Page 1: Earned Commission Reference Guide - Agent Net Info Comm... · Earned Commission Check/EFT Ref xxxx: ... 9 Report Options: ... Non-Prop Non-Proprietary Ord Life Ordinary Life

Earned Commission Reference Guide Key Features

Start with a summary of your monthly personal Earned Commission Overview report and drill down to a specific agent number level.

Generate and save a PDF for future reference.

All reports will be available by the 2nd business day of the month.

*Due to the proprietary nature of the information provided, the Earned Reports wi l l only be avai lable to personnel who have the abi l i ty

to view commissions. Contact the Agent Support Center to request access for any of your employees.

This guide is designed to help you understand the Earned Commission Reports available on Agent Net Info. It also serves as an ongoing reference

for instructions on how to most effectively use the Earned Commission Reporting.

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Earned Commission Overview

Report Features

View a quick summary of your earned commissions and the totals for the month in one location.

Requirements for Agents Appearing on Report

Agent must be set up to receive earned commissions. Agent must have a commission statement generated for the month selected.

Report Heading:

Agent Name: the name of the agent you are viewing the report for. For Statement Date: the month selected to view the commissions.

The report will default to the most recent month

Generating a New Report

Select a new Statement Date

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Report Options:

Select the Overview button to generate a PDf for the current page.

Check the box to generate a PDF for all agent numbers or check the

specific agent number(s) to only generate a PDF for only those agent numbers. One of these boxes must be selected to generate a Summary or Agent Detail PDF.

Select the Summary button to generate one PDF for a Summary of every agent

number listed. Select the Agent Detail button to generate one PDF for the detail of every agent

number listed. If one or more of the agent numbers detail is too large to be generated in a combined PDF, a message will display indicating which number is too large. Simply uncheck that agent number and select the Agent Detail button again. The detail for the agent number that is too large can be generated in a PDF by only checking that agent number and then selecting the Agent Detail button.

Definition of Report Data Agent Number: only agent numbers that meet the Requirements For Agents

Appearing on Report will appear. Select the Agent Number to view the Commission Summary for only that agent number.

Check Amount: the amount of the check that was generated for that agent

number. Payment Method: the method used to distribute the commission paid to the agent.

If no, payment was made the report will show ‘No Check/EFT’. Company: statutory company.

Ending Balance: the balance per company and agent number for that statement date.

Totals: Sums the amounts displayed in the Check Amount and Ending Balance.

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Earned Commission Summary

Report Features

View a summary of your earned commissions and the totals for the month by individual agent number.

Requirements for Agents Appearing on Report

Agent must be set up to receive earned commissions. Agent must have a commission statement generated for the month selected.

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Report Heading:

Agent Name/Number: that was selected from the Earned Commission Overview Report.

Agent Status: the agent status for the agent number selected from the Earned

Commission Overview Report. Contract Date: the contract date of the agent number selected from the Earned

Commission Overview Report. Terminated Date: if available the terminated date for the agent number selected

from the Earned Commission Overview Report. For Statement Date: the month selected to view the commissions.

The report will default to the most recent month

Generating a New Report

Select a new Statement Date

Report Options:


Back: selecting this button will take you back to the previous screen.

Agent Detail: selecting this button will take you to the earned detail for the agent number displayed on the page. If the agent Detail is too large to be displayed a message will appear with the option to generate a PDF for that agent number. Salary Savings: selecting this button will take you to the salary savings

commissions for the agent number displayed on the page.

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Securities Summary: selecting this button will take you to the summary of the

securities commissions for the agent number displayed on the page. Only agents that have a securities commission will see this button.

Generate PDF for:

Summary: selecting this button will create a PDF for the summary you are viewing. Agent Detail: selecting this button will create a PDF of the detail for the agent

number you are viewing.

Definition of Report Data Agent Number: the agent number selected from the Earned Commission Overview

report. This is also a link to the Agent Detail report for that agent number. Company Name: the company that the agent number is appointed to.

Balance Forward: ending balance from previous earned commission statement.

Activity Name: description of the commission or adjustments.

Sub-total for activities: the sum of all of the commission activities listed under the

Activities column. Special Earned Calculation: the earned advance calculation.

If no activities are available this section will not be displayed.

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Earned Commission Check/EFT Ref xxxx: the amount of the commission that was paid to that agent number. If no commission was generated ‘No Earned Commission Check Produced’ and 0.00 will be displayed.

Ending Balance: the balance for the agent number selected for the statement you

are viewing. Payee Name: the name of the person/entity the commission was paid to.

*Amount Not Included in the Total: The product(s) net earned advance is not

included in any positive earned advance amount.

Earned Commission Detail

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Report Features

View the detail of your earned commissions for your agent number and the commissions you received from the agent numbers reporting to you.

The Commission detail is broken into sections by the writing agent and the source from which the commission was received.

Requirements for Agents Appearing on Report

Agent must be set up to receive earned commissions. Agent must have a commission statement generated for the month selected.

Report Heading:

Agent Name/Number: that was selected from the Earned Commission Overview Report.

Agent Status: the agent status for the agent number selected from the Earned

Commission Overview Report. Contract Date: the contract date of the agent number selected from the Earned

Commission Overview Report. Terminated Date: if available the terminated date of the agent number selected

from the Earned Commission Overview Report. For Statement Date: the month selected to view the commissions.

The report will default to the most recent month

Generating a New Report

Select a new Statement Date

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Report Options:

Back: selecting this button will take you back to the previous screen.

Generate PDF: selecting this button will create a PDF for the detail commissions you are viewing.

If the agent detail is too large to fit on one page the page number/next will appear,

, to view the rest of the detail pages select Next or the number displayed.

Definition of Report Data

Writing Agent Name/Number: the writing agent name and number for the detail commissions listed below

Source: the source from where the commission was generated.

Source Examples:

ISI Securities Preferred Provider

Individual AFP TCM

Long Term Care Western Reserve Life

Policy Number: the policy number(s) of the commission generated from the Writing

Agent number in the section being viewed. Insured Name: the last name of the Insured on the policy number.

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Plan Code: the plan code associated with the policy number.

Product Type: the type of product that generated the commission for that policy.

Product Types Available:

Earned Statement Product Definition

Accident Accident

Chip CHP

Dental Dental

DI HIP MM Disability/Hospital Inc/Major Med

Disability Disability Income

EI UL Equity Index Universal Life

Fix Anty Indvl Fixed Annuity (Individual)

Fix Anty Prf Prv Fixed Annuity (Preferred Provider)

Fix Anty TCM Fixed Annuity (FMD)

GAP Supplemental Health (GAP)

Group True Group

Grp Maj Med Group Major Medical

Hospital Income Hospital Income

LTC Long Term Care

LTD Long Term Disability

Med Supp Medicare Supplement

Non-Prop Non-Proprietary

Ord Life Ordinary Life

Proprietary Proprietary

Short Health Short Term / Misc.

SPUL Single Premium Universal Life

UL Universal Life

Var Anty TCM Variable Annuity (FMD)

Var Anty WRL Variable Annuity (WRL)

VUL CR Variable Universal Life (CR)

VUL Non-Prop Variable Universal Life (Non-Propr)

VUL WRL Variable Universal Life (WRL)

Worksite Cancer (SID)

Issue Date: the date the policy was issued.

Paid Date: the date the policy was last paid.

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Billing Frequency: how often the policy is scheduled to be billed.

Examples of Billing Frequency: Earned Statement Billing Definition

Annual Once a year

Semi-Ann Twice a Year, every 6 months

Quarterly 4 times a year, every 3 months 9thly Billed 9 times a year, amount is actually

distributed over 12 payments

10thly Billed 10 times a year, amount is actually distributed over 12 payments

Monthly Every Month

4 Weeks Every 4 weeks

Bi Weekly Every 2 weeks

Weekly Every Week

8thly Billed 8 times a year, amount is actually distributed over 12 payments

11thly Billed 11 times a year, amount is actually distributed over 12 payments

24thly Billed 24 times a year, amount is actually distributed over one years worth of payments

Commission Type: the type of commission the agent is receiving on the


Examples of Commission Types:

Earned Statement Commission Definition

OW 1st Yr Overwrite 1st Year

OW Renew Overwrite Renewal

OW Serv Overwrite Service

Pers OW 1st Yr Personal Overwrite 1st Year

Pers OW Renew Personal Overwrite Renewal

Pers OW Serv Personal Overwrite Service

WA 1st Yr Writing Agent 1st Year

WA Renew Writing Agent Renewal

WA Serv Writing Agent Service

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Amount Invested: This column is only populated if the policy is a Securities


Comm Premium: commissionable premium. Gross Comm: gross commission on securities products.

PSOP: agents PSOP contribution.

Split %: agents split percent on the policy.

Commission %: the commission percentage payable .

Commission Amount: the earned commission amount paid to the agent.

Earned Adv %: advance percentage payable on the earned commission


Earned Adv Amount: amount of earned commission included in the special earned calculation.

Totals: the sum of the PSOP, Commission Amount and Earned Commission

Amount will appear at the bottom of each individual section.

The Grand Totals will consistently appear at the bottom of the page. Total PSOP: the sum of all of the PSOP amounts for this statement.

Total Commission Amount: the sum of all the commission amounts for this


Total Earned Adv Amount: the sum of all the advance amounts for this statement.

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Initial Premium Received: for policies that are being paid commissions for the first time an * will appear beside the policy number.

Earned Commission Overwrite Summary

Report Features

Managers can view a summary of the overwrite commissions received and the totals for the month by their individual agent number(s). If the writing agent has more than one commission for an agent number the report will sum the multiple amounts and display them in one row.

Requirements for Agents Appearing on Report

Agent logged onto ANI must have earned commission on the sub-agent for the

commission to appear. Manager/Writing Agent must be set up to receive earned commissions.

AND Manager/Writing Agent must have a commission statement generated for the

month selected.

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Report Heading:

Agent Name: the name of the agent you are viewing the report for. For Statement Date: the month selected to view the commissions.

The report will default to the most recent month

Generating a New Report

Select a new Statement Date

Report Options:

Generate PDF: selecting this button will create a PDF for the overwrite commissions you are viewing.

Summary by Agent: select this button to view the individual rows for agents with

multiple commissions. All fields on this report will mirror the Earned Commission Overwrite Summary.

Definition of Report Data

Agent Name: the agent name of the person viewing the report.

Agent Number: the agent number(s) of the person viewing the report.

Commission Amount: the earned commission amount paid to the agent.

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Writing Agt Check/EFT Amt: the Check/EFT amount that the Writing Agent

received. This column is not available to all managers. When available managers will also see the payment method when the Summary by Agent button is selected.

Payment Method: the method used to distribute the commission paid to the agent.

If no, payment was made the report will show ‘No Check/EFT’. Total: the sum of all the Check/EFT amounts.

Definition of Report Data for Agent Detail

Commission Agent Number: the manager’s agent number that the commission was earned on.

Writing Agent Name: the name of the writing agent the manager received a

commission from. If an agent did not generate a commission for the manager their name will not be displayed.

Overwrite Commission Amt: the amount of commission that the manager received

from the writing agent. Writing Agt Check/EFT Amt: the Check/EFT amount that the Writing Agent

received. This column is not available to all managers. When available managers will also see the payment method when the Summary by Agent button is selected.

Overwrite Total: the sum of the Overwrite Commission for all Writing Agents listed.

If no Overwrite Commissions were generated nothing will be displayed. Personal Overwrite Total: the sum of the Personal Overwrite amount for that

manager’s commission agent number. If no Personal Overwrite Commissions were generated nothing will be displayed.

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Grand Total: the sum of the Overwrite and Personal Overwrite amounts. This

should match the manager’s commission amount listed in the 1st section of the report.

Earned Commission Policy Search

Report Features

Search for a particular policy by Insured’s last name, search for only policies that have an initial premium or search for policies by a specific commission amount.

Requirements for Agents Appearing on Report

Agent must be set up to receive earned commissions. Agent must have earned a commission on the policy for the date range selected.

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Report Options:

Policy Number: enter the 10 digit policy number to be searched on a partial number may be entered. Results will only be included for the start date through the end date selected.

Insured Last Name: enter the last name of the Insured a partial name can be

entered. Results will only be included for the start date through the end date selected.

Commissions on Initial Premium: check this box to return all of the policies that

you received an initial premium on for the start date through the end date selected.

Commissions Greater than: enter a dollar amount (ie 24) to return all the policies

that you received that amount of commission or greater within the start date and end date selected. If a policy was split the commission for each of the splits will be summed to determine if the total commission is greater than the dollar amount entered.

Example searching for Commissions Greater than: 24 WA 0000000001 earned you a $12.50 Overwrite Commission and WA 0000000002 earned you a $12.50 Overwrite Commission the total commission = $25.00 so both amounts will be returned.

Start Date: the report will default to the most recent month end. To select a

different start date click on the arrow. End Date: the report will default to the most recent month end. To select a

different end date click on the arrow.

Search Button: select this button to process the search criteria entered.

Clear Button: select this button to clear the search criteria entered.

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Cancel Button: select this button to cancel the search process.

Sort By: will return the results for the search criteria in ascending order for the sort selected.

Definition of Search Results

The search results will only include policies where the person logged into Agent Net Info is part of the policy hierarchy and is included on the Commission statement. Policy Number: the specific policy number or the policy numbers that met the

search criteria. Clicking on the policy number will take you to all of the details for that policy number.

Company Name: statutory company.

Insured Name: the name of the Insured person on the policy.

Comm Premium or Gross Comm: commissionable premium or gross commission on securities products.

Split %: agents split percent on the policy.

Comm %: the commission percentage payable.

Comm Amount: the earned commission amount paid to the agent.

Writing Agent Name: the name of the agent that sold the policy.

Statement Date: the date commission statement was generated for the policy.

Selecting a different start date then the end date will display a row for each date the policy received a commission.

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Total: the sum of all of the Comm Amount’s retuned from the search criteria

entered. Generate PDF: selecting this button will create a PDF for the Paid Commission

search results you are viewing.

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