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1.  Describes how the role of internet in marketing today and in the future. (your

answer at least 5 pages)


The defenition of E-Marketing by Armstrong and Kottler (2004:74) is "E-Marketing is

the marketing side of E-Commerce, it consists of company Efforts to Communicate

about, promotes and sell products and services over the internet. "

According to the American Marketing Association, quoted by Kleindl and Burrow

(2005) marketing is the process of planning and implementation of an idea or concepts,

pricing, promotion and distribution. Marketing can be defined more simply the

development and maintenance of mutually satisfying relationships between businesses

and consumers.

Nowadays marketing has evolved along with technological developments. Marketing

activities become more wide spread with the Internet. Use of the Internet and existing

facilities on the Internet to conduct marketing activities known as e-marketing (Kleindl

and Burrow, 2005).

According to Boone and Kurtz (2005) e-marketing is one of the components in

e-commerce with a special interest by marketers, the strategy-making process,

distribution, promotion, and pricing of goods and services to internet market share or

through other digital equipment. Meanwhile, according to Strauss and Frost (2001) e-

marketing is the use of electronic data and applications to the planning and

implementation of the concept, distribution, promotion, and pricing to create exchanges

that satisfy individual and organizational goals.


Today,the internet has matured in industrialized nations.High adoption rates ad heavy

web and email use are commonplace . the key element of of today web 2.0

Power shift from sellers to buyers

Both individual and business buyers are more demanding than ever because they are just

one click away from a plethora of global competitor ,all vying for their business .as well

the consumer have more control than ever ,shaping braand iage with ther evry online post.

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Search engine are now reputation engines.

Relevance is one of google search algorithm variable.the more high traffic,similar

topic,web page,that point to a site ,the higher it appears on search engine result pages for

specific keyword.

Market and media fragmentation

The mass market has been slowly dissapearing since about 1992 ,as evidenced by the

decline in prime time television rating,growth of cable television and increasing number

of specific interest magazines.the internet ut finality to this trend by extending it to its

ultimate and prompted merketers to create product and communication to small target


Connection are critical

Socialnetworking is the name of the game today .Job recruiters scour social network for

job candidates ,and business deals are made among linked In members who have never

met in person. It is about who you knows onine and what they say about you.

Improved online and offline strategy integration.

This integration is especially evidence in multi channel marketing : offering customers

more than one way to buy something.retailers manage customers via databases

accessable by all employees.

Marketing investment is moving online

As previously mentioned both advertising and e commerce dollars have jumped

dramatically in the last two years altough the number of US internet users has remained

stable for years ,now there are modular chasing them and profit are improving.

Refined metrics

The internet allows for tracking every mouse click and marketers have have well –

establish measures for online tactics.

Intellectual capital rules.

Imagination ,creativity,nd enterpreneurship are more important resources than financial

capital.this was true of the first generaion internet and continious to this day.

The long tail

This refers to the economy of abundance and exolain how cheap computing and storage

make it posible to increase revenue by selling small quantities of large number of product


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We describes several important trends that will furthers solidify in the new future and

some that may take 1-15 years

Consumers in control,but not complete control

Consumer s and business customers word of mouth has long been a powerful market

force,but now individual are not limited to their friends ,colleagues and families .the

internet allows disgruntled customers to tell a few thousand friends with one mouse

click.this phenomenon is only one part of a trend that has been working for years because

of the internet. Marketers could not longer hold an individual captive for 30 second in

front of a TV screen or even for 10 second in front of a computer screen.One reason that

consumers are not watching marketing ads with glee is that they dont trust companies or

advertising much anymore.

One hundred years of exposure to marketing strategies has made consumers more

demanding and sophisticated and marketer wil have to become better at deliverig

customer value .marketer needs to ask permission to deliver communication if they want

it to be attended and generally gve customers what they want when they want it.

Marketer have practically lost control of brand image due to blogs,oline buletin

board ,and other online communication ,but they still have the opportunity to guide brand

message if they do it honestly and openly online.

Appliance Convergence

Digital media are simply data that can be seen to viewers a number of ways such as

television ,computers ,radio,cellphone ,PDA and others .contrary of popular terminology

usage ,the receiving aplliance is separated from media type.

In other word watching a television set doesnt mean one must be viewing television

programming .the idea of separating the medium from the appliance is both mind

boggling and exciting because of the business opportunities.

Traditional and Social Media Lose Their Distinction

Marketers currently allocated advertising budget by media type such as news

papers ,television,or internet. Conversely the audience doesnt discriminate between the

same video advertising .media editorial already appear both o line and offline ,paralelling

the bluring of media the future marketers will begin to realize that the

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medium and appliances are no longer defining way to reach customers . marketers will

create multimedia communication for distribution to audience members any

time ,anyways to ay device on demand by the users.

The Wireless Networking Increase

GPRS is close to being a third generation web device. Also known as 3G mobile phone

technology, it support a wide range of bandwhidths of for receiving and sending e-mail

and large amount of data, and for web browsing in many different countries. GPRS may

well be the first indication of Web 3.0.


Internet marketing is broadly divided in to the followingtypes:

Display Advertising: the use of web banners or banner ads placed on a third-party

website to drive traffic to a company's own website and increase product awareness.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): a form of marketing that seeks to

promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs)

through the use of either paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion, or

through the use of free search engine optimization techniques.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): the process of improving the visibility of a website

or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic")

search results.

Social Media Marketing: the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media

websites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Email Marketing: involves directly marketing a commercial message to a group of

people using electronic mail.

Referral Marketing: a method of promoting products or services to new customers

through referrals, usually word of mouth.

Affiliate Marketing: a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more

affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing


Content Marketing: involves creating and freely sharing informative content as a means

of converting prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers.

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Internet marketing is associated with several business models:

E-commerce: a model whereby goods and services are sold directly to consumers (B2C),

businesses (B2B), or from consumer to consumer (C2C) using computers connected to a


Lead-based websites: a strategy whereby an organization generates value by acquiring

sales leads from its website.Similar to walk-in customers in retail world. These prospects

are often referred to as organic leads.

Affiliate Marketing: a process wherein a product or service developed by one entity is

sold by other active sellers for a share of profits. The entity that owns the product may

provide some marketing material (e.g., sales letters, affiliate links, tracking facilities,

etc.); however, the vast majority of affiliate marketing relationships come from e-

commerce businesses that offer affiliate programs.

Local Internet marketing: a strategy through which a small company utilizes the

Internet to find and to nurture relationships that can be used for real-world

advantages. Local Internet marketing uses tools such as social media marketing, local

directory listing, and targeted online sales promotions.

One-to-one approaches

In a one-to-one approach, marketers target a user browsing the Internet alone and so that

the marketers' messages reach the user personally. This approach is used in search

marketing, for which the advertisements are based on search engine keywords entered by

the users. This approach usually works under the pay per click (PPC) method.

Appeal to specific interests

When appealing to specific interests, marketers place an emphasis on appealing to a

specific behavior or interest, rather than reaching out to a broadly defined demographic.

These marketers typically segment their markets according to age group, gender,

geography, and other general factors..

Niche marketing

Niche and hyper-niche internet marketing put further emphasis on creating destinations

for web users and consumers on specific topics and products. Niche marketers differ from

traditional Internet marketers as they have a more specialized topic knowledge. For

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example, whereas in traditional Internet marketing a website would be created and

promoted on a high-level topic such as kitchen appliances, niche marketing would focus

on more specific topics such as 4-slice toasters.

Niche marketing provides end users of such sites very targeted information, and allows

the creators to establish themselves as authorities on the topic or product.


In Internet marketing, geo targeting and geo marketing are the methods of determining

the geolocation of a website visitor with geolocation software, and delivering

different content to that visitor based on his or her location, such as latitude and

longitude, country, region or state, city, metro code or zip code, organization, Internet

Protocol (IP) address, ISP, and other criteria.

2. Please identify what are the benefits of the Internet both for consumers and for

producers. (your answer at least 1.5 pages).


Advantages that can be provided by the use of E-marketing for companies according to

Jamal (1996:18), as follow :

a. Able to reach many consumers in an environment that has not been met by competitors.

b. Target is the consumers who have been divided into groups and develop a continuing


c. Business transactions electronically and at a low cost. E-mail and data files can be

transferred to consumers who selected or all customers in a matter of seconds.

d. Track the sales process directly from the manufacturer to the user without have to

through the distribution line classic.

e. Can add a product to market quickly and make changes in the plan to sell very quickly.

f. Able to track sales activity that has occurred, the steps and results obtained.

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g. Can keep an eye on competitors

h. Creating a dialogue between the company and the consumer

i. Can distribute programs and information about the product via e-mail or file transfer.

Other advantage for the companies

1. Cheap and efficient

To open a physical store would require millions of dollars of capital, it is

different with the capital necessary to create an online store only hundreds of

thousands of dollars, even now many facilities on the Internet that can be utilized to

open an online store for free. Besides cost online store operations only at the cost

of internet access without the need of employees.

2.  Online through internet marketing is not limited by time

Not like other online businesses. Marketing services business over the Internet can be

accessed at any time as long as there are consumers of the Internet.

3.  Online marketing through the internet are also reaching a wider market. 

Through the Internet business, the product can be informed through all regions of the

archipelago, even reaching overseas markets.

4. Can enhance the company image in the eyes of consumers, thus providing more

value to existing business competition.

5.  Reduce marketing costs

 Because online through internet marketing more targeted and costs are

relatively lower than the cost of offline marketing that cost significantly more to

make brochures, banners, banner, neon box, etc..

6.  Make it easy for businesses to build relationships with consumers. Because

the dorm could be established through an interactive communication between

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consumers and businesses, for example through a suggestion box or space

comments, and forum discussions among consumers. So if communication is well

maintained, can  increase customer loyalty.


Customers have gained immensely from the use of the internet. As the number of users of

the internet increase more and more will shop online. Listed below are some of the

benefits of the internet for the customer.

Customers have gained immensely from the use of the internet. As the number of users of the internet increase more and more will shop online. Listed below are some of the benefits of the internet for the customer.

Customers stay updated

Customers are kept updated with product information either via the website or emails. With the internet now becoming mobile, through 3G technology and Wi-Fi, customers can be kept updated almost in real time.

Customers can compare online

One of the greatest advantages for the customer is that they can compare products or services they wish to purchase from the comfort of their own homes. Instead of visiting a number of different retail outlets, the user simply has to open different window tabs to compare prices or features of the product/service they wish to purchase. Many retailing websites offer the facility where different products they sell can now be easily compared. There is also price comparison websites that customers can use to get the best possible price for their products.

Clear product information for the customer

Websites offer clear product information on the product or service. There is little chance of misinterpretation or mishearing what the sales person said.

Transparent pricing

Pricing online is very clear and transparent for the customer. Customers can take advantages of pricing that may change regularly or take advantages of special offers that last for a limited period.

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Track your purchase

Consumers have to pay for their product /service before they receive it. It is important that consumers feel reassured when this happens. Many webistes allow consumers to track their purchase from order, dispatch to transportation before delivery to their home address. Again this reassures the consumer and makes them feel that they are obtaining a good service online.

Reduction in personal carbon footprint.

As consumer spend more time shopping online and use their cars less. Their personal carbon footprint is reduced.

24/7 Shopping

There is no time restriction on when a consumer can shop online. Many online sales now start at midnight on a particular day encouraging customers to shop all hours of the day.

Cheaper and More Flexible If the customers do their shopping online from this they save the travel cost and less time; if we go to the shopping we have to look around for the product we want to buy but online it’s just one click of a button.

Share Experience

Many people have complains about the service they use sometime and they want to share their opinion to other people or member of the staff so they won’t experience that again.

5. How internet used to improve for small & medium enterprises competitiveness

1) You need a website that works for you.

We all know that the first step to going online is getting your own website. But it's important

to know what you want from your website. Think of your website as another vehicle to

generate revenue for you, and not just a pretty brochure. Web design houses are a dime a

dosen, and you can get freelancers who can design a website at very low costs.

But remember to ask yourself these questions before you part with your money: 

Can the proposed website help to improve efficiency or relieve operational work? 

What do I want my customers to do when they come to my website? 

Does my website showcase my products or services accurately? 

How simple will it be to update the website on my own?

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If your potential web designer cannot guide you through this thought process, then you

should think twice before hiring him. Experienced web usability consultants will be able to

help you and make recommendations based on your business model. They may cost little

more but remember, your website is an investment. Invest correctly in the beginning and your

website will bring more business than you imagine.

2) You need to market your website online.

Now that your business exists on the web, the next step is to let people know of your

existence. Only when people are aware of your website will they visit it, only when they visit

your website will you be able to convert them into customers. High visibility means high

traffic, and more traffic means more potential customers.

There are many methods to market and promote your website. You may choose to market

your URL (i.e. your website address e.g. []) through traditional

advertising such as print ads, flyers and in-store promotions. These are viable methods but

they tend to be more costly. Here are some cost-effective online marketing methods to


a) Advertising on search engines

Advertising on search engines is one of the most cost-effective methods that increases the

visibility of your website and generates more traffic. Advertisements on search engines

appear when people search for a certain keyword that is related to your product/service and

which you have targeted. These ads are usually at the top or on the right side of the page and

labelled as 'sponsored links'.

These advertisements are cost-effective as you only have to pay for your ad each time

someone clicks on it. To get started with this, you can approach a search engine marketing

consultant to manage the whole advertising campaign for you. If you are Internet-savvy, you

can actually try setting up and start a campaign on your own with Google.

Remember, you are free to set a daily/monthly budget that you are comfortable with. You can

monitor the progress of your ads and measure your ROI before you decide to increase your


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b) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This marketing concept is similar to advertising on search engines, but SEO involves the

enhancement of the organic search engine ranking of your website. Organic rankings refer to

search engine listings that cannot be paid for (unlike the sponsored listings), they are found

on the left side of the page.

When your website is optimized for search engines, it means that your website will be listed

on the first few pages of the search engines when someone searches for a keyword related to

your product or service.

Why is it important to have high rankings on search engines?

90% of all internet users use search engines to look for products and services and 88% of

which do not look past the first three result pages on the search engines. Therefore, in order

to capture the attention of your potential customer, your website needs to be listed on the first

three pages of the search engines. Otherwise? They will find your competitors!

SEO is a laborious and tedious process of making your website search engine-friendly and

building links. It's probably worth your while to outsource it to the experts. However, SEO

usually involves a significant amount of investment. Once again, beware of vendors who

charge way below the market rate, unless you are certain of the results they can deliver. It

could well be too cheap to be true.

WebSpider [] has come up with a payment scheme for SMEs that

allows you to start at a very low cost and pay only when the traffic to your website increases.

3) Retain your potential customers through your website

Once new visitors arrive on your website, it is up to your website to retain them and

hopefully, convert them into customers.

Does your website provide useful information?

Can visitors find the required information easily?

It is important that visitors find useful information fast, as internet users tend to have a very

short attention span. If they don't find what they are looking for, they leave, and an

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opportunity is missed. Sometimes, visitors may not immediately purchase a product on your

website but if they found your website useful, chances are, they will come back.

It is a good idea to have a option for visitors to register on your website for a newsletter or to

join your mailing list. That way, you will be able to keep track of the prospects who visited

your website. By keeping them in your mailing list and through regular communication, you

can establish a relationship with your prospects, thus making it a lot easier to convert your

prospects into customers.

In conclusion, it is vital to view your website as an investment. It can be tool that can

generate leads and acquire new customers without you lifting a finger. It also opens the

opportunity of reaching out regionally and globally to new customers. Your website is of

little value to you unless you market it well. Internet Marketing is cost-effective and

measurable, so you are able to track where your dollars are going to in order to make

informed decisions.

Keep an Eye on Network Performance

Poor network performance can be a key indicator that it's time to take a closer look at your


A number of business networking hardware products can analyze and assess the performance

of network traffic over the course of the device's life. They'll automatically report service

delays and calculate the time customers or employees spent waiting for a specific networking


In additions, businesses can tap trusted third parties such as Cisco partners for such services

as network assessments, continuous network monitoring for reliability or on-site analysis to

identify the precise location of network bottlenecks.

It's equally important to listen to employees. Third-party management can often resolve a

problem before users know it has occurred.

Map Network Upgrades in Relation to Long-Term Business Goals

An upgrade shouldn't just be a stopgap for a failed networking solution. Network hardware

upgrades can help a business increase its ability to interact with customers, improve access to

internal information, boost efficiency and even avoid costs.

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An upgrade also can allow a business to leverage new technologies or applications without

worrying if the network can handle them.

If small businesses upgrade their network with some sort of mid-term goal in mind, it makes

it a lot easier for them to add services in the future, that allows them to be more productive,

do more with less, and add new dimensions to the business.

1. Find a Good Name

The company name is usually the first impression the customer gets of your business. If

you’re going to plaster it all over the internet, be sure the name is easy to remember, spell,

and more importantly is relevant to the products or service you are selling.

2. Have a professional looking website

Tasteful simplicity is usually the way to go. Something too flashy or sales-oriented will drive

customers away while an attractive but straightforward layout will denote professionalism.

Also make sure you have your own domain name ( and a blog

that links from the site. Try Weebly for easy, tasteful website building.

3. Showcase Press Coverage

Press coverage is a valuable badge of credibility. In the physical world we see restaurants

displaying positive reviews on the door; why not do the same online?

4. Blog

Keeping a well-maintained blog is simply the standard these days. It’s an opportunity for you

to engage customers, as well as to demonstrate your vast knowledge of the industry. As stated

previously, match the blog to your site for a unified brand feel.

5. User Testimonials

Testimonials go a long way in reassuring visitors that you indeed have happy customers.

Reserve a prominent place on your site for users to share their praises, and include pictures to

prove these are real people.

6. Find a logo

Similar to your name, a logo can define your business as professional and established. Try to

come up with a clean, tasteful stylization of a common word or image relevant to your

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business. If you need some help, you can consult Logoworks and they will come up with one

for you.

7. Video Content

When it comes to web content, eyeballs tend to gravitate toward pictures and videos.

Produced videos of reasonable length will grab the attention of browsers, and establish

further your web credibility. For help producing a professional looking business video

visit Pixability.

8. Social Media

Also a new standard, sites like Twitter and Facebook are now integral to a respectable web-

presence. Build out your own social media pages, engage the community, and include link

buttons on your main site.

9. A Friendly About Page

Often overlooked, your site’s about page is the first stop for many internet-goers. Speak in a

relatable voice about what your company does, and include pictures and employee bios for


10. No Errors

If your site is riddled with typos and broken links, who’s to say your product isn’t flawed as

well? Attention to detail is the mark of a professional business.

11. Mention Company News

Customers will always prefer an active company to a stagnant one, and sharing company

news and updates is a great way to establish yourself as the former.

12. Update Content Often

Changing the content of your site (even a little) shows that there is a living company behind

the webpage, a fact vital to your credibility.

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13. Establish yourself as an authority

This means engaging in the community surrounding your industry and showing you know

your stuff. Leaving informed comments on relevant articles and forums will help you and

your company be known as a credible resource and business.

14. Provide Helpful Information

By offering genuine, unbiased information relevant to your industry you show both that you

are knowledgeable in your field, and also that you aren’t just trying to sell something.

15. SEO Optimize

Customers obviously need to find you , but Google and the like are also important to your

web credibility. If people have a hard time finding you on major search-engines, they assume

something is wrong.

16. Make Contact Easy

Phone numbers, email, address, and any other forms of contact should be made painfully

obvious. Showing customers that you’re open to talk improves trust and professionalism.

Your own 800 number is also a mark of professionalism, and can be easily set up

with Grasshopper.

17. Show Affiliations with Credible Sites

If you are somehow associates with or work alongside sites that have already established

credibility, let that be known. Conversely, do not link to or associate with less than credible


18. Awards

Awards act as a shiny badge of credibility that customers can take comfort in. If there are any

industry or other awards your company has won recently, be sure it’s clear on your site, and

if not, enter to win some.

19. No Gimmicky Interruptional Advertising!

Honesty is the best policy, and gone are the days that anyone actually fell for the “you’re the

5,000th visitor!” trick. If anything flashes or pops up on your site, you can bet you aren’t

going to be taken seriously.

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20. Highlight Experts on Your Team

If there is anyone on your team that would qualify as an expert, find a way to include this on

your site. It gives customers that personal feel, and makes them feel that they are in good


As you can see, building web credibility takes a lot of work and patience, and that is precisely

why you should do it. Your competition may not be up to the challenge leaving you standing

above the crowd.

 Check out your competition. Visit your competitors’ websites. Do searches for keywords

related to your business. Find out what others in your vertical are doing and saying. This is a

great way to get ideas and take stock of your own company’s online marketing efforts.

Build Traffic Using Search Engines

Search engines may index only one-third of the Web -- but they are still the best way

for cash-strapped entrepreneurs to get eyeballs to their sites.

Building a Better Web Site

If you want finicky, capricious Web users to come back, keep improving their

experience. This guide takes you through the essentials of sprucing up your

Web site.

Customer-Driven Marketing

Get ideas on generating referrals, using references, and stimulating word-of-mouth

marketing to build your business with the guide to Customer-Driven


Managing Customer Data

With consumer privacy a contentious issue, it's especially important to be up front

with your customers about your privacy policy and to make good use of the data they

willingly provide.

Marketing on the Web

This guide contains the best resources our site offers about marketing on the


Online Community

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Learn from these practical tips and stories about on-line community and small


Improve Your Communication Skills

In this guide, we share expert methods for enhancing speeches, presentations

and communications in general.

Web-Site Starter Kit

Starting your own Web site can be challenging. Use this guide to make the

process more manageable.

Market Research

This guide offers tips and resources to help you research your industry and

competition, and meet your target market's needs.

Grassroots Marketing

Get inspired to fuel your company's growth with this collection of innovative

marketing ploys.

Make your website look professional: Treat the website as seriously as other business

promotional measures. If you make it look like something designed by a child, it will

certainly reflect on your company's name and you even lose potential customers. In

these day, most of the website designers teach how to update the site by yourself.

Make the website user friendly and attractive and put detail information about the

products and services your company offers.

Learn some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) skills: Improving web page titles is

an effective SEO skill but there are lot more to improve the search engine ranking of

your website. Things like using keywords in each page and text for site navigation are

a few steps that you can easily learn within minutes.

Start an online newsletter: Starting a newsletter is a very powerful way to to develop

relationship with potential customers. Letting your customers to know about your new

products and sales, about latest industry trends and standards helps to establish a

continuous and effective relationship with the customers.

Start a blog: A good blog started by your company may give you potential customers

a reason to come back to your website again and again. Regularly update the blog and

put in it latest news in your industry. Add more and more features you can think of

and persuade your customers to keep themselves busy with you.

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