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Ch'arles' Hutton ·&·.·SORS·: .' Vol. 66, No, 193 ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOU'NDLAND FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1959 (Price I 7 Cents)


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nl3 an' roun • Ina

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e ru -.~------------,--------------.--------------- -.- - ---------_.-- ----" .- ." Look .For

Peaceful Settlement Measure Of ed Arrogance

11 IROLn 'IIlIW I~O:"l I slatement Is a measure 0/ the pre" staff \\'rllrr ~ al'roganCe of Communist Chinese

In'!~; ~"' ,holln nil nt-: nrc displayin~ internationally, ,I (1'0:ri.'111 and insincer·: CLOSE LESSOS

.::, c;,'!:i:l,<1 olrrr 10 nc~oti-I For India, Tibet was 8 lesson' '''~rJ,r ,1:'1'":<' betwcen, close at hand. It isn't likely the

'3,d l'c:r,mY' ': Chi:la. : Indians Will soon forget Ihe mass · ".,. ,i','1' l'rime ~Iinis-: sla\l~htcr of the once pcaceful: rno;",I' ... L ~ I

· 0; 111<1",. II role Ilil11 of I kingdom, ' · rn' !,r:de': [rollbles. the: Tibc~'s exiled Dalai ~anB o.nce "rC~l:e,' ';I'" I,c dcla~'cd: again IS appelllrng to tne U:lltcd I~:all-c I';' 1I';lS "SOI11C- j';ations against Chiaa's occupa·

':'-"'i-r,j" lh11 ha'ie rlif' tiOl of his territory. Because · -, ;;:; :rl 11','1"1 C':l Pcking' Tibet' 5 autonomy is in doubt, no , [1:::,1 I tl:\ membel' has yet offered to:

C~{ i~ 1'101" "no ill the I' bring the Dalai Lama's case be-, if~j1:"!I' i, Ilkcl~' to he. fore the world body. i

'ir:.o ixi r' ,11.: Ihat Ihe' But some Weslel'n diplomats' 3n'l "olb:o::, (hou En, feel that wilen, the UN meets

· rcai:,' ,,:l'i';·I"!·o. The fact next week. tile Silence ol'er Tibet ,;o.l:d nla~c ,lIch a may be broken. -------

e Gives Reasons

I NEW DELl][ IAPI - Prime' olher notes from Peking were in' ;o.!inistcr Nehru said Thursday, Ihe correspondence. One chal'l:cd

, Communist China can't pllsh In· I India had committcd "deliberate , dia arou~d in tldr frontiel' dis· I, ag;;ression" by m a i nt a·1 n in~ I pute, but "I wilt alll'3),s try to I troops at Longiu: India~' trOOPI I find a way to a peaceful settle- I were ac~u~cd of brazcnly,occuPY' ! men I," I i~~ several other points alonl the I Against lhe backdrop of a bris-' Tibelan border since June'2I!_ In­, tling excha,ge of charges of ago I dian aircraft, Peking saId, hive i gression. tilC Indian leader of-I "iolated the frontier six .times fcred one concession to t:le pek· since July,. .' ing govenunent of Premier Cho;! In a 40·minute speech to the r:n.lai. . upper housc. Nehru said Chou's

Nehru said h~ is prepared to letter adds to the gravity of the . agrec to make Longj\1 a' no I' bordei' crisis and emphasis its man's land-cleared of the forces. seriolLsness . of both sides-until it;; position I At the ~leart or the trouble is I~ clarif:ecl by negotiation. ; mapping problem.

L01giu is the isolated northeast i -'

" !ronlier agency post which Chin-! Com~umst Chtna's mBp' show. I eSe troops seized two weeks ago i as Chtnese thousands of s~uare I in a skirmish with Indian border I miles of. Hamalaya~ _ tern torr , guards. The ChineSe have warned I' that India has a~mtnlstered for I India against trving a counter- decades, T~e Chi n ese, for In--

I· tt .k - 'I stance. claim nearly 'half of the a ac . th f t' ,

i TRY PEACEFUL WAY • nor east, ron ler agency s 35,000 . "The matter is seriou, bccause , square miles. I do not know how the Cflinc5c I ------mi:ld is II·orkin~." ;':ehru said. I l·lghtn·lng,. Foe' "We m'.l>t try for all pca~eful. co,opcl'atil'e mcthods of settle· me;]t • Ilhile remaini:lg careful

, al1d l·igilal1l.·' . ,Of Fore"s ts Thc gOlwnment laid before'

parliamcnt 0 f fie i a I notcs ex·;

Iht }.'1: lI,hl. I li,il II) ncitller :\mcrlt',l ~1I1' her aIllcs cllangcd hetll'cen "CII' Delhi and. . Ry GERRY :'tlc~EIL I

'11 . k d ' P k' d' tl 1'1 f' cal" Canadian Press Siall "'rllar ,I i ~1:-1C, .. .' hich IIi I III nll'la'c ~()(Jd lllai1~ers an C'II1" unn" le as II'C \' , 11 ,

I I:'P ",:" .. the COUll' candor lor wrabcss-no princip" O!'l'E OF TIlE TWO Argus ~uircrnft of 405 Sqlludron, Grecl/wood, making the 18,000 mile fli!-:ht to Amtr:!!ia and on th; fronti;r quarrel. - I \nSKESlU. Sa s k. ICP)-< hlrk EI,cniioll'CI' sct Ic or fundamcntal inlercst will bc : . Each side accused thc other of, Lightnin~ has bce~ singled our I~·,

For Invitation

· r~';;;ln' :01' extending I pl;:ccd lIpon an auCllon block, i \CII' Zcnlnnd is shown stRlkin!-: a slIbmurinc in /In excrcbe out ovcr the Atlnntie, The two aircraft will cmr)' 48 aggressioa and demanded that: the most serious single cause o( · itall,-",--II [,:d Whier, "This is wcll understood here I officers Rnd airmen on " good.will m!-:ht to the stnlc 01 Qllccnslund, Australia, Rnd will \'isit other points in the . lile other withdraw its forces, forest fires in Canada. ·It. CllUS~ · oil .1,,, 0 ul "d~ ":" b,",'.". I A ",'m I; "" ,,,mOl "'I ""II h "'I<I N, II Z"hm" "mil<, ,1,,;, f"," ,,,,k ,; ,11.-N "II ",,,,1 "" '"" pi",,,. f I'm dl Ip ,,' ,d """ ' 'H P" ""' ,f ,h. •. "'" foc'" · quari{'[,. I fhe Prcsldent g:Jle Ihese I :\'ehru's remark, O~· Longju sup· , fires in the n,ali,on in 1957. ,

pre!idcr.l \ '''''",1 an :1P'" specific re:1sons for Inviting the i-I ' plemented a statement made in' The tlurd C :->at

onal Forest FI~d (~UflUJlI' :! (;ttment of Soviet leader-and !>~id he also ~ R d In CIS SIU. """ Ba'nk Interest . an Indian note ~ande(l the Chin' I Research on erence was to

ICJdcr had ~xnlalned th~m 10 Icaders I e S '1 antra , ays lese ambilssador here Wednesday. i Thursday that studies made by . ' . sliid he has. of the Weste'l'n alliance. ' . the same day that Chou was: the pulp and Paper Researc~ In·

, lh~t the Am. ~ "Firsl. to gil'C ,him the op, I' R I Inakin~ public in Peking a letter i stltute of Canada show htt,e h ates ncrease I declarin~ Indian troops and ad·, known about It~htnl~g and the

ptaplc \\'ill ;rcet Khru- portunity to sec what America, ,By JOIIS LeBLA~C ber brothel'hoOiI Is t l' yin g 10: union., \ ministrators are trcspassbg o~ i development of thunderclouds. . llId hi. lIife "nd family and Americans are like;., to let I Can~laD PrCIi. ~.' ,Wrller i ch,ase the ,Seafarers. off the west, T~oJllas Os.bor~eJ. \ ilncoul'er '. ' 1 h'lnese 0'11 ,">ld demandin" their I .. courte~y ~nd him' 'Ce. And feer .·I>grei't.>~d I', OTTAWA (Q'l:....t1Ic.:scafnrers· I COB-~t. tWD .:.$IU."!'fnembcrs put I seaman descnblllg himself as a i Or.fAWA (CP 1 - The Bank 0[' C' thd 51 T"h'e I eli not~e <a'ld ~ The Instltule recommended. I

tl . . u" 1 f d m ~. . .' I . \\ 1 ra\\ a . n an ....' . J . lrlVln/1 na on III rca ree 9 , Inter nat i 0 ~ a 1 Union \Ind,)" Communr,l tags on 111'0 local of- former Communist who qlut th~. Canada· nterest rate Increased·· . ,. : resear~h program ~-to 'Iocate ;lIn"

"Second, to. givc hi~, face to i charged 'Thursday that 'Cdmlnu-1 ficer# of. the 'lInti .. CommuniF': I party In \955 and now 15 a memo 'Thursday tt 1i.0; per cent from: ",\, far 3' Longill is con·, map lightning paths, to ~ak(

face, the major conviction! of nists .CDntrol the new Vancouver I brotherllOad's new west co a s II bel' of the SlU, said he had sccn .;.99 last week I','il~ the sale Of eNllen. Ihe ~o\crnmcnt of India clearer thundercloud and hghtn' Ol1r people 011 the mOljor issues waterfront local of the Canadian! ~_l1arinc local. .; James Cocks. now pro\'isional i SIOO,OOO.OOO in 91·day gO\'ernlll~nl ',':fluld be prcpared not to scnd: ing mOI'ements and to de,'c1o~ of the day. includin~ We~t Be~ .. Brot:lerhood of Railway, Trans.' One officer admitted he was a i president of the new VancoUI'er: tre~sury bills. Ihcir [lCrsonnel back to thc area equipmc~t and I,ncth~ds to ,f~re. 1m, nnd to heRr' fro III him dl' port and General workers ICLCl. I former Communist but out of' the i local, paying Labor Progresslve' The rise of .16 per cent fo' \ 'lrol'ided the Chi~ese lIould also, cast and locate hght:llng acltvlty. recti)' his own dell's on those, As the two potent union~ wcnt·. party for four' yeal's, The olher: (Communisti' Party dues some' lowed an increase o[ .:ll per celi, withdraw thcir forces. This would' The n~xt step would be· to ."dr.· Issues." . to the mat befpre the Canada' was not presc~t. : years ago. " a week ago. lllean that neither side would I I'e lop cQ.uipm,ent an~ :nethods

te I Labor RelatiDns Board in their i CHARGES SMEAR ' He said CocKs had told him six. . . ~lal'C personnel at Longju." i reduce hgh~nmg. acttvlty"thYou%h , fight lor wCSt coast shippbg do-I Brotherhood counscl charged I months ago he was still ac\i"e in, ,T!~~ bank . ratr - nlllllllllllll. OF.L1RERATE AGGl\ESSION ~ cloud· ,';10dlficaI10n

s . and;

Sauve, New ,I mination, the SIU threw Commu. I "smear" by Ihe IO,()()()·member ,th~ Communist mOl'ement. . ; chmec made on tile Infrequent: Chou's latest letter and four I means . • nist allegations. But board chair, Seafarers, w:,ich rode to its i The 26-year·old Cocks, taklO~. central bank loans to chartered .~------------"'----I man C. Rhodes Smith indicated i strength on a~ anti-Ctmmu~ist l~e sta:ld shortly afterward, saId: ba:lks - IS set at onc·quarter of .-----------------------1

doubt. as to whether they lI'ould I cleanup among seamen about 10' he was a member of thc CO/11': one pe,' cent abovc t.he al'cra~e. 'affect' the outcome. J yeat's ago but since has' bcen munist parly in 1954 and 1955 but Yield on Ih~ weekly I,SUe of ~t-.

In one 'of 13 cases before' the' kicked out of the Canadian LabDr has had no 'con~ection wHh it lrrasnry bills sold -at. tender. • board in. which L'le 40.000.mem-1 Congress for raiding anothcr eLC since. Thursday 5100,000,000 In ~llIs . __ ._.' ___ _, ______ . werc sold wtlh an average \'Icld Premier : o[ 5.RO per cent. compared 'with

Nikita Wants More Trade With U. S.· 'cp __ P~lIl Sallie: Fir.t the members of the lor· , S· -t- h Lb' V 1


per cent la,: week,. The aver·

.d::"::, ;:~ p~:~~~:: ::;' (~:"'::.;'~:Pl:':"'T:'~:~! ,. r I IS ·a . or s • I ~~: p;:~, :;:;;,~;i; m.Il"I., . Thursday night be.' afternoDn, It adjourned after.a I ' The' cenlral bank rate of 60.; Rv H~IES :\1ARLOW I Then his deputy premier, Anas·

0: QlIe~c. i brief session and starled again . SIT- per cent set Thursday compares WASHI:--IGTO:--l (API - One of tas Mikoyan made the same

(al'e'dGO,',e.rr.0sr Oncsime I,' at 7 p.m. EDT. "" 01 d ch 00' Ie I, with the record hi~h of 6.41 per the t~ings PI' € m i e r Nikita pitch when he was here last Jan-


' c I I I h t utrv. The state department cold-" . .I. . aUl'e an During the evening session the I ce~t on "ug. 13. T.le record ow K Irus IC. ev want.s .mos - mo~e ,

. Th b k t b' . tl h t h b bl v Just a couple of weeks ago, I

I f.o.rmer m.i~isters dr.ew up a pel-:. was 1.12 o~ Aug.2, 1958: I trade With the L~lted States-IS shouldered him.

Ihe r010r 10 nsk I'OU I'f I' It Ion . asking the I LON' ON' (A'Pl Lb' " . " " e an' ra e. etng ge;lred to lust, exac y \\' a e pro a J f hi f " t 1t til Sauve to D I _ a or Party mud-sl.tnglllg and said the Con· I method of recruIltng hiS gOI ern· lhe avcrage intercst yield on won't get. Khrushchev, preparing or '~ arm i\ new go~'ern- I ~~~% a 0 n~~ gO~~ern~ent. That I Leader Hugh ~aitskell' callei! servallve~ never would stoop to nent ~longs to the ~~,th and not: weeki), government borrowings,: The reason the U.S. govern· trip here next week, wrote I

,virtually confirmed :,is, succes- Thursday for disengagement in such tacttcs. the mld,20th centurl'. ',reflects generally conditions in' ment hasn't been cageI' for more piece for the magazine; Forei:n Saule rrpLcn: sion to the post as the lieuten. central Europe. . .!. STU~ED ·SHIRT SNOBBERY, . I ~ the. short·term money market. I trade with the SOl'iels can be Affairs. in which he cited more

.Ihe honor to co~sider' .. nt,governor traditionally acts on In an. electlDn campaign speech, In hiS Blackpool speech, Galt· G d St g I Thursday's rate indicated no ~ sta~ed bluntly although the state trade as one of Jis prilne goals. a~rl 1 I\'ill have a th adl'ice of his ministers, ! he envls~ged an ar~a of con· skell declared. that the Labor uar as·. present easin~ in the current: department puts it in nicer Ian· So far as can be Ie arnell , he'n te"cty by 9:45 or e trolled disarmament In East and party would fight "the stuffed DULVERTOti. Engtand (AP) I tight·money situalion. ~ "113"<" still get a cool turn-down, ~he

West .Germa~y. Poland, Czechos. shift sn~bbery th~t stil.l, disfigures, The League Against Cruel ~ '" 1: 1'I;erc isn't muc'l to bc gained story might be different if SovIet· Cabbies Strike lo\'akla a~d Hungary, I' our !oclety In BrttSdtn. Sports Thursdav pnsted shot· C· F I by the 1I.S. in such trade. Americ'sn ~elati°hns I hnprove~ ,to )lr. ~au\'e's a~ree. Address,mg che~rlng delegales Labor party hea quarters re- 2un guards outside its stag 'oots 'or 2. The 1l13chiuery and kno\\'· Ihe ~omt t lat I e 110 coun nes

fam. a new cabinet . at the Trades Union Congress in leased bnghtly colored eampalg:l ~ . hOII' II hich the SoviC\, want f!'Om dldn t have to worry about each Ihal h _ I' . snnctuary and threatened that I

, '1 a' taken ol'er: FRANKFURT (AP) _ Cab. I Black pool, Gnitskell said.itiS im'l pamphlets !l51

sailing Prlmbee 1>1 tn- any appronehing hunting hounds 1 the ll~ited states IIOllld help.Rlls·1 olhedr. 'd l' ' bu 'n S5 I!f~ lacent ~Ionday by b' II ve West Germany portant, ~ot Qnly for BntOin but Ister Macmllan and mem rs of will be t)lasted of! the scent for Elephant sia huild itself up Industrially, In l\'l ua .~mencan Sl ~ . of ~Ia"ri~e Duplessis les ~ 0 r

15- . t t t for the entire world, la secure a his cabinet. It, title: "T~e Tory e~o'lOmicaliv and militanly men could ma,ke money selltnt

a: a cmh 11 hemorrhag~ a mlnu P p,ro es. Labor party detory in the ocL 8 I swindle 1951,1950." good. Stags in this neighbor· I I flu'Sia i,;l't thinkmg in terms i things to Russla_ But ~ere t~ey I to ~chefferl'iIIe. strike at noon. Thursda) de, election. The pamphlet notes that 13 ea?· hood, arc apt to bolt up a pub DOKCASTER. Eng. (Reuters) of buyin~ consumer goods but in I run into gOlernment poliCY which

.! IIkel). Ilill be to. ~an~lng reiln,h~dUCt.lDn dOf ~: . ~nly a'Labor government, he 1 inet minist;rs, including ~!a~mll. he Ilay l~hlCh TUnS through the -Wilfred Hunter. a shoemaker, i terms of buying machine, and, for years has nO.t encouraged . I IS o~ly a formality. 1 cat Plenn t~ b o~ mur er

h. claimed, could guarantee t~at! Ian. Ilear the old school tie of sanctuar). Thursday lI'as hard at work hirin" AIllCl'lcan specialists. ,trade wllh the Soviet bloc coun·

" cause 50 ca rivers a\e/ ~ewly developed opportunities to 1 Eton ,Britain's most exclusil'e TI G 1 d d' d I .' ' GOT" BRUSH OFF' I tries. For example: ~ ~~t~~e"etlOn f~lIowed ~ b.een ~lait" si~ee t~9~5 Th~ a~ ~nd East:West tension would be' pril'~te school. It ad'ded: min~~ of lJOn~~~ !ere ~~~:'~~d I m~~ngb botots fft ban ~l~ph:~~ Khrushchev l\Tote Prc,ident, Trade with t1e .Iron curtai:! ta-

. OJ 01 t e part. lion. 001l'1! e wee ,en fultyexplolted. '1 "A democratic gOl'ernment\for the fir,t time iit the tenth e oos III c par a e Eisenhol\er a veal' a~f) ahout tio~s has nose-dll'ed m the ast melnlers ann par'lsla),lng of onc of their com, LOI'd Hailsham Conserl'alilc should'lnclude rl!presentatives of - ceremonial Orcss for thc ele· ' t· ~ II 'oot fast brus] 112 veal'S . al the le"islat d C't 1 . hment lI'as' I century "D I h d b I more I aile e ea" , . here • ufC'1 ra e;,. Rpi a punls parly chairman. warned local alt sections of the pcople a~d ~ot _-_._. ,p ant, owne Y an unnamcr .--.

. abDllshed 10 1949, ! party officials against ol'crcDnli. I be drawn only from aile narrow Worsllip of trees was a com· Inlan potentatc. In Indio the • I de nee. He .clai~cd Labor:11 apd pl'ivileged ,::rmrp. J~dgo,dby I '!1~n _pra.ct\ce among many an· bools will. he ornamented and U N D Isa rmament

,Duplessis. id To ,Rest·

party supporters are resorting to this standard. Mr. Macmills'n's cicnt: peoples.. . studded With gold. Before ~tarting 10 wDrk Hun·

,tel' rcceived the Joot measure, C·· M t ",' ,. " , - ,

News ReportingSlippil1g, GERALD FREEMAN I the ·cortln . was carthid. by : S' 'a-yO - s' .. 'M'r-s. H"--0': 'It '. )

Press St~ff Wriler 'white·heIJlleted, blue unifDrm-RES, r~ue. (CP) ed provIncIal policemen into

Maurice DuplesSlS, the the Trois.Rivleres Cathedral control'ersial political and St. LouIs Cemetery, Who ruled Quebec LEAVE COURT HOUSE BY CAROLYN WILLETT The conventlon ended Thurs· It spelled the end of the tradi·

,menls from India and studieel .' ommlSSIOn ·e·e 'S the walk of eleph<lnts at 'Lon·


Boots for animals is new for Hunter.

nothing Canadian Press Stafl Writer Britain's Sir Pierson Dixon UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. (CP) sPOKe of the riew committee-I

The 82 • member U~ited :-.lations comprising the U.S,. Russia, Br t disarmament commission Thurs. ain. France, Bulgaria, Canada, day endorsed bv a fast aU-yes Czechoslovakia, Italy, poland Illd

Last year .he made a set of boots for a valuable dog with foot trouble. , B'" d wor'-"

Tole a proposal by the great pow. I omam,a-as· a spa e, - ." . , I ers for new talks Dn arms curbs body With the duty of reportinl

M."lss"lng House by a 10-~ation committee. indud- progress to ~h~ main UN disarml-ing Canada, ncnt commiSSion.

" .. , " [ , !' I

'.', I , .'

... 1 :1 I ' "1 1 " I , i . i

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I' . l.

was buned Thu1'll' Shortly before 10:30' a,m, Canadian Press Staff Writer day night with a lumberman's' tional fight for the big StDry. the fluttering EDT the processicm 'Ieftthe OTTAWA (CP) -A veteran dinner at nearby Aylmer, Que. And big stories weren't talked

bi I slender maple tree. court' house, where the pre- Vancouver Sun general reporter Today 160 delegates move on to about much any more,

. The unanimous action by the LONDON (Reuters) - South big commission - coming only • __ .................. ----

b h h aft - ••••••••••• Lflndon pol i e e were asked a out t ree ours er It was

I(CeiS to , floor. I tg finished

I ~ions for'. . .' floor Bat~l,

• , THAT,.,'.'


gheSI _ ill aced men in mler's 'body had .. lain in state Thursday said new! rep'orting the Laurentlans 'and Montreal She urged the eM,member ~n~ustr)' and polltics from 3' p.m. Tuesday. Is more than sUppIng from a fDr the weekend, club to work to "end the era of

hind his hearse, and It was Jell by ~. open' black high standard of excellence, It's OVER,ORGANIZATION slap-dash, sloppy, indifferent reo streets the people of automoblles laden with some catap' ultlng. Mr-.' Holt <al'd a tenderi'c y for t' I Cd" tOll'n ItOOd in thou. f th fI ." por Ing n ana a, Illrrowf 1 0 the' $100,000 wor of ow' 9lmma. Holt;· one of four too much concern with pay che· ,Panel_ member, Mrs

u and silent ers which' flowed into Trois ' was .pared to make panel members crItically dis· ques, keepIng in the black In Marjorie Oliver, it Toronto pub· one 0/ the most Rivleres from all ports of the &ecting journalism standards for, nhwspaper ledgers and "over·or· !Ie relatIons' officer, 'suggested the' proHvlnce and the cDuntry, . closl"" sessions of the four·day ganlzatlon" at both the top and that "women's pages are no Ion·

A 1"" pro v ,nee bas PIS 1 d th" ''''

Thursday to look for a missing convened-came as a surprise as house, it was expected that debate would

When the manager of a eonti:lUe a day or So on the prt building firm went to the site to posa! put forward by t~e United States, Russia, B r ita i nand Inspect the prefabricated house France, due fordemDlition ,he found it Speaking for canada. UN Am· had dIsappeared, l bass ad or Charles S. A, Ritchie , 11 wI!&; tast seen 'intact threc noted that Canada has been a~-Vll'man . d .' on. au auve e e . e" CanadIan Women's Press Club bottom of flle neWBpapcr bus· ger: nece.5s_ary,"

from th guar •. of' hre -Quebec 'cahlnet . marching' . '.' .. ' '" .... . ... e ~(,yal 22nd ahead of the bearse, meeting; said what .Is wors~, In iness "(Ith mergers, chains and

Que~c 5 mililarv Lmmedlately behind If came the dow~hlU trend \~ that nO'r unIons. tendB to. place less. e~,

weeks ago, sociated with disarmament negot. Women'.s news is for. every- ; iations for some years now. He

body and I. women read all !he "Whoever stole it knew what considered the unanimity shDwn ahe,d of the' fDmlly mourners and the pre~ body s.,eems to care, phaslli on news quality.

Weal her , Mainly sunny, few showers ' t his evening. Warm.- High tool\y 65.


87 BI 73 Tl

. . Toronto ." " " , 75 ·Montreal ... ,,' t>5 ~ioncton "",,. 48 Halifax """" 57 Sydney" " .. " 47 SL John's ."," 47 . 68 -~arlet tunics and miers. personal'staff,' '. ".The public;, doesn't care, H:lt .: She. _ atguedthBt generally

,t!)~~in h&ts. Next' came Prime Minister did It would ItDp buying neWs' Dvcr,organization tends - to In· unQ lIudro of honor Dlefenbakcr, 'Ieadlng I federal. ,PIpers, aid not accept the medIo· blbit an IndIvidual reporter's

thrcugh . wblch iovernmenL deleiallon. cre reporting," she· said. . ambition and enterprise, 4, she said, But Canada they 'were,.," Ihe manajlcr by the commission members a had fcw women editorial, finan· said. "It was made of rein fore· hopeful sig~ that a useful lirst cial, scientific and medical writ· 1 cd concrete. Bnd weighs about 14 step could be mace in actual· di.>· eu, tons in all.-. armament, - , ....... ~ .................. '.-'

\ •

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,,' 1111: UAI~f I,C~'~"';)1. JvhN~. NrLV" ~/{luAY, ~r;f'ltM&i:i< I

J2~ ____ ------------------------~----~------------~~~~--~~~~~~ . . , , 'At Y L-b flttlna:s to become a h'oop- To Artillery I s Visiting ~ussia I, _'_. " GU, r, ,I ra, r, Y ~!~~:~' t;;~h~n~~\~n\~c~e tor·

_ ' Inthls: noyel you wllI see l ~'.~.' \' 0' the.' .United Nations' Ul L"vllthln throush' the cYOI r "'IL SCHOOL 1lI.0Il'INI • of a few of the many people ~ > 'y not send Yl)ur teen· Illaintaln peace, free~om and who created her and kept her I aiel', to the I1brary to do lecurlty In the world, and of at sea. Through pence and

ILO Survey Miss' 'Monument

-----...... -_._-- .......

10m. readlnl while the the 'difficulties co~frontlng war they kept the reputaUon , IldiQDls ,Ire elOled? It can bl! thru' the' many me~and woo ·of the ahlp In their hanas" GENEVA (ILONEWS)

I, ehitrtalll11l8J1t too, becauslI men who hive made. a great lind Leviathan became their, David A, Morn, Director·Gen· tlIes. daYI Information II contribution to publlc life entire world. The author has eral of the 1.L,O., h .. announc-

sa and Minsk, the grau, to Itudy trade unioa In the Caucaaul, the Asian republics and

wrapped lip III very atlrldlve 1 t b brought to life the whole In· , ed that a mission from the In-I /. b th lIe\' r l'ounN twelve have been se ec ed Y tricnte and enthralling back., . b ff' I ft I,rJl1S ';i r wr so. po Leonard S, Kenworthy' for ternal10nal La our 0 Ice e puple'. books. R~rkground I Cltl f ground of the working of. a here by air for Moscow to can-

--.. RIVER- RUN.(}p)

.J.'. din. will broadan \lollr hl~ book TWI VI I1ns. bid pSlsenger ship In B story . .,." • th. Worli. They came from • duct • Itudy of conditions reo I ehUdren'. lduelUen alld be. eleven d1f!erent countries and that will hold your attention latin, to freedom of associa-

II .. Iuabl, allel In their lIfe'l I to the last pallc, . I h U S S R '!rork. repr,plent many d fferent vo- New Idiliona !Lon n t e .... , ' catlonl, but they all have one The Governing Body of the

(JITAWA (CPI-Run Canadian rivers wal Ill' of normal durin, compared with llO July, the Norther~ partment's water 'j' Here ar. I flw tltl .. ,as I thing In common: the build. We have a second edition '110 lilit year decided that the

I .. I, e1cSS lection of the books In Ing a" a hetter world. To name of the collected poems by I i C r 1 Direclor-General should under,

I' the· Young Modlrna ornlr. a few.'. Ralpll nunche, cham· E, J. Pratt, which has bean, . f 1'1 I b'" d ti' take a continuing survey irito :1. T~I Itory 0 Arc 110 OilY, Y plan of colonial peoples; i rel'lsed and enlarge a n- I conditions relating to freedom

vi. ion repo:ted

PRISON 'I. ; Alnes Allen, brings tllo dim Toyohiko Kagawa, practising I cludc nl,1 lile poet's major . , ,ut to 11fe In thrlllina d~' Chrlsllan; Frldtjof :-Iansen, works, . rhese are the pOOD1~ lor association In all the ILO

I ~ Kl'lption! of lost clUes and modern Viking: Eleanor tilat Dr. Pratt wishes to prc' member States, and that this

I'I ~orgotten languages, w,lth I Roosevelt, c\efender of human serve, and tllo,I' have been I ~hould include ,tudies 10 be

~1arco Polo was in Genoa, ItalY, when the account of hi\ Cathay. His first·hand ledge was gained by II re~idence in Calh.\· he was on official"

II: ~Iny 1I1ultrat!ona of fUI nl· rights; Arturo Toscanlri!, I publisher! In this n~w yolumc , made on tile spot in member I I' ~re, Iculpture, pottery, p~l-! maestro or world music; and

i' t~ c~lelJrate his seventy.flfth, eOllntrie, at the invitation of,

i; Ices ,and other bUildings dis' ~Iathllda Wrene, fricnd of bll.tllIlny. ' • their governments. I

eo\'ered In tile excavations. pl'IS41erS , The other .ix arc I Dracula Is now firmly estnh· The United StatCJ! was the' bIIlorln!! the Pyramids, the equally Important and inter. lished as the most ImnQln· first member nation of the ILO' aearch for Troy, unearthing esting. atil'e, dramatic study In IiUS, to invite a freedom of associa· temple! in the jungle-what Fino It In R.ferlnet penso ever written, a houk: tion survey to be made on itl

ii I I, '

1'1 I: I


" ;t More excltlnll adventure star· If you think of the Refer- which has caused millions ot I Ltd th t' I 2- i territory, and a rnislion visited 1'8 can be f1)und than these? Rc m In terms of gen. rcaders the world over to 'lJ'n'AWA, lJnl., hu tust oi- ~1omburs of the Cabinet who oca e on e pa 10 sa;). that country from March to

Another book Is titled How en~~ dlct~onarlcs and anc),clo- squirm With terror as they' ficlal act of Canada'~ new Gov· served with the Artillery and pounder gu~, one of the colours! June this year. The U.S,S.R. was the Unlt,d NatlDna Works, ~~dla6 only let me put 'you dtscover the evil Count's dark ern or General after taking of· other senior government of- of the Regiment durlni the i the tiocand country to extend an" written at a teenage level so right. There' are encyclopedias secret, This new edition oflec· fIce thll month will be Ihe un- !ielals will be present at the Second World War and the; invitation. Other countries willi

une says a major spotted in Canada', I 3elway stamp. Tje 3ays a WnniPl'g spotled the IUPPoied now is a memner 01 I which has 27 \lllused stamll in which the craving is beliel'ed " Kisimer Bileski, \\,i .' dealer is QUO ted "They were offertd only o~e 01 the stampi turned it down,"

Iii "


Ulat our young people may of many sjlecial subjects such lively prove~ that Count Drae· veiling of an Artiller~ Mernor- unveiling ceremony to begin at Korean confllcL . be visited ;a.'! their governments knew something of the efforts as gardening, busincss,. paint· ula's diabolical, unearthly sec· lal In ottawa's ~1ajor's Hill 3:30 p.m, Militia and Regular The memoml II, paId . for invite the lurvey million. I

Ing music, literature, and yes, I ret ha' lost none of Its aP!ne, Park September 21st. Force Artillery Unit command- from contrlbutiona by officers The mission is headed by I

i' ~ 1'\ ,1 ,

:1' i~ il'

. , \ ~ ,

I I, ,


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\I I




eve'n' jau. Othor SPQciflc tit· chllilna Impact. eu from CORst to coast will at· and men who lerved wllh the John Price, chitf of the Free'I' lIes of reference hooks arc Maj,Goneral Geart;e P. Van· tend and take part in the cere· Regiment. dom of As!oclation Survey Di-I Nltlve Tr .. a of Clnlda, Birds ier, D50, MC, CD, has gracious· monies. The Royal Canadian Horse vision with the rank of Sllecial

of ClnldB, Thl Completl GARBAGE SWINDl.E Iy cOl1sentedto of(iclate at the Artillery band will be In at· Assistant to the ILO Director· Guida to Fr .. Prints (colour MO:-:THEAL ICP) - ~Iont· unvolllnil and dedicplion cerc- The memorial IlBelf, locat~d tendance is well I.!I a Gu~rd of General, David A. Mone. reproductions of art treasures, real's executive committee ha.; mony of a dlitincUve Artillery In the shadow of the ~arha., honour from the 4th Regiment, The mission will have talks mnps, posters, etc.) Dictionary decided to abolls~ the syslem of memorial honouring officers and rnent BUildings on the. hIStoric RCHA, Camp PetawaWI. Salutes with various persons compet· of Modern Pllntlnu, OKford I payin~ garbage collecting firms nlen of the Royal Regiment of site named for tne bUilders of Will be fired during the cere· ent to give information on the Com pinion to Frlnch Liter-· on the basis of weight of rubbish Can8ulan Artillery who' gave the nation's capital, i! a marble mony by Ottawa's 30th Field subject under study. It will .tur., (ncW and Min In the removed becallse some firms their lives in the Service of feature eleven feet high and Regiment, one of the oldest meet. I'n p., rtl'cular, member' of ha\'e been makln~ loads heavier In-by adding rocks or by sprbkllng Canada. ,31 feet long facing on a patio. unlta In Canada. the State Labour and Wages

• RIClnt Additions garbage wllh Wllter. Hereafter I . Commlttee of the Council of

, Tute's Il,arller lica stories Th. ~ on tlie SIUl of the area they; OTTAWA ICPI _ A ~ational' TORO:--iTO ICPI-The Audubon certo in D :\Iajor for Violin fici~15, reprll.Sentalil'es of the N' If you havc read Warren, payments to firms will he based I PLANNING CONFERE!,(CE I. CRANES MIGRATING I Beethoven wrote the Con- ~1inisters of the U.S.S.R., Of-I

i Crullir and Th' RDck you, COI'CT, ~ planning conference spon;o:ed. Society of Canad.a said Wednes· in 1806 tor the I'iolinist Franz trade unions and tht managers , can look forward to rrading I : by' the Community PlannIng As· day the :nre Whooping Cranes Clement. of undertakings, and experts· 'A • , his hook Llylathan. The MDhammad', Follow.r, I soclntion of Canada will lw held wiil SOOIl hc~in their hazardous on industrial relations. g a I n i luxury liner cnrriect 'her "Islomitc" is another name In '10otreal Sept. 13·16, it was, 2,5()(]·mile soulllll/ard migralion The mission will also visit

'''pampered population" on a for a follower of ~loh8Illmect.: annou~oed Wednesdav Promi·' Hlld flrged wildfowl hu~ters not th 1 t industrial, agricultural and com· : ~: ' cruise 8i the I The name arose from the fRCt i nenl iheme will be lh~ role of to shoot t~elll, The fIi~ht usually fornla He 'd' . a~~e~~ r~~~ mercial centres. In addition to i "'flation hal lurn.1I


.' ,


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: I

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1· i ,I

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: '





" :.1

; ... ;. war drew nrar In 1939, and i that the Prophet called hIs I prll'ate enterpris in city build, 'starts in September and ends In I known, accOl .~na: .0 e ~[oscow. Leningrad, Kiev, Odes· rIMt egg into chid. ... IN<i

;,'t:,.;~=~~~~~~===~th~e~n~S~ht~\~I'a~5~st:::r~IP~p~e~d~0f~h:e~r~ , !:e_li~_"lo_n_"1 slam. " ._~_'n~, ______ ,--___ ._, __ .e~r~y :-':ovemher. cycloprd la Sri anM1ca,_~_ -------------------

".Il. ...

, .

~,_L~_· ... ·

" '

\ '


It'll shrewd busineM to buy Buick now. Yom' Buick dealer must keep hillll8ed. car stocks high, To do tim he ill otJering outstanding trade-in prieM that !Mall

hard csah savings if you trade right now!


Gas ecollOOlY is an important feature 011969 ~ks -and that's only part of tbIi 84\v1ngs Btory. Toe ~g SIlv1ngll La made possible by Buick craftsmaMhip. Thill quality collStructioo means IllOI'e relia hili ty I lower .. vice costa. So you IIIlve again.


BttcaIlN Buick retains ~ prestige, it aJ.o keepI ita value. Tbi. year's .dvanoed Ityiinr will .... ' frIIh M yean to eoml - will brinr ~ • better ~ ..­yoo'l'I ready to tnde. Make ~ "I • .m,- .. w future by 'ouym, Bukk BOW.

Styling is magnificently modern. Interiors are spacious, luxurious. And only

Buick combines the swift smoothness of advanced transmissions ... with th@ sparkling performance of ~~Wi1dcaf' V8 engines. Your sense of taste, your

sense of style, and your own good business sense tell you this is the time to get the finest deal ever ... by saving three ways on a brand-new Buick '59!



. I I "

\ ,~" -- _. •

" ST .

. Company, Gas

. Company of

Vane itch-

JOH:o." CAR foundland 0:

was the motto Vancouver

a 41 Canada. Darl aged 21 and 20, left

1 and 2 a.m. Th

showing any we their 41 day

talked freely along

tri p. Both gir provinces and

average five in each.

asked whv trip, Darline· trip to Mexico

have had the tra\" \\'e wan ted to see'

said, "EI'crvon when We ~aid

g to :-':ew[ollndl the lines

I;ie explained I

way, "Educati and fun."

gradual Hospit

ago and 51

d thcir drea ty. '

• I cM&ti(

Russia Miss·

RISON WRIT n 1'010 was In

': 11\, When . ,: ",: of his i, first·hand

. ,', ~a:ned by lft :1 Catha)'

, ". official '

om' Buick ~o do WI boat mIaD

s ... ,9 8uickJ

T'be ~ !hip. Thii t)', lower

I •



ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The Daily News . nee's Board

Retirine; •

fNfld. Had 4,378 Cars In 1940, . '

Last Year's Total Was 37,014 Briefs

In The "News" Last year Newfoundland had less to $530 for 31,000 pound \ In Nova Scotia pas;enger cars

37,014 passenger cars register· commercial vehicle. 'Drivers' registration fees Bre .computed ed, 13,323 trucks, 162 buses, 280 licenses for persons 21 years I at 64.8 cents per hundredweight motor cycles and 7!l6 other and over $5; 16 years and under' with a minimum fcc of $10.80; Kinsmen's Conven,ion motor vehicles for a grand total 17, $6; 20 years and under 21, rc-:llstration certificate, $2; com· of 51,575. The "other vehlcles" $2. " mercial cars, 40 cents per hun· included 135 snowmobiles, 315 ~{anitoba's drivers' licenses dred pounds or fracllon; 18,000 tractors and 346 road construc· cost S2 for two·year period; an· pounds and over $1.5 per hun·

I tion equipment. nual fees for pa.ssenger cars, up dred pounds; operators' license,

New cars registered last to 100" wheelbase, $9; for each $1, chauffeur's license, $5. ,year totalled 4,304 compared additional 5", $2.50; maximu~ In Ontario registration fces with 4,238 in 1957. In 1940 for cars over seven years old on 'cars cylinders and horse· there ',,'cre ani v 4,378 pa,seng~r I with wheelbase 110" or less, S9; ,power and 'if vehielc manufac· cars registered in Newfound· truck registration according to! turcd in or before 1933, S3

t;\IKEAL-b, <.. Gard· land. By 1950 the total had combined wei.ght and carrylng I: (four cylinders) to $25 for eight ." 'IL chairman of the risen to 10,907 and last year a capacity-not over three tens, cylinders; commercial vehicles

Neil Goodridge, past president and deputy governor 01 District seven of the Kinsmen's, along with John Crosbie, Torn Ryan, Terry Carter and Alwyn Clous· Ion have left St. John's, to at·: tend tile national convention of I

Kinsmen at SI. Andrew's, New 1 Brunswick. The delegates are I expected back in the 'City over: the weckend .

. of Bnl1;il :'\cwfoul1rl· nell' high of 37,014. $12.50; for each additional half on the tonnage with $15 up to corporal Ion Limilcd. an· In 1958 SI. John's had 13.802 ton or portion thereof, an ad· two tons; $542 hetwcen 19 ane! To Attend Conference

loda~' lilat he is re· cars and 3,200 trllcks and ditional $5; registration fees for 20 tons. Operutors of ~ars must , b I I Mr. Arthur Johnson, Deputy I

al hi' 011'11 rcqllcst for buses for a grand total of 17" PSV, buscs, liveries, taxlcu spay SI per year fee plus an a(· . Minister of Economic Deve· but 11III continue as a 002, Al'alon Peninsula 6,323, and drive·yourself vehicles, bas· ditional dollar for unsatished

His relirel11cnt will cars and 4,074 trucks and ed on wheelbase, up to 100 judgemcnt fund. lopment will be attending the , I Atlantic Provinces Economic cHcCl ,,(tel' tie rr,m· buses for a total of 10,397. Bell inches, $9; 2451/, to 250 inches, In Prince Edward lJland re·

, allnun; meeting in :'I[on· Island 981 cars and 316 com. S84; p,s.v. and c.t. trucks, gross neIVul of driving certificates Council annual meeting and h "8 the Atlantic Conference to be on Srptcm cr _ . mercial vehicles for a total of weight, up to 600 pounds, 30 to' cost 51; a first license $3.50; Garrlil cr also annOUIlC' 1,297. 72,000 pounds $1,47~. commercial \'ehicle license.; bas· held In Fredericton, N.B., on


SilO\\';"; ABU\\:: i, L.\C Srhky. tlIIL' (II the UL'lIll1l'll Oil thc HC:\Jo' eLl!J that delivered six iron lungs 10 RCAF Slation Torha~' at 4.fKJ a.m. yester· day. Captain of the aircraft is Flight Lieutenant Stone of 435 Squadron Air Transport Command. The airrraft is from RCAF Station :-Iamao, Alberta. The iro;1 lungs were picked up at Edmonton, Alberta.

. 11 GI.n\'i1lc Smith' September 14th and 15th. Mr. Iha\ ' ' c • 'The nbove figurcs are con·, In New Brunswick registra· cd on gross weight; 33 and one· ,E" has heen appointed ~ tained in the Canadian Auto' I tion fees on cars are based on third cents per hundredweight Johnson will chair a luncheon

of Brl'II,,'ll .'·ewfound· h meeting to be hel' ,t t"t. Pa' vm' g Of CI'tv s. JI Coleman, University , ,'. '

I'.' 't d I mobile Chamber of Commerce's weighl $12 of not more t an up to 300 pounds and S1.15 per II. " ' • orporalion Jnll en' Lord Beaverbrook Hotel on

h b• 10m' 'In "Facts and Figures of the Auto' 1625 pounds up to 532 for 5000 hundredweight from 29,001 to the 15tb.

he 0, ecn I . . . ' . I IN' E d , . ncl 'II' Garrlnel' motive Industry." Other faels m pounds. Commercial veh c es, 38,000 pounds. earlng n 10 surtc. , .' I' h 4500 'rman of tile board and: a s~parate booklet Issued by $18 or not more t an, In Quebec plates co,t Sl and I 'Id'

Director, Here Extension I hecome chief execu· CACC give the motor vchlcle pounds to S687 up to 60,000 t' r :')250 C Customs BUI Ing --" 'f!r~ccr of the ro4'1pany. licenses fees across Canada. pounds. Operator's license S4lo?etrat~r s fleeSnsee . t'u c'enatsr Jlr~r' Thc Canodian Coat of Arms The paving progrilm for the! ;llr. S, .1, Coleman. Director o , . . . EES BY PROVINCES $2 t' rd' d m nt gls ra Ion ee ~ ven, C Cilv Council has ncarly hern o( ~lemorlal Unlvcr<lty Ex·,

Grcvilte.Smlth ,IS a ell' F plus unsa I~ Ie lU gc e hundred pounds or fraction has becn affixed to the new . t nsio Department. newly of m~nl' Cilnadlan com· In Alberta license plates arc fund fee. th f . I a d de Cusloms Building thus indicat· completed. To dale the CounCil e. ~. St I I ' t k

, including Bank of free Operator's license is five Newfoundland's fecs are S18 ]. erco t; ~om~c;~la h n ndred' ing that its official opening is, has pavcd betwecn five and SIX ~rmJ t·ln

at t~l~n ~ni~'[~rs~~' " al. Canadian Pacific dollars for a five.year term. 'I for passengcr cars with com· 1\'~rhYt ruc IS, 5 000' ppe~ dUS. ove~ ,not too far distant. The build·, miles of City strcets, laying' SiS t II b

les 1 t

C 'nv Quebec R . t t' f f S10 . I h' I n m g II' up welg up 0, 0 n , 10000 t f hI' eil em cr s, o~p" .' . egis ra IOn ees run :om mercia vc IC es 0 "', ~ 000 ounds 52,50, 'ing will bear the lengthy name I' ons 0 as pa t. I Born in London. Eng:and."

G"' l?rporatlon an~ for passcnger ~otor vehicles not to 4,000, $20 to $280 on vehicle ,p , , ! of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Rnd . Before, the fall weather sclS, in 1921, ~lr, Coleman took an: Compan) of Canad ! exceeding 110 Inches to $20 ex. In Saskatchewan learner s i will house most of the Federal, ln, the CounCil hopes to com·: ~l.A. degree from Oxford in

eeeding 120 inches. :I~otorcycles, Attendl'ngO licenses cost ~1; ope~ator's l~een'l civil service. National Health i plete George's ~treet and post: :llodern Languages before the scooters and powerblcycles, $3; S~ Sl; publiC service vehicles and Welfare and UIC offices, Office Lane. ThiS IS the sectIOn: war. During the war he serv·

Folse Alarms firt Chief \'1\'lan told the

StllS that during the of AlIgus,t the Fire

~1\111me'nt ha\'e responded

taxicabs, 535; trucks gross up to 2,500 pounds, S15; 56,001 I' will be moved to new quarters I, by the new post office which, rd as a pilot with the RAF,' ,weight not exceeding 3,000 Accountants' ,to 58,000, $1,070; car licenses later. extends from Adelade Street' after whieh hc returned to Ox· ' i pounds $30 to $62 for 61,000 \ based on wheel space not ex· to Queen's Street. ! ford to take a degree in ;\lod· : : pounds. I C f ,ceeding 110 inches, $10, exceed.\' S Bon's Students The sidewalk construction I ern Greats. Shortly after· i In British Columbia motor ,on erence . ing 120 Inches, S20. ,t, , project has been completed for I wards he joined the staff at, : vehicle licenses are based on, ' Students of St. Bonaventure s this year, with the laying of: Oxford and remained there' I net weight. Fifteen hundrcd I ]'lr. James Conway, C.A., of M M College are request cd to pro· some three and one hatf miles I fil'e ycars,

, I I

: I ; Ii , I, ; I


I' I

:i I , , i , :: I

, I , ,

,r I! I : II

r ,I

! I


; I I ·1 , ,


:, nine falle alarms. Fort·

IIhllt the men and ~ere alit on these

other fires

• pounds or less, S10,80 to 7,000 I the firm of Read, Son, wa~so~ ayor ews cure their text bO~kS at th~ 1101 concrete sidewalks on city Bclare cominf! to :'\e\\' I ,,' .. ,A:~. ! pounds at 558,50. Commercial I & Lclth, wlll represent. e\l: College between 10, 0 a.m. an" streels. : foundland. ~Ir, Coleman I;as: S. J. COLEMAN 'vehicles $12 for 1500 pounds or foundland chartered account, Add 12.00 noon on the followln n I Director of ExtenSIOn at .. he 'h' ' . -' .' , ants at the 57th annual eonfcr'l resses days September 11th. 12th and , "Cni\'ersitl' College of East 1\ cle Extcmlon scnlces al·:

encc of the Canadian Instltute 1 14th, Plcase note grade 2-4 book, Oil Co s In APEC '.\Iriea 'o\s Director he was re~dY eXist. he eXPlarnejd. " of Chartered Accountants to' L. Cl b room of the new school. Grades I ' 'respo~sib'le for extension work Eh~re are t\\·,o k

maln p Clasl


h h Id I Vancouver B C ' IOnS u l I r hI' lJ' to xtenslOn war ,~lr. 0 e "

Se e b n 1416 ,. "'I 15.8, unc I room 0 ncw sc 00, ' "1 .. in TanganYika, Kenya, 'j!an· man explained to the Daih I,' eptem cr '. I Grades 9·12, Library. All major 01 companres Wllh da and ZanZibar. NO' t d t C ' Close to 1,000 delegales and I : retail outlets in the Atlanlic' ~lr Coleman was rcsponsi dews." ne IS 't

o con Uc al n

thcir wil'es are expectcd to' If h I"" ' P . '- f h' . . ,,' a Ian ... nl\'erSI y courses 01, • " 00 t e cost of l\'lng In SI., Correction ' rOI'lnces ue, mcmucrs 0 t e, ble for starting Extension Ser· crcdit I thi wav persor'

attend th~ technlcal and ~o· I John's was a fraction as loll' as i : Atlantic Provinces Economic' vice in Ken\'a drin" lhe un· could· taknn

s nu· nlah' 01 I 1.

clal funtllOns at the HOlel\, , . ','. An Item in Thursrlay's !\"ews C 'I d' t PI' .. 0 c a el I I I . . '. . It LI In Toronto, cilic Improve· II I d f I ounci. accor Ing 0 all A. settled perIod of :'Ilau :llau courses which could be count "I "ancou.vcr and t111~, Unlvcrslty ,ments could be financed with said Mr. Wll am Ba r e .Tait, APEC's ~!embcrship Del·e·, activity, The natil'cs were ed towards a de"rce Thes(, " of British Colum lIa. ." Feild Street had struck I 'I t Olf" I Coin. b', " I • P . 'I G m lIt a Illcrease In laxatlol\ that the child In his jeep ,".dnesdav , opmcll Icer. I cry eacer to earn :'Ilr. c courses could be cOllductc(

" rOVll1Cla overn e u' , . ld f 1" ,., R t' b'" t I ' I' f 1

. h th ~ d or Inary cItIzen wou not ee on Top BattDry Roarl. This cprescn In~ a com Ille" ota ,man ~ol(, \0 eaur,rs or bv ~orrespolldel1ce 01' throu"[ ,


unc con on e sceon" ay 'd' h' • r ~7 -00 I ltd' dt 'h t I . . '" " for members and their ladies I ~al . HIS \\'ors IP ~[:fyor ~Iews Informltlon 15 wrong and ~Ir. : 0 o~:cr -.~ (ea er opera c .• cr~ I t~re glll\:c;1. \ pcop e lctel'islon, :,' will feature Premier W. A. C,: In hiS Address to the SI. John's I Baird's \'ehlcle did not strlkc ,gaso Ir:e out cts from St, ,John S! In ertcl, e lint' lSI or)'. contom. Phase numher tl\O IS tl, I

JCJH\, C.\RTl':R B It k r 'Llon~ Club on Thursday even.' : 10 Victoria. they are The ICC. IC po I lea or~al1lza loll make al'311<1blc 10 people non I, ,I ~!'foundlanrt or Bust. .... ' ,......,,,,", e;~: C:nsfc~~~~e e p~ogram In. ing. ~Iayor ~{cws ~avc a m?sl the young~ter. 1 British Amcri~an Oil Company! 0; t.heir ~ountry or Philosophy 1 credit ('ourse,' I}' ,\'hich t.IIC~ I:,'

~al lile motlo of two', ,.<' :,:f:'~<--.: dlcates heavy social sched. comprehensive address OUtiUI' LimIted, Canadian 011 Com· 1 Ilele I'l1cn InstructIOn .. Same arc llltcrcstcd, rhese cou.,o ,

Vancouver Girls Hitch-Hike To Nfld. ' .. \'lnCOUI'er ~irls who ' " w-"~ " ule as ~ell. This lncl~des a ing the improvements that have Collision ,pallies Limi.ted. Canadian Pet· i person~ ,I~ere so ,tntelested: ,emllrl, be tokcn h)' al\l' pers~,

t:mplrted a 41 day jaunt sunrlay evening opening reo b~en accomplished.hy the Muni. A two.ear .collision took I rohna LImited, [mpenal Oil i thr~ \I~'k~~ <tI\pnt) ml1c~ to I fOI II.~ 011'l! plca>urc .. \~ )c Canada. Darline Sand. ception at II.M.C.S. Discovery, clpal CounCil during the past placp at Ihe IIltersectlon of I Limiter!. Irl'lng 011 Company: att~nd cla.le,., f E'l ' I no rlN ISlon can he taken a ,

: .I;erl 21 and Elsie Con. a Monday night choice of a several years, and outlined fur. Camphell Avenue and Le~!ar·, Limited, and Texaco Canada: s· S Direr ~I ~ d'; e~'~~ll , In hflw 1I1P'C facllitlles canbl\J, , I ,10, left \"aneou\'er, J\u, Vancouver.Calgary football ther improvements the Council chant Road at ~,25 p.m. ,estcr.\' Limiled. : c' ell·vlces l1hlO' e;1 t

Olllhl" aanhl . t

r(, maBrle I ""alilahl

e tOf tIe Pk

u IC'

I and arrived In 51. I St dl h k' h f 'd I' 0 pman pc" 0 c C) ot I P In'CS 0 wnl' on , 2 TI' I game at Emp re a um gr a opes to rna e In t e uture. da\'. Bolh cars wcre conSI cr· prescnt lro"ranlmC that' I t 'I C I . ,I a,m. lursday morn. ; t f Chi at ' a d lty "All th t ' . rl t k . d d ' a I ~ , ' 1l11,lOr an. "r, () eman sail


our 0 n o\ln n c nt a, IS require 0 rnR,~ ably amage. ! will meel the speciat needs of' hilt the nceds (If thet propl, : !howln~ all)' wear or tear night clubs, a golf tourname St. John s a truly modern City, P I' tillS pro"ince, At the present and what thc\' want musl b'

I ,I

; Ih1ir 41 day excursion and a (fI°lon. said His W.orship, :'i~ !llONEY"! Hit By Car 0 10 ,time he is trying lo learn' known·beforc 'an)' 'definite pre lalkerl frcely "bout their I1ght el UISP. up ,Howe SO.1 nd HIS Worship was Introduced to ' r.1·erythin~ he can ahout thc .;ramme can he establishcd. , alnn~ the 7,000 on Tuesd~Y .. \\ 11I~ a I1ttle the meeting by 2nd VP Lian A 58·)·ear old woman U.· : province, its people anrl prall· . -.--.- --_.' .. Irip, Both ~irls visited more emphaSIS on mformallty Hayward Burragc and the ap· sldent of Alexander St. was lems,'

ten prOl'lnces anrl spent un than 1n the past, the confer· preciation of the gathering was hit and knocked down at thc Tnc polio epidemic prescnlly :'Ieclings hal'e hecn held I\m~c fil'e da)'s sight ence is to end. Wednesday, cxprQfised t.!. 1st VP Lion Bob Intersection of Patrick Ind : spreading in :'\ewfollndla:l(l is I with I'ariolls organizations in

, in roch, I September 16, With' a cabaret aartlctt and supported by pro· Waler Street at 11.10 p.m. 'of a more scrious nature than I the Education lield, :'Ilr. Cole· askcrl \\'hl' thel' made style dlnner·dance at the lo~ed appluase yesterday, by • car driven by i the one that appeared herc in' man said he is looking for·

Inp, Da,line ·said.· "After hotel. Andrew Wi Iso n, Pleasant .1953. During that year, there ward to cooperating with the: Lion President Jack Walsh, 1'- 1 I' '- I h d' t" ' Irlp \0 :llrxlco last venr Street. She suffcred a bruised ,were ~I cascs 0 po 10, uut severa 0 les opera Ing In

have had lile travelling' bu~ ... WI·nner Of LSPU read a very complimentary let· knee and minor cuts and 'fewer had to be placed in iron Adult Edul'atioli. ' ~'r wanled to see Canada" I' JOE and CHARLIE 1 ter from the President of the brulses, and I\'B9 brought to 'lungs. As a means of fincting the

:e said, "!:veryone laughed: along the wav were nice to. S] I h' St John's Rotary Club congratu· the General Hospital whcre The present cOllnt s\anus vi best wa.l· lo tackle :-;cw!ound· ~: ~hcn .wl',aid, \IC were I ":al'ds thelll. 'Xeorly' all their C 10 ars lp Iluting the Lions on the com·: she wa~ detained for X·rays. ,Bl. o( which 14 arc receiving land" needs In Extcmion . tn \, II IIIlIlldland, hut, l'lCk, 1\','1'" with travelling ple!ion of the SWimming pool, I iron lung treatment. Of the firsl I work. ,:Ill', Colf"l11an i, hopin~ 3r. 11;,. "III" lallghill;!," I . I ' • . I at Bunnerman Park. Continuing, 60 cases reported, 30 did not i to 1'1Slt the largcr CClltl'l'S, of'

",I L'SlII"1I \\' 10 took a great In· Donaltl \\ llitten. son of ~fr.: LI'on Pre."l·(lent Jock pOI'd a trl' .u.'t-and.Runs I t \I lId I tcre"l in their lrip and told 1 . ,," n receil'e any salk vaccine in·' popu a Ion on Ie S an WIl.l "\pI;'IIII',1 Iheir trip' 11 f tl ' : und ~Irs. Arthur D. Whitten of bull' to the HalIfax Lions Club jeelions .. Of the remainin 21: In the ncxt fell' months. g,'.

Ilay, "f:,llIl'atiLlnJI I'n. SI1,;)llltl u

t lC more tlhntel resting 247 Pennywell Road. has been, whose members had acted as, A parked car owned by . .. g : fore long he hopes to become , .: ,~ s U sec on e r way 'B ' f T -'1 cases It IS not known how manv i f T 'th II f:\ f rt

g and fun," The two: through that particular prol" 3warde.d the James ~. Kovana~h hosts to the Little Lcague Bas.e·IBlanChe O. rten. ~ b op~~ had one.or .any of the injection;. i 1,:lnl1dl.larTr\lI·11)S tao tOhe'mC\la"lnoluanllrl' girl, graduated from I ince. In Charlottet MemOrIal Scholarship. The S2JO ball team on its recent visit to Road, was. SideSWipe Y a I· h U

dale Hospital three ~Iayor Johnson took them own, schMarship 15 donated by t~le that City. One hundred pcr cent and·run dflver on George Street T e SIX Iron lungs that were! and to thc united States arc

au d' h on LSPU' t 455 vcsterdav Damages sent to Newfoundland by the; al.ea plannrd. .'Ir, Col~man ,n .an srnCe t en I a sight seeing tour of the' ,attendance pins for the pasl a ' p,m.. ,,' "c had thclr drcam becomc I town. Whitten graduatcd from the I Lions "ear lIere presented to to thc ear amounted to ~15(!, Alberta Government, arriverl at told the Newi. These trips; Iitl' I .' I' r h h am Torna), Airport \'ia a RCAF fly· I wil! take him to places similar:

L ' .' \\'ouln thev makc the trip, Salvation II r my College rn a large number of members who City po Ice o\Ycver, ave ~ . ClOg noxcar yesterday mornin~,1 to XCII'foundland in industrv, I , I\~n;_ 011 a hurl~':' was the: a)Zaln, "We 'would have not I Grade XI wlth a total of 525 of' hall earned them. It wa:, .an. 1 information regardll1~ the hit· ' I~ 1~;nlh'l ~,r dlrl a~l'IJI:,d lll\i~spd It 101' al1rthil1~ in tllc a, po.'sible 70~. He will continuc nouneed that ChartN.Ladies' and·run driver and Are now " 0: Ih. r~:I.II~le ~~I~, It, wnrln ann \\'p would do el·ery. hiS ~llldl~5 thiS year lowards an Night would be held at the Old working on the case.

r ~ la.r ~.,iI) a' IIl\n~ just the same," Elsie en~IneerIng degree al MemOrial Colon y Club on Thur.ldil)', At 9.15 p.m .. vest~rda'.·. a , rem. a211M, In horse, ,air!. Universitv . . art tilp lIan,loril1" p"ir D II' • OctolJer 22nd. Guest of the I p;uked ear owned' bv George

\'II.~ at Int, 1.~l'I1ed·~ lol. _I .ar nPStal1IrlIE!'1Pf ~O!lCf to o.f 20,000 pound!. Operator5' meetin~ was Lion Don Benson,· Lethbridge of Howley Al'enue ! Inl ~n" " ..' "~In .• 0 In S 01 A PlY license ls S3. of Spnngdale ' d d I " uld "Int. I ilP)' days al1n then if possible get . I Ext .. WM conSiderablY amage a; thai, Ihr~' rpreil'cd clown tn tllp Frrnch Islands by a hit·and·run driver on '~I ,takIIH; Ihrm tl\r of SI. Pienc at :\li~uelon. Bowater ,. CampanileS Show Cornwall A v e n u e. Twenty "_, Thrl' ,11'01" II' I I. ' - . tit th d' h , ' . c n 11 rhrv '\'111 learr !lexl wcek for mlnu es a er, e nver II' 0

all B"'qllcs In SI. ,Iolln's ! St!";henville hv Illanc and tried to gel away was in the C~~I~:n~" Corporal who' ,t31\ the lon~ hike back home Prof'lt In Past 6 hands of the city police, charg·

, ack from leave, to Vancouver where they will Months cd lith drunken driving and , In remember their practice nursing for a year hit·, and·run. IntereSIIng part of the ~ f both girl 'k an" then, .. 0 f to Euro~c. LO:-.l1JO:-.I, ~ng, - Thc Bo· ~ialioll for the half year In· ------

, and s:l~nr,: er to them· "Besides becn a little tired water Paper Corporation eluded a ehan:e 1n respect of Tuna Plentiful Hard To Catch

It was th' terha~s the everything with us Is great.: Limited and subsidiary corn· new productive facUlties in n a fr ~ Ime we flag. The only place that we havc' panles reported a trading the United Kingdom and

r e ght traln just callouses are on our hands profit equivalent to $25,385,. North America which are not , i;, ~n~ Grhorl~e" British from carrying our suit cases. 000 for the first half of 1959. yet fully revenue· earning.

w~ did rt C CI e It or People have bcen just won· The figure for the first six Sales of the Bowaler paper· er 1\" g a rtde: The derful tow~rds us e\'ey where months of 1958 was $24626,000. Corporation LImited and sub·

s sn SUI pflsec\ at we go" Consolidated profits to sldlary companies for the sly Tuna are still plentiful In . II.' nut ther 'th . " . ' ~ , ,e of nnwhe' C In, e Hath girls a~rcr on the fact June 30, 1959, totalled $14,. months were $154,549,000, This Conception Bay, although the 10Int lis ta"I~(he .,Just Ihat of all·the provinces the 401,000 compared with $15,. compared with $146,037,000 for ,last calch of the great billefins,

bi=.est ~r III'II~' :lIarltlmes nnd ;';cwiollndlann 257,000 for the same period the first h~lf of last ycar. oceu~red on September 7th. \ ~,\ conl'I' r 0 I em II,ey are the best. I "people arc of 19.~8. After providing $5· The chairman, Sir Eric Those two brought the number

nCIl1~ thc pollce f I dl . '11 I 5 4 ' r,rarl,1' el'en' ro" 'more I' cn .v and WI ~,ways 4 ,000 for taxes, the consoli· Vanslltart Bowater, announc· caught this year to eight. Were nol iU;'t' \ IIlce that t<Ikc time uut to explain dated net pro[!t totnller! $8, cd that the directors had de· a~'ay from .~ lIes or run· things to I\S," Elsie said 857,000 compared to S9,097,000 , cided to declare an Interim On Wednesday Eel Gulliver of

n,lhy dl~tUssI~:e .. , t fler Ther~ Is none of thl~ last way for thc first six months of last I dividend of one shilling per st. John's, fishing between Seal ies thev ' \lIt 1, the of Ilving. Everyone takes year. (All figures are con· i share of common stock. This Cove and Holyrood Arm in the

helpfUl h'int~ere glvcn things easy and enjoys life, verted at $2.80 to th.c pound amounts to about 14 cents a tuna boat Rex I, boated the Charlot\etoll' . th ' Darline chimed In. sterling and rounded out In share. The Interim dividend smallest tunil ever seen in New· their Pony t~ll e girls "We ha~e kept a word and thousands. declared last year was on the foundland. The fish wcighted

a boy's bo~ becaus cut of! pie lure diary off fll!: the The sum of $1,546,000 was basis of 4~ percent of the £ 1 21B pounds. The Rrx 1, shortly diffiCUlt to se It was places we have seen and when provided for dividends on the par value of each common after boarding the bluefin hook·

trip, One a! t~aln3~r. on we !let haek we will hnl'e a preferred stork of subslellilrlesshare. ThIs amounted to about ed a second but lost it. from ~ r (mel's, lot to t~1l oUr frlell(ls nnd to an(1 the proportion of profits 10.8 pence, or 121,~ cents, a .

thrlsten d . ell' Bruns· ilack .thls up we hal'e the nttrlbutoble to millol'lty In· share In each case COllvert· Ewart Clomtoll, also of SI. ,Joe. E~sie th,em

J Charlie prooL" Elsie sold. teresls, leaving a balance of ing ~t 52.80 to the pound I John's, fishing in the Shullll'ol'k

e is Charll:s oe and Looking over the City ,last profits attributable to tl1M cor· sterling. . 111, struck a 554 pounder anti ey said they' " night from Cabot Tower Dar. poration of $7,311,000. Equl· In a message accompanying boated it in one hour and ten'

In that a~e;~ vcry I line sald;'''1 cJn't bellel'e It, valent figure for last year was the Interlm financial, slate· minutes. The fish measured 94 ! lIJal EaVe th e nr.r'j h.ece .we arc In st. John's, $7,638,000. mcnt, Sir Eric Bowatel', reo inches in length and 64 inches J

,. em lifts :'>icwfoundland. We made it!" Higher prov1sion for depre· (Continued on Page 13) in girth.






$2.75 ~rvice-weight rubberiz­ed material with detach­able hoad .



Raincoats durable vinyl plastic with

matching helmet

Today's Accident


Accidents 4 Injured 1-





I ' ;1


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1 I

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I' I


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THE DAfL Y . NEWS Strength Of Commonwealth Economies "He Said He Wants To RealOn With Th. Sharks,"

, Newfoundland's Only Morning Ppptr

\ . Th. DAtU N ,,,. II • IBCJr1IIq paper utabllalllcl in ISH. ud publlalaec II the New. Bu1lcl1Dl ~ 'W Duclwurtll Iltretl, St. Jnbn, NewfoundllD4 '" RoblDlOn • ComJllll1, Llmiled


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Canad...................... $12.00 per .nnum OJllted KinldDm ltd

all roreln eountrlu $14.00 per '''uW1l Authorized U lecuod clB&! maU, POit Office. Department. Otliwi.

IfUfBEJ O' TBIl (:AN&DlAN r~

Th. ClDadlan Prell II Uc:lual" I, entitied to the UII fur republication 0/ IU lIews delpatebu In thlI paper. uedl" ad 14 it 0: tu the Auuclated Prell Dr P~uten .Dd alJu til. local Den publll~ ed thert>1n.

All f'rw aervlr, Ilid !eatun .rticles In thIs piper art copyrlahted Ind thell reproductioD II prob1hlted

• If L'ImIllttODl.

Mtmbel Audit BurnD


Anniversary Of A S~tback Just ten years ago things were

!1:oing better in Newfoundland than thev had ever done before. The pro'sperity that had been created hy the war and the establishment ot the American bases had efldured much longer than anyone had hoped. In addition to this the economy was feeling the benefit of the redistribution of revemles through the social security wstem of Canada in which we were par­ticipating as a consequence of con­federation. Then, in September, came a severe jolt.

The heavv drain on Britain's gold and dollar reserves compelled a major devaluation of the pound sterling. The official rate of ex­change in dollars was reduced from $4.03 to S2.80. The Canadian government was an immediate beneficiary in one respect. Thirty per cent was Wiped off the dollar value of the Newfoundland debt. But the effect of devaluation on the new province was devastating proof of the vulnerabilitv of the economy and its dependence on. foreign markets.

The newsprint companies had peen selling a large part of their output in sterling markets and were now compelled to reduce drastically their pulpwood cut while they searched for new mar­kets. The European customers for our salt codfish were seriously af­fected. And to make matters worse, an' economy-minded Congress was compelling a curtailment of ex­penditure on the American bases in Newfoundland.

All this added up in September, 1949, six months after we had be­come a Canadian province, to a

pretty desperate situation, . The immediate and most urgent

problem was met by an arrange­ment with the federal government bv which thousands of displaced ,,:orkers were employed on a work­relief programme for three months and then became eligible for fed­eral unemployment assistance. But that was only an expedient. The future was a matter of real con­cern. And one fear was that with no immigration barriers ill Canada for Newfoundlanders, thousands of our people would go to the main­land to seek the work they could not obtain at home. It was out of this emergency that the provincial government was impelled to extra­ordinary means to encourage in­dustrial development.

The winter and spring of 1950 were an anxious period. But New­foundland was again to benefit as she had so often in the past from world unrest and calamity. The Korean war came in June, 1950, and its strategic and economic con­sequences removed some of the chief economic problems of r\ew­foundJand.

That was ten years ago. But the vulnerability of our economy of which the sudden devaluation of sterling brOlw;ht a sharp and almost tragic reminder ha.~ not en­tirely disappeared. Despite the ef­forts of the proVincial government to stimulate industrial expansion and diversification, ours is still a vulnerable situation to which the unstinted application of every re­source, mental and physical, which we can bring to its rectification must be contilluously required in the future.

Progress Of Brinco : . Brinco's annual report, covering may acquire great industrial sig­the "ear which ended on March nificance as a result of the availa-31st 'last, is a model of succinct- bility of cheap power.

'I • I •

. i ~

ness and cautious optimism. No In the miner"! sphere of Brinco's secret is made of the fact that the activities, disappointment has fol­exploration of the corpor'ation's lowed the discovery of rich de­large concessions in Labrador and depOSits of uranium, This is the reo. Newfoundland has called for suIt of the present limited market patience, perseverance, technical for uranium but it is a position skills of a high order and a good that must inevitably change for the deal of moral courage. But real better. progress can be claimed. h d · Without Brinco, the investiga- T ere is also un er investigation , I


. '1 I

tion of the natural resources of the a promising discovery of magne­tite near Hebron. vast Labrador wilderness might

pave been deferred' for many years. Brinco, through its mining sub-~ .• Because of Brinco, the power sidiary and associated mining com-

1'1 capacity of the Hamilton river is panies, is continuing an extensive "L d th th mineral exploration programme in :: 'fJlown an ,wi e emergence of both Labrador and Newfoundland.

cilstomers, the first stages of de-velopment could be started at The overall position has been ~nce. Very nearly 7,000,000 horse- summarized by Brinco's chairman, ))ower can be produced at low Mr. B. C. Garaner, in these words: ~st and intensive studie~ of "The tide of onr fortune looks as ~e technical' problems of long- if it is beginning to tum. We expect tlstance transmission are now in to face-and overcome-many dis-" . ,.rogress. couragements yet. But we remain ',- r confident that British Newfound-:~ Some years may have to pass .1>efore the main power develop- land Corporation will be a major ilent can be undertaken but there factor in the future economic pros­*ems to be an early prospect IJf . perity of Canada." That is possibly

j I th more than we might have exnectea i pro ect to supp y power to e. to hear at the end of Brinc~\ first J;abrador iron mining operations, six years, baving in mind the im-f It would appear also that a rlan mensity and difficulty of the areas

ay soon be made operation a for in which its concessions lie. It initial development of 70,000 seems to promise well for the

orsepower to be centred on ~e future. ad oEBay Despair. All the larRe

'nsumers of" power in N ewfound­· d are within a radius of 150 . es from this point. Transmission

. . es, however, must wait on an Hreement by which they. may be

• vtded throup;h a Jlrovln~lal loan be obtained Under the federal

•. emment'sJlower development n for the AtlllI1tic provinces.

. WRITE MAN IN DOCI Monteal Star

When the Commonwealth Finance Ministers meet in London on Septem' ber 22, prior to the annual meetings of the Governors of the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.), and the Inter­national Bank, which start on Sep­tember 28 in WashIngton, they will be able to look back Upon a year of eco­nomic recovery and advance since the Commonwealth Trade and Eco­nomic Conference, held In 1IIontreal in September, 1958. At that time the effects of the 1957·58 recessIon in world trade, whIch gave rise to a gen· eral weakness in commodity prices, had not yet been overcome, and im­p ort restrictions, curtailment of de· velopment programmes and credit re­strictions were stili In force In many countries.

The widespread recovery has been reflected in the strength of sterling in 1959. Against the normal seasonal trend, the United Kingdom's gold and foreign currency reseli:ves rose by £ 17 millIon In July to a total of £'1,150 million. Since the beginning of the year £ ~4 million have been added to the reserves despite the repayment of £ il milllon to the I.M.F. In respect of earller borrowings, and a gold payment of £58 million to the fund as part of the United Kingdom's in· creased subscription (which ISO

strengthens the "second line" of reo serves). A faclor In the Increased overseas confidence In sterling, and In the turther growth of lis USe as an International medium of exchange, was tbe restoration of convertibility to foreign-owned sterling at the end of last year.

Commonwillth Countrl" R.pltnlsh R.llrvel

Most of lhe other Commonwealth countries have been able to re,lenish their reserves considerably In recent months. Australia's stood at £M15 million at mid·yenr, despite a gold payment of £A17 million to the DtF. and a drop of £A7l million in 195B·59 in export earnings from wool. In 1959, :>iew Zealand's reserves have i~creased almost uninterruptedly and exceeded £ :;'Z1000 million at the end of June, nearly double the level twelve months ago. The Union of South Africa's gold and foreign ex' change holdings rOSe by £ 14 million in July alone, and the tolal of $132.3 million was the highest end of July figures since 1950. The drain on India's foreign exchange holdings has been held in check aver the past year although they have shown a tendency to decline again recently. Its sterling balances at the end of July stood at £ 133.5 million. The exlernal positions of pakistan, the Federation of Rho­desia and Nyasaland, and of :llalaya have also Improved markedly In the

. first half of the year. While commodity markets in gen·

eral have been showing a much firmer tone In 19j9, nat all products have benefitted equally. Of those com· modities of special concern to Com· monwealth producers, the prices of rubber (:\!a,1aya), sisal (East Africa),' daIry products (New Zealand and Australia), and hides have experienc· ed substantial increases. Prices of wool (Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa have advanced strengly since January, and tin (Mal· aya and Nigeria), has recovered from the doldrums of last year; among the non·ferrous _ metals, the price of zinc (Austraia) has risen slightly, while that of capper (RhodeSia and :';yasaland) has fluctuated. Certain commodities - for example coffee (Uganda), and palm oil (Nigeria) -have, however, been overshadowed by surpluses giving rise to declines in price. Cocoa producers (Nigeria and Ghana) have larger supplies avail·

.. Others

POTATO BA'rl'LE Sudbury Star

In a part of the country where p~tato is king (two. potato kings have been crowned in the Sudbury area) we do not have to worry too much about the New Brunswick Marketing Board's war' chat of $45,000 to drum up Ihe ISle of potatoes through the Toronto market.

Agricultural representative Romeo Leroux, and consumers who put the local product on their tables, know thai Nickel Belt spuds are the best to be found on the continent. While we couid write al lenth on the merit of Nickel Belt potatoes, 15 compared to the wet, marshland types imported from South· Irn Ontario, we are alBa Iware that many Maritime potatoes do find their way to the local markets. The man who UkeJ Ihe flour·f1uffiness of Nickel Belt potatOt! i. not likely to be diverted by the claims of New Brunswick growers.


Negotiations between the United States, Russia and Britain on a treaty to prohibIt nuclear tests have moved • step forward. Russia has now agreed to I system of artificial satellites to inspect high altitude explosions. There 11 IItl1. doubt that the West will be in accord.

At the technical level, agreement on • I8telllte system has already been reached. After agreement is relched .t the politlcal level, it 11'111 remaIn to concur on a system of detecting un· derground tesl!t. After that, no major points would remain in dispu teo

l\tporll from Washington recently Indicated the U.S. might let off an underground nuclear exploBlon, pre­sumably to bring prelsure on the Geneva conference on nuclear test.a to. f~e Bay Despair area, with its

d'&Uent harbour and central lite,

!h'ere II nD easy 10luUon of inter­racial telllloDi in the African conUn· ent, yet they Ire the fundamental facll 10' be faced. The whllt man, allover Africa Ind Alia, II in the docll:. AfrlcaDi Ind AlIIDI an Puallll Idven. jude· men II upon him. The) havi forllotttD the man1 100<1 thin", the whlte man haa done f~r him, They rememebr only hll 4iaer1mlDat\on' .,aiDit them, polio tical, lCOIIom1e, IhoYl all, IOdal. . hllten I final treaty, Whether the re-.

able to offset lower p.l<cs. 7he out· look Car the majority l.! primary com· modltles appears to be good, with world demand showing no signs of slackening.

Anothlr Flvourlbll Flctor A further favourable factor has

been the rising flaw of overseas capltai, the encouragement of which was one of the most imporlant roplCB­discussed at Montreal. The Australian Treasury has stated that private capi· tal from abroad and loans raIsed overseas reached the record level of £ A177 million In 1958-~9, and South Africa, New Zealand and Rhodesia ail report a higher volume of foreign investment.

Another example of capital Innow is the measure taken by the United States, ele United Kingdom and other countries to bridge the foreign ex· change gap in India's Second Fivl! Year Plan. Moreover, the eronomic· aily less· advanced Commonwealth countries are assured of wIder possl· billties of foreign capital and eco· nomic aid, for exampie, through the Commonwealth Assistance loans from the United Kingdom-the most recent was £ 15 million for Nigeria, an­nounced In July-and resources of the ,,;nited States Development Loan Fund. The International Bank and the I.:\I.F. will shortly have considerably increased lending resources at their disposal, and It Is likely that agree· ment to establish a new organization, the International Development Associ­ation, to operate as an offshoot of thl! Internaitonal Bank, wll1 be reached shortly. It Is intended that It should have the right to make lonns which would be repayable In local curren· cies. The bright International finan· cial climale also stimulating over­seas private investment by other countries, such as the Federal Repuir lie of Germany.

• Rtmovlnll nidi Blrrltrl

In line with the trend towards In· creasing multi-laterallsm in world trade, which was reaffirmed at Mon· treal as the pollcy of Commonwealth countrIes, much progress has been made recently In removing import discrimination, especially against foods from the dollar area. The an· nual report by the members of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ("International Trade 1957-58"), published in August, draws attention to action in this direction by Com· monwealth countries. The United Kingdom, Crom June 8. 1959, removed most of the remaining controls on Imports of consumer goods, and at the beginning of 1959 most of the UnIted KIngdom dependencies introduced im· portant relaxations in restrictions on dollar goads; 90 per cent of Australia's Imports can now be purchased from any country. Similar action has been taken by New Zealand (both countries also recently announced significant increases in the total annual volume of impor~ to be licensed); and also by Malaya and Ghana, While ~everal

ather Commonwealth countries were already operating import licensing on .!l non-discriminary basis.

For the present, the economic out· look for Commonwealth countries a~ a whole is characterised by favour· able factors. Rising Industrial produc. tion throughout the world should keep commodity prices firm; higher foreign exchange reserves are mak· Ing possible the adoption of more liberal and expansionist economic polio cies; and an Increased rate of inflow of capital from overseas, bath private and public, and of external assistance 15 likely to stimUlate the development of resources and hold In check balance of paymen t! difficulties.

Are Saying 1 parts are welJ founded or not, it does begin to appear as though an agree· ment will yet be reached, and a major breakthrough in the cold war accom­plished.


Once upon a time statesmen put their hopes for peace in a troubled world upon the growth of personal reo lations Imong the Ilreat heads of state.

Edson In Washington


By PETER EDSON NEA Washington Correspondent

WASHINGTON - (NEA) - ~assa· chu.setts Sen. John F. Kennedy and his backers-meaning principally his father and family-are apparently embarking on a campaign to win Ihe Democratic presidential nomination at a cost of around a million dollars

This involves entering at least five state primaries early next year at an al'erage cost of $200,000 apiece.

This is not an exceptional amount. Considering the cost of radio and TV lime, lravel, organization and campaign expenses, it will cost any candidate that much to wage an all·out primary fight in any except the smaller states, like New Hampshire, in Kertnedy's back· yard.

Adlai E. Stevenson's 1958 primary campaign in California alone is reputed to have cost nearly a million.

Even after expenditures oC this mag· nitude, there is no asS'lrance that the young Massachusetts senator will have enough pledged delegates to win him the nomination on the first ballot cast at the Los Angeles convention next July.

The lotal number of convention dele­gates' vote I for 1960 will not be deter· mined till the Democratic National Committee meets in Washington in September.

But assuming it will be some place in the neighborhood of the 1,372 votes in the 1956 convention, around 687 will be necessary for a choice. Senator Ken­nedy's backers haven't started ccunting their delegates yet. But the early book gil'es him fewer than half this number.

The New Hampshire Democratic prim· ary (eight convention voles in 1956) is conceded to Kennedy. It is also believ· ed his name will be entered in the May primaries of Ohio (58), Marylanci (18), if they finally decide to hold It, and Oregon (18). As.suming Kennedy wins them all, he would have only 102 can· vention votes.

The senator's campaign managers are a1l;0 said to have under consideration filing for tbe primaries in Nebraska (12 votes 1% 19~6), Indiana (26) and Wisconsin (28). If he could win them Ill, he would have 66 mare votes .

If, for the sake of charity, good neigh· oorliness, sheer merit or any other basis you want to put it on, Senator Kennedy ill given all the rest of New England in addition to New Hampshire, he would have only 96 more convention votes for a grand total of 264 on the 1956 basis.

Senator Kennedy has additional strength, obl·iously. In the polls he is running taps-ahead of Vice·President Nixon even after the latter's Rus.sian triumphs. But poll percentages aren't countd at nominating conventions. By the early convention book, Kennedy is running third.

The early book, 10 months ahead of Los Angeles, puts ex.cov. Adlai Steven­son of Illinois and Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas In first ballot lead, though both stoutly maintain they are not candidates now.

In 1~20 Henry VIII of England met Francis 1 of France Upon the famous Field of the Cloth of Gold. As the Twentieth Century began Kaiser Wil­helm II was the honored .nd feted guest of both the King of England and the Czar of all the Russiass. Be· tween·times the statesmen of Europe were busily marrying the daughters of kings to the sons of others .nd scurrying emissaries about from capl tal to capital to spread greater under· standing and closer personal ties.

Yet before the SIxteenth Cenlury closed England and France were once more locked in their struggle for the Western shores of Europe. And the Twentieth Century had hardly begun before Wilhelm's country wu at war with the country of his cousin Nicky and the country of hll cousin George.

All this, we luppose, is no more thin I footnote from a dusty history book. Xlngs have faded: today parlia. ments, presidenta and dictators at· tempt to manage nations and no one dream. aoy more of finding peace for the world In the ceremonial marriage of dynasties.

Senator Johnson is conceded support from a solid South, excepting only Florida (28) whlcb is expc::~d to ~Ul>'

port Sen. George Smathers as favorite san. This would giVe JohDlon 276. He is a1l;0 given atrength in New Medea (16), Nevada (14), Montana (16) and Delaware (10). That would give hi n a starting strength of 332.

Bul even I footnote is worth reo flection as a reminder that peace among nations requIres flr~t -a can· cord on fundamental issues. Other· wise lOme people may dream once

Stevenson's strength is largely Illin· aLI and the West, pius lupport from Gov. David Lawrence in Pennsylvania (74) and ponibly Michigan (44) If Gov. G. Mennen Williall1l is not I favorite .Ion. That would give SteveDion around 378.

New York (98) may 110 to Lot An·

more that friendly relatlons can be built on no more than personal meet· Ings of great heads of stete upon. a bright carpet of hospitality.

.. .-., .. --


By BRUCE BIQSSAT We never get much hard r.ew!

the motives of Moscow and Peipitl specific situations. And since ist ieaders don't write their we can't even find out event.

So we have to guess. guessing is heavy as to wh,t . Peiping to lash into Laos and ~ij the borders of India.

There's considerable feeling l~al

mol'es represent Red China's against the Corthcoming Khrushchev visits. Unl:li'iakably. cow and Peiping are rivals as we] friends. Tpe Chinese Commun~\~ like the idea of being left out c: which might affect the course of history

To stir trouble is to serve notice you cannot be ignored. Very the Red Chinese have this weI! in

Yet there is another importar.t bility that cannot be overlooked u try to search aut Peiping's mol il'/!.

Within Communist China's Vail

terland area, all is not going II

planned-and announced. In 19&1 government spoke of the "~m:'

forward." But in retrospeci il to appear more like a modest hop.

Peiping, surprisingly, has ed the failure. Grain output ill 250 million tons instead of the 375 million. Steel production Ci:J

eight million tans, wherea.s the gOt 11 million. Tolals for many olher commodities had to be revisd ward.

Nor is the outlook for 1959 bright. The grain and ~leel

anI)' modestly adl'anced ow whereas the original plan was fer rocketing production.

Th emuch publicized back·yard furnaces, worked by millions. hi\!

paid off. Their output no lun;r. ures in China's economic planni" sistance has been great, also. U system herdling millions of pea to vast working communes.

External pressures by Peipirg Laos and India may prove to be. ~ at, a standard totalitarian ionaI) trick to get Chinese mInds cE internal pressures resulting frolll economic failures.

Communists alwaYI try 10 mall embarrassments by embarrassing

Guarded, Hesitant Hopefuln~1 Often the soft notes of hope !If

led in the clamor of despair. aoj t quires hard effort to be cheerf~ let's try.

The California Institute of . came up with lomelhing lht oth6 that seems to offer real prom~e. found a way of producing winleI'


two and a half months. The UlU~

Is eight months, Including I Iii

eight week winter cold spelL Technicians think the same thitl

be managed with wheat, barler ather winter grains.

If this is true, and practicai tions can be worked out, thn new food supplies may be in hungry millions In many areal.

In a world bulging with more people, the hope appcall

Yet it could be tanished if, oncl realized, the peoples of the e~ it as a springboard for another popUlation nplO!ion.

geles unpledged on a presidenlial date in order to IUPPOrt /daYOI' F. Wagner Jr., for vice-presiden~ he is a Catl1olic, it would !'II11l

New York would not go for In California (68 convention

1956 but probably more in Edmund G. Brown, another a favorite Ion. And In New Gov. Robert B. Meyner is still' ite son.

The other two undidatet shown much delegate Itreogtb their natlve statu They are SIOj

Symington of Missouri (38) JI

Hubert Humphrey of MtDneJOtJ



· richen. So·viet

told in Bonn can dldate Is ~Hear·old

1. Klrlchen deputy as

leader. and London have Frol R. KoziOl'.

smiling Deputy recently

States. German In te II

is far better In Russians than French, thinks

in the not future be retired.

to a ceremon victim of his

The Gl!rmans sources in ~rmany.

closer dealings than any other

~ER 11,


. -.; .\ '"

~ - .f

: ' .. :

.1 , ..

," :·~.lS well in

f' .~f~ Important ", "\'prlooked II

, '. '. (5 mollWl.

I· ': china's :.'.: ~oing as w!ll

, In 195.\

r :, '. ,ospC('t il , , ;r;odest hap. . _ .:'. has lek~

'ce,ca.' the goal :.-, ::1an, olher

,p ~I'ised

-. ~ ('l:-

i:c ocd ~Ieel ;;. :', D.~ced oyer . c,: ,:an was for

.:d back·yard :1 millions. ha\! ":cut no longer

,:,omie pllnnin&, :, .:,eat. also, to C',,:::l ns o[ peasaoU'

I ,- T. :-:-;unts. ,"'; ~y Peiping f C.I j'rove to be, in ,",.1 :otalitarian . · , h.nese minds of!

\ HopdulDrs! '.,: p, of hope al'f

· of despair. and it .: to be cheerfuL

C',e:hing the : r r real ,~oducing winter !)1

-. l ~: hs The usual , l:1cl~ding a .11 : : p, cold spell. · '.' :he same thin' 1 wheat, barley · :-'.§.

• ~.d practical :,,~d out, thn . '! may be in In many areas.

'u:;::n~ with plort ~e hope appears t;;nished if, one. It -p1es of the eartb ;,rd [or another .~lon.

Dr. a presldcntiJI o IUPPOrt )layor

, lor \;ce--presldent. ile. it would 1IIeJ' id nC>t go for ,68 cOnl'entlon

D:Y more III ".-n. another And in Ne" ~leYDer is .till •

~D:AIL~Y~N_EW_S_,_ST_._JO_H_N_'S_._N_FL_D_.'_F_RI_DA_Y_I_S_EP_TE_M_B_ER __ 11_,_19_5_9 ____________________ ~~~--~~----------____ ~~~ ____ ~~ ______ ~~.~,,~.~. __ ~ __ .~ mind veer away from the busi· \ DISASTER FUND I Roman Catholic Archbishop of School Days­

Safer Days Horse Dictator: ness at hand, even on open FREDERIC!ON (CP) - Two I H a Ii fax contributed $5.946. a

stretches. The best place for' :najor donatIOns from church, cheque having bee~ forwarded "wool.gatherlng" Is In an eas)' , ',roups . have. boosted. the. New I by Archbishop Gerald Berry. The

· richenko, Kremlin ,"'. t h t b h' d th ,Brunswick Fishermen 's Disaster, Anglican Churc!J of Canada at ... a1r a orne-no e In e 'F d t b t $418 000 It .. ,.

I un 0 a OU ,. 5 mm"1 Its "eneral synod voted Tuesday

Unknown, Seen As Trip

Every province In Canada I wheel. mum objective Is $440,000. The I to donate $5,000.

has stepped up Its enforce· \' ment and has extended its road improvement program" We are paying attention to enforcement and engineering, but we are neglecting to make the most of education, whlcn I~ the most Important of the three "E's" of accident reo

Soviet Boss After Khrushchev's \

EDITOR'S NOTE: On March 23, 1953, Leon Denn'en spotlight­ed a then obscure member of the Communist ruling class Nikita Khrllsehev, I\S the prnbable successor to Georgi Malenkov ~s Soviet dictator.


duction. Accidents are prevented

through education. It Is prob· ably the strongest weapon w~ have. Education In our schools brings regimentation both for the children and for their familles. Regimentation brings discipline. Disciplne brngs control-self·control or group control-autlaws accdents.

H was the first such mention in the Western press. oda)' Dennen introduces another "Dark Horse Dictator," Alexei

1. Kiriehenko. Fresh from interviews with high Europ'ean govern­ment and intelligence officials, Dennen reports that West German intclli.[!cnce believes Kirichenko, not Deputy Premier Frot R. Koz-10\', will succeed Khrushchev.

Dennen has just returned to the U.S., after touring Europe from the Baltic to the Adriatic, in eluding incursions into East Ger­man~' and Yugoslavia. He has had long confidential talks with high Gl'rm:lIl, frencli, British and Yu goslnv officials, intelligence office rs, Hilderground couriers and IronCurlliin diplomats. '

This is part of Dennen's exclusive advance coverage of the Khru­shchev visit for NEA Service and DAILY NEWS.

When the children go back to school, weekend travel has lessened, holiday trecking is over and pleasure driving is reduced. We can look foI' fewer accidents because of less traffic density and fewer

W," n f.:\ :\ f.:\ I r\,' -,"7 --;-,

Sir"l":. (':'.:,:r;pon.oent ' r' .. <.' 'YOHI\,I\L.\'-:\Ikila !

(\\ ;;. \';~.: to :\mrrica i '" ;~" E:lr,,(lr as the' pre., I

• o ••• :~\~'~'~<l' ~\\'.l.n ~ong.' o,,,~,,,,,;,,. t' ., It.:.::

'i;rrJc(' (1fflC (':.~ in Bonn,: Inri 1.0Ilrl.)11 :;Irr.ndy are I

"I\~,ushchl'\, 5 sue·


:0:,1 ". !lolln that the, o:'~:,i?'.(' j:,- C1 hard· IJ.lo"c:d Lkrainian.

, i KI:·:"!'Cllko. Khrush· ~('~t:t~· a,,, Communist:

driving distractions. The classroom lessons in safe

";">":%'~ walking wlll infect chlld and DENNEN PREDICTED parent allke. The children KHRUSHCHEV'S VISIT wlll be doing their share to

NEW YORK, (NEAl-Whan remind us to drive and ~alk LIon Dinnin fltw to EuropI, carefully. 1\lay we hope that on a rtporllng lour In early i as adults we will take a good July, nothing hid bten whl.p- i look at our drmng habits and ered 0' the hldorl. exchange try to drive with care and of viii II batwlln Nlklla courtesy. Khrulhchev and pre.ldenl Accidents happen one at a Ellinhowtr. time. They may be prevented

HII flnl dllpalch, from one at a ~Ime. ~here are very Btrlln on July 23, reporled few traffiC a.cc1dents which thll Khrulhchev WII angling would occur Jf the situatIOn for an Invitation to the U.S. repeated itself. Few of us Ind hid Inltructed ForeIgn' drive as well as we know how Flniller Andral Gromyko al to drive. . Gtntva nol to yltld Inythlng Days grow shorter. ~!ght at thl parltYI thtrl unlll the comes quickly, Ro~ds are lnvltltlon WII forthcoming. more slippery. DrlVlng con·

S!,l:r' ' PresIdent Ellinhower In· ditions in general become Gr:'m~n il\lelligcnce, I nounced the uchangl on Aug .. more difflcult during the fall. I

:r:de:- . I

.:. :,r.ct 1.0r.d,ll\ h~1e nom· , fcc' R. I\oziol'. the:

,r.ll:::lc ilL'Plity Prc·, 'w~'- rC;t,:::I,\ toureo the.

· ;. '1" hl'ltrr inrormed I 3 i The Canadian Highway Sa!· · R'J:~:3:1< t~13n the Brit· ' . I ety Conference urges that ye f~enrh, ~1\ll1k' Khru~h· ' . pay attention to these' things

~::I ir. t"le nllt 100 dis· I tho IS de Whod halve seen hl1m HBS any by our watchfulness prove , -nli"en "pro I co an mpersona . e bOt b d ruture lIr " .. . makes no effort to impress th, at Scptem er, coer .an

, In " crremonial Job :..; b d ot b serlOUS 'lrtlm of his natural people or make friends. He : o~'em er nee n e , The Grrmans hal'e shows llttle interest In for· aCCident months.

,11 'ourrr~ In Commun, elgn affairs. DREAM AT HOME · Ge:man)', Too. they I' He was born In January. NOT ON THE ROAD r:wr C:C3:mgs with the I' 1903. in the Ukrainian village Today's car Is so easy to . ,han anI' o:her West· ,i of Chernobael'. His father I handle that we are becoming i

.. I a skllled rallroad worker. Klr· a nation of "subconscious' \\'e;\ C;r:'mans have, Ichenko studied to become a: drivers". With automatic I

rl;~:. t~i' faet is of I tractor mechanic at the Kher· transmissions more and more fJ: ,'g:l;fic:mce to thc I son Tractor School, but he in usc, steering that 15 virtu·

· Th:, I. wl\y, I' never worked at this trade. At ally effortless and engines " Pri~10 \Iinister Jlar· 17 he Joined the Young Com· that purr quietly and require II".",,',," r".;:ortcdl)·"clrst, ALEXEI I. KIRICHENKO: Llkt Th. BOil, h.'. I plrty man bmunlst uagube and het has no attention. driving on a

ed I're,:clent Elsen· I een a Red ureaucra ever highway takes increasingly that !\!:rushchcv-lIkc Rnd to make all of Germany lin powerfully to Influence thc since. • . lc~s mental effort and virtu· 'n hi, na)'-lI'a; "the a Red.domlnated satellite. He chOice. In the 1930 s he aided ally no physical force. This

In R'u,;:n, the only one r"" ycarnS to improve the lot The West Germans bellel'!! ' Khrushchev in the Ukrainian has a tendency to lull the d nl'gotiating for of the Russian people, This is the winner would be the blood purges. He also work· driver into a semiconscious

T~.IS \'Irw has since: Lv. n s interpretation of the stocky, taciturn Klrichenko ed closely with Khrushchev state-a state that Is extreme· ' ;:O:110trd h)' sel'cral, Soviet Premler's statements. who has none of Kozlov's slick during the war. He has never Iy hazardous. 1'10 responsible J



BEEF Present

Ayres Superm'arkets ltd. Neville Bugden ltd.,

Water Street. P. J. Casey, Gower Street Wm. Casey Ltd., New

Gower S1reet.

RED BRAND BEEF, Direct from C.N.E. & Cho5en from prize winning stock - C. P. Maple leaf Red Brand Beef is available this week from the following meat dealers!

J. J. Duff's Supermarket ltd., Freshwater Road.

Alex. Foster, Duckworth Street.

Wm. Halliday, Plymouth Road.

Lawlor'~ Meats, Duck­worth Street.

Lawlor'; Meats, LeMarch­ant Road.


Stanley's Meats, Golf Avenue.

Jas. Shields, Cookstown Road.

Stop and Shop Super­market.

E. B. Tucker Ltd., Penny­well Road.

W. F. Whittle, Water Street.

AND ON BELL ISLAND Clark's Meat Market. Tucker's Supermarket.

Red Brand Is Canada's Finest . .

. • I' ,.:400....~ . •. i,.,cludll1g "ice'l After a round of domestic facade In public but who as been far behind The Boss. driver can afford to let his

~: Rirharct \1. :\ixon. and International victories he director of the party machine I A German offlclal said: -----------------------------------.- ---.. -.--. ------'. Ir'e' to ila;sia. I mIght be persuaded to relin· next to Khrushchev, is th~ "The State Department had

.' ha, had no con· quish power, possibly to reo most powerful man in Russia. better see to it that Khrush· ~:~\ :r,~ "'cst ann thus place Klement! Voroshllov A Ukrainian like his boss chev brings along KlrlChenko

10 al1\' influences: .15 ceremonial President of Klrlchenko has a record of to America. He needs to be ,~,h: ha,'c been felt Russia. unswerving loyalty to Khrush. Impressed with America's

".\nll:" ~likoyan I' Kllrushehel' Is 66, has high chev. It was he who strode might, too." """'C'hO,. blood pressure and a kldnev to the podium at the last Some quarters In Bonn

ed durinc my recent' ailment. Although he Is abl~ party congtess, wagged his thought It was ev~n possible Ihro'J~il II' c'lcrn Eu·, to put 011 energetic spurts for finger at the once great that the big shift In ~Ioscow

:tot Ge:m:\n)'", Chancel· ' a few hours at a time, he slo\\'s Vyacheslav Molotov, Georgi would occur before President K,~,ad .\(\rnallcr and clown to a crawl when out of :llalenkov, Nikolai Bulganln Eisenhower gets aro~nd .to reo

l':"e\idc~t charles dc the limelight. I and Marshal Georgi Zhukov, tur~lng Khrushchev s Visit. Ihe power Should Khrushchev die or and denounced them as' "con. \\ ashington still seems to

in the otherwise become inactive, the temptlble dogmatics, 'slttlng believe the London line that and !\hrllsllchev Is' fiigilt for succession would up to their ears in conser. ~ozlov ~as the inside track. a [:ri' agenl. Aden· ' begin In earnest. Chlna's lIIao. vatism." Kozlov IS an able admlnls·

l:1u<t hale '.Jellcd tbis i Tse·tung is certain to move Kirlchenko Is described by trator-but Malenkov found Ike dunr,g the latter's I - "' .... to hi! sorrow that able ad·

~ Bcnn, mlnistrators cut no ice when , 1 :" \\'e,t German T they don't control the party.

, K:I:·u.'hchev's pas, emperance ,uch tl,Jt he is in

danger 0; bein~ purser!. WATERFRONT · r,e h3' taken do·

and forf;~n positions Tl h DIRECTORY i '.l:h those of tll'O noug ts re himself purged- I

\!slenkol' and Lav'l 'I ' Beria, ., aclean s ~tagazlne Issue of been a teetotaller throughout sec Ihr slrug~le as ~ebruar\' 14th in an article en· his life and also steadfastly

00 who shal! sue.' title,? "How to get yo.ur boss's refused to have alcohol In his tl when :\ikita ,Job, made the followlng state· home or elsewhere. It is signi.

on, , ments: licant to note that nis attitude

ON DRY DOCK The M.V. Swile, M.V. Wes·

tern Explorer, M,V. Eastern Explorer, and the W. T. Storm. '

AT DOCK el' i, making 8 I ,·!t·s a llabillty If you are I toward alcohol did not prevent hurried eEort to aceom. : teetotaler." him from assuming the presi. The S,S. Kyle is moored .'llh:n his liretime two, "I don't think you can be very dency of his company, albeit It for the season. :. in which Stalin, succeosfUI In business if you must have been discouraging Bowaters drum barker No.3,

10 de<lroy the :\orth' hold strong views ajjainst ai, and embarrassing at times to will eventually receive minor reo Treaty Organizations! cohol." slick to his convictions. pairs.

The Advocate, the official Glb. Mackie, Public Relations organ of the Canadian Temper· Director of the Abitibi Power AT HORWOOD (,U~mER anee Federation set out to test and Paper says, "Such a vIew CO. I.T1>. these statements. Here In part is ridiculous.," "There are many The M.V. Thomas J. Hodder is what they said: According to organizations that have been, in charge of Capt. Pickett i~' our present culture, loudly and led by outstanding men who discharging i cargo of lumber'

I energetically promoted, it ap· have never had a drink In their and after the lumber is dis.' pcars as if the gears of business lives. It is interesllng to note charged wlll take freight for; and promotion must be lubricat· In these ortlanizations that a Fogo. I ed with alcohol; as if personal premium is placed on abaUn· AT STEERS LTD. WEST END prestige and effectiveness de- ence. so that a man's moral WHARF pend on the number of people views apparently are considered The M.V. Hazel P. Blackwood

,with whom you drink and the to be worth while. in charge of capt. Kean Is tak· 'drinkin~ parties you attend; as "The most exciting and ing freight for the usual Bona· I

If any social affair Is unthinlt· courageous man that I met In vista Bay ports. able without drink and that if 1958 was an alcoholic last June. AT CROSBIE &: CO. LTD. :rou do not partake of It you of· Today he ts fully rehabllitated The whaler Finback is moor· fend those who do. as an Editor of a trade jour· ed up for the season.

Many young people are 1m· nal and his life has become The M.V. Roy Alga R., in pressed with this situation. They meaningful. I am quite sure he charge of Capt. Cross is taking may know that the alcohol habit is going to be far more lucesI· freight for the usual poru In Is unhealltty, unsafe, and un· ful !lquor than he was with it, Bonavlstr Bay. economical; they may dislike and wlll go further In the bus· AT T. HALLETS LTD. the effects of alcohol; but they Iness world because of tne stand The M.V. Newtown Trader in want to be popular and success· he takes." charge of Capt. Gllt Is taking ful and therefore are convinced Tolstoy wrote: "There never freight for Greenspond and Mus· they must join the drinking has been. and cannot be, a good grave Harbour. cult. life without self·control." Mod· AT CANADA PACKERS

George Peirce. President of ern· day cultures aitempt to em· The M.V. Ivy B. Melvin In Ralston Purina, when 8sked If phaslze conformity. The mature charge of Capt, Colli~s is tak· being an abstainer would hold pel'llon need not be a confirm· Ing freight for Bonavista, Cat· a man back, replied: "I would ed conformist. He may be a rug· alina, Port Union and Elliston. have to disagree. I know many ged individualist, but he will AT A. H. MURRAY &: CO. men who are high up In our be 81 rugged In his adherence The Dutch ehip Marva is Company who are teetotallen, to basic principles as he 18 In waiting for further salling or· and I can't see where it has his lelf·rellance. den. held them· back In an' way ... " (Thia column I!J prepared by LIST OF SAILINGS

The President of Canada's the Newfoundland Temperance The R.M.S. Nova Scotia, sail· I largest Iportlng goods manufac·. Federat10n to whom enquiries ed at noon yesterday for Hall· ture!! declared that he has may be addreued). fax and Boston.








Sf. John's Memorial Stadium October 2,3,5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10., 1959

• Prize List and Entry Forms available upon request.

.• Get your entries in as early as possible.

• The Exhibition Committee will accept full responsi­bility for all exhibits subject ta the Rules and Regulations in the 1959 Prize List.

• Exhibition Office at the St. John's Memorial Stadium, Telephone No. 80175.

• For full information, Prize List and Entry Farms etc., write:


P.O. BOX H·240



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Personal Chit- Ch.,at

MAINLY· FOR WOMEN ____________________________________________________________________ ~. __ r a~~ __ ~ __________________________________________ _

ON ROII>A Y . Iter o[ ~k and Mr~, Maurlec,! .\li~. Catherin~ Anderson, ! Wilansky. has just returned Tailored And Tiny Graduate nurse of Ro),al Vic, \' from a visit to Prince Edward

toria Hospital, is spcnding her Island, where she was the guest holidays with ~!iss Joan ~1inle)', of ~!r, and ~!rs, Douglas

'135 Rennies' ;,lill Il.'oad, Giannou, Together they toured­the island and part of Nova r~"-'~' ":"\illl:",·~i"': •• -00-----..... --... ,;,., ~j~;...:.~,;.,:...;::...=---- ----.-.-.

'JlETURNS HO:llE Scotla. ~ ;.' ." ~:':~c~~~iIia:2.., , Mrs. Elizabeth Condie a\jd her EXA~I RESULTS children, Annie and Pamela, reo Results in Grade XII Pro· i!

• turned home to Vacaville, Cali· .vincial examinations conducted, .. . fornia, on Saturday by TCA at Holy Heart of Mary Regional I i

'after spending an extended High School, June 1959: .' ncation with her parents, Mr. ENGLISH (a) and (b)~Hi!, " and ~!rs. ~Hcha~l Flynn, 79 da Pollard, ~Iary· Smith, Bride .. , Long's Hlll. \ Williams, Roberta Haley, Len.':

ora Howlett, Catherine Dawe, I " HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anne O'Hanlon, Rosalie Fow· I,.' ,Happy birthday to little ler, ~Iarie Annette Felix, l'rlary I I ,. Nicholas Hr,'horash o[ Top Bat, Patricia Rahal, ~Iary O'Neill. I:' 'tery Road who cetcbrated his ~IATHE:'>IA TICS- Philomena \ \

; ,fourth birthday yesterday, Sepl. ~!urphy, Mary Smith, Bride Wi!· , 10th. Greetings come Irom liam;, Patrincia Curran, Angela I Brian, Brenda, Joseph, Allison, i ;,[aloncy, Lenora Howlett, Cilth,

"J\aren and ;,[ary Lou ~!urph)', 1 erinc Dawc, Anne O'Hanlon, of Water Street Wcsl. Rosalie FOlI'ler, ~[arie Annette

Felix, ~!ary Patricia Rahal, An'l' ' OPESISG .\PPEAL nie Keough, r;

.... '. The YWCA i~ pleased to an, I HlST?RY - Hilda, Pollard, 1 i> · , Bounce that an opemng appeal I Anne 0 Hanlon, Rosalle Fowler, I:

on behalf of the work or the ' ~Iarie '!\nnctte Felix, )!ary Pa' '.A.~sociation will be madc by tricia Rahal, ~Iar)' O'NellP, _Mrs, Campbell ~!aepherson, FREi\CH - Hilda pollard,

wile of the Lieutenant Go\'crnor Philomcna ~!urphy, Roberta, af :\ew[oundland, ~Irs, ~Iac, Hale)" Patricia Curran, Lenora i

pherson wil!, be, heard on Fri' Howlett, Ann e O'Hanlon, I

day, Sept. 11th. over C.B,C. at I Rosalie Fowler; :\Iarie Annette 6.30 p,m, and subsequently I Felix, Mary Patricia Rahal, An,

:.qi-cr the other radio stations. nie Keough, ~!ary O'Neill, LATI:-I-Angela Maloney, Pa,

"ISITISG DAUGHTERS tricia Curran, Anne O'Hanlon, ,,' :'!rs, Lloyd Hurst, of Bay! Rosalie Fowler, :'Iarie Annette

,Roberts, lea\'es by plane today I Fellx, ~[ary Patricia Rahal. I:'· ~for Ontario, to visit her daugh· SOCIAL PROBLE~IS-Mary ."

, ten Isobel, ;,Irs, C, L. Summers' O'Neill, ~ , . 'snd Kay. ;,!rs, R, D. James, I CHEi\!iSTRY - Philo men I ::.

, _ :'Iurphy, Lenora Howlett, Anne ! YlSITISG PARE:"\TS I O'Hanlon, Rosalie Fowler, Marie

:'Ir, Gerald Gray, his wife and Annette Felix, ~Iary Patricla baby daughter are at present in Rahal. the city from Stephenville

"<?;:~ . ' . " ....

"" .... _." .

. , I :

Hats For Aut !There Will iManyT "Crowns To

By GAILE !lrG\! SEA Women's

New York - '\E.~' _ ed hats, towcri;lg c

I [i1)" feminine hat, fa, wenr make millinc,'\'

, fall. . This tailored Ir~nd '

, 5tems from the I""a,ti" '01 ready·to·wear, In ' ,means derbys,

fedoras, :"\'ol VOur i course. Th"se' arc ie,,; : stOns, softe~ed wit:l , 1 crowns and many , • trealme3ts.

The Garho inflllrnce In slouch hals ·t~ ilutllmn's Irench crown cloche.\ "r,rl

I floppy hats done in '0"


TO\~'crin~ crO\~:11, ar~

cone shapes and In '0'

\'~rslO~S, too, Thl,

I hig'l e(owns taKe_ in toqucs ilnd lurh"n, sian·inspired checla i,

, in this ~roup and I' d~'1 soft and stiff w'le;. .

The prolle hat. wi!~ pin~ brim, is deril/d o[ the 19305, There 1;' done in this same moo~ to one side to ma\.:~ Ih! a pretty face,

Fur hats a~rl fur,!ri are high on the fa'lic: faiL Most wan'cd fll'

i of course, with I ~ next in importanc~.

,1 I

Crossing: spending his I'aealion COCHRANE STREET W,:Il.S. with his parents, ~lr, and :'Irs, , The September meeting of the II!. Gray, 62 Freshwater Road. Afternoon Auxiliary of Coeh·

rane 51. W,:'I.S, was held in the I . : :'0.,) '"'--_. ,_ J

: be fur hats be"m~ : price tags a~ we~: a~ i ious mink, leopard.

chinrlll11a numher' Th~ fur look ha' BACK TO COLLEGE League Room on Sept. Bth, at I •

Richard Squires, son of :'[r, 3 p,m, : and ~[rs, Robcrt Squires, 3i I The worship service was con· I .,' . Topsail Ro"<I, rclurncd )'cslcr.! <lnctec\ h)' ~!rs, A. H. Finley I J1ats, this fan,· arc hl~h and towering, tailored or I'ery liny and feminine, It rial h)' T,eA to Bishops Col,: who toak for her theme "fet, I depcnds on th.c tlmeof ,day and the costllme. Deep dented ctoche (npper left) Ic~ School to rC'UInC his stllel, 10ll'ship lI'ilh GoJl"-"Gh'ing i hy Irene 01 :'Iirw York 1~ In walnul \'CIvet. rtacock l'rtOur~ hat (lIpper center) jd~ I ;u1(1 Shmn,:." : h)' waltrr Floretl has black satin tah al Ihe (ronl, rorers milch, or the hair,

, Thr ~ctin~ President, :'Irs. n. ' ~llliniatllre ~atln pillbo,x (IOrr ale nay (lIpprr rl~htl has cartrid~e plrat,d rrOwn, lISIT1:"ir. 'WRO;"iTO I Simms, ~;\\'r. ~ \'rr)' W;\l'm wrl': s ( ro,e trim, It s I)'plca n thr liny ~nrl Icmininr h;\t~ (or Pl'rnln~ \tInr, Whitr

Pr. ;\1111 ~!r'. ,I. 8, nehrrl" ('ome 10 ~lr5, C\lrli~, lI'i[€ o[ th~

lamp cone hat (lower left) by Salty "Ietor shows the influence of Mrs. Victor's recent \'islt 10 Rmsia. Shirred piltbox (lower center) in deep red has \'clvet cord trim, Il" a Hattie Carnc~le <Ic,ign. The Hll'et pil~h~x for I~~e d~l', (lowe" ri~htl \s ~ beautiful' hat bordered in white mink and lrlmmed \nth a Jeweled pink rosP. This is y Chan(1a, :vIai1j' of the fall hals hal'c been drsl~llr.'t to ,ke.rp cnmpany with ~cmiboll[!ai1t haintos. e I'hf)I.I)~rarhcri at Ho\r! Pierre. "ell 'r UI k,

i~bric to Ihe C\lrn: !.

'Ire m"~y pIU':l. and I'dour hill' In' f,;

l.ate day ~ats o~fc, r:.;, dOl'. Of lon, the s" ,re , l1;1.t, don~ in ::Ol~('nuc

'-;'I'. in. dcsi~n~d to nr,·c~.

:'iri o~ loop', ",or !

hOllf[o:11. hairnn l11a,\, all,jc\\'cl,ri h'" 101' and ~[SI ,Iohn'" Nr.\I[Olllllll.I1r1, new nlinister lie", L. A. D. H h Id ~rp ;\n\nn.: Ihe ~lIr51~ al Ihc, Curlis, ~Ir~, Curtis thallkcn ~!rs. ouse 0 Ii The

J:.Hk Plaz. 1I0tei this lIecK, I' Simms for I1cr kind II'clcomp, ',while \'i5itill~ Toronto, ,and saiC\ HoII' she had been a~' ·Hm' ' ts ,_ _ 'sociated with the 'work of the • • • • 01C pel'fume :r'. . VISITS rEI ho\c, ils name br~~~~

'I ~" , ' ''.. ' I W.;'!.S. since carll' childhood, ;o.,'ulmcal3 are 1m lisch' to' M P : tainer5 of rlWcrrn: ,! : ',)IISS ~Iarsha "lIansky, da\li:h' :'!rs, Simms gave a splendid: break if you drop the nUl< in W' co:or indieatj,l, ::" . ':'" ' "I introduction o[ the Study, Book boili1g w~ter for a fe\\' min~le5 ature arent Between Us omen kind of secnl \ro'rr


! I , ; , I

~, : . '

.1. I , ' , Ii: ,



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I :

'. for this year "Africa DIsturb, Ilcfore erac~ing open, i lacturer ha, a II 011 a·: •. I ed," mentioning" the eo.authors' I' lahle as thc\' afe i 10 mateh her hllsi),nd'!'

Dr. and Mr!, Ro!s who made a D 1 R ! '.' b 'her case the colo''':' 't I' .' HE :'!ATURE PAREriT to the table her mother said,' MES WOS'T SEED TO S~EAK T1c pOinled toe is ein~ rOllnd, I . '"

'special trip to Africa to wn e al y eClpe "\\'ho was l't dear? \Vas l't Joe? LAUGH AT :'IiEW fALL cd off-to gi"e the feet a chance' ma~e. a \lltle swell': this book. She also informpd U5 LIKE A POSY TAIL, YOU:'IiG ' looe', like f~et i1stead of nat arlc\lllon of ro;,.

. CAS LOSE THEIR He phoned YOIl this moning but i FASHIOSS --- -'-th2t the United Church has 211 FISH PATTIES I GRATITt:DE ,in ail the excitement I [orti0t to. ',110;11'. mi!;ionarics in An~ola, Includ'i 1 lb. cooked fish lei: YOll." I Today's bouquet of com, Fur trim, SO flattering to 11 lIorma! type, The

• ing 'liss '!lllicent Howse Bnd 1 2 e;:~s I Th TI. . I,hmo:li~ como, lInner tbe nop,d, \'.ltnl~n', i"I'r. i, h;1Ck in <lI':l' I". \l'i.'~ to tYnk 0' . ' • '[ d' 'hv ~1RS, ~It:R[EL LAWRE:oiCE cre lias a pall.'e, I,cn. [", h ' I h" r! ~!i;; Etta Sno\\' from :\e\\' Dun., 2 tb,ps, cream 1 ,,'c<lorrl"\' mornin" withal It jlln~ping I:P from the lallie, Dody mont of gil'in~ I:'r dO"il hi, nllc, I'a/,' Pill1

l'-,,"f\IC ilPt.y I'" '0" <lIC ii' i




CT'; .

d h 4' ,_ th ' . '. .' h' ~' h ~ •. l'llhfn the II aI' women looked in ohilrl, or lack of r'

, land, an as In "or ern· C, tsp, salt tolin, il:l,'One, 16,year,olrl Dod)' yellen "Goodr,e", 'Ioller, do When the fa, Ion ",,"no:'s a" ,

RI d

' I D' h of P - [ , ., ~ 'nl' tr On"/" :110111-"'0 alIt, l'c'ron,ible for Ih·, ' , 10 e31a. oS pe per. IIpnt c\oll'nloll'n to n healily par, \'1I1I 'no,'c to knoll' the names t II, In sac, Ilr";sr' n' "i,e ,e

Birthday o[ferin~s were zil" ,Flilke fish, Adrl cg~ hpatcn lor and han her po~y tail cut off. c,wyone who. calls me !o, -the skirts ~nd wobb:ing alon,g il\ £\'en h:>;r styles are soft and hel ior, en bl' :'[rs, A, ~Iarshall and ~!rs. ,\J~hll)', cream, salt and pepper. Then shorn pale and 100Kin" rcst of my hfe'" And ran UP'I shoes With needle th,n heci and nu[fy and designed to frilme the: They can also <i,,:d, , ~lix and shape in 8 sma!' flal " 0 I ' t d t the co'umns j Ilrote ~aee-mnki:1g girls and women II attitude towarrl Ih~:r H, Simms. ' • desperate, she came home to stairs, paIn c oes, ' , '. , I


cake. s, ',sl'nk 'Into a din~tte chair Rnd This typical aool~scent ~ha\,.1 i:l prolest hroll'; It In a ,a, of: look. pretty anc! feminine 01ce' and make sllre Ih,: :'r

F t f h 11'- daD I b Ih t 'I I mOl" ; "lers are conrice

n: n:

, o,r y' I ','e, ome v 5", An , .Ip n cr,um s, en egg. 0.1

moan, "Don't tell me it will ior .is \'cry tough on parenls, . I, "Amen' ctlcrs rom 1I'0men~, .

h t t d d h h 2 t bl n f al d So ',halik, to all Ire rlr,i~n0rs C:lt'.' arreclion, ,'011'

: OSpl al. VIS I S were recor e, II' I.e a espoo SOli ~I I grow agai1, Mother, LOOK, Like Dody, our. leen,a~~ child I ren cr.'. " " '

I' ·!"tale been. adc\ed' ~nd then, lsn't it ghastly? ~!r. Joseph I Will make,a, dCcis,:on o~ hiS own .. Apparcnlly lie ,~laOc ,01:1' fcJ, who this Y"ilr ha\'c nol only re' rliseipline, IOlc, ,II.; ,

Leiters ,\ere read from Mrs, crumbs agam, Saute In hot fat It' f[b II I '.' I" Then lerri[lcd he s made ami" Ill"S known-for Ibs a JO) [or a icnter! and permillcd women to \~"k of quarrelill~ n

,G A R' h d P 'd t f th ' ' ca s It a nu a lalruO, m, ' , . .. o· . - . I k II'k a en Iliit h-,' "0· h

. , lC ar s, reSl en 0 e I until well browned on both 51 d ()I; , • 'k"'t j' d 'lak" he begs Us for rea"urance woman to "0 shoPpln~ a,3In. 00' 'c II' m - " c ""c omc. 15t J h' P b t 'I d I h k I' [ h t Jusl SIC over I, ,'e rna e up,"' ." .", " ,n' .'11 It' e\'en further to mak~ it pClsi~lc tl the pel (,1 '

I ,on s res y ena an Pace eae ca e 0:1,. a s Ice a 0 '. m)' mind I J'1l5t can't ~o an)" I We, gil'e it t,o him, And for a, And tl1I<, fall no, ma", 11'1 lal'e., 0, ar n, ,

: from ~!rs, C. E, Neal, Llteratu~e toa~t and serve ~lth ,2 cups of. where or see n~l'one u;til it's tmef happy time, we [eel Ihe old i cOI'er hI; mol1t~ to Illde an ,no fol' w0111en to look tllcir prettie,: hapo,', af[ectioll,,:r t~

~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I ~s~ec~r~e~ta~r;y~O~f~th~e~~S~t~' ~J~O~hn~s : ,white sallce to which 1 CliP fl~e., "roll'n in again.'; ('Io,enes< 10 him. 11'(' Ihinl;, el'edlllo\l' smde when Ill' sees a and must femi ,i.l", and nOI pay Ion 1\1':::, : ,I' ('Iii celerl' and green pepper n tl t . 1ft I I "W',3l hal" I bel'n sad lor", 1I'01ll,,'n dresscd 13 Ihe Inle't, ,il"t 011(, furlher requbl of the I,) Ih(';. clIloliu"; , ,. as cnlil" 0 tOIl1 ur ler 11'1' ' " ,.' ,. 'I' '\' ' " I " I has been adeiL'd, IIIUlh~" ;]i;t "0', il', Ilul ,~had 'l'lli, l'ilild Hi'l tllrllS 10 Ille lor' f",hion, . ' ,"":.'''''> ' Ill\' l.Ial YI:U 'it' gl\,'t'n , t H'ir \,OU:I" C' ll .• :I':~

:-. , ., • I - •• : I ull II ., I 'I .1 lu " The dl'eSSts Oil' IJLo."~lled I,) II, 11:\,,1 II" "':11,1 "II', ,W;JPIIIC! lI'ilb 'Ihelll fir,,"', c.: 1'I'esli\'tl'l'i:li, ", Ihai, lJeal'. ACIIl(J,II', II, ,rtl'o I 't 11.1) \{ I.'t< .' " . , ",. " 'I' '. ,'1:'" ' II" I I' 1 '


. ".1' :" I,' u: ' ,.' TII~II lie ,a". "WIIl) ,,," thal,IJ,,',"gfultllth,,\(tllll'lllIll'I1I, IHlII,,H"h3I1e\l1 .1.,1< .11, Ilereh3go". 1:1 .• ;····

,\11'" ~iltllll; paill a ler)' fillt' '11111, l<'IOIII,ll o . .tt, oil )ttll, ',. ' l;" Y '" e,eli II'e 3";],n 1Jt)\\' aliulll klllll" II' will hp olll~I"":t 1"irlil';l,h alld luu.'I'11 Ih,' sel ,0 UII Ihe pllU'IP, Ih'ar:' .. - olld pl'tlly y011 ,tI(',. Oil (al., ,.',. ~,',. "I ", ,;' '

'tribute tu II". lak .\11'" I.e" U I I "1 ,,'," ir:<lI" , We"e\ luld "If "' tllou"h l"'llll ,111'1',,:1 11011'11, ur 1111.'" ~ll" 1.11·, 1)1<, ,UII" tllnll)1 Iu I 31.,0 h;lIe ;, 'I - "

II t , I 0 I I I 1"1 ,,'", Iklt it dUl':-.:\'1 UUt'l Jlh.t' ~ \ I~. n' r, ~ , .' (' , "11' LIlli 1'1" ,,'1,)11," 0'1 "1,,,'11 1,\.1 I ' "

rot ~t>, ~'I I,ll J.;-,:,I,;I a l.I. .~ I f 1 "I lie \\','1'" ~inJ ('I'UI'''" \11 'liid Ii" Iuur I,,", whde WP~I''''~ ,It'll., .,('. ' ", ' :III)III'e' 111 ,1:1.'

t I "II 11111 \"1' III' t)I'oci"" SI) Ihl') tlill. "III it lei' it ll',,; 0' 0 " '0 I I" "I' 1':I~"I' 10 'I)illl'"<' ,,'11'1 COlI'p 11t'1I'

L \l Illb 1t'!'!I 11,- !I.';)'- . 1 lJ I' , 'I I lieI" 1'III'it~ 111"11'1' The\' are a., eas\' a!H ('011\ 01," .' . o· " • '-' I W:lS ~ Yen' IOI;d Ullt!. d"lol,'t!' II III I,UII'I Will UI 1', ,1311' 'I'll' I, ,. ' " . -,-- ~---- - il1h:l.'n \\t'3knl',"'"

, " It hat! to udl1\il· 11I'I',,,if lilal Ill' rOur, hi, independence of d . lI~cll1,I~~r of tile, \\','1.S" 1/)'11\11; ~e~ shining CI'OP of CI11'I, gO,'f, liS U,'C3USe Ite', so fU,rioll' at hi" D J d 5 ' ~~~,~ ;~~e o~~lerhctl"'/ 637 1 he' Lord s My Shepherd If" , dependence on U3 1 he problem, t r or an ays ' , 1 \ '.. . h lfr ace a nell plquanc" . ' . ' I OC 0 ' I abdomen to p:o.rull II Not \ ant was sung In er In graleful relief, she kis~d always IS, ~e ,do~sn t know thiS.; ,:IP weakenen ,:)0' memory. .,' : ~er mother saying, "Il wa, the IlI5 seJftrust 1m t trong enough I lI'hclher ;llr~Ic.;


N' . . Again ",

N' Again

shoes 'With the look Y01l 7.C-'aJI t

" ' A prayer for. mlSSlonanes I ,W[ness, wasn't il: Oh, Mom, 10 know It. SO he IlI,ns on liS th: : nITI'lin" of the li!llr .il'\ "'ho 'I,ch ~ I'lip

lur; ,10'1'"

Simms brought the meetln~ to I Dllrin;! clillllor ~hc got ~ I~\e nrs~, QI!ALITlF:S ~F,f,n Klr-iJ1. c,~llIi:1C[1 [~r '~Inr pll,'c!r?l.hnulrl h€ p~rf0r"'I,. '

la.nd the BcnrulcilOn by ~!Ni'! 11'11"1 wOlild I do withoul )'011:", ril~e he feels at Ius own weak, rHIl.ll',~ F:',nTln\,,\1 held, hoI' hrp"th, ~IHI ,I1Q'llrl hi' I~~~:I, "no Ih< >:r ,!



· · , • • ,

a clo~e, I phone call. \"ilen she relllrnrrj - rr II'r riln SPP Ih,,! be\ ~Iiil' "'TIM H,'~OJ,T1\r. I'Ci'.:·~. IIJr prclqbiliti., ar- Ih~1 thr l(>('atlon, ,i7' "In , lI,int '-ollr 'Irpll~lil, not a~ h, c.' "':1 r"'r' of e11lot!onal r~rlnr.' IIlnrh h," 'ry ! u!e~- to hilt i~ hI., no',\', in,!Jr.d , Br EOWI:'Ii r . .lORn,,"', ~I, II, ~Ira.ln 111 chlldr':l ot a prrf°,':i': ~rl h,I' lh~ "'r~ro"

.' "

", Sizes" to 9Ail, B and D Witbds,

,~' '16.95 to $7.95 . ., •


giVe you more than I

Our Fall "Glamour Girls" !mart new faspion look at a moderate price. You also enjoy hugging fit and soft flexibliity. Choose from suede, kid, calf and patent leathers In the sea· son's newest colours, )!edium, illusion and lpike heels. I




,IT SEEMS .Tnis newspaper is ham t() present an· exclusive. HOME SEWING series that will internt the be- ' gi"ner or expert, The 12· part series will,givlI,many

. yaluable .tips and ideas on , pattern!, figurin; "sizes" me~ding, fabrics, •• in

,short, it's a short CO~rs8 ill hom. sewing L Don't 'minit! ' .

I TJ1is series' stli~ts Monc,lay, Septclllbcr ~ __________________ I " Daily ,News.


i ~dnto~cent way, it stops being SQ Writ In for 1\f,A Spn-Irr i tough, [ ,;mr~ct Ih"t ~mall rhildrrn , : are more ~1I,certiblr to oel'olol"


I I' in. nH,'OII' hahil' thon hlll11i111'

B B · f . hi'ln>=s ~t an)' olhrr ,,;:c. \\'h~n' , eauty ne 5' they no, Ibe ,itllalion i,' often : Iik€ly In be m~de worse bl' flo rllssi~g of the pare~t, a't' the

,Net crinolines often refuse to childrc~, I

keep their sta~chy crispness, Here are some examples:' Sometimes plastic.type 5tarches "My son is two ,"cars old and will'make them rU5tling fre5h loves to be outsid~. When I put n/!ain, However, many people him there by himself. he erie, rely on plain gclAtin, the kinrl and shouts, but stops the minule YOli . lI'e 10 mnke dc"erts, to' I go alit. Will it hurt him to makr their crinolincs ncw, To Ilea\'e, hIm .10. the }::g yard and re.stiffen il new crinolb. soflen Ilct hm1 cr) It Ollt. two or Ihree em'clopes of plain I ,In anolher letler, il. molher, ~elatin in half ~ CliP of cold '\rltC,s tli"t ,'Ie ha, il lillie :;'7' , water, Dicssoll'p in one quart 'o~ I year,o!n girl who lin' had 'pelt, 1

hoilin~ wilter. As soon as it is 1 of holdl?/! her hn'ath ~In~e ,he cool e:lough to Plit )'Ollr hands io,' 118S a ,ear olrl, It al1l8,s hap· work Ihe ~olulio~ throu~hl\' inlo pcn~ when she lall, or J:rts the net. Lei' the crinolin~ nrrr humped, She ha, Ihc,'c ,pc:l,

, nry ami, "' it dries, shape it on the a,'erage of onc ~very with. YOllr ~and.', bccall.,e 1'011 two wk~, cannot iron it. Then )'0:1'11 h'a"e th A similt~ leller come, bm a (1111 ilno crispy crinoline In ~i\'e : the mother of a '·yrar·olrl ~irl. that pretty flare to your skirl, ! U~llt the a~e of t~rcr, ,he wri,

I te~, the ~irl 11';]5 easy 10 deal A ba:lll<ma shollirl find just as Willi, hilt ~ow she finns the child

Important a pineo in your purse is terribly frustrated. SUCKs her or bt>ach bag as your lipstick, thumu and has a proulem wilh Tie it around your' head when food, The girl is al,o aggressi\'e h~ir has liad enollgh sun and I and sassy, her mother' says, I Wind, . Blondes who WJTIt the sun I Probably all mothers and' to lighten their hair' nalu~ally, ' ~~thel's will recognize from the,r

14th rn the I mily want.. ma:;imllm cxpo,ure,' Iypical leiters, expericn'ce~ aed,

j but they ~'louln usc carc-lo count· , 1I'0rl'ir.' they ha' e 'Ian wilh thr:r rraet drying effects, I own childrcn. With the possible

Stealing AHJSET bl'at~ stealing candy an)' da)'!

Even strong Ill!'n yield to the delieiou!

flavor o.f A YOSET WHIPPING, rhl':


8tcrilized '('~eam Ihat keeps for mOJllh~, )"hip~ whcn )-OU want it, .


8.IClIO~ LIIW uuo 3'1 !II 3000 ll!; 11

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3.00 Iw 1-'.5 1700 3D )0 I~OO \U Hl ;00 1..: l~

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:" There art , ,arne mood

, :,' mak~ Ihe'

:' :o:-:('nu~

',- 'ri Tn perch. . ~·1(. ~~op ~

';; ,rln, !hcr, , .. Irleri hall fill

'{''i •

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('I: :--n~ ...

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,- _\lr~ical 1:,1 ilrp ~h()\llrl

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"1'(h h~\P 10 ht 'r - j"-;:ft:'T'I

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I iL

DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'!. NFlD., ~~IOAY !!jtnMI!~" ,~S~

- • ana lao

:191'. - iii 1 + iii

Sffi -I n -t II -t





Guaranteed Investment Cer­ti!ic~tes issued for 1 year up to 5 yeal'1, in amounts of $100.00 and upwards. Deposit Accounts wit h 0 u t chequing privileges, with in­terest p aid on minimum monthly' balance.

1 Deposit Accounts with chequ-1/01 in, privile&es. with interest 1~210 paid on minimum quarterly

balance. .

Writ., Phone or Call today for your IUpply of Deposit-by-Mail envelope ..


Branch" Acr.n Canada


LUL~.IiVHlt )1111r1U ohl .\hJilll ~hUL on ~a~ Pttl .'1 til iatol N conI :-; SupHi.or S'Drlhell SC OU, ~co wi. PIC: JltU Pnmft pr "~trol Phllll" rlare Praln! au PrM Gu

I QlJ,on\o I It'D,~r I Rot'Y P' I ROYlllt. , ~.pph'.rt S.~p~ d,"'

I ~fcur Fret I Sout~ U 5t1n~ ell Suh 011 Tld.1 Tld.1 wt> Tri.d OU Un OIIJ Wlb'Jrnl W C<1n 00 We 00"\.0 . W D ... 11.o Windfall \'IIn Cit!!

Curh O.IMII,.\,

1 M~D' I " ('om,." I Imp

Royal TC'It·Dflm

,'hu'PIlat A'II. ~rl~ l' RI~'

, nlYC"O I Inlnd

Ser Sln J'.mblna s..mN0'11 \f.UI_r W.Huu Wuton 'R


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'Ir.COrT PL Alia 011 W.lIL GW

U P,1o DllbO\ll11 Pllet­IlynamlC \1. OIl>

-';T '::~OD ,'lE\~:; W<. 'IOU. . -!..~ S'=AR 'l WAS TELLI~' 'JJ .A.I'OU1,'!SE-T A'iRAP ::::;R HIM oN ,\\,'I PLACE­AND fN CRACK'llF 1. 1)1D~IT KE:TCf-\ f-lIM LAST /'I\GI-\I!1 PHoNED 1118 ;'00 PEOPLE- AND 1\iEY' CO,\\,1N'10 GET HIM­WANT A LOOK .41 t


• with






<;Tc:r\I;;: .. ~1 A60UT A TOUCH OF 1HAI B~MoY '{OJ 6ROUGf-l.T ALONG FoR ME:'DICINAL f'i.JRPOS:;:S -;; - HAK-K'AFF! -- SU~E:L.V MY


Mea.u.e Into ,lItor 2Ja c. IIIICl-lifIM .1I.p\ll~' flour or % c. onc .. 11fteti paltry lI,ur 1 I'p. Magic lIaklng 'ow", . 'A lip. lall

leat until tIIlc' and IIghl 3 eggl


ar e e ors

Again N'

Again N'



TO: CORNER BROOK AND ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND "MANCHESTER PIONEER" Sailing from: New York, Saint John, N.B., Holifox, N.S., ond St. John's Voyage 10 .... , .... 11th Sspt. 14th Sept. 17th Sept. 25fh Voyage 11 ... 0ct. 2nd Oct. 5th Oct. 8th Oct. 14th

Note Voyage 10 ves~el will call at Corner Brook prior to St. John's.

Vessels r~1I ~t N~"fllllnrlIA/lrl O\lIO(Jrl~ u [ndmempnl Offrr5, For Freiehl RltM nri other informaTioD cnntact


Gradually beat in 1 c. granulelM

.,$IV .. 1 I'll. llratell NO nl' rind % c. erans, lui.,

SlIt In dry u.gntdlenh, port ~. 01 a lime. fold IIgh~y. Tum f Into greased lelly roll pan , IIMd with greo,ed waud

paper. 'a~' al 375·, 15 min>. Sprinkle 1qwei with f.uit .uga •. Tum out hot ea~. en Ie_I. peol off papo., trim .dgel; .011 up

, .. low.!. Ceo\.

\ I

, Add ';" lip. vanilia or " rum flavoring. ~ hp.

grated oral"\ge rind, pre· pored fruih. coconut. Unroll cakl •• pllacl wilh filling; •• -,011. Chill "vo,al hoIJ" 0. overni~ht, Yilld:

Prepare y, c. drained , (aMId CTVSheci plMoppl ..

" 1,4 t. IaaSIeCI -", I • Ib.p. d!cpped maraschino I

en ... i ... SoftM 1 Yt Isp. gel­alin. ill 1 lillp • ..,. .. r; meh oyer hot wotor. Cool. bal y, pint whipping cream until thick; acid golalino;

~ beat until .tiff. Boal in 2 ~ " Ib.p •. g.anulated .ugar.

8 to 10 >Iieo._ For IIne,l

1Iftl"1l _UItS Ule Matlc. .

I: ' t t : . . (

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79c. lb. CATSUP

INSTANT ST ARLAC 19c, Bottle 32c. pkg.


12 Rolls for ME~T

$1.00 10c. Tin

'an end to· spin ..... . .··.Ir·.worn,heels .. ·witti~ .. ·.·ii. . " . " ., . - - . .

.'" -...... w ... _, .,... '" 'w , .---, ... , '.-"'-~"",'''''-'~ _Wf"'""..~ ..... t -AI' ,-.,,--.......-....-~-....... ' -~ .... ' .............. -"."-.w . __ ... '_A ..... _ .• _ ........ a_ .... _ .... ..... . -- .... ~ ,.- "'-"' ... ,-- ... ~ -,-

.-~-~",~,-,-... --~-.....-.., .. ----------.---"' .. -.. '~-.. ~' . .--_..., .... w,_ ........... __ ........ ,. .... _~ .... __ .. _ . ...w_), ..•.



COMMODE CHAIRS ..... · ...... · .. · ...... $5.95

PLAY PENS ..... : ........... "",, ........ $10.95


WINDOW GLASS, cut to size-Both 1 B oz. and 24 oz.

BREAKFAST SETS, 20 pieces, Only .. ·$4.S'O

PLUMBING REPAIRS PARTS Hard and Soft Copper and Fitting.

Electric Utilities \ \


Jackman & Greene . THE ISH




JIBe footed to top fashion" is the theme of the d~li9htful and modern Parker & Monroe Ltd., Shoe Store in your Hisher Levels


Now being featured is a whole new collection of shoe styles for every member of'the family, you can chose from such famous brand names as Enna Jettick, Heel Hugger i nd Glam­our Girl shoes for women. "K", Ritchie, John White and Bata shoes for men. Bat a and Savoge shoes for boys and girls of

all ages.

Visit this modern and up to date Parker & Monroe Store where qualified fitting is always assured.



'" OF BOYS~,. GIRLS, CHILDREN'S WEAR BOYS' SUITS with short pants, fully Ii ned with contrasting Wool Vest, White· Blouse and matcihng Bow Tie. This suit is machine washable nod, comes' in cOlours of,Navy with . Red Vest.' Sizes 2-4. Priced at only " .. $5.98

BOYS' SUITS with short pants- fuUylinedwith plaidVlIst and· White 8101.1se, with matching Bow Tie, in size 2-4.


, BOYS' . LINED. WIND· BREAKERS made of a drip and dry material, zipper closing, wool cuHs and collar, in colours of Brown, Navy and Charcoal. Sizes 8-f4. Only ....... ;"" ...... $3.98

GIRLS' 3,PIECE JODPHUR SET made of Corduroy, with fully lined Jacket and nursery design trim. Come' in sizes. 2, 3 and 3x. Red, Aquar and Powder Blue ........ $6.98

.. •. Bigger Savings'

•. Bigger Selection

At The •

Midtown Stores

CH'llO'S PLAID JACKETS, quilted lining, zipper c1osing,·.guaranteed fost colours, attached hpod, with Grey .Orlon Pelo trim. Comes in sizes 3-6x. Priced at only $5.98

GIRLS' 3-PIECE SUEDE JODPHUR SET, JACKET is fully lined, with zipper closing. In sizes 2, 3 and 4, in colours of Navy, Red and Brown ... , .. $8.98


GIRLS' BANLON PULL, OVER and CARDIGAN to match in col~urs of Red, White, Powder Blue and Pink', in sizes ·3 - 6x. Priced at· $3.98 and $4.98.

G I R L S' PtEATED SKIRTS with shoulder straps in assorted Plaids and Plain Wools in colours of Red, Royal Blue and Grey. Sizes 3 - 6x. ONLY ................ $1.98

For Cold Weather Driving








OAKLEY'S The'Midtown Stores








y NEWS,·;ST.-

a •

n:HEC ClTY-Th, died in Schefkn'

II, FLI\.-:-; here, September

negro children we

,S'e.·pt '. el .

. .






:'5 LTD.



a r World Events In Pictures .-


" < ',."'

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-~-I ' .

I.rll'\'E nor:K-Spl'cL,t()n lo()k ,It thr Chlll"~(, to ~hr l,oil']io", [OIl\;lillill'<: II,,' \\.;111'\ pril:tl,' orri,'(" ,Jt~r ~,"'!'" •

III hOlllh hla,t- h[,r[, lill<' Scpt"IIII)I'I' ~tli. 1111' ,'II' "I I"" "PI'lIill'~ "I till' [ill" (:1',',]' ,IIHI ,III"i",. Ili'.:h ~I'hl)"I" li,r 'ill,": I,\;',r" IH'('II,.,.ill~ 'lIilllllc, "1),'1'1, abo 1I1",LI'lI ;<" "lIll1 ill II", I"llk l\'l('h S<i((Jill nll,ad Imllclill~ ,11,,1 ,'!lrl\lt'ICd the

ill"1 ( (II) ,Till' 11<,(1) 01 (,1",·1)('(' l'II'II,i['I' \Iallril'<' Dllplr~'i, Ii[', ill slalr ill 1111' ()lIeblT I""ishllll,[, Till

'f, ,::r,:'" ~(I" Ikllllk, (2l1~" after a sl'Iics 01 ['L'n.bral heuwlTlw!;1'5, C t;1'1 Tclcphutc!

"lIici;d slation \lag"11 01 the ut)', hre Chid, :'su I)IlC \1,\, llpurlnl IllJulnl.

" .~' (, .

'. . "., ~f: .

. ' ,,,",' ,) ••. ', .: I •

• ;-~ ~ "t~~: .;.,' ~' ~ " .. \<,: v: ,~~>:t~\;' i i_<~~"~ ~:':1S0;~~(:,~\~fJi:, c lr§}':'r~-··"'~·- '""" : .. '.:, • ~'i,;,;;\'

11.\\11 F1 \ -'\e"ro \01 19 ,t .. f 1 1 . herr' ~,")I' ~.~ , n s ,~rs arc se~n arrlvmg. or c a~ses ~t t 1C prC\'lOllsIY,all.wliit!' Orc11ard Yilla EI<'mcntar:' Dr " I," n,I,( r Rth. marklll~ the first scrool mtegratlon III the State of J'lorida, At the same time, somc 1,,)

ATL:\:\TIC (In', \,,],-Crllltclt;lllts in this \'car's \Iiss .\l1lcrica COlltcst, all 5t of them. pose together at pool side

here, Septcmber 8th. Abo on hand is the hostcss, :-'liss Atlantic City. gro lillimcll wcre admitted to a school at nearby Homestead Air Force Base.



p /}.. '( ~i.~1

C~N'Ji.N\i.N1 'E~t-I-·S

Reg. TOTAL September SPECIAL


$429. $289.








Save $140.








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GOOD SA \'E:-Cy ~lcGettigon, SI. Bon's )1,olllic, far ri!:ht, goes down to grab the ball from the fool of Crus­ader centl'r Jim Jackman in last night's Junior footlmll game. The encounter finished in a 2-2 ~no contest". Others in on the action arc, left to right, Da\e Spurrell, ))erm :\'I'Gettigan, Pat Whelan and DOD Crlll1e of St.

Bon's, and Jim Jackman and Bill !l\el·i!Ie of Holy Cros~·-Cnpitol Photo Sen·ire. "

East End Bakery-% 1 Royal Blnk-l G. Furlong 14~ 235 280 660, G, Russell 148 lsg 223 540

Commercial Bowling C, Hynes 201 184 173 5bB I P. Carew 157 171 166 494 P. Hollowa)' 152 199 173 524 A. O'Leary 160 173 162 495

LAST NHiHT'S G'\~IES l:oloninl COl'dn~e-2

A. Joy 192 275 238 70S C Birmingham 131 233 223 587 : 690 893 864 H47 596 746 774 2116

J, Dooley. Sr. 262 223 255 740' Section (A) ~l. .'Icallus 191 188 237 61G D,ominion Machlnery-1

Rnyal Garage-3 J, D(loley. Jr. 201 182 155 538 R. Hurley 129 167 142 433' Standard I\Hg.-3 J. Ryan. 170 227 207 613. T. "'alsh 2"6 2"4 187 667 J. Taylor 176 188 309 673 D. Rideout 193 235 135 ~~~, J. Battcock 167 118 196 481 O~O 8i7 834 2GBI C. )Iallard 197 201 217 615 C. Richards 159 167 176 H. Norris 203 ~.j3 lH 5BU I " I 0'( 1 ~1. Healey 282 222 163 657 I G. Raynes 198 284 231 713 C. ~Irrcer 1~0 159 ~li5 57'; mperr.1 1- "84 768 831 2383 'L DeLaccy 308 256 135 699

J. O'Brien 204 188 285 677 / . 699 i47 802 2248 C. Dominv 202 108 180 540 I 858 942 677 2477 EHnln~ Telegram-O F. i'lichoils 245 IB5 163 593 Royal Bel'eragcs-2 i A. stanley & Sons-O

J. ~Iurph)' 155 177 175 ~Oi T. Cail1es ' IGI 221 252 637 ~. Pel1nell 204 224 234 602 . (Ddault). G. Simmons 81 10~ 180 Jli3 Bl~ 755 880 2H~ . F. Plrco 157 lA2 124 473 ~{, Finn 219 158 217 59'; T. Ryan ~15 204 304 723 J. Ryall 239 197 lA2 6~d 1 W, l\'cy 143 250 236 629

694 634 764 20!12 . Hennclt Brell'er)·-Z I 719 870 8~8 2487 • J, While 207 275 219 701: T. ~lc)lufllo-1

Parker .4; Monroe-3 L. Hanlon 202 253 149 60.! ~l. Lewis 183 139 Inn 5121 J BIrmingham 252 230 184 666 G, ~lcKa)' 244 183 158 585: R. Spun'ell 223 142 128 4A~ 1. Sullivan IB2 203 2B2 li67. G. Wadden 262 216 197 67~' R. Spurrell 160 172 13A 471: G. Hoillhan 1~5 239 181 615: g15 927 723 2565 )\, Dawe 106 259 llO 574

. M. Hall 149 22A 183 561 I Fllrnm Wllhy-1 I· 762 712 576 2050

778 901 830 2509 .1. Bn~gs 171 154 155 480 I • -E. F.Barn_O .l;. McDonald 168 176 207 551· :'lind. T. & E. Co.-2 C. M~rcer 18B 221 168 5i5· J. Young 160 233 195 588 W. Pippy 136 231 174 541, P. Brophy 193 259 242 694! M. Bill.rd 184 174 219 577 I G. Pippy 167176 198 541 R, SqUIres I'll 182 171 4114: 683737 776 2196: G, Wadland 135 178 178 401 A. Holloway 133 813 755 2223 R. Johnston 151 229 185 545

655 813 755 2223 . 589 814 715 2118, Section (B) ~lcDonBld's W. D.-l I

Bale OrdnancP-3 ,Ro~·al Stores-2 A. Donnelly 145 131 146 422:

TO."'lGHT'S G'\~IES Section (A)

7.1;>-Pepp. CommissJr)' '·5'1 Commercial Cables . AIO vs Light & Power, I

8.15-Haf\·py & CO, I'S T. ;\, 1


1':\<' I'S Ayre & SOliS. i 9,3C1--Brook!idd 1'5 CPO.

.\. B, ~Iitrhcll & Son 1'5 Colonial Cordage.

Serlion ·(B) 7.l~-O'Kedc·s Grocery 1'5.

Electric lltiiities. Hickman Molors I'S. I

Delphis Cote. 8.15-T. & ~1. Winter I'S ;-.'[Jd.

Arm. Works.

H.Butlt!r 243 US 199 690. D. Fifher 151 183 182 526 A. Whalen 109 159 230 49B I.: )1. t)owney 2111 240 244 775: D. While 1M 169 263 586 B. Verge 1511 226 189 574

!. F. Perlin V6, Brown· ing·Harvey.

9.3C1--G, E. Oil V6 C. A, Hub· i o::--;.::A. 'Smith 194 205 208 607, L. Blundon 184 23U 162 ~76: R. Emberley 156 181 169 497

,! :'< ·W. Oakley 217 284 291 7~21' O. Taylor 140 1~3 226 519 569 697 72~ 1991 945 977 9~2 2A~4 639 735 833 2207

Ayre'l 1i"p~rIl1,"':,et-O ,Dally ~e\l',-l . London, Sew York-2

ley. MaeDonalrl's Drug5 V£,

Coionial Garage.

.;. 'C. Reells 240 164 186 590 P. "'indsor 158 1M 217 529 T. Byrne 120 220 198 538 ~: ·t. KearJe~ 168 152202 520 F. Coaely 204 157 188 M9 :T. Hollihan 190302216 708 ' r-;OTE:-Schedule of next

week" games "Ill appear In Saturday's ISlue.

~' A. +.ndre\\'& 118 197 133 4~8 J. Antle 205 142 162 !il0 G. Newport 157 IBR 170 49~ C. WlIliRml 238 201 196 RH C. i'loltall 22~ 227 112 564 ~1. Burt 111~ 226 141 562


762 714 717 2193; 793 680 679 2152 662 916 725 2303









OUR OWN Bread has been chosen "Best by Taste Test"

OUR OWN Bread has led the field fresh-ness

OU.R OWN Bread has been accepted by Nfld • housewives as the top quality Bread


Senior Baseball Final Statist' FEILDIANS


T. Chapman 19 82 C. Ince ."""" 9 11 D, Hall """" 11 W E. Woolgar .... 11 20 D. Woolgar .... 3 4 D. SquIres ..... 18 74 B. Martin 18 7i F. Knight "".. 8 14 B, Davis 8 24 F. Vallis ....... 8 2~ R. Ploughman 11 311 H. Cole 18 60 B. Wheeler ... ,. 12 20 R. Grimes ...... 5 ~ R. Cook ........ 18 57 H. Simpson 15 5~ R. Spurrell ..... 13 30 D. Quinlon 5 8 D. HDllett "".. 7 11 It Hyan 2 2 G. C;I1,hur 2 1 R. Grcelling 1 1

12 29 B 3 3 1 7 5 2 5

1 11 18 5 13 16 2 2 3 252 3 6

13 8 1 12 12 3 4 4 1 1

12 11 15 8 9 4

1 3 1 ..

2 5 3


1 3 o 10


1 3

1 7

I 5 4


7 12 1 4

135 1 1 4

7 HI 1 2 11 112 115

4 5 188 1 14 10

4 6 :I 1

13 7 1 5 16 3 2 5

2 5 7 3

1 1 1

1 14.3M 1 .273 2 .2.50

. 3 .250 2 .. .250

13 .243 1 13 .216

2 .214 1 2 .208

.207 2 3 .205 2 12 .200

3 .200 2 .200 7 .193

1 2 .148 1 4 .133


. (Ill I


.0110 .000 .ono


.524 46 51 13 .364 4 1 3 ..250 , 12 2 .250 2 .250 " .351 116 .243 124 .214 8 .292 57

6 1

21 14 2

.207 13 2

.231 10 17

.28.1 32 1

.200 1 26

.200 4 3

.193 3~ 45

.148 17

.13~ 10 3

.125 I ,ORI 5 2 .OGll .OO~

. (J{j()

.000 2

I 4 2 2 2

A \\. oolgar. . . 2 1 -------------------- ---- ---19 641 1 24 141 22

11 85 132 10 84 .2~1 .2; I 439 21)7 So ;~

Pitching Record Innings

Nlme Wen Lost Pel. Pitched 11.5 ER liRA Hill Walk, 50 HI

R. Ploughman .,., ..... . D. Hall ... ,,, .. ,, ...... . E. Wheeler .......•.... E. W [)()lgar ...........•. D, Wool gar ............ .. F. Knight .............. . C. lnce ..... , ....•.••...

Team totals ...... ,.

1 0 1000 6 4 2 3.00 4 1 ,BO() 511.3 32 22 3.83 5 2 .714 61 41 33 4.87 2 2 .500 23 22 18 7.04 1 1 .500 10~ 12 9 7.84 o 0 .000 6 4 1 1.50 o 0 .000 4~ 4 3 5.78 -------_.--------

13 6 ,684 163 119 88 4.86


!\ 41 55 15 5 4 5


8 4 33 4{l

27 2lI 25 10 14 111 ~ 3 3 4

ll5 108


1\, Sparrow -4 14 \\'. Casey 12 37 \\'. Gillies 18 64 T. Gillies 1~ 80 C. Arns 18 ~O T. ~lanning .... 19 87 E, Browne ...... 17 63 R. Buller 1 4 R Redmond ... 19 87 D. Comrrford .. ' 13 45 R. l.ine~ar ...... 5 10 D. H)'an II 40 .T. Power 8 21 \\. lIogan ...... 6 21 p, Bryant 8 25 J. C.amberg ..... 3 7 E Quigley .".. 2 4 J. Kal'anagh ".. 2 1

6 6 IB 15 13 ~o 19 24 13 2~ 22 2:1 14 16 o 1

15 19 5 II 3 2 5 7 7 3 6 3 2 3 1 0

2 2 5 4 5 1



1 1 7

1 2 2 2 5

1 1 I 1 1 10

1 1

1 3

1 3 2




3 13 5 21 13 10 11 5 ~

7 9 16 14

3 R 7 13 1 1 6 12 6 :1 7 6 8 5

:1 2 2


1 3 .429 4 7 .405 1 20 .313 4 II .300

t4 .300 4 10 .264 1 11 .254

. 2 ,250 21 .218 2 .200 2 .200 6 .175

1 3 .143 4 .130 1 .120

1 .000 .000 .000

.643 3 0 1 .595 18 2 4 Afl9 24 17 2 .438 23 1 .\ .413 105 1.1 R .3iA 30 4~ R .317 148 4 ~ .250 a 2 0 .259 4Q 43 2:1 ,200 ]2 22 -; .200 14 1 :l .175 6 17 ~ . HID I 15 4 .130 8 0 I .120 59 P 2 .000 1 2 .000 2 .000

Team Totlls 19 692 149 175 24 3 )() 35 4 11~ .115 17 117 .253

Nlms F. Quiglp)' " ...... , ... . R Buller ............. . D. Ryan " ............ . ,1 pJ\'-'er ' .........•• , ..

Won LOlt 1 0 1 0 ~ ~

2 -4

Pel. 1.000 1.000


.333 .000

Pi1ching Record Inningl Pitched

12 7'-1

84'~ 541~


RS ER 9 3 5 2

47 2~ 4Q 2B S 2

ERA ~.2S 2.39 2.67 3.64 2,08

HIli 11 4

M! 49


Wllk' 50 HB

8 10 D 7 3 0

50 83 4 2l! 42 2 2 e 1

J. GamlJerg ........... . o 1 ----------------- ----- -- . -95 144 7

Team totals ....... . " 10 .474 167 115 60 3.23 131



47 Ie 1 2 B. Mallnder 16 sa

P. Hurley ...... 16 52 P. Leonard .. :.. 19 71 W. Robson ...... 19 64 R. Short ........ 15 55 G. Breen 1B 58 J. Withers 18 58 P. Banon 14 33 C. Wahh I~ 34 :'II. \lallin 15 4:1 J. t;lIlll\er 4 l~ \\" \l'\\I'll 11 IA F. \o!all !I 14 L FIt'lIillig 6 It .1 ('illl'\' H II D I":I/~l'r,lid 2 6 11. J\icll.\' 4 3 R. SII·idl· 1 1 W. Wil~ol1 ..... · 4 8

Team Totals 19 621


E, Fleming ......•.•..... :\1. 1I1artin ........ , ..... J. Carey .......•.•....•


21 25 5 1 11 17 1 17 20 5 17 16 1 11 2 11 13 1

9 12 2 1 15 11 6 6 6 5 2

12 6 1 2 2


1 1 1 2 1 5 I I 3 4


2 g 5 2 B 7 3 13 10 1 15 11

16 12 1 16 8 4 18 5 158

8 10 I ~ 10

.) 4


3 2 . 1

--~---------- ----- ------. 621 132 133 17 ~ 22 14 142 116

Pitching Record Inningl

WOr! LOlt Pet. Pitched

o U)QO

2 .667 3 .500 5 .167

24'~ 50 352~

Wi. 8


28 28 31 46



HI, 17 !7 an



1 2 2 I 1 1

10 .379 4 .327

16 .282 24 .2~0

.500 37

.346 35

.352 24

.391 127

.255 134 .274 35 .190 20 .IB2 12

1 ~ 6 6



7n3 3.06 j()7

5.66 900

7 .236 10 .207

2 .1~O 6 .lB2 3 .1 ~7 5 .1 :19

2 3 14 16 4~


.206 .~lI!l

. I :1:1

10 10 4 3~ II

2 2

2 IIIHI .IIUIl 14.; .lill'l .1I01l ~ .(l11l1 uuo ~ .01111 lJOIJ l J U

.(JlIII ll()() III

.111") .11110 1 .UDO .000 ,UOII ,000 2

S9 .214 .267 491 166 ~7

Hih Wllkl so

28 111 27 41 34:IJ 44 16 2.0 51 32 :IJ

II 4 7 W. :\eweJl . R. Stride ... , .......... . o .0110

141 100 5.50 104 104 120

1 ~

3 1 o --------------- - -- --------- ---

Team totals ........


Harrison .. ,..... 2 21 T. Thomas 14 58 Smedley ........ 8 18 Poncho ......... 6 11 R. White ,...... 12 37 B. Dowling .... 14 37 J. Underwood .. 14 50 R. Richetls ..... 2 4 Mays ........... 9 13 B. Adams ....... 15 48 Wimer.... ...... 4 5 J. Moore ....... 15 56 L. LeCroy ...... 15 52 B. Thormon ..•. 14 34 J. Bender ...... 13 37 T. Adams ...... 14 18 Guest "........ 4 5 LeBlanc ........ 4 5

9 10


1 1 14 17 1. 5 ... 3 9 10

12 10 11 ,13

1 3

10 11 1 1 5 11 9 10 6 5 1 5 1 2 1



1 8

1 1 1 3 1


3 1


2 1


1 ..


7 9 6

1 1 1

1 1


... 1 2 5 1

15 1 1 5

15 1 2

8 1 5 5

5 1 1


2 14 4 4 5 7

14 2 4

17 2

13 16 10 II 9 3 3

Jackson ........ 3 4 Mahalak ........ 4 4 1



1 1


1 2 .333 .667 7 .293 .500 1 .278 .444

35 ~ 12 2 2

4 .273 .364 1 3 .270 .297 10 7 .270 .459 37 4 .260 .320 109 1 .2S0 .500 2

.231 .231 4 8 .229 .3B8 17

2 12 9 21 7 12 10 1 I

2 2 5 .,

1 .~on .ZOO 1 6 .1% .250 16 21 9 2 .1nz .212 lOR .. 10 2 .14R .I~B 15' 4 1 4 .I~~ ,24~ 2~ 1 1 .111 .111 2 P

.00[1 .noo 5 .. .000 .000

.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 '.000 2 .000 .000

I 5

53 .213 .304 338 138 78

Rek{)pf ......... 4 3 1 .. 1 1 Lovell ......•... 1 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

Team Totals ., 15 503 83 108 22 1 7 35 10 73 143

Wimer ....•............ T. Adams ......•.. ······ Smedley ." ............• B .. nowlinl ... : ........ Mays ...............•....

Team totals ....... .

Won LOll

1 0 3 4 1 4 o 1 o 1

5 10

Pitching Record Innlnlll

Pet. Pitdltd

1.ODO 13'3 .429 46'" 2.00 4g:s .0110 191,3

. 000


10 ~ 4B 13

4 .


~ 27 25 12 4

ERA Hits Wilk, 50

1.97 5,21 4.53 5.58 6.00

12 47 48 19


4 8 0 34 55 ~ 48 57 10 15 .18 3 3 0 0

- --_._-----------------127 104 13B 11

.333 129 1• 125 71 4.94

IV Cross carne '3 2·0 St. Bon's'

to a 2·2 deadlock c game of the all seml·f inal; at

Athletle Grounds The tic left the

unchanged. Last was declared a

.. and the Cr lead the best of

scmies one

winner of the will clash with

league flnnls also be a best of

series. night Tony

ed St. Bon's wi early in th

a pair of I,el'm~," 3!ld Au in three minutes

and ncar the ha had it 2·2. ~

countered in the for a tied game. , work of both - game was exlr Tohin. thc Crusad er. haci St. Bon',

shots at him 01-

lle blocked hard Ton v 1Iiallni e K'al'anagh in

minutes o[ the best saves al th

~[cGettigan. rights [or st. in a star nMrn'~ igan was

and most or from close in, n"

stop on Jim .Jac robhed the ball

o[ the Crusader e second half. Bon's opened

a penalty was nabhed

9 of the first

Ilning wa~ bit I

two for St. The tally eam

scoring effort \\ right ~laurice h '-ng the ball dec


Pike, who times in the f

semi·finals, on the

Bill 1\ eville pass acroSS the mouth with Pi

Again N'

Agai N'





51 13 1 3

l~ Z 6

1 :1 4 :4 2 : 2

110 I

17 2 2

, -, ,

.' .\

!I 4 ~

3 Ii

- -,~ [,.3




1 2 4 o 4 o o



:' ~ 1- -.'i 8 I n R f.: 4 4

I : 0 p 4~ 2.l i' r j

! ~ ~ ~

:~ 4 ~ ~ 1 a P :l

141 I~

11 SS 17 :n 3'1 :12 10 &I I. 11 I I

50 HI

'~ J :I 0 ~ 4 42 2 ~ 1

It A. I

35 n 10 1 2 1 5 II 15 2 J

14 111 :?,,1 43 6 i: 10 5

" 4 e 11 2

14 3 ~ J

~ 1 \0

50 1-41

27 II ~ S 20 0 33 J 7 ' 0

120 I

~ II •

I 35 JII 12

2 2 1 2

10 12 • 37 21 7

2 4

17 J

12 10 1 1

2 2 2

~ r.; 24 9

, . -'


j 10 1 2 1 1

4 1 II


338 138 78

50 HI

8 55 57 18 o


I ' :

1 '::

'll i , .:




The Same \ '" ,,,11"'"'''''''' "m", , Y wam~:nng.".ces -ii: onc clse may br. ablc to do' :, .

. " ,,"I1" 11'0111 hc,! ~~~ .. rF':~\ Tony ~!anning tame clo.'c' bcller," Ank Murphy told Ihe The Aclil'Onuatk, pounded .:~i\'lll~ ~:jllircs ['" :',""Cr. ,So the Adirondacks need only ,.;1 I:', ~'I;'~I 111111\ Icnd lu' If: ' ,":., '.';1~~\- [or st. Bon's, 'He had a good' Dally Newl last night. ~Iur. I alit a 20·7 win ol'er the Acc;1 A pair of cir"l;[ bla;I.' 11) ;onc ;IW'e l'ict:Jry to be crown· ,i';;

Bon's-Holy i~Finals Remain

I .. I' • :~ c1('~c1I'IH'k 111 Ihcl.1 r'." .' "'".; Plass from Betrn "!cGuire nip phy, onc of the top executive illa,stillight flO take a 3·1 Ifeadlhin l't\hVisClman antdh RedfWtithtcr, gave' cdh 1959 sC;llior spoO!t~I,abllle Icafl'~nuael "J

, .,mc "I I H' JUIlII1

t Ie post as I went back and members o[ any sport league t Ie lest a seven series or e e oscrs ell' Irs 11'0 runs camps. • e '" ,'. ::"rl

l".'_IIJ:.!II1"I; "I Ihc i I, up at the other end of thc in St. ,John's. said last night I senior softball league champion-! in the third. :,iimc will be [ll,~)'ed on ~un-.: "I

. '\111:nl,' (;r"llIlCl, last I ~'. field goalie :\lcGettlgan !cAP~d that he will not he standing ship, A twelve hit attack com·! The Adirollda~ks struck fur J:lY afternoonwltn starling time

. TIIC III' :('11 IIIC .scm,I" ! down to take the ball off thc ! fol' rc,e!ection as president 0[, i bined with eralic pitching by: six extra rUlls in the fOllrth 011, 51alcd for 2.30 p,m, . ') '. lIil,'I:,n:

rel. I,H,t Illg~~t S L toe of Jim Jackman, as the the SI. John's Amateur Dase·' i two Aces' pi\chers gave the Ithree .hilS and three '.'alks plus I If the Aces win on Sund:lY ",:

":," ""' eleclared a 110 game finished 2.2 and \l'asi ball League next season, . Adl~ondacks th~ one,slded Vlc'I Don Lawlor's homer, They allo Ithen

the Sixth game WIll be ,.l, "nel lill' Cl'lIS:I(\I'rs "no contest." "We've had great baseball tory, Itallid a single run in the fi£th played on ~Ionday. . ··i

· ".1 tllc 'le'\ o[ thrrc Both squads played geod this summer," Murphy con' The winnin team added four' on a walk and two hits. The Joe Dowden, the Adironuac:;s ,C.';l'nJll" cnc \\'ill to I I football for the game, The tinued, "but very few tans, homers to scorc thirteen runs iever [a tal walk was the cause of ,fiery batlerJ ma:efor Don .i'

, aclion was fast with plenty exce~t for the finals, You can. on the long ball. I the winners' final pair of runs: Lawlor, continucd to be the' W

II :!,nc:' ('I I Ill' scml. [ of nice, short passes anel good not expect a store to remain Lloyd Kelly and ~!ick Squires. as they put together tll'O hi!.i hitter in the Playoffs as h~ ::' ',I'::: (,:);11 with (~U'I'HcI,s I "",' de[cnslve plays, With no open 11 months just for the both had a grand slam homer i and Iwo walks to score tneir' knockcd out two hits in the

'.,' ,r"~l1l' till":; II' lIC 1 I wind and A perfect [ootball Christmas trade and iI's the I cath in a big sccoud inlling ur·· nineleenth and twelltn~' rUlls. same lIumber of trips 10 t:1r :':' "',:;" bl' a l1l';t ~f thr.ce II r' night the teams locked horns same with baseball. Some· '. risin" Don Lawlor and Ilill The Aces scorer! two runs in plate. In the Playoffs, so b', .:

, ,e::l" : ." 1 in a fine displa)' of soccer. thing will have to be done," I 'i Han~'ord also homered for Ihe Ithe sixlh on .Ioe QOllllan's' he has elevell hits ill twen:y-;: I;\:~': TII."I m:lI1111ng i I Tony :\Iannlng played well Baseball returned to SI. i . winners,Jim Wisemall, Ra~" duuble following a hIt baUer two appearances at the plale :,!rd ~I 11"11 __ wilh il.2'0, I. I besides scoring two goals for ,John's in ,1947, That year; Wilhers anrl Geo, Crewe hiland a single by \\'iseman, (;co. for an e\'cII .500 arerage. Hc I.

a''':'' l'":-:\' III the [Irst, ';",,,, .,,",;"~,;_... \ Sl. Bon's to be the first star Ank played wilh St, Pat's and : [our baggers for Ihe Aces, :Crewe slIpplied the Accs olhrral"o hit [001' homers. , 'bu: , ,'.11:' 01 111arkrrs b)' 1 o[ the cncounter, Second star was I'ice,president of the. I In the top hat[ of Ihe first rUII5 with a two 1".In homer in Aces: AB R HE":

k::)[,n "".1 _\II IJi'C\' Pik'-, TONY MANNING ,was Ed Shap\er, Crusader league with Harve)' Thomas, ANK MURPHY : the Adirondacks slarted off with Inc sCI'enlh, O. Hong, 2b, P 3 I 0 0 ,1'1 \ 1 ::"cc 1'o'_"Ull'; 0f ral"l " ~enterhalf. who gave a [inC as the presidcnt. In '4B he, a bong. Afler ~Iick Squires had On'i1le liol1g ,tartce! UI1 Ih,· .I. \I'i,rman, If 4 2 2 I "

., '1rl:r.I

'. :llC 11~lt timc in 10 hcad tllC lc~thcr mtn the two.way pcrlormanre, Pat. moved Inlo the president's job the leagUe has put a finc ball walked Bill Han~fol'd slammed hill for the Aces but IJslee!.I. Q:'iI1IJn. 3h 4 0 1 0 ';,';:',.;1 :: ~ ~ \0 ~oal, "eoring area at 2J.l6 for a 2·1 I Whclan, SI. Bon's fullback! and has becn therc ever since' park in Ihc City it appears. a Iwo run homer for a 2-0 first' only one and one-third llln;_:~g,. R. \I'ithers, rf 4 1 1 0 ~", ".,,.:l' ,'il :Il iht' ,CCOllrl game, . <Inri Jack Philpott, on the Under president :'II Ul'phY that the City docs not want inning Icad, Or\'ille had control trodble as G. \IOlTis. SIll 1 U , ,

. I C.I' ,Jackman got lIle ~ual I C I lfl' I't III I 1 . f' t 2 () I I,,: ; : Cd ::,11 l'. " 110 y, ross 1a l11e, sp I C the City Ball Park las beeome it. if \\c arc to continuc hilV·· Thcy went Oil, front 11-0 in he walke, six batters wllh :'1111' C; Cre·,\c. c ~ , , . ' . tl 'alics that tied thl' fixture less Ihan . I t' 'I h ',I 0 ' -•. 1.', ,,: "" 1_0, ' third st"r se cc IOn, ' thc best this SIde o[ ;'Iontrea .. ill~_ bascball the support will the second with nil1e runs o[ them e\ ('ntuall\' ,corill~. n. )Torris, 1 . c 11 • , . I

· I 0 I thrce mimlles iater. Pike B I I' ' , 1 11·') ... "~r :.;, .. ,' .1.1' C\ ":I _,"" ncfercc: Doug rOII'ne, Ovcr S120,000 wort 1 o[ im' have I.u improl'e," ,rrll;sing the pla:e, Frcc Pil,Sl', \Jellill Hong ca!llp nil In rclid \1. F()Il~. ~IJ.}J ,J ""

'. T'O"", ' .... l' ('l'lI,'~"CI' n'.'l- q:lrtl'ri the play wllcn he in·' r' cn JI'm Browne and, t h I ben R~(IMI t \1 IS' f' II . . 'I I I t I I~ 1 T \'rll'"1 c II (I 1\ II 1.1

." . ,Illc,m : prol'emen a 'C ,n u,. I'rp,Stll'n o[ busincs.< nlso ", urp I~', qlmcs, a Ie {cr.' HI ,Ie sec 011{ J{j I" COli "n, ", ' I , 11nl", lil'l!l~ tCI'l'eplcc! a St. BOIl's deal"" 'I P'k 1 I 1 [ illtl ' t • fl f ,- I' I;. 'k'f[' 1 I 1 0 ',I (I :. , 131 I I C, :In( tIC ae cs a:'e .Iu, Ilronl11tcd tile dn"isl'on of I choice anc! :lnolher \\':111: 10 stcm thc 0\1' 0 .\',J'·"IC a~: S'I 1I1g 011. i' \ - I

"." 01 l'l' Ihc ing P:l,S anll 1l10\'crl thc ball. LINEUPS " ' 'd II" II . tl I II' II 0 ' ,.0'0 " , • • . about perfec!. BeSl ~s ,IC . ~!ul"I)II.\' not to stand [or rc. (;I,'nn seorcd Ihcir first run he· as he ~:"C liP Ihirtcel, run, nn \latlll['\\5.) I ,!: . .., . ',"'(1 (tl'I\'''' :!heac! to ,Tim ,Taekm"ll, JIIn I k tl ri' ~ . \"1 f . 1" ".', - -, ' '·1.' lit ' ." ,,'I: ." • S'f "O"'S' Goal C.\' :\lc:', usus \\'01" on lC lalTIOn" "Iel'tl'(lll, ".'\nd I'll 11,'1'", n101'0 fnrn Kcll\.' 'llastcd his ~r.lI;d tC11 hIls 11',,1 e ree 11dSSIIl~ SIX "I",,: (. ~ ..

\1 ,,' :lIHI slippcd the h;rll betwecn the " lJ .,. , I k I I d • " ,c .. ", T .. ' '. .1'.',1,,1,_, Gctligan: fullbacks, Don I alld outfield t Ie Pill' IRS la : lime wilh In,' family," h~ said. slam e!rlVP for a i-O adran'"gc hol:ers. .\diroll,l<lo:,< r "11.;,,,::1 III thc ci," two st. BOIl's fulll1acks where. Cranc, Pat Whelan: halvcs,: a $20,000 fence, 540.000 IlghU;,' "l[ therc i' an\,thin~ I "all Hayward "nd lJolI'rlell sill.~I<'d Don L.1\\'lor ~"t ncdlt of the ~I Squire" III

, .1 4 I [) .'::

" 'I ':11'1 for l'y W:lS frec anc! Ihe goal' 20' ~ • I I[ " ", ii', "I ,Ir _, ,l' . Davc SllUl'rcll. non 1IlcCarthy, • 515,000 grandstand Rnd S .. : CI'e!' rio [ai' haseball Of course with :'Iurph\,· willkin~_ to fill Ihc mound m,tor) as hc ~a\'e till' 1\. H'llIslor', .J 2 2 U 'I I; I

, . 11"1 I . came 011 all easy lap to the . ' ':-:II'("\,:,~ :'~n 1\~\\~~c·ll. rol'llCI' ilt 28.04 to have It 2.2. ~Iel'ml :\rcK'Gettiga:h; nforIlK'aerldIVs" 000 permanent dresslllg rooms I'll be only 100 willing." ,s:tl'~s [allowed hy SquiHs b",\e5 Aces IInl), fll'e hi'., ,lIld "C\'en D. Lawlor, ~ , , ,_" , i ' ",' ,\ aul' ce a\'~na", on ., addcd. loadcd bloW, . rullS with SIX walks "nd he fall' (;. GI." 1I\l , ,\

;;,:::!!:' f 'I' ~t. nlill s also, ~o goalhs ;~ele 'l'cIo;Cri I~ Ihe TOllv:,lallning Bern MeGtrlre, Four ~'ears ago the league dseeret~ry,tre~sudrefr, Jo~.wad' ,lim Wiscman, ,\ces' :rfl .ncd foor mcn, L, Kell)', 3b " a ;' .. ':' I'CI'lilr\ll;Jlllc. ; scconrl a. 0 Y ro~s , DOU'g 'Wood ' borrow cd $4,000 and of this aecntl.'onW teon ,.a!s\lrepIl~"Sor rielcsl-' .... Iroen· fielder. made a gall~nt d[ort to Lawlor noll' hilS a ~·I retord J, Hayward, rf

" .. _" \\., ""I'c',ed w;th misseri a great chance to WIn . h II 4000 D t ., ' ~ , .. ,.'. " _'. ' I HOLY CROSS' Plus Tobin' t ey st lowe $2, ' ue 0 ld h '1 "TIl catch Squires' homer, In [ael, In Ihc playoffs while Orl'ille J. Dowden, c

;) '1 ~

:1 2 II 511 :1 3 'J

2 1 2 4 1 1 2 3: 1

o J 1 o o o o


'.1 .o.~::; "'_,,~ :",.,t of Ihcm the game alln movcd Intn tIe ' I Phil' the hard work of prc'ident to t e Dal y News: 1 S he dl'd catcll I't iliit a[ter h" II'. d I lost hlS' first ~ame of the \.·ear. '. n, Hans[ord, c!

"d f' I t 18 ,- n 'lcCartll\' fulls Pat Hobbs, Br an ' . ' 11'1'11 b the greatest loss tllat ' ., I " f:,!". ,,;"'l' in lIe pu"c Ina s a .,0. all.' , ' ~lurph vice'presldent Frank e' h [h [ '\[ l' H . 43' th 'l' ,! hI' 2b W3S nabbcrt for a hands with pott: hal res, Frank Densmore,' y, the lcague could have, Ank leapt to t e top 0 t e CI1"~ i' e I'ln ong now IS - l1\ e I ' . urp ., ".'c ,'II ,1.:" ,Jackman as •. , , Ed SI t Jack Philpott' Rvan and secretafl'·treasurer is great to work with and is he toppled to the wrong 3ide. i Playoffs, , Tol"\s:

31 20 12 1 ! I

:.,.:~ :ilc hail from the tile Crusaders bClllg gll'en B . , lap er, " i 1 h: ! J~e Wadden the ieague has -------, ,,, I'''''-'C'"I' C"llter Ilnllnltl' shol Aubrev P!ke fOlllsrds, Bill ~ev I e, Au re~ 'b bl t 16000 b a great worker, The facilities L· I Le E· ',. ,;.l .. """, " ' " P . een a e 0 repay $ e' Cl II t t t :.~r "fC'1ri 1.1,,:1 '1 took Ihe kick but scnt A slow 1 Pike, ,Jim Jackman, Bob er·· sides the annual inte~est on that exist for baseball today la enge It e ague \ n er ains

· '"" ,! 'hcir <('or: roller to the slele o[ the post. chard, Cy Jackman, th I I are dUe 10 no small measure l~ B,'~' ",, .. l (, '. . __ e Dan, t the long hours and hard All S PI BIT ,.~ • :Irn"',il' ;hot. Brian I ,ak ff The three men held bingo· a . tars ay ot 1 earns ._" '. _ .. ,', cd [01' 11'lll(ls Ka ml 0 S r J u 6 t Ju 15 'work that Ank :,Turphy has The Dally News has recell'ed'i • ,,\\ ." . ".1,' 'I rom an ary 0 ne . t th I I' , , ' 11~ ": :'~e [irq half and, and rAised $8,000 towards the put In 0 e ~ague,,, m veO a challenge from JIm Jackson. Paui Walsh entertained hoth' I',OI':II~ morrct ill to' loan, In this ef[ort Ihe only sorry to see him go. !. directed at George Parsons for I 51. Bon's and Holy Cross base·'


)\allnin~ ~,l\'r G t T HI' , help Ihey receiver! consislent, The annu"l meeting of the, a tcn mile walking race II:th, The SI. John's Liltle Lca~ue I! hall teams at hi.1 home last 1 r' ;",\' "11 thc cffort, rea" a . ave van: ly WRS from JunIor baseball! league ,IS not scheduleri untIl, Grant Ilurncll and Bernord·. illl·sl,m will I'isit Pepperrell for ,nI~hl. The party \\'as glvcn h~.

'r ,;":>:. :11,. corllN l\'Ith : prcsirient Terry Tr"lnol', Very '1 the spnng and With only the i ~Iolloy as judgcs, 111'0 exhihition games wilh the' Walsh [or the SI. Bon's cham. " " 1.11 C:ll11c: ! few players, fans or any others special SI. Ron's All-star game I Parsons won the tcn milc race' .. pionsilip tcam WIth the runners· b:lck willI • . connected with the game sholl" I remaining for Sunday alter· , , Peppcrrell ali·stars on Saturda~. up Crusaders a I s Q inl'ited ,

'.'.1.) '. ".' . Back Says Bro. Karol . cd' up to help them in their 1 noon the baseball season is Ihls summer and set a ~e\\k re, . They'll play in Ihe morning, \\'alsh a Ion" t'lme St, Bon'" I , . SL Bon s at . I I,,, i[ 'I ' I ' b r corrt In dOlllg :;0, whIle .Jac 'son ' . n .' I r,'r \,1'\ ,'"mc on a e!folt to cut down the oan .• Ole,. "UIP1) can e pe - (' . h d' h'l 1 b h' I' hal'e dinncr at Ihc base and 'upporter -aId the part\' was "Ir 1

,,,"['.'.'"_ c','IOl'l wilh oul, "We'l'c had no helP on our suaderi to change hi' mind' Inl.' e In t If( P nce e Ill[ • . .. ' . f th 'h . ' , . P I d t (' 'I Ihen meet in an early afternoon appreclI~uon 0 e campion I'

::;:: 11,'.i:.lC 1':I\'ana~h requests for aid this year," ol'e~' the WIntcr months re·: arsons Rf\( secon spo InlS I' . ship ef[ort of Ihe 51. Bon': : '1, :!lr ~a:1 ricep in Ihc Talking 10 Ihe Daily :\ews one fall, 30 minute time limit :I!urpll\' went on "and while mams 10 be secn, er Gordon Follett. contcst. ., - .

f ·ct' bId th I f ght on'" ' -------------- . learn. , I I

"k ;~llcl1dnrc hc [cd last night, Karol Kalmiko [ sal, atl e an e sccom I . Coach Paul Byranl of St

, IIl(r ',laS'. The "l'nl I'cr\' happ" 10 hal'e my' the card will hal'e Tony Ball, B G· G d 0 7 4 W· o • [f ,Bon's and Phil Leonard of Hal), i

',IC::: ;.) \1.1'I:lin: IU;! in, . brother I~'an back with me. He ',Iargeon facing' Karol. Kalmlko, raves aln r oun n - In ,Cross both c~:el:ded the 1hank~; :he IIr,:, Uo;; 18 ,'ard is in great shape and whcn we ,In a one fail 45 mlllute time I of Ihe playcrs to ~lr,'\I'alsl, :'1

,,' " during thc e\'e:ling. a~rl i:e 1·.I:·llcd to ;ma,h . m', ,.c our fl'rsl sl', rt as a tag' ' .. limit bOlil. The tag·team malch !

): .. :~c.::nunrt ;corc across t . 16 nlol1ths on ~londa\' I will be a be;t of Ihrce fall.s no I " d" It' 'I I" 1 d . I -- - . -----_ I' thc [ar eam In . ',","" h 0 h finish, I :\!ilwaukee's surging Bral'es' th~ eIghth o[ the nIghtcap. " In .Ians. rrg I I\OCre, ,.It ,1'.Irt,- ,CO:'c es; millngs

10 2. an ral>e, :03' mmll 1. Into 0.0 for JlI~hl, those 11~,0 Frel1.chlc~ bet tlm.e hn: lt , fig t, t t e 'II b I whipped the 51. Louis Cardinals I Ralph Terry pitched one· hll : toelr pItching corps. 111ra base- his record to 8-0. T,i~ :~art it _ Itcr watch out. The Kalmlkof(s Cerllflcale owners WI c \ H for their fifth straight Thurs· \ boll for 8 1-3 innings and ~!ie· . man BrOOKS nublnson, who drol'e' The Dodgers gOt two unearlled

. will take on Bcrnard Frenchy able to p,lek up their, tickets at d nd narrowed San Fran, )cev ~!antle emerged from his ~ in Ihe firsl Oriole rll~ in the rllns in Ihe iirst i1nill~ . .lim Gil-tallied: Vignal and Tony Baillargeon, in the, StadlUm box Of(ICC today, ei~~o': first lAce lead in the I batting slump with five hit~ as i [ourlh. arlded insult to injury liam reached base 00 an error

. . . game the main bout of the wrestling while the general saie IS sct for, p \ th Yankee~ handed Kansas when he homNcd In tile el~hlh bl' nitc:lcr Don Cardwell, who '.~! 'f~11.f:lla:'. ~ot thc cord at the Stadium on ~!onday Saturday ~nd :'!onday, The tiC' :-;rational ~heagGu~ ~ace, to btw~ Ci~V its 13th' straight loss, . with tllO on baSe off the o~cC\. flimbleri a thro\\' from first h,l'C-

em '''I the come back. . kct o[!lee !S open from 9,00 a,m, games a5 e an s lIere ea \ . . [eal'cn !lerb Score. Illall D'l\'C Phllle\' \l'alll'- )!01l'1 B:II \c\llIc scnt a lllgh!..o .. I a hest o[ unlill 5,00 p,m, en b)' PlttSbUTl:h, ~lantle had three smgk!, ft, Cal ~lcLish, I'lr \lldi;:n ,lill·IN.·· tire\\' iI walK \\'ilil' O:1C ~(\: ", \'

;l'I ,cro~, the SI. Bon'.~ The flJ1I 11111" Ie nd should Chicago's Cub.s ~ainerl lilt Ie i nOllblc and hIS 28th hom~ rlln . sllffrrcrl tllr loss, his ei,llIil hnlil he aorl (;iI1i a n1 sClJreei \\'11l"1 ,:::o~:h with Pike racing three falls a[falL a osl excit. il~ their doubleheader wilh Cin· as, Ihe Yankees~ rilppen lour: ~~ainst 17 lici0l'ie.<. .~nrll1 Larkrr sin~lrct to ri~111

Again N'

Again N'

produce one o[ the m " Clnnatl WlOntng the !econd A s pltchcr~ for .0 hits. I OS I\~(""I f;S <\P'--Il,,""!' ecntrl' ling bouts ,to br.'.helri th;S )C~~i To Ill· «lIt'S game 6,3 ,,[t~r the Rcd.~ had RALTI,lOnE' ,\PI The ('I~i~ piicl:::I' ~ Iilree . hitie!' \\'.\SI!I\I;Tf)\ ' .. \1" l.a,1 ; The Russwil Killml~o[! III. .. b rolled lip K 10.' triumph in the knllrkl~ halls throlln 11)' f1~)'1 Til'lr,rI;lv ni~hl ;J' I.,,, ,\II:clr, I'I,cr 1I'",lli"~lnll cml'err",<cd I \I~e. Rny sort o[ Inctl~s 10 ~~"J1 F h II oprner, I' Wilhelm 0[. B"ltimoJ'e Onole, i'lIllrr\ I~ II ilbin two ':~Ine, [II Ir~:lIrlr~rliI1: ('I11(·,:n \\'llh ,':' ':1 [l~hl alHt \\,111 likr!) ~o 11.'th oot a Nrll' York Ywkrr~ mOI·pri. srnt thc SOrtrll1g pennonl 11Ilprs of Ir;Il;IIC-le":\ill~ San Franci"'n b,' :12 bPoli,,: T11\1 r.,rt·rt\· n·.~hl on I a rOll~h wild .1.rpe o[ g\aprlll1~ 1 pa;t Detroit into Ihird placr; Clel'eland Inrtla", 1:1,10 :1 :.Inorn,' .<illlliin: nlll Pltil;Hlr;plu:r fOl' Illr ClIlli:n P",clInl's rl~nlin: !nll' '011 ~!ondal' l11~h\. The)' 11 hull, I _ . ! Irounced Kansas Cily 12.1 as I Olle a, Ille), handed LIe Incilans a w'nnrl ,lrai::11 ni~hl, ,-0. Illllrr. kiCk' or el'e ,:Ollge their op·: Thp JUIlIOI' [oothall Hlnl,' R t R I S I e't'ln o ' 6·1 s.-etiJack, Tile delon' "ol'e Ihr i)[ld"rr, ;\. TI);lIlks In Rallnllnrr ()\'jnlcs,

,_ , , . . . . .' os on C( ox wcre In. \\"11 I I rl tl I l' " - - -. ponellts for a I'lctnr)" I fInals Will conllnue tonight wllh, lJ, '1' _ 3 " Ie 111 soppc Ie 1)[ lans on ~1I'CCn of tileir II :;nr.r, iJ th~ hOIl'elcr, tile 11'\lite S[I, rc'ai:wll Facill" the Kalmikn[f; Ilill he' Holy Crnss ogain facillg SI.' cclrholt" ~~cC~sUbh~'I'1 11' plit' l'lree hils and til C)' ~cored Ih~::" I~:'~ ha:ne serie" \\'ilh Ihc Phil, Illcir 11,·~ame erl.~r o\Cr elc\'c-

o . . R' Th' h t [ 1I lcaoO s s ~" Ie. s onll' run In thc cl~hlh 1\ltn thc l' 1<1"ri in I'le .\mclil'iln l.ea~lIr a fasl, rlcan two.some that likes i on s, ,clr

f, cs h ~h' I~~C in their dOllblchcalirr with Cin,. help o[ reeorct,t)'in~" pa<scd 'hails le(~;.",~" '\H1101l1 r~iC'Hlert Ihr nrnn,lnl racc. Rallimore wllinperi

clropkicks and olher ~ym~astlcs: gamcs s~n~s 01, a ~ ~n h ~ ,cinnali, winning the second '. b\' tal~hcr ,Ioe Gi!lsber~. Ilnct~er rilchill~ ,Iaff'~ ,Irin: nr lile Intlian' "-1. lor a 11'ln, Hall [rom, Frnnce i lcagu~ flna s ag"lOst uar s,.a ! game 6·3 afler the Reds had roI- I Ily contr"sl, the Orioles hit the ~"·i-it--.-.'-.-ii-IIII-~.·~tiii-.. --tii-i--i'lIIiiiii"III."IIIIII ••••• "'iIi" ••••• "ilitittti ....... 1I'j Vi~n~l Will IcaOl up WIth ~Ion· '. the cru~ar!ers oul front Illth i led up I 10,4 triumph in the .. ---.----~---- I Irc,,1 born Baillargeon to make, one win. The other encounter 'C· ·1 S . , , I d d i 22" t" opcner, 1\'1 er'"ICe a [orcefull oPPosllion for the en c n a ' no con est, New York Yankees movcd.' , tll'O Russians a,nd combining the Tonight's fixture will get past Detroit inlo third place i B I· L

· strength of Balliargeon ,~llh the I under way at 6.30 p,m, and a ~ trounced Kansas City 12.1, as 'i 0\\' m~ ea~ue · acrobatiCS o[ Vigna!. \\111 form I victory by Ihe Crusaders will' Boston Red Sox were beatlOg ii' ~ · a lop nolch tag,team,. [send them into the finals, while! Detroi.t, Tij(ers 7·3, ! Annual MeetIna I OpenIng the cml at B.30 p.m" . a win by SI. Bon's will have Trailing 4·3, the Braves tal-, b IF 'Ivan K:lIll1iko[[ will take on 1 the semi.finals forced into a lied four times in the sel'enth. \

::--_________ ,IB"l'll:ml t'rl'nl'lll' Vignal in I' third meeting on MOI1lla\' ni~hl. The ltprising was [cJtured hI' 1 The annual meeting of the . ______ ~~_..:.'__ ' liallk Aaron's 200th hit o[ the ~fen's Civil Service Bowling

serL,UI1, a thrcp-rlln dOllhle. The I Leagu'e is ~et fur tu·night ,11 st. ddeat was ehal'gcc! 10 Lindy Pal's Alleys, The meeting will McDaniel, who set the stage for get underway at 8,15 wilh the, Aaron's decisive blow by walk, presen',alion of reports, election ing three straight balters, of officers and the presentation

Again YOU

The Pirates also came from o[ awards for last season on the

. ,


, ,i '

t: : '.

~ i ! ,

t ~.

f I .. r

l I !., ! 1



" , ., ,


,I behind, Trailing 3,1 in the I schedule, , , sel'enth Pitlsburgh exploded The stat1shcs for last year:-

, , Highest A \'erages-for four hits to ruin Johnny ~!'k M t' HAVE

, ~.1 I

Give I completely modem look ~ your Itairs with uminlted Birch Stair Trelds. Theyre 1",ld. I¥t tnd they're wlter resistlnt, 110ft squeaking, non warping. NUFAply Stair Tread, we., long­: I~ stronger and are IVlilab~ , yo"," Iocll ~Ier in III stlndlrd

lites. W. lito lupply Risers to 1ftIkft, .


Antonelli's bid lor his 20th IDef ar In , h P' h' I lk e cnce

249,87 trlUmp, 'i4'~ lis, 11'0 II'~, S I Mikr S earns and R damaging ~rror by Ihlrd ' C,N,T~ 249.41

,baseman Danny 0 Connell turn· John Ryan ed the tide. G.P.D, No, 2 245,13

Homers accounted for all the Glar.t Tllns, Willie ~!a)'5, play· ing despite a bruised and swol· len little finger, hit his 2Bth and 29th home runs, Willie Kirkland socked his 22nd, FALLS IN DEBUT

Jim Bailey, rookie southpaw brother of catcher Ed Bailev, !ailed in his major' league d~· but as the Cubs knocked him out with • three,run rally in

Special Game Ends Season

Righe~t Three Frame­J, Ryan

G.P,D. No, 2 M, Martin

Defence ... : "" G, Everard


972 \



Highest Single Frame-­p, Brewer

Defence p, Mackey

Stores W, Barron

Audit Team StanlJlngs-




Poinls, Auriit . .. ... ,.... 54 G',P,D, No, 1 ........ ,_ 47 Defcnce .... , .. "" 45 Shops. .... ........ 44 Docks .... ... 44


Wilh tne proposed two round, exhihition haseb,,1! series ruled' out the 1959 season at the Ball Park will- close with R speci,,1 game on Sunday afternoon, It was planned to hare the two

p, MACKF:Y, Secty,

exhibition rounds with the win· nin~ team being awarded wrist watches, but the failure of two tcams to enter the scries wash, ed out the Idea,

Standings American League

Now !tie seoson will el()se Chicago with the dlamplon.;hip St, HOIl's N('levrylaudk , ew 0)'

I tram meeting" nn oll,slar teJlll I D t, 't , f h ' e 101

I· rom t e other elubs In Ihe lea· Baltimore gue, The, game is set for Sun· I Boslon

[day afernoon .with 2,30 p.m, as[ Kansas City the .tarting !Ime, Washington

W L Pet. GBL H7 53 ,621-82 70 70 li7 65 59 57


69 iO 71 75 79 8J

.590 4\, ,:,().I 1 ro ' ,

,500 17 .41lG 19 ,~M 22 .42A 27 ,407 30



On Lot No, 89 MONTGOMERY STREET crff TORBAY ROAD, (Open doily, except Sundays, till 10 o,m,)

40 similar homes are presently under construction

HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY FEATURES: • Thrre hedrooms with Upp·tn-rlate Bathroom,

spacious closets, (Special qualily • access to

ground floor.


• Ful! sil.e concrete fixtures Basemen!. • .Joh~s Manl'il!e

• ~Iodern Living and Roohng and Insulation.

• Plumbing finished upstairs,

Dining rooms, • Hot air Oil Furnace

' ... - .

unit with capacity to • Connections for • Youngstown Kilchen hent buth floor,' ground floor llalliroom

, nnd mall), otlipr '1'1I1.\' ()ulstandi111~ COl1slrU~lioil tli~irs,'


I .



i tl , I ,

I! '.

t . , ,



I' ,

, '

~ : t I Ii, ,\I "i I'i

:11 ! :'


I I , I


r , i , I . ! , i I

\ I



Personals I Meeting Of Diabetic



, , I' . ~

I • \


Maddock of Bonavlsta was l'l town over the week-cnd to· attend the funeral of the late Melvin Maddock. She left for Sl. John's on Monday to .pend a few days with her brother Charles' (Bemister) and famlly.

Paramount TDday

(Continued from Pa" called he had express I view earHer this year ~ would be not umrp20."

assume that the result.! The regular monthly meet- current year might Ii

Ing of the Canadian Diabetic i proximate those for'~ Association, St. John's and Subject to the adverse District Branch, was held Sep- of the recent printing tember gat. 8.15 p.m. in Room in the United Kingdo 102 at :-.Iemorial Unlver&lty did not see any reas~ Annex. modify this forecast. h,1

Landmark Disappearin~

I~~--~~~~-~--~-------------------------To Open Under Fashion Show Newsy Briefs


·1 New Name 1 . . CARBONEAR-Smllesteln's

CARBONEAR, Sept. 8-Midtown wlll be holding I Fashion Show In the Bond Theatre on Thursday, Sept. 17th, It 8.30 p.m. Admlnlon fee will be fifty cents Ind procee'ds will go tQ the Car· bon ear Community HOlpltal. It Is to be hoped that friends of the Institution will patron­Ize the show and If they should they will be lure to see many of the new Fall fashions displayed by both chlldren and adults gifted with beauty, grace and poise. .The proprietors of Midtown are to be comp!lmented upon their generous offer Ind on behalf of our people the writer thanks them In Idvance for a fine contribution to our hospital.

II Sargaln Centre, which was 'i • )Idly damaged by smoke some

· 1'1 nonths ago, Is about tQ re­III lpen, but henceforth It wl\l I >e known as Smllesteln's

• I, • ~Iothlng Centre. The Interlor · Ii', lU been remodelled and re­II' le~rated and a new !lghtlng ~I . IYstem Installed, while the ! ; ~ont Is displayIng two large : llate glass windows In place , I If the originals ones. A large I,; leon sign adds a look of real : I' lIatlnctlon to the premises. 1, .. Ve understand It wlll open :'. 'or business on Saturday next . i; iept. 12th, and judging b; :,: ... hat we saw today It Is well I, I 'quipped to cater to the buy· I: 1 n, pub!lc. .;1

,I', , ..



• I ·1 · 1

.1 ,


. \

DR. L. A. WELLS. F.R.C.S. (E) General Surgeon

II now associated in the General Practice m Medicine, Swgery and Obstetrics, with

DR. A. T. ROWE, CARBON EAR Mornings Afternoons

By Appt. lepH.12,17

2 - 4 daily


Evenings Saty.

7 - 8



:. i ".'1 ,... ___ -!.~.!:CFe~l!!.!tu:!.!:r!..-·-- ... _..... ._ P-Aft. _-'




I: i


I' : ,I , .. .1

I , I , ,,. ~ ;

I I )1:

·1' ; :;1 :


'1 :










Special Added Attraction





MATINEE: 2 P.M. ----

. .


CAaBONEAR - ~aturday. Oct. 3rd, wlll be observed as Mrs. Reginald Saunders a Jam Jelly d • PI Itl was a visitor to the City duro , an c es Day Glenn Ford and Ernest Bor· fo th C b Ing the week. CARBONEAR, Sept. Bth.- rear onear Community gnine co-star In MGM's "Tor-

One • th I tit [Hospital, when It I- expected o. e as s a e roo • M d pedo Run," tellin d the -lory of bulldl f t I that the hospital larder wlll r. an Mrs. Leslie Carter A 0 nlS 0 our own s and Mr. and Mrs. ""-rdon a submarine commander and his

nea I d Iitl d be replenished by some hun· '-"" r nl elllo . on an as we Elt f St J h ' I: submarine commander and his

watched the fbi t dreds of bottles of appetizers. on 0 . 0 n 5, were v s.· roo e ng orn tor- to town on Saturday. relentless search for His Imper-

dow toda Ith tb f All housewives In the medical 0 n Y w e use 0 ial Japanese Majesty'. Aircraft

steel cables and In old area are asked to send at chevvy we knew the truth of least one bottle and thus make Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ander· Carrier, the Shinaru flagship the oft repeated .tatement the effort an all out success. son were visitors here on of the Pearl Harbor attack. "our fathers built better than ~onday. When the battleships of the they knew." The building re- The anniversary of the Paciflc Fleet were ~ent to the

op I f th Miss Eleanor Glll s"ent the bott th f' hi t

(erred to I! Bishop'. Photo- en ng 0 e Carbonear "om. e Ig 0 block Ad· C It H I

week end here and was regis- . I Y graphle Studio. It was pur- ommun y osp tal wlll be mira amamoto pMsed to the

k d Ith T tered at Fong·s. USN b

chued from MrS. Julia Pen. mar e w a ag Day, when .. avy su marine service. ney, wife of the lite Mr. W. It Is hoped people in the On December 7, 1941, there

a II Mr. and ~lrs. LewlJ Clou·

F. Penney, In 1934, by Mr. rea as we as In other towns . were only 51 submarines on ac· I th

ler and son Albert' were visi· E. 1. Bishop, o! Grand Falls. n e Bay and In settlements tlve duty In the Pacific against

I th T I It S tors to town on Sunday as

From old records we found n ern youth area wlll six·million ton~ of enemy ship· sh th I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry that It was at that time at ower Ippreclation of Saunder&. ping. Every American sub com least one hundred and one the servIces being rendered mander wanted to sink tht years old, making It one hun. by the institution by giving Mr. and "'Irs. Charles Bern· Shinaru, but for long months dred and twenty.flve noW. gen~rously. Plans for the i tit she was an unslghted "h,,,t

F h t U Bi h Id Tag Day w'll be com leted s er were n own on Mon· " rom w a ",r. s 00 sa • • p da f th f I th In the story of "Turpedo

I d· . I It b within a fl!\\' days, as prelim. y or e unera of e we la here It ong na 'i e- Inary ones w d . late Mr. John Melvin Mad- Run," Glen Ford plays Cum

longed to the Forwards and ere rna e at a do k mander Barney Doyl- of t'-.c

th Id t meeting of the General Com. C. < J: ano er .0urCe 18 a one U.S.S. Greyfish, witil Ernest

time it wu wsed II a SChOll!' ~~t~:r h:~ on Tuesday, Sep- Mr. George Hoskins II visit- Borgnlne as his executive 01· It hu served III day and In . : in~ relatives ami friends. It ficer. In a game of hl~p.·an~· a very short· Ume now it wlll . Trinity scek the Gredish track- d',wn cease to be. The site on whl~h A meeting of the Hospital • J ' v It stands is being sold to the General Committee was held the Shinaru, but the carrier IS

T _~ Miss Louise Pike has reo usl g t .

.... Itish American Oll Com. on ue""ay evening, following n I ramp»rt rarryIn~ 1.400 ,. f th turned to her home In Grand Ai' f .

Pany and S4f0n I new Ind one Q e Management Com. mer can pmoners 0 Wl' to

itt M Falls, after spendln~ I'ix I . t fA' B

more modern building ~Ill be m ee. r. F. P. PIke chair- a rI r. In er eren~~. 1,0 now ar-" d b th weeks holiday with her aunt, .. f d 'h h'

erected Ind In a short while eo. From reports It could ney IS In orme ,at 13 wife b th t th

. !'Ilrs. E. Gillespie. Durin~ her d b b d '-we will cease to remember e seen a e Institution Is t a an . a y aug.her arf ab,ard

filii 8 ay ihe spent I few days th

th- old slate roof building ng a great need. The Ith e transport. r h f II' a cousin, Mrs. Graham


The meeting took the form of I panel discussion featur­Ing Dr. J. B. RosS, member of the medical advisory board; ~rs. Pat Reid, Dietitian with the Department of Health; and Mr. J. M. Martin, assocla­tion member. The president of the branch acted as modera· tor. The meeting was well attended and members were permitted to present questions boUt of a general and of a speciflc nattire. thus being af· forded an excellent opportuni­ty to gain professional ad· vice and Information of the highest order from Dr. RosS and from Mrs. Reid, dealing with problems medical and dietary associated with dla· betes. Mr. J\lartin was most Interesting and informative as representing the lay·man in the discussion panel. A great deal of interest was evidenced by the number and variety of questions raised and answered much to the benefit and advantage of attending members. Here It may be pointed out that not only diabetics are welcomed at these meetings. but so are parents of diabetic chlldren and anybody caring for a dia· betic of any age. that had weathered I storm. mont 0 August was the • h What happe:I1 from this p~int

busl t th' i . .."s • of Hr. Grace. k

We understand that the es mon In ts history nn ma C5 for ~ Mam~ of unre· 011 company has also pur. and on a couple of occasiOn! F k S -d lI'.Ittllll action and ~U!pen~e, patients seekln admission ran aun ers spent the I· .... r h Coffee was served after the chued or is contempatlng were denied sam~ because no : Labour Day week-end with :I"llg ted by such tpi~odes as meeting, and notice was given the purchase of the Parsons bed was available. his family. He returned Tues- the sequence In waich the Grev· of the next meeting to be held property and If so, the whole day to Bonavlsta, where he fl~h is trapped In a Japane;e October 14, which wlll feature of this sectlon of the street . . is supervising the erectio of mine field, tb~ ~ubm;:rinc'i nar- presentation of the fUll length

, will be changed. The new post The Carbonear Kiwanis nn Anglican school for S:un. lOW escape Irom Tokyo Bay. film "The Dlscoveren '. the . office Is next to the panons 1 Club w!ll be looking after I ders HQwell & Co Ltd t'le attackl by .pn"my deplh i story of Doctors Banti~g anr! 1 buildings. As yet we cannot I the annual collection In aid I" .,. bombs and the fInul shnwrlol1n i Best, the developers of Insu·

i say Just when the 011 com·, of the Canadian Institute for, :-'1 b th G f i pany will begin construction· the Blind, which 15 due to be! • r. and Mrs. G. G. Hibbs <; c ween ere), ish and the I lin. d tl thl h ,spent three days here IS ~hll,aru . I but we Ire hoping It won't Ie rna e some me s mont .: guests of relative •. They re-I Edmund Grain~er produced . long before work begin.. Oscar Rose is making grand: turned to st. John's on Mon· ," r"rpedo. Ru~" with Joseph

headway with his new home I ' Pevney dlreetl~g frllm a '.I.;I·en Manners Make

Friends Obituary


on Saddle HllI and It looks as' MIlS Julla Hopklnl who Is pl?y b~Richard Sale and WI1-If the famlly wll! be able to; L" - ,_o,~ [~her brother Lloyd, bm Wlst~r Ra·,luis. bas~rI on move in before Christmas ' at I>t. John 5. spent a few days stores by Richa~d S ll~ The ric· Waltcr Earle Is also making! ~ere as guest of "'Ir. Ind Mrs. tur~ WD! filmed In CinemaScope great strides towards building l~tU~~i~:~~ro;t ~~~n:ill be and color.. It is better to confess that you his new home. day 0 s to . I In I .PlaYlng co·sta~rlng rolES IrP I can't recall the name of an ac­

home rln

°Toro:~: ~et for her Dlare Brewstt" cas: as -he ~'lt Quaintance tha:l to omit making Excavation was begun a ______ ..:.._n_. __ commander'S ·Nif~, and an introduction. Simply say "I'm

In today's st~tement.

(A work stoppage seven weeks closed majority of newspap!tI magazines In Britain than the London dailifl ations of the paper !nd aging industries there sharply curtailed.

Sir Eric said the earnings In the first 1959 were affected only relatlvely minor degree' adverse effects would ~ flected In the results I' operating subsidiaries ~ United Kingdom for th: ond half.

In :-Iorth America '1;' , ) ~.

Eric, the consumplio' newsprint in the Unitet continued to ·rlse. Bnd fc' first six months was 61' cent higher than for the parable period of 1958 .. company's North mllls are sharing In tr,:, covery. he went on. Ir' particular the mi:ls iii" foundland had resumed' time operation after . been on a curtailed b!IJ wme tlme.

near lina.

CARBONEAR. Sept. 8 --'Iter an Illness of nearly two years there passed away at the St. John's Sanatorium on Friday last,. John Melvin, son of the late Harold G. and LllIlan Soper Maddock. of this town. Deceased was edu· cated .t the Carbonear United Church School, Prince of Wales College and the Mem' orlal College and then joined the staff of the Auditor Gen­eral's Department, where he received steady promotion until about two yean ago, when he WII retired for heath reasons. Never of a robust constitution he grldu-Illy weakened until Friday

day or two ago for a new home I Jonel who last appu<lr~d with sorry. I can't re~al! your name. for Cyril Bishop. It will be also extend eonllratulatlona. Glrn Ford In hllnltation Gpn· Long Beach. California. Full co·

operation of the U.S. Navy WM obtained, and two ,ubma!lnes and I deltroyer were loaned. aboard whieb the rornpany I locationed.

just west of his father's home Both births at the Carbonear eral." which originally belonged to Hospital With 98% of the Iction of the late Mr. John Maddock. "Torpedo Run" laking place

The teen·age Dance spon' aboard a lubmarine. portion5 Ted Churchlll returned to sored by Grand's Orchestra of the film were photographed

h!. work It Goo'se Bay, after sored by Grand's Orchestra of! the coast of San Di~go and spending his annual vacation Ind held In the Masonlc Hall here. He was accompanied on Friday last wa. not too to the Northern Base by hh' well attended. However those wife and child, who wll1 be who attended had I ,ood time.

makini their home there. The Knitting Casa at the



I last when he passed peacefully away. Survlv!ng are I sister. Mrs. Bert Plrsons of thl! town, I Itepmother, Mrs. Har­old G. Maddock and a step· sister. Mn. John R. Snow, at BonavlBta, to whom WI ex· tend deepest sympathy. HI! rema!nl were hrought here on

Miss Angell Hoskins who Carbonear Hospital 11 In need taullht at the R.C. School, St. of Infants' ,arments. It would Alban's, Bay D'Espo!r, for the be greatly apprecllted if Iny past two years wlll be attend. ladles could contribute. The Ing ~emorlal University to I money already raised by this I take second year Education. means has gone to help buy,' when the University re.opens a deep ireele for the Hospl-. tal. ' CONCRETE .PRODUCTS

Miss Margaret Sop e r. daughter of Mr and Mn. G. E. Soper and a Iraduete of the U. C. Academy, wlll be I member of this year'. Com· merce CIa.. of Prince of Wales College, 51. John'l.

Monday Ind funeral service was held In the United Church by Rev. B. B. Snow. Inter­ment was In the United Church cemetery where he was laid to rest by the aide

Miss patricia Hogan, daugh· ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hogan, will be teaching at the R.C. School, Stephenville, duro Ing the next school year, Pa: trlcia attended the Summer School lesslon. We wish her well In her new filed of la· bour.

of his mother.

Mrs. Geon:e Marshlll was Joseph Hogan who taught given I stork Ihower on 1rl­

at the presentation Convent day evenln, at the home of Doreen Rose of Bell Island. School last year wlll be at·: ~!rs. S. L. Penney. Sponsored

who has been visiting Mr. and tending the Memorial Un I· : .... 'frs. Leslie Penney It provo 1Ilrs. Herbert Swain during versity during the coming i ed a real success. Some lovely the Summer, wlll be returning year where be will takl first!· .. "".5, etc., for the ex' to her home In time for year Education pected child wlll prove a valu· school opening. She will be . able asset to the lllyette. staying until the lilt moment Mr. and Mrs. Gerald George Games were played and a buf-and It could very wen be that 8re rejoicing In the birth of fet supper broulht the even­she Is hoplnll Ichool opening a daughter. Congratulations Ing to a close. Gifts were wlll be further postponed. We Mr. and Mra. Chesley Brown opened by Mrs. Marshall u· noticed her lelecting Ichool I are also rejoicing In the birth sisted by Mrs. Penney and equipment today. o! a daughter and to them we Mrs. Jack Penney read the cards.

( .... _--------11 Answlr to PreYloul Puzzl' _ Scottish Poet _

AOKO!! "Outcast I,' Scotthh pott 5 Eledrical Jut

12lActuJ.. B Play. holt 7 Animal

13 A21i1lUlA • Grlve 16 Mouth root • Narrow Inlrll 11 Tomorrow 10 NurMI

(Sp.) 11 Seorla U Meuurt CIIf 13 Faulty

cloth 18 Perch I 17 Desurt 20 His "Ode to 3S Uather thong 46 Stall! at

prden spot _ -" II 36 Mascullne wonder

Mr. and Mrs. Mose parson! and family have taken up residence in their new home. Their old home has been sold Ind I. now in couTSe of bing taken down.

There will be a meeting of the Carbonear Branch of the Canadian Red Cross on Mon­day next. Sept. 14th. at 8 p.m. It will be held In the bOlrd room of the Carbonear Hos­pital and all members asked to attend.



Our New Building Material DivIsion is nt:1W equipped to serve largl or

small contractors or the Mr. Build-it Man himself. Visit us to-day.

• Lumber • Doors

• Asbestos Board • Flu Linings

• Shingles • Plywood

• Felts • Gypsum Board

Concrete Products ltd, BUILDING MATERIALS DrYlSION


18 Droop well knOWll IijlpellaUoll 47 River In 20 Sketchers 21 Emphuil 37 Tell Gtm18lI,. :12 Anelent %2 Astatic tDPertalnint 4.8 "Hl,hlanll

eoun!ry Inland _ to • --" wu II Tb.otOOlhfant 23 Plexus protuberance anothtr or

DEPOSIT RECEIPTS (lb.) 24 Poker stab 41 Weird hJJ poelP

_ Hurt 27 Hups' 1tlln 42 !'rolla 50 Verb 10rm 10 City III 28 ~atloa 43 Rave S2 Muter Patent

Nevada 28 Killed 4' Grafted (hu.) Law (lb.)

31 Sora 32 Alautilll

IIIand as Itallall dt7 Ulledl_t ucterumu SUI.t tIlIIl laDllmu

ecunllll 4ZWnth 45P11pal ~

W. are in a position to offer DEPOSIT RECEIPTS for any amount for any period as shown beloW. This is the best way of having your money working when it otherwise would be lying idl •.

DEPOSIT RECEIPTS are payable on demand and the INTEREST RATES are:

1 TO 30 DAYS 31 TO 89 DAYS 90 TO 296 DAYS

51/2% 270 TO 1 YEAR

OR MORE '" .lewd tI rril!lldl1

IIIUoD II AmIId lleel

. &3Enmar1 &4~

bnddah all 16 Structural

malu.lal HPlace for

eatelWlr Jimpreyl


DOWN 1 stout eord lAcUnal I Globe -.---


DIAL 3333

OAUDf f. DAWE, Manager




$54. AND



)water ·ct from Palt I 'J d . ~xpresled I

lillS year thit ", unreasonab~ I I~e re!hults tot :. c mIg t Wtll :~~n'e for : ~l ~ Bdver!e "I printlng :ed KlnlldOIll, 'r any reasoa

forecast h , e ':,;:ement.

Si8ppage , dosed dol\' , 0 · ~ewspapell

Britain ':lct,ln dailie! ".(, naper and ,,::',e, there :: )::ed.

'o'li the ~ :'le first hilr

, . r \'rted only" .".:' ,lr degree'· :.,:, woUld be · .. r results of · :::"idiaries I n . ", ~0m for thl

I "',,1!("r Co \ ~erlra T.':' in turn II

· B,w,ater'! ?ulp and



rv!l large or

lIS to-day.


ts ltd, ,


~~own below. ~ lying idl.,


~1j2% o , YEAR


co. DIAL 3335


· , : -­\ . ! ) I . , " , i Ii' "

~ _ , ,". :', J'I

l'f ' Ii,: ~i' . , ' . NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, , 959

Jacoby On • • Bridge

THE STORY Of MARTHA WAYNE By W. 9HRUGGS , ! ,l~t,' . r ,


'1:":,1. f'




$54.50 CASH



These fine chrome sel5 are exceptionally

good value, the modest price is no real

indication of the value you receive.

Heavy construction tables, with sturdy

double legs ond extension leaf-well built,

padded chairs available in red, blue,

lemon and aqua.

Table (36" x 48',) and .4 chairs

Table (40" x 60") and 6 chairl




, r


By OSWALD JACOBY South might well have tried

for seven after his partner's jump raise, If he had used the Blackwood route he would have located all aces and kings and surely bid the grand 61am but South was one of those old fashioned players who did not believe In seven bids unless he could personally see 13 tricks so he contended himself with

'a quick six bid.

This time hill decision turned out wise Indeed. The singleton ace of heart! opposite the singleton king gave no opport, unity for a discard and when

. South saw the dummy it looked , as if he would have to go down one at six.

But, South had no trouble making his contact. He won the heart lead, drew five rounds of

I trumps, cashed the aces and

, kings of the two minor suits and

I NORTH ,KJ9H2 .K + A32 4oK6 5

WEST EAST _10 _ Nona


• Q J 10 5 2 .9 a 7 6 43 ': +H +Q10976 i 4oQl0a.3 4oJ7

SOUTH (D) • AQB643 .A + K85 ",A92

Both vulnerabl. South Wen North Eul I • Pasl 3. Pus 6 • Pasl Pas, Plw

Optlling leed-. Q



then went Into a short trance, He flipped a mental coin and

lied I diamond. East won but since East had started with only

I two clubs he had to gIve South a ruff and a dLlcard 60

South made the hand. • South's trance had been un·


These superbly designed oil heat· ers are compad tn size and attractive in appearance. You'll thrill to the dependability that combines with high heat output to give you real value for your money. See them now, choose one for your hoine and laugh at the cold winter mornings that are bound to come.

necessary. West had started with only two diamonds and a dub lead would have end play­ed him In the same fashion.

Card Sense Q-The bidding has been: .

North East South Wert 1 ., PaSi 2. PIUS

3 • Pan ? You, South, hold:

... K J 8 7 .,3 tA J 8 40K Q 10 6 4.

What do you do?




smooth lines and gleaming

porcelain enamel finish

make the Locomotive electric

r a welcome addition to

Iquipment of any home •••

, •. Locomotive's nearly forty

of experience in building

washers is your assurance

long and dependable service

these sturdy, stylish models. 5134·50 CASH


The Great Eastern Oil Company, Limited

A-Bid four' diamond. only. You blve • good bind but If your parlner bu Durly all red cards your king of spidel II Ipt to be usele!1 to him. I

TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner'. ne~t bid Is

five clubs. Wbat do you do noW?

A nJ'lrer Tomorrow


People who live too faat mly

1 wind up fastint: to Jive.

• • • A doctor ,lapped a choking

boy on the back and up came a penny. Grown - up patienlll don't cought up that quickly.

• • • WhI II It lome people have

to be dlngreeable every time they disagree with lome body else? • • •

Rlf!ht now the jack of III tradel Is going Into the same thing-vacation expenses.

• • • During vacation college Itu,

dents don't burn the midnight oil, but spend their time on other flames.

• • • A pay check is what makCi

a man run to the bank to cover the el1eclu he has just written.

• • • The powder that goes on with

a puff never gats .off with a bang,

• • • The best all·round meal is al·

way. that Iquare one you find on your own dining room table.


N' Agai,n

N' Again

r'''PTAIN EA~t

ALlEY 001'


" " r .. I'r 'I' . It ! i • • ~ \ I I

, " I'" : Illl : :'1 '. I

I f: : ~ , I' ;{ I p r ',I' r :.i , '

• ,r " :,1 ' I r .$ .' i ~: It,. :: f ' ' I . .1 "I: "'.! I "

; , < i· ! t '. " ,'I 't,

.~ I '. '

, ' . I.

if ',F.SLIE TURNB' ,-: . .



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THIN.") WILl.. MSI.... REPlJC.e 11/ AS 00It­MA~ PA>T/ME N /HE






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,I I I

1"1 , ,

By DICK CAVEtI' ill :1 : I


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1 , 7 I i I

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• ___ ------ 'mE CENTRAL

Radio Programmes ~asy TV Slippers LAND SURVEYS LAND 'APPRAISALS



For Fas~ Taxi Service

SHOP. We are now ing eight chairs. IOu assured of the best service plus the 4ible waiting, 24 New St., opp. Adelaide -----1

CBN FRIDAY, September 11th,

., \·;'<·:.!:.1'Y'Yf;':' -~- .. ,' .. C 1959 bf L. p, Hoi", .. Dhtn .... t.db. N!A 5",k., I", 1.3ll--CBC' Newi. THE STORY: A fIe r being why?" 7.35--Top or the Morning.

bealen by Hayfork riders, Grady \ Haskell eyed him 1 eve 11 y. B.OO-CBC News and Weather. Haskell meets Katie Le"enlng "pushing on the rope a little, B.l5--Muslcal Clock. aDd. accuses her of ordering the 1 aren't you~" !I.CO-Mornlng De~otlo!lJ. belting, She denies It, I Potter llfted an apologetic 1I.15-Program· ·Prevlew. • • • I hand. "Didn't mean it quite Ihe 9.20-Plano Playtime.

~ VlI way it sounded. Mayb9 I wanted I 9.3O-CBC News. He awoke 10 the jangle of the to help." 9.36-Direct Reports.

breaklast gong, which also "And maybe you'll have a 9.45--Records at Random. pointed up his hungcr. chance to, laler." Haskell drain· 1O.00-A:chers.

Slarting today. this town, ed the lasl of his coffee, shoved 10.15--Im Powcr. . would hal'e to fit somc of its: Mek his chair and stood up. \ 1100·235--;!orlc~nsumhcl~.! .

h. rl' t th I P tt t h' Icet . ~ •• us c In t e •• ormng.

wa)'s to 15 CSlfCS. no c ,ocr camc 0 IS '. 10 4~BBC V . t· othcr wal' around. Bill Hoe had' "A minute, Haskell. A pOint i 11'15 '! . anc,,)' . 1 . . d I \ f t b ". - t . -" ornlng .' uSlCa e.

5.5O-Flsherman's Fore<:alt. 5.5~News. 6.00-BulieHn Board. 6.15--Sportscast and Travel

guide. 6.3G-Supper Serenade. 6.45-News. 7.00-Shillelagh Showtimc., 7.15--Shillelagh Showtime. 8.00-Crcam of the Crop. 9.45--News.

IQ.OO- VOCM All Time Hit Parade.

10.aO-Eventide Mcdltation •. to 45--Sportscast.

\ IO.55--New!. 11.CO-Torbay Weather

111.15-:\!usic from Old ~Iill. I l.OO-Close Down.

CJON callcd this a han to be p a)'c( or you 0 remcm er. -,e go ! I145--R g' 'I B I'de d I · th T" I' c Ina -. cr.

onc card at a lime, But he had, somc goo peop c In e, TlI1I· ,12.00-BBC News. also said that hc. Grady Haskcll.: ~ICS. I suggest )'~u don t go i 12.1O-Announcers Choice. FRIDAY, September 11th. was frcc, to shape the rllics 10 J\lmpmg at conclUSIOns or form.: 12.15--Farm Broadcast. I 6.30-The Bob Lcwis Shull'. fit thc occasion. whcn such was Ing any nard and fasl Judge·, 12.45--~!id Dav Screnadc. 6 0 "lid . " I' ,3 -.' . :\ClI's. callcd for. Which time. hc now menls. ' 1.0~Dovle Bulletin. 635-\I'cathcr. decidcd with some grimncss,' Haskell studicd him for an-' 1.15--~lusical PrOl:ram. 6.45-lIcadlinc XCIIS and: \\'a5 at hand. The part Bill Hoc othcr moment in silcnce, thcn: 130-CBC Ncws and Wcalhcr Wcathcl' . had sct for him, that of a casual' noddcd. 1:45--A LOI'e to Rcmcmber. '7.oo-Xl1d. :\e\l's and Sporls.: sandie driftcr. had brought "Fair enough. Thanks lor 2,00-Wo1'd5 with ~!usic. 7.0j-Local Weathcr. !

nothit~; but suspicion. ho~tilitl' thc smokc-and Ihe hat." 2.29-Dominion Obs, Time 7.15-:\cws. I a:1l1 a I'en' thorough physical He limpcd out to the ed~e of' Signal. 7.30-Round thc World Xell's I beating. From noll' on hc was, thc holel porch. ~!orning's sun· 2.30-Holiday. 7.3S-Complctc Weathcr Fore boing to be exactly what 'le \\'a5. : light WAS slanting in along the 2.45--Tommy Hunlcr Snow, cast. a man behind a star. and tough street. as yet its warmth more 3.15--Kindergartcn 01 the Air. 7.50-What's Cookin. as toughness was needed! ,illusory than real. The neAr cor· a,aO-News and Trans Canada' a.OO-)llld. News.

Ha;kell pushed the blankcts' ner 01 Jclliek's store porch Matinee. a.05-Prov. Weather. asttle. He \1'3.1 board·sti!! all i caught the sunlight as strongly 4,30-Winnipeg String Or- a.IO-The Bob Lewis Show. Ol'er, and el'cry mo\'e made him as any spot, and herc a ragged: chestra. a.I5-Shlpping Report. grit his tceth. Ho\\,el'er, by the ligure crouched. Haskell step. 5.00-CBC News. B.25--Kiddies Corner. lime hc was dresscd, bringing a pcd into the street and crossed 5.05--Platter Parade. a.30-Nfid. New!. clean shirt Irom his saddlebags, ovcr. 5.30-Fisheries Broadcast a.35--Weather. hc- had looscncd up considcr· Joc Pecle straightened up and ~.45--~luSICal Program. a.40-Bob Lcwis Sbolf.

k dl . 600-Intermezzo B.45--Morning ~!erry Go

abh' croo c y grinned. I . ' t:;OIll a decp corncr of his sad· "You'rc made 01 tou~h stuff, I 66.340-5 syuPP,er GGu~tt. t K' Round.

II I I au vc a a eep' B.55-Juo t a ~lin\Xe. cllrb,,=, :lr C"lllC up with" ba .' ricnd. What you took la,t nlnht" . -0' . I· . ,. . . '.l'Ylng. 9.00-Gen. Provincial Ncw .. pOlnlcd slar. ThiS he fPOli'h~d \l'ould hal'c pill most mcn In 7,QO-CBC News and Weathcr. g.05-~Lusic for ~lillions. nu, hiS shirt slecI c hc.ore pin· bed lor a wcek.'· i.I5--~!usical Program, g.~O-Bob Lewis Show. nin, il in pl~cc. Hc look his' "Bcen times [ fclt friskier."; 7.30-Tops Today.' ! 9.45-Prodical Husband. !:UIl belt from thr hed post Haskell admitted. "~!ore and· 7.45--Dovle Bullclin.. ! lO.OO-Xell's in a ~linute, huckled il OIl. .'cltlii1~ it to its morc I'm realizin o how much 1: 8.1S-Ral·l·h·ldc. • ,IO.Ol-~larlin's Corncr. orrustomeci lit. H;lIl dra\l'in~ oll'e ~'ou," 8.30-~!usicol Pro~r~m. 10.l5--~lade for each othcr. thc hcal)' ~un. he hrftcd the "You nOIl't owe mc a Ihin~.", S.4S-Kilchcn Corner, 10.33-WhaI'5 Cookin' com fori of ils rcality. 1.ast, ~sserlcd ,Inc Per 1 c stoutly.:, 9.00-Rcpetoirc. IO.3S-Who·s ThaI Singin~; ni~ht hc'd becn ca'Jght with· "L~st nighl in Ihe C~n)'on 9,30-Halifax Theatre. : 10.45--Houscwi\'es Choice. out it, somct:1ing. hc lowed, 1I0use you trcated me like a, 10.00-El'cntide. 11.00-:\ews in a ~!inulc. _lhat wouldn'l happen o~oin. ,hum~n bcing. ThaI makes us 110.30-Fcstil'~1 Series. ',ll.OI-Rel'. ;"!atlhel\'.

__ -'Still limping sli~htl)', hc went cl'en." He indicated Haskcll's, 1l.3Il-CBC· National New! ; ll.30-Honour Your Parlner. oOll'n to thc lobby. Amos Pottcr ,Har. "~Ia)'be, il you'd been', Roundup and Talk. '12.00-~cws in a Minule. was bchind the rcgister countcr. ! wcaring thai, they'd have left t~Sign Off, 0 Canada; The i 12.01-Towne and Country. 011 which Jay a hat. Potter indi-! you alone." Qucen. I 12.30-News in a Minute. cated it. "~Iaybe they would, maybe 12.33-Town and Country.

"Yours, ma)'be~ It was lound not. Did I hear you right that VOCM tOO-Local and National In the street." it was Haylork that ganged FRIDAY, September 11th, Headline News.

It had been bru3heri clran of me?" 1.01-Towne Bnd Country. d'Jst and cuffed Into shape. Has- "You heard ri~ht. Vince Tend· 8.~News and Weather. 1.15--~ews. kell nodded as he took it. ler ann some of the Hayfork S.35--ircaklast with Bill. 1.3S-Editorial Comment.

"~line. Obliged. II you're still crell'. Tenrllcr ramrods for Ha)" B.S5--Ncll's. lAO-Sports. In"lere5ted in an address lor. fork. \l'ay he acts. j'ou'rl think 7.00-Breaklast wilh BIl!. l.44-ArI Bakcr's Notebook. ~'our regi5ter. you can make it, he oll'llerl lhe oulfit. ~Ichhe he, 7.30-i\'cws and Watcrfront 2.00-)lcws in a Minute. Ordel'ille. or Iron )Iountain.: lig~ers 10 some nay, il hc can I Directory, 2.03-Gerry Wiggins Show. Both lit." 'talk K~lic Lel'ening into marry., 7.35-Breaklast With Bill, 3,00-News in' a ~!inute.

Potter was e)'eir.~ the star. 'inc him." 7.~5--News. 3.Q1-Wcstern Jamboree. :Hardly had he taken his chair, Rr~~rdil1g .Joe Peelc IlRrro\\,. S.OO-Torbay We.thcr. ' 4.00-Gcll. Prol'incial Ncw!.

'Gerry Halley . Surveys Ltd.



Dial 2424-2410 QUEEN'S ROAD

Open from 6,30 to 2 a.m.

, FOR SAI,E-Slrnrtunt I Bnm: B Beams; Channels; PIat~s; pte., various sizes. Sdlvage & Sales Co 11 Patrick Sheel' ' 1709. ' mar 19. \v~ar

I, AUTO PARTS (Whole)·, NEW METHOD Rl'G ERS. R~ and Carilll

\ I'1l1u~8, lyr

Nfld i;;;;i Armature U Work! 38

Bambrick Stre et

Dial 7191·2


I to look like nev., Schrader proces; adcl to life 01 rugs. home or at OUr 'Phone 91033. ~ew Rug Cleaners, Road.

Wall W,\LL WASRI:,G_

clcaned bv ;lCI<

'CHESTER DAWE, LTD Re5Ult~ pC;'jcet !a"~l 'SHAW ST. and TOI'SAIL RD. -:\elf I!ethod flu'

Fur all your Euildinl! 'Cleaners, Fresh";'~r 1 RequirementJ rail ~P_h_on_e_~033, __ _ I _~_...;g~t);;.;16;.;;·1.........;9;;1;;.;lj;.;;1 __ - I

I I TO L.ET-Suite 4

\: DRUG STORES Royal Bank BUlldl~' ---~------- End, Ideal lor

I CONNORS DRUG STORE firm or CuslOfll'

Whip up gay TV slipI'm 01 LA~IBERT'S COUGH SYRUP: Dial 90312, .Johr. D. corduroy, cottoll, lell'elecn with can be obtained at I coil, Real Eslale rickrack 'n' cross.slitch Irim. COSNORS DRUG STORE ! _il_y_a,_(t_f_) ---_

Easy 0_ two pieces plus sole 334 \VATER ST, I for boot or ballet style. Patte~n DIAL 2206 'St t t

1 7292: cross-stitch transfer, pat- ELECTRICAL \ a u ory tern pieces 5mall, medium, large. extra large included. I I APPLIANCES I In the matter of Ihp

Send TIIlRTY-F1\,E CESTS 1 IIEDDY KILOWAJTo Ii Estate of Erir Aubr/) I in coins I lor t~i5 pattcrn I Ing late of St. (stamps ca~nol be accept"d l 10' BAINE JOHNSTON I', pan)' Director. rl

'ST. JOH:,\,'S DAILY ]l;EWS,: Save your , lIo115eholrl ,\rts Dept. 60 FRO:'l'T ' COMPANY, LTD. All persons cl"mir" ST., WEST .. TOR~:,\,TO. O:'l'T.\ Energy Agency Department 'creditors of or 'rho ~" Prlnl plaml) :\.UIf .. ADDRESS, Z~3 Waler St. Vial 2102 claims "nr! ncmal1t1l" PATTER:,\, "mlRF:R. I Use YOUR. ~'R1GJl)AIRE' eslate of Eric ,\ulirry

Our l~i9 ALlCF. BROOKS DEALER late of SI. .Juhn'. -;ccrllceraft Cataloguc h.os mony ELECTRI CITY land, Compar.y Director. lo\'ely desi~ns 10 order: crochel. HEAP & PARTNERS cd arc requircd in ,.

~lg11' knitli~g. cll:iJro'der)I" quillS, /:!rHt::i .111_ .. J (N~LD.) lTD. liClilars of the ;;;~.r:: ,,0 s. wcal'lng ..... speCla gIlt. III _J at<.¢1lT- Wirin£ ~laterials, Wire and' ing dul~' at,e"cd 10 :l! the cala:og 10 kcep 8 child h;;p· LIGN "PO". - T:'ust Comp.:l'· ,t ,1; pil~' occupicd-a culout do:1 a1d Cablcs. ~lotors, StHlers, worth Street. St Jo\:'

: clothcs to color, Send 2; cenls '0 .. •• '" Y """ I D Lamps. Fis~~~'hes. t Lighting, e~ecutor of Ihe \I'ill 0:' I for YOllr COP): of the book. I C ~ap Reliah;e Electricity IVAREHO~SEc.sPR~~CES ST.' Deccascd ,all or before.'

B.SO-Checkm' In. ; In an~ Around St. John's DIAL 5085 ;day 01 Seplemhcr .\u a.OO-Sports Today.: ~,--------- after which date Ihl . 8.l5--Masters 01 ~Ielody. I HUTCH EN'S GRO' 'ER" 'FIRE INSURANCE ecutor will proceed to· B.3G-Peop\e Are Funny. . ~ ~ I ,the said estatc hariq

. B.S5-News and Weather. MEAT .MARKFT, 'only to such claims 0: . y 53 William Streel CROSBIE & CO., LTD, . the said executor lha::

.9.00-{:0uld Thls Be QU. Dial 7450 BDd 606% Agcnts lor ha\'e had notice. 9.30-Robbin's ~est. UI'IDERWRlTERS AT 9.55--Ebony and Ivory, H, R. CLARKE LLOYD'S

lO.aO-Final Edition. Topsail Rod LOW RATES ! 10.15-Robbin's Ncst (Can't). Dial HZZ9lI DIAL 5031 , Il.OO-Music Till Midnight. I 12.00-Sign ' Off.

CJOI'~·CJOX T.V, FRIn,\ Y, Septembcr 11th.

5,30-Di scoverles.

L. HEALEY Crog Boads aon Water SI

Dial 3026



GE:O\ERAL /lAHU\\, ARE DIstributors fur Sunbram

ElectrICal Appliances

Dated ~t st. John's " day o[ ,\\I~\I51 A.D. :,~;

than the lI'aitre;s of lasl CI'PI1' ,Iy, Haskell reeo~nizcd Ihc pill" S.05--Brc.kfasl with Bill. 4.33-Wcslcrn Jamboree, ing wa5 beside him, a fact he, ched ha~~ardncss the fevcrish.' B.25-:->cIVS. 5.00-;-';cll's in a Minute. remarked on dryl,.. : ncss which told its own story. S.30-Hit Tune of the Day. 5.00-Bob Lewis Dance fartT,

8.35--Sportscast. 6.00-News in a Minute. "Serl'ice 1 5ee, has improl'ed,". "lowe you plenty," he said. 8,4~Breaklast wltb Blli.

Sports Goods and SportJ wear for all occasions.

DIAL 5016

:: I She flushed but the warmlh' "Had ),our morning drink yet?" 6.02-What's Cookin'

k "i d d . B 55--News 6.05--Bulletin Board.

of a quic "n ness showe In A flush burned through the g·.O~ "-rni'ng Date. h hi

U-I'MU 6.1O-National News. her eyes, and as s e put s face, Do I show it tilat bad?" 9.15--Linda's First Love. 6.15-Sports.

6.UO-~Hghly !llouse Playhouse. 6.30-News Headlines. 6.35-Summer Theatre. S.OU-Local :o\ews and Weather, ~.I5--:>Iat1onal News. S.30-Sherlff of (ohisp., ~.OO-Cros~ Current. 9,30-Slispic1on.

JOB BROTHERS & CO L.TD. Water Street

Dial. 2658. 41%3


, '


\\,AR~! AIR CO~VITIONI;-.iG 210 W ,\ TER ST.

Proclamati I , ( I

I ; I

I ,


! , , , , I !, : , .

I, I : ,

:i' , : 'I


, ' '1

:'1: ',. : , !, • .' . ,

I, I: , ; : , I'


! :r I! .

breakfast before him, she mur· Haskell shook his head, "A 9.30-Mornini Date. d I

. k d d I I d 6.25--NcW5. mure ow, qmc wor s. man nee s rea 00 to start the to.OO-News. n.30-The Song and the Slar.

"It was a cowardly thing they day. You come along with mc. I lO.05--Stork Club. I 7.00-Ncws in a Minute, did to you last night. That-that know a nice lady Ol'cr at the lO.15-Juke Box Jamborce. 7.0I-Club 93. Vince Tendler! But yOll can be hotel. She waits on (able, so ~hc . 10.3O-Juk~ Box Jamboree. 7.30-Ncll's. certain Kath~rine Lel'cning did i must have run of the kitchen." I to.55--News., a,OO-Ncws in a ~Ilnule. not order it." I (To Be Continued) 11.00-Wilf Doyle Show. B.OI-Best from the West.

With which flat ~latcmenl she I \l.55--News. B,30-News. hurried olf. . I J.O:-<DO:-.r I Reuters\-'I'lie Bril. 12.00-~:iddoy ~!elodlC5. 9.00-Ncll's In B ~1inule,

• • • I i,h pu,t or(I~C and C~bl~ ~IILi 12.30-News. ' ~J.ot-\\,hat" Cookin. Jle was pOl\lle.ril1~. on this I Wireie1' Uti. 11111 wurk lug"III,'r 112X)-RamiJllng wltn Record.. ~,O~·--Nlld. Soirel·.

whell AlI\os l'olt~r s \OIet' sOlllld· \ 011 llril;lill's slwe 01 u .L~U,I)UO"ll~.~5--Flsher~lan'~. Forecast. : ~.:llJ-SII()lli" '1'0111. ed hesltl~ hlln. (lOU 1'()llIul - the. world t~:fJlh{)lIe ; 1~"lll-Rulllhlillg 1IIIh Itecords. I 9A~-1l0Sl'O News.

"Have 0111' of mllle~" IllIk IhlollEIi Illf' l'OIlIIlIOllll'r;)1111.1 U5--Sportscast. 110 OO-!'\pws in 9 ~lillllte . H~~hll looked up, Tilp hotel I' The 'I'lulI,All~lItk purl of tlte i 1.21l-Ramblillg with Recorda.! lliu 1--:I'I'CO,lIrr A~~III .

owner, savoring a rigar him· link, to u~ I~itl tllll'ing 1%1, will; I.~O-Ncws. I tu,30-News,' self, was holding ont ~ slim, be. oll':led JUlIltly by Cullie Ulll!' 1.45-Passl~g Partida (John 10 4"-S '1 Virglnia cheroot I' W1I'l'less alill the Canadian O\,CI' 'Nesbitt). IO'5~ llPOl s. t

PotIer took ~ choir across s~us Telecommllnications Corpor- 2.00-:\!usie Matinee, 12' 3A ,ou~epar y and News. at IOn 2 55--N ew. ' v-l':: e\\ s.

from Haskell, leaned back and . 3'CO-D II . P d 12.33-Housepartv . . a ara on ara e, - . watched soberly ~hlle Haskell SYDNEY <Reuters) _ Prin. 3.55--News. 1.01-Queen and Sign Off. got the cheroot a ght. Then he cess Alexandra. displaying a '.OO-Bob's Bandwagon, made thoughllul remark. h rid' d f f I 405--Western Jamboree "N 'th h dd c eer u Isregar or orma· . .

I o. el er t caress or the, itics Ihat has alrcadv charmed 4.30-Ncws. fact of the ~tar 5urpmcs m.e i millions of Allstralia~s, receil'ed lo55--New •. 100 much. BU,t I am wondering, an enhll~iastic ticker.tape wei.! 5.~Bob's Bandwagon. now long you 11 be With us, and come to Sydney Wednesday. 1 5.30-Superman.

VOUS FllII'" Y, September 11th,

8.00-Suodial. 6.30-News and Wealher. 7.00-News and Weather. 7.30-News and Weather. S.OO-Breakfast Club.

10.30-Who Know~. IIl.OO-Don ~Icsscr. ~ 1l.30-Cavalcade of Sport. :,I2.l5--.Jim Coleman Show. IIZ.30-News and Wcather.


N' Again

N' Again

Waiting For Your Pho ne Calls? B.30.,.-Bert Parks Bandstand. I ! 9.00-1t Happened Last Night I' Wh T St 9.55--New~ and Weather. ere 0 ay

T.A. Bldg. Duckworth St. Dial 7046·'047


Temple Bldg .. P.O. Ilox ·(6ft. 3tl Duckwortb St. Dinl 80>,0 or 77;;6


M. COf'.'NORS LTD. IJ4 WATER 8'1'.

Oial 2206


Cor. Monchy & EmpIre Ave Dial 90070


ID4 DncRort\! !II, Dial 2381



PHlUL'ltACl Cor. Mayor and

HelTj1lleeting Ihl DIAL 7388


Ellubeth A,e. DIal 91120


DIAL 4183



ny illS HO:'iOLn Iht able Robcrl Slaf!or6 ~Iember of Ihe ~lo't Order of the Brilish Chief Justice. in and o\'er Ih!

! PLUlIBI]I;r. and IIEATING :0\ f\< f ou IIIl\a 11 11.


(;(JSTRACTORS Rep. General Etretrlc

36 "iug's Iloau Ilia I 2916


H. S. FlirlonK. ;\ ,linin i sl ral (1 r.

II. G. I'u,ht~,lrl,

!lrput>· ,\\1(1111'"

GREA 1 EASTERN OIL \l'Hi~H~~~\i~,'


COMPANY, LTD. CJmpbell Macphmo~. REPAIRS TO RADIOS, T.V Lieutenant·GOl'ernor of

AND ALL ELECTRICAL I'ince of Ne\l fOtlll:!;~ 1 APPLIANCES ,been granted Ic<',e rl , DIAL 3001 to 301)5 I from the Prm'inrt !:o:: I ,day. Sept. 7th. 19:'0.:~

I USED CARS: day, Ocl. 15th. l~,-,a

: inclll~i\e: . ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD. .~ND \1'HEnF:\- b:,

FOR A CAR YOU CAN Patent under Ihr w'.· DZPEND ON CALL :Canada dalprl thr ,u(',

ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD ,d~y 01 July .\nlill DY­"A Complete SI01. At Your ,Ihousand nine r.u~'·~·

DIM. 3015 lifty·nine I \\'~s ro",;t': I ________ • ______ 'appointcd to be Ihe

rt. ' strator of the the Province of and to execute tht functions fo

,,'. \ 1O.00-Coflee Time. B I' H I LtOO-Turn Back the Clock. ' a sam ote DRUG STORr.,

U9 Mllltlao ROl. nor thereol in the




Stop thinking-Start acting· Make your move

today it's truly amazing how such "Little". Ads

get sud' "Big" results at such a moderate cost,

Na other medium reaches' 50 many people, so

quickly, If you have something 10 sell, or are

looking 10 buy or have something you want to


include in the community's biggesl market place,

put it In the DAILY NEWS Want' Ads. , '

DIAL 2178 - 2179


1l.25--Polnt of Law. • BARNES ROAD Ll.30-Program 12.

: 12.30-March of EventJ. i 12.45--Sports Page. , 1.0ll-Jack Paar Show. , 1.3~Marvin Miller.

1.45--Couple Next Door. 2.00-Polka Party. 2.30-New&. 2.45-All Star Golf. 3.30-Baseball. 6.00-Chrckin In'. 6.30-~e",s 6.45-America's BusinesJ.

Situated In the Reart 01 the City.

Qntet. Comfortable At­ph ere.

For Reservations and In­formation

Dial 6336 MRS. JOHN FA.CEY ManateTHI


Real Bargain FOR SALE

ONE BUILDING LOT In Riverhead, Brigus, Apply to

M, J. O'BRIEN 77 Cabot Street

Dial &441


45 Qulill Vldl Rod


28~ Penn~ell Role! Dial 92937


'5 New Gower SL Dial 5727




the Lieutenant·G . be unable to and functions GOl'ernor by rca~on

THF:REFORE. 1. 110rd Furlong. Clurf the Prol'ince nf .

'haH Ihou~ht fli In " I mv Proclam;dion !r, , • 'I make known III I

: Cil'il or ~'ilil,rl'. ar!, ,pcr,ons in Ihe rrn\lrCf

i founnanel th,1 1. ,the said appoint .. I ~umen the ;ulmil " I ! GOl'ernment of Ihe

Knock at Your Door :Ncwfoundland. ano a::, with Gifts and Greetings' are herehy enjointd Will


. f',lI·,hl to confor~ Store At Your Door. from Friendly Business 'thcreto ..

_______ ._~_ ___ Neig ours and Your GIVZN under mY I


DIAL 931~9 hb

A double chh can be dimin. Civic and Social Seal, at GOl'e~lIml~ ishcd with proper hair styling. h. St. John's, 1111' [lIh Keep ~ide hail' up and away from On t e occasion. of:. I September, 1959. t~e aee (or a "lifted" look. I New Comer 10.the City. BY CmDIA:\\l· NCl'er. nel'er let your hair hang I The Birth of, a Baby, ~ln~'~~rS ~f loosely arOlI~d your neck i[ your • PHONE' C:1IO tine Isn t as prelly as you'd like. . 94865, t:il57 - or ' 90943 scpt.11




I 10 23

:2 19 7 21 .5 18 8 17

1.4 25 15 26 1 6 20


• experle ing to



at B I'


A. request is m t!l'Iy of the a ir Unif"rms to SATURDAY. Ilie~ or Mr. D~

of 011 po rent

MEMORI . OF~ NI Unlv.nlty n,W Facu1

'on. and hi


~ 11,

c customs <i'e. John D. , c,: F..state Agent

.'Itrr of Ihr WiD of Eric Aubrey

Ie or ~t. John\ ·lfrctor. rlerealti

,';< cl;,iming 10 ,. nr who mar

'Iem;,nels . . .\ u breI'

lohn·,. '\ ." Director. ',' (] to

'·"·.lJ:l~· at :!~j

.. '.:. ~I John'l , : 'he Will of

"nlil'itor for : :. I~

. 1f()\Ul'R Ihe Ilo',rrl Stafford 'rl of th~ ~Io~t

"r the Brill J",lice. .\0

" IUI\~. JlI .. trJlur,

I' lllhi t' ... 1t"1',

I, \tlul'll~Y

'\'Inc~ of' :o(,,\'loulll

execute the os fa Lieute r' crof in the

Itrnant·G ',:, to execule ,r.rllons of or by reason 'FHIRE. I. '11·!nn~. Chief J

\ !!He of · ·;:hl fIt to ,('I,m,tion 'n "l!1Wn 10 all - 1lllitarl'. and · ", I he Province ",; ,il,1 I. ,I "nnr,; "tn,.,,!. · 0" ,dmini.ltr mi'"' 01 the :",!i,nrl. and all . r'w enjoined i 10 conform

a; under mY al (;overnmenl

luhn's. this 9th '1lILer. 19~9.

. 1

CmI.IL .. !\O. ~IYLES

"Inisler II



L .. ····,··".· . .. , < .,' ,

.',"" ' .....


BINGO 1U1Ufspaper


10 2 7 ~

8 I~

IS 1 6


I 23 19 21 18 17 25 26

20 16

N 43 3~


31 42

G 49 58 55 ~7 48 54

o 63· 75 74 6~



Help Kiddies



~nowledge .of book-keep­Iftg necessary. State age and experience. Apply in writ­ing to

BOX 1000 Daily News


ATTENTION Big brothetl and sisters art needed for

Orientation Week.

Anybody who is available to help in this

reaped Ihould attend a meeting for pra, . pe"lve Big Brothers and Sisters on

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER J 4''', at 8 p.m. in the Auditorium.



i" ~:.q;~lhIS mad. to all boys who look pari Iheir ~ 'f I e above named Leagues to return Or SAT~IR~ms to Bannerman Pork either TODAY Gilli~! MAY. JU!t hond lome to Mr. Bill

Or r D~we F't Id h liOn of 11' y I zgera , T e co-opera· o porents concerned is requested.

JACK WALSH, Playgrounds Manager.


Th. Univ. It for rl y II .nking accommodation n.w Fa I of cu ty member.. Apartment.

on. and I b r.qu' d wo .droom capacity art III. Roo db' . hornl f m an oard. In prlvat.

a .. ' Id or lingl. Fac:ulty member. I, allD .. Ir. Will pile.. . any p.rsonl interest.d

Contact th r - . dtnt. t I . • ~cretary to the Pr •• I· , • .phon. 5749.

II P.M. TO 1 A.M.-CALL 9-0026


"RiA Wife insists MODELING 1i1e ROOM!"

on RE· BATR· !

• • • But Mister-she's ionna win 10 why don't YOU relax and enjoy the COMFORTS of • Modernlted Bathroom. Ii'! ealY to pay-so YOU might u well be COMFORTABLE. can on w.


Tuna Boot for Charter, ,xperienc!ld Wedge port







Semi· Finals

6.30 p.m.

ST. BON'S vs.



CO., LTD. i Radio. Television, Washers, I Refr1weraton, Deep l"l'~el~r5 I Electric Rangel

}'loor POILlhers' I Gramophones' I Pllbllc Addreu S}5tema,

Tape Recorden REPAIRS AND SER\,ll:E

S LINES DI .. \L 3801 to 1005

WAfER STREET ;an26,1:1'.



BUNGALOW containing five: rooml ed pantry, auo two car i carage. '

Tull lin eOllcret! basement­Freebold land. Price $10,000.00 -TERMS ARRANGED. Tlilil property Is situate on the Ne" TransCanada Highway and Is practically witnin the city limit •. For further partleulBI'8 please


John D. O/Driscoll,

ilEAL ESTATE AGEST mon,fr!,tf



Baird Motors Ltd. : 'MERRYMEETING ROAD

DIAL 80378·9

TlIL .... ..,. ,..., '"


~ __ "Think of the money he saves on combs!M

R~fAI~ \0 R8dI0ll,-To~~~rl~WST-=-OnT~;s~1~ Seplem·

Clat rons. Heaters. Vacuum ber 8th between G'and 9 pm caners etc Prompt ·erv·c . . . hi'. ole between Arnold's Cove and

Wit ower prices. Corner k" Electric Shop' 7 'I ..' Mac In,on s on the Hodge· , ,enl' S. t L' Ald' bl Dial 59BO-H nl.n7 , .. :. wa er Inc. ales Ut

. suitcase, containing penonal PARTIES Intercsll'd In high or effects., Finder please

low Painting jobs done. Phone !1054~·H or call at 27 Please apply 14 Casel' S~l'ret Pine Bud A\'enue. Reward or Phone 46B3·L. ·sepl.1m i, offered.

SITUATION VACANT We have an opening for a

SALES C~ERK with training in the Mechanical and Industrial Supply Business. Grade XI is e~S8ntial and specialty training will. be given preference. References required.



S111il II (~oroll(i.·



1 "1 'NA rEi( 5 TREE;


DIAL 5105

4057 . 4053




o • y . ~J. .. ~



II can be dangerous ond cosily too, to try your hand at home· mode repairs or im· provemllnls I Have them done the right way, Ihe safe way, by consulting with one of the experts you'll find lilted in our classi· fied section. A phonll call will bring the right help to your door I

, . DIAL 2177 - 2178



Da.ily News

FOR SALE-{)n Mt. 5cio Rd., furnace heated. three bed· room bungalow. Hardwood no~JrS, colored bathroom. Built on freehold land meas· uring 75 feet by 3!io feet. Reasonab!e price. Apply 10 Aidan Denine, JIll. Scio Rd.

FOR RENT-A four·room heat· ed apartment on Le~larchant Road. between the Grace Hospital and St. Clare's Hos· pital. 'Phone 6241 after 6 p.m.

Pullets For Sale i

SPECIAL PRICE ' 51' 1 , ~ mon~. o!d Pullrls at S2.4O PR. I

I F.O~ .• FLORE:-iCEVILLE. ~.B.; • LAII:\G - DISEASE FREE I i LIght Sussex or :--'.H. x BR. I' I Crossbreds. ' ,F~1't ThnlEDlATE SHIPj.IE~T; , \I rile. Wire or Phone 46:Q·F I


or contact

Donald's Poultry Farm


In the Supreme Court of NewfouncHand

Between Edward Ryan PlaIn· tiff. and Thomas 'Tapper, Defendanl.

l'tOTICE OF SALE TAKE NOTIC~ that under a

Writ of Fieri Facias dated the 11th dRY of February A. D. 1959 ALL THAT piece or parcel or' land slluate and being on the I ,~orth side of Torhay in the Dis.\

I tnct of SI. .John·s Easl in lhe Province of N ewfollndland abut· .

I tpd and bounded RS follow, i

,thaI is to say: on Ihe Easl b): I 'Ryan's Lane (Rlso callpd ~Iorris I I A'enlle I and land of one ~Iich· ~ • aet Cu;len; On the Soulh b\' a I : Cart Road rllr,ning betw~en I ,the within de.;cribed land and· lands of Edward Ryan . .Iacob Bradbury, Rohert Bradbury and Frank Ryan. and on Ih~ ;-';orlh by lands of one Goss~.

and helonging to Ihe Defend· ant, are to be sold by pub· he Ruction on Friday. Sept. 18th at . Noon o[ the clock in my i offIce at the Court House.

W. G. WARREN, Sheriff of Nlld.

Dated the 11 th day o[ Sept. A.D. 1959, at 51. John's, Nfld.

Newfoundland Services


Regular 8.10 a.m. train leav· ing St. ~ohn's Monday, Sept. 14th. WIll mJke connection at Argentia with ~Iotor Ve~se!s for the Bay Run and West Run

· Plac~ntia Bal'. I

: ST. JOHN'S·COR?'.TR BROOK, , SER\'ln: .

s.s. Nut'itlPl'Il I{anger for' · regll18r purlS SI. Johll·,·(·ornel" ; Brouk Sel'\'lce will ~JiI 11'0111: 'Ihe Dock L'oaslal Wharf :\oon 11'1Ifsday. Sepl. 15th.


Train "The Caribou" lcaring 51. John's Monday. Sept. 14th, i

will make connection It Lewis­porte with M.V. :-ionia for reg· ular ports Green Bay Service.


51. John's 1.30 p.m. Monday Sept. 14th, wlll make connect:. Ion at Corner Brook with 5.5. Springdale for the Lewisport!· Corner Brook Serviee.



SERVICE Freight u accepted daily at

the Railway Freight Shed for regular ports Soulh COa!t 5er· vice but in order to ~I!ar~ntee: movement h~' thi~ trip of the I 5.S. Bar Haven freight musl be : at the Railway Freight Shrd! not i,tor thall 1.00 p.m. Tues· : dlY. Sept. 15th. I


Freight for re~ul~r port~ !oil. ~ John·s.Corner Brook Sen'ice i

per S.S. Northern R;,nger will' he ItCepled at lhr Dock Coastal: Shed lo·day. Frid,y, and 10: morrow, Saturday, 9 ~.m. to 5 p.m.


FreiJht for P0riS Sl. Jnhn's· Goose Bay per 5.S. Burgeo will be accepted at the Dock Coastal Shed Saturday, Sept. 12th II I.m, to ~ p.m. '



Near New


Federal Building

decorated/ heat and light supplied.

Two suites of three offices each with large safe, desks, etc. Two suites of two offices each. Ideal for firm of accountants,

customs brokers or agents. • • commiSSion

Very low rental to reliab~e

tenants. Apply

Geo. P. Bowden & Co., ltd .. 78 GEORGE STREET

PHONE 5071 P.O. BOX 418

NOTICE On, September 14th. Atlantic

Lodge No. , 1.0.0.F. will reopen. All

members are requested to attend.

By order of the NOBLE GRAND.


The Annual Broadcast featurnig child· ren from Victoria Park Playground will be presentl!d THIS EVENING over Radio Station C.B.N. at 9 o'clock.


Gravenstein Barrels &

Apples Boxes

Due to arrive to-day ex. 5.5. Belle Isle, and noW booking orders for p_rompt delivery. . .




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, I

Frank McNamara Ltd. ~' :; QUEEN STREET" 'PHONES 5143 - 5144 t ': __ . ______ . _________________ .1 I

Camera Craft Your COLOR FILMS

NEE~ EXPERT CARE Bring them to

Camera Craft.· and be assured of the· fine~t possible service by one of


Canada's leading Photo • fin~ ishing Plants.

ALSO We give speedy service on~: ..


In By 10 Out By 4:3P ~; .:;,

t?,~ f' ,~.


Your Modern Photograph.~ Centre.' . .' ~

, .


, !

, · " I , '


I '! I

I '1.' I'

i [' I : I I 1 '

" : I ,


~ 'J

11 · Ii

I' 1;1

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Commissioners , I


, I I)"

Of Oaths Named! , I

. LIME Etc. Etc . ~--------------------------------

, i , I


, ,

, i, ,I , t,


" , I



------------------------------~--~~-------" This Seasons Ne'west V elvetsand Felts


Popular Pric'e


Why Pay More? <

The Department of Prol'incial Affairs has announccd that, I under authority of The Com· I missioners for Oaths Act, the', following persons havc been ap· pointcd as Commissioners for Oaths in and for t\'cwfoundland:

~Ir, Che,ley H, Pittman. Sop's ,Island E a s t; Mr, Randolph : Small. "'ild CO\'c. \V,Il,; ~Ir, I William ~Iorr)'. FNrylnnd; .\Ir, I

I Eric ~11Irph)', W<lh\l~h Lakr, , : Lahrarlor; ~lr, Alhert G, Par· ~ I soni, SI. .John·!, I

THE GREAT IMPOSTER The Amazing Careers of F. W. Demara-

Robert Crichton $3.95 NO ROOM IN THE ARK I


Herbert Riltlinger 4.25 THERE SHALL BE WINGS

Appointed Leslie Roberts .", 5.00

F . h A WORTH LIVING FOR "" relg t gent Evo Bartok ",,"" 2.75

AFRICAN FOLLIES :'IIONCTON, Sept. 11-Ap· • pointment of Frank T. Sayer Constance I as Travelling Freight Agent T k' 300

f am Inson "."". .

or the Atlantle Region of Canadian :-.'ational Railways BEST BEST OF was announced toda\' bv GREGORY CLARK Walter C, White, G~ner~1 ' .. Craig Ballantyne 3.50 Freight Agent of the com· FOR 2c PLAIN pany,

:Ill', Sayer, formerlv [rcight Harry Golden "" 4]5 traffic I'epresentatil'c' at lIali· THE ALTERNATE CASE fax. will be associated with J h the C:\R newl\' or~3nizel! I osep F. Dinneen 4.25 merchandise '~:-I'ices. thr)' I' REFLECTIONS co·ordinate the use of railll·a.". R. A. Parsons .... 3.00 highway nnd eXlll'ess o]lrra·, THE SHOOTE

, !ions to pro\'ide a f",ter ,Pl" i ' R'S BIBLE vice .for Atlantic region 'iLfJ' 1960 EDITION ..... 3.00

• I

pel'S, Born .1 ~IOI1['IOI1, ~II'. S""Cl' O' k & C l d

was educ<1ted at ~lonrtol1 l!'i~h' Ie S 0., t. ,School anti D<llhousie Cnilw,ily at Halifax, lIe is ~ Charter member of the Fredericton

The Booksellers Junior Chambcr of Commerce, Spin 442':; or 2008 or 3191 and a former President of the

Just received a shipment of Lime in 125 lb. Airtight Stetl Drums, these containers are very eo.sily to handle - no leakage or waste from these packages, and are very convenient to have around your Barns or Warehouses.


TAR ''''" ..... "'', ..... "" .. " ....... ,, ...................... '''' ... , . .... s Gals. Tins

FELT , .. ,"',.", ... ,.,,"'., .;, .... ,", .... , .. " ... , "., ... , ... , ... , .. " ... , ....... , .... "Roll,

SHEATHING PAPER "', .. , ... "." .... , .. " .. , ... , ....... , ... , ...... , ............ Rolls

CEMENT .. " ...... ,', ...... " .......... , ...... " ..... ,,, ..... , ... , ... , .. ,, ... , ... ,. ".Sacks

fELEPHONES: 5143 - 5144 QUEEN ST.

Sllmme~ snap,hols caJ be a, in the wrong place.', 3:1d that: A good speaki~g \'U;[~ It real help in tcaching YOll 11':1:11'5 'I prillt dress which was ab;olutely, that i.s easily u,1!iersto~j, .

I ',;Ttlllg II'lth your appcarJnce, 1 your summer fal'orile is not. rected. ~l3rmonious and el , [,ook through them carefully and', after all, what you should wear. If you will illl'cst the "IT~' ,'ou might be surp:ised to see i Doo'l moan, Inslead, ~et busy.' terminatioJ you hal'e ,hOi:

. '.hat YOilr penciled 1'~'ebro\\s are: The c,lIncra ran help you by, perfecling your appcal'J"tt all \\','ong when ~Oll were ~o' telling thing, Ihat neither )'our perfecling ~'our \'oi,r. YOJ •

,ure they I\'P~e perfecl; IIlal ,'our' . ' ha\'e laken a 1110'1 i bouffant hairdo resemble,' a mop fnend, nor a hil.,I)' ~lancc IJ a ,Iep 10\l'ard a hra!l!l' rath,c:' Iban being piquan l : thn:' mirror will rrl'cal. 'lilKe ti,e fidance i." ,'"cor abl),", I~ )'OU \'P allowed )'our body 10 Ihe chemhed Ulle 01 I

! ,hlmp, haw Rdded ,orne pounds i mo't of Ihe camNas criticism. in;:." ----~---~-------------.-----------

TRADITIONAL ••• MODERN ,Saint John Carridcn Choir,

He joined Canadian National ENGAGEMENT : Telegraphs in 1940 as'8 clerk I Pierson WINDOWS ENHANCE ~lr. and ~lrs, James R. Dillon I

M I and transferred to the traffic announces the engagement of t

S I LLEY LTD department of the Railway later, their daughter G Id' t: '. . h Sh tl f d ' . era me 0 . In t e year, or), a terll'ar s: A/2C .Jamcs Preslc" 5 f' ~I :

I • ' • he enlisted for s~rvice in The! and ~!rs, F, G. P:~;i~l~' °K~O~:.

Royal Canadian Navy. .! rille, Tennessee, U.S.A

: I _------------------------------ Demobilized in December.: ._-' ---• . • i 1945, he returned to the C:-IR ~ BIRTH


Tall girls II'ho stoop call more· seems to her an awkward size: Learning to walk grDcefully and i as a clerk at Fredericton. He; RUfFNEY-B f .. , Itc,llion to theit' height tha:1 i[: can take dancing lessons o~ spec'I' dressnattermgly 1\'111 put a tall was promoted to Assistant Rate 1 d '1 . G 0 ~rn ~o Pro CSSOI

, hey s(ood proudly, A teenager I ial exercises. These del'elop good girl literally head and shoulders ',Clerk at S'lint John in 1H50 i ~n . rs. ". ' ot ncy at Dr ~~o is self-conscious about what I carriage and body control. I above her less chic sisters, 'I Rate Clerk' in 1~5" and Chief II' edlls "uArslng

Home, DeIhl - ' n la, on ugust 31st, a son ,Clerk at Campbellton in 1955,· '





~ He was appointed Freight, DEATHS

I Traffic representative at Hali·! CO\-':A--;'-;--P --d'---f-I-I ' , .' 1 I" - assc peace u " fax In 958" I away at ~[ontreal on Septcmuer.

, He IS n:arrred to the [ormer. 9th, 1959. John Cowan, son of Edna Dasilwood of Lancaster. the late Robert A, and ~[argarel . N,B., and the couple has five Cowan, Left to mourn is his I children, ~Iary 14. Frank 12, sister, ~[rs, J. J, Sinnott. of this Janet nine, D.wid four and Cit)', Funeral takes place at I

Peter one, '.Iontreal on Monday. Sept. 14th, following Hequiem Mass.

Tightening the abdominal mllS' , dcs will do wonders for a nell' ESCOTT-Passed away at the I dress, It keeps your tummy ~raee Hospital on Thursday" ,from bulgin~ in an unflattering Sept. 10th. Violet Escott. Leal", 'wal', For abdominal muscle ton· rng to mourn her belol'cd hus·, 'ing', lie O~ your back and lift band, Wm, Escott: one daugh·· , youI' legs together. Then slowly ler, Grace, at Toronto; two Ilet them down until you are ~st· sons. Ch<lrles and Ernest.' at I in~ in a flat po,ition, . home, anll her f<lther, Charles, , ' Proll'se, Funeral notice later. '




PEARCE - Pasled peacefully, away at SI. Clarc's ~Iercy 1105'

I pital on Thursday, Sept. lOth. Alfred Sidney Pearce. Leav· ing to mourn many close rela· tives and friends in KCII'found·' land. Funeral at Harbor Grace at 2.30 p,m, to·da. , Friday, Sept : Ilth,-fri,sat 1

WAREHA~I-Passed pe<lceful· Electronic .Iy away after a short illness at

I the General Hospital on Sept.





WATER STREET DIAL 3011 VICTOR TEA RAINBOW, TEA Centre Ltd. 10th, Lillian Wakeham, aged 76 years. Leaving to mourn five, , _______________________________________________ _

E sons, Garfield and Randolph

~-----------------------------------------------------.. GEORGE NEAL LIM'ITED

ST. JOHN'S 'PHONES: 2264 - 4440 - 3420

For a short time we are offeri.,.g standard Murray • Brantford roofings AT VERY MUCH


i ,' .. ~, ',: REDUCED PRICES. , 210 lb. Miniraliz:ed Asphalt Shingles, all colours $12.50 Sq,

'. ~. MI'nlrall'z:ed roofl'ng , ........... " ......... " .. " ............. ". $

Smooth· lurfac. '18" 45 lb • • I.'.II.'"' •• I •• , ••• II.I~ ••••• II $

Itnooth lurfacl18" 55 lb ........ :." ..... ' ... : ........... " .. .

. A~lOr. full' line of -- .'




and all Building Supplies.


!A. H. MURRAY &: Co., Ltd. ST. JOHN!S.

90 CAMPBEll AV. Russell oc thc City, Alonzo Rus-After hours' 'PHONE 6401 A sell of Corner Brook, Matthew

Wakeham of the City, and James Wakeham of Montreal,

The Newfoundland I and one sister, Lillian Dlrs. , ,. h' Harry Greenland) of the City.

ASSOCiation for t e, The funeral will take place on Help 'of Retarded .1


Saturday, Sept. 12th, at 2.30 p,m, from her son's reSidence,

Chil~ren gratefully ac- Il\andolph Russell. 68 Penny· knowledges a donation '~'ell Road. to the Anglican I

Cemelery for Interment. of $10.00 from Mr. and fri.sat

Mrs. W. N. White in ------of a dear


Reg. $1.98







'\ SPECIALS All fashion jewellery. reg $1.00, Speciol 59c

All fashion jewellery, reg, $2.00,

Special $1.49.


JEWELLERY (other than obpve)

25% OFF




~1IlIIIIII!""'.,-..x . Ilk.


with 0\1 , purchases

or over

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premier called [or a of his country's witn India. the standing

National People's

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icelandic lie in a pllddle,

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