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HRM AzizSIU Jakarta, Indonesia

[email protected]


The purpose of this study are: to analyze the reflexivity of theory hahslm that influence lectures performance. The population in this study are 40 lecturers in Faculty of Business Economics at the State Islamic University (SIU) Jakarta. Collecting data in this study was using a questionnaire by August-November 2015. The method of data analysis based on the analysis of validity and reliability with approach of hahslm theory (Aziz, 2016). Analysis hypotheses used in this study is multiple regression analysis. The result of all the variables are reliable and valid. Conclusion of this study are: first, equation shows relation among variables Y=1,762+0,142X1-0.073X2+1,243X3-0,056X4-0,091X5+0,252X6+e; second, in partially religiosity, motivation, job satisfaction influence the lecture performance but compensation, training, and competency do not influence the lecture performance. Third, all together internal, external, religiosity factors affect the performance of lecturers; fourth, contribution models of these internal, external, and religiosity factors represents value of 0.991 and fifth, the highest weight of all these factors are religiosity factor.

Field of Research: Reflexivity, Religiosity, Performance, Lecture, Hahslm


1. Introduction

University is an organization that develops qualified human resources and has a quite strategic position in educational system. In this case, university has two main purposes. First, it must provide alumni, not only large in quantity but also high in quality, disciplined, able to be innovators, motivators, and development forces. Second, it must provide bachelors that not only are skilled and proficient in performing their jobs, but also are able to develop other work forces (Riduwan, 2008:174).

Lecturers are one of the human resources who have significant roles in educational process. Accordingly, there are some things that needs to be noticed in remarking lecturers, such as competence, transformational leadership, promotion, motivation, and satisfaction.

In accordance to Manullang (1982:150) in Anwar Prabu (2005), motivation is giving working enthusiasm to employees, which is meant to give stimulant power to the employees so that they work with all their means. In accordance to Reksohadiprojo (1989) in Hartati (2005), motivation is the state within individuals which encourage their desire to take certain

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actions to achieve certain goals. According to achievement motivation theory by David in Robbins (2006), motivational factors in organization consists of: need of achievement, need of affiliation, and need of power. The fulfilment of these lecturers’ needs will raise the work satisfaction, and eventually it will contribute to high performance rate and work satisfaction.

Creating lecturers’ work satisfaction is not an easy task, because the satisfaction can only by obtained if the variables influencing it, namely motivation and competence, is being well accommodated and accepted by all of the lecturers in an organization.

1.1. Problem

Based on research background that has been explained previously, the formulation of problems in this research is as follows: Do factors simultaneously influence lecture performance? Do factors have positive impact to lecture performance? Do factors partially influence lecturer performance? How much does the model contribute to lecture performance? How much weight factors influence lecture performance?

1.2. Purposes

Based on the problems, this research’s purposes are as follows: to analyze factors simultaneously influence lecturer performance, to analyze factors have significantly positive to lecture performance, to analyze factors partially influence lecture performance, to analyze model’s determinant coefficient to lecture performance, and to analyze the biggest weight of lecture performance.

1.3. Benefits

This research is expected to give benefits towards lectures, students, academicians, researchers: for lecturers: this research is meant to give the idea about the importance of compensation, training, religiosity, competence, and work satisfaction to help them maximizing their performance. For researchers: this research may contribute cognition and perception, and may help researchers applying experience and knowledge obtained in college into practice, particularly in matters related to this research.

2. Theoretical Framework

There are 6 (six) independent variables such as compensation, training, motivation, religiosity, competence, and work satisfaction.

2.1. Compensation

Compensation is everything received by employees as a remuneration for their work. Compensation is also one of employer’s most effective way to increase work achievements, motivation, and work satisfaction. A good compensation system will be able to provide employees satisfaction, therefore enable company to gain, employ, and maintain employees.

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2.2. Training

Training is an activity or process to train (KBBI, 2nd edition, Balai Pustaka, 1989). Training prepares participants to take on particular action portrayed by technology and the company where they work, and helps participants improving their achievements, mainly regarding to their understanding and skills (Rolf P. Lynton and Udai Pareek, 1998).

2.3. Motivation

The word motivation is adopted from Latin word movore, means “to move”. Nowadays, motivation is defined as a psychological process to ask, to direct, and to set actions voluntarily and goal-oriented (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2005:248 in Pradiatiningtyas, 2007). Motivation is defined by Stanford (1969:173), as quoted by Mangkunegara (2005:93), “motivation as an energizing condition of the organis, that serves to direct that organism toward the goal of a certain class”. Motivation can also be defined as the energy to generate drive arousal. In accordance to Hasibuan (2007:99), motivation is divided into two categories: positive motivation that is a positive urge.

2.4. Religiosity

Religiosity, according to Mochamad Aziz (2011) is circle relationship among three factors from human or universe to god for worship. These 3 ultimate factors: human, god, worship in one system to interact in two ways form. First way is from God to human, and second way from human through worship to God. Diversity or religiosity is a very important thing in human’s life. Diversity or religiosity is realized in every single aspect of human life. Religious activity does not only happen when someone performs rituals, but also when someone takes any other actions driven by supernatural force. It is not only related to visible actions, but also to invisible ones and takes place in someone’s heart. In Islam, as a religion which is adhered by the majority of Indonesians, there are five dimensions of religiosity, i.e.: thariqah dimension, ideological dimension, individual dimension, deity dimension, worship dimension. Based on those five dimensions, religiosity can be described as a system where there is sustainability of life is created based on natural tendency, in accordance with the ability and developing civilization.

2.5. Competence

Competence is the individual aspects of an employee which enable him to achieve superior performance. Competence is also knowledge, skill, and capability related to non routine assignment (Mayangsari, 2003). Competence needs to include other factors into consideration for making good decision as basically humans have some other factors aside form merely experiences (Ashton, 1991, in Alim, 2007). According to Indonesian Law no. 14:2005, article 69 verse 2 in Martinis (206:21), lecturers’ competence consists of:

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ppedagogic competence, personal competence, ssocial competence, and professional competence.

2.6. Work satisfaction

Work satisfaction is the affectivity or emotional response towards various job aspects. This definition shows us that work satisfactions is not a singular concept. On the contrary, someone can be both relatively satisfied with some aspects of their job and dissatisfied with the other aspects (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2005:271). In Koesmono (2005), Siegall (1998:337) said there are two theories of work satisfaction, i.e.: equity theory and discrepancy theory. Luthans (1995) in Sopiah (2008:170) stated the five main factors influencing work satisfaction are as follows: the work itself, pay, ppromotion, ssupervision, and working group.

Performance is the result of works which has strong connection with organization’s strategic aim, consumer satisfaction, and contribution to economy (Wibowo, 2011:7). According to Armstrong (1998) in Wibowo (2011:100), the factors influencing performance is as follows: individual factor, leadership factor, team factor, system factor, and situational factor.

3. Research Methodology

The research design used in this study is a causal research which aims to find whether motivation and competence, with work satisfaction as the intervening variable, has influence towards Faculty Economics Business (FEB) State Islamic University (SIU) Jakarta lecture performance. The analysis units used are FEB SIU Jakarta lecturers, both permanent and temporary lecture.

3.1 Research Scope

Sampling method. The sampling is done by using convenience sampling method which is included in nonprobability sampling, means this sampling method does not provide same opportunity to each element or population member to be chosen as sample. This method take samples from unlimited elements able to provide the necessary information (Indriantoro and Supomo, 2002:120).

Data collecting method. The data collected can be numbers, written explanation, verbal information, and various facts related to this research focus (Riduwan, 2008:213). The method used in this study to collect data is surveying, as the information is collected by using questionnaire which is handed directly to respondents. The questions and statements in the questionnaire is developed from various books and other researches.

Analysing method. The approach of this research is descriptive statistic. And these data will do quality test. The quality of collected data is tested by as follows: validity test, reliability test, hypothesis test. And for the formulation is done as follows: simultaneous significance test, T-statistic test, and coefficient determinant.

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Variables Operationalization. These primary data seperated by independent variables such as compensation for X1, training for X2, motivation for X3, religiosity for X4, competence for X5, works satisfaction for X6. And dependent variable is lecture performance. This research primary data unit of analysis is taken from the lectures done in August-November 2015.

To reach the goal of this research, it uses quantitative-qualitative research approach complimentarily. Quantitative – qualitative approach is used to achieve the general concept of comprehension, perception, lecturer evaluation, pre-observation activity, in observation activity, post-observation activity, students’ perceptions and responses towards lecturers’ teaching performance. Moreover, this approach is used to describe purposes and to define lecturers’ skills in performing lectures, especially in applying constructive micro teaching from peer review teaching evaluation.

There was a research about increase loyalty lecturers model through faculty job satisfaction (Timbul Arifin, 2009). Lecture motivation affect positively and significantly related to loyality of lecturers and professors satisfaction faculty satisfaction and significant positive effect on loyalty lecturer.

3.2 Research Approach

This qualitative-quantitative approaches synergized research is carried by using analytic descriptive method. This research describes the presence of variables which are examined based on obtained information. Besides, this research defines the relationship between related aspects as it can describe researched problem integrally.

The units of analysis of this research is focused on learning activity done by lecturers from 6 departments: (1) Economics, (2) Management, (3) Accounting, (4) Islamic Economics, (5) Islamic Banking, (6) Master of Islamic Banking. This research takes place on Faculty of Economic and Business (FEB), State Islamic University (SIU) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and have been held for 4 months, from August to November 2015.

The variables examined in this research are as follows: Peer review teaching for lectures in pra observation, on the spot observation, and post observation to do self evaluation of program accrediation in conjunction with double degree program. Students perception or responses towards lecturers teaching process. Indicators relates with review teaching including factors that influence lecturers skills and evaluation.

Documentary primary data is formed to be questionnaire for lectures that filled by lectures of permanent and contract lectures, questionnaire for lectures that filled by reviewer from inside university and other reputable university, and questionnaire for lectures that filled by students. Secondary data from previouly data such as LAKIP (faculty reports) 2013/2014, lectures evaluation scores, syllaby and course program (SAP) from 5 departments.

The respondent population of lecturers consists of 64 lecturers as either permanent lecturers of (civil servants) PNS and contract. This research used purposive sampling to take 85% (40 lecturers) as samples from 5 departments in Faculty Economics Business at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. From 40 lectures, 23 lectures are men and 17 lectures are women. And the range of ages are from 25 years old until 59 years old.

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Research methods is a method used by researchers in collecting their data. Every method used in researches has their advantages and weaknesses. Therefore, many researches use more than one method in order to make up each of those advantages and weaknesses. This research uses questionnaires, interviews, and observations, and collecting data.

To obtain data, this research uses data collecting technique as follows: Analytical study with any literatures related to the research, to obtain concepts and theories. Documentary study, by investigating written documents to obtain Faculty of Economics and Business lecturers and students from 5th and 7th semester by proportional ratio. Interviews, by conducting interviews along with peer reviewers from inside university and other reputable university to lecturers to obtain data about teaching process and lecture profiles. Focus Group Discussion with selected lecturers to obtain objective views about lecturers teaching processes based on peer review teaching. Questionnaire, the list of questionnaire uses closed answers; for every item is given alternative choices to be chosen based on respondents viewpoints and also short essay. The questionnaires is used towards students to obtain data about teaching process, and is used towards lecturers to obtain data about their understanding in the basics of teaching process.

After compiling data, the next step is to describe, analyze, and interpret it to find a conclusion. Processing data is done towards two kinds of data, as follows: Qualitative data, by describing data into a more understood terms by appropriate readers. Quantitative data, by: Editing step, by checking questionnaires returned by respondents. Tabulating step, by transferring the answers to a table form. Percentage step, by calculating the means by using formulas. Processing data from percentage step. Analyzing, interpreting, and concluding step.

Research Stages. This research has performance stages as follows: Pre-scope stage, covering activities such as arranging research plan, managing permits, measuring field circumstances, choosing and utilizing informants, preparing research equipment. Then continue with scope work stage, covering activities as follows: understanding research background and self preparation, entering scope and playing an active role in gathering data, observing peer review teaching, and doing comparative study about double degree program with partner overseas universities such as Graz University, Austria for economics major, FHWS, Wurzburg, Germany for management major, and Rhein Waal University, Kleve, Germany for accounting major (Mochamad Aziz, 2015). After these study visit, all data will be processing in data stage, and last analyzing and interpreting stage.

This research used Hahslm approach that relating with religiosity perspective. Hahslm means guidance for straight technique to get more concern for non linier approach. The word of Hahslm consist of 3 main letters s,l,m. And these 3 letters are root of word Islam where Islam had been formed as a system. In a system there are 5 elements. Life also has 5 elements: 1 element of time, and 4 element of space. The five fundamental elements ini Hahslm concept of life are road, straight. human, god, and worship. This equation H=ah(slm) derived from the Quran, QS. A-Hijr: [15]:87, Hahslm stands for Huda (H), alif (a), ha (h), sin (s), lam (l), and mim (m). It describes about non linier thought together with linier method. Hahslm methodology leaves non linier approach that relate to mim (m) as worship element. There are 3 factors in the study: internal factor, external factors and religiosity factor. For internal and external factors, researcher put these both factors as linier factor. All primary data will be proceed into regression model, together with religiosity variable. But for

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discussion and conclusion, there is assumption that all six independent variables will be seperated by two platform, compensation, competence, training, motivation, and work satisfaction as linier data. And another side, independent variable of religiosity variable put as non linier data.

4. Analysis

This study has been done at State Islamic University (SIU) Starif Hidayatullah in Ciputat, Tangerang, Indonesia. The research focuses in Faculty Economics Business (FEB) that has 53 permanent lecturers and 20 contract permanent lecturers, and total is 73 permanent lecturers per year 2014. And this research focus on 40 lectures from 73 available lectures.

4.1 General Research Object

This State Islamic University (SIU) has 11 faculties and 1 graduate school including Faculty Economics Business that located on Juanda Street No 95, Ciputat, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. In this faculty has 5 departments such as Department of Accounting has 535 regular students and 44 student in international class, Department of Management has 616 regular students and 53 students ini international class, Department of Economics has 338 regular students, Department of Islamic Economics has 181 students, Department of Islamic Banking has 210 regular students, and graduate class for Master of Islamic Banking has 18 students. And total of the active students are 2045 students.

Faculty has 73 permanent lectures that can be devided into 2 groups, permanent lecture from civil servant and permanent lecture from non civil servant as contract lecture. And also for sex status, lectures seperated by lecture man about 40 persons, and lecture woman about 33 persons. Same with above department. Every department has lectures that responsible more in the study program. For Accoundting Department there are 18 pectures, for management Department has 23 lectures. In the study program of management, the lectures are the highest. In Economics Department there are 13 lectures that responsible for this study program. There 8 persons in Islamic Economics Department that stand by for development in this department. And also Islamic Banking Department has 8 persons, while Islamic Banking Department has 7 persons. The last department is Magister Islamic Bank has lower responsible lecture because it has only 4 lectures. Latest education of the lecturers are most of the lecturers at Faculty Economics Business (FEB) possess Master degree education (72%), while only few numbers of them attain Professor level (4%). The sample also provides the similar composition with 71.43% of Master degree lecturers and 28.57% of Doctoral degree, with no Professor participant. The composition of lecturers are not an ideal condition due to the dominant number of Master degree lecturers. The best condition of lecturer education is the higher number of Professors, and the lower number of Masters.

The proxy of working experience at SIU Jakarta is based on the year entered SIU exists in Employee ID Number (Nomor Induk Pegawai/NIP) that only being possessed by the civil-servant lecturers. Therefore, it contains limitation since the Employee ID Number (NIP) could not show the teaching experience of the lecturers. This is because some lecturers came from different backgrounds: one is purely academician, and another is administrator who

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eventually became lecturer. For purely academician, often times the teaching experience was started even before he/she became civil-servant lecturers in SIU Jakarta. As an opposite, there are some administrators who eventually became lecturer in order to have longer years of service. Most of the lecturer’s hierarchy is at the level of III C (Lector) (44.83%), while the level of III B is considerably higher (25.86%) compared to III A and III D (12.07%). The lecturer’s hierarchy is closely related to education level and number of scientific works that the lecturer produces. The higher hierarchy of lecturer means that he/she has the higher education level and produce more scientific works such as journals or books.

The total of questionnaire sent to lecturers in Faculty Economics Business (FEB) at State Islamic University (SIU) Jakarta were 47 copies. The total of questionnaire returned are 41 copies, thus the rate of return is 87%. After being reviewed, 1 copies is found not being able to be processed due to incomplete filling, thus the qualified questionnaires are 40 copies, or 85% of total questionnaires. 4.2 Analyze Data

All data used in this analysis is primer data obtained by using questionnaires. The analysing method used in hypothesis testing is multiple linear regression analysis. For quality testing upon primer data, researcher uses validity test and reliability test. At the same time, data is processed electronically by using SPSS 20. The analyzed model are influence model variable of compensation (X1), training (X2), motivation (X3), religiosity (X4), competence (X5), and work satisfaction (X6) towards lecturers performance (Y). Hypothesis is tested statistically by using , f-test for simultaneous influence testing, t-test for partial influence testing and R2-test for coefficient determinant testing.

In some previous research showed that Effect of Conformity, Competence, motivation and work towards employee performance has influence significantly towards employee performance (Hartanti, 2005).

4.3 Classical Assumption Test

Normality Test. In Kolmogorof-Smirnov value shows KS value on Asymp value Sig (2 tailed) was 0.899, which is greater than 0.05 it can be concluded from the results of calculation in data normality test is normal distribution.

Table 1: Distribution TestUnstandardized

ResidualN 40Asymp. Sig (2-tailed)


Normality Probability Plot Normal PP Plot can be said to be normally distributed, because the dots spread, at about a diagonal line.

Heterokedasticity Test. Dissemination of data is above below zero. And the data does not form a specific pattern, so that it can be concluded that in the absence of symptoms heterokedasticity.

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4.4 Hypothesis Test

The equation of the result multiple regression is: Y=1,762+0,142X1-0.073X2+1,243X3-0,056X4-0,091X5+0,252X6+e

T-test (partial test). The partial test is used to find the impact of each independent variables towards dependent variables. Three variables have significant influence towards dependent variable.

Table 2: T Test



Coeffient t SigB Std Error Beta

1 Const 1.762 1.581 1.114 .273X1 .142 .089 .086 1.597 .120X2 -.073 .074 -.031 -.985 .332X3 1.243 .096 .849 12.891 .000X4 -.056 .022 -.044 -2.592 .014X5 -.091 .096 -.043 -.943 .352X6 .252 .091 .146 2.786 .008

F-test (simultaneous test). Simultaneous test is used to find if there is impact of all independent variables towards dependent variable. Based on the result of simultaneous impact test, Fcount > Ftable (7.188 > 2.74) with significance value 0.003. that means the compensation, training, motivation, religiosity, competence, and work satisfaction variables simultaneously influence lecturers’ performance.

Table 3: F TestModel Sum of

SquaresDf Mean

SquareF Sig

1 Regression 1843.002 6 307.167 756.557 .000b

Residual 13.399 33 .406Total 1856.400 39

R2-test (coefficient determinant test). Coefficient determinant (R2) is used to find how far the ability of the model is to explain variations in the dependent variable. Adjusted R2 as the influence of independent variables towards dependent variable is 0.991 or 99.1%, so the rest 0.09% of dependent variable is influenced by variables outside research.

Table 4: Coefficient DeterminantTable 2: Coeffient DeterminantModel

R R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Eror of the

Estimate1 .996a .993 .991 .637

5. Closing

5.1. Conclusion

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Based on the analyzes, this research’s conclusions are as follows: all factors of internal, external and religiosity in variable of compensation, training, motivation, religiosity, competence, and work satisfactionn simultaneously inluence towards lecturers performance. Some variables such as motivation, religiosity, and work satisfaction have significantly positive influence toward lecture performance. The value of three variables in descending value as partially influence toward lecture performance are 1,243 for competency, -0,056 for religiosity, and 0,252 dor work satisfaction. Model’s determinant coefficient shows 0,991 to draw the relation from all independent variables to dependent variable. In the daily activity, lecturers in State Islamic University prefers to do more worship that triggered by the circumstances, so the most weight among 3 variables is religiosity.

5.2. Recommendation

Lecturers in State Islamic University need more appreciation with not only salary but also other aspect relatively to money. And in big picture, recruitment system should be worked by competencies of the lecturer. And lecturers also need update regarding new approach for education from training.

Future studies are expected to increase the number of research samples and expand the sample areas, so that research results can be obtained with a higher level of generalization.

5.3. Implication

With the growth in self-motivation it would appear seed faculty job satisfaction, job satisfaction, which means pleasure to jobs, further improve the performance of lecturers. Religiosity has an influence on the performance of the lecturer. Religiosity means faith and worship within an employee. Employee has the faith to god and based on worship for every single task given organization will foster a sense that will have an impact on performance improvement.


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