Page 1: E-Weekly-3/3 Green Earth Movement An E-Newsletter for the cause of Environment, Peace, Harmony and Justice Remember - “you and I can decide the future”


Green Earth Movement

An E-Newsletter for the cause of Environment, Peace, Harmony and Justice

Remember - “you and I can decide the future”

Page 2: E-Weekly-3/3 Green Earth Movement An E-Newsletter for the cause of Environment, Peace, Harmony and Justice Remember - “you and I can decide the future”

A ‘FASHION’ AMONG YOUTHSoft drinks are today's trend or much

better, you can call them 'fashion' especially among the youth. Do you

know that this colorful liquid does not do a bit good to you? Instead, they add up

dangerous toxins to your body.

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Soft drink (also called soda, pop, coke, soda pop, fizzy drink, tonic, mineral or carbonated beverage) is abeverage that typically Contains water (often, but not always carbonated water), a sweetener, and a flavoring agent. The sweetener may be sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or a sugar substitute (in the case of diet drinks).A soft drink may also contain caffeine, fruit juice, or both.

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Examples of beverages not considered to be soft drinks are: pure juice, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, milk, and milkshakes.

Beverages like Gatorade and Powerade may meet the definition of a soft drink but Are usually called sports Drinks. Red Bull (and variations) also may meet the definition, but are usually called energy Drinks.

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Soft drinks are called "soft" in contrast to "hard drinks" (alcoholic beverages). Small amounts of alcohol may be present in a soft drink, but the alcohol content must be less than 0.5% of the total volume if the drink is to be considered non-alcoholic.Widely sold soft drink flavors are cola, cherry, lemon-lime, root beer, orange, grape, vanilla, ginger ale, fruit punch, and sparkling lemonade.Soft drinks may be served chilled or at room temperature. They are rarely heated.

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THINK BEFORE YOUR DRINK Soda Soft drinks are become part and parcel of the Indian lifestyle. Be it children, the college kid or the middle aged Indian,soft drinks are enjoyed by one and all. Today there are people who enjoy Soft drinks with almost every meal that onehas outside his/her home. Despite severalissues that crept up regarding the ingredients used behind the manufacturingof soft drinks the market remained stable. Soft drinks do not only rule the urban markets they have successfully managed to penetrate the rural areas as well.

But the truth is, perhaps you know, that the mouth watering soft drinks you guzzle aren’t healthy. See why you should THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK THE SOFT DRINKS!

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Weight Gain & Obesity

Drinking a single 330 ml can a day of sugary drinks translates to more than 1 pound (0.45 kg) of weight gain every month. The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional sugar-sweetened soft drink consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times. According to researchers, the likely reason for weight gain in people who consume calories in sugar-sweetened beverages is failing to adequately reduce their intake of calories from other sources.

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Sodas affect Kidneys

A three year study of over 1,000 men with a history of kidney stones showed that there was a clear-cut difference in the group's experiences, with much less renal colic in the men who had avoided soft drinks. Soft drinks acidified with phosphoric acid were the worst offenders. Colas of all kinds, of course, are well known for their high phosphoric acid content.

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Dental Decay

A large number of soft drinks are acidic and some may have a pH of 3 or even lower. The acidity can dissolve themineral content of the enamel, making the teeth weaker, more sensitive, and more susceptible to decay. Drinking acidic drinks over a long period of time and continuous sipping can therefore erode the tooth enamel. Drinking through a straw is often advised by dentists as the drink is then swallowed from the back of the mouth and does not come into contact with the teeth as much. Also, it is suggested that brushing teeth right after drinking soft drinks should be avoided as this can result in additional erosion to the teeth due to the presence of acid.

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Sodas affect LiverAccording to a new Israeli medical study, drinking soft drinks can cause damage to your liver. Scientists from Israel found that people who drank a litre of fizzy drinks were five times more likely to develop fatty liver disease. Even drinking a couple of cans of fizzy drinks a day raised the risk of liver damage in addition to causing diabetes and heart damage.

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Can lead to AlzheimerSoft drinks are extremely acidic, so much so that they can eat through the liner of an aluminum can and leach aluminum from the can if it sits on the shelf too long. Alzheimer patients who have been autopsied, all have high levels of aluminum in their brains. Heavy metals in the body can lead to many neurological and other diseases.

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Cause Sugar CrashThe high amounts of sugar in soft drinks cause your pancreas to produce an abundance of insulin, which leads to a "sugar crash". The "sugar crash" is evidenced by lethargy, loss of interest in work tasks and even sleepiness. Chronic elevation and depletion of sugar and insulin can lead to diabetes and other imbalance related diseases. This is particularly disruptive to growing children which can lead to life-long health Problems.

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Weakened Bones and Risk of Osteoporosis

Frequent consumption of soft drinks may also increase the risk of osteoporosis, especially in people who drink soft drinks instead of calcium-rich milk. High soda consumption in children poses a significant risk factor for impaired Calcification of growing bones. There is a statistically significant inverserelationship between consumptionof carbonated beverages and bone mineral density in young girls, which places them at increased risk of suffering fractures in the future.

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Increased Blood Pressure

Experts have reasons to believe that over consumption of fructose (a form of sugar found in sweetened soft drinks) leads to an increase in blood pressure.

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Increases Dehydration

Most soft drinks are diuretics, meaning theySqueeze liquids out of the body, thus worsening dehydrationinstead of correcting it. A considerable amountof water is required just to process the high levels of sugar in soft drinks. To replace what is stolen, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water for every soft drink that you consume.

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No Nutritional ValueUnless fortified, soft drinks contain little to no vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, or other essential nutrients. Soft drinks may also displace other healthier choices in people's diets, such as water, milk, and fruit juice.

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Switch on to diet soft drinks?

Switching from regular soft drink to diet soft drink, thinking it saves on calories and sugar and can still give you the caffeine boost and beverage variety you're looking for might not help. Some recent studies say that diet drinks might not bemuch better for your health. Diet soft drinks Contain Aspartame, which has been linked to depression, insomnia, Neurological disease and a plethora of other illnesses.

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Here are some suggestions for kicking the soda habit

Replace the soft drinks with water. ► If it's hard to get used to plain water, use bottled

water with a squeeze of lemon or lime for a while.► If it's carbonation you crave, drink sparkling mineral water instead.► Keep bottled water or sparkling mineral water on hand so when the urge for a soft drink hits, you'll have a healthy alternative handy.

► Be prepared for a sugar let-down in the first few days of kicking soft drinks if you've been drinking regular soft drinks. Stick with it.► Take this little, but valuable tips; you will surely suggest others to avoid fizzy drinks after seeing your results.

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This Presentation was produced by Green Earth Movement (GEM) Team,

c/o St Xavier’s Community Centre, Panvel, Tel: 2745 5556

Other GEM PowerPoint Presentations are: 1. Zero Garbage2. Nobel 4 India3. Solar Energy

4. Junk Food5. Plastic – a boon or bane

6. Green Passion.7. Twenty Tips To Save Nature

These PPP CDs (editable) may be downloaded from our website: – refer

GEM sectionOr contact : [email protected],

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