
Pros. N Serial os.

FUe NO./3/"JjJ~_'f 19 ~




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Collection No.

Previous References. Later References.

S. 97 (Unbleached). I C'''''''N •. '"'AIO.P.''' C,." ................ ':'., .... c.r-. P " p . Ltd- AC .P. J6b No. G . .

.. Mlnistry ot Education;

SUBJECTI - Starred Question No.5476 for 29.3.54 to be asked by Shri Ramji Vermanin the House of the People regarding Chhatar Manzil, Lucknow (U.P.)

Will the Dire tor General of Archaeology kindly

refer to his Memo N'o.13/23/54-G-6047 da'ted 17.3.54

on the - subject mentioned above, and kindly fur"nish the I

following fUrther informatlon.-

1. Is Cbba tar Manzil, Lucknow, a protected M:>nuaent declared to be of national importance under the 1951 Act?

2. Are protected Mbnnments being used by prlYate individuals or bodies or by Central or State Govts.

3. What is the general pollcy in regard to use of protected monuments y the public or state Govt.

, 4. In the present case, who ls responsible tor repair­~ maintenance of thepremises and who bears the cost. ".

5. The historical importance ot ~he' monument.

6. Whether the Ceritral Drug Research Labo,rator)" sl tuated there issitaated in the protected building itsel£ or in a separate building in the same compound.

A very immediate reply is requested.

('. J

~. Np '~b~ ~l I p13/ !>'"'tr

", Sq/-( Under Secretary.

, <

~ctor General ot Archaeology. EDUCATION MINISTRY U.O.No.F.12-38!54-A.2dt. 18.3.54 •

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P .T.O •••






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Tho information asked for is given belOw seriaU .. ,)

As. all monuments protected under the Ancient

Monulnents Preservation Act are declared to be ot _tlonal \

Importance, Chhatar Manzl1 ·1s autOmatically declared to be

such under 1951-Act.

2. Yes, some protected monuments are bell:lg asacl lJ.y

private bodIes and by Central a~ state Govern.ents.

3. AS a rule the use ot protected monuments by the

puhl1c or ~tate Governments 1s diseour~~. Bnt as the

Ministry are s,{ofare, a f~w protected DlOnuments are 1n .. se, ,

not always wi th tpe permission ot QOvernment.

4. State Government. I

5. The monument repre)Jent·s a palace built by the

Nawbsof OtIC.h. • ' ~

6. The Laboratory occupies a part of the DIOnttDlent

It is u derstood that the Laloratory took the p$rialsslon ot I

the state Gbvertunent before occupation .nd 'paid for the . - ' J.

repairs cs 1ed out tor its occupation.

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, . K. '

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No. F. 12-38/54- 1.2-Ministry of ~ducat10n.

Ne.w Delht, d~ted

.PfFT C~ MI!W QR !\NJ;pM.

Subjact :- Starre~ Que'st1.on No. ~54~7.w6--..;. ....... __ to be asked by Shrt BAm! VERlA -tn the House of people on 24. 3.54.

~:txttUD reg ~rd~_ng Archa.ological finds at ebbatar Jlanzi1,

Luckoow. ----------~~~~--------------------. * ,

The understgned "t s dt rocted to enclose ,) copy

to be asked

by Shr1~.~ -=B •• W-=-:I;......:I!.,;;re:.:.lRM=A ..... _____________ 'in the

on 24. 3. 19§4. on the

subject ment1, on~d abov63l'1d to request th:;t a draft reply

w1th P3.rt".cul qr reference to p .:.rts ___ --- of the

Quest ... on t03ether wtth a note giVing det:;.",led material

for ~sY@rin.;::· Sul?plement;lrtes maY ktndly be turn:!, shed to

tht s Mtni st ry 1mnadi ~tely arid not 12.te r than the

.. 18th Karch . lS54 --.. --~~~-------~ !

L I - , . I

~ Art. ~


Ori ginal . . -in


Notice wa~ received on the 11.3.~

Notice of adm1~s1on to bS ~nt .. 9ut .on the 18.3. ~

. 1(j:n1~try to 'which the -day ha! been, allotted , EOOC AfiON.

Tha que! tion will, if .adud. tted, be pot down for si ttlng on the s- 24.3.54.

* SHRI RooI vaauu I 11111 -the tim. star of Education be

pleased to ~tat. I

the art:icle~ found in the cellar o f the Chhatar • . .

Manzi 1 , Lu c k:Do w;

... when 1 t " wa~ d1 scoverad; -' wh~tha~ it 1s 1n good cond,. tion; and


( c)

( d) what amount hR! bean ~anct,1on~d by , the Central

Government for 1 ts repair! ?

- . . ",

. ... ,. .. . . ~ - .4 ............ . ,

-.... -.. ....... .. . ., .. ... . .. . ....

. ~. '" '" . ~'" .' . . -. . ..

(3) v-.o +. ® @J 'M-~ @

Sub j ect.:- St,arred qU:~'3t,' (;n No. 5476 r0~ardi tC; Arc1·l. finds at Ch~ latar Ha'1z:'l, Luc knt)1"l. I

(a) No information is available.

(c) '!'he monU!aent is in ~ood condition.

(d) The m~) nument h as 1:)~en transferred to the Govt. of

D.P. under the Devolution R.u les ·on th e followil:g; conditi ons:

(i) t hat archaeolo ;-;ical features of the monU!TI"?nt h~ ill

be conserved;

(ii) t hat, all est ima -:. ':)s for s:~ ecial re'Jairs will. be

sent to th (~ <Archaeolo :~ical SU'Jdt. concerned

for cou ntersi rsnature in token of :=t7")roval

before any '.'Jork is put in hand, and

(iii) Shou.ld the :A.rchl. Supdt. haven:s: occasion to

dra,..., the attention of thp. Stat·e Govt. to any

measure o f conser.vatjon ' . ...,hich he consi ders

desirable, . hi's sugge s t ,'iol1 S should receive

due c on sid e ; .... ati on.

At present tb p buildin is is occu'-:: ied by the Central .

-,'\ R ] I' \\1..' l~~.n±t... ~C--~~ ~rug i esearC l nstltute. -~ ~~

~ .~ h __ nL\~~ ( \.-/ \\V~. D. (l.A.

TtJepho'4e No. 11.



SIR, #

No. ILfI- g37 Dr. K. N.Puri , B.Sc.,D.Lit t., SUPERINTENDENT,




The Director General of Archaeology in India, New Delhi.

Dated, Agra the 17t h March,


]954 .

With reference to your telephonic enquiry of date in connection

with the Parliamentary questio~ about the articles all eged to have be ~n

discovered at Chhatarmanzin at Lucknow I beg to submit as follows:­

(a) This office has no information if any articles were found in the

Cellar of Chhatarmanzi l at LUcknow.

(b) It is not known when the articles referred to were discovered.

(c) The building, seems to be in a good state of preservation.

(d) The Central Government provides no funds for its repair. The

building has been transferred to the state Government under rules

amended by the Education Department Notification No.2323, dated the

24th November, 1925, as amended from time to time subject to the

following conditions:.

(1) That the archaeological features of the buildings will be conserved.

(i1) That all estimates for special repairs, will be sent to the archaeological officer concerned for countersignature in token of approvral before any work is put in hand.

(iii) That, should the archaeological officer have occasion to draw the attention of the local Government to any measure of conservation, which he considers desirasle, his suggestions will receive due consideration.

The undersigned is visiting Lucknow shortly and will enquire into the matter and submit a report then. fKR katij±KKI


Superintendent .

t. Ao o.ll~ ~ \ c.tLl. ~ -Ifu. A-tuY Ikt:-

Q..JV- &..o..~ tJ, h V~ ~..A-O-AJ.-U- I ~ f'.A4J. v., o..u-t.~~ cL..~ to k ~ ~ ~6\-Ack:.

It . S'*~ ~. S. '\\v- a..

~~ ~ ~ ~~ 1fJ~ o . ~~ \-~~ C>~~ 0- f~ ~ (V\J.-~ -.J:A_~. k- ~ ~ ~oJ=- tw:' LcJ.. ~ ~ ~s.~~ ';

~ .~o.i>-~ . ~o~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ c~ crv-.t- ~ OC~~ .

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