
W, YNE'S NEW CANDY STORI Is uow opened in the b~ildinlit!: first dOOI' north of the hard!..

,eadq*artersI FOR

W-atche!'i, Clocks'i1T~welry.Etc. I

J. ~. MINES, Leading JEWE~E~I Watches, Clocks nnd Jewelry I'

~;;'i::~k· :~f;~:~7;~.1

T~;·;E;;e ~;~~~~;& ~~N~I Spr every descri pUon are to, be~ound in the Hew establishmfmtiSuch~s only an experienced ~ur':Ichaser would buy. In conneotionIWith the new establishment i~ an.

11e Cream and Lnnch PlIrI rI Where tbe choicest of Ice Cr~a

I'can be had and where :exoe-qenCoffee and .m·el~m is sa

llight lunches. FRESH F150a<.on.

~. L. UnL,+---------- ---~- 'I "


tlLtlJl'll HaLs lLud Bonnets 1 t 'cadinl{ ShafJ0!:! iu READY~TO- ~ !

treet HatH, Sept. 13th to I ~ at,rs Aherns. ,!

, --~-"-'--I

:' Public Sale. II Workmau & Tracy will seH at pUb io',

~uctiou at Winside, Sll.turday, ~P',t9 "_'~" '~er 9th, beginning at one o'cl0 ~~. "_

IhirtY-F.lix head of /load Missour' Diu 9S._

rom 1 to ± years old, nnd eleve h horses. WORKM..\N & T~A .'.I P. W. OMAN, Auotioneer. I

/ ---_._---

~ead Brown's Business College ad.M.iss Ella Sears went UP. to Carroll

yesterday. tJ H. Porter was down from Carroll ! P. G~ JameA ret.u~ned Ifrom nlidais

ye&terday. S~turday.! il

Miss Myrtle Ford departed for 0010- I W. A, K. Neely is I\ob'iting with rela-rado today. tiV8S in Pennsylvania. _: !

llIomerWhoatoD returned from Iowa W. J. Weatherholt of Hoskin!", id, inlast evening. the city on bU8inef'l~today. \

lI. • F. Brenner was here fr'om Minne~ , I'J1- Robert Jeffery of Carroll,Iowa'I!S

8~oli8 yesterday. l'vi~iting with relatives'hore.Lulu Cook C6Dle home from Oma.ha I Mn:i. Rotter nas-purchased the prJp_

M6ndayevening. pI ty just Houth of Bert Brown's. IfOR RENT-Q,good fOUf room hou-oe. I Mrs. Everett LflUgblin jq \'"i<;itfng

E~quird of Mrs. Rottu.. :with Mrs. Bradford at Whiting, I ,/(.;a,

f3. F ..Ramsey of WinSIde, was a i 'The Baptist ladies oxpect to l~ghtWayne VIsitor yesterday. their ohurch with electricity in the rear

red Perry and Js.a. Britton wen t to future. I -

Omaha Monday morning. , Look In at Ahern"s for the Ihtest~rabk Brookings retnrned to hi,,, weaves in FINE DR.ESS aoqos,

home 8.t Tekama.h Monday" Silks Bnd Velvets. I '

jP. L. Miller & Son sell' full ,p8ten~ 'I'he Wayne Corn Palace Band hasF~~ur for 90 cents per sack been engRKed to play for the carnival

IMrs. Ralph Oreer visited with Win-II at Sioux City next and Carroll fril:'nds this week. , The Monday club bald its first s~s.

IA light Tain ha.q Lean flillipg sinoel 8!on this yelu' at th~ home of ~lr". D.m~ning. It was very much·neet1ed. j O~<Majn Monday af~ernoon.

For Tailor Made Suits, a J~ckelt 81 ~.I. Hoover who 'ImR bet;1l viSIt itJgo 1f ~pe or Coliarette go to Abern's~, . sister, Ahs..'Grant Mears, reo

number of good bUlldin~ will ya tur a Omaha FrIday erected in Wayne ,before the alas . and Ed. Shultbeis aro en·of 189~, , ·jgJ' a visit from, their I'jister, Mrs.

Mrs Ayer.9, of B,Uf Oa~ KansElS, is) ~l1er and husband of with her parents, Mr. and Mrs' c1s BUYS n lifty pound sal'l,Silmonton. .!'of (i'ull Patent Flour at p .

.II<'. A. Denrllprn sold the noJ4 of Hjl ~:~ILLEH &. SON1S.26-2 to Jacob Br.ugel' )'('s,~~idar (0 ~rl:l. Ol'illln woo hl~~ b' on vlRit.inKil4f.OO cash, with her hrotherR, thq W~bE:I' Bl·()~. for

rary & Fleming J'O,ceiVOd n tillolle some time, returno~ to li'lorenpe Mon·11 e of 08rrioges tbi6 morning. 'l'he du,y. ,are beauties. ' f The Ladies Aid Sbqiety ot the Pres-


' ra. Bre~sl~r' "ind Mrs. Kohl will e11. b~t~ian ohurch ~iil. serve hlnoh::to tain fr.ientffl·st n. at 7: :1:1::2;~e county fl~lr, September ~I,tb 8 eveDIng.1

eo, Baile./. and wife and Gao. Me ~ The sllb"ject of the sermon, at, t?e. ~ Baptist ohureh Sunday morlllug Will;1 It~nd w.ito'idrove dovrn from Carro 1 be "The Invitation of t.ho Church""',', evenm,gt EveTling subject., "A Young Mao's90 centa~.I buy fifty pounds of Fu 1 Choice."

~1:~:~lOu... P. L. Miller & Son set. A litJJe boy's coat wa,s fonnd on thoI ~ prl . sidewalk in front of Philleo & Soo's :, J i'n r~turne? home. fro office the first of the :-veek.. The owner ~~tel and get a "ood, sqI a last eV~DiDg flull Will rarnam f r may haYe same by oalling at tho HER- ~b cents. '

a~out ten ~Y'S' . .•. ALD office" i FOR SALE. ; "ut merry arty of ladles eOJoyedla 'rbree red steer ca.{Yes one havio.'l aITen flne ~pi'ing calves Rod ~

Pi~iC anti g at Geo. PhillE'o'a gro e bell ~n, strayed froml"mY farm on Sat~ old while faceri bull 'for' sQle.+­ye terd4y ternoon. orday Aug. 19. Any' information' will of J. H. Gall. I

rs.i W.IJoneswbo has beenviSf'- be~ladlyreceived, C. F. CARPENTER. ---. - - ----- , .ill in :Mino~apolis for some time l' _. • . ' . . Superintendent's Noti,:e

d b. b~ d' George TldrlOk; died at his home In I will be in tho 0turne. ,.om~ la~ur ay. Brenna, Sunda.y ~opt, 3n1, aged 47 y'rs. Sa.turdays,

I hd~ 10 hf O,lty make the Seco~d The funeral wa~ held Monday Ilfter· Saturday of eachH~nd.S~ore a~cal1, can bfY noon. Deceased teaves a wire and tllree preoeding. CIIAULa1ytbIDIg fr~~ a dog oha.m to a piefo ohildren. Supt. of

of! city prO~OJlty. I' Judge Norris ha.s l:liS'iumed his dutieslMiss p.. i~kinson and mother l,ft at tho Port of Ma,qila. where he arrived Mondamin Camival

MPnday fo Omaha and Des Moin~a, !'ufely. Owing to tlteiunsettlerl state orl Iowa, SeW~6ro ~he ill purobRsA her f».ll ~tld affl\irs there Ml's.,INbrris will not jain/ li'or the abo"w uteI' ,mill nery. I him this fall. I, Sept. ll~h to 16th .

'rhe Miss l:'l Batohelor and Meek tu. Henry GoU's f1a~e appeared among! turning unt.n aud inoluditertatn.ed riendl't Frillny evening at tbe contributorifl tq Coin Harvey in thOI! Fare81~""_t~e CO, hanoI' 'of Miss Virgi fa Sunday World1H~rald, but as Henry SETTLE YOU,R ACB tch~lor, ~ Ohio. fl is a rod hot repbb*~Rn the fakiShneSs!1 All persons kn~lwing t

The hot, Lnds yesterday did the ate of t,he scheme i~ a~Ilarent. ... I debted to the tirxp..ot Ro~rn crop oro or less damagej an liB 'rhe HEn,\.LD receIved an advertisingl & Co are hereby 'P.~eH~lt f'~l lout the y eld proposition fr0ll:/- tbo Bennett & Co./ settl~ their aocounts asd wn Icons tI,eIjubly. I depa.rtment btprle ,bf Omaha, but reJ our drug store and de.sire

Aj8~00ti ~ gallery ueal" The HE~"\~D fused to consider it, and this is not th~ our business. Yours to COlhBsieen doing B thriving ~Ilsi- only proposltiblf of the kmd that wo R. W. WILn BEl Ithe p~st week, and ospeo1JBlly have had. I ----d rin'g th Jl""t;lnings. ~ The mo'mbe~ of the G. A. R. held N~TJCE.

E. iv. T o~9r went to JeftorlSon, I WR, thoir aunual 1Cl#C and rouuion n~ l,l"~d yolpp havm: ~o~t is Ihornjnk where he will visit a few Grimsley's gl'O e YasteJday. The day est m hIS mfiel1t ~~llrhe 'fd i h bl f I d b f


. -I. Louis the I'm WI erea.ys r t ~ s - l' en s, 0 ore g 0/01' was one of the mo~tdJsagJ.'eeable of th~ I, B All '

t c~nAI c'oUe,lt'o to take up hiA so 001 dt as Volpp 1'08.ol'k I of September will be

M. 0 ~over had the misrort~ e to :~~~:dw~~ :~ aleoI to • of millet by fire loet Fri. p q

y I Ho tbe fire 8tart~d Is unknown Ca

" \1


BIBLE i SALE Hamtilloqks! SHEET M


A Large printLevant 1]eacher'sBible

ON'tV $I~

Others ~tCorrespQndinglyLow Prifes.






Late Instr(.lIn:entaland Vocal

in Stock.

Also a line of

5 and 10 cemtMusic.


R;ecent~y added 'PIANOSand ORQ-ANS, Mandolins,Guitars, Binjos, Violins, Etc.

School Supp,l/ieslTablets of all kinds. Our

Stock comprises the "\IE/lry bestVfj.lues for the Money,.





~1(iUT IN U'NWe extend a 's~ecial invitation to the ladies '11 Wayne

and vicinity toivisit our store and inspec.t ad,l


Which i~1 now arril/ing.

y~mr speqial attention to OUf line of

~ine New! Line of D~~ 600dsw. wish Ita! call

I! '\'


nt youfo ritically e x ami Jie

, I

E~V,,Y GARMENT I, ' we ~ke for you. I

I II, . '

WeTO'I~e~t~he~?a~ aLat t' 1iButtOJ;l~holesland ktEVEIRY P~RT .!wh ~rit c011d possibly ~~sli hlbd. II it is not

Just os I' saidiit would bein ~TY pa~ticular, let !:uJ

kn iab~ut it arid we ,~i11m iit rig

'or souttloket BgenOmB~Ban

1-d,l;+:,H..,+-Li-:'--c-+i--1--m---L I I



Econom}l in its broad~st and fullest !&ens<

will be realized It you purcha8e of us. :


August Piepen~tock.


~, '"

~ 0.. .. 0

fJ ~ ~a "tl i0 ."'is "tl '"a ..... 0 ~

~ 8 "..00- f;- a"' ~ "... ~u "' "11 II <Ii

U t: C'" g

E "0"' C

.;;: "tl S'"..0 '"0 ~

'" "01l 1iic

-:5·s a..0 00 8..

>.>'" c

'"" c:0>. f;-c "C..'" -e';;: ;;'

------,.--._--- ~-~-~-----

We pay TOP PRlqE f<ir Buller and Eggs.-

25 to 35 per cent Profit, ion yourViT.:a:.:e::J:>7 YOU" C.i"_::t:r

~U~~~.~~RI6 &c~!!Below ore 0 few of the ma~y Bargains we .are OffellOg.

Mens $18.00 SUlt 101 $13 GO Mens $8 00 SUlt for $6+. •

Mens 1500SUltfor 1150 Mens 7.00 Suit for 5;7,1

Mens 1200 Smt for 9.;:10 Mens 5.00 Suit for ~. .

Mens 10.00 SUlt for 7.50

All Goods are Marked lin Plain Figure~.


, Buy the Same at ManLifactuers Cost


See my tine line of Harness.

I ,------"--- ---

TliE NEW qIAMOND,: WM PIEPE'I\.IQTOCt :fRANK ~RUpErt Pr9p, I. __1;'4 '-P "II "'I

-ISK~_ Calls your attention

<OR! ~"Lit~~wof Fly Ne~~~fwhich he has just recfived. You ,I"~~ill need a pair; get tl).em now. :


Merchant Ta lors~


W!i~!an?!:~~:f~:.11line of sa1ll:pl~s-Latestand p#ettiestPatterns iJ/1 F['all and Winterl~oods.

BEST WORK:, PRICES REA~ONA8Lr)IGilve us a call. :I '

Tweed & R'ed.

-,­School Books, Tablets, m.d alii

sellool supplies at Davies' BookStore. .

Ell Haines was down froQl Blo'om­ft@14 today.

Fted Volpp went to Omaha t8sterdayto!i p'orohsS8 a oar load at,' bntobersr;took.P~kotB City Eagle: 'Edns IRelyell of

wlatne, vlfitted tbe past wee, with thef8p:11y of John ,Joyce. I

&.1 H. Johansen W88 8rre8te~ last :Sat­urd,y for running aD e~tr& dray with­odt ~r UoeDes. He plead grtlt1 andPtl~ hi. fine.


il~~#=r=#=C=====j===j=i=-j' 8RqWN!S USINESS dOL~EqE

I ~ II I Is l~ new With~ew c;oUfser of study.

II Now Methods, New i urnt uro.

ql I New Typewriting Ma hlne . ,Only eol lists employe~as inl)truotors IUnl Ila k, Bulldmg, t~e h me of the College, I. perfeotly ,


.eill atedJ \i~)ltedtnd heated. I IEv", y~U glmah Ott you g oman should have a BU8ine~s Education.Stud ent" ural. at1fany im . . ~I

I I~ , I , , I .. I 'I I A~DRES G, W. BROWN.. r.,


.1. 'trill ul;dlng. SI UX;CIT~, IOWA.1,1, 1111'" I


ill' i....."''''1'0j

Number J2.


Sl1bscrip~ion $1.00 in Advance.

uetd~!rtersWatches. Clocks,Je~elry,Etc.

J. Ii. MI~ES, Leading JEWELER.Watcties, Clocks and Jewelryrepa.i~d lD a skilJful ma;nner

All ~ork Warranted.


to ~tl:lY St(lJ 01 dlO.~OllallY IU'IOSS from the

J. H. KAiTE.

Enough for first news. More to say i the next issueof this paper that will be worth waitin for.

Don't IBuy Anything now if you can Possi y ~ait for the Openin&.

Is no opened in the buildinp:first rOOl nortb of the hard·

...ware run e of Olmsted & CO.

TDE V~RY CDOICEST ClNDlESOf evf. description are to befound In the Dew establishmentsbebl only an experienced pur·chaser QuId buy. In cotmectioDwith t e new establishmept is an.

Ice Crlfllm aDd LDBcIJ PadOfWhere] tp.e chOllrest of lc~ Creamcan b~ had and; where excellentCoffee.1 and oream is served withlight lunches. FItESH F1<wts in8'8son


It .is a store tbat you w~ like trom t.he pe~i[lnjIig aud willlike better as we grow ofg together. We "ave come to Stay.


.. We are I

Going to Carr1 ..

Only the Very Best make oilMen's Clothing,Only the 'Very Best make oil Bo,Y's Clothing,Only the Very Best make ofl Shoes. '

An Untirely New Store.

An Entirely New Stock.

Widely Dif~erentlMethods

The Pr,mptest Service.


Will open here "wel'lk after next" -Dlfi'erel1;'t from other store meant to be Better. It will oe a strll~J;l'htforward sLorewhere you can .~eel safe you will be

Jsafe in everything

yOIl buy. It WIll be a 5tral~bt out-aud-out Cash store - buyin~

and selling at the lowest prices for spot ea h. Everything inthe store will be New. ;



...·.1. ~.I.··... ·I:··,·~


. - " ,,-~_.-: ' I - I' I ~

. I

UEllALDr •···, .




j' I'II THE OE"'O 6EE. I .'~Ir:

D,~J,m,"th'O'WY.COV" 1~9- I l' ~\'" ''Lil'~:ll llOnny I; ,}e ro H , ',.Wh'd' could BhD]l~ hb ourse alII iWil'!'"' "m,,,,. wit ,"t ,tcr. I • t · k i

;:~:~~:'i;::':o:"~~ :~;;;:~~~; • • .T~SCTtlJ toni••i, Ho~le aha]) lljl! ,hiB g!lleOfl " ~H h fill d Pt· f 1

I ' I In,8 ave e res r~tlOns or many years. Perhap. 50 per cent.Frd.h the jon,l"{" " Id<Jn chaliceJ t th b b fAnlll, the lily'!\ \,ory palace. ~ 0, ,ese ave een or SI "t, DUB cases of iUnes,s, where ~g',gb depended ._

i~;i~t:; \\~~~~~tJn~i~~~~IC ~ne. " upo~ the CORRECTN,~~,Sand FIDELlTY in filling tem. ~smi':~c, ~mile 0 .. iho~ ~a[thlellS summer, ',1 I ,

To forget thin cnrly comer, I \ W ; f' t', "Ba'1"ifth"""'/I"""td,."ted. ' e ne~er ~rge ollJr .na be still hJeD merry hearte~tl IOn he bougbs 1n rapture awingi~ n I I

Gte~fully the )[rdH nrc Hinging, I Kesponsibility~iir;r~~~~:t~~~~oli~~~~:eo. r I ~

Be it mel1tncsJ or un!Z1eetnel!.~, \ ,In this matter DOT~BT IS never allowed to enter o~£'reSCt1Pt,onTholJ dl<lst garner u~ life's swee, !?,CSlI, .....1

Wiscr than tht sages' wist; "I Department. There are Ina doubtful drugs in it and h ry and care :Earth has ODe WSS optimist. rf i .

: -Wee Lena Cole f; C~tut]. I 1~88ness are nev~r al~o ,d to cast ~oubt upon the !medicines we

1, Ti RE dlSpense. We RIm to:I"be rRE Druf.{gu;ts to whom you d,an bri.n~ your,HI$ WIF.. S ICY S,., . I . t' f . " .' I :: . ~_' prescrIp IOns or senol'r's ases With perfect confidenee. ,

Why 1~ W~Q~n;;:::l.':t:d~nr aow, It : I' llJl~;'

He I" a prqmlnent Iawy~r In Ithl' ' Raymo,d's Drug Stnre 'ved

~~~·wj~~:~~r~~:~g~Ste7:i~~r,~I:i:~~ I "I I ' ~'.11 · 'Jday last 'week] The lIttle girl k~ssed I ~ I:her lHlnd to bJlm lIntll he t;lurned! the i 1 W '..couner.: HelctmrllCd the I,a,alU'",tlou i ~ Successor It~ R. . W,dkms I &, Co. 'l:.:ueh time, 'l':tlnt night whe~'he ~nml!I.:± I Ihome bis wlf~ had an icylstare for I"~ ~ , 'hiw, He wanted to ~now tie tro1Uble, I, i ~~ I

but she! only a~swered. "Not ~ng," Any '1 _. ,I'"I I

question froml Jllm receive1

Ia.S!hort. --~------%~ . --- I - ~

::~::e~,:;~:I)m~':~;::I1;'~f~.'~,'r.:r~:. ~1{~kef,·"rlld flo,uri M.ellis-, our next f1om' nelgbbor, waa;""er i" u ' ~ 1 IT' ,~~ :: ~~ey;l~I:I~:~~~~~O~'he~hfeo~D~:~~ I / ~'I ~ .-cd dowr thc s~eet. tbrowlng kiss /lfter Largest a d Best Equipped Mills LVkiss tOlber. S Ie said her hushand was • th L I V 11 . h 11not at hOOle, r he wonld aboot; yon. In e Of n a ey, WIt el vatorWill "ru plea,e Inveat",ome pladslble capacity 0 40000 b1l,shelsexcuse that II cnn give to zpy neIgh- I'''''''bor to explnl~ away your reprehen:d- '1blecodduc"'" ; W Use N tll b t B t "~d Wh tHe lva" uIi agslhat the knottleat e1 0 og u es r e~proposition o~ his hre. He thought! Ilong ned har~, nnel finally tbe light • • 'I'dawned uDon I him. He rushed fran- or MIllIng.tlcally' out o~the t~oom and returne(1 1 ence our Flour 1',with bls bel nd ~bl1d in his arms."Daag!'er." ~ aald. "pleaae tell your , :

:~~:;!;e~}:~~~'~:~£r:l:::. ::reea:o~ P1,'.,re, Who,1esome, I Unehqalled.other ~ntll pa turned' th~corner."": .~

So quickly as the prosecution dis-:: ,

mlsse~ and I .ueh a convincing man· ; 'w 1 IIi'fR B 'k h ~ a <4. (ncr that tbel lawyer awooned a"Cay , I e a ElO,l ye, ' uq wet, ,orn ')when he thonght or hla narrow s.cape. I~nd COars/il eed. 'Suppose the child hnd forgotten tbe oc· I '. I lcm'rencs! 'f~,ere would have heen a " I]-ram storeI for our Piltronshot time in' town that night. But I ,I - '"'" ,there'sl a d~qlded coolness now be- 1 ~ '~ ,

:~~~rl;:r~ !two wornen.-Owensboro J.ii 0 Mll~'GAN, W'I' klefield. ,t-oive at F .....t 8lgbt. _ ,

Bell~vers '0 tb~ possibility or love atfirst sIght may (e('1 a sympathetic In­terest, iand I perhaps flnd a Darwinianargument, In a story ot the first meet·log of ~wo apesln!the London zoo. Woretell (he tale from "Wild Anhpals IncaPtlv~ty."

Sara 1 WI1S sent~d alone In bel' cuA'cwhen, new nIle IUUlde his appel1ranceIn tro~t of the Iluurs. lustantly bothanlJJlIl~s u.ttered ~bort cries, ,and, bent]..

~~E: t~::~~t~;l~~l~tlll~~t ~~~~~~dt~~ tl~~~:ot the CllgP: 'l'h!i,'n, ll.!:l~e keeper threw0llell the cqge dopr. t~ apes rushed tn­to each otl~~r's llirms lind, squatting onthe (iOOI', llugge~1 each otherl"iitb comIc .......-l.;..affection, :In n. few seconda they rose, ~O~ =:::'!

:~~~:~~?~~~nQJ:,c~'I'~.:~~~dl~:~I~t~~r:.:~IIR --J ·C c'LR'. OK: "1f~o:::n~:~sa;;;~:1~~~~:.ed and bowle4 .1, i' . .J~.I. ; 1.1\, I '~I

Let us hope t~at they I1v~ happye~~ I .

a. '0 .h. co.".",''' 0', B••b.... , Eye S, ecialist of Sioux it", .":Every bal'ber on earth," saId the I r '

observllnt man. "haa one, habit that~ I., .. _drIves Ime to drink, lIe gets you nice- W'1 b "OTE~ BOYD SEPT "-2'9 I 1 "Iy lat~el'ed up. a!l'op, a razorlcar.fnl- ,I" e,at. . , • Ii, ,~ !' DC DSlve. ,.'ly anq then mal;:es one s:we,ep with II .- I --r-the b~de across sour face, Then he I •• d C I It' 'F ' 'lool<a ~t·you Inqnldngly and $U,pends . Exammab 0 ao oo"u atl 0 I ree.ope~'ntlons while he asks.: 'Razor, 8ult ,I - r: I I Iyou, sir?' It you answer yes, he al- ' ~~

wnys turns around llnd sil'o,lls the rn- Izor two 'or three times,' 01' else hePl'Ollllltly changes the blade. I Why heshould, (10 elUui~r 'yben .VOU ,sal' l'OUarc lill.tlsfied I cannot fathom. LatelyI have! nlwn;\'s said Utat the razor didno~ 8u1t, nnd In nearly evcl'Y, case thobal'lll:!I',lte,llt serenely nt work wtth theBarbe r"azor. I mh;~ht add tfat thnt'.the renson Uint I nm·l1ow sh vlng my­selt.n-New York Suu',

I DODnd to IOU.A stql'Y Is IlJelug told of ~ C01;IDt,rT

doctor :Who was going his ~unda onelHol'nln~ with a gun on hisl suouldcl',

:~~kl~;ito~wl~~~ntoS~~~:l~~:; ~':rn~ l:;~:

,! ;.. 1:;"" 1.,1lop",,1IIon. Tb On"••,....t1r. ..p: ( "ur,. ~.J"If there ve~ WBS a tJ,be in the hlat· aeekB 6h~IJN'" H,B w ofJI~lro1Jt", .~

./'" '('YoltheU~ltetl.8tote.,:'ea18 the D'D1- ohaD d eitaatloD, .: 0 riada".trl•• ~'~ !'~erft,t'ie Na8?ville American, C4wben aU ln~D1iiOD' Crops 8 8MOOq.. Tra, I

';ra.;blo, tt'1"'t{C'lO(t(~.""'b.O\l\d'~O"i' ht ok. Tb.ot, l' ~,,\ I.", \<lle .. i GE'II,'T·.TH BaST~is lOVA of ,!oountry it isltt tbie j~ot. are B Ie and wUlln to work. ! , i: ,are.,. On t.b~ bloodrBtsfaed fields ot Ln- liAs an Jdler and m n, wtt.b. no v~a, ,~on tb(lnR'\},~dv. of OUT eJ.~':ln1:.Tym.~u 'an t\on. 'T. BI'}'8.netl3.11Jd~ ~t\Q\.\el,}Sl.J' I'l..\on~' I •heroiC/lily HattJiuR' DTJr]t\:r the stars and among thE! publio I1f8D pf the eountr~.~trlpeB." Ma.ny other SOuthern Demo· Hia otd appeale to±dtS 'ontent aTe ed,. ,~\rR.t1c papers nre an I'qnB.l~Y. 1l.'B.t~' dresa~d to men too bn ,. to 11sten. 'rbI'. . :::-:±:( irloUo posltfbo. Th(ll LoutflviUeConrler- panio has passed U e bad dream, an i ,. i I

~oorlJ"l, th~ New Orlp.aD8PlcaynDP, ~be 'tbe oonntry is opp Be to bringing0' 'iCbf:it.&nuog~ Timps, Rod other propd- another by any ra~loa politioal eXl'e+ ~~entp"p"r'"m.nd- Iment. Brranba'~tt mPtedtoin.t~1 That's wb:.a.t you want a~~,.that's what we have."1K ft. vigOJ'!OUfl proseoution df' the ~ST hJmself In leadersh,~p ea partisan a -Imtil Am.,ioan .0v••·.lgoly. i...oog.lz- ti.impe,lali"ue, bj,t I~ dl.011"'io1' f The best 1S none too g ,o:d when th price is~d ill !loU tlsrts of the domain wh~ch that subjeot is so ~h IJowand puerlt. . h t W h h idBpaln ".did to tb. United Btate. 10 I.'he th~t It make. no la ~~al to th' p, . ng. e ave t e finMs;t line of it,reat,y of tlBaoe. ' ! roul1d men wbo fatltlo ~l.ot its dsptbf.

Beotretl,&rs of }\gl'ioultflro Wilsbn', 80 he returns ag~i~ 8~d agal.n to th~

,wbo retn~fled to W~"Ihinllton thp ot~er line of appeal that ~ u'8ed in 1896. idH.y fmm Ii triiJ In the Ploleitln ona.~t, The people mas oareless In thef,rreporfco tbA.t the ~lIt,lre West wa.. so1id choioe ot pobllc 0 rs In minor mat-for tHlPfloo~ion. EXPllllSioll 6e'ntlment ttitH. They may t n Ie. wIlling or ia:Is evidently ","'mo'st a~ widely dlffm\:~d ,careless ear to the I olicitations of t~ethroogb' the Bouth. As bss been shown. professional poll DIan 10 ohoollJ~

,lthe learllllK neWAp&~~rS at tbat r('~loD minor oMoers. nt wbeD It oomes flare toria. vigoronH aa,ertlon of the Nat. eleuting a preside t they don't want 8

I~~r~~\ i~~h;:~:~J;:1:~'~dl:~~liJ:1P::e~;h~:~~ ::;8:~::eU:::; l::Z;t ~::~ :tav:: ~ I

Iltrn.,fbe,e"I"'.~. ' Tbo.epape"'"',.t Pla"teraandlar ;r.,p,ole••lonal"'~n i SEE OJ,' R FINJ:' LINJ'~ OIF ROAD ~AGONS.'tl'JJrll~eDt. the sAn.t.llbbIlt of thf'ir com- wb(.o 0&11 ellrn a I v,ng without polltt~, I '-J II- J:.

I"mnufty on tbl", (St:iUP.' There are Rqod or: Uleo who h ~mlghtll7 aOhl.vf1d ! ~

,reR.".OUS for b8.1l.."V.I".. g. that the East Is for the jooontry a d won Its. gratitude .1 1 Llolm?ta.e..n.#,r,lr expan,iona. the bygrea,d.ede n eaetlftoe', are t1e; , e are opate,d fil the Milligan b J:ld-We"tort~. South.:' 'I'be home of the ben.ftn\arie.oftb ballotwbenapre - I ling, east side oflMain street. 'A1It:l.lmperillolh,f, League iF! MaSqllObu ldent I~ to be eo . , I " r,e',k Tbatlt,a~ei'tbe home, 01''', "r "HMf·Bry b de,ttleddowaal* I iCall and look o'~r st,00,k over, IE1'Wanl AtJdu1l91J lind Wlllla~" Llo;rd 1895 in he pr ,ott ot his prOfeSSi~ I rGij,rriAon. Yet J3osf,on hBa furnisbed and ha been BuoqeBsfuJ, had been e ' im,i""',,,lrli.",,lnp,opnrt.iontolt,pop. kaownlo•. lawWe' 01 CliRAR¥" fLEM.. NG,ulHtlon, to ttJfl lJeW rf'gilllt'D,t fnr the RtlLndidg,~u badl,made his living ,Y Jtnd j

IPl1iJlIplo~8 tbarl aby other town iu the the hatid wo k whloh suooess 1n that "...Valted Stat~"'" p~Ofe&ton reqolr\es, he would ~e i ,I:' There oan be DO rea,:;ollable douht strong r to ar thRn be is. I TH' 1 i r, , I J'

'.lb.t n"tion.le~p"n'lonwill be a win· But. d not dO fbi,. H. ba. mode ~11l exc~angeCarrtage.~for otte or two hor es for own p,se. Iining If,f:Hlli for tl1e lRoepubli"lin party in his bo&rd'in politiosev1'r 8in~e i I' i ' I IlUOtl, Shrewd I)e~ourH.tR see tbis. aDd and b~ li ,eo a.n, tre sometimes gene~. I IWil1tllihtt.hei~!;{',rf,iO[lOf Il.U ~nti,f'x ousbQ!lntr of hi Bupport.ets., .Tr~P, ~~_.-" ,

paneioll plank toto tbeir pla.tform n.. :xt he maw bave ma4e more ~n thIS way If ~-~ Iyear. They wll~ be overruled by the tban he o/mld bavf mllde by work, h~t ~~ 1 =+::;;~~:~:~:r~he;::o~~;a.a:;e:~~~~~l; ::t::~l~~I~~~;:i;; ~il~ :~:~:~t~i;hr: Miscellaneous, !Wfv1 ~IEPE


fi;)~ 1 Itry, bursted li mBJfJrity of tb bH.nkB, Stohes will put: a. (lO~ltraulio:o deolarli. t,~e gr~a, mass of p.Is ooantrymen WjO A pellslmJFlt, I~RmfW ....ho is chss.polut- II '

:+:..-',ih,-:"""'-~~"'_'__-----fl_j drove ~w() thltds 01' th~ ratlru Hs IDta tiOD int.o thelr pllitform llf'Xt relt.r, de life bJ!' ork. I d w.ben the IllUl bUllS low I· , "I the bund!> or reoelvers, and se t ll. mil- apite all the w8rnlogs whlob the polioy Th

lle Iconsider~tlons appeal to tel When ~ man Ie too poor and too orn- " l I ' i

RY TJ!lURtiD~Y. Hou workingmen as 5upph nts to of their p8rty in Its great day8 and the keenl ~rBCti6al~en in his party a d err for 80Y other busiuess, hf' Reneral I C~lls our attentic'I' ' I - oharitable apup bouses, Unle ~ rooent le860ofol of the pre8ent teaoh. An anti· leave m With no whole beartedl su - rly gets tl1to politics. I....! I I

:I! !I'I " ,:,!', dielal ~vention. I Had experience has for haug,bt, expsnsion plank will hit the Democraoy port, oept by ISPOtlS-bunterd Ii e I Yoo) 8Y bridle the appetltte, bot you I to a n~w II' era.1,~0.U t{,es oompr1f,lin~ It.he Bnd ~emo~Y haa deserted its isslon, harder in 1900 than dId Its 500 dollar Crok or revoJut'onlsts aud re ali e Ioan n~ bribe tbe liv~r to do ita work, I I

ial dlst i~t of NelJr"l'k~l, are demo .rllti" rule is BY~Onl'm ,s wJtb in 1896. The whole oo~ntrr is for t,.he Altge Tbeset~OClaBBescontroJ tewell, You must b", borlf'st.'witb it, help ~I. fFIN t$,, osood deJegsteJ to OnSD Il!l di6sster and mdnstral rrliu, SBserUon of the o6t.JOnlll authol'lty p",rt.r,~rga.Il1~atio and will exeroJse to l.ft,aJonR!aJittleno'w a*d ~hf>n with a 0 y e' .

I l~~ oOllve.dtloll td be "8nd whoever Is deoeive ' ia o~~r the terrlt?r}' whioh;;e gained in tlle mHat radICal 1 m~t the power Ito x- Ia dose at H'erbine,' tbe ibest Jiver regn- I 1 ' "

k, Nebraska, on th~l25tb 'not "'jiBe,"· tb.e ~at of U:l9,8:. The polloy Dr t.he ad, o~nd~ liall conser atlam from t~e 0 u- lator. Pride 500. 'Ed.~, R&ytDoud, 'bet 1899 at obe 0' l60k Demoorats may get 810 Iy mInIstration Itl pre8sing the war to an vf:lntl~l:l. Mr, Bry n, will be nom_nat d : ,t ". I , I

, r~18CIJ; I in '\'II'elllln rono1Dg aloity. i-I early and g10r.10oa ooncluslon wlll be and ~i1l be ~g8inl beaten, beoau~e is Some of t~e ohaht.ytrleah00ts go, to, B. I ! '< olpol/ norpdrotloL' ere in Indorsed by an over.whelmlng nnmber hnporlon,d' app al will b. made t a' pl~" wbe" tb,y ~te I·Pt ~n tbe be,t f i Which he has just eceived You I .'

sense amet;JRbJe, to Stat deraj of the Amerio,n people. The Repnb- oountry tn whiob pr1sperlty and c 11· of spirits. , 'ti I. , '. I Ilaws,.: al';ld ~B.n suffer a whole t m.iB- party Eltfl,nds:~n exoellent ohanoe of te.lit ent bs.te re laoed the dlBoontjnt RemembJrjng t~.~~ l,b.e ,! 8Pparf:ll oft. I WIn need a pair; ge them now~ Igovernment without serious oUl! getting in 19001 a larger majorlty than ~nd e8tl6s~ne8e Wh~Oh were rife In proalal~6 the ma?, feoPfe are. often i-I"tha l~nrl'ou,ndiDg 'country, co t8inin bss been rolle, np at any previous time 1r896.1

1:' dlapoet¥Jtowe8rl?UdlolotreH S1.Vi • >'.,.l . , ' ....

the 'bone and sinew, the p dnoln sinoe 1872'-G~obeD~moor8t". liT e feel,n~, i the South Is fl ch E. E1_Turner, po~ptolJ, Mo., was t e my fine line rf Hal ness. Rep<llrlOp; a SpecJ;'JI~y ,cla"Bsesand tmnservative forot of fob, ' that t this mdm ~t't18probBblet at' auredyfpUH bYIDa\\fitt'ElIWjtobHH~tlJ Iooutitry at 'large.. But Deroo ra.oy h~ LEST [THEY FORG~T. ~ mM orit,y ~t the SOi"thern 'Btates till IIfoftef 6~trefi[JK ,; f1evtjnteen ;reare , I:'evidimtly been caat in too sma ta mol There ong~tl~o be :no ml!;take wHde rAin. e raqi61~ b thrC?wlng t elr and tryln&, 'over fwenty rejnedies. Ph}'- :;"~i(!)(!; " '1to .fQ.U,f comp,rehen~ either th . m8gnl by the laborlD¥ men.:and businees meo ~leot' ral VO~(l8',a. 87 ~om h.lm.. , wbil at 81oJ8n~ and surg1lons' end'orse it, Be· NIttld~, Jofty'misaion,or magnlfJdent d I alld farmers o~ Net)ratlka tbls year. the ~ me time th y ho08e demoor tio ware of da~geronBoounterfelts. L. P. I I' Itin-,l of thiS great and 810rio~~ r~llU~- ThfY aught~ot to torRet.-whtlft en· Eltat.~ gOTerhmen R f l'" '11 .. rrn!('nli.'lL Orth. j, I '~ • IS TIIERE NY 6AIN IHo. ' Its p~oper government It flIumj- joying t,be prQsent ihdu,;trittol aotivity, bf t.~1 ir IDO~1 pv IHou,", When a ~an &tops~o re&son aboat it, =e ' e=:,featly tod-~)Jg a oontraetfor 60 trO:6te~ the It.,dv"ntag~of high price"', the op· ~ " I I he may be ~ure that tt Is not love that ' e, I imlqd8-too large aD u.ndertakl~R' f. r port.q.nity to *ork ~t inoreased wages- I MA~ARI A¥D FEV~R~ ) ; la keeping ~im awak~. I preJudlceslaq,d 01 - that it has he~n onb two or tbreeahort A1 tbis,season ot the year ~he alos-, T~e Ohio!m'ft.n 10. POlit~.sutill lops -l n::r PAYn::l'G ~ouOU~l orxbed ~ntelleotB, . I: year8£iino&t~eyweredeepinthegloom 'phe teemswit,mJlaria Theig s' outbv8rth~edgeotlObio, 1i~ tL hlP I ~bO,,~~:::.g 1~:'~::o/b~:?'~;!0{;::;;' ollape,lodoli prenl,ely tbe oppo,lte ':tha\,a".etYPbclid _nd ~al.tlol var : tOb~laoori....atedlb09g~. /25 to 35 per cent Pro it on your <;:Io~!fdistin nlshed-itself as a'bi h Irre re _ OOIIditions. ,! 'are ot only In ~'he ail' but itl tbe ter Tpe grea~ BDooeB~',of Chamberlain'a

. g - .- g~ i ~ P If they vote, now to obeck the rising Yon~1drink I T~le w~Bk and debtUt tedl CoHo Chol~r8 and L-:'iarrhoea.Remedy I ~~N YO O.6.N'Sib e kioker, and, as far aa It Daa h t d f e it hi h i b I I , ..., ~ '" " fU Iopt·'ortunity. a national o&Jamlty ,'bree - 1 eo pros

p; y, "'! 0" s r ng n~ ,.bec me 8bi easy pref to IbeseR'efm~,a81in the treatment ofl bowel oomplaints , B~Y theI Same at M.~nUfactuersCost

er It has invariably kioked ttt'ever . them so man blos8IDgs, they do so at ,the bav~ not thel vitality tol rfBist, has made itl8t8Ddar~ over the greatertb~DgeYerSaid\lrdOnebl'tQ~IP~rty f a'll'eat peril. , !thNp. NdwiBt~etimetorort1tfJ:oDr-, partol the,olvUize~world. For sale I _A':r _ 'I

I pr,gr~ssim~prQsperity,andde,houD d oa:I::~;~~::~:l~:o::efa~~:;o~~: ,8e~'1 Bgaiqst. thI6 dls8aAes., Tpelfol-II biEd J. :&s:ymondidrug,fst. " IIn~~inatton ~ f 11 coonty tio~e B~d e ~ prinalple and policy In~t of is: I' ,1ooyJ OR' AYlnptO 8 are Na.tore B I1tlhgerl IMr. Pl"ffer might.1 (~ome out againl;lt FIJRCIINER DU RIO &CO'S"I .. 1&01 I ,tol'votJngnOlwlnBw8ytbatwi Itbrl'st-' . Ill' Ii d d k 'bit: J' I I' 'IItr nsaotlngs oh athol;' bml1ne6~ 8S m 'Y own oreatiAn and adoption' And it 6' .. f i 11 Wlb IS1R:qa 1;. I re n reI' , no alq ,Ion t (\'Ir, 1llgaJJa on an i nllti·ral'ipberry·j'lm I 1 '~IJme ~eforfl he o,;ventloD. II ~ at~,ln kiOk~q~-ki~kiDg at: t~e go d ::0~1~ ~e:ymOfn::;":n:r:a:der ~re, wh~, loa~ o! II.p.petitfl, oo,ted tongne~ h;8Rd'; rriatform., i !, ~

irrhe ,b8StS~1 r presentation ah U e standArd I"hie RepubUoan ,p oteotl El "bl I ao*, Indlgeatlt" cpostlpat1on, idol Ilot "Penn,y!vo' ' wa., J'oat on Ih. II"I· 1 ..... 'I" 1",' ,'I, 'f Imaypoaaes91'DO am ton to pose las ~ tf"1 I'd I ld ' . p ~.. ----LOne de'l egate a~ 1 rge flnd one ?r ve."" T~rjff law,lt.he Dation's unpre~~dent d !statesmen ot to SB0ure the honor aDd gQ~ ~es, u s elr ,BD, genera rD+,' own taint of glvJpg Ma: t QUllY an awful -----,.-- I

20 ~otes or 8JO fr~otlOn thfreo CR t. pr~6perityi, every prinoiple anl prop r emoltimentd' of offioe, be Jed hl~,O votihg fe~ mg. ' i' If l'0~ ,have any o~ t~ese loking np.xt 'year. ,I 8elow are a' few of the .many ,f~r M.llL. HJ W rd 10 1998. be pr ' II. pH noe to ns.tional growjh and te . I '1 sy, ptom~, bewtre. Do Dot d,l;ay, but " ' , ; , argoins we are Offerin ,':01n0t6~ ti I d to th ll~wI g P ~. or oontioueltovot.eatlOket,tb6aUOC115B 'at Od. to. your at on.oe~ Ibefore ' DeWttttl Little. Early R18ers per-delel'la ~;:e' n e Bren:a 0 2 ritor~BI an, .~ommereIRi tlX ,a ~lon- t of whloh na~ .ut retar~ business, up- :mlar,a or fev r has fastened thelt manently onre c~ronio oonstlpation, I

D' .. J.. e",erything' In faot exoeptl\& wnpa. ~ ttl I d b I tb.1 b t ' t I~ bill ., d Mens S18.00.Suit for 51350 Mens $800 Sui~fOr$6'1·.o-Ohapi ", .... , Deer Cr ek I... 5 " I 'r ' , se eva uef3 8n ,I' og no nR U gr p npon you. T oUAands h$ e 'prer ousnBsA, nerVOUsoeAR nn worn-out, . , ..Garfl~~d•.. ,.. HElnOOll , ..1.. 'r 2 i~~~60~~ eny.-Boze

man, 1,(Mon ,) evll to theai? What they want are t~e ve ted .' leve I b tlmeJy ~ atano' feeling; oleanRo anlri rt>Rulate tllt~entfre Mons 15.00 ~uit for 11.50 Mens 7.00 Suit for 5.75.,

RdBklrulI I • H nter ' . .. 4 I' 1 j comfbrta oflUfe. These are r~al, tan~i~ w;i h Dr. Kay'a r:e ovator, thqrouBbl ay~tem. ~m..t1, 1,lle~lIilml, U~\'''~lRtipe ur ~ens 12.00 Suit for 9,50 Mens 5.00 Sui~ for 3,75,.B'lum Ibre~ . St~a.baJ , 4: Mr.,... B~~.,an f:J horror of Si.lndiO&.t s ble thiogs ~nd WhY,S.hOOld tb.e

ybe tor 01. ansing: tbeil' slugglsb SYfJtt~ tiro elokell- ffl.lli.oua ~lttle pIllA, L, P. I II

rlogiio1iI.~ .. , .. Leslie 2 doe·slnots'e to'have oaus~d him a sakenbyt~ewholefamilym~rely 1~~t g~ me 01' dlseae and lmpur~t~I'Orth!, ,Mens lO.OOrS,uitfor 7.50:\y11bur ."".,. 4 sever his Ju:toial relation~ ith t e the head o~ that family ml\}' l;le a lllllirJ a d 8vo~d 18~dootor'a till' , Q ~- To suppress thel~Hipin'o rebelUon- IW~q.ld .. .' ... 3 g,eat.llv."t~"'twbIOb put 'p .11 b 101l0werofa.pOlltloaIPteiadlO.' ~ oe will not orOO,1;lor,p ven ~ ft,etoatohyon,Flhpino,ebel. All Gqdds are Marke in Plain Figures. .

... '4 T Ir~ 8rd .. , 0, enotmouafsuq;u. of money itt ~is bah If The Bgh IU Nebrask8 ~8 8b8klr~i~h fa or. 'Dr. lia '18 !Reno'Vator., 11, a I,t The more we se~ of Europe8n repub. ' Ii !~h. e., ipr.Be 'n?t' c~.o~use of b.',.. rop b- PrlO,~.tq a~d d:nring the. oam~a.ign f before the re~t battle Of,190.,. It lsl0 ~,nove.t~s the e ~ire 8yste~. i t. ell ~" lies, tbe hetter wellare dispoaed to think ONE PRiCE TO ALL. I II~08n :patt ~ e reo,o~me~ed: ~o be' 189q., He'posfd~Q.ringtha,t (,Iampai n bemad~"t bOlsteruPth~fOttuneBo ~a ~lftea all malar~s.~ pO,i80n. BY his o~Europea~ mon"rohiea. I

"~held'on'~ dn 8day ev ntn 1,S~pt m- aBa poor man unal;lleto Jlvel wltho t presldenti l~spiran,~lwhow old re~,. p o06ss,thebloddbeoomeSPUrifted' n?' '-----rt II~ b'er ~ibl th usual. vtin '(:I1a'ces. I aotive em'plo I'ment yet no~,,1ad !b B lutionize 0 ndltione aOde.nd his pe.r10d eftlry org8n ill tbDt:d up to allbea. thy As s.n ('xt.ern~llinimentof ~oat w.on- , I

-"I I'} JI'I'.r. IF L. NEE Y0air'ma. heRrd of !his le.Bltt'mB.telYi ~ rurng 8 ot pro8peltY 8S oe$tnly aslnlgbt fol- Bod Vigorou~ 80 I 0,. It tak Dw ~t dertul ~ene~ratlv~~nd o~ratIvepower, ' I ~I' til, \ I'BEiill'dB "Secret '1: :~ single dol~ar, aide from ~liB' ~nflioti' n lows dRy. Let every ma~ In NebrBsk~ mar' pr~,"ent OJ 0 bs of IUn EO: (let Ballard'e 8l:lflW ~iniment'ls uot eqn9le~ We .I.P.lay TOP,' .PR.,leE .or B.utter and Eggs..' '1 I.~'II

, 1",["",., II "': ,', _' of biB books u on t,he pob1t('!:slnce t' e this year oHow tbe diots.teB of jnd~ fhink how mue: bls meaDs' tor 'rou. by aoy other II~ ,he world. Price 2<l I ~

I'~~ Ifs nqob~,b':B~tst 1'-:,u'h. Itb 'oam~algo:ptl 0Gbegan. iA/l~ ~Ia, • me~tre.t erthan the preJudioeotpoU- pro K ...}"~ Ren ~a.t,or.if4,a01r:rlty~rDg. fl,nd50oents. Ed"', RaymoJlrJ. I Fu_rr,:'!,hner.•, .D·U':"jllrl- rI r. ~",' _/.,' ,jl:,.I~e~r ka< his year, wi h th tJberm m- pepaefl ~n' th :meantime nst. ha e .ti?a. Let everyone of them be bonest giste, llr !'ent, 11 mtul ~Il r elp t The l88s a WSh believes in demoora- "( C e; u.

, '1 i;vfnat, ?B:08 e! f 'tha~ 1~,oOollm,j9rit ~e 09'natantl~ t~'a eling and ;'0 ld D~t of ~~~I~:~ t1:h:~te~i:t~w~~~~~~~h:~ r. B.;:J KI\Y ~('410fl,l co"I~ar ~g,a better ohan;ofl he hOB of B dl!~oClrBtlo \\1 I:"P:Doel~a(J.,,~,o .2oper.Irr.09thj9fUl ave o~urae(?) laoo t railroad aS8es. It unsettle 8lues,:"nd bring on another Springs,N.Y, b,urt,sym!pt,one'forfree nomtnll,tio~. ,hr~ ~~ T: ==:5-)@.' :

, Ihl,II'. ~.'t.'.n. th a tim~. II Houa I~n is ~ems ndt u reasonable, . ino.e ,,' panio wiJ be bUliled.. a thousand fath, '.d.vioe B.nd (reel. IfU~Qtrnt~d bO?k. ' Ohe~te.l'.IiI. arowll.,, ~i.Oh.,II==t1===~b' '==;:=1"===+'7=='==~==;bf~*,:;::jtbo'de." ' " ~h8hin8~stS[On the'oon ~ence8 of o~sdeepon eleotlon day.-Fremont ~' "i' , I se.Y8:tlKodoID~9pep8iaOureoUredD1ell·

'1'1,1,1",'" i~,,:,'I" ". I .' I· ," 't ' I, ", ~he people and appeaJs for ~helr .6 p~ Tribune. 1 I Not that It m;t.terfl Pll~t.inllltirly hdt ot SeVerel OBa~ ot indlgeatioQi oan,I I,~P~I~~ ,~,~ ~~roel,oJ thei k ~r~ ~:~ tort for the hi hest om~e w~tbin tb ir E~ery republioan in!, this" ·oounty e won:,d~~}I()w :\1r1~~rr Ell"'l e~~e Btr uR'ly reoummend 'It to all d~epep,I~~ ~~E!: ~ ,erf ~ trial +n w~io, 'I~h, a' Itt, lind ~ha.t 't e people' shq~id 'kn w 6hoold aka up b~.s mind t.hat for once Ikes'tlle eplrlt,nt"h~1.Ir·,rule UIlW el,B tio/>!" l?iges~6 wbat yon Elat w~thouti ,~:~d'fil:e, ~' 81f~~~a;~~:~ 'r~ ~~t.l; T~~ ,~w be' h~ ~ee~ euppor~d, in.' his I st he woul vote th~ re~b~loa~ tiok~t, layed Il by his b~~t~1' r:~".,-t,,,ut~s·11 " Bid ir0lD: tbl!' ~to:';Oaobl I1Ild care, ,tUa-,I"·",, ~i~'''''' , ,," '- e"" I'. d thre.8 'years 0 ndtdaoy fbr I~euoml a- from to to bot.tomand tbere Elre·man,. I! The imost delimatfl nOlI&tlt.ut.!nn oHll' pep ia. L. P. Orth.1m i n oeD an ' " ., , l,f, b' II I, ' ' I I , T "]' I' . , ':' II ' '.1 • tt II. b id~'on,l es.pealall ,In view 0 1, e w - demoora 8 wbo should '"~te the same 1 .lafely UBe Balla~~ts Unrt>IHlIllJ,ld..8)/rh.... ,1 Ie ChiO.,,~{) dem""raoy Is "tilt jn

'- " OJ e r8 U nown faot tb t he was supported in tio.K:et. t wUl relieve }'~~r conBoieo€e.,i t ,Is a: Bure aQ~ 'plefl,t;,u:\t refDJd)' fOr the t.broeH of:tof muuh Devlin.

!. I " '" I I' ,be l~s~ o~mpal n ~y the gr~~teBt tr ,s~ The H BALD Is aDxiods to know just onKhs, loee of ~ioe,aD~ aU thrt8~d B nford, Tjl~lman ad?ile8 the use ofw.. ,'~'ff.. n.,I~ry'n.',got. 06.:t 'if ,al.,if ,r~la' ~ver,.kDow. n in thiS oountr~, nam~IIY whatlm hO.dB on.rl:tu81dn friends will nog ~OUbleB'[:: '" tsqa.. Rt\ mqnn.'fO the fibOtfND'. qnder oertain cJrfJum.

;b~, ~1~08t~ ~~I Il~t oPl1l~lef.~~;V ~e ame fb~ s~lver trust. M:adison 01'rontol,~, adopt t' smash the trbsts when tbe}' rug Sir&. :i, i '! t' I l;ta IC~fi, So do iwp, Rud thiil la pue ofan ellt~an,8)oD stl ~o~1d~'tt at f ee~e I, 001. Bl'IylllL ia proper m~to rep~e get Into power-If ,they lever do. ~o'w ~ol. ryan h g~nei to t, ~ a~t, the . , ' I I"Klo~d~ke~t;l ge~a?: Br:;:n'i. t~lng ¥'nt.f1labpr.ll, . never d.I a.. da.y , WOUlrtiUbostop~.bat;gl'eatest of all rOb8~,Ytore~.:. l~~g;rOUniD~.JU prt bite'sOream VermUngelsperteot-to,b~,t.lmo~t ~ig8~Bke t ~ ,orld 1W0rk.1n :l&~ife or ever t rnishedr trusts he6ilver~rnatr ~ntn~kY. I,! ::! 13' larmleaH~ and wi1l remove ever,Het\al,~,aD~, ha~ sh~~t nd out aays~ em loyme t to any on else. ~', I, Thinlrl;j. are be~lnniog, to t ke 6uoh wo~m. It i~ also a tonlo and bYf'ltsa p.16e, ,In ,~ba. respe~ti. . :. . I~s ;h~ i worth ,.000, /by dO~. :SI~O~Adni.iral De~e deolared him hape ~ th18 st;te tbat Itbe emo.~~r~te stry:1Jgtqepi~g properties will restore to

'I ' , /' " !he put his mone into Bom~ bQJ.dnei selt 10 avor of th~ re eotion of Pres l1laoon have D1tt a "Uneed " 01nlll- p~Oheeks the rOBY hoe of' heoalth".. 'Mo,~lean,: tbe' d~~oor tiD lira inee I~hat ;wllllfnrnish emplOYp1e t1at g ',t, Ident a.'K.inl~Y.',demoo/r,o.r bali had Ii ate et.¥n. 1 ; • I, Pr ,,'. Ed I. Raymond. , I •

fOI'!gt'ern~r of,Ohlo,:.:b;V tbe~'fr e of :Iw~e~to ~ome of]the labor~D exqeedi gil', t;tnplea~~t outlook. 'n1 M'n~eBSota i~qntte Jilady wel,oioe Gov. Bogg wlU not SOOI1 have an.~ of I V$' 'J q'9Irn18,~nd e~ s, t: make, ~eem,s tal ~eel eo]nOb S}'~ ~aot III "~y ~emoor,at8 BTe 01: the sa Mr. 'l1hompsofi( ot Nebruk ' ,the/gen- 0 ,er' opporiunl~i to Work olf..anot.her~~ATi, hio ~'n stae ~u . H~, .merioll th~ug~t OPinli 88 Dewey. ! lemanlwhofu#lahedthe'li mw.trq,ln Bil'l;lrhrio.konTammany.' ..~~ 0 t~ ~ ~oasi 1lity!nf b;e:n8 'lLeted llke Bryau every ma uf~otu I The epubUOIlD state! oonvention wll or thel'returni I Boldf'ra. "'! r. Bry~ 1& also ifoiQg jn~o Ohio

;.orAt,:•'.,~r Iln:tl n~o: Z:i:J ,p.; at- ,,,r~C.le w1e use ~o d be bO~ h: a~r~['J be hel~.atOmaJ:laThu~1day,8eptemhe Tabl,r'e BU6~ye p.11e' 01 tmeq.l~ ~ w~er.• t.b"'1.18 a s1iJ.. oru~ llusplel0ll: h.~1,',' 1 i ~ " " ~ I ,~Dd therre won e 110 wor la ~ ,I~ 21st, at Whloh time a ndldate will ~. evee tpe iQte;~ itohi1na. It soo,thea, w .talk more or less.

, ~,II:, "'IAm~l~n labor. Senat,or ~an,?a m pl90ed 10 DominatioD ho Will make'l i&ale and our 'a' obronIo 8 Job re ' "I I

Oo~, .!R ,Be gWlok eays,: Bow pl018 thollsands t men an~Dot 00 ?f d: f tahl' ~ H ' Be ' "~ r. . h~re8, Brlwa1 R hope 'Whlle theNawonld:tdo o~ndtb RaU tOQI':'th tal f h" nl lieverY~~o~~or ,..e,'t0r OUBe ~ 8urponsfall. j ,ltlsnoex ~e~t;litsOeMhiu'te'OotllCbOnre.uAnattaokl IB~.~!' '~~on:. ,t~ IBpl: ,Otta? liob::8e~:~~:~ n:

r;vetlmB ~y: ~~~n Bila8. ", ,I!'. " ffi'~8 ~ol'Eulse~~l'o~hIts ,0 's. '~v~ry of pnewuoglB left .my Jung~. in ;bad

,\B~~~i, ~ fraO~erja~ at w .' The 08n~ot J,;:ojure D~ ~oog.b ~~u th~ga ,!It Gove,rDJ;l~Roo~v~~OBlllpe.t r- ,~Ie '~IIft:l~~e~. ,Prioe .' iQ. :"oe., "' Mnd 1 :was oear tbA "fll'8t 8tM8$. of". ~",~.1~1 J; ~,tbl. Pia.n woll! b,.'. no. ".to .ay ol-blm,in the. Inte'e' o~ .I.~n.r. ing tb. '.' late 01 O..bIO.• JIloplean will t.."".I . ,,. I!ld J.Ray ODd" .1. ! . amp.~I~a. One Mlnnte DOugb Care;»o~~~qn,,1 1jt~ (l~uld t hi' if~be* ~~:d::t~s::ki~~, b:U',bore 8~ha~ the tift ts o.f having peen strOck w.~t:b Capt.! Qarte~8I1!o7s:h~ W ,not ~ ~. mplet~1 ~t1l'~ D:J.8," wf1~ ,J1elenM~.'.~.,-..:18.0.: 01800.,\ eie, ~)Da. dis;- torElanna beBbou'ld.~*.rnt b"om~ of a red hot\,'1rOD~ and! theD ~avlDa Lit ~pe,~iteqt~ar1.1o~,.. 1t' m~\ido~" ,Bta kiN. D. GiV,B iniaut1~~;8Ir,f'" 1,1, I, th.mwOrk.-Yor~'TJinH. ';' p ,o~t.a~... , •

ARD!: DRnYING, ' ..: ! • I

, I Combined WitfaJtierce ~ndI '" .' persislence~ are e se Ira1 10 Juc-n4. R..}ti';..•,". cess i.n building n ..a bl1si~essl

J; ~,i' '( > . . We ~oinl wi h ta1don~ble1<1: fi '1" pnde 10 our H'hi ,,,I.•.• ,'-. i, ,

"Pi' -( ", Store d:I '....... ' I '

, I I

Stock'i r I I. '

and invite mot onl/ ~~on~lnUflnceof OUf present Fla r n g~, but anacqu.aintan.:ce with .e. ~'ur~01ers.Weare c~rlain to Vir se !yo:, .

Wayne.1 ,e!b.1< I" ':.: i I :



~1II'''i'!'jlWA!~~.J,.'-A'''_A",r~,,~ :;""""':"""~,=l§:""'~"'''''''''''~',1;j' "_;=:,,,,",,,,r.");'S<N(IS"!l!(M~7.'lI-""""''''~i I I, \ ~

,I' I' I 1 ~

UH~e~d ..A , ug~J. ',I " WE HAVE 'EM! '~

f ' -=t-if ,• hY.' briy e1'lewhere when you biare an opportun- ~.'Ii y to Ejelect fr~m the many dilffirent styles we ~.~arJy The 6el~brated Van Brj1~t Buggy is thel .~~es~ on the mar~et;call and see:them. *

' II I : ' I ~

Fiifle Li~e of WagonS! !'.' , '~

I, You will n~ed a Inew wagon ~'hiS fall and )

, i: now is the ~ime to buy. We an sell 'y:ou ~.~:: a GOOD wtgon land sell iq C eap. ~

: EL.I JONas. W~yne. N~~. i' , 1 I I .~

! ! ~*11l:'«t'_:~~4,!·"";~"·:Ii"·1&':""'A'''. '" I"f";"';41~",."A":~.'f"""!'" 'x """"XI:X'"'" .x,.~#A'It'A"'~i I ----r' I ., ~ .=t=+=I


~~~~:t~~ff~~~~:~~liUer,¢r~abt Tatel,'pi,r51

I enfl1ered witb d e~rbo.~ for a Ion. 11" 1 II tt me and thought ~ was past beingo red. I had 8p ~t muoh time and

oney and Buffer ~ 80 much mIsery Nt at I. bad almos Ide.c,ided to give up I ! ew

11 hopes of re~ov~~ and awalt the reo I

It, l>ut notiolng th advertls~ment at I

bom.b.•.rlain'~ 00.lie Cholera and Diar- ~boea. Remedy! and Iso some, teatimo- hiBIs ib~W some w1nder~Ql cures bad :! 0 t\een wrongbt by tb,~: remjdYI deolded I. t' •

:~~e;J.:f~::~}I~~{~~~i~~g?it19'·en' fori. Bio'5'leO'~'55earty ma.a today, nd ft' 186 wt'li 6S I 'Iver dId in my Ii e,-O.:- R, MOORE. II:old1:1 Ed J Ray ond, dru~n~IRt.' I I! I,! 1

I STR1\ ED, I \

Fr~IP:: my fmim '1~~ milj3se~t of town 1.J.r.,.., 'I.L1.' 1

II S~nday,An~..~7'Jdig~tsotl borse, 1 )IV Itha;n unus a:lly large and qnul!Ceold.f~c. wltbhgb bin? fee:, and bad I' hne 0'° hamPle ~~atesl and pre~t~stalter, 00; weIght bet'reen ,1000 and I i.L I{;, I

l00.l~e, A r~~ar offr~ed for ret~rn I P,atter sin F 111and Wint~rg 0 .S.,f alimal, or, mf rmatlon regarding I 1 I 1 1 '. I I '

am : i pd. ALP'ED~NSON. ~. ' ' II. . _ I )_ ~~,I

ijo::~~£~~~~~:~;o~:i~:~~~!;', all ,ESiT ~~RK.. RICES, REAS~~~aL~.I "i Q-iVllS 8 call.: 1 I II ' ,., I I'I • ! ' ,

I Tvree, & Re¢~~

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