
Habakkuk: Having Hope (No Matter What)Toby McIntosh

East Camp 14 Ferngully Lodge 28th - 30th June Comics & Cartoons


Your Leaders


Captain Planet

Who/what is your favourite comic or cartoon character?





Captain America


ShadyLeaders’ Chaplain

Arthur the Aardvark

JessFirst AidMinions

BrianCENC Rep

Daffy Duck



CameronLeaders’ Chaplain


LouiseLeaders’ Chaplain


NicRegistrationMarvin the


ChiaraActivities HelperAsterix, Aladdin, Winnie the Pooh

MartonCamp Dad


SueCamp Mum

Penelope Pittstop


MattPurely decorativeWolverine, The Hulk, Batman


Sailor Moon

CallumPurely decorative



NathanPurely decorative


JosiePurely decorative


SonjaPurely decorative

Tony Stark

SaloniPurely decorativeWinnie the Pooh

HannahPurely decorative


SarahPurely decorativeWinnie the Pooh

DanielSenior First Aid

Alfred (Batman’s Butler)

Page No. Thing that is on the page1 Your Leaders2 Contents Page3 Camp Timetable4 Camp Rules5 - 6 Study Groups7-8 Activity Groups9 Meals Duty Roster10 Talk 1 Outline11 - 12 Study 1 Questions13 Talk 2 Outline14 - 15 Study 2 Questions16 Talk 3 Outline17-18 Study 3 Questions19 Quiet Time Intro20 Quiet Time 121 Quiet Time 222 PYV Calendar for 201423 Trivia with a Twist Details

Contents Page


Time Saturday Sunday Monday 7.45am Breakfast set up

(Looney Tunes)Breakfast set up(Asterix & the Gauls)

8am Breakfast Breakfast

9.15 Session 2 Session 3

10.30 Morning Tea Morning Tea

11am Study 2 Study 3

12pm Arrive Quiet Times Quiet Times

12.45 Lunch set up (Leaders/ The X-men)

Lunch set up (The Avengers)

Lunch set up (Team Adventure Time)

1pm Lunch Lunch Lunch

2pm Session 1 Activities Pack up & Clean up

3pm Leave

3.15 Afternoon Tea


3.45 Activities Free Time

5.30 Free Time

5.45 Dinner set up (Disney Heroes)

Camp Photo

6pm Dinner Dinner

7pm Icebreakers (Study Groups) Activities

7.30 Study 1

8.15 Activities

9pm Supper Supper

9.30pm Go to rooms

10.30 Lights Out Go to rooms

11pm Lights Out

Camp timetable


1. Campers must attend all activities

2. Campers cannot leave the campsite unless permission is granted by camp convenor

3. Campers are to treat each other with respect, bullying and racism are not allowed.

4. Campers are expected to dress appropriately at all times

5. No smoking, alcohol or bad language

6. Couples are expected to behave in an appropriate manner

7. Rooms cannot be changed except with permission from convenor

8. Rooms are out of bounds to the opposite sex

9. Campers are required to stay in their rooms after lights out

10. Practical jokes which may cause hurt or damage are not allowed

11. Decisions of the camp convenor are final

Camp Rules


Group 1Scott McNabb Saloni ChristianKarina Bilyj Jacob YorkLara Girgis Stuart IpsenLuke McArdle Michaela Swank

Group 2Chiara Bilyj Nathan PennycuickEden Murany Amelia GraceAaron Christy Stephanie StamEthan Otten Nathan SmithKyla Swanepoel

Group 3Joel Otten Nicki BrownNatalya Hindle Joshua MannersTwiza Christian Sharon StanleyShauny Reid Jarrod Stephens

Group 4Aiden McKee Hannah ClohertyIngrid Song Harrison YorkBethany Glover Duncan RobertsonTabby Robinson Ruan SwanepoelLaura Paterson

Groups (Study)


Groups (Study)Group 5

Josie Mehanni Callum HaugheyEllen de Waard Alan GrunerKaitlyn Stevens Jarrod SmithLiza Christian Mitchell McArdle

Group 6Jess McNabb Ed KentlerSene Smalley Hepzibah SelvarajHannah Stanley Hannah McArdleErrol Solanki Emily Bilyj

Group 7Nic Bilyj Sarah EnderbyJames Glover Brendon BezuidenhoutIuliana Smalley Jeremy BilyjQuincey Solanki Luke MedleyJosie Murany

Group 8Matt Graham Sonja OttoCourtney Roberts Felicia GrantAndrew Otten Rebecca MangelsdorfAmos Selvaraj Neil BezuidenhoutVivian Lam


The X-Men (Group 1)Matt Graham Saloni ChristianAaron Christy Kaitlyn StephensTwiza Christian Quincey SolankiLuke McArdle Jeremy BilyjSharon Stanley Andrew OttenBethany Glover

The Disney Heroes (Group 2)Scott McNabb Nicki BrownLara Girgis Harrison YorkAmelia Grace Brendon BezuidenhoutJoshua Manners Josie MuranyLiza Christian Rebecca MangelsdorfDuncan Robertson

The Looney Tunes (Group 3)Edmund Kentler Hannah ClohertyKarina Bilyj Hannah StanleyJacob York Iuliana SmalleyMichaela Swank Amos SelvarajMitchell McArdle Felicia GrantJarrod Smith

Groups (Activity)


The Avengers (Group 4)Nathan Pennycuick Sonja OttoEden Murany Tabby RobinsonStuart Ipsen Errol SolankiNathan Smith Hepzibah SelvarajRuan Swanepoel Neil BezuidenhoutEmily Bilyj

Asterix & the Gauls (Group 5)Callum Haughey Sarah EnderbyNic Bilyj Ethan OttenSene Smalley Shauny ReidIngrid Song Stephanie StamCourtney Roberts Ellen de WaardLuke Medley

Team Adventure Time (Group 6)Aiden McKee Jess McNabbJoel Otten Laura PatersonKyla Swanepoel Hannah McArdleNatalya Hindle James GloverJarrod Stephens Vivian LamAlan Gruner

Groups (Activity)


Meal GroupSaturday Lunch Leaders / The X-men

Saturday Dinner The Disney Heroes

Sunday Breakfast The Looney Tunes

Sunday Lunch The Avengers

Sunday Dinner Leaders

Monday Breakfast Asterix & the Gauls

Monday Lunch Team Adventure Time

Duty Roster


What do you think you’re doing? Habakkuk 1:1-2:4

Setting the scene

Habakkuk demands an answer (v2-4)

The LORD provides the worst possible answer! (v5-11)

Habakkuk goes again (v12-2:1)

The final word (v2:2-4)

talk 1 outline


What do you think you’re doing? Habakkuk 1:1-2:4

1. What determines if a teenager’s life is good or not so good (from their perspective)? OR How do most teenagers find security or worth?

2. What can you remember about Habakkuk’s situation from today’s talk?

3. Compare a Christian teen in Australia with Habakkuk in Israel. What is different (e.g clothes) and what is similar?

Different Similar

4. What issues/problems trouble you today?

Study 1


5. Habakkuk prays to God very honestly and frankly. Why is this type of prayer so helpful?

6. How did God answer Habakkuk’s prayer? Why was it so scary?

7. We have the great privilege to pray to God about everything and anything. Why don’t we pray more often?

8. Read Matthew 6:25-34. Why is worrying or stressing such a poor alternative to prayer? How can we make prayer a higher priority in response to challenges and problems that we face in life?


Study 1 cont.

talk 2 outlineThe time will come… Habakkuk 2

Habakkuk waits on the Lord (v1-3)

The LORD’s word is to recorded and believed (v2-4)

5 woes of Babylon• The plunder of other nations (v6-8)• Unjustly profiting from others for your own benefit (9-11)• The use of violence and crime (12-14)• The use of others for your own selfish desires (15-17)• The worship of man-made idols (18-19)

Words of hope for God’s people• The righteous will live by Faith (v5)• The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord’s glory (v14)• The Lord is in his holy temple (v20)

Jesus is how we come to God.


The time will come… Habakkuk 2

1. Share some predictions you’ve heard that have been proven wrong (not just from the talk).

2. Read Deuteronomy 18:14-22. How are God’s people to determine if a prophet is from God?

3. Why does the Lord instruct Habakkuk to write down his prophecy (Hab 2:2-3)?

4. What are some of the worst sins that the Babylonians will commit?

Study 2


5. Are any of these sins still relevant today?

6. How are we to face this horrible sin and wickedness?

7. IF God is in control (sovereign) how does this give us hope?

8. Read Rev 21:1-8. What will happen when Jesus returns?


Study 2 cont.

A prayer for mercy in judgement Habakkuk 3

Recap of Habakkuk (chapters 1 & 2)

The LORD’s sovereignty (v2-6)

The LORD’s wrath (v7-15)

Habakkuk’s response to the LORD and his judgement (v16-19)

Jesus: our only Hope, no matter what.

talk 3 outline


A prayer for mercy in judgement Habakkuk 3

1. What are some of the Lord’s deeds that make you stand in awe?

2. List some of the Lord’s deeds that Habakkuk mentions in Hab 3.

3. Why does remembering God’s deeds help Habakkuk in such a tough situation?

4. Share a time when God helped you (or someone you know) in a really tough situation.

Study 3


5. What does Habakkuk pray in Hab 3:2 and why is it so important?

6. What prayers should we pray that we often don’t?

7. Habakkuk had hope in a hopeless situation. Why can’t our hope be based on how we feel or what is happening to us now?

8. Why is Jesus our only hope, no matter what life throws at us?


Study 3 cont.

What is Quiet Time?

It is the time set aside each day or regularly, to meet with God. God wants to speak to us (through Bible reading) and He wants us to speak to Him (through prayer). Quiet time is not a duty or a commandment, but a privilege and response to God’s love for you. Psalm 19:10, says this about God’s words, “They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.” As you read and meditate upon God’s word, you will be encouraged and strengthened in your faith.

This year, we will use S.O.A.P.

S.O.A.P. is a method of Bible reading and study. It can be used with any daily Bible reading plan, and while we’re at East Camp we want to introduce it to you. This will give you an opportunity to learn a simple system that you will be able to use when you get home, through the year, and maybe for many years to come.

S for ScriptureOpen your Bible to today’s reading. Pray that God will help you understand this section, then take some time to read through it carefully. Look through the rest of S.O.A.P. and then read the Bible section again.

O for ObservationWhat struck you and caught your attention in what you read? What do you think God was saying to the original readers? What are the key words in this passage? Is there a main theme? Write down these thoughts.

A for ApplicationPersonalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Is it some instruction, or encouragement? Have you learned something wonderful about God? Does it reveal something about your life? Write how this scripture can apply to you today.

P for PrayerThis can be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or it may be a greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Spend some time praying, and then write a brief prayer.

Quiet Times


Sunday 29th June

Scripture Pray that God will help you, then read Matthew 16:13-17.

Observation What did you observe in this section?

(Who is speaking? Where is this happening? What words are repeated? What is the main thing happening here? What else do you see in this section?)

Application What applies to your life?

(Does it matter what you think of Jesus? Why? What do you think of Jesus? How do you come to this conclusion? Are there other applications for your life?)

Prayer Write a short prayer.

Quiet Time 1


Monday 30th June

Scripture Pray that God will help you, then read Matthew 16:24-28.

Observation What did you observe in this section?

(Who is speaking? Who is he speaking to? Where is this happening? What words are repeated? What is the main thing happening here? What else do you see in this section?)

Application What applies to your life?

(Does it matter what you think of Jesus? Is it safe to follow Jesus? Does it cost anything to follow Jesus? Are there other applications for your life?)

Prayer Write a short prayer.

Quiet Time 2


Tues 8th - Fri 11th Apr

Sat 28th - Mon 30th Jun

Sat 12th July

Sat 20th - Mon 22 Sep

Sat 11th Oct

Sat 29th Nov

Sat 27th Dec ‘14 - Thurs 1st Jan ‘15


t camp

east ca



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Invite your friends for som

e fun and

to hear the life-saving message

of Jesus’ amazing grace!



When: 7 - 10.30pm

Sat 12th JulyW

here: Donvale Presbyterian C

hurchPrice: $7Speaker: C

ameron G


P at by Sat 28th Jun


ctsocial@ or the PYV O


write a



Want to contribute a trivia question or

two? Em

ail us your question and answ

er at the above ad

dress by Thurs 3rd

Jul to have it includ

ed in the trivia night.



t prov


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