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It’s more FUN in


What makes school worthwhile?


Fair Week:


What’s inside?

by Kevin Tan & David Tan of H1-D

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“High School: they say these are the best years of our lives.”


1) What makes school worthwhile?2) / 3) HUZZAH!


What makes school worthwhile?

School Activities““FAIR WEEKFeb 2-3,2013

Every year, Xavier School San Juan hosts their very own School Fair and Variety Show. Yes, that’s right - two explosive events that almost every Xaverian (and students from other schools) yearn for! These major events are held back-to-back in a single weekend. Students will spend the rest of their five school days during that week to plan for their very own fair booths. For the past few years, this incredible week has been known as the “Fair Week.”

Most students would consider such activities as reasons to why they think going to school is “worthwhile.” This year, Xavier School’s fair was entitled “Xcalibur,” while its variety show was known as “Shift.” The fair was held on February 2 and 3, 2013, while the concert was held on the night of the February 2. Just like the past years, many were likewise excited to experience these events. For more information, keep reading!


When you tell a student the word “school,” his immediate reaction would be a groan or something similar. It is no lie that each and every student hates school once in a while, however, there are times when school is impossible to hate. School Fairs, Variety Shows, Christmas Parties and last days of school. In the world of a student, each hope that these events will never end. Yet they do, the time comes and each pass like the summer wind. But though they have passed, there is still the lingering smell of the flowers, the memories of these events.


Feb 2-3, 2013

Yes, “Xcalibur” is something we can never forget.

When you tell a student the word “school,” his immediate reaction would be a groan or something similar. It is no lie that each and every student hates school once in a while, however, there are times when school is impossible to hate. School Fairs, Variety Shows, Christmas Parties and last days of school. In the world of a student, each hope that these events will never end. Yet they do, the time comes and each pass like the summer wind. But though they have passed, there is still the lingering smell of the flowers, the memories of these events.

How was “Xcalibur?”

Xtreme Xperiences

“Xcalibur” The 2013 Xavier School Fair


Feb 2, 2013, 9:00am - the gates of Xavier School officially opened for the start of the school fair. I was stationed in my booth, Dunkin Dobby, making last minute preparations for the start of the fair. When the gates opened, our class advertisers immediately spreaded out into different parts of the soccer field in hopes of getting our first few customers. A few minutes later, young children started coming in. However, manning the booth was not easy task. At first, it was easy to an extent, but as the day progressed, I could feel my back starting to hurt from bending over to pick up the balls. At lunchbreak, my shift ended, and my friends and I started roaming the fair grounds. Each class had their own creative ideas, and as I started to walk around I could see many children running around, each parading their prizes as they went. As my friends and I were walking, we got caught by the people from the catching booth. I quickly openned my wallet and payed the bail. Afterwards, I left and started to head back. I returned to my booth and saw that we were still in business. Many children were crowding on our small booth, each eagerly waiting in line to get their chance to play. I started to help again in our booth, and as the sun set I left the fair eagerly to go to the variety show.

Feb 4, 2013 - the chit counting had begun. A couple of my classmates and I headed to the school again to count the chits. Although there was no classes, we were still eager to go so as to know how much we earned. Although we had alot of chits, we managed to finish it before most classes. We later learned that we were the highest earning class in our batch - with P48,000. We were all screaming with joy when we heard this. After telling our other classmates, my classmates and I went home proud of the accomplishment that we made. The school fair was amazing; though we had to work, we had fun working. Nothing could replace the happiness that we got when we saw the result of all our hard work.

When students experience stress in their studies, they usually turn negative or pessimistic. They go online in twitter and tweet some bad statements such as #fml #bv #ayokona and many more. All of these phrases reflect on pessimism and negativity. The 2013 Xavier School Variety Show, “Shift,” is here to promote optimism and positivity. As the title suggests, it aims to change our pessimism for the better. By creating one of the best concert shows ever, “Shift” puts a smile on the faces of every one of its viewer.

Feb 2, 2013


Shifting PerspectivesHow was “Shift?”

“Shift”The 2013 Xavier School

Variety Show

As the sun began to set, my friends and I exited the fair and made our way to the quadrangle for the variety show - SHIFT. Night fell and the show started. Each performance was just as spectacular as the last and I found it hard to choose between which was better. Many different HS dance troupes from different schools performed that night. Dancers from ICA, Xavier, Poveda etc kept everyone at the edge of their seats wanting for more. School made bands from Xavier, ICA etc. also performed. Bands like Ensemble, friday project along with Spongecola and Glock 9 performed. Our hunger for more kept us in our seats as the hosts, Toni-Tony, Michelle, and Bianca introduced the performers. What kept me really on my seats was the fashion show. It took a while until they started it but it was worth it. High School students all dressed in the latest fashion from popular stores such as Topshop and Topman came and greeted the crowd. When the fashion show finished, professional bands took the stage. Our country’s very own Glock 9 and Spongecola made the crowd go wild. Students started climbing their seats just to be able to see the performers. What surprised me was that Spongecola did not only sing Filipino songs, they also asked for crowd requests on what we wanted them to sing. After Spongecola finished, Glock 9 took the stage doing duets with other people. In the end the entire variety show was a success. It was a night where my friends and I relived our childhood years. The time when we no longer needed to act like “gentlemen” as we needed to in class. The night when we were free. The time when we could be as we always were, teenagers, young and free. I was sad to see that SHIFT had ended. I had such an awesome night there. My friends and I all had fun in SHIFT. If there is one thing about the XS variety show, it’s that it just keeps getting better. Last years #NowPlaying was nice, but I have to say SHIFT literally blew my mind.



In the start of the school year, I joined the “Voice of the Youth Concert Committee” without hesitation. This was the student-organized group in charge of creating each year’s variety show. My experiences with VOYC started rather fun and interesting. I was able to open myself to a lot of new people and new things, especially in the field of concert production. I was part of the I.T. subcommittee, and thus was tasked to create videos and the like to serve as marketing material. As the days went by, I found myself being loaded with more and more work from VOYC. The concert was getting closer and closer, and every time we held a meeting, I could feel the anxiety creeping around the entire group. We felt worried but excited at the same time, knowing that the concert was such a big responsibility to handle. On the day of the concert itself, I was able to finalize all my assigned videos for SHIFT. Now, I was given a new task - to serve as a runner for the show. Running around the entire quadrangle while carrying messages felt quite tiring at first. However, in the end, it felt rather exhilarating. I was able to watch some of the performances, and I can say, SHIFT really came out to be the best Xavier School variety show yet. When the show ended, I felt one of the best feelings in my life - the feeling of immense fulfillment. It’s nice to know that all the hardwork - the countless meeting and the sleepless nights - all paid off. I learned to appreciate all the work given to me, because without those, this show would never have been made possible. That night, the entire committee gathered one last time to celebrate. There was a lot of speaking, cheering, and eating, but most of all, there was crying. I guess it just feels so great to create a successful variety show - one that really blew the minds of everyone, one that really blew my own mind. That night could be considered the best night of my life. SHIFT DID HAPPEN.

Fair’s over; Vari’s over...


It ain’t the END!

More to come NEXT YEAR!

Don’t You Worry, Child!There’s more to come! After all, fair week is an annual activity here in Xavier School!

A Beautiful GoodbyeSchool has always been the best and worst part of our lives. Though we may say that the bad aspects of school will weigh more, the actual good parts also matter. Being freshmen, we should look at school in a fresh perspective - in a new way, a way that makes school not only as torture but also as a way for us to enjoy. There are still some things in school that can be enjoyed. So, whether we hate or love school - most don’t really like school - we must at least put effort and make each year better than the last. Whether we admit it or not, school has been a tremendous part of our lives, and we will in the end be sad to see it end. As for us freshmen, the fair and variety show are both good ways to end this unforgettable year!

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