
Resource Guide to Development Organizations and the Internet






Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 1

Introduction Welcome to the directory of development organizations 2006, Volume I: Africa The directory of development organizations, listing 47.500 development organizations, has been prepared to facilitate international cooperation and knowledge sharing in development work, both among civil society organizations, research institutions, governments and the private sector. The directory aims to promote interaction and active partnerships among key development organisations in civil society, including NGOs, trade unions, faith-based organizations, indigenous peoples movements, foundations and research centres. In creating opportunities for dialogue with governments and private sector, civil society organizations are helping to amplify the voices of the poorest people in the decisions that affect their lives, improve development effectiveness and sustainability and hold governments and policymakers publicly accountable. In particular, the directory is intended to provide a comprehensive source of reference for development practitioners, researchers, donor employees, and policymakers who are committed to good governance, sustainable development and poverty reduction, through: the financial sector and microfinance, trade and business development services, rural development and appropriate technology, private sector development and policy reforms, legislation & rule of law and good governance, community development and social protection, gender equality and participation, environment and health, research, training and education. As part of the collective effort to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, the Year of Microcredit provided an opportunity for the international community to raise awareness about the importance of microfinance in eradicating poverty, and to enhance existing programmes that support sustainable, inclusive financial sectors worldwide. In essence, microfinance offers each day the possibility and hope to many poor people of improving - through their own efforts - their household economic welfare and well-being and enterprise stability and growth. Therefore, In this 2006 edition, microfinance actors and practitioner organizations have been marked by [M], integrating microfinance support institutions and enabling environment into one directory. This cutting-edge publication -- Seventh Edition -- will give you hundreds (thousands) of useful sites where you can find the statistics, reports, regulations, best practices and other key information you need...when you need it. This time-saving tool includes a country finder index and annotates each organization by category, so you'll know from the start whether an organization is worth visiting. Its Internet resources will point you in the direction of the best development resources available in each country on the World Wide Web today.

Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 2

Please note: • For easier referencing, the directory has been divided into 6 geographical sections: Africa, Asia

and the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and Oceania. • For each of the regions contacts have been annotated by the following 9 categories: (1)

international organizations; (2) government institutions; (3) private sector support organizations (including fairtrade); (4) finance institutions; (5) training and research centres; (6) civil society organizations; (7) development consulting firms (including references to job opportunities and vacancy announcements); (8) information providers (development newsletters/journals); and, (9) grantmakers.

• The directory can be used in a variety of ways... by researchers, consultants and other

development practitioners searching for up-to-date institutional information for a particular country; by trainers using the directories as a reference tool for their training programmes; by organizations trying to identify possible project partners; by individuals looking to identify possible employers; by funders seeking grantees; by grantees in search of funders; or by organizations aiming at identifying those institutions, agencies and programmes which are dedicated to providing resources, products and services to their members.

• For an advanced search we recommend to download Adobe Reader's full version of 7.0 or higher

and try the excellent search capabilities by using its "Search PDF Pane". All search results are shown on-the-fly in one pane and options for multiple-document searches do exist.

• New in this 2006 Edition: Create your own personal directory of development organizations. All

files are now enabled for adding pointers and comments to the directory (Adobe Reader's full version of 7.0 or higher required).

• Please use the following e-mail address to communicate any comments or suggestions:

[email protected]. DISCLAIMER Copyright © 2000-2006 Directory of development organizations. This web site is maintained for information purposes only. The purpose of this web site is to provide free information and resources to the development community. All directories can be downloaded for free, at no cost. Users may download, copy and reprint information from the site for non-commercial purposes so long as the source is cited. However, you may not resell, redistribute or create derivative works from the materials on this web site without our express permission in writing. This web site is provided "as is". We use our best efforts to maintain this web site, but we can not be held responsible whatsoever for the contents and accuracy of the information listed on this site and reject any liability due to direct or indirect use of the informations featured on this site, its printed directories or the links to other web sites mentioned in the directories. The information in the directories is being provided as a service only and does not imply endorsement or approval of its content nor a comprehensive listing of all available organizations. The database is not exhaustive and there may be other relevant organizations in your country. All materials available at this website are copyright protected. All rights reserved. Photos with bicycles on coverpage by Jim Holmes; All other photos by Adam Rogers/UNCDF.

Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 3

Countryfinder: Namibia

Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 4

►► NNaammiibbiiaa

■ ACEN - Association of Consulting Engineers of Namibia Mailing address: P.O. Box 25837 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Stein Street, 22 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-7672 Fax: 264-61-22-0980 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 7. Consulting Notes:

■ ADF (Namibia) - African Development Foundation Mailing address: c/o Namibia Development Trust, P.O. Box 21902 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-26-9610 Fax: 264-61-26-9617 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ AECI (Namibia) - Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional Mailing address: Bismarck St., 58 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-3066 Fax: 264-61-21-3728 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Africare (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 9364 Eros Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-67-30-1285 Fax: 264-67-30-1295 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ AHA (Namibia) - Africa Humanitarian Action Mailing address: P.O.Box 9448, Eros Windhoek Namibia Other address: #98 Nelson Mandela Ave. Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-5107 Fax: 264-61-23-5251 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ ALAN - Association for Local Authorities in Namibia Mailing address: P.O. Box 2721 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-24-0915 Fax: 264-61-24-0929 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ AMICAALL - Alliance of Mayors' Initiative for Community Action on AIDS at the Local Level (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. 60401 Katutura, Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-4730 Fax: 264-61-22-7890 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Anglican Diocese of Namibia Mailing address: P.O. Box 57 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 108 Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-8920 Fax: 264-61-22-5903 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ ATNESA (Namibia) - Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa Mailing address: c/o Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development, PO Box 20781 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-208-7024 Fax: 264-61-208-7768 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ Bank of Namibia [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 2882 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 71 Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-283-5111 Fax: 264-61-283-5067 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ Bank Windhoek (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 15 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 262 Independence Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-299-1122 Fax: 264-61-299-1286 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ Benefit - Benguela Environment Fisheries Interaction and Training (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O.Box 912 Swakopmund Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-64-410-1164 Fax: 264-64-40-5913 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes: Other Web page: , BCLME - Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem.

■ BHC - British High Commission (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 22202 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 116 Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-27-4800 Fax: 264-61-22-8895 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ CAA - Catholic AIDS Action (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 11525 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-27-6350 Fax: 264-61-27-6364 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Caritas / NACADEC - Namibian Catholic Development Commission (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 11525 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 17 Jan Jonker Rd. Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-4798 Fax: 264-61-22-5265 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ CCN - Council of Churches of Namibia Mailing address: PO Box 41 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-21-7621 Fax: 264-61-26-2786 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:



Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 5

►► NNaammiibbiiaa

■ City of Windhoek (Namibia) Mailing address: P O Box 59 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Town Planning Enquiries Desk, Customer Care Centre, Rev. Michael Scott Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-290-2374 Fax: 264-61-290-2111 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ CLaSH (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 24361 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Bülowstreet 80 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-3904 Fax: 264-61-23-2704 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes: CLaSH promotes the rights of the communicatively impaired child by actively working towards creating services for children with language, speech and hearing impairments in Namibia.

■ Commercial Bank of Namibia Mailing address: PO Box 1 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 12 – 20 Dr Frans Indongo Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-295-2074 Fax: 264-61-295-2230 E-mail: Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ COSEDA - Community Support Enterprise Development Agency (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 70147, Khomasdal Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-21-7409 Fax: 264-61-26-5146 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ DAPP - Development Aid from People to People in Namibia Mailing address: PO Box 448 Oshakati Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-65-22-0185 Fax: 264-65-22-1009 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ DED (Namibia) - German Development Service Mailing address: P.O. Box 21223 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Delegation of the European Commission (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 24.443 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 2 Newton Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-202-6000 Fax: 264-61-202-6224 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ DELK - Evangelisch Lutherische Kirche in Namibia (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O.Box 233 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-4294 Fax: 264-61-22-1470 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes: German Lutheran Church in Namibia

■ DFID (Namibia) - UK Department for International Development [M] Mailing address: PO Box 20689 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 11th Floor, Sanlam Building, Independence Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-25-6294 264-61-25-6295 Fax: 264-61-25-6296 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ DRFN - Desert Research Foundation of Namibia Mailing address: PO Box 202 32 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 7 Rossini Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-9855 Fax: 264-61-23-0172 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Economist, The (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 49 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 7 Schuster St. Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-1925 Fax: 264-61-22-0615 E-mail: Web page: Category: 8. Information Notes:

■ EHAFO Trust (Namibia) Mailing address: Private bag 13316 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Sam Nujoma Ave 255 Klein Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-7500 Fax: 264-61-23-4972 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ ELCiN - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia Mailing address: Private Bag 2018, Onipa Ondangwa 9000 Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-65-24-0241 Fax: 264-65-24-0472 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ ELCRN - Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia Mailing address: P.O. Box 5069 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-4531 Fax: 264-61-22-6775 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Embassy of Finland (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 3649 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 5th Floor, Sanlam Centre, 154 Independence Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-1355 Fax: 264-61-22-1349 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page:

■ Embassy of France (Namibia) Mailing address: 1 Goethe Street PO Box 20484 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-27-6700 Fax: 264-61-23-1436 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page:



Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 6

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■ Embassy of Germany (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 231 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 6th Floor, Sanlam Centre, 154 Independence Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-3100 Fax: 264-61-22-2981 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page:

■ Embassy of Italy (Namibia) Mailing address: 1, Anna Street - Ludwigsdorf Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-8602 Fax: 264-61-22-9860 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Embassy of Norway (Namibia), NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Mailing address: P.O. Box 9936 Eros Windhoek Namibia Other address: 5th Floor, Sanlam Centre, 154 Independence Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-7812 Fax: 264-61-22-2226 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Embassy of Spain (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 21811 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Bismarck St., 58 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-3066 Fax: 264-61-22-3046 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Embassy of Sweden (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 23087 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 9th Floor, Sanlam Centre, 154 Independence Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-285-9111 Fax: 264-61-285-9222 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Embassy of the Netherlands (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 564 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 2 Crohn Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-0014 Fax: 264-61-22-3732 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ ESAMI (Namibia) - Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute Mailing address: P.O. Box 1836 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-24-9822 Fax: 264-61-24-9822 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ FAO (Namibia) - Food and Agriculture Organization [M] Mailing address: PO Box 24185 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-9220 Fax: 264-61-22-5726 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ FES - Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 23662 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: 95 John Meinert Street Windhoek 9000 Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-7438 264-61-23-7495 Fax: 264-61-23-7441 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ FHI - Family Health International (Namibia) Mailing address: 351 Sam Nujoma Drive, Klein Windhoek, Yang-Tze Village Office 2F Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-9464 Fax: 264-61-23-9461 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ FNB - First National Bank (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: PO Box 285 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-299-2222 Fax: 264-61-299-2083 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ Forum for the Future (Namibia) Mailing address: P O Box 6764, Ausspannplatz Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-24-9624 Fax: 264-61-25-6967 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Fundación Cear (Namibia) - Consejo de Apoyo a los Refugiados Mailing address: P.O. Box 21010 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-9398 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ GEF - Global Environment Facility (Namibia), SGP - Small Grants Programme Mailing address: c/o Namibia Nature Foundation, P.O. Box 245 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-24-8345 Fax: 264-61-24-8344 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Government of Namibia Mailing address: Namibia Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ GSN - Geological Survey of Namibia Mailing address: P.O. Box 2168 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 1 Aviation Road Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-208-5265 Fax: 264--61-24-9146 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:



Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 7

►► NNaammiibbiiaa

■ GTZ - German Agency for Technical Cooperation (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 8016, Bachbrecht Windhoek Namibia Other address: John-Meinert-Str. 88, Bachbrecht Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-2447 Fax: 264-61-22-2427 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ HSF - Hanns Seidel Foundation (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box: 22524 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Bülowstr. 70 - 72 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-7373 Fax: 264-61-23-7375 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes: Hanns-Seidel Stiftung

■ IBIS (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O.Box 24236 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: 7 Best Street, Windhoek West Windhoek 9000 Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-7565 Fax: 264-61-23-7614 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ IBN - Institute of Bankers In Namibia (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 21376 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 1st Floor, Kenya House, Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-3640 Fax: 264-61-25-5632 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ ICAN - Institute of Chartered Accountants of Namibia Mailing address: P.O. Box 21459 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Mezzanine Building, 10 Bulow Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-0218 Fax: 264-61-23-0014 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ ICD - International Cooperation for Development (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 23345 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-7790 Fax: 264-61-23-2317 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ ICEIDA (Namibia) - Icelandic International Development Agency Mailing address: ICEIDA Savvas Building, Office no 2, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, P.O. Box 1803 Walvis Bay Namibia Other address: Private bag 13355 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-64-20-0909 264-61-205-3043 Fax: 264-64-20-0908 264-61-205-3076 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ IECD - Institute for Educational Career Development (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 22524 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-0551 Fax: 264-61-23-0550 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ IMLT - Institute for Management and Leadership Training (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 22524 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Bulow Street 70 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-0555 Fax: 264-61-23-1266 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ IPPR - Institute for Public Policy Research (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 86058 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 14 Nachtigal Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-24-0514 Fax: 264-61-24-0516 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ JCC - Joint Consultative Committee (Namibia) - Promoting Small and Micro Enterprise [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 23653 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 95 John Meinert Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-0545 Fax: 264-61-23-7394 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ JRS - Jesuit Refugee Service (Namibia) Mailing address: Namibia Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ KAF / KAS - Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 1145 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Feldstrasse 29 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-5568 Fax: 264-61-22-5678 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Koshi Yomuti / OPP - Ohangwena Pilot Project (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 958 Ohangwena Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-812-61-8839 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ LAC - Legal Assistance Centre (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 604 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 4 Körner Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-3356 Fax: 264-61-23-4953 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ LaRRI - Labour Resource and Research Institute (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O.Box 62423 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Mungunda Street, Katutura Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-21-2044 Fax: 264-61-21-7969 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:



Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 8

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■ Law Society of Namibia (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O.Box 714 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-0088 Fax: 264-61-23-0223 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Lilongo Eparu (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 1994 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-25-6303 Fax: 264-61-25-5371 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13184 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-208-7111 Fax: 264-61-22-2974 264-61-22-9961 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Basic Education, Culture and Sport (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13186 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-293-3111 Fax: 264-61-22-4277 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Environment and Tourism (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13346 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Ground Floor, Continental Building, 272 Independence Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-284-2111 Fax: 264-61-284-2364 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Environment and Tourism (Namibia), DEA - Directorate of Environmental Affairs Mailing address: Private Bag 13306 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-24-9015 Fax: 264-61-24-0339 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Finance (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13295 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-209-9111 Fax: 264-61-22-7702 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13355 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-205-3911 Fax: 264-61-24-0412 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13347 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-282-9111 Fax: 264-61-22-3937 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Health and Social Services (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13198 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-203-9111 Fax: 264-61-22-7607 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Health and Social Services (Namibia), NACP - National AIDS Coordination Programme Mailing address: PO Box 13198 Maputo Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-203-2218 Fax: 264-61-22-4155 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Employment Creation (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13391 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-270-6111 Fax: 264-61-25-3672 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Justice (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13248 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-280-5111 Fax: 264-61-25-0868 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Labour (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 19005 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-206-6111 Fax: 264-61-21-2323 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Lands Resettlement and Rehabilitation (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13343 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-285-2111 Fax: 264-61-22-8240 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Mines and Energy (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13297 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 1st Aviation Road Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-284-8111 Fax: 264-61-23-8643 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Mines and Energy (Namibia), GSN - Geological Survey of Namibia Mailing address: P.O. Box 2168 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 1 Aviation Road Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-208-5265 Fax: 264-61-24-9146 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:



Directory of Development Organizations 2006: Volume I / 9

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■ Ministry of Regional Local Government and Housing (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13289 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-297-2911 Fax: 264-61-22-6049 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Trade and Industry (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13340 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Trade Information Centre 11, Goethe Street Block B, Brendan Simbwaye Square Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-283-7111 Fax: 264-61-25-3865 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Trade and Industry (Namibia), NSIQO - Namibia Standards Information and Quality Office Mailing address: Private Bag 13340 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Goethe Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-283-7111 Fax: 264-61-22-0227 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Women Affairs and Child Welfare (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13339 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-270-7111 Fax: 264-61-22-3545 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13341 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-208-8111 Fax: 264-61-22-4060 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ MISA - Media Institute of Southern Africa (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 97475, Maerua Mall Windhoek Namibia Other address: 12 Feld Street off Thorer Street, Maerua Park Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-6069 Fax: 264-61-23-6054 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ NACOBTA - Namibia Community Based Tourism Association (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 86099 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 3, Weber Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-25-0558 Fax: 264-61-22-2647 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NACUL - Namibia Credit Union League (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-21-7577 Fax: 264-61-21-5699 264-61-13-3261 E-mail: Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ NamDeF - Namibia Development Foundation (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 21902 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 18 Church Street, Ausspannplantz Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-25-3392 Fax: 264-61-23-8527 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Namibia Home Page Mailing address: Namibia Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Web page: Category: 8. Information Notes:

■ Namibia Red Cross Society (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 346 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Red Cross House, Erf 2128, Independence Avenue, Katutura Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-5216 Fax: 264-61-22-8949 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NANASO - Namibia Network of AIDS Service Organisations (Namibia) Mailing address: P. O Box 23281 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-4198 Fax: 264-61-26-1778 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NANGOF - Namibia Non-Governmental Organisations' Forum (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 70433, Khomasdal Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-9469 Fax: 264-61-23-9471 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NANTU - Namibia National Teachers' Union (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O.Box 61009 Katutura Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-26-2247 Fax: 264-61-26-1926 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NAPCOD - Namibia's Programme to Combat Desertification (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O.Box 23202 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 7 Rossini Street, Windhoek West Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-9855 Fax: 264-61-23-0175 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NAPPA - Namibia Planned Parenthood Association (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 10936, Khomasdal Windhoek Namibia Other address: Nangof Centre Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-0250 Fax: 264-61-23-0251 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:



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■ NAU - Namibia Agricultural Union (Namibia) Mailing address: P/Bag 13255 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Corner of Robert Mugabe and John Meinert Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-7838 Fax: 264-61-22-0193 E-mail: Web page: Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ NAWA - Namibian Women’s Association (Namibia) Mailing address: P O Box 25493 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-25-6967 Fax: 264-61-24-9624 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NCBC - Namibia Catholic Bishops' Conference (Namibia) Mailing address: P O Box 11525 Klein Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-5265 264-61-22-4798 Fax: 264-61-24-8126 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NCC - Namibia Chamber of Crafts (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 2759 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-7713 Fax: 264-61-23-7713 E-mail: Web page: Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ NCCI - Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 9355 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: 2 Jenner Street, Cnr. Simpson & Jenner Streets Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-8809 Fax: 264-61-22-8009 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ NCL - Namibia Consumer Lobby (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. BOX 24454 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-2293 264-61-25-5555 Fax: 264-61-22-2293 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NDC - Namibian Development Corporation (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13252 Windhoek Namibia Other address: NDC Building, 11 Goethe Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-206-2111 Fax: 264-61-23-3943 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ NDT - Namibia Development Trust (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 8226 Bachbrecht, Windhoek-West Namibia Other address: 57 Pasteur Street Windhoek-West, Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-8002 Fax: 264-61-23-3261 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ NEPRU - Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 40710 9000 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 59 Bahnhof Street, Enke House Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-27-7500 Fax: 264-61-27-7501 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ NFPDN - National Federation of People with Disabilities in Namibia Mailing address: PO Box 13272 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-5717 Fax: 264-61-22-5717 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NHE - National Housing Enterprise (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 20192 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-292-7111 Fax: 264-61-292-7271 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ NIC - Namibian Investment Centre (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13340 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Development Centre-Block B, Goethe Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-283-7335 Fax: 264-61-254-4600 264-61-22-0278 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ NID - Namibia Institute for Democracy (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 11956 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-9117 Fax: 264-61-22-9119 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ NIED - National Institute for Educational Development (Namibia) Mailing address: P/Bag 2034 Okahandja Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-62-50-2446 Fax: 264-62-50-2613 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ NNF - Namibia Nature Foundation (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 245 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 4th floor Kenya House, Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-24-8345 Fax: 264-61-24-8344 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NNP+ - Namibian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 61592, Katutura Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: Fax: 264-61-26-1778 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:



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■ NPC - National Planning Commission (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13356 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Government Office Park, Block D2, Luther Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-283-4111 Fax: 264-61-22-6501 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ NPSM - Namibia People's Social Movement (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 22679 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-24-6143 264-61-21-2378 Fax: 264-61-21-2828 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NRDP - Namibia Rural Development Project (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 24886 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-7279 Fax: 264-61-23-4378 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NSE - Namibian Stock Exchange (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 2401 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Shop 11, Kaiserkrone Centre, Post Street Mall Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-7647 Fax: 264-61-24-8531 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ NSHR - National Society for Human Rights (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 23592 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 116 John Meinert Street, Corner of Schoenlein Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-6183 Fax: 264-61-23-4286 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NUNW - National Union of Namibian Workers (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 50034 Bachbrecht Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-21-5037 Fax: 264-61-21-5589 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NWA - Namibian Women's Association (Namibia) Mailing address: Box 6901 Maroela, Katutura Namibia Other address: John Knox Street Maroela, Katutura Namibia Tel.: Fax: 264-61-21-3379 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NWG - Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 67 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-5372 Fax: 264-61-22-6846 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes: Namibia Scientific Society

■ NYC - National Youth Council (Namibia) Mailing address: Box. 60956, Katutura Windhoek Namibia Other address: No: 36 Pasteur Street Windhoek West Namibia Tel.: 264-61-24-8218 Fax: 264-61-24-8322 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Office of the Auditor-General (Namibia) Mailing address: Private bag 13299 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Metropolitan Building, Bulow street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-7443 Fax: 264-61-22-4301 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ombudswoman (Namibia) Mailing address: P/Bag 13211 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-207-3224 Fax: 264-61-22-0550 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ OST - Omaheke San Trust (Namibia) Mailing address: P O Box 1017 Gobabis Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-62-56-4073 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ OSVF - Otjikondo School Village Foundation (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 363 Outjo Namibia Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ OWA - One World Action (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 96186 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-7184 Fax: 264-61-23-7062 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page:

■ PoN - Polytechnic of Namibia (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13388 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 13 Störch Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-207-9111 Fax: 264-61-207-2444 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:



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■ PSF - Private Sector Foundation (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 2217 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: No. 4 von Lindequist Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-23-7370 Fax: 264-61-22-8261 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ PSI (Namibia) - Population Services International Mailing address: P.O. Box 22870 Windhoek West Namibia Other address: Social Marketing Association, 12 Adler Street Windhoek West Namibia Tel.: 264-61-24-4936 Fax: 264-61-24-4937 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ RISE - Rural People's Institute for Social Empowerment (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 50155, Bachbrecht Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-6029 Fax: 264-61-23-2597 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ Rössing Foundation (Namibia) Mailing address: Private Bag 13214 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Rand Street, Khomasdal Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-21-1721 Fax: 264-61-21-1273 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ SADC (Namibia) - Southern African Development Community Mailing address: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Private Bag 13340 9000 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-9933 Fax: 264-61-22-0148 264-61-22-0227 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Sahringon - Southern African Human Rights NGOs Network (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 70433 Khomasdal Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-9469 Fax: 264-61-23-9471 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ SAIEA - Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (Namibia) Mailing address: P O Box 6322 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-0579 Fax: 264-61-25-9183 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ SBCGT - Small Business Credit Guarantee Trust (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: Private Bag 13340 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 145A Körner Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-24-3970 Fax: 264-61-243-5266 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ Scouts of Namibia Mailing address: P.O. Box 31100, Pioneerspark Windhoek Namibia Other address: Parsival Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-7974 Fax: 264-61-22-7974 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 23087 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Embassy of Sweden, 9th floor Sanlam Centre, 154 Independence Ave. Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-285-9111 Fax: 264-61-285-9222 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Sister Namibia Mailing address: PO Box 40092 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-0618 Fax: 264-61-23-0671 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Skillshare International (Namibia) Mailing address: PO Box 90206 Klein-Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-25-5966 Fax: 264-61-24-8811 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ SOS Children's Villages (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O.Box 23134 9000 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 31 Heinitzburg Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-2457 Fax: 264-61-22-4085 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Standard Bank of Namibia Mailing address: PO Box 3327 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Cnr. Werner List Str. and Post Str. Mall Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-294-9111 Fax: 264-61-294-2240 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ UNAIDS (Namibia) - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS [M] Mailing address: Sanlam Building, 13th Floor, 154 Independence Avenue, Sanlam Building, 13th Floor Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-204-6219 Fax: 264-61-204-6203 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:



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■ UNAM - University of Namibia Mailing address: Private Bag 13301 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 340 Mandume Ndemufayo Avenue Pioneers Park Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-206-3111 Fax: 264-61-206-2644 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ UNAM - University of Namibia, HRDC - Human Rights and Documentation Centre (Namibia) Mailing address: P/Bag 13301 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-206-3664 Fax: 264-61-206-3293 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ UNDP (Namibia) - United Nations Development Programme [M] Mailing address: Private Bag 13329 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-22-9220 264-61-22-9223 Fax: 264-61-22-9084 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page:

■ UNESCO (Namibia) - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [M] Mailing address: P.O Box 24519 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: Oppenheimer House, 5 Brahms Street Windhoek West, Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-291-7000 Fax: 264-61-291-7220 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ UNICEF (Namibia) - United Nations Children's Fund [M] Mailing address: P. O. Box 1706 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Sanlam Building, First Floor, 154 Independence Ave. Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-204-6111 Fax: 264-61-204-6206 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ US Peace Corps (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 6862 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 20 Nachtigal Street Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-6525 264-61-22-6529 Fax: 264-61-22-4211 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ USAID (Namibia) - US Agency for International Development [M] Mailing address: Private Bag 12028 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 6th Floor, Southern Life Tower, Post Street Mall Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-5935 Fax: 264-61-22-7006 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page:

■ UTN - Urban Trust of Namibia Mailing address: Private Bag 13291 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-24-8708 Fax: 264-61-24-8711 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ WAD - Women's Action for Development (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 370 Windhoek Namibia Other address: 25 Schönlein Str. Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-22-7630 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ WiLDAF (Namibia) - Women in Law and Development in Africa Mailing address: Sister Namibia, PO Box 40092 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-23-0618 Fax: 264-61-23-6371 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ WIMSA - Working Group of Indigenous Minorities in Southern Africa (Namibia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 80733 Windhoek Namibia Other address: Tel.: 264-61-24-4909 Fax: 264-61-27-2806 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ YWCA - Young Women's Christian Association (Namibia) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 21445 Windhoek 9000 Namibia Other address: Mbabame School Windhoek Namibia Tel.: 264-61-26-3484 Fax: 264-61-24-0330 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:




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