Page 1: ECM - PNAS · Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 87, pp. 3057-3061, April 1990 Cell Biology Humantrophoblast-extracellular matrix(ECM)interactions in vitro: ECMthickness modulatesmorphologyand

Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 87, pp. 3057-3061, April 1990Cell Biology

Human trophoblast-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactionsin vitro: ECM thickness modulates morphology andproteolytic activity

(invasion/placenta/choriocarcinoma/Matrigel/cyclic AMP)

HARVEY J. KLIMAN*t AND RONALD F. FEINBERGtDepartments of *Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and tObstetrics and Gynecology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283

Communicated by Roy Hertz, January 24, 1990 (received for review December 18, 1989)

ABSTRACT Trophoblast invasion of the uterine extracel-lular matrix, a critical process for human implantation anduteroplacental vascular development, is a striking example ofcontrolled invasiveness. To examine cellular behavior relevantto this process, human trophoblasts were cultured on (a)Millicell filters prelayered with Matrigel and (it) coverslipsprecoated with a gentle slope of Matrigel (Matribeach). His-tologic sections of the Millicell system demonstrated significantinvasion. However, on Matribeach the cells exhibited markedlydifferent characteristics depending on the thickness of theMatrigel. On zone 1 (1-4 ,um thick), flat aggregates andsyncytia were seen. In contrast, cells on zone 2 (4-14 pzm)formed rounded aggregates with intercellular processes. In thiszone, prominent degradation of pericellular Matrigel proteinswas assessed by both light microscopy and scanning electronmicroscopy. Treatment with 8-bromo-cAMP inhibited thisproteolytic process. On zone 3 (14-60 pmm), unicellular tro-phoblasts or small aggregates caused minimal matrix degra-dation. JEG-3 human choriocarcinoma cells exhibited similarmorphologic and degradative properties on Matribeach, butzone 2 proteolysis was not affected by 8-bromo-cAMP. Ourresults suggest that extracellular matrix thickness has profoundeffects on cellular morphology and proteolytic activity. Fur-thermore, while both normal and malignant human tropho-blasts can degrade extracellular matrix proteins, only normaltrophoblast extracellular matrix degradation is inhibited by8-bromo-cAMP.

During human gestation, trophoblasts invade the uterineextracellular matrix (ECM), remodel the maternal vascula-ture, and line vascular channels in the placental bed (1). Thebiological repertoire necessary for these unique trophoblast-ECM interactions is unknown. Although trophoblast behav-ior has been compared to that of tumor cells with invasiveactivity, trophoblasts generally exhibit tightly regulatedgrowth and invasion in vivo.

Certain features of cytotrophoblast differentiation in vivocan be recapitulated in vitro when human cytotrophoblastsare purified and cultured from term placentae (2). Onceisolated from the placental villi, these mononuclear cellsundergo morphologic as well as biochemical differentiation invitro. Cytotrophoblasts form multinucleated syncytia andcarry out de novo secretion ofhuman chorionic gonadotropin(hCG), human placental lactogen, and progesterone (2-4).During this differentiation process cytotrophoblasts also at-tach to ECM proteins (5) and synthesize fibronectin (6) andlaminin (7). Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) issecreted by cytotrophoblasts in culture (8), as are the plas-minogen activator inhibitor (PAI) types 1 and 2 (9). cAMP has

profound effects on cytotrophoblasts in culture by affectingtheir intracellular morphology and synthesis of hCG, fibro-nectin, and u-PA (4, 6, 8).

Since cytotrophoblasts in culture are capable of exhibitingmultiple facets of the trophoblast differentiation process, wewished to determine whether cytotrophoblasts cultured onECM could express an invasive phenotype. Our goal was toestablish a reliable method for assessing trophoblast-ECMinteractions, morphology, and proteolytic activity, since it islikely that these parameters are relevant to both trophoblastand tumor cell invasion (10). Assays of tumor cell invasionhave recently utilized Matrigel, the laminin-type IV collagen-proteoglycan ECM, for quantitating cellular invasiveness andmigration (11, 12). We therefore developed a Matrigel assaysystem that allowed us to examine trophoblast-ECM inter-actions in vitro at the light and electron microscopic level.Using a thickness gradient of Matrigel with an 8° slope(Matribeach), we discovered that ECM thickness affectstrophoblast morphology as well as the ability of these cells todegrade the ECM. Furthermore, in contrast to a previouslydescribed trophoblast-ECM assay (13), we found remarkablysimilar cell behavior on Matribeach when we comparednormal term and first trimester cytotrophoblasts with JEG-3choriocarcinoma cells.

METHODSTrophoblast and JEG-3 Choriocarcinoma Cell Culture. The

method of preparation and culture of term human cytotro-phoblasts has been described (2). For first trimester placen-tae, the digest times were reduced to 10 min. JEG-3 chorio-carcinoma cells were obtained from the American TypeCulture Collection and were cultured under the same condi-tions as trophoblasts. cAMP-treated cultures received 1.5mM 8-bromo-cAMP (Sigma).Matribeach Production. Flame sterilized no. 1'/2 glass cov-

erslips (22 x 22 mm) were placed in Nunclon (Nunc) six-wellmultidishes, which were angled at 8° on metal surgicaltrays. One hundred microliters of ice-cold Matrigel (solubi-lized basement membrane components from mouse Engel-breth-Holm-Swarm tumor; ref. 14) at 10-12 mg/ml (Collab-orative Research) was applied to the middle of the coverslipsto allow the liquid to run to the lower edge, forming a beachwith a thick portion (=60 ,um) and a slope that tapered downto a thin edge (1-2 ,um)-Matribeach. The plates were placed

Abbreviations: ECM, extracellular matrix; hCG, human chorionicgonadotropin; u-PA, urokinase-type plasminogen activator; PAL,plasminogen activator inhibitor; SEM, scanning electron micros-copy.tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Department ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine, 6 Founders Pavilion, Univer-sity of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 3400 Spruce Street,Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283.


The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement"in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.




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at 370C for 2-3 hr to allow for complete gelling before cellsuspensions were applied to the coverslips. Approximately0.75 ml of cytotrophoblast cell suspension at 1 x 106 cells perml, or JEG-3 at 2 x 104 cells per ml, was added and culturedfor 24-72 hr.

Matrigel Supports. Approximately 100 gl of ice-cold Ma-trigel was layered into 12-mm Millicell-HA (Millipore) insertsto form an -0.9-mm-thick bed of undiluted Matrigel on amixed cellulose ester filter. The Matrigel was allowed to gelcompletely at 370C for 2-3 hr. From 50 to 100 14 of asuspension (1 x 106 cells per ml) of trophoblasts was addedand incubated at 370C in an atmosphere of humidified 95%air/5% CO2 for 1-7 days. Medium surrounding the insertswas changed daily. The inserts were immersed in Bouin'ssolution and fixed overnight. The filters were excised fromthe plastic assemblies with a pointed blade, processed, em-bedded in paraffin, and sectioned at 5-ttm intervals.

Immunocytochemistry and Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM). For immunocytochemical analysis, the coverslipswith Matribeaches were washed three times with 10 mMphosphate-buffered saline (150 mM NaCl, pH 7.4) (PBS),fixed in Bouin's solution for 1 hr, washed three times withPBS, and stored at 40C in PBS/0.1% sodium azide untilimmunocytochemistry was performed as described (2). Rab-bit anti-mouse laminin and rabbit anti-mouse type IV collagen(Collaborative Research) were used at 1:500, rabbit anti-human a-hCG (generously supplied by Steven Birken, Co-lumbia University) was used at 1:1000, and rabbit anti-humanf3-hCG (Dako, Santa Barbara, CA) was used at 1:5000. SEMwas performed as described (3).

Quantification. After incubation for 24-72 hr, the cultureswere fixed, immunocytochemically stained for mouse lami-nin, and then counterstained with hematoxylin. The Matrigelslope was divided into three zones: zone 1, edge of slope to4-,um-thick Matrigel, containing mostly flat cells; zone 2,between 4- and 14-gtm-thick Matrigel, containing mostlyinvasive cells; and zone 3, >14-gm-thick Matrigel, contain-ing mostly noninvasive single cells or aggregates. Matrigelthickness was determined by first calibrating the fine focusdial of a Riechart Microstar V microscope to the edges of acoverslip of known thickness (0.18 mm) with a x40 objectiveand x 10 eyepieces, and then by focusing on the bottom andtop edges of the Matrigel at different points on the slope.Determinations from eight different experiments with a totalof 32 measurements were made to determine the thickness atthe edge of each zone. The percentage of cells (or nucleiwithin a single syncytial cell) that were flat, rounded, orsurrounded by zones of matrix lysis was calculated aftercounting a total of 100 cells for each zone. Three counts weremade on each coverslip at each time point. The standard errorof the mean was calculated when data from several differentexperiments were pooled.

RESULTSTrophoblast Invasion of Matrigel-Coated Millicell Inserts.

Our initial approach to assessing trophoblast invasion utilizeda 900-tgm-thick bed of undiluted Matrigel layered on a Mil-licell insert (15). When trophoblasts were added to theinserts, the cells attached to the Matrigel surface, showedevidence of surface erosion over the first 72 hr, and eventu-ally, after 96-120 hr, invaded to depths of 10-50 Im into theMatrigel (Fig. 1). Although histologic examination revealedinvading trophoblasts in cross section, we could not easilyquantify this invasive behavior. Therefore, a thickness gra-dient of Matrigel was created to examine and quantifytrophoblast-ECM interactions as a function of time andMatrigel thickness.

Trophoblast Interactions with Matribeach. Human cytotro-phoblasts from first or third trimester cultured on Matrigelslopes (Matribeaches) yielded a typical pattern of trophoblast

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FIG. 1. Penetration of thick Matrigel (M) by trophoblasts. Termtrophoblasts were plated onto a 0.9-mm-thick layer of Matrigel in aMillicell support, cultured for 120 hr, fixed, sectioned, and stainedwith hematoxylin and eosin. Note the trophoblast aggregates thathave penetrated into the Matrigel (arrows). Note the clearing of theMatrigel (large arrowheads) around these trophoblast aggregates.The trophoblasts have penetrated -50 ,jm from the surface (smallarrowheads) of the Matrigel. (Bar = 20 jAm.)morphology (Fig. 2A). After 48 hr, the trophoblasts on theglass surface flattened, aggregated, and formed syncytia (Fig.28) as described (2). These cells seemed to be unaffected bythe presence of Matrigel elsewhere on the glass. On the thinpart of the slope, zone 1 (defined as 0-4 A.m in Matrigelthickness), the cells flattened and spread, as they did on glass(Fig. 2C). On zone 2 (4-14 jm thick), the cells promotedclearing of the Matrigel by creating pericellular zones of lysisaround the trophoblast aggregates (Fig. 2D and E). This lysiswas particularly pronounced after the Matribeaches wereimmunocytochemically stained for mouse laminin or type IVcollagen, which resulted in multiple areas of negative stainingaround the cells on zone 2. The cells on zone 3 (Matrigel >14gum thick) remained spherical, mostly single, and exhibitedlittle or no zones of lysis (Fig. 2F). This pattern was repeatedin multiple studies (Fig. 3). Time course studies revealed thatthe basic separation of zones occurred by 24 hr and pro-gressed through 72 hr of culture. When Matribeaches wereincubated with medium alone, there was no change noticedat the light microscopic level for as long as 72 hr.The width of each zone depended on the steepness of the

beach. When the slope was gradual (7-8°), the zones werewide and clearly distinguishable; when the slope was steep(30-40°), the zones were compressed but still apparent. Thisresult suggests that it is the actual thickness of the Matrigelthat determines cell morphology and biological behavior andnot, for example, the distance ofthe cells from the edge ofthebeach.SEM. As the trophoblasts degraded the Matrigel on zone 2,

they formed concentric circles of clearing (Fig. 2 A, D, andE). To confirm this result, we performed SEM on theMatribeaches at 24, 48 (Fig. 4A), and 72 (Fig. 4B) hr. TheSEM revealed several important points. First, the Matrigelappeared as a woven mesh offilamentous elements. Second,the cell processes extended into and merged with the sur-rounding matrix elements. Finally, as time went on, thetrophoblast groups on zone 2 progressively eroded the Ma-trigel until the glass surface was exposed (Fig. 4B). Thesemicrographs give compelling evidence for the proteolyticpotential of these cells and suggest that this degradativeprocess is time dependent.

Effect of 8-Bromo-cAMP. When treated with 1.5 mM 8-bromo-cAMP, the normal trophoblasts remained round on allzones of the Matrigel, without any evidence of ECM degra-dation, even on zone 2 (Fig. 5). Immunohistochemical stain-ing of these cells revealed strong cytoplasmic induction of a-and 1-hCG staining, as has been shown previously (4),indicating that the cells were biochemically responsive to8-bromo-cAMP. As has been shown (6), this concentration of

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FIG. 2. Trophoblast morphology on a Matrigel slope (Matribeach). Term human trophoblasts (A-D and F) or first trimester trophoblasts (E)were plated onto Matribeaches, cultured for 48 hr, fixed, and immunocytochemically stained for laminin as described. (A) Panoramic view ofthe Matribeach with clearly defined zones 1, 2, and 3. G, glass surface. (B) Trophoblasts on the glass surface (G) showing the typical morphologyof a mixed syncytia aggregate, as has been described (5). Note the large syncytial trophoblast (T) with the central multiple nuclei (arrow). (C)Trophoblasts on zone 1 (1-4 .m thick) of the Matrigel (M) slope. Note that these cells have flattened out and formed syncytia (T) with multiplenuclei (arrow) in a manner very similar to that found on the glass surface alone. (D) Term trophoblasts on zone 2 (4- to 14-pm-thick Matrigel)showing very distinct circumferential areas ofMatrigel degradation (asterisks). Within the area ofdegradation, fine cytoplasmic extensions (smallarrowheads) can be seen emanating from the central trophoblast aggregate (arrows). Note the thick zone of laminin-positive material directlyaround the trophoblast aggregates (large arrowheads). (E) First trimester trophoblasts on zone 2 showing the same area of Matrigel degradation(asterisks) and cytoplasmic extensions (small arrowheads). Again, note the dense zone of laminin-positive material directly around thetrophoblast aggregate (large arrowheads). (F) Term trophoblasts on zone 3 (>14-Am-thick Matrigel) showing scattered individual cells(arrowheads) and small aggregates (arrows) without evidence of flattening or Matrigel (M) degradation. Similar results were observed in 10experiments. In some experiments, a small amount of surface degradation of the Matrigel was noted on zone 3 after 48-72 hr. First trimestertrophoblasts behaved similarly on zones 1 and 3 as described above for the term trophoblasts. (A, bar = 200 tim; B-F, bar = 20 Am.)8-bromo-cAMP induces specific changes in gene expression.Therefore, the effect of this agent on zone 2 normal tropho-blasts is likely to be mediated by a limited number of geneproducts.We also cultured JEG-3 choriocarcinoma cells on Matri-

beach in the absence or presence of 1.5 mM 8-bromo-cAMP.Under unstimulated conditions, JEG-3 cells had the samebasic behavior on Matribeach as normal trophoblasts: theywere flat on' zone 1, they aggregated and showed Matrigeldegradation on zone 2, and they lost cohesiveness andremained as individual cells on zone 3 (Fig. 6). In thepresence of 8-bromo-cAMP, the JEG-3 cells still demon-strated typical zone 1, 2, and 3 morphologies, with evidenceof clear degradation of the Matrigel on zone 2. Therefore,JEG-3 and normal trophoblasts are distinctly different in theirinvasive and degradative potential when cultured on Matri-beach in the presence of 1.5 mM 8-bromo-cAMP (Fig. 5B).

DISCUSSIONNormal human trophoblasts, like tumor cells, are capable ofinvasive behavior. For this complex process to occur, Liottaet al. (10) have proposed that invasive cells must (i) attach to

ECM proteins, (ii) secrete proteases capable of degradingthese proteins, and (iii) demonstrate migration through thedegraded ECM. During implantation and subsequent placen-tation in the human, populations of trophoblasts invade theendometrium and maternal vasculature within the uterus.Once reaching the spiral arteries within the myometrium,trophoblast invasiveness ceases. Therefore, unlike tumorcells, which typically exhibit uncontrolled invasion, tropho-blast invasion is tightly regulated. Suboptimal trophoblastinvasion within the placental bed has been demonstrated inthe pregnancy disease states ofpreeclampsia and intrauterinegrowth retardation (1). Malignant transformation of normaltrophoblasts results in choriocarcinoma, a tumor with aparticularly aggressive phenotype (16). To understand thepathophysiology ofthese diseases, it is critical to examine theregulatory mechanisms ofhuman trophoblast invasion and tocompare normal and malignant trophoblast behavior.

Purified human cytotrophoblasts, not only from first tri-mester but also from term placentae, provide a unique in vitromodel system for studying ECM attachment, proteolysis, andinvasion. Once attached to a thick layer of ECM, tropho-blasts burrow into the matrix and, by 5 days ofculture, invade

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FIG. 3. Quantification of cell morphology on the three Matri-beach zones. Trophoblasts were cultured on Matribeaches for 48 hr,fixed, and immunocytochemically stained for laminin; the number ofcells that were flat (_), invasive (Em) (having an area of Matrigeldestruction around it), or round (o) in each zone was determined infour separate experiments using different placentae and Matrigelpreparations as described. Error bars represent standard errors ofthemean.

Matrigel to depths of 10-50 ,um (Fig. 1). While this Millicellsupport system has provided histologic proof of trophoblastinvasiveness in vitro, it has not enabled us to preciselycharacterize and quantify trophoblast-ECM interactions dur-ing the initial phases of invasion. Therefore, we developedthe Matribeach system as a rapid and efficient method forassessing cellular morphology and ECM degradation, both atthe light and electron microscopic levels. Based on thisassay, we discovered that cytotrophoblasts from first trimes-ter or term placentae form three distinct zones of biologicalbehavior, depending on the Matrigel thickness beneath thecells. In comparison, malignant JEG-3 trophoblastic cellsform an identical three zone pattern of behavior, with zone 2cells promoting the most pronounced Matrigel proteolysis.The mechanism by which ECM thickness might modulate

trophoblast behavior is unknown. However, we hypothesizethat trophoblasts distinguish varying ECM thicknesses basedon their differential ability to make contact with the under-lying glass surface. Since the Matrigel is very thin in zone 1,the cells probably have very early contact with the underlyingsurface and therefore flatten and spread as they do on glass.On zone 2, the cells may make contact with the glass byextending fine cytoplasmic extensions. This contact may



FIG. 5. Effect of 1.5 mM8-bromo.cAMP on trophoblast mor-phology on Matribeach. Trophoblasts were cultured on Matri-beaches for 24 hr in the absence (A) or presence (B) of 8-bromo-cAMP. (A) Low power view of glass surface and zones 1-3 ofthe Matribeach showing the same pattern described in Fig. 2A. At 24hr, the extent of lysis of the Matrigel on zone 2 is somewhat less thanthat at 48 hr but is still easily appreciated. (B) Low power view of aparallel culture in the presence of 8-bromo-cAMP at the samemagnification showing complete absence of differential trophoblastmorphologies. The trophoblasts are all round (like the cells on zone3) and there is no evidence of Matrigel destruction in the region thatrepresents zone 2. Both micrographs are at the same magnification.(Bars = 100 matrix degradation, perhaps via expression and spe-cific localization of activated proteases. The cells on zone 3may initially extend cellular processes, but when they fail tomake contact with the underlying surface, they are notstimulated to degrade the ECM during the first 72 hr ofculture. Alternatively, trophoblasts could secrete autocrinefactors that modulate their motility and invasiveness (17).The cells on zone 3, therefore, might be limited in theirinvasive capabilities because the large bed of ECM under thecells could adsorb such factors away, thus reducing theautocrine stimulation for invasion. w 4. - _


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FIG. 4. SEM of trophoblasts on zone 2 at 48 (A) and 72 (B) hr. (A) An aggregate of trophoblasts (T) is shown with a circumferential areaof Matrigel lysis (arrows). Thin cytoplasmic processes (arrowheads) emanate from the cells and merge into the surrounding Matrigel. Note theflat filamentous nature of the undigested Matrigel (M). (B) At 72 hr, this trophoblast aggregate (T) has completely degraded the Matrigel (arrows)so that the surface of the underlying coverslip is exposed (G). Note again the flat surface of the undegraded Matrigel (M). (Bars = 10 Am.)

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FIG. 6. JEG-3 choriocarcinoma growth on Matribeach. JEG-3cells were cultured on Matribeach for 24 hr and processed asdescribed. Like normal trophoblasts, these malignant trophoblastsexhibited three different morphologies on the Matrigel depending on

the thickness they were growing on. The choriocarcinoma cells on

the glass (G) and zone 1 formed flat aggregates. The cells on zone 2,like the normal trophoblasts, aggregated into rounded structures or

cords and induced circumferential areas of Matrigel lysis. On thethicker Matrigel of zone 3, the cells formed small aggregates or

remained as single cells and did not show evidence of Matrigeldestruction within the 24-hr period examined. (Bar = 100 ,um.)

Matrigel clearing around the trophoblasts on zone 2 ap-

pears to be promoted by trophoblast proteases, which, eitherdirectly or indirectly, degrade the ECM proteins laminin andtype IV collagen. The biochemical basis of trophoblast-mediated proteolysis is unknown but may be initiated byu-PA, which converts plasminogen to the active proteaseplasmin. In culture, trophoblasts produce both u-PA (8) andPAI types 1 and 2 (9). Additional evidence for the role of theplasminogen activator system in regulating trophoblast inva-sion is based on the finding of PAI type 1 within trophoblaststhat have invaded the placental bed in vivo (9). The potentialrole of trophoblast-secreted collagenases in the invasiveprocess is not well understood. In zymographic analysis ofserum-free medium from normal term trophoblasts, we findthat one active gelatinase in the 90- to 92-kDa range issecreted (unpublished observations), in agreement with thefindings of Fisher et al. (13). Since plasminogen activators are

proposed to be activators of procollagenases (18), theseenzyme systems may interact and have a pivotal role incontrolling trophoblast-mediated ECM proteolysis and inva-sion.

Specific effects of 8-bromo-cAMP on normal cytotropho-blast gene expression have been previously studied, includ-ing induction of hCG synthesis and secretion (4, 5) anddown-regulation of fibronectin mRNA and protein produc-tion (6). cAMP also transiently affects u-PA expression (8)and may regulate other trophoblast proteases or proteaseinhibitors. JEG-3 cells are also sensitive to 8-bromo-cAMP,as measured by cAMP induction of hCG mRNA and proteinin these cells (19). Based on previous results with this majorintracellular regulator, we wondered what effect cAMPwould have on the interaction of normal and malignanttrophoblasts with Matribeach. Interestingly, we found that8-bromo-cAMP completely eliminated any evidence of zone2 matrix degradation by normal trophoblasts and induced acellular morphology similar to zone 3 cells. JEG-3 chorio-carcinoma cells in zone 2 were unaffected, suggesting thatmalignant trophoblasts do not respond to regulatory agents asdo normal trophoblasts. The precise mechanism to explainthis cAMP effect is unknown, but it could involve fibronec-tin, which is known to facilitate normal trophoblast attach-ment in vitro (5). Since significant down-regulation of normaltrophoblast fibronectin expression occurs in response to8-bromo-cAMP (6), this glycoprotein, as well as other cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs), could mediate trophoblast-

ECM interactions. Regulation of fibronectin and other CAMsby JEG-3 cells has not yet been studied.Although it had been previously suggested by Fisher et al.

(13) that term cytotrophoblasts are incapable of invasivebehavior, our findings indicate that placental cytotropho-blasts from first or third trimester exhibit remarkably similarbiological behavior to malignant JEG-3 choriocarcinomacells when cultured on the Matribeach substrate. Further-more, our results demonstrate that ECM thickness has amajor impact on the invasive phenotype of both normal andmalignant trophoblasts in culture. Therefore, cytotropho-blasts isolated from the more easily obtainable term placentaand cultured on Matribeach represents an ideal in vitrosystem for studying trophoblast morphology and differenti-ation (2), cell-cell interactions (20), and the biochemistry andregulation of ECM proteolysis and invasion.

We acknowledge the expert technical assistance of Charles O.Boyd, Julia Haimowitz, LeHien Bui, and Dr. Cai-Liang Wang. Thiswork was supported by the University of Pennsylvania ResearchFoundation (H.J.K.) and a Basil O'Connor Award (5-672) of theMarch of Dimes (R.F.F.).

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