
20 Mobile Solutions That Are Changing Patients' Lives

Almost every tactical discussion these days discusses mobile engagement with customer

It all starts with a guy, the government, and some phones

It all works because of connectivity

It leads to involvement and better outcomes

Disease state monitoring

Patient monitoring HCP remote monitoring


Compliance tools


Patient Communities


OB labor management

Airstrip OB

Portable ultrasound

Pain monitoring

Health Journal for Pain digital diary

Cardiac exercise monitoring

Mobile eye screening

Pill camera technologies

High risk pregnancy monitoring

Smart Diaphragm is an early warning system for high-risk pregnancies. Pregnant women insert a sensor-enabled diaphragm, which monitors changing collagen levels in the woman's cervix, and the results are wirelessly transmitted via bluetooth-enabled phones to a cloud data storage system.

The Smartphone

Patient apps

Go Meals iHealth BPM Babymate

Patient apps

AsthmaMD Toptendiabetestips WebMD

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