Page 2: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls

Before the summer gets started and there’s the big switch in schedule, get the whole family together and

come up with an agreement about what free time this summer will look like. Let your kids talk about what’s

meaningful to them. Spend quality time with your kids and involve them in fun and frolic activities.

READING Summer shouldn't mean taking a break from learning, especially reading. Encourage your

child sustain reading skills, practice reading and read for enjoyment. Set a good example by reading the

same book your child is reading and discuss it.


Conversation enriches understanding. Converse as much as you can with your child & encourage the

child to communicate freely with visitors, relatives in English

Encourage the child to be humble and polite to everyone around.

Encourage your child to practice yoga for mental peace and good health.

For spiritual development encourage the child to start & end the day with prayers.


Set reasonable limits for the use of gadgets and encourage more outdoor activities.

Be a good role model for your child. Because children are great mimics, limit your own media use. In

fact, you'll be more available for and connected with your children in this way.

Tell your children the value of face-to-face communication.


Encourage your child to help the poor and the needy. Help them donate clothes and things in use to those

in need.

Encourage the child to be cooperative in group activity


Ask the child to assist you in taking care of their younger sibling while you are busy with the daily chores.

Encourage your child to write thank you cards to inculcate the feeling of gratitude towards others.

Educate your child for the importance of personal hygiene & encourage them to follow regular time for

eating, playing, sleeping, watching T.V & listening stories.


Gardening teaches us the science of growing up & imparts human values. It also help kids to maintain

their calm & composure.


Internet is an enriching resource of knowledge in today’s world. However, the children have to be

motivated to make the right use of it. Hence, guide your child to browse through informative and

instructive websites that are enriching and enlightening for them. Make sure to monitor what your child

watches on the net.


Motivate the children to switch off the electrical appliances when not in use.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, thus, is not an act but a habit.

Page 3: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls



Section A-Note-making

1. Read the passage given below: 8 marks

Residents of the Bhirung Raut Ki Gali, where Ustad Bishmillah Khan was born on March 21,

1916, were in shock. His cousin, 94-year -old Mohd Idrish Khan had tears in his eyes. Shubhan

Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees

two to the boys and rupees five to the girls of the locality”.

He was very keen to play shehnai again in the local Bihariji’s Temple where he had started playing

shehnai with his father, Bachai Khan, at the age of six. His original name was Quamaruddin and

became Bishmillah only after he became famous as a shehnai player in Varanasi.

His father Bachai Khan was the official shehnai player of Keshav Prasad Singh, the Maharaja of

the erstwhile Dumaraon estate, Bismillah used to accompany him. For Bishmillah Khan, the

connection to music began at a very early age. By his teens, he had already become a master of

the shehnai. On the day India gained freedom, Bismillah Khan, then a sprightly 31-year-old, had

the rare honour of playing from Red Fort. Bishmillah Khan won’t just be remembered for elevating

the shehnai from an instrument heard only in weddings and naubatkhanas to one that was

appreciated in concert halls across the world. His life was a testimony to the plurality that is India.

A practicing Muslim, he would take a daily dip in the Ganga in his younger days after a bout of

kusti in Benia Baga Akhada. Every morning, Bishmillah Khan would do riyaaz at the Balaji temple

on the banks of the river. Even during his final hours in a Varanasi hospital, music did not desert

Bishmillah Khan. A few hours before he passed away early on Monday, the shehnai wizard

hummed a thumri to show that he was feeling better. This was typical of a man for whom life

revolved around music.

Throughout his life, he abided by the principle that all religions are one. What marked Bishmillah

Khan was his simplicity and disregard for the riches that come with musical fame. Until the very

end, he used a cycle rickshaw to travel around Varanasi. However, the pressure of providing for

some 60 family members took its toll during his later years.

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes using headings and sub-

headings. Use recognizable abbreviations where necessary.

1.2 Find words in the passage which mean the same as the following:

one-time (b) proof (c) prodigy

Section B-Advanced Writing Skills

2. There is an exhibition of handicrafts items at Dilli Haat, Delhi. Prepare a poster inviting

the people to see the exhibition. Give a suitable title to your poster.

3. Your school organized an Orientation Programme for the parents of the stressed out

students of class XII. Write a report in about 120-150 words giving details of the

programme for the school magazine. You are the school head-boy

Page 4: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls

4. Reena Ghai is a personal assistant to the G. M. in a private company. She comes across an

advertisement for a lady secretary in a reputed multi-national company, offering attractive

package. Since her qualifications and experience match the required ones, she writes a

letter of application in response to it. Write her letter in not more than 150 words.

5. Some colleges conduct entrance test for admission to under-graduate courses like English

(Hons.) and Journalism (Hons.). Do you think that the entrance test is the right method of

selecting students? Write an article in about 150-200 words.

6. You are the President of your school theatre club. Your club is organizing a play Julius

Caesar to help the victims of earthquake. Design a poster informing the students about this

play. Invent necessary details.

7. India is a country with diverse cultures, traditions, religious and political beliefs. To keep

such a country together, to bind the people and take the nation ahead on the path of

progress, democracy is the most suitable form of government. Write an article in about

150-200 words. You are Akshay/Asha a class XII student at Rosary Senior Secondary

School Lucknow. (200 words)

Section C-Literature

8. Answer any one of the following in about 100-125 words.

(a) Franz’s attitude towards school as well as towards M. Hamel changes when he comes to

know about the takeover of his village by Prussians. Do you agree? Discuss with reference

to the The Last Lesson.

(b) The life of bangle makers of Firozabad was full of obstacles, which forced them to lead a

life of poverty and deprivation. Discuss with reference to Lost Spring.

(c) Read the stanza and answer the questions that follows:

”Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example,

With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal

For lives that turn in their cramped holes

From fog to endless nights.”

i) Name the poem and the poet

ii) Why has Shakespeare been described as wicked?

iii) Why is the map a bad example?

iv) What tempts them to steal?

v) How do the children continue to live?

vi) Explain: ‘From fog to endless night.’

(d) How did the Tiger King meet his end? What is ironical about his death?

(e) ‘…..all I said was see you soon Amma… All I did was smile and smile’ In the wake of old

age home mushrooming in India as well, and many of the elderly people abandoned or

thrown out of their homes, how do you think youngsters can help the elderly to overcome

loneliness and grief in the sunset of their lives?

(f) Read the first fifteen chapters of “The Invisible Man” by H.G.Wells and answer the

following questions:

(a) Justify the title ‘The Strange Man’s Arrival’.

Value Points:

Page 5: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls

(a) The first chapter is aptly entitled as it is about the arrival of the stranger, which triggers the

exposition of the novel.

(b) The plot of the novel depends on his arrival, and creates an atmosphere of suspense and

mystery that hangs on till the end of the novel.

(c) The unusual appearance of the stranger. (Give illustrations)

(d) The equally unusual behaviour to all who venture in into Griffin's room.

(b)Mrs. Hall tried to prove the best of hosts but the regular snubbing on the part of the

stranger frustrated all her efforts. Comment.

Value Points: (a) Having a guest at Iping in the dead time of the year was undoubtedly an unheard piece

of luck and that too the person who was no haggler.

(b) Keeping this thing in mind she did not wish to let him go on account of reluctant services.

(c) Started being the best of hosts by insuring everything ready in time. (Give examples).

(d) However, she failed to assess him and sometimes went too far in her considering him,

and as such, had to face rebukes. (Give examples).

(e) Taking the advantage of offering tea or lunch sometimes, about his asking for getting his

luggage brought and telling the story of her nephew.

(f) Though seemed sometimes sociable but cautious at the same time of

the unwarranted intrusion in his private life in any way, he frustrated all her efforts

to sneak into his life.

(g) He did it as talking casually might result in giving some clue about his mysterious identity

and secret objective.

(c)What made Mrs. Hall change her opinion about the stranger and what change do

you notice in her attidude towards the stranger?

Value Points: (a) A person can feel comfortable even sometimes in the odd behaviour and can tolerate

somebody if there is something to have monetary gains or some other self-vested interest.

However, if there is an element of supernatural in it, all the possibilities of bearing with

the person fly. The same happened with Mrs Hall.

(b) The shift directly appeared in Hall's attitude by the experience she had in the stranger's

room. (Give details)

(c) The money making pursuit which she had in tolerating Griffin's offending antics

vanished when she found something of the unusual and particularly para-natural or

supernatural in the stranger. (Give details)

(d) Why did the invisible man choose Mr. Marvel as his helper and why did Mr. Marvel


Value Points: (a) Having been thrown by the people at Coach and Horses and having no hope with those

people Griffin wanted someone who was of his own type.

(b) Mr. Marvel was a socially outcast and of awkward temperament (explain) which suited

Griffin's purpose i.e. luggage carrier and money pocket.

(c) Mr. Marvel had no choice (explain) on the one hand and on the other was tempted to the

supposed benefits he would have being with the stranger with the infinite powers of


(g) Write a good article, report, poem, story, joke etc. for class magazine. It is compulsory for

everyone to submit any one of the above-mentioned writing.

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I. Practice worksheets to be done in the notebook.



1. Who proposed the concept of Neo-determinism?

2. Which subject is called the mother of all branches of knowledge?

3. Which sub field of Geography is called Demography?

4. Name two major components of Environment (Earth).

5. What was the approach of Human Geography in colonial period?

6. What is qualitative revolution?

7. Mention two branches of Political Geography.

8. What is the neo-possibilism?

9. What is Naturalization of Humans?

10. What is humanisation of Nature?

11. Mention three Characteristics of Neo-Determinism.

12. List out the six approaches of human geography.

13. Name the fields of Human Geography.

14. Distinguish between regional approach and systematic approach of Geography.


THE WORLD POPULATION: Distribution, Density and Growth

1. Mention any two push factors.

2. Which Continent has the highest growth rate of population?

3. Name a mineral belt in Africa which has dense population?

4. Name three components of population change.

5. Who are emigrants?

6. Which country in the world has the highest growth rate of populations?

7. Why is population growth high in second stage of Demographic Transition?

8. What is the trend of population growth in third stage of demographic Transition?

9. Why has life expectancy been reduced in some developing countries of Africa?

10. Mention any three sparsely population regions of the world with less than50 person.

11. What is meant by DemographicTransition?

12. Classify the world into various regions on the basis of population density.

13. What are the components of population change?

14. "There are many places where people are very few and few places where people are very many in

the world." Support the statement with five suitable examples.

15. What is the meaning of density of population? Explain with examples four geographical factors

influencing the distribution of population in the world.

16. Which are the two sets of factors which influence migration in the world. Explain both the set of

factors with suitable examples.

17. What are the negative impacts of population change?

18. What are the positive impacts of population change?

19. How growth of population differ from growth rate of population. In what conditions it will be

natural growth of population.

Page 7: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls

20. Among the various countries in doubling their population?


Population Composition

1. Which country has the highest sex ratio in the world?

2. Which country has the lowest sex ratio in the world?

3. What is the average sex ratio in the world?

4. How many countries have the unfavourable sex ratio in the world?

5. Which country has declining population pyramid?

6. Which country has constant population pyramid?

7. What is occupational age group of the population?

8. Which is the largest linguistic group in the world?

9. Which areas are not attractive for human dwelling in the world?

10. What is the average density of population in the world according to 2001 census?

11. What is Sex ratio? Why is Sex- ratio un-favourable to women in some countries of the world?

Explain any four reasons.

12. state the factors which discourage women to migrate from rural to urban areas in India.

13. The shape of the pyramid reflects the characteristics of the population. Explain the statement

with suitable examples.

14. How the process of urbanization brings differentiation and imbalance in population size between

urban and rural population size in various parts of the world.

15. List the factors influencing the literacy ratio.



1. Who introduced the concept of Human development?

2. Write four pillars of the human development.

3. Expand I.LO.

4. Expand U.N.D.P.

5. Which countries has the highest human development index?

6. What are the three parameters of HDI.

7. What is the basic goal of human development? Explain with examples the four pillars of human


8. Define human development? Describe the various approaches to Human development

9. Name four countries having high human development index. Discuss three reasons for high

human development index.

10. Name any four countries having low human development index. Discuss three reasons for low

human development index.

11.Discuss in detail about the alternative view of development given by Dr. Mahbub-ul haq and

Prof. Amartya Sen.

12. Which country has given the recognition of "Gross National Happiness " country in the world?

13. Why does the particular region of the world keep reporting low or High levels of human

development? Explain by giving suitable examples?

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1. Write any two plantation crops.

2. In which country cooperative farming is most successful experiment?

3. Mention the term used for ‘growing of flowers’.

4. In which type of agriculture is the farming of citrus fruit very important?

5. Which type of agriculture is called Splash and Burn agriculture?

6. Write any two primary activities?

7. What do you mean by red color workers?

8. What do you mean by Transhumance?

9. Name any two era based on civilization of minerals?

10. Name the main crop grown in temperate grassland?

11. What are the two types of mining?

12. What is Truck Farming? Mention any two features of truck farming.

13. What is Plantation Agriculture? Why is it practiced mainly in tropical and sub- tropical area of the


14. What are the chief characteristic features of dairy farming?

15. What are the types of farming according to farming organisation?

16. Describe in five points the main features of plantation agriculture practiced in the world.

17. Distinguish between Intensive farming and Extensive farming.

18. Describe in brief the commercial livestock rearing economic activity in the world.

19. What is the meaning of market gardening and horticulture? Describe any four charac- teristics of

this type of agriculture of the world.

20. Why Mediterranean agriculture is considered as one of the best and profitable type of agriculture.

21. Distinguish between pastoral nomadism and commercial Livestock rearing.

22. Why Mediterranean agriculture is considered as one of the best and profitable type of agriculture.

23. Distinguish between pastoral nomadism and commercial Livestock rearing.

24. Explain the factors affecting mining activity.



1. Where is Silicon Valley situated?

2. What is the smallest unit of manufacturing?

3. Give an example of agro based industry.

4. Write any two industries based on forest.

5. Which area is called the ’Rust Bowl’ of the USA?

6. Which type of industries produce raw materials for the other industries?

7. Write the most important Industrial area of Germany?

8. Give any two examples of High-tech industries.

9. In which economy, factors of production are owned by individual?

10. What are the Characteristics of modern large scale manufacturing?

11. ’Africa has immense natural resources and yet it is industrially the most backward continent’.


Page 9: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls

12. Write a Short note on the Ruhr coal - field of Germany.

13. Classify industries based on raw material used.

14. What are the three sub-sectors of cotton-textile industry?

15. Name the three groups of industries of world. classify on the basis of their size. write one

Characteristics of each group.

16. Explain five characteristics of modern large Scale manufacturing in the world?

17. Explain the major factors influencing the location of Industries.

18. Why are high - tech industries are located in the periphery of metropolitan area?

19. Explain the importance of manufacturing industries in the economic development of a country.

20. Developed countries are much more industrialised than developing countries. Elaborate the




1. To which sector are the tertiary activities related?

2. Write any two types of trade?

3. Write the name of any two means of communication.

4. Write any two jobs that involve mental work.

5. Write any two Quaternary activities.

6. Write any two examples of low order

7. Give two examples of important high order services.

8. Which is the fastest means of communication?

9. Name two tourist regions of the world.

10. Write any two elements of tertiary activities.

11. Describe the factors affecting tourism.

12. What is ’Digital Divide’?

13. India is fast emerging as an important destination of medical tourism in the world. Discuss.

14. Explain the three characterstics of quaternary activities.

15. Explain with examples the significance of service sector in modem economic development of

the world.

16. What is the importance of tourism? Explain with examples the four factors of tourist

attractions in the world.

17. Define the term Trade. State four characteristics of Rural marketing centre.

18. Outsourcing is providing lots of job in developing countries. Discuss.

19. How is KPO different from BPO?

20. Why quinary activities are considered as golden collar jobs?



1. Name two terminals of the ’Orient Express.’

2. Name the two major inland waterways of North America.

Page 10: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls

3. Which material is transported by ’Big Inch’ pipeline?

4. Which two places are connected by Channel Tunnel?

5. Name the famous petroleum pipeline which connectsthe oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico to the North

Eastern states in USA.

6. What is an Internet?

7. Which are the two major regions ofthe world having very dense network of Airways?

8. Which two seas are connected by the Suez Canal?

9. Which two factors contribute to the growth of Railways?

Page 11: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls

Do all the given questions in Economics Register.

Q.1 What happens to the MRS when the consumer moves downwards along the indifference curve?

Give reasons.

Q.2 Economic slowdown in some countries has adversely affected demand for Indian exports. What will be

the effect on the PPF of India? Explain.

Q.3 Is the demand for the following elastic or inelastic? Give reasons.

1. Wheat

2. Cosmetics

3. Common Salt

4. Television

Q.4 Calculate elasticity of demand and draw the demand curve:

Price Quantity Demanded

9 100

9 150

Q.5 When the price of a good changes to Rs.11 per unit , the consumer’s demand falls from 11 to 7 units.

Ed=-1. What was the price before change?

Q.6 Vani is a school teacher getting Rs. 30,000 per months as salary. If she leaves and starts giving tuitions,

she is expected to earn Rs.3,00,000 per year. What is her opportunity cost of the school job?

Q.7 Explain the distinctions between the Equation of the budget line and the budget set.

Q.8 A budget set is the collection of all bundles of the two goods which the consumer wants to buy.

Defend or Refute the statement.

Q.9 What does cardinality of utility mean?

Q.10 A consumer in consumption of the two commodities A & B is at equilibrium. The prices of good A & B

are RS. 10 and Rs. 20 per unit respectively , and the marginal utility of good B is 60 utils. What will be her

marginal utility of good A?

Q.11 Mux is 40 utils , MUy is 30 utlis and the price of Y is Rs.9 per unit. What will be the price of X at


Q.12 What is meant by MU of one rupee?

Q.13 Why does an economic problem arise in an economy? Give three factors responsible for it.

Q.14 What is the difference between slope and elasticity of demand?

Q.15 Marginal utility refers to utility : (Choose the correct alternative)

1. from the last unit consumed

2. from one more unit consumed

3. from one less unit consumed

4. all of the above

Q.16 A consumer consumes two goods X and Y. His MU from X is 6utils and from Y it is 4utils. The prices of

X and Y are Rs.4 & 6 per unit respectively. In this situation, the consumer will:

1. stick to his plan. 2. Buy less of X

3. Buy only Y 4. Buy more of X and less of Y

his good due to this price change. What will be the Price elasticity of demand for this good? Give diagram

also. Q.17 Given total utility schedule of the school, how many units the consumer will buy if the price of the given good is


Units Total utility

1 3

2 5

3 6

(i)1unit (ii)2units (iii)3units (iv)0units

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Q.18 Expressing choices in terms of first preference, second preference, third preference and so on is

expressed in terms of:

(i) Diminishing marginal utility (ii) Cardinal utility

(iii) Monotonic prefernces (iv) Ordinal utility

Q.19 As we move along an indifference curve, each point to the right shows:

(I) Higher utility (ii) Same utility

(iii) Lower utility (iv) Initially higher, then same and ultimately declines.

Q.20 In the indifference curve analysis, the consumer is in equilibrium when:

(i) IC is tangent to the budget line (ii) IC is convex

(iii) Both (i) and (ii) (iv) None of the above

Q.21 An indifference curve slopes downwards from left to right because:

(i) MRS is diminishing

(ii) Consumer must give up some units of good 1 to opbtain more units of good 2

(iii) Both of the above

(iv) None of the above

Q.22 A firm is currently selling 10,000 units of his product per month. The firm plans to reduce its retail

price from Rs.1 to Rs.0.90/unit. Ed=-1.5. Assuming no other changes, the firm can now expect sales of :

(i) 8500 units (ii) 11,000

(iii) 10,500 (iv) 11,500

Q.23 Price elasticity of good X is half that of Y. If the price of X falls by 40%, its demand rises by 20units.

Calculate the elasticities of X and Y if originally 100units of X were demanded at a price of Rs.5/ unit.

Q.24 The demand function is Q=40-5P. Calculate its price elasticity when price rises from Rs.4 to 6 per


Q.25 Price of a good rises by 25% but there’s no effect on the demand of this good due to this price

change. What will be the Price elasticity of demand for this good? Give diagram also.

Q.26 Ed=-0.5. At a price of Rs.20, the demand is 300 units. At what price will its demand

increase by 10%?

Q.27 Does the law of DMU apply in the field of education? Give reasons in support of

your answer.

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PROJECT WORK Prepare a complete layout of the project work covering the following details on a suitable topic : I. Project (Option One) : What’s Going Around Us

Students may work upon the following lines: Introduction Details of the topic Pros and Cons of the economic event/happening Major criticism related

to the topic (if any) Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the work Any other valid

idea as per the perceived notion of the student.

Suggestive List

1. Micro and small scale industries

2. Food supply channel in India

3. Contemporary employment situation in India

4. Disinvestment policy

5. Health expenditure (of any state)

6. Goods and Services Tax Act

7. Inclusive growth strategy

8. Human Development Index

9. Self help groups

10. Any other topic

II. Project (Option Two): Analyse any concept from the syllabus Following essentials are required to be fulfilled in the project. #Explanation of the concept: #Meaning and Definition #Application of the concept #Diagrammatic Explanation (if any) #Numerical Explanation related to the concept etc. (if any) #Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the topic..

Suggested List Price Determination Money Multiplier

Central Bank and its functions Government Budget & its Components

Budget deficit Exchange Rate Systems

Foreign Exchange Markets Balance of payments

Price Discrimination Opportunity Cost

Production Possibility Curve Demand and its determinants

Supply and its determinants Production – Returns to a Factor

Cost function and Cost Curves Monopoly

Oligopoly Monopolistic Competition Credit Creation

Any other topic

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Complete the following assignment in notebook.

Page 15: DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER …...Khan, the caretaker of Bismillah’s land, recalled “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls


1. Describe the lessons from popular movements.

2. Which methods were adopted in Narmada Bachao Andolan? What were its effects?

3. Differentiate between party based and social movements.

4. The Anti- arrack movement drew the attention of the country to some serious

issues. What were these issues?

5. What issues did the Dalit Panthers address?

6. What were the causes for raising the demands of autonomy in the North East

region? What were its demands and results?

7. What lessons can be drawn from the feeling of alienation in some parts of India?

8. Describe various features of Indian approach to diversity.

9. Why did the Anandpur Sahib resolution become controversial?

10. How did the internal divisions of Jammu & Kashmir led to the multiple regional

aspirations in that state?

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Complete writing the following in the practical file. Use the Class 11 Text book for

information on the practical.



Introduction- Definition of psychology

Goals of psychological inquiry

Definition of a “Psychological Test”

Characteristics of a „Psychological Test‟- Explain standardization (Reliability,

Validity and norms, in detail)

Types of Psychological Tests

Uses of Psychological tests

Conclusion - summarizing

Case Study

Develop a case profile of an individual who has excelled in areas like sports, academics,

music etc or having special needs like learning disability , autism etc. or those with

interpersonal social problems i.e poor body image, obesity , temper tantrums , not getting

along with peers, withdrawn, mood swings etc. Find the background information and

development history of the individual.( as discussed in class )


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Class XII Fine Arts Holiday Home work

Three still life with water colours

Three composition with water colours ( Human figures only)

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