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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s

transparency and accountability


Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media

to enhance government’s transparency and accountability

Country: Montenegro

UNDAF Outcome(s)/Indicator(s): _____________________________________

Expected Outcome(s)/Indicator (s): Government structures (including Coordination Unit,

Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Interior, Human Resources

Agency) capable of coordinating and implementing PAR

Strategy 2011-2016 in accordance with the EU requirements

and with the aims of the Open Government Partnership

including enhancing citizens’ participation

Expected Output(s)/Annual Targets: Increased citizens’ participation in policy formulation,

decision making and reporting grey economy and other


Executing Entity: UNDP CO Montenegro

Implementing agencies: UNDP CO Montenegro

Brief Description:

Transparency in public administration and public participation in policy making, as fundamental elements

of good governance, require strong government communications practices and rethinking of the ways the

Government engages with the public.

The project will focus on advancing conditions for enhanced citizens’ participation in: a) policy making

by means of electronic petitions and social media; b) curbing grey economy, c) enhancing government’s

transparency and accountability by using social media and social innovation.

Total Budget: US$ 97.742

Allocated resources: US$ 00,000

Government US$ 75.542

(EUR 57,000, app. as per August 2013 ex.


UNDP US$ 22.200

Unfunded budget: US$ 100,580

Programme Period:

Programme Component:

Project Title: Increasing citizens’

engagement by using social innovation and

social media to enhance government’s

transparency and accountability

Project ID: Project Duration: August 01, 2013 –

December 31, 2014

Management Arrangement: DEX

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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s

transparency and accountability


Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media

to enhance government’s transparency and accountability


Podgorica, August 2013

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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s

transparency and accountability



I.A. Government Policy and Strategy

Inauguration of the 2010 Government and its interest to join the Open Government

Partnership (OGP) introduced a pronounced shift in citizen engagement in functioning of the


The Government of Montenegro made a major breakthrough in the policy making process by

launching the Consultation Days in 2011, a sequence of consultative meetings with key social

actors (including media, NGOs, the academia, religious leaders, political parties, ethnic

minorities, etc). The Consultation Days discussed the national policy priorities, during which

the Prime Minister expressed the Government’s strong commitment to greater transparency in

public administration, better accessibility of information to the media, civil society and the

general public and closer communication between the government and all relevant social

stakeholders (public). These efforts were backed by introducing a new instrument of

participatory policy making, i.e. “Citizens’ Voice” e-petitioning platform. The portal,

launched in October 2012, enabled the public to influence the process of policy making by

submitting e-petitions to the Government.

These processes were followed by dynamic developments in the information and

communication technologies and raised awareness on the benefits of digital technologies,

both at the national and EU level. Digital Agenda for Europe acknowledges, within Pillar 7,

that digital technologies have enormous potential to benefit citizens’ everyday lives and tackle

social challenges. Therefore, the Digital Agenda focuses on capability of digitalization to

reduce energy consumption, support ageing citizens' lives, revolutionise health services and

deliver better public services. Having this in mind, the Government directed its efforts

towards developing an information society. One of the development pillars, enshrined in the

2012 Action Plan for implementation of the 2012-2016 Strategy for the Development of

Information Society, relates to encouraging all members of the society to enhance their use of

information and communication technologies. This pillar encompasses e-Education, e-Health

and e-Participation aiming to set forth equal opportunities for all inhabitants of Montenegro,

regardless of their age and geographical location. Digitalization and provision of better quality

services, as well as reducing administrative barriers are the guiding principles in this regard,

as well as enhancing participatory democracy1.

Government’s efforts towards fostering participatory democracy with the support of

technology are related to the following:

1A recent survey on ICT usage in Montenegro in 2011indicates that computer household use varies by region and type of

settlement. Computer use is the lowest in the northern region, followed by urban settlements (38.9%), while it is the highest

in Podgorica, i.e. 61.6%. The northern region (rural settlements) has the lowest internet access, i.e. 21.0%. 64.9% of

households in Podgorica and settlements of urban type have Internet access. In the central region, in settlements of urban

type, there are 63.2% of households with Internet access. Almost half of the respondents (46.5%) indicate that they have used

the Internet in the last three months, whereas 50.1% of respondents report that they have never used the Internet.

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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s

transparency and accountability


a. Open Government Partnership Initiative

In April 2012 the Government of Montenegro joined the Open Government Partnership, a

multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote

transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen

governance. The Government joined the OGP on the basis of an annual action plan with five

key priorities: improving public services, increasing public integrity, managing public

resources more effectively, creating safer communities and increasing corporate

accountability. The plan was prepared in consultations with national stakeholders.

Notable achievements in implementing the action plan relate to the launch of the “Citizens

Voice – e-petitions” platform on October 9 2012, and producing a visualization of the national

budget in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance. Both initiatives were supported by

UNDP Montenegro. Despite the early success of the “Citizens Voice” in attracting the

attention of the public, only two civic petitions managed to reach the threshold of 6000

signatures. Civil society has been actively monitoring the developments in this area, and

proposing amendments to the service. Though some comments have been taken on board, the

major condition, i.e. 6000 signatories, has not been altered which has contributed to a lack of

interest for e-petitioning. At the same time, the bulk of submitted petitions pertain to the local

government’s remit signalling that local administrations could benefit from such a model of

policy making. On the other hand, the visualization of the central budget has not been

published yet.

Thus, the implementation of these initiatives revealed that a lot more remained to be done in

relation to engaging the citizens in a collaborative manner. Since UNDP formally joined the

initiative, with UNDP's Administrator having been invited by the Prime Minister of the UK to

join the upcoming OGP Annual Summit that will take place in London on 31 October/1

November, there is reason to foresee the pace picking up.

b. E-Government Portal

With the aim to allow for electronic communication channel for citizens and legal entities to

reach state bodies, as well as inter-ministerial communication, the Ministry for Information

Society developed an e-Government portal in 2011. It serves as an access point to different

information and public services provided by state bodies. E-Government portal’s launch

significantly enhanced provision of public services by means of strengthened democratic

participation and involvement of the public in the decision making and policy formulation.

In its section e-Participation, the portal provides the citizens with an opportunity to get

involved in creating laws and other strategic documents; it also serves as an avenue for

communicating opinions and participation in public discussions. E-Participation fully

correlates with digital democracy – e-Democracy and electronic administration – e-

Administration. Government has high ambitions with respect to further upgrading and

extending the performances and use of the e-Government portal. As stated by the Deputy

Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System, state administration intends to

provide more than 200 services to the citizens by 2016 accompanied by advanced ICTs

infrastructure, lower prices of internet, more competition and more investment in this area and

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transparency and accountability


vast usage of technology particularly in the education system. The overarching aim is to

increase efficiency and transparency of the public administration.

c. Government’s presence in social media

Following the change in public policy formulation, reflected in the widest possible

consultation process with all the relevant actors, favourable conditions were created for

communication between the Government and citizens via social media. Having in mind the

fact that citizens’ participation is steadily moving towards the online space, giving way to

direct exchange, these tools provide valuable insight into public attitudes towards an array of

important decisions and policies adopted by the Government.

The Government, a number of cabinet members and ministries are now involved in direct

communication with citizens, via social media such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. The

Government of Montenegro is amongst the few European governments which have official

Twitter accounts in English, which is meant to increase accessibility of up-to-date information

on government affairs to the international public. The Twitter account in Montenegrin serves

the purpose of engaging the citizens in a two-way debate.

d. Combating Grey economy with the help of technology

Grey economy endangers fiscal discipline and budgetary revenues, whereas it also negatively

affects fair competition and functioning of the market. According to available estimates, grey

economy amounts to 20% of the GDP, roughly the same ratio as in the case of EU member

states (19.5%). In Montenegro, grey economy mostly pertains to the retail, tourism and

construction industries; the Government commissioned a study in order to gain a deeper

insight into the facets and patterns of grey economy. The study, produced in collaboration

with the Faculty of Economics will allow for synergies and cross-practice collaboration by

extending the knowledge on informal economy.

The Government of Montenegro adopted a comprehensive action plan to curb grey economy

by way of, inter alia:

1) Introducing zero tolerance for grey economy

2) Ensuring smooth and efficient inter-agency collaboration, along with building

administrative capacities

3) Amending legislation on Value Added Tax to introduce more rigorous fines

and penalties

4) Amending the Labour Law in order to regulate instances where labour rights

are not effectively protected, and introduce stricter penalties for non-compliance

5) Invest additional efforts into public awareness campaign, aiming to engage the

citizens in the fight against grey economy.

As indicated, citizen engagement in the fight against grey economy would be crucial for

success. However, disclosing instances of grey economy or other violation of rules is still

considered somewhat dishonest in the Montenegrin context. In order to change that, the

Government of Montenegro opted to rely on technology, i.e. to introduce a system whereby

anonymous users could submit report and as “citizen reporters” contribute to the effective

action of competent state bodies.

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transparency and accountability


I.B. UNDP Montenegro’s Strategy

UNDP has been closely following the Open Government Partnership since its formal

launching on September 2011 with several UNDP Country Offices engaging in national OGP

activities and supporting the implementation of priority areas. In Montenegro, the accession to

the OGP opened up a vast space for citizen-centred programmes. UNDP Montenegro was

mindful of the need to strengthen the civil society by introducing a new topic – the power of

technology in deepening democracy. In September 2012, the Government of Montenegro and

civil society convened to discuss the progress in meeting OGP requirements, the power of

technology and new media to better the lives of Montenegrin citizens. By doing so,

Montenegro took part in the global conversation Social Good Summit, which comprised 200

meetups around the world with 47 UNDP country offices hosting the events.

Since then, UNDP Montenegro was supporting further activities which aim to expand

citizens’ participation in vital processes in the society by creating a favourable environment

for citizens to take the lead in both problem definition and problem solution. The new

technologies provide unprecedented opportunities for collaboration and crowdsourcing of

ideas, whereas agile development of solutions has the potential to be more effective in

addressing problems at the community level than lengthy, process and resource heavy

reforms. Such approach also contributes to altering the dynamics of interaction between the

citizens and the authorities.

Therefore, in the last quarter of 2012, UNDP Montenegro and three NGO partners conducted

an outreach campaign throughout Montenegro to engage the citizens in defining problems in

relation to transparency and accountability of the public administration, anti-corruption,

equitable access to health, youth unemployment. 300 participants took part in 18 open

meetings which produced a plethora of ideas to employ technology to issues such as: mapping

problems in local communities, youth and education, effectiveness of local administrations,

public utilities and transport, health, employment, information provision and volunteerism.

Outreach was broadened via online community building through a dedicated web page and

social media (Facebook, Twitter) interaction. UNDP Montenegro brokered relations with the

citizens directly, which was not the predominant scenario in previous development projects.

At the final event held in May 2013, web/mobile application “Be Responsible” designed by

the creative team of teachers and students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering was

awarded the first prize by the panel of judges. The application allows anyone to report cases

of misuse of Government vehicles, illegal waste dumps, irregular parking, issuance of non-

fiscal receipts, etc. and operates on a very simple 'capture and send' principle. The mobile

application amassed more than 1000 active users in a month’s time. The application is one of

the key elements under the initiative for curbing grey economy.

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transparency and accountability


I.C. Objective and Intervention Strategy

Within the broader framework of the government’s commitment towards more transparency,

effectiveness and accountability, with institutions that empower citizens and are responsive to

their aspirations, this Project aims to advance the on-going activities and expand the tools,

mechanisms and areas for civic participation in democratic processes. In line with the OGP

principles, the project will strive to bring e-petitioning to the local level, further promote

social innovation and use of new media for constructive dialogue, enhance transparency and

accountability, apply technology for social good and attempt to demonstrate the value of open

data. To achieve these goals, the project will implement the following components:

1. Local level e-petitions – transfer of national e-petitions portal experience to the local


The experience thus far with administering the central “Citizens’ Voice” e-petition portal

reveals that the bulk of submitted petitions do not pertain to the Government’s remit and

cannot be considered by the executive. In effect, they refer mostly to the competence of the

local self-government. Therefore, this component of the project will strive to introduce e-

petitioning portals at the level of municipalities. Key activities will pertain to transferring

knowledge and experience gained by running the central e-petition portal to the municipal

authorities which expressed the interest to introduce local petitioning systems. In addition, the

project might support a communications campaign in order to attract the public’s attention to

the e-petitioning portal(s).

These activities are subject to resources being mobilized, in partnership with interested

municipalities in Montenegro.

2. Citizen engagement in the “Grey Economy All Out” campaign

This component of the project was inspired by the principles enshrined in the Open

Government Partnership, that of improving governance, enhancing transparency, empowering

the citizens, and harnessing the power of technology. The component was designed with the

aim of curtailing grey economy by ensuring the maximum possible civic participation in

reporting and creating indispensable linkages between the public sector and civil society. As

such, it complements the ongoing efforts of the Government of Montenegro and forms part of

the comprehensive action plan to curtail grey economy, adopted at the session held on March

21 2013.

This component builds upon the web and mobile application “Be Responsible”, designed by

the creative team of teachers and students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and

serving as the main reporting tool. The following forms of grey economy were selected as top

priorities for reporting, also due to the fact that they can be reported via the mobile


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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s

transparency and accountability


Issuance of non-fiscal receipts,

Violation of labour regulations

Breach of consumer protection legislation

Irregularities on beaches/resorts.

The success of the endeavour is centred on motivating the citizens to take part in the fight

against grey economy. This component will support designing and conducting a

comprehensive public awareness campaign, which is the key determinant of success. The

campaign will be delivered both via traditional communications channels and the ever more

popular social media. Thus, we would make sure that citizens feel encouraged and

empowered to report wrongdoing, and that perceptions of grey economy are shifting towards

zero tolerance. Citizens will be motivated to play an active role since the portion of the value

generated by fines or seized goods shall be diverted to a social cause, to be identified by the

citizens themselves. The collection of funds shall be monitored and displayed at “Be

Responsible” web page.

For the time being, “Be Responsible” application can only be run on the web and Android

devices. However, the success of the project is centred on the widest possible outreach

making it necessary to encompass the users of iOS enabled devices. Consequently, this

component of the project will support the design of the mobile application for iOS smart

phones, and purchase of necessary equipment.

Finally, this component will ensure that appropriate human and financial resources are

available to administer the reports, and promptly share information between project partners

and interested publics. Through this component of the project, support to the Tax Directorate

and Directorate for Inspection Affairs will be provided. The Ministry of Finance will

regularly assess the effects of the endeavour in order to propose additional activities and

investment to the Government of Montenegro. Thus, the Government will secure institutional

sustainability for the component’s output. Technical sustainability will be ensured by the

project component itself, as the equipment and infrastructure will be in place. Consequently,

the foundations for a self-sustainable system will be laid out, with only operational expenses

would need to be covered once the project is completed.

3. Increasing citizens’ engagement by use of social innovation and social media

Initiatives under this component aim to enhance different models of civic engagement and

civic activism by harnessing new technology, use of open data and social media.

The first area to be tackled is public procurement. Public procurement in Montenegro makes

up around 12% of GDP; according to the European Commission Progress Report it is in the

six priority areas that are most prone to corruption while there is very high perception of

corruption in this sector; in this year’s CEDEM survey representatives of business sector

expressed almost undivided standpoint that majority of tenders organized in Montenegro are

“arranged”. However, there is still very small number of citizens’ reports and few cases in the

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transparency and accountability


court and one of the issues is the accessibility of data. Media, investigative journalists and

NGOs have been most active, creative and effective so far in relation to identifying and

exposing corruption in public procurement but accessibility of public data sets has been

slowing, if not preventing, their efforts. Therefore, as the laws are pushing for full

transparency of data, the toolkits that can browse public records and generate anti-corruption

alerts will be instrumental for journalists, experts, activists, citizens as well as institutions in

advancing further the anti-corruption efforts with impact on savings of public money,

competition and transparency.

Having this in mind, with the support from the UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre,

anticorruption regional team, UNDP Montenegro will facilitate the creation and testing of the

collaborative web-based prototype platform Veritza

( and subsequently promote its use in Montenegro

and regionally (the Balkans) with potentially global outreach. The aim is to provide

journalists, experts, activists, citizens and interested institutions with a customizable toolkit to

browse multiple public records databases in order to increase effectiveness and transparency

of the public procurement by exposing potential corruption problems or outliers.

In the first instance, the focus will be on monitoring the design and testing of the platform, to

see whether it will generate the relevant information and alerts while the second stage would

be the promotion to the end users and exploring possibilities to scale up, extend the outreach,

ensure sustainability and effectiveness.

UNDP Montenegro in partnership with local NGO Center for Democratic Transition will run

a component of the project, as inspired by the Curators of Sweden initiative. In December

2011, Sweden became the first country in the world that handed over the country’s official

Twitter account to its citizens. Every week another person or rather a “curator” receives

exclusivity over the Twitter account @Sweden. Each curator shares their own and relevant

third party’s thoughts, stories, information and other content that is somehow linked to

Sweden. Currently, there are 66.400 followers of @Sweden account.

Growing popularity of Twitter in both Montenegro and the region led to an idea to apply the

concept in Montenegro. Montenegrin Twitter community, even not that big yet, sometimes

looks like the last resort of civic activism in the country. While Facebook is mostly used for

photos and likes, Twitter is becoming a place where politics and policies are discussed,

activism exercised, and initiatives are promoted. In the off-line world, in last few months,

events that brought together Twitter community proved to be gatherings of motivated and

active citizens, who don’t attend events for being obliged but for being committed. Therefore,

it seems like a perfect moment to use this channel of communication to strengthen civic

activism in Montenegro, but also to connect with regional initiatives and promote new “faces”

and image of Montenegro in the region.

In the selection of themes and people in Montenegro the overall framework will be the issues

identified in the post-2015 consultations while in the identification of concrete community

issues, the findings and results of UNDPs Open Ideas for Montenegro process, e-petitions,

etc. may be used. These two should provide a good framework and guidance as they

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transparency and accountability


correspond to the major concerns/interest of people which makes this initiative “the public

voice” of ongoing or completed processes, efforts related to citizens’ engagement.

Taking into account the dynamics and complexity of the subject the project covers,

throughout project’s implementation, project components might be expanded, or components

added, depending on the requirements of project partners and availability of funding.

I.C. Gender Mainstreaming

Gender mainstreaming is a strategy for making women’s and men’s concerns and experiences

an integral dimension of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and

programmes in all areas of UNDP’s work. Gender mainstreaming efforts in programming are

aiming to improve the gender equality situation in the country by addressing particular field

of programme intervention through gender responsive approach.

Bearing in mind the Project’s intention to establish equal opportunities for all citizens to take

an active part in shaping policies, the gender dimension will be fully integrated. Specifically,

the project will support public awareness and engagement campaign to encourage the citizens

to take part in reporting grey economy. The campaign design will be informed by the

available data on women entrepreneurs, among others. Weekly and monthly statistics on

campaign outreach will inform the project management team and allow for targeted and

effective activities.

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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s transparency and accountability



Intended Outcome as stated in the Country Results and Resources Framework:

Fostering a democratic society that fully respects, protects and fulfils human rights through rule of law, government transparency and accountability Outcome indicators as stated in the Country Results and Resources Framework, including baseline and targets.

Indicators: Public Perception on Transparency and Effectiveness of Public Administration

Baseline: 2010 survey baseline 6 (10 being highest) on quality of service in public administration Applicable MYFF Service Line:

Partnership Strategy: The project will contribute towards building partnership with the Government of Montenegro, as a core partner and to strengthening the

communication and policy dialogue between the Government of Montenegro and general public.

Project title and ID (ATLAS Award ID): Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social medial to

enhance government’s transparency and accountability

Intended Output

Output Targets

for 2013

Indicative Activities




Increased citizens’ participation in policy

formulation, decision making and reporting grey

economy and other wrongdoings

Baseline: e-Government Portal set up but it does

not currently provide possibility to submit

e-petitions to the local


Indicator: Number of municipalities to which

experience related to setting up and

operationalizing e-petitions was transferred

E-petition platform

set up in at least

one Municipality

Key activity: 1. Increasing citizens’ participation through local

level e-petitions – transfer of e- petitions government portal

experience to the local level 1)

2) 1.1. Experience transferred and support provided to at least one

municipality volunteering to set up the e- petition platform at local











Total Activity:

5.000 USD

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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s transparency and accountability


Baseline: No web platform or mobile application

available in government institutions for reporting

incidents of grey economy

No comprehensive public awareness campaign to

stimulate citizens’ engagement in reporting

incidents of grey economy

Indicator: Number of reports on issuance of non-

fiscal receipts received using the Be Responsible

web platform / mobile applications

Funds collected in the grey economy campaign

including using the web platform and mobile




Public Awareness




participation in

reporting grey

economy designed

and implemented

2.2. 600 citizen

reports of grey

economy (100

reports per month)

2.3. At least

10.000 USD of

funds collected

during 6 months of

the project’s


Key activity: 2. Increasing citizens’ engagement in the “Grey

Economy All Out” campaign

2.1. Web and mobile application “Be responsible” upgraded in

relation to reporting instances of grey economy including

development of the iOS application and procurement of relevant


2.2. Specialized company to design and deliver a comprehensive

public awareness campaign to encourage citizens’ to report

instances of grey economy including through “Be responsible”

platform engaged

2.3. Develop communication’s strategy including defining key

messages, determining target groups and designing

communications products

2.4. Ensure additional administrative capacities to the Tax

Directorate and Directorate for Inspection Affairs










Total Activity:

92.742 USD

Baseline: No collaborative web based platform

available as a tool to directly engage citizens in

prevention and fighting corruption in public


Indicator: Number of key actors NGOs,

journalists, media involved in testing and

prototyping the “Veritza” collaborative web based

platform that allows browsing of multiple public

records databases and exposing potential

corruption problems or outliers

At least 3 key

actors (NGOs,

media, etc.)

involved in testing

and prototyping

the collaborative

web-based open

source platform

Key activity 3. Increasing citizens’ engagement by use of

social innovation and social media

3.1. Expert support provided to the “Veritza” team in engaging

key actors in consultations and subsequent testing and prototyping

“Veritza”, the web based platform


and Local



Total Activity:

10.000 USD

BRC funded

Baseline: No country Twitter account that

promotes new “faces” and images of Montenegro

Indicators: Number of followers of the established

Twitter account, number of initiatives raised,

number of people who voted for the initiatives

1000 of followers

At least 5

initiatives raised

1000 of supporters

3.2.1. Creation/Opening of the country Twitter account

3.2.2. Development of rules for curators/“Twitter agents” and

selection of Twitter agents

3.2.3. Launch event

3.2.4. Monitoring and evaluation of Twitter dialogue including

raised initiatives,

Total Activity:

10.000 USD Micro-capital grant

awarded to the NGO

CDT funded by all three


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Key Activities Time Frame



Planned Budget 2013 in USD

Start End Donor Budget Description Donor UNDP

Increasing citizens’ participation

through local level e-petitions –

transfer of e- petitions government

portal experience to the local level

01/08/13 31/12/13 UNDP UNDP

72100 Contractual Services

Companies 5,000

Activity Total without GMS:


GMS 7%:

Increasing citizens’ engagement in the

“Grey Economy All Out” campaign 01/08/13 31/12/13 UNDP

Gov't of

Montenegro 71300 Local Consultants 18,000

01/08/13 31/12/13 UNDP

Gov't of

Montenegro 72200 Equipment and Furniture 7,000

01/08/13 31/12/13 UNDP

Gov't of


72100 Contractual Services

Companies 36,600

Activity Total without GMS: 61,600

GMS 7%: 4,312

01/08/13 31/12/13 UNDP UNDP 72615 Micro Capital Grants 10,000

Activity Total: 0 10,000

Project Management

01/08/13 31/12/13 UNDP UNDP

71400 Contractual Services-

Individ 7,200

01/08/13 31/12/13 UNDP

Gov't of


74200 Audio Visual&Print Prod

Costs 1,000

Activity Total without GMS: 1,000 7,200

GMS 7%: 70


GMS 62,600 22,200

GMS 7% 4,382

66,982 22,200

TOTAL 89,182

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Project ID Expected

Outputs Key Activities

Time Frame

Responsible Party

Planned Budget 2014 in USD

Start End Donor Budget Description FUNDED



Increasing citizens’ participation through local level e-petitions – transfer of e- petitions

government portal experience to the local level 01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded

72100 Contractual Services Companies


01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded 71300 Local Consultants 8,000

Activity Total without GMS: 0 18,000

GMS 7%: 1,260

Increasing citizens’ engagement in the “Grey

Economy All Out” campaign 01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP

Gov't of

Montenegro 71300 Local Consultants 6,000

01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded 71200 International Consultants 10,000

01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded

72100 Contractual Services Companies


Activity Total without GMS: 6,000 30,000

GMS 7%: 420 2,100

Increasing citizens’ engagement by use of social innovation and social media 01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded 71200 International Consultants 8,000

01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded 71300 Local Consultants 5,000

01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded 72615 Micro Capital Grants 10,000

01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded

72100 Contractual Services Companies


Activity Total: 0 28,000

GMS 7%: 0 1,960

Project Management

01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP unfunded

71400 Contractual Services-Individ


01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP

Gov't of


71400 Contractual Services-Individ


01/01/14 31/12/14 UNDP

Gov't of

Montenegro 74200 Audio Visual&Print Prod Costs

Activity Total without GMS: 2,000 18,000

GMS 7%: 140 1,260


GMS 7% 560 6,580

8,560 100,580

TOTAL 109,140

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transparency and accountability



III. A. Institutional Framework

The Project Board will be responsible for providing general oversight to ensure achievement of

results on the primary project outcomes, and making consensus strategic management decisions

when guidance is required by the Project Manager, including approval of project plans and

revisions, as well as audit, including meeting the requirements of the Country Programme

Document between the Government and UNDP. The Board will meet at least once every six


In the name of the Government of Montenegro, primary ownership of the project rests with the

Ministry of Finance and the General Secretariat of the Government of Montenegro, whereas

other line ministries and inter-ministerial teams may be involved depending on the remit. By way

of example, the Government established an inter-agency group composed of the representatives

of the General Secretariat, Ministry of Information Society and Telecommunications, Ministry of

Finance, Tax Directorate and Directorate for Inspection Affairs to coordinate the grey economy

component of the project. Similar coordination teams may be established to provide insight and

steer other components of the project.

The structure of the Project Board is depicted below.

Project Manager

Project Board

Senior Beneficiary

Representative of the

General Secretariat/ GoM


UNDP Deputy RR

Senior Supplier DG Team Leader

Project Assurance

Project Support

Programme Assistant,

Operations Unit

Project Organisation Structure

Local Governance Programme

providing inputs as necessary

UNDP Communications unit

providing input as necessary

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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s

transparency and accountability


III.B. Project Roles and Responsibilities

The Project will be implemented under Direct Execution modality (DEX) in accordance with

UNDP rules and regulations, set forth is the Programme Implementation Manual, tailored for this

particular programme and based on the UNDP Programming Manual and the general UNDP

DEX Guidelines.

All day-to-day management duties will be conducted by the Project Manager appointed by

UNDP, under the supervision of Democratic Governance Team Leader, with strong engagement

of all involved partners and stakeholders. Roles and responsibilities regarding the Project

implementation will comply with the new UNDP’s Results Management Guide (which includes

PRINCE2 for the Project Management Framework), which defines the minimum requirements to

be met so that UNDP can accept responsibility for the use of resources during the

implementation of the Program activities.

UNDP Project Manager will submit regular progress report to the Project Boards when the latter

is being convened. The Project Manager may request and propose meetings of the Project Board,

involving UNDP senior management and the Government representatives, if he/she encounters

difficulties during the implementation of the Project.

The Project Manager will have the following role:

1) Coordinate technical, administrative and financial activities of the project;

2) Ensure monitoring and control of activities;

3) Financially manage the project (including effecting disbursements);

4) Resolve bottlenecks, and

5) Prepare substantive and financial reports for the Project Board, the donor(s) and UNDP.

UNDP Project Support Team: The UNDP Country Office in Podgorica staff will provide

strategic advice and administrative support as well as being responsible for financial

disbursements, controlling and reporting. UNDP Project support team, under overal guidance of

the Democratic Governance Team Leader will ensure that the project is informed by the lessons

of UNDP's prior project experience and is integrated into the ongoing project activities within

the Democratic Governance portfolio.

Project Beneficiaries: The project is implemented in partnership with the Government’s

General Secretariat, the Public Relations Bureau and line ministries, whereas citizens of

Montenegro will be direct beneficiaries of the Project, given the fact that their participation in

decision making will be simplified. Building the partners’ operational and professional capacities

throughout the project will allow for a more efficient integration of citizens’ inputs in the

decision making process of the executive.

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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s

transparency and accountability


III.C. Monitoring and Evaluation

III.C.A. Monitoring

The purpose of monitoring and evaluation will be to monitor progress towards the key outputs,

identify, in good time, where improvements are necessary to enable the project to achieve its

objectives, and to make preliminary assessments about further training needs of the target


The Project Manager will prepare monthly briefings. The Project Manager will be responsible

for ensuring the reports are shared with other donors and representatives of the Government and

that their comments are taken into consideration.

To evaluate the accountability of the project actors, the UNDP will apply its usual mechanisms

for assurance of project quality.

III.C.A.1Reporting responsibilities

Project manager must report on the status of indicators as well as on financial performance to the

Project Board on a six months basis.

III.C.A.2 Visibility

To keep the general public informed about project’s progress and to encourage positive and

constructive participation in the project, the building and sustaining of political commitment and

beneficiaries’ demand for the project, the project management will – whenever appropriate -

disseminate information through Internet web-sites, newsletters, press releases, videos and other

public relations efforts, and carry out feedback surveys, etc.

This project will follow an already established line of UNDP projects in the field, and will

therefore have a safe base and paved path. Nevertheless, it is necessary to conduct a short risk

analysis, presented in Annex 1.


This project document shall be the instrument referred to such as in Article 1 of the Standard

Basic Agreement a copy of which is available at RBEC.

The following types of revisions may be made to this project document provided UNDP is

assured that other signatories of the project document have no objections to the proposed


a) Revisions in, or addition to, any of the annexes of the project document;

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transparency and accountability


b) Revisions which do not involve significant changes in the immediate objectives, outputs or

activities of a project, but are caused by the rearrangement of inputs already agreed to or by

cost increases due to inflation, and

c) Mandatory annual revisions, which rephrase the delivery of, agreed project inputs or reflect

increased expert or other costs due to inflation or take into account agency expenditure


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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s transparency and accountability


VI. ANNEXES Annex 1: Risk Analysis

Project Title: Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation

and social media to enhance government’s transparency and accountability

Award ID: n/a Date: 19/08/2013

# Description Date


Type Impact &


Countermeasures /

Mngt response

Owner Submitted,

updated by




1 RM unsuccessful,

lack of donor interest

19/08/2013 Strategic

(Donors, partnerships

fail to deliver)

If additional resources are

not (or not sufficiently)

mobilized to continue and

expand envisaged

activities the

impact/change in the

society will be limited.

I = 5

P = 3

Efforts are being

made to mobilize

resources with the

British Embassy,

German Embassy,

and other bilateral


DG Team







19/08/2013 No change.

2 Inability to engage

the citizens of

Montenegro and raise

their interest for the

project’s goals

19/08/2013 Political

(Government, non-UN

partners and CO



(Execution capacity)


(Partnerships fail to

materialize in a

sustainable manner)

Project would have

difficulty in engaging

both the “online” and the

“offline” communities

for: reporting grey

economy, browsing

public procurement

records and fostering a

dialogue on social media.

This could lead to the

project having reduced

impact due to lack of

national/local stakeholder

ownership and citizen


I = 5

P = 2

Efforts will be made

to design an effective

awareness and


campaign, including

enlisting a few

celebrities who

cherish UN values,

balancing the use of

new media and



channels, and

continuously working

towards partnership

building nationally,

regionally and









19/08/2013 No change.

3 Problems in the

functioning of the

19/08/2013 Operational


Project goals would be

hampered should the

Extensive quality

assurance through the





19/08/2013 No change.

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Increasing citizens’ engagement by using social innovation and social media to enhance government’s transparency and accountability



technology part fail to be

user-friendly, simple and

accessible to users, and of

an appealing design.

I = 4

P = 3

project management

structures and

stakeholder meetings.

Internal cross-

practice engagement

will ensure that the

lessons learned in

other UNDP projects

are applied.




4 Sustainability of the

project’s results

19/08/2013 Organizational

(Execution capacity)

Project results should

surpass the duration of the

project. The project might

not be able to establish

sustainable systems in the

first six months of its


I = 3

P = 3

In addition to efforts

to mobilize additional

resources and foster


partnerships, the

project management

team will endeavour

to support the design

of self-sustainable

systems (e.g. where

mobile applications

or web platforms can

generate their own




DG Team




19/08/2013 No change.

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