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e-AMEDIAR Programe, a School Mediation Service at Padre Piquer Family

Support Center


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1. Introduction• The school peer mediation program e-AMEDIAR, is an

educational tool based on a innovative proposal of activities developed from scientific and pedagogical aspects, and combine elements of four successful School Mediation Programs

• The main objective is to implement a prosocial and emotional education as a way of further good interpersonal relationship among members of the educational community to improve the climate of coexistence

• It is an educational project of 3 multiple intelligences, which develop three skills

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• The school mediation program has been developed at Padre Piquer Formation Center since 2003. It´s developed from the School Mediation Service of the Family Support Centre (FSC) of this center.

• The FSC was founded in 2000 as a partnership between Padre Piquer Formation Center and the Universitary Family Institute of Pontificia Comillas Madrid University

• It has formed more than 100 school mediators, and 300 students in smart conflict resolution within the Citizenship Education area.

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2. Theoretical Bases: 4 successful School Programs in whic it`s based on

Network School Mediation Model (C. Boqué)

Teacher-Student Mediation Model (J.C. Torrego)

Social Competence Program (generalitat Catalunya)

Student Helper model (I. Fernández)

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• "Model student helper" by Isabel Fernández. • In this program, we extract the idea that older

students already trained to mediate and help children

• Bibliography: EL ALUMNO AYUDANTE. Ed. Catarata 2002.

2. Theoretical Bases: 4 successful School Programs in whic it`s based on

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• "Mediation Network Model" Carme Boqué. • From this program we take the idea of creating a

network of mediators in the center, working in various fields of education of each school network.

• Bibliography: Boqué Torremorell, M.C. TIEMPO DE MEDIACIÓN. Ediciones Ceac, 2005.

2. Theoretical Bases: 4 successful School Programs in whic it`s based on

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• "Mediation Model of teacher-pupil" of Juan Carlos Torrego. This author was one of the first people to introduce school mediation programs in Spain. The book cited in footnote on page number three was the first to clearly explain how to train students, parents, teachers and school mediation PAS. Give us the importance of creating a permanent School Mediation Service involving persons serving on the school and not to people outside the center, as a way to preserve, publicize and expand mediation culture in schools.

• Bibliography: Torrego Seijo, J. C. MEDIACIÓN DE CONFLICTOS EN INSTITUCIONES EDUCATIVAS. Ed. Narcea, 2000.

2. Theoretical Bases: 4 successful School Programs in whic it`s based on

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• "Social Competency Program" of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. This program collect the theoretical conception of global education as future of education, the centrifugal and centripetal vision of education in students.

2. Theoretical Bases: 4 successful School Programs in whic it`s based on

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2. Theoretical Bases• Implement prosocial and emotional education as a way of good

interpersonal relationship among members of the educational community

• Through 3 multiple intelligences: Interpersonal, intrapersonal and emotional

• Which are developed through three competencies: cognitive (interpersonal intelligence), emotional (emotional intelligence) and moral development (intrapersonal intelligence)

• Cognitive: the 5 thinkings (Spivack and Shure): casual, consequential, empathetic, projective, alternative

• Emotional: the 5 progressive subcompetences: Self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, emotional interaction

• Moral development: the development of the 6 stages of evolutionary growth in moral reasoning (Kholberg & Piaget): heteronomy, mutual selfishness, interpersonal expectations, responsibility and commitment, we all have rights, we are all equal

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Pro-social Intelligence• Prosocial intelligence is developed by this project to

combine multiple values and essential attitudes to be taught to the mediators and helper student .

• Prosocial actions are behaviors that, without seeking material rewards, favorice :

• a) to other individuals or groups based on these criteria,

• b) to positive social goals, and to increase the likelihood of generating a quality positive reciprocity in social relationships or consequential, improving identity, creativity and initiative of individuals or groups involved (Roche, R., 2004, " prosocial intelligence ", col. material. Autonomous University of Barcelona. ISBN: 84-490-2343-2)

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Pro-social Actions• 1. Physical help. Nonverbal behavior that seeks

to assist others to accomplish a specific goal, and that has the approval of the rest.

• 2. Physical Service: Conduct which eliminates the need to receptors of action to intervene physically in fulfilling a task or tasks, and concludes with approval or satisfaction.

• 3. Giving and sharing: Deliver objects, food, or other possessions lost property or use.

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Pro-social Actions• 4. Help verbal explanation or verbal instruction

or share ideas or life experiences that are useful and desirable to other people or groups in achieving a goal.

• 5. Consuelo verbal verbal expressions to reduce sadness or distressed persons in distress and increase their profit.

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Prosocial Actions• 6. Confirmación y valorización positiva del otro:

Expresiones verbales para confirmar el valor de otras personas o aumentar la autoestima de las mismas, incluso ante terceros. (Interpretar positivamente conductas de otros, disculpar, interceder, mediante palabras de simpatía,alabanza o elogio).

• 7. Escucha profunda: Conductas metaverbales y actitudes de atención que expresan acogida paciente pero activamente orientada a los contenidos expresados por el interlocutor en una conversación.

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Prosocial Actions• 8. Empatía: Conductas verbales que, partiendo de un vaciado

voluntario de contenidos propios, expresan comprensión cognitiva de los pensamientos del interlocutor o emoción de estar experimentando sentimientos similares a los de éste.

• 9. Solidaridad: Conductas físicas o verbales que expresan aceptación voluntaria de compartir las consecuencias, especialmente penosas, de la condición, estatus, situación o fortuna desgraciadas de otras personas, grupos o países.

• 10. Presencia positiva y unidad: Presencia personal que expresa actitudes de proximidad psicológica, atención, escucha profunda, empatía, disponibilidad para el servicio, la ayuda y la solidaridad para con otras personas y que contribuye al clima psicológico de bienestar, paz,concordia, reciprocidad y unidad en un grupo o reunión de dos o más personas.

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-General: Implement prosocial and emotional education as a way of improving good interpersonal relationship among members of the educational community, to improve the climate of coexistence at school

-Train mediator students: knowing how to help to resolve conflicts in formal and informal mediation, living the values of solidarity, respect and learn to live with others in groups, how to interpretate the complexity and interdependence of relationships between members of the educational community and between groups, institutions and countries

3. Objectives

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-Train students and the educational community: how to analyze and manage conflicts, to deal with and respond to the conflicts that occur at school and around themshelves.

- Improving the climate of cooperation in the school center, spread the culture of non-violence and non-violent resolution of conflicts and culture of mediation 

3. Objectives

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4. Methodology- games and dynamics- Individual, group and asambleary Work- Theoretical concepts transmission-Spread the culture of peace and mediation through the PC, CAF Padre Piquer´s school mediation service advertising, creation of mediation information through social networks (Tuenti: cafpadrepiquer; twitter: cafpadrepiquer; blog:, - Internet search-related resource conflict resolution, creating blog entries CAF:;

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4. Methodology

- Real Co-mediation between members of the educational community- Activities by age groups- School Mediation Service maintenance- Publicity and spread out of the School Mediation Service through individual and group activities- Awareness activities on mediation and conflict resolution.

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5. Theoretical content- Like the competence training program social of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which proposes to improve coexistence in the College among students facilitating the existence of good relationships that prevent social and interpersonal problems, - we believe that the three factors necessary for good interpersonal relationship are: cognitive (cognitive skills), moral (moral growth) and emotional control (social skills).

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5. Theoretical content- In e-AMEDIAR programme we bet for this line, we want students when they finish their training tour of the school, be aware of their inner and their outer world, to know their SPHD: your feeling (emotional intelligence, emotions enhanced and not limited), their thinking (teach them to think, to have sufficient cognitive skills, discover their limiting beliefs and transform them into enhancers), and their conduct, you see, that must be shaped by the values moral acquired by moral reasoning that makes the child feel that will shape their thinking and to acquire a final form completed with say, a limiting or enhancing communication.

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5. Contenidos teóricos• Al igual que el Programa de formación en competencia social1 de la Generalitat de

Catalunya, que propone que para mejorar la convivencia en el Colegio entre los propios alumnos se ha de favorecer la existencia de unas buenas relaciones interpersonales que prevengan problemas sociales e interpersonales, creemos que los tres factores indispensables para una buena relación interpersonal son: el cognitivo (las habilidades cognitivas), el moral (el crecimiento moral) y el control emocional (las habilidades sociales).

• En el programa e-AMEDIAR trabajamos en esas líneas, queremos que los alumnos cuando terminen su periplo formativo por el centro escolar, sean conscientes de su mundo interno y de su mundo externo, de su SPHD: de su sentir (control emocional, emociones potenciadoras y no limitantes), de su pensar (enseñarles a pensar, a tener las suficientes habilidades cognitivas, descubrir sus creencias limitantes y transformarlas en potenciadoras), y de su conducta final, exterior, la que se ve, que deberá estar conformada por los valores morales que hayan adquirido, por los razonamientos morales que haga el niño y que moldearán su sentir y su pensar para adquirir una forma final completada con un Decir, una comunicación limitante o potenciadora.

• 1 Basado en el Programa de Competencia Social del Departamento de Enseñanza de la Generalitat de Cataluña.

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5. Theoretical contents

• Training prosociality developing three factors:• the cognitive: cognitive, 7 Gardner's multiple intelligences• The moral: The 6 stages of evolutionary growth in moral

reasoning• emotional control: emotional intelligence, sentience, executive,

social skills• Prevention of social and interpersonal problems• Conflict Theory• Human Communication Theory• Concepts of NLP, Coaching, mindfulness• Mediation and the Mediator

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5. Theoretical Contents• Can analyze conflicts, elements of the conflict, the 5 ways to react

to the conflict and Thomas Khilman• Conscious and effective communication. The 3 types of

interpersonal relationship• Cognitive Skills: 7 Gardner's multiple intelligences• Interpersonal intelligence, the 5 Spivack thoughts i Shure: causal

thinking, alternative thinking, Consequential Thinking, Thinking Perspective, Thinking of means and ends

• Zubiri sentient Intelligence, Daniel Goleman's emotional intelligence, intelligence executive J. A. Marina,

• Social skills training Goldstein• The 6 stages of evolutionary growth in moral reasoning:• 1. heteronomy 2. mutual selfishness; 3. interpersonal expectations

4. responsibility and commitment; 5. all have rights; 6. all are equal

• Concepts of NLP, Coaching, mindfulness• The 4 stages of conflict resolution, the 3 stages of mediation,

mediation skills: interviewing and communication, microtechnology and macrotécnicas

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5. Theoretical content every Course1 º ESO (12-13 years old): Social Skills Workshop2 º ESO: Workshop 5 hour sessions weekly Course Intelligent Resolution Conflict RIC all students of 2nd ESO3 º ESO: 8 training sessions as school mediators, for one hour,weekly, to groups of 10 students, Coexistence Observatory school and world4th year: Mediation and Recreation intelligent student assistants1º Bachillerato: Mediations, Coexistence Observatory (blog,magazine infopiquer, social networks), Student Assistant2º Bachillerato: Mediations, Coexistence Observatory (blog,magazine infopiquer, social networks)

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5. Methodology of formative training sessions 3 º ESO (3rd year of secondary, 14-15 years old) students

• 1) Coexistence Observatory of the school and the world

• 2 º) Dynamic on Theme to work

• 3rd) What do I take today as a conclusion

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5. Theoretical content every CourseIn the second and subsequent years until they complete the educational process at school there are two activities:1) a monthly meeting at recess educational staged for mediation,motivation organizing activities or conduct mediation role playingsand2) Co-mediation by mediators of actual cases that arise during the school year. Teamwork way mirror behind the group of mediators.

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5. Other Activities• Fit a stand of mediation in the school festival,

offering activities for all• Actions for Day of Nonviolence• Delegation and Training• Degree Training Cycle Social Integration• Activities for groups: Recreation intelligent stand

School Mediation Service in celebration of the feast of the school, assembly and development Coexistence Observatory, simulations school mediation cases, Delegates and training in communication skills Subdelegates conscious and and effective conflict resolution

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7. Resources needed

- It requires a Mediator / a Teacher- material resources needed are a computer

with Internet access, a small notebook per student, pens, photocopies of materials, computer speakers, pens and cards, flipchart and flipchart pad and colored pens, printer, Board of School Mediation Service, etc

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Co-existence Observatory• Each week we Coexistence Observatory's school making them

journalists who help us to gauge the reality that surrounds us, the Centre and the world we live insert.

• Each week we choose several responsible for collecting all information related to the positive news and conflict and conflict resolution to occur, each responsible for weekly news summary takes a positive and World Center, a summary of conflicts and ways to solve a DAME to give me a detected conflict and provides a motivating phrase for the week.

• To spread the culture of peace and mediation boarded the blog each week ( and Tuenti (Caf Father Piquer) highlight and print the weekly motivational phrase, the good news and the DAME and hung in the information panel CAF.

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8. Conclusions• A greater involvement of the management team a better

result• Activities for all grade levels helps to globalize the Mediation

Service • Synergy: join forces with educational departments, Pastoral

Counseling, human formation, etc ...• Adaptable to any age School level, not only Secondary

Compulsory Education• Experiential and practical learning much more effective and

easier than the theoretical and pragmatic training• Time is the principle obstacle: be creative and flexible, take

profit of it (school events, spare time, recreation, lunch time, etc.)

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8. 10 years of Growth1. We went from starting in 2003 training 20 students

biweekly, with a support with a counselor in a classroom, groups of 10 people per week in the CAF

2. We have gone from the room using only CAF to use both rooms at the same time

3. We have moved to form only 10 pupils each round, to train 100 students at 2nd ESO

4. We went from asking people to use the CAF to take the CAF to the classroom

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8. Conclusions5. We've gone from learning only mediators who came to receive formation to the CAF to share what we learned on the public board we created

6. Have passed from waiting people to come to us to go to classrooms presenting them to use our mediation service

7. We have moved from introducing the CAF in the Mother of Light at School Day to getting into class with a group of mediators presenting the mediation service

8. We've gone from doing diplomas to recient formed mediators to create mediators cards for use in or out of school

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8. Conclusions9. We have gone from doing mediations at the CAF to mediate in every part of the school or even around it

10. We've been giving away a pen and notepad to each mediator to meeting more than 100 mediators to eat at the end of course of 2012

11. We've gone from waiting for persons to arrive to school mediadtion service to practice dramas with formed mediators to keep updated and prepared to urgencys

12. We have moved to formal mediation in the CAF to conduct informal mediation in the yard and around the school

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8. Conclusions13. We've been thinking about how to create a Coexistence Observatory, with weekly motivational phrase, the positive news weekly and DAME one dame, a weekly observed conflicts

14. we have gone from the internal mediators formation to journalist mediators and student assistants

15. We went from mediating to create the e-AMEDIAR programme

16. We passed the School, well we've had and we've passed this challenge

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