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  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6




  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6



    In ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized ovum implant

    in an area ot!er"t!an t!e endometrial lining of 

    t!e uteru #ore t!an $%o&o of e'trauterine Pregnancie"

    occuri n t!e fallopian tu(e)

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Ampullary70%Interstitialandcornual 2–3%



    Ovarian 3% Fimbrial11%Cesarean

    scar 1


    Cervical 1%

    *ite of ectopic pregnancie

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    incidence !he incidence in the "nited #in$dom has

    chan$ed little in the last decade ith &'(ectopics per 1000 pre$nancies in 1&&1–1&&3and 11'0 per 1000 pre$nancies in 2000–2002

     !his may be due) at least in part) to a hi$herincidence

    o* salpin$itis) an increase in ovularion inductionand assisted reproductive technolo$y) and more

    tubal sterili+ation

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Increasing Ectopic Pregnancy RatesA num(er of reaon at leat partially e'plain t!e increaed

    rate of ectopic pregnancie in t!e +nited *tate and many

    European countrie) *ome of t!ee include

    -) Increaing prevalence of e'ually tranmitted infection,

    epecially t!oe caued (y Chlamydia trachomatis

    .) Identification t!roug! earlier diagnoi of ome ectopic

     pregnancie ot!er/ie detined to reor( pontaneouly

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    0) Popularity of contraception t!at predipoe pregnancy

    failure to (e ectopic

    1) Tu(al terilization tec!ni2ue t!at /it! contraceptive

    failure increae t!e li3eli!ood of ectopic pregnancy

    %) Aited reproductive tec!nology4) Tu(al urgery, including alpingotomy for tu(al pregnancy

    and tu(oplaty for infertility)

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    MortalityAccording to t!e 5orld 6ealt! Organization 7.889:,

    ectopic pregnancy i reponi(le for almot % percent of

    maternal deat! in developed countrie)

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    ,is- *actors *or ectopic pre$nancy.istory o* previous ectopic pre$nancy

    /I"C or sterili+ation *ailure

    elvic inammatory disease

    Chlamydia in*ection

    4arly a$e o* intercourse and multiple partners

    .istory o* in*ertility

    revious pelvic sur$ery

    Increased maternal a$e

    Ci$arette smo-in$

    5trenuous physical e6ercise

    In utero DES exposure

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    TUBAL PREGNANCY T!e fertilized ovum may lodge in any portion of t!e

    oviduct, giving rie to ampullary, it!mic, and intertitial

    tu(al pregnancie

    In rare intance, t!e fertilized ovum may implant in t!e

    fim(riated e'tremity) T!e ampulla i t!e mot fre2uent

    ite, follo/ed (y t!e it!mu) Intertitial pregnancy

    account for only a(out . percent) ;rom t!ee primarytype, econdary form of tu(o"a(dominal, tu(o"ovarian,

    and (roadligament pregnancie occaionally develop)

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    Ectopic pregnancy

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Clinical preentation-"u(acute clinical picture of

    A)  a(dominal pain " a(dominal& pelvic pain may (e localized to t!e iliac foa)

    C" !older tip pain indicative of free (lood in t!e a(dominal cavity

    ?" dizzene 7anaemia:

    >imanual e'amination can reveal tenderne in t!e fornice and

    t!ere may (e cervical e'citation

    ." Acute clinical preentation due to rupture ectopic pregnancy /it!

    maive intraperitoneal (leeding) T!ey can preent /it! ign of

    !ypovolaemic !oc3 < acute a(domen

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    InvetigationT!e follo/ing are ueful invetigation for t!e diagnoi of

    ectopic pregnancy

    -" o(ervation >p, pule ,temperatuer 

    ." la(oratory invetigation

    6aemoglo(in) (lood group7prepare (lood forr cro matc!: <


    A >"6CG level of le t!an %mI+&ml, i conidered negative for

     pregnancy< any t!ing a(ove .% mI+&ml i conidered poitive

    for pregnancy

    In @% of pregnancy t!e >"6CG level almot dou(le every 1@

    !our in normally developing intrautrine pregnancy

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    In ectopic pregnancy t!e rie in >"6CG i u(optimal,) 6o/ever

    multiple reading are re2uired for comparion purpoe)

    Tranvaginal ultraound can 7T=*:

    An intrauterine getational ac !ould (e viualized at 1)% /ee3

    Getation)t!e correponding >"6CG at t!at getation i around -%88

    mI+&ml)>y t!e time a getational ac /it! fetal !eart pulation i

    detcted 7at around % /ee3 getation:>"6CGlevel !ould (e around

    0888 mI+&mlT!u , if t!ere /ere dicrepancy (et//een >"6CG cocentration and

    t!at een on ultraound can7e)g)a !ig!>"6CG /it! no intruterine

     pregnancy on ultraound can:, t!e differential diagnoi of an

    ectopic pregnancy mut (e made)

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Identification of an intruterine pregnancy7getational ac, yol3

    ac, and fetal pole: on T=* effectively e'clude t!e poi(ility

    of ectopic pregnancy in mot patient e'cept in t!oe patient

    /it! rare !terotopic pregnancy)T!e preence of free fluid during T=*i uggetive of a

    ruptured cetopic pregnancy

    Bparocopyt!i can (e ued to diagnoe and treat ectopic


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    !his simple techniue as used commonly in thepast to identi*y hemoperitoneum' !he cervi6 is

    pulled toard the symphysis ith a tenaculum) anda lon$ 1(8 or 198$au$e needle is inserted throu$hthe posterior va$inal *orni6 into the cul8de8sac' I*present) uid can be aspirated) hoever) *ailure to

    do so is interpreted only as unsatis*actory entry intothe cul8de8sac and does not e6clude an ectopicpre$nancy) either ruptured or unruptured' Fluidcontainin$ *ra$ments o* old clots) or bloody uid

    that does not clot) is compatible ith the dia$nosiso* hemoperitoneum resultin$ *rom an ectopicpre$nancy' I* the blood subseuently clots) it mayhave been obtained *rom an ad:acent blood vessel

    rather than *rom a bleedin$ ectopic pre$nancy'

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  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Ultrasound;ith the advent o* dia$nostic ultrasound and

    the increasin$ use o* conservative treatment)the dia$nosis o* ectopic pre$nancy isincreasin$ly made ithout the help o* sur$ery'


  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    In omen ith ectopic pre$nancies bleedin$ithin the

    uterine cavity may resemble an earlyintrauterine pre$nancy /=pseudosac>'

      !he presence o* *ree uid in the pouch o*ou$las is a

    *reuent ?ndin$ in omen ith normalintrauterine pre$nancies and it should not beused to dia$nose an ectopic' .oever) thepresence o* blood clots is important and is a

    common ?ndin$ in ruptured ectopics

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    In omen ith intrauterine pre$nancy on thescan a

    possibility o* heterotopic pre$nancy should bee6cluded'

     !his is particularly the case in omen hoconceived a*ter stimulation o* ovulation orI@F

    /in vitro fertilization).

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Serum Progesterone. A single progesterone measurement

    can (e ued to eta(li! /it! !ig! relia(ility t!at t!ere i a

    normally developing pregnancy) A value e'ceeding .%ng&mB e'clude ectopic pregnancy /it! $.)%"percent

    enitivity )

    Converely, value (elo/ % ng&mB are found in only 8)0

     percent of normal pregnancie ) T!u, value % ng&mBugget eit!er an intrauterine pregnancy /it! a dead fetu

    or an ectopic pregnancy) >ecaue in mot ectopic

     pregnancie, progeterone level range (et/een -8 and .%

    ng&mB, t!e clinical utility i limited

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Novel Serum Marers. A num!er o"

    preliminary stu#ies $ave

     (een done to evaluate novel mar3er to detect ectopic

     pregnancy) T!ee include vacular endot!elial gro/t!

    factor 7=EG;:, cancer antigen -.% 7CA-.%:, creatine

    3inae, fetal fi(ronectin, and ma pectrometry"(aed

     proteomic None of t!ee are in current clinical ue)

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Dierential diagnosis

     !he dia$nosis is *rom any other acute abdominal

    catastrophe such as rupture o* a viscus or acute

    peritonitis' !he clinical picture is so typical that in

    most cases dia$nosis presents no diculty' Other

    dia$noses hich may con*use areB

    inevitable miscarria$eD

    bleedin$ ith an ovarian cystD

    pelvic appendicitisD acute salpin$itis'

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6



    E t t t

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    E%pectant management

    E'pectant management !a important advantage over

    medical treatment a it follo/ t!e natural !itory of t!e

    dieae and i free from eriou ide effect of met!otre'ate)E'pectant management re2uire prolonged follo/"up and it

    may caue an'iety to (ot! /omen and t!eir carer)

    6o/ever, t!e main limiting factor in t!e ue of e'pectant

    management i t!e relatively !ig! failure rate andt!e ina(ility to identify /it! accuracy t!e cae t!at are

    li3ely to fail e'pectant management) To minimize t!e

    ri3 of failure many aut!or !ave ued very trict election

    criteria for e'pectant management uc! a t!e initial


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  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    EaporatomyIn a case o* severe haemorrha$e in ruptured

    ectopic pre$nancy ) the patient must be ta-enimmediately to the operatin$ theatre' Eittle

    time should be asted in attemptin$resuscitation hich can prove useless andmay only increase bleedin$' An intravenousdrip should be set up and a blood trans*usion

    $iven as soon as possible'

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Surgical Management

    Baparocopy i t!e preferred urgical treatment for ectopic

     pregnancy unle t!e /oman i !emodynamically


     !ubal sur$ery is considered

    *conservative when there is tubal salva$e'

    46amples include salpin$ostomy)salpin$otomy) and ?mbrial e6pression o* theectopic pre$nancy'

    Radical surger is de?ned by salpin$ectomy'

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Eaparoscopy techniues e6ist toB

    -ill the embryo ith a direct in:ection o* 

    methotre6ate or mi*epristone alloin$absorption

    so reuirin$ no sur$ery on the tubeD

    incise the sollen tube over the ectopic

    pre$nancy)aspirate the embryo) and achieve

    haemostasis /salpin$ostomy'

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Salpingostomy. T$is proce#ure is use# to remove a small

     pregnancy t!at i uually le t!an . cm in lengt! and

    located in t!e dital t!ird of t!e fallopian tu(e . A &'( to

    &)( mm linear inciion i made /it! unipolar needle

    cautery on t!e antimeenteric (order over t!e pregnancy)

    T!e product uually /ill e'trude from t!e inciion and

    can (e carefully removed or flu!ed out uing !ig!"

     preure irrigation t!at more t!oroug!ly

    remove t!e trop!o(latic tiue

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    Binear alpingotomy for ectopic pregnancy

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Salpingotomy. Sel#om per"orme# to#ay* salpingotomy

    is essentially t!e ame procedure a alpingotomy e'cept

    t!at t!e inciion i cloed /it! delayed"a(or(a(le uture))

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Salpingectomy Tu!al resection may !eused "or !ot# ruptured and unruptured ectopic

     pregnancie) 5!en removing t!e oviduct, it i advia(le toe'cie a /edge of t!e outer t!ird 7or le: of t!e intertitial

     portion of t!e tu(e) T!i o"called cornual resection is

    done in an effort to minimize the rare recurrence of

     pregnancy in t!e tu(al tump) Even /it! cornualreection, !o/ever, a u(e2uent intertitial pregnancy i

    not al/ay prevented '

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Persistent Trop$o!last. Incomplete removal o"


    may reult in peritent ectopic pregnancy) >ecaue of t!i,adminitered a Dprop!ylactic - mg&m. doe of

    met!otre'ate potoperatively) Peritent trop!o(lat

    complicate % to .8 percent of alpingotomie and can (e

    identified (y peritent or riing !CG level) +ually "!CG level fall 2uic3ly and are at a(out -8 percent of

     preoperative value (y day -. ) Alo, if t!e potoperative

    day - erum " !CG value i le t!an %8 percent of t!e

     preoperative value, t!en peritent trop!o(lat rarely i a pro(lem

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Me#ical Management +it$ Met$otre%ate

    T!i folic acid antagonit i !ig!ly effective againt rapidly

     proliferating trop!o(lat, and it !a (een ued for more

    t!an 18 year to treat getational trop!o(latic dieae

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    *election criteria for conervative management of ectopic


    -) #inimal clinical ymptom

    .) Certain ultraound diagnoi of ectopic

    0)  No evidence of em(ryonic cardiac activity

    1) *ize

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


     !he *olloin are resonable indications *ormethotre6ate use

    18cornual pre$nancy

    28rsistant trophoblastic disorders

    38 patient ith one *allopian tubeand *ertilitydesired '

    8patient ho re*use sur$ery or homesur$ery is ris-y

    G8treatment o* ectopic pre$nancy heretrophoblast is adherent to boel or blood


  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Contrindications o* medical

    treatment18 chronic liver) renal or haematolo$ical disordes

    28 active in*ection


    8 breast *eedin$

    5ide eHect o* methotre6ate

    nausea'vomitin$ )stomatitis) co:uctivitis)

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    Non(tu!al ectopics

    Interstitial ectopics

    T!e implantation of t!e conceptu in t!e pro'imal portionof t!e ;allopian tu(e, /!ic! i /it!in t!e mucular/all

    of t!e uteru, i called an intertitial pregnancy) T!e

    incidence of intertitial ectopic i - in .%88F%888 live

     (irt! and it account for.F4 of all ectopic pregnancie

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    ,uptured interstitial pre$nancy usually presents

    dramatically /it! evere intra"a(dominal (leeding, /!ic!

    re2uire urgent urgery) 6aemotai can uually (e

    ac!ieved (y removing t!e pregnancy tiue and uturing

    t!e rupture ite) 6o/ever, in cae of e'treme (leeding a

    cornual reection or in rare cae a !yterectomy may (e

    neceary to arret t!e (leeding)

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     !he sac is completely surrounded by amyometrial mantle) hich is typical o* 

      interstitial pre$nancy'

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    Pregnancies located !elo$ t#e internal os%cer&ical

    and Caesarean scar ectopics

    Cervical pre$nancy is de?ned as theimplantation o* the conceptus ithin thecervi6) belo the level o* the internal os'

    Caesarean scar pre$nancy is a novel entity)hich re*ers to a pre$nancy implanted into ade?cient uterine scar *olloin$ previous loerse$ment Caesarean section

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    An attempt to remove cervical or Caesareansection

    pre$nancy is li-ely to cause severe va$inalbleedin$ and

    hysterectomy rates o* 0% have beendescribed hen

    a C as attempted ithout pre8operativedia$nosis

    o* cervical pre$nancy

  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    '&arian pregnancy

    Ovarian pre$nancy is de?ned as theimplantation o* the

    conceptus on the sur*ace o* the ovary or insidethe ovary)

    aay *rom the *allopian tubes

    ' !he dia$nosis o* ovarian pre$nancy is rarelyachieved

    pre8operativelyD hence most omen are treatedsur$ically as the dia$nosis is reached only at


  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


    A!dominal pregnancy

    Abdominal pre$nancy is a rarity that only a *e

    $ynaecolo$ists ill encounter durin$ their pro*essional

    career' Jost abdominal pre$nancies are the result o*reimplantation o* ruptured undia$nosed tubal ectopicpre$nancies'

    ;ith the increasin$ accuracy o* ?rst8trimester

    transva$inal scannin$ it is li-ely the prevalence o* advanced abdominal pre$nancy ill decrease even


    in the *uture'

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    T!e clinical and ultraound feature

    of an early a(dominal pregnancy are very imilar to

    tu(al ectopic pregnancie) 6o/ever, via(le a(dominal pregnancie, /!ic! progre (eyond t!e firt trimeter,

    are typically mied on routine trana(dominal canning)

    A(dominal pregnancy !ould (e upected in /omen

    /it! peritent a(dominal pain later in pregnancy and

    in t!oe /!o complain of painful fetal movement)

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  • 8/17/2019 Ectopic Pregnancy6


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