagu qasbin u saxiixay warqada.






Saxiixa notariyo

NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Washington.

Notariyo State of Washington

My commission expires________________

Shatiga notariyo wuxuu dhaci ___________

Durable Power of Attorney Documents – Glossary (Somali) ©2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project


Macnaha kalmado

Here are some terms you may find helpful when reading a power of attorney document: Macnaha kalmado muhiim u ah fahamka iyo akhrinta warqada wakaalada

Agent: the trusted person you choose to help you with your finances or health care. Wakiil. Qof aad ku kalsoon tahay oo aad dooratay si uu kaaga caawiyo hantida ama caafimadka

Beneficiary: the person who gets money or property. For example, if you have life insurance and you die, the person who gets the insurance money is called a beneficiary. The person who gets money or property from a trust is also called a beneficiary. Qofka xaqa leh. Qofka helaaya lacag ama hanti. Tusaale sida, hadaad leedahay caymis lacag bixinaya markaad dhimato, qofka lacagta ceymiska la siinayo ayaa ah qofka xaqa leh. Qofkii lacag ama hanti ka hela dhaxal qofkaasna waxaa la dhahaa qof xaq leh.

Beneficiary Designation: the part of a contract that says who should be the beneficiary. For example, the beneficiary designation in a life insurance policy is the part that says who will get the money after you die. Magacaabida qofka xaqa u leh hanti ama dhaxal. Heshiiska gooynaya qofka leh xaqa inuu hantida la wareego waa in lagu qoraa qofka ama dadka xaqa leh. Tusaale ahaan, qofka lagu qoro inuu xaqa leeyahay ayaa la siin lacagta ceymiska hadii qofkii ceymiska ku jiray dhinto.

Binding Arbitration: a process for resolving legal disputes with a company outside of a court. Usually, arbitration limits your right to a jury trial, limits the amount of money you can be awarded, and prevents you from bringing a class action lawsuit against the company. Also, arbitrators are usually picked by the company. Dhexdhexaadin lagu qasban yahay in garteeda la aqbalo. Arrintaan waa nidaam loogu garsooro qolyaha dacwada isu heysta maxkamada dibadeeda. Dhexdhexaadinta waxey dhintaa; xaqa aad u leedahay inaad dacwadaada la hor tagto maxkamada iyo dadweyne jury ah, lacagta magdhawga ah oo aad heli karto, iyo inaad dacwad dad badan ka mid yihiin ku soo oogto sharikad. Mida kale, inta badan dadka idin dhexdhexaadinaya waxaa dooranaya sharikada.

Community Property Agreement: a written agreement between a married couple or domestic partners that says when one dies, all of their property will automatically go to the other. Heshiis hanti lagu wada leeyahay. Heshiis u dhexeeya labo qof oo is qaba. Heshiiska wuxuu farayaa in hadii labada qof mid dhinto, qofka kale lahaan doono hantida ay wada lahaayeen.

Durable. “Durable” means your document still has legal power and agent can keep helping you even if you become sick or injured and cannot make decisions for yourself. Waa jireysaa macnaheeda waxaa weeye in warqada wakaalada ay sharci ahaan shaqeyneeyso oo wakiilka ku caawin karo xataa hadii aad xanuunsato ama dhaawacanto oo aad naftaada go’aan u gaari karin.

Durable Power of Attorney Documents – Glossary (Somali) ©2019 Seattle University School of Law Clinical Program & Northwest Justice Project

Disinterested Witness: a person who is not a health care provider in your home or long term facility or related to you by blood, marriage, or state registered domestic partnership. Markhaati aan dan ugu jirin. Qof aan aaheyn qof ku daaweeya ama kaa warqaba, ama qaraabo aheyn, ama xidid aheyn, ama qof dawlada cadeysay inaad qoys wada tihiin.

Notary (or Notary Public): a person who is licensed by the State to witness signatures on documents. You must sign your power of attorney document in front of a notary who will also sign the document and place an official notary stamp on it. Notario. Qof dowlada shati siisay si uu marqaati uga noqdo marka dadka warqadaha saxiixayaan. Waa inaad warqada wakaalada ku hor saxiixdaa qof ah notario, kadibna qofka notario ah ku dhuftaa shaabad.

Personal Property: things like cash, stocks, jewelry, clothing, furniture or cars. Hantida shaqsiga ah: Sida lacag, saami shirkad, dahab, dhar, alaabta guriga, ama gawaari

Real Property: Building, and land Hanti dhul ah: Sar, ama dhul wax ka dhisneen

Revoke: to cancel. Dib uga noqo. Jooji waxaad horey u ogolaatey

Rights of survivorship: a written agreement between people who own property together. The agreement says when one co-owner dies, the other co-owner(s) automatically gets the property. Xaqa dhaxalka dad wax wadaaga. Heshiis dhex yaala laga qof oo wada leh hanti. Heshiiska waxaa u farayaa in hadii qof dhinto qofka kale lahaan doono hantida ay wada lahaayeen.

Trust: a written agreement where money and property is owned by a trust and managed by one person (trustee) for the benefit of another person or people (beneficiary or beneficiaries). Usually you need to hire a lawyer to set up a trust. Heshiis hanti ama dhaxal. Heshiis qoran oo faraya hanti ama dhaxal la hayo, loona maamulo qof ama dad badan oo ku qoran heshiiska. Heshiiska noocaan ah waxaa qora qof qareen oo aad qorato.

Trustee: the person who manages a trust. Qofka maamula hanti la hayo ama dhaxal. Qofka maamula hanti ama dhaxal qof ama dad badan meel loo dhigay.

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