Page 1: Early US Foreign Policy US History. Washington’s Presidency

Early US Foreign Policy

US History

Page 2: Early US Foreign Policy US History. Washington’s Presidency

Washington’s Presidency

Page 3: Early US Foreign Policy US History. Washington’s Presidency


-British harassment in the west 1. Weapons to Indians 2. Impressment

-French Revolution in 1789 Fight for democracy in France

-British and French at war France want US help

-U.S. neutrality Proclamation of Neutrality Not taking sides France is angry

Because of their alliance with the U.S. after the American Revolution, the French expected help in their

revolution. However, the American reaction split along party lines, with

the Federalists against and the Democratic-Republicans for.

Washington, however, declared neutrality.

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-Jay’s Treaty meant to avoid war with the British

-trade treaty with Britain

-highly unpopular b/c of the Revolution

•Only agreed to leave forts in the West; still attacking American ships and impressing sailors

-Pinckney’s Treaty

-trade treaty with Spain

-access to the Mississippi R.

•Agreed to control natives in FL while U.S. agreed to control those in GA

-Treaty of Greenville

-Battle of Fallen Timbers

-Ohio Valley area given up by natives

The Treaty of Greenville granted the Ohio Valley area, also known as the Northwest

Territory, to the United States. This was given up by the natives after the Battle of

Fallen Timbers.

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Reaction to Jay’s Treaty:

According to this political cartoon, what do you think MOST Americans thought

about the deal between the U.S. and Britain following

Jay’s Treaty? Why?

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-served two terms but refused another

Would not be another “King George”

-political fighting had already begun

Hamilton v. Jefferson

-Farewell Warnings

-no political parties

-no involvement in foreign affairs

“As a very important source of strength and security, cherish public credit. One method of preserving it is

to use it as sparingly as possible.”

~George Washington~

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Federalist Period

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-Neutrality strained relations with France and Britain

• War with them closer, U.S. not strong enough

-U.S sends ambassadors to France to patch relations

-bribes were demanded by the French

• Sent out agents X,Y, and Z instead of ambassador

• Demand money to see him

-US was outraged as story emerged

• U.S. not taken seriously

• “See you on the seas”

“Cinque-tetes, or the Paris Monster,” is the title of this

political cartoon satirizing the XYZ Affair. On the right, the five

members of the French Directory, or the ruling executive body, are

depicted as a five-headed monster demanding money. The three

American representatives, Gerry, Pinckney, and Marshall, are on the left, exclaiming, “Cease bawling,

monster! We will not give you six-pence!”

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The XYZ Affair - Maiden America ravaged by the French

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-Political Parties oppose each other

-Federalists align with British

-Dem-Republicans align with French

-nearly leads to war

Two year undeclared war with France

-Convention of 1800 avoids war

Adams makes peace with French

Federalists angry with Adams

“Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!”

After the XYZ Affair, Congress created a navy department and

authorized American ships to seize French vessels. 1200 men marched to Washington to

volunteer for war, and Congress authorized the creation of an army of 50,000 troops. While war was never officially declared, for the next two years an undeclared

naval war raged between France and the U.S.

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-Federalists passed laws to limit criticism of gov’t by those sensitive to the French (Dem-Republicans) and restrict citizenship rights

-would have limited freedom of speech and allowed deportation of unpopular aliens

• Could not speak out against the government

• Quieted all opposition

Anti-French feeling flourished, and many Federalists believed that

French agents were everywhere, plotting to overthrow the

government. New arrivals from foreign countries were held in particular suspicion, especially

because immigrants were active in the Dem.-Rep. party. Some of the most vocal critics of Adams were foreign-born and immigrants. To

counter what they saw as a growing threat against

government, the Federalists passed the Alien and Sedition


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Washington’s death was instrumental in improving conditions with France. Napoleon Bonaparte, now

first consul of France, hoped to lure American friendship away from the British and back to the

French. Napoleon ordered ten days of mourning to be observed in the French armies for the American

leader. Soon, Napoleon would offer even greater concessions to the Americans.

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Jefferson’s Presidency

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-Indian Conflicts

• Settlers moving West and pushing natives off their land

- unfair treaties American settlers not

upholding promises made to natives-

Tecumseh’s League Group of natives led by Tecumseh

Ready to attack American settlers, aided by British

“White people…have driven us from the great salt water, forced

us over the mountains, and would shortly push us into the

lakes. But we are determined to go no farther. The only way to

stop this evil is for all red men to unite.” ~Tecumseh~

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- Battle of Tippecanoe (1811-Madison’s Term)

• Tecumseh’s men set up here

- William Henry Harrison

• Governor of Indiana who attacked Tecumseh’s League at Tippecanoe before they could attack him

• Shatters Native American morale

In November 1811, while Tecumseh was absent, his brother and aid led

the Shawnee in an attack on Harrison and his troops near

Tippecanoe. Harrison struck back and burned the Shawnee capital to

the ground. Harrison’s victory, known as the Battle of Tippecanoe,

made him a national hero.

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-US neutrality between Britain and France???

Needed trade with both sides

• Jay’s Treaty expired

• War among European nations

-British began impressment of sailors

• Making American sailors fight for the British Navy

• British attack U.S. ship

Impressment of American sailors into the Royal British Navy

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-Jefferson gets Embargo Act passed to cut off trade; hurts U.S. business more than Europe

• Angry about attacking American ships; will not trade with anyone

• Ruins Jefferson’s presidency

• Congress repealed in 1809

-War Hawks emerge

• Want to begin war with British

• Henry Clay/John C. Calhoun

Possibility of gaining lands

Revenge for helping Indians

“Mr. President, if you know what is good for your future welfare you will take off the embargo

that is now such a check upon American commerce…”

~New England merchant, 1808

“It has paralyzed industry…Our fertile lands are reduced to sterility. It will drive our seamen

into foreign employ, and our fisherman to foreign sandbanks…It has dried up our

revenue.” ~Philip Key, Congressmen

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Early 1800’s

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WAR OF 1812

-James Madison became President in 1808

-British continue harassment of U.S. trade and settlers

• Impressment, aiding natives

-US declares war on Britain

• “Mr. Madison’s War”

• Small army and navy

-U.S. fails to invade Canada

• British keep Canada

By the spring of 1812, President Madison decided to go to war against Britain. Madison

believed that Britain was trying to strangle American trade and cripple the American

economy. Congress approved the war declaration in early June.

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WAR OF 1812

-British burn parts of Washington, 1814

• Turn to Baltimore harbor

• Francis Scott Key writes anthem at Ft. McHenry

By 1814, the superior British were raiding and burning towns all along the Atlantic coast. The redcoats brushed aside some hastily-assembled

soldiers and entered Washington, D.C. In retaliation for the U.S. victory at the Battle of

York, the capital of Upper Canada, in which U.S. forces burned the governor’s mansion and the

legislative assembly buildings, the British burned the Capitol, the White House, and other public buildings. On August 24, Madison and other

federal officials had to flee from their own capital.

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Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled

Banner after the all-night bombardment at

Fort McHenry

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WAR OF 1812

-Hartford Convention debates New England’s part in war—Federalists opposing the war

• Want constitutional amendments to increase New England’s power—states rights

-Treaty of Ghent, 1814 (nothing changed hands)

• Officially ends the War of 1812

• America recognized as a strong nation

U.S. and Britain sign the Treaty of Ghent, officially ending the War of 1812

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Foreign Affairs

-end of the war of 1812

-Era of Good Feelings

• U.S. is prosperous and growing; national pride

-northern border with Canada established

49th parallel

• British give up territory to U.S. near Oregon

-Florida becomes part of the US, 1819

-Adams-Onis Treaty also sets SW border with Spanish Mexico

• Spain breaks Pinckney Treaty

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Frontier violence with Native Americans as Spain breaks Pinckney Treaty

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Monroe Doctrine

-James Monroe became President in 1816

-U.S. is still a fragile nation in the world arena

-attempts to claim part of the world as our own “neighborhood”

•Wants to protect western hemisphere from Europe

-Monroe Doctrine

states that Europeans should not interfere with this hemisphere

•Any attack seen as attack on the U.S.

“The American continents,… are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future

colonization by any European powers. . .”

~James Monroe

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