  • 7/31/2019 Duxbury 2000-2012 Central Register General Contract Listings


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    Notices of Public Review ofNotices of Public Review of

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    Agency Name Duxbury


    Publish Date From 1/1/2000

    Publish Date To 12/31/2002

    Search Results

    Search Results


    DateAgency Description


    Duxbury, Town of Duxbury Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut Street Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    Elderly complex, exterior painting


    Duxbury, Town of ***REVISED***

    Department of Public Works 878 TremontStreet Duxbury, MA 02332

    Construction of Watermains and Appurtenant Work


    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA02332 Construction of Watermains and Appurtenant Work


    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium On behalf of the Towns of:

    Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke & Scituate

    Pavement reclamation and recycling.

    5/1/2002Duxbury, Town of Water Department 878Tremont Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Construction of Damon II Gravel Park Well. Contractormust be Mass. Certified Well Driller.

    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium on behalf of the Towns of:Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hanson,

    Various public works services in the named

    municipalities, including paving of various streets andpublic property, crack filling, surface sealing

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  • 7/31/2019 Duxbury 2000-2012 Central Register General Contract Listings


    4/3/2002Hingham, Hull, Kingston, Marshfield,Milton, Norwell, Pembroke, Scituate &


    treatments, cold planing, pavement reclamation andrecycling, guardrail installation, street sweeping,

    traffic markings and catch basin cleaning.


    Duxbury, Town of Recreation Department

    Town Hall 878 Tremont Street Duxbury,MA 02332

    Install dehumidification system at Percy Walker Pool,175 George Street, Duxbury, MA


    Duxbury, Town of REVISED Department

    of Public Works 878 Tremont StreetDuxbury, MA 02332

    Gleaning and Lining Water Mains on Washington

    Street. Clean and cement mortar line $4,600 lf. Of 12"

    Water Main, 5, 400 lf. Of 10" Water Main and 1,000 lf.Of 6" Water Main.

    2/13/2002Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA


    Gleaning and Lining Water Mains on Washington

    Street. Clean and cement mortar line $4,600 lf. Of 12"

    Water Main, 5, 400 lf. Of 10" Water Main and 1,000 lf.Of 6" Water Main.

    11/7/2001Duxbury, Town of Housing Authority 59Chestnut Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Interior and Exterior improvements to a single familyhome, including a septic system.

    10/17/2001Duxbury, Town of School Department Mr.Mickey McGonagle, (781) 934-7600 130

    Saint George Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Duxbury High School Wastewater Treatment Facility.Contractor Category: Sewage and Water Treatment


    8/22/2001Duxbury, Town of Duxbury Fire Dept 668Tremont Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Town of Duxbury Municipal Buildings, Specificationsfor Fire Protection Improvement

    8/15/2001Duxbury, Town of Dept of Public Works878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Installation of curbing Bid #2002-08

    7/25/2001Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA


    Construction of Watermains and Appurtenant Work,

    7/18/2001Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA


    Purchase of Granite Curbing


    Duxbury, Town of Duxbury School

    Building Committee c/o Duxbury School

    Dept 130 St George Street Duxbury, MA02332

    Alden Elementary School and Arts Theater Renovation

    and Expansion, Duxbury, MA


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Braintree, Cohasset,Duxbury, Hingham, Hull, Kingston,Marshfield, Milton, Norwell, Pembroke,

    Scituate & Weymouth **REVISED**

    Various public works services in the named

    municipalities, including paving of various streets andpublic property, roadway preparation, road surfacesealing, crack filling, infra-red patching and traffic



    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium Braintree, Cohasset,

    Duxbury, Hingham, Hull, Kingston,Marshfield, Milton, Norwell, Pembroke,

    Scituate & Weymouth

    Various public works services in the namedmunicipalities, including paving of various streets and

    public property, roadway preparation, road surfacesealing, crack filling, infra-red patching and traffic


    2/14/2001Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks **Reprint** 878 Tremont Street

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Install approximately 11,000 lf of low-pressure smalldiameter sewer and construct a Title V compliant

    shared 10,000 gallon/day onsite wastewatertreatment and disposal system.

    1/24/2001Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA02332

    Install approximately 11,000 lf of low-pressure smalldiameter sewer and construct a Title V compliant

    shared 10,000 gallon/day onsite wastewater

    treatment and disposal system.

    11/22/2000Duxbury, Town of Dept. of Public Works

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA 02332Overhead Doors at Fire Headquarters


    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA02332

    Bituminous Concrete

    6/21/2000 Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA

    Construction of Watermains and Appurtenant Work

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    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA02332

    Fabric/Seal Road Rehab

    6/21/2000Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA


    Pavement Rehab/Recycling

    2/16/2000Duxbury, Town of 878 Tremont StreetDuxbury, MA The New Elder Brewster Center

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    Notices of Public Review ofNotices of Public Review of

    Pros ective Re ulationsProspective Regulations

    Agency Name Duxbury


    Publish Date From 1/1/2003

    Publish Date To 12/31/2004

    Search Results

    Search Results


    DateAgency Description


    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Repair of Crematory Furnace Retorts Units C & D

    9/22/2004Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Septic System for Town Hall. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30,

    39M, Agency is seeking highly qualified contractor forthe construction & provisions of all services required to

    construct a new septic system for the Town Hall & Old

    Town Hall at #878 Tremont St., Duxbury, MA.


    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA02332

    Construct Animal Control Facility


    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium Representing the Towns of:

    Cost: Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury,

    Hingham, Hull, Marshfield, Milton,Norwell, Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate

    and Weymouth.

    Pavement markings painting

    3/24/2004 Duxbury, Town of Duxbury HousingAuthority 59 Chestnut St. Duxbury, MA ADA; Accessibility Modifications @ 4 elderly units @ the

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    02332 Ch. 667-1


    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA02332

    Construct Animal Control Facility

    3/17/2004Duxbury, Town of Fire Department P.O.Box 2824 Duxbury, MA 02331

    Provide and install a fire and security system in fourtown buildings


    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA02331

    Construction of Watermains and Appurtenant Work


    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium Representing the Towns of:

    Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate and


    Bituminous concrete paving, machine laid, including

    related casting adjustments, handwork, bituminousberm and sidewalk, and granite curb. (Specific Towns

    and estimated quantities are listed in the Invitation ForBids)


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate andWeymouth.

    Bituminous pavement excavation by Cold Planer

    (Specific Towns and estimated quantities are listed inthe Invitation For Bids)


    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium Representing the Towns of:

    Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate and


    Bituminous pavement reclamation [In-Place] (SpecificTowns and estimated quantities are listed in the

    Invitation For Bids)


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate andWeymouth.

    Catch Basin Cleaning (Specific Towns and estimated

    quantities are listed in the Invitation For Bids)


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate and


    Guardrail Installation (Specific Towns and estimatedquantities are listed in the Invitation For Bids)


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate andWeymouth.

    Pavement markings painting (Specific Towns and

    estimated quantities are listed in the Invitation ForBids)


    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium Representing the Towns of:

    Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate and


    Roadway crack filling/sealing (Specific Towns andestimated quantities are listed in the Invitation For



    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Rockland, Scituate andWeymouth.

    Roadway sealing treatments including chip sealing,stone sealing and micro-surfacing (Specific Towns and

    estimated quantities are listed in the Invitation For


    8/6/2003 Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA

    Construction of Watermains and Appurtenant Work

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    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont Street Duxbury MA02332

    School Complex Pump Station Upgrades

    5/21/2003Duxbury, Town of Fire Department P.O.Box 2824 Duxbury, MA 02331

    Provide and install a fire and security system in EllisonHigh School


    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA02332

    Maintenance of Captain's Hill Reservoir and

    Appurtenant Work, Contract W03-30

    3/12/2003Duxbury Recreation DepartmentDuxbury Town Hall 878 Tremont Street

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Duxbury Playground- Installation of the following:drainage layer for fiber surfacing; owner provided

    playground equipment and four (4) benches; one sign;

    footings for two piers; bases and wear pads for swingsand bottom of slides; curbing (Alternate No. 1) and

    wood fiber surfacing (Alternate No. 2)

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    Notices of Public Review ofNotices of Public Review of

    Pros ective Re ulationsProspective Regulations

    Agency Name Duxbury


    Publish Date From 1/1/2005

    Publish Date To 12/31/2006

    Search Results

    Search Results


    DateAgency Description


    Duxbury, Town of Department of Public

    Works 878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Construct Columbarium and Add Veneer to ExistingColumbarium

    8/16/2006Duxbury, Town of Recreation Department

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Install Dehumidification System at the Percy Walker

    Pool, 175 St. George St., Duxbury, MA 02332


    Duxbury, Town of Duxbury Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut Street Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    The removal and replacement of two asphalt shingle

    roofs at the authority''s Duxborough Village elderly

    housing development.


    Duxbury, Town of Duxbury Conservation

    Commission **REVISED** 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Island Creek Fish run Restoration Project

    2/8/2006Duxbury, Town of ConservationCommission 878 Tremont St. Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    Island Creek Fishrun Restoration Project

    7/13/2005Duxbury, Town of Department of PublicWorks 878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Adaptive re-use of the Wright Building. Adaptive re-use of historic town building for archive and teen

    center space.

    Duxbury, Town of Duxbury Public SchoolsPreventative and routine maintenance of themechanical equipment, and energy management of

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    7/13/2005Office of the Superintendent 130 St.George St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    the schools. Contractor Category: HVAC orMechanical and Energy Management Systems.

    6/8/2005Duxbury, Town of ConservationCommission ***REVISED*** 878

    Tremont St., Duxbury, MA 02332

    Island Creek Fishrun Restoration Project.


    Duxbury, Town of Duxbury Public Schools

    Office of Superintendent 130 St George

    Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Preventive and routine maintenance of the

    mechanical equipment, and energy management of

    the schools


    Duxbury, Town of Conservation

    Commission 878 Tremont St., Duxbury,MA 02332

    Island Creek Fishrun Restoration Project.


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:**RE-ADVERTISED** Braintree,

    Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham, Hull,Marshfield, Milton, Norwell, Pembroke,

    Scituate and Weymouth.

    Bituminous Concrete Construction - MACHINE LAIDPAVING; related casting adjustments, berm and

    bituminous sidewalk (some with granite curb)


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:

    Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Scituate and Weymouth.

    Bituminous Concrete Construction - MACHINE LAID

    PAVING; related casting adjustments, berm and

    bituminous sidewalk (some with granite curb)(Specific Towns and estimated quantities are listed

    the Invitation For Bids)


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Scituate and Weymouth.

    Cement Concrete Sidwalk Construction (some withgranite curb) (Specific Towns and estimated

    quantities are listed the Invitation For Bids)


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the Towns of:Braintree, Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton, Norwell,

    Pembroke, Scituate and Weymouth.

    Pavement markings painting (Specific Towns and

    estimated quantities are listed the Invitation For Bids)

    2/23/2005 Duxbury, Town of 878 Tremont St.Duxbury, MA 02332

    Snug Harbor Drain. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30, 39M,

    the Town of Duxbury is seeking a highly qualified

    contractor to supply all materials and labor toconstruct and install complete, stormwater mitigationfacilities in Washington St., adjacent to Snug Harbor

    per the plans and specifications.

    1/19/2005Duxbury, Town of 878 Tremont StDuxbury, MA 02332

    Architectural assessment of the Tarkiln CommunityCenter.

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    Notices of Public Review ofNotices of Public Review of

    Pros ective Re ulationsProspective Regulations

    Agency Name Duxbury


    Publish Date From 1/1/2007

    Publish Date To 12/31/2007

    Search Results

    Search Results


    DateAgency Description

    11/21/2007Duxbury, Town of PlanningDepartment 878 Tremont

    Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    The Town of Duxbury seeks interested parties to respond to a

    Solicitation of Interest relative to a project proposed for the

    renovation and rehabilitation of two existing structures for use asaffordable housing.


    Duxbury, Town of Department

    of Public Works Town Hall,

    878 Tremont Street Duxbury,MA 02332

    Damon Wells Pump Station - In general, projects includes, but isnot limited to, construction of a 28''-8" x 34''-8" concrete and

    masonry pump station, two remote precast well houses, vertical

    turbine well pumps and motors, associated utilities and site work.Contractor Category:: General Construction Pumping Stations

    and Sewage and Water Treatment Plants


    Duxbury, Town of Department

    of Public Works Town Hall 878Tremont Street Duxbury, MA


    Construction of Water mains and Appurtenant Work, Contract2007-4

    6/13/2007Duxbury, Town of TownManager''s Office 878 Tremont

    Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Digital Telephone System with Integrated Voice-Mail and CallerID

    5/16/2007 Duxbury, Town of HousingAuthority 59 Chestnut Street Consists of selective demolition, cleaning, painting, flooring,

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    Duxbury, MA 02332 roofing, siding, and electrical work at a single family home.


    Duxbury, Town of Duxbury

    Housing Authority 59 ChestnutStreet Duxbury, MA 02332

    Modular one story single family Special Needs residence.

    MContractor Category:: Modular Construction/Prefabrication;;


    Duxbury, Town of Department

    of Public Works 878 Tremont

    St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    The general responsibilities of the contractor will be to supply,construct and/or install catch basins, manholes, various types of

    pipe, leaching facilities and all appurtenances as shown on the

    plans and described in this invitation to bid. All work is required

    to complete and deliver storm water mitigation facilitiesacceptable to the Town of Duxbury and ready for use in HallsCorner.


    Duxbury, Town of Department

    of Public Works Duxbury TownHall 878 Tremont St.

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Furnishing all labor, equipment, plant and materials required

    for:: Powder Point Bridge Repair, 2007-2. The work shallinclude repairs to bents 38 and 49 of the Powder Point Bridge as

    shown and described in the plans and specifications.


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing theTowns of:: Braintree,

    Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton,Norwell, Pembroke, Scituate

    and Weymouth

    Bituminous concrete paving (less than 3,500 s.y.) machine laid,

    including related casting adjustments, handwork, bituminous

    berm and sidewalk, and granite curb.


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the

    Towns of:: Braintree,Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton,Norwell, Pembroke, Scituate

    and Weymouth

    Bituminous concrete paving, machine laid, including relatedcasting adjustments.


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the

    Towns of:: Braintree,Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton,Norwell, Pembroke, Scituate

    and Weymouth

    Bituminous pavement excavation by Cold Planer


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing the

    Towns of:: Braintree,Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton,Norwell, Pembroke, Scituate

    and Weymouth

    Bituminous pavement reclamation (in-place)


    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium Representing the

    Towns of:: Braintree,Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton,

    Norwell, Pembroke, Scituateand Weymouth

    Cement concrete sidewalk, concrete granite curb.


    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium Representing the

    Towns of:: Braintree,Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton,

    Norwell, Pembroke, Scituateand Weymouth

    Guardrail Installation

    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing theTowns of:: Braintree,

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    Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,Hull, Marshfield, Milton,

    Norwell, Pembroke, Scituateand Weymouth

    Pavement markings painting


    South Shore Regional ServicesConsortium Representing the

    Towns of:: Braintree,

    Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,

    Hull, Marshfield, Milton,Norwell, Pembroke, Scituateand Weymouth

    Roadway crack filling/sealing - Asphalt Fiber


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing theTowns of:: Braintree,

    Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,Hull, Marshfield, Milton,

    Norwell, Pembroke, Scituateand Weymouth

    Roadway crack filling/sealing - Modified Asphalt Fiber


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing theTowns of:: Braintree,

    Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,Hull, Marshfield, Milton,

    Norwell, Pembroke, Scituate

    and Weymouth

    Roadway sealing treatments including chip sealing, stone sealing

    and micro-surfacing


    South Shore Regional Services

    Consortium Representing theTowns of:: Braintree,

    Cohasset, Duxbury, Hingham,Hull, Marshfield, Milton,

    Norwell, Pembroke, Scituate

    and Weymouth

    Roadway sealing treatments;; micro-surfacing


    Duxbury, Town of 878

    Tremont Street Duxbury, MA02332

    Seawall Rehabilitation, Duxbury, MA. This project generally

    consists of repairs to existing concrete seawall and reconstructionof existing stone revetment.

    2/21/2007Duxbury, Town of DuxburyHousing Authority 59 Chestnut

    Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    15 Chestnut Street Sewage Disposal System Replacement

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    Notices of Public Review ofNotices of Public Review of

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    Agency Name Duxbury


    Publish Date From 1/1/2008

    Publish Date To 12/31/2008

    Search Results

    Search Results


    DateAgency Description


    Duxbury, Town of Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut St.

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Remove and replace the roof at one two-story elderly housing

    building with approximately 40 square of asphalt shingles. The

    building contains six apartment units.


    Duxbury, Town of Office of the

    Town Manager 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Duxbury High School Artificial Turf Field Preparation, Polyresin

    Running Track and Lighting.


    Duxbury, Town of Department

    of Public Works 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Construction of Stormwater Mitigation Facilities for Bay Rd. at

    Hall''s Corner.

    7/2/2008Duxbury, Town of Departmentof Public Works 878 Tremont

    St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Drainage:: Construction of Stormwater Mitigation Facilities for

    Bay Rd. at Hall''s Corner.


    Duxbury, Town of Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut St.

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    59 Chestnut St. Septic System Replacement Project.


    Duxbury, Town of Department

    of Public Works 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Drainage:: Construction of Stormwater Mitigation Facilities for

    Bay Rd. at Hall''s Corner.

    Duxbury, Town of Department

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    6/11/2008of Public Works 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Drainage:: Construction of Stormwater Mitigation Facilities forBay Rd. at Hall''s Corner.

    4/9/2008Duxbury, Town of Departmentof Public Works 878 Tremont

    St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Cleaning and Redeveloping of Evergreen Wells No. 1 and 2

    (Gravel Pack Wells). Project is to be completed by 5/30/08.


    Duxbury, Town of Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut St.

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Boiler Replacement at Duxborrough Village


    Duxbury, Town of Departmentof Public Works Town Hall

    **REVISED** 878 Tremont

    Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Birch Street Water Storage Tank. In general, the project

    includes, but is not limited to, the construction of a 1.0 milliongallon elevated composite storage tank, demolition of an

    existing 0.5 million gallon welded steel tank, installation of two

    pressure reducing valve pits, existing pump stationmodifications, utilities and site work.


    Duxbury, Town of Departmentof Public Works

    ***REVISED*** 878 TremontStreet Duxbury, MA 02332

    Tarkiln Community Center Renovations, 245 Summer St.,

    Duxbury, MA 02332


    Duxbury, Town of Office of the

    Town Manager 878 TremontStreet Duxbury, MA 02332

    Duxbury High School Artificial Turf Field Preparation & Polyresin

    Running Track

    1/30/2008Duxbury, Town of TownManager 878 Tremont Street

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Duxbury Middle School Artificial Turf Field Preparation


    Duxbury, Town of Department

    of Public Works 878 Tremont

    Street Duxbury, MA 02332

    Tarkiln Community Center Renovation, 245 Summer Street,Duxbury, MA 02332


    Duxbury, Town of DuxburyDepartment of Public Works

    Town Hall 878 Tremont Street

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Birch Street Water Storage Tank. In general, the project

    includes, but is not limited to, the constructino of a 1.0 milliongallon elevated composite storage tank, demolition of an

    existing 0.5 million gallon welded steel tank, installation of two

    pressure reducing valve pits, existing pump stationmodifications, utilities and site work.


    Duxbury,Town of Duxbury

    Department of Public WorksTown Hall 878 Tremont StreetDuxbury, MA 02332

    Mayflower Street Water Main. In general, the project includes,

    but is not limited to, furnishing and installing 5,600 linear feet of12-inch diameter ductile iron water main and appurtenances.

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    Agency Name Duxbury


    Publish Date From 1/1/2009

    Publish Date To 12/31/2009

    Search Results

    Search Results


    DateAgency Description


    Duxbury, Town of

    Inspectional Services

    Department 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    A comprehensive feasibility study of modifying an existing crematoryfacility, or alternatively locating and building a new crematory facility

    on town cemetery land.


    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    Repair of two crematory refractory retort units.


    Duxbury, Town of Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut StDuxbury, MA 02332

    Asphalt Shingle Replacement on five Two-Story Elderly Housing



    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    Crematory Furnace Retort Repairs. Refractory work, necessarymaintenance and adjustment to meet or exceed manufacturer

    specifications for operation on two gas-fired All Crematory

    Corporation Model No. L-1701 Crematory Furnace Retort Units.


    Duxbury, Town of

    Inspectional ServicesDivision 878 Tremont St.

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Septic System Replacement at the Tarkiln Community Center, 245Summer St., Duxbury.

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  • 7/31/2019 Duxbury 2000-2012 Central Register General Contract Listings



    Duxbury, Town ofInspectional Services 878

    Tremont St. Duxbury, MA02332

    Roof replacement for the Tarkiln Community Center, a single-story

    wood former schoolhouse on 245 Summer St., Duxbury.


    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    Drainage:: Construction of Stormwater Mitigation Facilities at

    Crescent Street.


    Duxbury, Town of

    Department of Public Works

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury,MA 02332

    The invitation to bid consists of using existing stone pieces from theprevious monument and to furnish, deliver and install all existing andnew pieces to construct the memorial. The new concrete foundation

    will be prepared by others (Town of Duxbury) and are not part of

    this bid.


    Duxbury, Town of ***RE-

    BID*** 878 Tremont St.Duxbury, MA 02332

    Renovations to the Percy Walker Pool.

    5/13/2009Duxbury, Town of PublicSchools 130 Saint George

    St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Roof Replacement and Associated Work at the Chandler Elementary

    School. Contractor Category:: Roofing.


    Duxbury, Town of Office ofthe Town Manager 878

    Tremont St. Duxbury, MA02332

    Renovations to the Percy Walker Pool.

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    Notices of Public Review ofNotices of Public Review of

    Pros ective Re ulationsProspective Regulations

    Agency Name Duxbury


    Publish Date From 1/1/2010

    Publish Date To 12/31/2012

    Search Results

    Search Results


    DateAgency Description


    Duxbury, Town of School

    Committee 130 St. George

    St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Replace Chandler Elementary gym floor, approximately 6,000square feet. Current flooring is rubber.


    Duxbury, Town of School

    Committee 130 St. GeorgeSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Duxbury Model Middle/High School Request for Qualifications for

    Trade Contractors, Construction Manager at Risk pursuant to M.G.L.c. 149A, 8 for the following trades:: Plumbing and Electrical. Site

    enabling work consisting of relocation of water service line to

    existing building and construction trailer electrical service, cut andmake safe site lighting in footprint of new building.


    Duxbury, Town of Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut St.Duxbury, MA 02332

    Work includes roadway milling and pavement overlay, replaceportions of damaged sidewalks, clean existing cracks (sidewalk and

    roadway) and fill with hot applied asphalt crack sealer, replacedamaged bituminous concrete curbs and repair portions of grass

    areas with loam and seed.

    4/11/2012Duxbury, Town of 878Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Stormwater Mitigation Facilities Project in accordance with M.G.L. c.30, 39M. Work to start mid-May 2012 with a completion date of


    Duxbury, Town of ***SUB-Duxbury Model Middle/High School Request for Qualifications forTrade Contractors, Construction Manager at Risk per M.G.L. c.149A,

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  • 7/31/2019 Duxbury 2000-2012 Central Register General Contract Listings



    BIDS ONLY*** SchoolCommittee 130 St. George

    St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    8:: Construction of a new co-located Middle/High School, 322,500GSF;; construction of new separate Field House/Maintenance

    Facility, 17,200 GSF;; interior renovation of existing school spacefor Central Administration Offices, 5,000 GSF.


    Duxbury, Town ofInspectional Services 878

    Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    The Town of Duxbury invites sealed bids for the demolition and

    removal of structures from a parcel located within the Town.


    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works878 Tremont St. Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    Franklin St. and Lincoln St. Water Main Replacement andAppurtenant Work.


    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works

    878 Tremont StreetDuxbury, MA 02332

    Franklin Street and Lincoln Street Water Main Replacement and

    Appurtenant Work

    11/16/2011Duxbury, Town of 878Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Construction of a New Police Station.

    8/31/2011Duxbury, Town of 878Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Ashdod Fire Station shower stall repair.


    Duxbury, Town of Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut St.Duxbury, MA 02332

    Replacement of dwelling unit load centers, kitchen and bathroomreceptacles with new ground fault receptacles.


    Duxbury, Town of Housing

    Authority 59 Chestnut St.

    Duxbury, MA 02332

    Community Room Accessibility Improvements at Duxborough

    Village (667-1 Elderly Housing):: Renovation and Addition to theexisting community building to meet MAAB requirements. DCAM

    Certificate for General Construction required.


    Duxbury, Town of

    Inspectional Services

    Department 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Restore the exterior paint, including windows, trim and siding on

    the Old Town Hall, 862 Tremont St., Duxbury.


    Duxbury, Town of

    Inspectional Services 878Tremont St. Duxbury, MA02332

    Construction of a Cemetery Office Building and Crematorium.


    Duxbury, Town of

    Department of Public Works878 Tremont St. Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    The Town of Duxbury invites sealed bids to remove approximately

    3,000 square feet of asphalt shingles and replace with cedarshingles on the roof of the Old Town Hall, 862 Tremont St.,



    Duxbury, Town of Office of

    the Director of Public Works

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury,MA 02332

    Annual contract for the supply and placement of Type I Bituminous

    Concrete on Town roads.


    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury,MA 02332

    Evergreen #1 and #2 Well Rehabilitation.


    Duxbury, Town of

    Inspectional Services 878Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Construction of a Crematory and Cemetery Office Building.


    Duxbury, Town of 878

    Tremont St. Duxbury, MA02332

    Duxbury Fire Headquarters Renovations and Additions.


    Duxbury, Town of Water

    Department 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Construction of Watermains and Appurtenant Work.

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  • 7/31/2019 Duxbury 2000-2012 Central Register General Contract Listings



    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works

    878 Tremont StreetDuxbury, MA 02332

    Drainage - Construction of Stormwater Mitigation Facilities on

    Crescent Street


    Duxbury, Town ofRecreation Department 878

    Tremont St. Duxbury, MA


    Acid wash and regrout Percy Walker Pool.


    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works**REVISED** 878 Tremont

    St. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Duxbury Water System SCADA Upgrade:: Furnishing and installingSCADA equipment to upgrade the Town''s existing waterdistribution SCADA System, also Integration and programming.

    Contractor Category:: Electrical.


    Duxbury, Town of 878Tremont St.

    **CANCELLED** Duxbury,MA 02332

    Remove and Replace balance tank with plumbing at Percy Walker



    Duxbury, Town ofDepartment of Public Works

    878 Tremont St. Duxbury,

    MA 02332

    Duxbury Water System SCADA Upgrade:: Furnishing and installingSCADA equipment to upgrade the Town''s existing water

    distribution SCADA System, also Integration and programming.

    Contractor Category:: Electrical.


    Duxbury, Town of 878

    Tremont St. Duxbury, MA02332

    Remove and Replace balance tank with plumbing at Percy Walker



    Duxbury, Town ofInspectional


    Department 878 TremontSt. Duxbury, MA 02332

    Handicapped Accessibility/Toilet Rooms/HVAC at Tarkiln CommunityCenter, 245 Summer St., Duxbury.

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