Page 1: EASTER PEW’S NEWS 2018 - Trinity United · conclusion and begin our Holy Week celebrations. I will be blessed to lead worship at Livingstone Manor on Tuesday of that week, bringing


Trinity United Church

230 Barber Ave. N.

Listowel, Ontario

N4W 1R7

TEL: 519-291-3460

Email: [email protected]

Coming Events-Please mark your


Sunday, March 25-Palm Sunday


Wednesday, March 28-U.C.W. meeting @ 1:30 p.m.

Thursday March 29-Maunday Thursday

Service @ Trinity @ 6:30 p.m. Potluck

Supper, Worship and Communion

Friday, March 30-Good Friday Service @

Atwood Presbyterian Church @

11:00 a.m.

Sunday, April 1-Easter Sunday

Sunrise Service @ Atwood @ 8:00 a.m.

Breakfast @ Atwood @ 8:30 a.m.

Worship Service @ Trinity @ 11;00 a.m.

Thursday, April 19-Rummage Sale

4:00-8:00 p.m.

Friday, April 20-Rummage Sale

12:00-3:00 p.m.

6:00-8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 2-Fish Dinner

4:30-6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, June 13-U.C.W. Dinner Out

Page 2: EASTER PEW’S NEWS 2018 - Trinity United · conclusion and begin our Holy Week celebrations. I will be blessed to lead worship at Livingstone Manor on Tuesday of that week, bringing

The Pastor’s Page

Brothers and sisters in Christ;

I always look forward to spring. Tulips and daffodils brighten the landscape, warmer days

mean I no longer need to coat and boots each time I go outside, the days get longer and brighter and

with them, my spirits. To some, I am known as Brother Bear, and I think I could be happy living up

to that name by hibernating through our long cold winters.

However, as I write this, the ground is not dotted with yellow and red flowers. It still lays un-

der a blanket of white. When I get home today, I must remember to refill the washer fluid container

in my truck. Spring is, as yet, only something to look forward to – a promise of something better to


The same could be said for Easter. My thoughts are focused on the services of Holy Week and

Easter morning, and on the spiritual retreat I will enjoy the following week. But it isn’t Easter – yet.

We are immersed in the season of Lent. Like winter, Lent can be seen as something to be endured,

with Easter as the great promise to be anticipated. But I would never wish to hibernate through Lent.

It is a season of reflection, contemplation, and, hopefully, self-discovery.

I’ve been enjoying a Wednesday evening Bible study group here at the church, as participants

explore the scriptures upon which I will base the next Sunday worship. There insights are adding

greatly to my own understanding of the scriptures and their relationship with the lives we live in the

world around us. While it started as a Lenten study, I have hopes that it will continue on through

Easter and beyond. Please feel free to join us when you can.

As always, we will celebrate Communion on Palm Sunday, March 25, as we bring Lent to its

conclusion and begin our Holy Week celebrations. I will be blessed to lead worship at Livingstone

Manor on Tuesday of that week, bringing with me some of the joy of Palm Sunday.

I am looking forward to a new way of celebrating Maundy Thursday. At 6:30 on March 29,

everyone is invited to a Pot Luck Supper at in Trinity’s Fair Auditorium. Worship, complete with

special music, will be woven through our food and fellowship, in recognition of Jesus last supper

with his disciples. Communion will be part of the festivities. I am hopeful of a great turnout.

This year, our Good Friday service will be hosted by Atwood Presbyterian Church and Rev.

Ernie Naylor and I will share in leading worship. I always look forward to shared services as we

have the chance to know our neighbours of other churches and denominations better. We really do

have far more in common than most people suspect. Please come and join us at 11:00 on March 30.

While everyone looks forward to Christmas and the celebration of Jesus’ birth, it is really

Easter and the celebration of Christ’s rebirth that defines our faith. Again, we will be sharing in wor-

ship Easter morning, with a “Son-rise” service beginning in Atwood at 8:00, followed by a delicious

breakfast at 8:30. A full worship service will begin at Trinity at 11:00. Everyone is welcome at all 3

events, or as many as you are able to enjoy with us.

Page 3: EASTER PEW’S NEWS 2018 - Trinity United · conclusion and begin our Holy Week celebrations. I will be blessed to lead worship at Livingstone Manor on Tuesday of that week, bringing

With so many extra services and planning, not all of which is mentioned here, I am eagerly

anticipating a week of silent, personal retreat for the week following Easter; a chance to rest, reflect,

and recharge for the weeks that follow. More and more, I find that these extended periods of Sabbath

are necessary for both spirit and body. I am unsure whether that is due to spiritual growth, or just

growing older – perhaps a little of both. In either case, I strongly recommend such experiences to

everyone and would be very happy to share my thoughts and advice with anyone interested in ex-

periencing similar opportunities.

I am also making plans for something special on April 22, Earth Sunday. Our regular Sunday

morning services will be focused on Creation and our stewardship of the environment, but I also

hope to host a “Wild worship” that afternoon, weather permitting, in which those who wish to par-

ticipate would enjoy a nature hike during which we would stop for a brief rest and worship time,

complete with Communion along the banks of the beautiful Maitland River. Watch your bulletins

and e-mails for more information as the date draws nearer.

Finally, as I draw near the end of my third full year of service in Atwood and Trinity, it is

time for us all to do some homework together; a chance to examine where we have come, and envi-

sion where we hope to go from here. I have been trained in the use of an exercise called “A Way

Forward” and have used it with great success in the past. It helps us examine our strengths, identify

some “growing edges”, celebrate the special place church has played in our lives, and set principles

and dreams for the future of our congregation. Whether this happens this spring or in the fall is yet to

be determined, but I encourage you all to watch your bulletins and participate in this exploration

when the time comes.

As you read through the letters and reports in the rest of this newsletter, you will see that we

have a great deal happening, with hopes for more on the way. It’s exciting and life-giving, but can

also be exhausting when too few are forced to take on too much of the work load. As you read each

report, I urge you all to consider how you might be called to a larger role within the Trinity ministry,

and when you find yourself wondering if there is something you could do to help, contact the person

who has submitted the report and ask how you might help.

The church runs on three resources, the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the finan-

cial resources gained through member offerings and fundraisers, and the generous contributions of

time and talent of those who call this church their spiritual home. The Holy Spirit is always in abun-

dance, but the other resources can, from time to time, run a little low. Please consider how you might

be able to do a little more to help build up this important ministry in our community.

Sincerely, and in faith,

Your brother in Christ,

Rev. Colin

Page 4: EASTER PEW’S NEWS 2018 - Trinity United · conclusion and begin our Holy Week celebrations. I will be blessed to lead worship at Livingstone Manor on Tuesday of that week, bringing

MUSIC REPORT In Psalm 100 we hear the following encouragement: Make a joyful noise all the earth! Worship your God with gladness. Make a joyful noise all the earth! Come to this place with a song! As you know, I occasionally accompany a hymn on the piano. The tune and rhythm of some hymns are more suitable for piano, compared to the organ. When I'm sitting there closer to the congregation, I'm often struck by how few voices I can hear singing. I've tried to figure out why this is so, and can only come up with the following possibilities: a) you don't like to sing b) you think you can't sing or are embarrassed to try c) you don't know the hymn d) you don't like the hymn These are all legitimate reasons to refrain from singing loudly, but do I have a solution for you for the last three possibilities. Guess what? if you're embarrassed to sing because no-body around you is singing out, then JOIN THE CHOIR and you'll have lots of loud singers all around you. If you don't know or like the hymns, then JOIN THE CHOIR and you will have plenty of opportunity to learn the new hymns and perhaps get to like them. Regarding the older and well-loved hymns, if you have a favourite, why not mention it to Colin or me. In fact, I'll put a container on the small table to the left of the organ and you could put in your request anonymously if you want. This is an off-the-wall idea, but what if we skipped the choir anthem from time to time and instead sing a few requests with the congregation? All of the above is written with a bit of tongue-in-cheek. I know there are reasons for not joining the choir, like wanting to sit with the family, or can't commit to choir practice. But still, be brave and sing with gusto from the congregation. I'm pretty sure God won't be upset if you sing some wrong notes! HAPPY SINGING!

Submitted by Nan Doe

Page 5: EASTER PEW’S NEWS 2018 - Trinity United · conclusion and begin our Holy Week celebrations. I will be blessed to lead worship at Livingstone Manor on Tuesday of that week, bringing

Report of Finance and Stewardship Committee 2018 Budget Trinity’s budget for 2018 that was approved at the Annual General Meeting projected a sur-plus of expenses over revenues of just over $7,000. Largely most general revenue and ex-pense categories are continuing at approximately the same level as 2017. One exception is the provision of $1,800 for the use of the mobility bus to provide transportation to Sunday services. The revenue side is a concern. The general offering category in 2017 at $117,000 fell sub-stantially short of the $124,000 budgeted for that category, in part as givings were diverted to support large capital projects underway at the church. The 2018 plan reduced this target slightly to $123,000 meaning that even to achieve the projected loss; a 5% increase in regu-lar givings is required.

PAR is becoming an important source of stable revenue for the church contributing almost 45% of the general offering givings. Members using PAR are asked to review their monthly contribution to determine if they could increase their monthly contribution amount to help us reach the target level of general givings. Members who currently are not using PAR are asked to consider becoming part of this program. Contact Treasurer, Pam Coleman, at the church office or by email - [email protected] – to make changes in your monthly con-tribution rate or join PAR.

Capital Projects A number of large renovation and upgrade projects were completed in 2017 using accumu-lated reserves and dedicated donations. In 2018, fewer projects will be undertaken. The repair of the rear wall of the sanctuary continues to be a priority when the workers required are available. Elevator Update: Trinity has been advised that planning should start on a major project to replace the eleva-

tor within 5 years. Obtaining replacement parts for the current elevator is becoming a

problem as the manufacturer is no longer in business. The cost to fully replace the elevator

project has been estimated at $64,500. In 2017, the Council designed $5,000 from existing

Equity Funds to this project with further allocations planned in coming years. An applica-

tion to the Huron-Perth Presbytery has been made for a grant of $10,000.

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APRIL --- the month of Easter and spring flowers; the month of melo-dious bird songs; the month where we send winter on its way, and we unpack the summer clothes; the month of our Rummage Sale! Yes…let me hear those cheers! The TUC rummage sale is fast becoming recognized as one of the more unique, well organized, quality sales in this area. That is due to the vol-

unteerism demonstrated by TEAM TRINITY, and nothing less is expected this spring. Items overflow in the ‘Nicaragua Room’ and the stage is filling up, not to mention the items being placed in the hallway. If you haven’t spoken to Donna, Colleen, or Kathy about the area in which you would like to work, please do so soon. We need YOU - the members of Trinity United Church! We need the one or two or five hours that you can give us during the week of April 16. Help us surpass the $10 000 we made in 2017. Hours of Prep Work = April 16, 17 - Monday and Tuesday will be the days we set up tables, racks, lighting, and signage. Tuesday Evening starting at 6:30 or whenever you can get to the church will be the night we distribute all items to the various rooms in which they be-long. We will also start unpacking boxes and displaying the items as we can, closing down at 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, April18th will be a full day of work, as we arrange and price items, and enjoy two coffee breaks where delicious treats, goodies, and refreshments will be served. If more time is needed for displaying items, then that will be done on Thursday, April 19th, in preparation for the sound of the opening bell at 4 p.m. We will welcome our customers from 4-8, in two shifts of helpers - 4-6, and 6-8p.m. Friday, April 20th – sleep in, relax, and then be at the church to work from 12 noon to 3 p.m. After 3, some departments will pack up, while others will prepare for the Grand Rush of custom-ers, lining up to purchase a garbage bag for $5, from 6-8 p.m. At 8 p.m. --- breathe! We made it! Clean up begins at 8:30 on Saturday, April 21st.

In particular, we need helpers in the Baby/Toy room, Housewares, Electrical/Sports room, Auditorium, and Treasures/Antiques. As well, we would appreciate help in dis-tributing the leftover items to various organizations in Listowel and Elmira. Please! Help us out!

Hope to see you at the Rummage Sale! Submitted by Kathy, Donna, and Colleen

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CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Sunday School: The classes have been joining squares for a very colourful, very textured knit lap blanket for Rosita (the girl born without eyes) for whom the children raised money for Braille education in a previous fundraiser. The blanket was taken to Nicaragua for her by Yvonne Gedcke a few weeks ago. Plans are underway for this year’s Mission Project for the Sunday School classes. This year’s project will be to assist Shelter Link in Stratford. This group helps homeless youth. Details of the fundraising will be coming soon. Lenten Bible Study: A number of Atwood and Trinity women have been meeting at Trinity Wednesday evenings during Lent for interesting and thought provoking discussions led by Rev. Colin. The discussions are based around the Bible verses that will be used in his sermons the following Sunday. Submitted by Sandra Gracey FISH DINNER Wednesday May 2, 4:30—6:30 p.m. The Brussels Legion will be returning again to fry the fish and fries. Adults $15.00,: Children 5—10 $10.00: Children under 5 free . Tickets will be available at the office, 519-291-3460 or from members of the congregation. Get your tickets !!!!!!!! SCOUTS On Sunday, February 25, the annual recognition of Baden Powell’s effort in establishing scouting was held at Trinity. The participation of members of #2 Listowel Scouts (the only remaining troup of four) involved good representation of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts; their leaders and several parents. It was a good way to underline the fact that Trinity is the sup-porter of this troup and to see the enthusiasm of those involved (ie) parents and scouts who prepared the lunch. Also, during the service Roy Galway was presented with a plaque recognizing his effort in starting the #2 troup in 1962. It was a good reminder to Trinity that we are the sponsor of this group and should continue to support it. Submitted by George Gracey

Page 9: EASTER PEW’S NEWS 2018 - Trinity United · conclusion and begin our Holy Week celebrations. I will be blessed to lead worship at Livingstone Manor on Tuesday of that week, bringing

United Church Women Trinity U.C.W. held their first 2018 meeting on January 24. The co-presidents for this year will Diana Turney and Sandra Gracey. A copy of the ‘Events Program’ is available with all ladies welcome to join us. Watch church bulletins for announcements. We appreciate the volunteers from our congregation who fully support our endeavours. You may have donated financially, worked in the kitchen, or provided food for the different events-thanks so much! In January and February we catered to four funerals. The be-reaved included the Coghlin, Berlett, Melnyk and Johnson families. Thanks to anyone who assisted with the “Big” job in remodelling our new kitchen. Lugging all the dishes out of the cupboards, then putting every thing back in place, plus labelling all the drawers and doors takes A LOT OF TIME. It was Team Trinity in Action!!! Special thanks to our latest male volunteer, Gord Davey. He is the husband of Linda Bell, of our senior choir. Gord has joined our U.C.W. dishwashing crew. He accepted the position after an understudy stint with Wayne Young as instructor. Personally, I thanked Gord for enjoying his kitchen time “in hot water”. Welcome to Team Trinity Gord!!! On Friday, March 2, Trinity hosted the World Day of Prayer. The beautiful Republic of Su-riname was high-lighted. Formerly known as DutchGuyana this area lies in the northeast-ern part of South America. The video presentation showed pictures and gave an insight of this country. Representatives of the local churches enjoyed a time of fellowship following the service. Congratulations to Clara Galway, age 95, who received the distinction of being the prov-ince’s oldest active curler from the Ontario Curling Association. She has been curling for nearly 50 years. Clara is also an active member of our U.C.W. and the senior choir. We could say she is a “rock” of our Trinity United Church congregation. How proud we are of Clara’s recognition!!!!!! Our current song is “WHERE O WHERE HAS OUR PITCH PERFECT MOUSE DETERANT GONE”. This plug-in sonic church mouse repeller has disappeared for the third time! After doing it’s disappearing act twice before-it returned. However, after our recent kitchen renovations this supersonic critter machine has vanished again!! Should anyone spot this electronic gizmo, please return it to our kitchen at Trinity.

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United Church Women (continued) Our next big project will be the Spring Rummage Sale the week of April 16 to 21. It could be called the largest indoor “garage sale” in the area of Barber Ave. North, Lis-towel. Mark your calendar. Don’t expect a phone call. Volunteers are needed!!!! Organizing such an event is a BIG undertaking. Check out details written by Kathy Watt , Colleen Crossland and Donna Stirling in this edi-tion of Pew’s News. 2018 “Westminster Weekend” will be held May 4-6 at Stoneridge Inn, London. Sponsored by London Conference United Church Women, this is called “A Spiritual Retreat for Women”. Worship leader is Rev. Cheryl-Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa, who was raised in To-ronto, but now resides in Mitchell. She currently holds the position of Executive Secretary, London Conference office. Registration forms are available at Trinity. Deadline is April 14, 2018. Thank you to Sandy Earl for the interesting review on Sunday, March 4 at Trinity on her cousin, Corbyn Smith of Monkton. Now 19, Corbyn has faced many health issues over the years. We locals have followed his medical challenges in the past. As I write this item, he will be leaving to represent Canada in the Paralympics, in South Ko-rea with the sledge hockey team. He is the son of Luke and Christine (Goodyer) Smith, Monkton. His great aunt and uncle, Faye and Campbell Grant are members of our congregation. Corbyn, you are making history for Monkton!!! We are all so proud and great to hear that, your hometown has been decorated in full glory. Submitted by Marion Roberts

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Shopping = Giving


Groceries, Gas & Coffee = $$$$

Thank you to all members of the congregation who took a chance on this

new and easy fundraiser, which got underway early in 2017. The premise

is simply that members use their gift cards to purchase everyday items

such as groceries, gas or coffee and this in turn generates a monthly in-

come for Trinity and creates an annual tax receipt for all participants.

As of December 2017, there are 34 participants, which means that Trin-

ity receives $278.78 each month which thus creates an annual income of


Monthly fluctuations do occur, as participants change their orders or new

participants are added to the total.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if it could be reported in December 2018, that

as a congregation we will have earned over $4000 annually, by simply doing

our weekly shopping?? Spread the word.

Just a reminder, Costco and Walmart cards are now available and they can

be added to your order in increments of $50.

Anyone wanting to sign up, make changes to their order or add to their

present monthly amount, contact Catherine Bauman at

[email protected] or 519-291-5906.

...with thanks for your continued support. Catherine

Page 12: EASTER PEW’S NEWS 2018 - Trinity United · conclusion and begin our Holy Week celebrations. I will be blessed to lead worship at Livingstone Manor on Tuesday of that week, bringing

NICARAGUA MISSION 2018 On February 19th., I travelled to Nicaragua with the Apoyo team for another sewing mis-sion and a 2 day sewing seminar-which was very successful. During this time Rosita, her mom Karen and her baby brother Miquel came to Jardin Sha-lom for a vist. Rosita is a happy, delightful little girl who loves school, riding her bike, the colour purple and her baby brother. A big “Gracious!” for her book, afghan and card from the Sunday School children. Abner Ortega, our student doctor has been very busy with his exams and evaluations at the hospital. Four more years to complete his degree. In November, Abner received word that his family home in Managua was destroyed by fire. Please keep him in your prayers as we continue to encourage and support him through this difficult time. Rosita and Abner are very grateful for your kindness and love. God Bless! Jesus loves you!! Submitted by Yvonne Gedcke

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We need your help.

Ushers are needed for Sunday mornings,

to greet people as they arrive,

hand out bulletins and

collect offering.

Elevator operators

Arrive by 10:30 to greet users and for a

period after the service.

Please contact the office, with dates

that will work for you.

519-291-3460 or

[email protected]

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