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  • 1.Using Open Badges to support study programmes and enterprise Jo Burbidge Adrian Cowell

2. Session Outline Introduction How LeSoCo implemented Open Badges Setting up the badges in Moodle Notes & links Questions Get your Badge! 3. The Enterprise Hub 4. Mozilla Open Badges Use Badges to aid recognition of skills not taught in the curriculum Badges takes its origins from gamification of activities Badges are flexible and recognise learning outside the classroom Mozilla Backpack + Persona Badges are easy for any institution to issue, manage and display across the web 5. A Badge is proof that I took part in . I can do. I have achieved. I am able to . I achieved. 6. Moodle 2.5 + Issuing Platform Responsive theme built into core OpenBadges Technical options Manual Automated 7. 8. The badges 9. 18 Design of a badge 10. Setting up 11. Activity based badge 12. Manually issued badge 13. Displaying your badges LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Mahara Google + 14. View the details 15. Badge Awarded Connect to Backpack Send Badge to Backpack Create CollectionShare CollectionLike on Facebook Check it out Use link to share Link shows detail 16. Things to consider. Badges cant be taken away once issued Badge size and dimensions Criteria v description Email for verification Take link with you 17. What next. Integrate into main eME site Extend to curriculum areas Use to acknowledge staff development 18. List of resources Mozilla badge resource Moodle 19. Scan the QR Code, fill in your name and email address then you receive a badge for attending our presentation. Your Badge for coming to this event

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