Page 1: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

E-Commerce Emilee King

Page 2: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet


• defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet.

• Growing use due to convince and cost differences both for customers and business owners.

• According to Prosper Insights & Analytics, 34% of Americans say that they completed 50% or more of their shopping online—that’s a 99% increase from the 2006 shopping season.

Page 3: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

Web Spoofing

• Web spoofing is where a person makes a web site that looks like the site that the user believes that they are visiting; so the user will give the hoax website all of their information thinking it is the site that they wanted to go to.

• Most of these websites rely on the user accidentally mistyping in the address of the website they wanted to go to, or are a result from the hacker sending fake emails saying the user needs to reset their password or verify their information.

Page 4: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

Ebay’s Problem with Web Spoofing

• Classified ads are being exploited on eBay by modifying the listings with JavaScript Redirects and proxies.

• JavaScript embedded within the item's description will automatically redirect the victim's browser to the attacker's website.

• The victim is completely unaware and usually gives the scammer money.

Page 5: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

How is EBay Handling This..?

• Essentially, they aren’t.

• Since the scams are happening in the classified section, the buyers and sellers are not protected by Ebay.

• EBay put a new clause in their terms in conditions that users are not allowed to use javascript in their listings. So a user gets banned if they are caught.

• Since the scammers use compromised accounts, Ebay ends up banning someone who just got their password stolen.

Page 6: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

How Easy Is This To Fix?

• Pretty darn easy.

• Seriously, just Google “How to secure an iFrame”

• Ebay would just append their terms and conditions rather than fix the problem.

Page 7: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

Denial of Service Attacks

• Standard DDoS attacks

• Smokescreen DDoS attacks

• New Amplified DDoS attacks

Page 8: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

Standard DDoS Attacks

• E-commerce sites are hurt by DDoS attacks by loss of revenue, damaging the company’s brand image, and the company’s relationship with its customers.

• Attackers tell botnets to contact a specific server or Web site repeatedly.

• This can generate enough traffic to slow the site or in some cases take the site offline.

Page 9: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

Amazon and DDoS

• 2009 major e-commerce sites such as Wal-Mart and Amazon were a target of a DDoS attack that took down their site for an hour.

• It’s just an hour right? How much can a business lose for not selling things for an hour?

• When Amazon went down for just 40 minutes last year Forbes estimated the online retail giant lost $66,240 dollars per minute, totaling nearly $2 million dollars.

Page 10: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

Amazon’s Solution

• Elastic Infrastructure or EC2

• Designed to automatically scale to handle giant traffic spikes.

• Proven effective when hacktivist group Anonymous tried a DDoS attack after Amazon stopped hosting WikiLeaks after US documents were leaked.

Page 11: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

Smoke Screen DDoS

• Shorter but more intense attacks, this attack does not have the intention of taking a site down.

• While IT staff is distracted trying to take care of a DDoS attack, they are not monitoring everything else for a breach. So criminals come in and steal private data, intellectual property, and in some cases deleted information off of organizations’ servers.

• In one case, crooks used DDoS to help steal bank customers’ credentials and drain $9 million from ATMs in just 48 hours .

Page 12: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

New Amplified Attacks


• CloudFlare’s data centers were recently attacked, and reached bandwidths of 400 gigabits per second.

Page 13: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet

Why This Matters

• E-Commerce is now a common practice and it’s not going to go away.

• We need to be able to build secure sites or fix them to avoid Ebays problem, or work on solutions like EC2.

Page 14: E-Commerce Emilee King. Introduction defines e-commerce or electronic commerce as “Transacting or facilitating business on the Internet


• Clay, K. (2013, August 19). Goes Down, Loses $66,240 Per Minute. Retrieved from Forbes:

• Drenik, G. (2014, February 03). Year Of Reckoning For Brick And Mortar Retailers. Retrieved from Forbes:

• Invesp. (2011, July 18). How Big Is E-commerce Industry. Retrieved from Invespsoft:

• Lemos, R. (2013, September 9). Countering Attacks Hiding In Denial-Of-Service Smokescreens. Retrieved from Dark Reading:

• Mello, J. J. (2014, February 12). Hackers Perfectly Time Largest DDoS Attack Ever. Retrieved from E Commerce Times:

• Mutton, P. (2014, April 28). Fraudsters modify eBay listings with JavaScript redirects and proxies. Retrieved from NetCraft:

• Neustar . (2014, April 28). Smokescreening: Data Theft Makes DDoS More Dangerous. Retrieved from CircleID:

• Time. (1999, December 27). 1999 Person of the Year. Retrieved from

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