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The EDIQO Premium Package includes English language editing and journal-specific copy editing and formatting (refer to the editing sample of the Plus Package) and a complete check and editing of the references list. English language editing includes proofreading; all orthographic corrections, such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and emphasis; and stylistic improvements, linguistic clarifications & improvement of sentence structures.

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References (Formatted and edited according to the APA style. Please refer to the editing sample of the Plus Package for the English language and journal-specific copy editing services, which are also included in the Premium Package).

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: forthcoming in

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” World Bank Publications, World Bank,

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). The causal effect of education on earnings. In Ashenfelter, O., & Card, D. (Eds.), Handbook of

labor economics (Vol. 3, pp. 1801-1863). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

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In Peterson, P., Baker, E., & McGaw, B. (Eds.),

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pp.255-261, 2010.

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Central Intelligence Agency. (2013). Title of cited article. In CIA world factbook. Retrieved

August 4, 2015, from

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In Carnoy, M. (Ed.),

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2nd ed.,

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"CIA World Factbook". (2013). CIA Online Publication. Retrieved 04.08.2015 from

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Education and economic development (

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Pune: American Institute of Indian Studies.

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, 2010-06-29.

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, R.,

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, 2015-07-31.

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Directorate General of Training

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Statement for number of government & private ITIs/ITCs with seating capacities in various

states/union territories as on 02.07.2014. Retrieved from

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Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).

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Institute for the Study of Labour.

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Goel, V. P. (2011). Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems in India for

sustainable development. Bonn: International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education

and Training (UNEVOC). Retrieved on March 7, 2016, from

Government of India.

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Government of India.

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Goel, V.P. 2011. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Systems in India for

Sustainable Development. Bonn, UNEVOC. Retrieved on 07.03.2016 from

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Government of India

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Number of recognised educational institutions of higher learning, all India. Retrieved from

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the Ministry of Human Resource Development

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the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

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Cambridge, MA:

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, &

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NBER Working Paper No. 17504.

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: National Bureau of Economic Research.

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International Labour Organization

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Industrial training institutes of India: the efficiency study report. Retrieved from

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International Labour Organization

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International Labour Organisation.

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. Retrieved from

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IMF. September 2006.

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Moved to Lee, R., & Mason, A. etc. Please make sure to adjust the citations in the text: change from IMF (2006) to Lee (2006).

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No proposal to raise retirement age of govt employees from 60 to 62 years: Jitendra Singh.

Retrieved from

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(Vol. 8)

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, Volume

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, London.

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page 112.

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Add (p. 112) at the end of your citation, see here for more information:

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Lee, R., & Mason, A. (2006). Back to basics - What is the demographic dividend? Washington,

DC: International Monetary Fund. Retrieved from

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Washington, DC:

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New York, NY:

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, New York

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, Government of India

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Government of India.

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: NASSCOM and Everest Group

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Retrieved from http://

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National Skill Development Corporation

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Human resource and skill requirements in the education & skill development services sector


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National Sample Survey Organisation (2005).

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NSSO 61,

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India - National Sample Survey 2004-2005 (61st round) - Schedule 10 - Employment and

Unemployment. Retrieved from

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National Sample Survey Organisation (2010). India - National Sample Survey 2009-2010 (66th

round) - Schedule 10 - Employment and Unemployment. Retrieved from

National Sample Survey Organisation (2012). India - National Sample Survey 2011-2012 (68th

round) - Schedule 10 - Employment and Unemployment. Retrieved from

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66,68 (these are rounds 61, rounds 66 and rounds 66 of the National Employment and

Unemployment survey, I am not sure how to cite these?)

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I listed as three references. Make sure to cite as National Samples Survey Organization (2005) or National Samples Survey Organization (2010) or National Samples Survey Organization (2012)

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I was unable to locate / identify this citation.

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(Vol. 3

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Volume III.

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New Delhi: Sage Publication.

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In Keeves, J. P., & Watanabe, R.

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(pp. 673-686).

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, eg. John P. Keeves and Rye Watanabe, 673-86.

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(Ph.D. thesis,

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University of Pennsylvania). Retrieved from

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: UNESCO and International Labour Organization.

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Washington, DC:

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Education and Social Policy Department,

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, Washington, D.C.

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Washington, DC: The World Bank.

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Washington, DC: The World Bank.

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The World Bank.

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Washington, DC:

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Washington, D.C.

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, October 2015

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. Bonn: UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and

Training. Retrieved from

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